Swim Safe logo guidelines


Swim Safe logo guidelines
Swim Safe logo guidelines
The Swim Safe logo
Protecting the logo
An exclusion zone is indicated by the dotted line surrounding the
Swim Safe logo. Other elements must not intrude on this area.
The strapline should be included in all instances unless otherwise
agreed by the ASA marketing team.
Use of the logo
Where possible, use the full colour vertical format as shown, and
include the registered mark and strapline.
In text, the campaign name should always be formatted as Swim Safe
(in title case, with space between Swim and Safe). Please note that the
full colour version is registered so ® is used. The ® symbol should not
be used on text references to Swim Safe.
For more information please contact [email protected]
Logo size
Logo misuse
Ideally, the logo’s minimum width should be 15% of the shortest
edge wherever it appears. The exception to this is where that would
cause the logo to be less than 25mm wide. In these instances, use the
minimum size of 25mm.
Minimum size
To make sure that the logo is always readable and recognisable, we
have set 25mm as the minimum size for reproducing it.
Do not alter the proportions of the logo
Colour variations
If full colour reproduction is unavailable the Swim Safe logo may only
be used in the black or greyscale versions below. The logo must appear
with the trademark symbol.
Do not put the logo in a box
Please note that the mono versions shown above are trade marked
so ™ should be used.
Do not use low resolution Jpeg images of the logo
in print. Always obtain the original approved digital
artwork for correct reproduction
For more information please contact [email protected]
Do not change the colour
of the logo
The Swim Safe For Schools logo
Protecting the logo
Use of the logo
An exclusion zone is indicated by the dotted line surrounding the Swim
Safe For Schools logo. Other elements must not intrude on this area.
The strapline should be included in all instances unless otherwise
agreed by the ASA marketing team.
Where possible, use the full colour vertical format as shown and
include the registered mark and strapline.
This logo is only to be used in promoting the specialised programmes
of school focused events that have been pre-arranged with schools by
the ASA and the RNLI. It should not be used alongside the Swim Safe
logo, but instead of.
In text, the campaign name should always be formatted as Swim Safe
For Schools, (in title case including ‘For’). Please note that the full
colour version is registered so ® is used. The ® symbol should not be
used on text references to Swim Safe for Schools.
For Schools
For Schools
For more information please contact [email protected]