Venus in Blue Jeans - WersiClub International


Venus in Blue Jeans - WersiClub International
WersiClub International
Linked Downloads : Venus in Blue Jeans : July 2008
Information Sheet for the Linked Downloads Relating to the Song “Venus in Blue Jeans”
Total Preset
The following screenshot of many of the settings for this TP shows:
 Two alternative sounds in each of the Upper Manual layers.
 The two sounds in the Lower Manual and the Pedal Board sound, not included in the mp3 Demo
Track but available in the Total Preset.
 The six alternative edited OAA Styles, not included in the TP but made available separately as
Edited Styles Downloads.
The next screenshots show the adjustments made within Sound Control to each of the Upper Manual sound
layers. No Sound Control changes were made to the Lower Manual or Pedalboard sounds.
When providing alternative sounds for any layer, it is important to check that any Sound Control adjustment
made for the primary sound of that layer also works effectively on the alternative sounds. Only very simple
Sound Control adjustment is advisable in these circumstances and that is all that has been attempted here.
If you normally have Reset Controllers under Selectors ticked then the Sound Control settings will revert
to Inst as soon as you change the sound. This TP has Reset Controllers unticked, therefore the Sound
Control settings made for the primary sound will also be applied in the same box for all other alternative
sounds in that layer. It is highly likely that the parameters of that box will change from sound to sound. This
can cause some rather strange sounds to emerge. A check is necessary and adjustments made if needed.
€ WersiClub International
WersiClub International
Linked Downloads : Venus in Blue Jeans : July 2008
UM1 – Primary sound : Belly. Secondary sound : Heaven Piano
UM2 – Primary sound : Viborbellz Cascade. Secondary sound : Bell Strings
UM3 – Primary Sound : Alto Sax MF. Secondary sound : Tenor Sax W
€ WersiClub International
WersiClub International
Linked Downloads : Venus in Blue Jeans : July 2008
The six Styles have been edited in the OAA but with no Midi editing at all. One day I’ll find out how to do
that! The names of the Styles and their origin are listed below.
8 Beat Guitar Pop : Yamaha Tyros 2
Piano Ballad :
Yamaha Tyros 2
Easy Pop :
Roland G70
Light Pop :
Roland G70
Oldies :
Roland G70
Pop Ballad 1 :
Korg PA80
Examples of the changes made are a change of pitch for an instrument, volume adjustments, a change of
instrument for a particular section and a change of Panorama value in most cases. There were also a
couple of changes to Reverb and Chorus settings. Please note that Ending 3 from original Yamaha Styles
often slows down and takes the tempo setting in the Main display down with it. When using the Total
Preset, be sure to adjust the Tempo back to the original (in this case 109) before saving the TP, should you
need to save it. Some other Styles also slow down during the Ending but the display remains static.
Demonstration (Performance Downloads)
In order for this to demonstrate one of these edited Styles (Piano Ballad), I did not play the Pedal Board,
switched Lower Manual 2 sound off and lowered Lower Manual 1 sound to zero volume. The Lower Manual
was then played with just chords for the Style to pick up. Automatic Bass was therefore switched on,
something you’ll also find occurs in the Total Preset. Normally I’d play with that off as I find it can clash with
my own playing of the Pedal Board.
There is an Upper Manual split, 2 + 1, though the music was written in the key of C major and that did not
work very well with the notes required by the UM3 sound (a saxophone in each case) necessitating either
playing the other UM sounds an octave lower with associated pitch adjustments or making a slight change
to a few notes of the saxophone: I settled for the latter. Not all the alternative sounds were used in this
Intro 3 and Ending 3 are used. There is only one Break in this Style and it appears before each change of
Main Style Variation, all four of which are used.
May 2008
€ WersiClub International