eslider portugal


eslider portugal
ESLIDER PORTUGAL Audacity of a new agenda! ESLIDER PORTUGAL :: Nov.2012 ESLIDER PORTUGAL Why? ESLIDER PORTUGAL was created as a way to answer the following upcoming challenges: ü  A close relaBonship between Civil Society Leaders; ü A network able to foster social innovaBon and social entrepreneurship in Portugal and to define a new poliBcal agenda; ü  A new legal framework for Civil Society OrganizaBons and Civil Society iniBaBves. ESLIDER Portugal© 2 ESLIDER PORTUGAL IdenPty ü  Mission: To promote a professional, proacBve, innovaBve and diverse Third Sector; ü  A new way of represenPng civil society iniPaPves; ü  We are able to: (1) create peer-­‐to-­‐peer exchange opportuniBes; (2) be independent; (3) contribute to the emergence of a new leadership within the Third Sector; (4) build a new poliBcal agenda! ESLIDER Portugal© 3 ESLIDER PORTUGAL Structure Members ü  58 effecBve members How to become a member? ü  Criteria: (1) subscripBon to a leXer of commitment and (2) idenBficaBon as a civil society leader or potenBal leader in a peer process; Fees ü  120€/year (full EUCLID NETWORK membership included); Headquarters ü  Porto ESLIDER Portugal© 4 A Rede ESLIDER PORTUGAL Board AGM ü  Guilherme Collares Pereira ü  Frederico Fezas Vital ü  Raquel Castello-­‐Branco Board of Directors ü  Carlos Azevedo ü  Rui MarBns ü  Helena Gata Fiscal Council ü  Raquel Campos Franco ü  Patrícia Boura ü  Henrique Sim-­‐Sim ESLIDER Portugal© 5 One year later... What have we done? ESLIDER Portugal© 6 Strategic goals Strategic Plan 2011-­‐2013 ü  Strategic orientaPon 1: A new Governance model for Third Sector OrganizaBons; ü Strategic OrientaPon 2: Peer to peer Exchanges and network consolidaBon ü Strategic OrientaPon 3: Foster Social InnovaBon and Social Entrepreneurship; ESLIDER Portugal© 7 Strategic OrientaPon 1: A new Governance model for Third Sector OrganizaBons 1.  Working Group on Governance: Workshop with SRS, IPCG and VdA; PracBcal guide on Governance for Third Sector OrganizaBons 2.  Working Group on Social Investment: Workshop with IES ESLIDER Portugal© 8 Strategic OrientaPon 2: Peer to peer Exchange and network consolidaBon 1.  CommunicaPon Plan: Facebook and linkedin profile created; new site and newsleXer; CommunicaBon flow with EUCLID created 2.  New Governance model for ESLIDER: New Network Coordinator; 3.  AGM in March: Mission and Strategic plan discussed and approved. 4.  Network growth: from 25 (founders) to 55 members. ESLIDER Portugal© 9 Strategic OrientaPon 3: Foster Social InnovaBon and Social Entrepreneurship 1.  First EUCLID-­‐ESLIDER event: Consider and EUCLID Board meeBng and “Unpacking the Future” in Porto. More parPcipaPons: “Mobilizing Civil Society” em Veneza; “Réunion internacional des Dirigeants Sociaux” em Paris; New EUCLID Board member elected; ESLIDER Portugal© 10 2013! Will we go together? ESLIDER Portugal© 11 Strategic orientaPon 1: A new Governance model for Third Sector OrganizaBons 1.  Publish a book on Governance in Partnership with CASES, IP, IPCG and VdA; 2.  Two workshops on Governance (Porto and Lisbon) in Partnership with CASES, IPCG and IP; ESLIDER Portugal© 12 Strategic orientaPon 2: Peer-­‐to-­‐peer exchange 1.  Finalizing the CommunicaPon Plan: Site, newsleXer, networking and coordinaBon; 2.  NaPonal Event “ESLIDER PORTUGAL”: Exchange event with members; 3.  Local Events: Two themaBc, informal and local ESLIDER PORTUGAL events. ESLIDER Portugal© 13 Strategic OrientaPon 3: ContribuBon to a Social InnovaBon agenda 1.  Social Enterprise legal framework: new legal framework for social innovaBon acceleraBon. 2.  Social Bank regulaPon based on unclaimed assets: in partnership with the Portuguese MSSS; 3.  Summer School: promote naBonal and transnaBonal social innovaBon and peer to peer learning; 4.  Partnership between Euclid Network and ESLIDER: Board, transnaBonal events and new opportuniBes for members. ESLIDER Portugal© 14 This is our moment! Do we share the same vision? ESLIDER Portugal© 15 ESLIDER Portugal, Associação Email: [email protected] 

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