Order of Worship


Order of Worship
Village Church
United Church of Christ
March 10, 2013
March 10, 2013
10:00 AM
INTROIT “Cleanse My Heart”
Kim Noblitt and Jamie Harvill
Youth Choir
Jocelyn Gardner Spencer
*HYMN NO. 23 “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy”
New Century Hymnal
O mighty God, our hearts are troubled and our minds are in
confusion. We have attempted to forge our own path in the wilderness
of life, and we have found that path to be lonely. We have separated
ourselves from your way of peace, and we have stumbled and fallen
amid shadows and thorns. With humility we turn to you
anew. Forgive us for relying only on ourselves and not on you and
one another. Lead us in the true path where the light is good and the
friendship is warm. O merciful God, guide us, we pray, for we open
our hearts to follow you...
*RESPONSE IN SONG “God Loved the World”
Melinda Vaughn
ANTHEM “Jesus, So Lowly”
Harold Friedell
Jesus, so lowly, Child of the earth: Christen me wholly, Bring me new
birth. Jesus, so lonely, weary and sad; Teach me that only Love maketh
glad. Jesus, so broken, Silent and pale; Be this the token—Love will not
fail. Jesus, victorious, mighty and free; Teach me how glorious death is
to be.
SCRIPTURE Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32
*HYMN NO. 449 “Softly and Tenderly”
New Century Hymnal
(Page 850, pew Bible)
Students may now leave for classes.
SERMON “It’s Complicated”
Ron Buford
Kathy Musser
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, for ever. Amen.
PRAYER RESPONSE “We Yearn, O Christ, For Wholeness”
During the offering, please sign and pass the fellowship book, which is
located at the end of each pew.
Offertory “Kyrie Eleison”
Louis Vierne
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
*Doxology and Presentation
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God all creatures here below
Praise God for all that love has done,
Creator, Christ, and Spirit One. Amen.
*HYMN NO. 18 “Guide Me, O My Great Redeemer”
New Century Hymnal
POSTLUDE “Litanies”
Jehan Alain
When the distressed Christian soul cannot find new words to implore
the mercy of God, one constantly repeats the same invocation with
vehement faith. Reason has attained its limit. Only faith continues to
*Those who are able, please stand.
Today’s Guest Preacher
We are joined in worship today by Ron Buford. Ron is a dear friend of Martin's and is the
architect of the UCC's "God Is Still Speaking" initiative. He led the UCC team that
introduced phrases like "no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are
welcome here.
Since leaving that role, Ron has served as Director of Development for the Northern
California Nevada Conference of the UCC; as Interim Minister at First Congregational
UCC in Eureka, CA; and as Minister for Discipleship at historic Old South Church in
Boston. He is one of the featured leaders in the Living the Questions series, writes for the
Stillspeaking Daily Devotionals, speaks at churches and conferences across the nation, and
is currently enrolled at Andover Newton Seminary in Newton Centre, MA.
Pastoral Care
If you have any pastoral needs or know of any in the Village Church family, please call
Kathy Musser at 781-235-1988, ext 14.
Care Kits If during the worship service you find you need a tissue, cough drop, or a drink
of water, please ask an Usher to help you.
Hearing devices amplify sound anywhere in the Sanctuary. They are available at the back
of the church. For assistance, please speak with an Usher.
The Chancel flowers are given by Susie Davis in memory of her mother, Nancy Peek
Fellowship Hour 11:15 am, Village Common
Please join us for coffee and fellowship. Information for visitors is available at the
Welcome Table. Providing hospitality today is the Church Mom’s Group. Please take a
moment to thank them.
Honey Baked Hams to benefit Family Promise Metrowest during Fellowship Hour
The Third Annual Coupon Sale of Honey-Baked Hams begins today. Each coupon of $25
may be used for their delicious ham, frozen side dishes or desserts. Buy several and Easter
dinner will be ready. If you will be away, you may donate your coupon to Bristol Lodge.
Join us in support of our ministry to homeless families.
Laying On Of Hands 11:15 am, Burtt Chapel
We invite you to join us for a brief time of this sort of healing prayer. A Pastor and some of
our Worship Deacons and others, will circle you with this tangible sign of Christ’s healing
spirit and blessing. You may come to receive a laying on of hands. You may come to lay
hands on another.
Blood Pressure Clinic 11:15 am, Parlor
Trained nurses from our congregation will take your blood pressure and provide you with
helpful handouts from the American Heart Association.
Cherub Choir Rehearsal 11:15 am, Cherub Choir Room
Junior Choir Rehearsal 11:15 am, Youth Choir Room–B6
Clark Vaughn Tribute 11:30 am, Village Hall
Please join us as we honor the memory of Clark Vaughn, Co-Founder and Director of For
His Children, a remarkable ministry. Following the 10 am service, please join friends of
FHC as we honor Clark's memory with music, reflections, a slide show and more. A light
lunch will be served.
Second Sunday Bible Study 11:30 am, Library
We invite you to join us for a monthly Bible Study focused on the preaching text of the day.
No commitment necessary -- come whenever you're able. We meet the second Sunday of
each month. All are welcome!
7th & 8th Grade Youth Group 5 pm, Youth Room
High School Youth Group 7 pm, Youth Room
For information about youth programs, contact Pam Emslie at 781.235.1988 x15 or
[email protected].
Church School
Grades 1–5 have just begun a new workshop in church school on the theme of service.
Looking at Luke 10:27, we are learning what it means to love our neighbor as ourselves and
that service to others is to be helpful, kind, thoughtful, and generous.
Men’s Bible Study Tuesday, March 12, 7 am, Abernethy Library
Martin Copenhaver will gather with men of the church each Tuesday morning in Lent. The
focus of the study will be the Gospel of Luke. No experience in Bible study necessary.
There will be no (or minimal) preparation expected. All men of the church are invited.
Village Churchwomen Program Change
The Village Churchwomen will NOT be hosting a Spring Tea on March 12; there will
however be a Board meeting at 1 pm that day.
Youth Choirs
Rehearsal Dates:
Youth Choir: March 13, 20 6:15 pm; March 24, 8:45 am; March 27, 6:15 pm; March
31, 8:15 am
Junior Choir: March 17, 11:15 am; March 24, 8:45 am; March 31, 8:15 am
Performance Dates:
Palm Sunday, March 24, 10 am Worship Service
Easter Sunday, March 31, 9 am and 11 am Worship Services
Chancel Flower Dates Available The following Sundays are available to sponsor the
flowers: April 7, April 14. Please contact Felicia Nadel at 781.235.1988 x21 or by email at
[email protected], if you are interested. The cost of the flowers is $75.
Thank you!
Chocolatada Celebration Saturday, March 16, 7-9 pm, Village Common
Would you like to eat dark organic CHOCOLATE and support the Youth Group service
project trip? We are hosting a “chocolatada” – a celebration of chocolate through art,
tastings and music! Proceeds of the celebration will go toward funding Youth Group
service learning projects in the Dominican Republic. This is not just any chocolate. The
artisanal chocolate is processed and made in nano batches and will be served as both
drinking chocolate and dark chocolate bars. Our featured drink at the chocolatada will be
“Mayan sipping chocolate,” including the following key ingredients including: DR organic
chocolate, cinnamon, fresh vanilla bean, dried rose buds, macademia nuts and chili. $10 per
person entry fee for food and entertainment. Come enjoy time with friends and family and
celebrate the art of chocolate and the Youth Group service project trip!
Invitation to Joy Fallon’s Ordination Sunday, March 17, 3:30 pm, Sanctuary
The Metropolitan Boston Association of the Massachusetts Conference, United Church of
Christ, and Wellesley Village Church joyfully invite you to the Ordination to Christian
Ministry of Joy Kahlenberg Fallon with a reception to follow. Clergy and seminarians who
wish to robe and process are invited to gather at 3:00 pm in the Parlor. If you will be able
to attend, please email or call Tricia Kibbe, 781-235-1988 x 17 or
[email protected].
Environmental Ministry
Beyond RIO -- Forum on UN Climate Negotiations and White House Initiatives
March 24, 2013, 11:15 am, Burtt Chapel
Led by Cynthia Curtis, who works in the area of environmental sustainability and is
co--chair of the Environmental Ministry
Extreme weather has had more than dire consequences for those impacted. It's also shifted
Americans’ perception that climate change is not only real, but that action needs to be
taken. The Environmental Ministry kicks off its series of programs on March 24 with a
forum about some of the government efforts under development to help mitigate and adapt
to climate change.
Something You Can Do for the Environment
Are you concerned about the effects of Climate Change but don't know what you can do?
The Environmental Ministry suggests that you sign up for the Ecumenical Lenten Carbon
Fast 2013 sponsored by our own UCC at www.macucc.org/carbonfast. By providing your
email address, you will receive a new suggestion each day during Lent on something that
you might do to lower your carbon footprint. This is an easy way to become more aware of
how small changes in your lifestyle can help. If each one of us takes some of these steps,
the cumulative effect will leave a better world for those in the generations to follow us.
For more exciting news from the Environmental Ministry, please go to our website—http://
or feel free to attend our next meeting at 7 pm on March 25 by contacting Cynthia Curtis at
[email protected] or Wil Breden at [email protected].
Palm Sunday
9:00 am
10:00 am
Maundy Thursday
8:00 pm
March 24
First Worship
Worship & Church School
March 28
Tenebrae Worship
with Communion
Good Friday
12:00 noon & 8 pm
March 29
These services are very similar
Holy Saturday
8:00 pm
March 30
Easter Vigil
Worship, Communion &
Renewal of Baptismal Vows
Please bring a bell!
Easter Sunday
March 31
7:30 am
Sunrise Worship
8:30 am
9:00 & 11:00 am
Easter Breakfast
Easter Worship
Intergenerational Service w/ Communion
Childcare for infant-5s provided.
10:00 am
10:20 am
Fellowship Hour
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Plant Donation
Return this form with your payment
to the Easter bag on the table in the
Central Street Lobby by
Monday, March 18, 9 am.
Please print clearly!
Given In
(check only one)
Loving memory of
Celebration of
(your name)
Plants are $15 each, payable to
Wellesley Congregational Church.
Please note Easter Plant on your check.
Following services on March 31, the plants will be taken to those
in need of encouragement or support.
What’s happening in Church School today?
• Kindergarten students and younger will be welcomed in their classrooms before
10 am worship begins. The Infant/Toddler Room is located on the main floor just
outside the Sanctuary to the left of the Chancel. 2 year olds through Kindergarten
classrooms are located on the upper floor. Children should be picked up promptly
at the conclusion of worship.
• Grades 1-8 will worship with their parents until it is time for class, as indicated in
the bulletin. At that time,
Grades 1-5 will meet at the signs downstairs in Village Hall and proceed to the
following classrooms for a special activity.
This week …
Grade 1: Artisan’s Market
Grade 2: Storyteller’s Tent
Grade 3: Science Room for book chat
Grade 4: Fishes and Loaves Café
Grade 5: Bibleland.org
Grades 6, 7 & 8 will meet in Village Hall.
Classes for Grades 1-8 conclude at 11:15 or the end of worship whichever is later.
Students in Grades 3 and below should be met by their parents at their classrooms.
The Family Room is available for parents who aren’t quite ready to leave their infants
and toddlers in childcare. In this room, parents will be able to listen to the worship
service while their child naps or plays. This room is located upstairs beyond the library.
The Rev. Martin B. Copenhaver – Senior Pastor
The Rev. Kathleen E. Musser – Associate Pastor
The Rev. Pamela H. Emslie – Associate Pastor
The Rev. Christina L. Braudaway-Bauman – Pastor at Large
The Rev. Daniel P. Cooperrider – Pastoral Resident
The Rev. Jocelyn B. Gardner Spencer – Pastoral Resident
Linda C. Smith – Pastoral Residency Coordinator
Michaela F. McDonald – Director of Children’s Ministries
David R. Carrier – Director of Music
Dr. Kevin J. McDonald – Director of Youth Music
Jodi M. Hitzhusen – Music Director of First Worship
Erin I. Donato – Church Administrator
Leslie W. Petzing – Controller
Barbara P. Kucich – Church Accountant
Tricia T. Kibbe – IT and Administrative Coordinator
Felicia R. Nadel – Administrative Assistant
Christy L. Cadigan –Administrative Assistant
Donald S. Banks – Sexton
Dolphe Richard – Assistant to the Sexton
Gerardo Ortiz – Assistant to the Sexton
2 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02482