Students Going AWOL Subject To Call - UBC Library


Students Going AWOL Subject To Call - UBC Library
Students Going AWOL Subject To Cal l
War Services Board
Removes Some Sask.
Student Categorie s
On Sale
Next Wee k
• THE STUDENT directory is t o
go on sale early next week,
still considerably in advance of the
date last year.
Though originally to go on sale
November 20, because of certai n
handicaps it will not appear befor e
the beginning of next week . For
instance, Honoree Young, In
charge, stated that after deciphering diverse handwritings of some
odd 9800 student names, 'phone
numbers, and addresses, she was
fully qualified for professiona l
work .
Besides hieroglyphic battles, pre .
paration in the AMS office involved finding room and typewriter
only when available .
Miss Eveline Pearson, stenographer of the AMS very generously gave her assistance one Saturday afternoon . Other typists asdating are Ed . Friesen, Perc y
Glover, and Elizabeth Wall .
Honoree Young herself does th e
proof reading . She assures us confidently that this year will produce
a better, more useful directory
than ever . Better methods, and
a blue cover instead of a red one ,
may have their influence .
AMS Sponsors
Red Cross Bal l
Cros Ball will have the officia l
sanction of the Alma Mater Society this year . Scheduled to tak e
place sometime in January, the
affair will be held all acros s
Canada at the same time .
Last year, UBC topped all Canadian universities with a total of
McGill, Dalhousie, Saskatchewan,
Queen's, New Brunswick, an d
Manitoba are also expected to hol d
Red Cross Balls . An interesting
note comes to light with the fact
that fraternities are not officiall y
recognized at McGill and their
Greek Letter Ball must be hel d
unofficially .
The date has not been set a s
yet . Last year it was held January 23 at the Commodore .
Player's Clu b
finally got its executive troubles straightened out and peac e
again descends on the Green
Anne DuMoulin is the ne w
president, taking the place o f
Michael Young who has gone t o
Gordon Head . She was put in office by acclamation, because he r
opponent, John Seyer, who is taking on honours course, was unabl e
to run due to pressure of studies .
Jean Christie was elected secretary to replace Anne DuMoulin ,
and the executive is now complete
until after Christmas, at least .
No, 1 9
MacMillan And Morris Chose n
To Sigma Tau Chi Fraternit y
ROL MORRIS, President of the Alma Mater Society, and Don MacMillan, director o f
the University Radio Society, were the two men honored by election to Sigma Ta u
Chi campus honor fraternity .
Morris . . .
t .
Student Counci l
No Shortage
Of Coal In
Power House
IN SPITE of the current fuel
shortage the university power
house will continue to suppl y
plenty of heat to the university
Chief engineer E. Dale, whe n
asked if the university would b e
affected by the coal shortage, ex pressed the opinion that "there i s
not much danger of a shortage o f
coal . We will continue to get by."
Permits To
Be Issued
Next Wee k
NEXT FRIDAY the list of du .
dent applicants for Christma s
jobs will be sent down to the Selective Service Board by the University Employment Bureau .
Jobs for Christmas will be give n
to students only through the Selective Service and applicants wil l
be called down next week in th e
evenings to be given a job permit .
The Employment Bureau has notified the Selective Service that it
will be impossible for students to
take time out after December 7
to go down town for this purpose .
The way in which employment ,
both part and full time, for students will he handled is still under
discussion by the Selective Service Board . These discusions as t o
how students will be placed in
jobs will be made public In a few
days .
Morrie is well-known to th e
student body, and has taken a n
active part in campus affairs . Last
year he was president of th e
Sciencemen's Undergraduate So.
deny, and he has been a Red Shirt
leader for some years.
This year, as director of all student activities, Morris has show n
himself tq be a hard worker wit h
the Interests of the whole univarsity at heart. He is a stron g
advocate for student rights ,and i s
putting out every effort to re awaken the student interest I n
their government .
Don MacMillan, Arta 42, enter.
ed the Radio Society two years
ago when he first came to the
campus. During that year he organized a sports show over a down town station . Last year MacMillan was the driving force in or ..
ganizing a show which would' car .
ry campus news and views to th e
downtown public . This was pre%
sensed every Saturday night over
CKWX and featured interview s
with many campus personalities.
MacMillan recorded the graduation ceremonies last spring an d
the records are kept at the Uni .
varsity. This year he became di rector of the Radio Society and so
far has sponsored two shows, th e
regular Saturday night feature ,
and a new show which comes o n
Wednesday nights over CJOR . This
program features the Universit y
Musical Society and presents n
program of good music.
MacMillan has also brought th e
Radio Society into the war effort, by sponsoring a special
broadcast last year .
Sigma Tau Chi was organized
last year to get men who were
active in campus affairs together
for informal discussions . It does
not act as a body but merely hope ,
to provide better understanding between the men who are SOW. aS
the campus.
Meetings are held every secon d
Wednesday night and informa l
discussions of student problem s
are held. It is expected that mor e
new men will be taken in earl y
in the new year.
COTC Parade s
To Stop Dec. 5
• GOOD NEWS comes from the
Orderly Room to interest male
After Saturday, December 5 ,
there will be no parades for the
men of the COTC until afte r
Christmas ,
Comes the new year, however ,
and there may be parades for a
swarm of Varsity guys until Hitler falls into a shell-hole .
That remains to be seen . Bu t
already there is talk of a reunio n
at Vernon sometime in Januar y
for all BAC's.
MacMillan . .
•,. . .SASKATOON, SASK,, NOV, 25—An undisclosed ntun ber of Saskatchewan students had their student cate gory removed at the meeting of the National War Service s
Board at Saskatoon Court House this week . This decision
was caused by the students absenting themselves from Sprin g
Camp with neither leave of absence nor a reasonable excuse .
Contrary to first impressions th e
students were not ordered to basi c
training centres but notification la
being given to the Divisional Registrar by the National War Sere
vices Board that the students concerned are no longer considered to
be in the student category, and
they will be subjected to norma l
call-up procedure.
As far .as can be determined
they will be allowed to attend
university until the celLup order
la given . Although sixty student ►
appeared before the Board only a
very email percentage were with out a reasonable excuse .
There is only confirmation of twe
students at present affected b y
this order . Word from Regina has
not yet arrived giving the complete list. The Board also stated
that It would be back to Sutra.
toon from time to time to Weed gate the scholastic and military
status of students who by defaul t
or indifference become liable to
active service.
Radio Society
Gamblin g
`Must Stop'
- -Carson
GAMBLING in the Caf
has been brought to th e
attention of the Discipline
Committee and "must stop" , ,
stated John Carson, Chairman, recently.
The Board consists of Justice J .
F. L. Embury, chairman ; A. C.
Stewart, M .L .A . ; G. F. Biggerton,
Col . A . S. Redford appeared as
spokesman for the officer commanding M .D . 12 . The group call.
ed before the Board consisted o f
all students at present attendin g
the university and who have not
attended the spring camp. The
great majority of the students
were able to prove that they
were working in war industries o r
that they were not liable for cam p
at the time.
"Continu e
Says Shru m
• LT.-COL. G. M. SI'1RUM ,
C .O.T .C. commander, recently returned from a short
trip to Ottawa where he
conferred with Army and
Government officials, said
Wednesday that the Government wished students to
continue their studies without interruption.
"The Government Is very anxious
for students who are making atiafactory progress in their du.
dies to continue," Col . Shrum
said .
At present the university heads
will decide whether or not the
student is doing satisfactory work .
There is some speculation, how.
ever, as to whether the university's interpretation of "satisfac •
tory" will be In complete accord
with that of army officials .
In Ottawa Col. Shrum attended
the council meeting of the Canadian Association of Adult Education and visited the Canadian Legion Educational Salim. He
spent some time at Air Forc e
headquarters discussing courses at
UBC, and conferred with army
heads at National Defence Heads
quarters in regard. to the C.O.
Honer John was obliged t o
break up the group meicning coin s
of considerable value in the back
of the Caf a few days ago. N o
action has been taken against th e
offenders, but if the practice is
continued the Discipline Commit tee will be forced to take strong
action . This also applies to gambling for money in the Broc k
Hall ,
With a twinkle in his eye Carson also said, off they 'want I s
gamble for money they can join a
vice ring" He did not say where
such organizations could be found .
IRC May Hol d
Meet I n
THE INTERNATIONAL Rela tions Club, the "good neighbor
policy" club that fosters good relations between Canada and th e
United States, announced today
that plans for an Internationa l
Conference were as yet only tentative .
If the plans are carried through ,
the conference will be held some time in the spring at Missoula,
Montana .
Most Money With Leas t
Work Appeals To Workers
• GOLD HAS been found on the campus! And the Em ployment Bureau has been getting all the pay dirt .
You may have been among the crowd of two hundre d
people who registered last Wednesday for two-bits . That' s
$50 in one afternoon, not bad .
It was so crowded in the hal l
that many students infiltrated into
the Pub . We collected bnoug h
two-bitses to keep us all in hig h
spirits for some weeks .
Money Is first in the thought s
of almost everybody at UBC to day . The idea is to get th e
most money with the least work .
Here are some of the jobs tha t
students are applying for : John
N . Bennett "First Aid Work" ;
John Forster—"department stor e
clerk" ; Don Chutter—"general labour" ; Eric Ajello — "executive
work," a promising "dollar-a-year"
man . Terrence McLork"stagin g
at the shipyards" ; Doug. McCawley-*"not particular—I just want
money "
Post Office work appeals to th e
greater majority .
Bob White, head of the Employment Bureau, hastens to explain
that the best jobs, of course, will
be given to members of the bur .
eau .
-Studies Move
Into Auditoriu m
• STUDENTS HAVE starte d
studying in earnest for th e
Christmas Examinations if the attendance at the Auditorium' is an y
The number of students usin g
the Auditorium for study purpose s
averaged 35 during the first weeks
it was open . This week the total
has been nearly doubled, an aver age of 60 students studying per
day . This number is expected t o
increase steadily as the exam s
draw nearer .
The Auditorium is open in th e
mornings from 8 :30 to 11 :30, and
in the afternoons from 1 :30 to 3 :30 .
Students Back Ambulance Drive ; Results Are Promising
• WHETHER or not they pas s
their exams, UBC student s
will have their ambulance before
Christmas .
This is the optimistic view o f
the canvassers, students, and workers in the AMS office voiced yesterday in interviews with th e
Their enthusiasm is backed b y
figures from the AMS office whic h
showed that students dug into
their pockets to the extent o f
$224,50 on the first day of the drive .
449 ambulance buttons were
given out Wednesday . Each Self .
denial Day canvasser was given
30 buttons . Several sold thei r
quota within the first ten minute s
and came back for more at the
AMS office .
There are 2400 buttons on hand ,
and if these are sold, cardboard
ambulance tags will be substituted .
Interviews with The UBYSSEY
Thursday showed campus opinio n
very much in favour of the Idea .
Asked "What do you think of th e
Ambulance Drive?" students at
strategic points on the campus
showed themselves right behind
the drive .
Here were some of the reply s
given by students in the Cafeteria :
Alice Stonehouse (second year )
—"It's a marvellous idea but w e
should be terribly ashamed of our selves . , , but of course the firs t
drive wasn't built up properly . "
Phyllis McIntosh (freshette) L
"What better way can we sho w
our patriotism than by buying a n
ambulance? I think it's every one's duty to buy a pin . "
Johnny Farina (fourth year) —
"It'll give public opinion a shot i n
the arm, that is, if it's publicized
enough outside the universit y . "
Ranji Mattu (fifth year graduate)—"It's a • splendid idea t o
show those crackpots who criticize UBC that we aren't just filling
in time out here . "
Eleanor Woollard : "The driv e
should lead to bigger and bette r
things. For after all, if we can
buy one ambulance, whys not buy
two? "
Out in the quad, Edith Katz nelson, first year student, was see n
by the UBYSSEY hurrying out of
the Green Rnom, Asked her opinion, she stated : "I think it's wend -
erful the sacrifice the students ar e
making towards the drive . Fift y
cents is quite a bit for some o f
Up in the Green Room, the
UBYSSEY came upon three astut e
males engrossed !n playing dic e
jn the middle of the floor . Of th e
three—Dick Geese, Bruce Work
and John Walker—the latter wa s
spokesman, stating that "Ambulance Drive money should be taken
out of pass feature money "
Bob Whyte, of the Employmen t
Bureau, re-iterated the view that
the purchase of the ambulanc e
would "avert public criticism from
the university" .
And back in the Pub, th e
UBYSSEY received one final opinion from none other than Joh n
Carson, chairman of the drive .
"Just tell the students to kee p
buying the buttons", he declared .
On Thursday, P a n Helleni c
members looked after collections.
Mamooks are canvassing today ,
and Saturday, fraternities will d e
the job . On Monday it is believed that the Musical Society wil l
do the collecting .
Page Two
From The Editor ' s Pen *
Issued twice weekly by the Btu dentd Publication Board of th e
Alma Mater Society of the Univer sity of British Columbia .
drive is not the War Aid Council's. That
body has been erected only to organize war
work, and it is merely a representative body
of students. The responsibility for the suc
cess of the campus war effort is the individual responsibility of each student on the
It would be an excellent idea if all presidents of fraternities and sororities, as wel l
as all heads of undergraduate clubs woul d
take it upon themselves to remind their
members that complete co-operation from
every person on the campus is required t o
reach the objective.
There Is no attempt being made to
shame any student into buying their tag .
The War Aid Council feels that once the students know what is being asked that the y
will cheerfully pay up. After all fifty cents
is not much, but if it can help to put an ambulance in the field then it becomes a grea t
So give, children, give!
Offices Brock MU.
Phone Alma Mt
For Advertisin g
Standard Pubitehlag Co., Ltd.
1111E W. 41st
lamer. 1111
Campus Subsalptlons–S1d0
Mail Subscripttons–p.00
Sports Editor
Assistant Editor s
Honoree Young, June Weaver ,
Marion Dundas, Sheila McLehh,
Gypsy Jacklin, Percy Tallman, an d
Don Walker .
Assistant Sports Editor s
Chuck Claridge, Bill Waked.
Staff Photographers
Art Jones
CUP and Exchange Editor
Vivian Vincen t
Pub Secretary
With The
UBYSSEY staff have bee n
branded as morons by members of
the Freshman class, we have take n
upon ourselves to print the following jokes which have been picked
up everywhere on the campus,
except in the Pub .
Backs to the front, Backs to the front ,
Backs to the front, onward ;—
From the front ran the runt
Erwin Rommel.
"Forward the Back Brigade ."
Was there a man that stay d ?
On, on, the runner flew,
Hitler had blundered.
Their's not to do and die ,
Their's but to flee and fly ,
Loud the confusion grew,
Light boot heels thundered .
Britishers after them,
Hard on the tail of them ,
Roadway in front of them ,
Speedy aermaniacs .
Behind them were shot and shell ,
So they ran fast and well ,
Faster than I can tell,
Musa Murray
Dennis Blunden, Ed . Brown, Gras'
ham Thompson, Nickels) Holobofi' ,
Erie Aiello, and Elvira Weins .
• The Flight Of The fright Brigade
(Apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson )
Lucy Barton
Dinah Raid
9111 Ou t
Art Eaton.
Circulation Manager ...Joyce Smith
theta as draft-dodger and slacker agains t
those boys on the campus of UBC, against
the whole community of them, regardless of
all the special reasons why the governmen t
itself has decided that some students for the
time being had better keep on with their
Indeed the record of UBC students, al together apart from that of the university' s
graduates, deserves .a more fitting recognition than the attribution of slacking . It was
only the other day that the university register published the names of 50 students o f
UBC, boys who voluntarily left their book s
and games to serve in arms for Canada, wh o
have been killed or reported missing sinc e
the beginning of the war . And the list w e
are told, is still incomplete .
Associate Ease.
Vivian Vincent, John Scott, Virginia Hammitt and Peter Remnant,
They Are Not Slacker s
UBYSSEY, the students, newspaper of
the University of British Columbia, is resentful in an editorial of charges containe d
in certain recent letters to The Vancouve r
Daily Province, that the students now i n
session at the university are slackers or
"draft dodgers" in the war .
"No one is hiding," says UBYSSEY .
"No one is beyond reach because he is on
the campus . . . The record of the UBC con •
tingent of the Canadian Officers Training
Corps is very good . . . No university man
need hang his head because he is not on
active service. His government has authorized him to carry on with his books ."
This is an altogether moderate protest ,
considering the extreme provocation . For
it is indeed a thoughtless, irresponsible and
ill-natured thing to fling such wounding epi •
Cheerful Giver s
The "Ambulance Before Christmas "
campaign was off to a good start on Wednesday as most of the students contacted
came across with the minimum of four-bit s
for the tag.
It bodes well for the plan as it does
show that the students don't have to be give n
some entertainment before they will part
with their money. It is a straight contribution and there is nothing given In return
except that feeling that a person gets whe n
they know they have done something wort h
It will, however, be necessary to kee p
up the pace if the objective is to be reached
All students should take the first opportunity they get to obtain their ribbon . The
campaign will run a week and in that time
every student should be approached at leas t
once, as the committee in charge of the pla n
is endeavoring to get complete coverage o f
the 'student body.
The responsibility for the success of the
Friday, November 27, 1942
Shot as if out of hell, —
Broken battalions.
Lightly they ran on air,
First were they everywhere,
Breaking the records there,
Racing the bullets whil e
All the world wondered.
They that had fled pell-mell ,
They that had run so well ,
Fleeing from shot and shell ,
Came back to home sweet home ,
Never more back to roam ;—
All that was left of them—
Left of their soles .
When can their blisters fade ?
Oh, the wild dash they made !
All the world wondered .
Think of the toll they paid,
Rommel is In the shade ,
Hell—Hitler blundered!
THERE were two little moron s
trying to drown themselves i n
a pond in Stanley Park . One little
moron said to the other little moron "But we can't drown ourselves
there, it isn't deep enough . Why
you can see the water Isn't eve n
up to the ducks' necks . "
eeS S
• A BIG executive was inspect ing an Insane Asylum. Just
as he was leaving the institutio n
he saw a little moron trying to
fish in the garden . So he thought
he'd humour him, and going up
to him said :
"How's the fishing?" "Prett y
good," says the moron . "Well how
many have you caught today? "
says the executive. "Oh you're th e
seventh . "
doctor said it was awful because
he might have to cut oft one ear ,
"Gee, that terrible," said the littl e
moron "I wouldn't be able to heal
so well then would I?" "No" says
the doctor, "You wouldn't . But
it's worse than that . I may hav e
to cut oft both ears . And you
know what would happen then ,
don't you?" "Yes," says the little
moron "I wouldn't be able to see
very well, would I?" The doctor
looked sort of surprised and aske d
why he wouldn't be able to see
very well. "Because I wouldn' t
have any place to hang my' glasses ." says the little moron .
S . . .
• A LITTLE moron got onto a
streetcar one day without putting his fare in the box . The conductor called him back and sai d
"You didn't put your fare in th e
box little moron . Why not?" . So
the .little moron carefully an d
patiently explained to him tha t
his name was Crime, and Crim e
never pays.
wear the
Waterproof, Shockproof ,
Dustproof, Non-MagesRe
Models at
32.50, 37.60, 47.50,
50.00, 52.50
The Values
Special Student Rate a t
By Presentation Of Your Student Pass
Remaliud Russell, Bria n
Aherne, Janet Blair in
And His Orchestra
Phi s
In Person
Selected Shorts
On Our Stage
Mickey Rooney
plu s
Brian Donlevy
"Henry Aldridge Editor"
• TWO LITTLE morons were
painting a house . Says one little
m . to the other little m . "Get a
good firm grip on that brush 'cos
I'm going to take the ladder away, "
Miss Zella Collin s
Receives Promotio n
• 1942 MARKS a milestone in the history of the progres s
of the Social Service Course at UBC.
With the appointment of Miss Zella Collins to the
position of Associate Professor of Social Work, one ste p
further toward the establishment of an accredited School
of Social Work here has been made.
Miss Collins has been superviso r
of Field Work here for the past
seven years, and has interviewed
each student and placed him or
her in the agency wehre the mos
beneficial experience would b e
gained .
Before graduating from theI o.
ronto School of Social Work, sh e
taught primary school In Manitoba .
Her wide experience has stoo d
her in good stead . For fourteen
months she worked in a Settlement House in Chicago after taking a Summer Session at the Uni.
versity of Chicago . Here, she has
followed the same line, in her
work at the Alexandra Neighbor hood House .
While in Toronto, Miss Collins
was Field Secretary of the Big
Sister Association for five years.
In 1927 she came to Vancouver
and took over the Family Worst
Department of the Children's Ai d
Society until 1931, when she be came manager of the Society un •
ail 1937 .
In 1935 she came to UBC as Su .
pervisor of Field Work . She lectured to the Public Health Nurse s
On Social Work, and was amon g
the first to realize the interrelation of Public Health and Socia l
During the past few years, man y
agencies have required her splendid knowledge. She made a stir..
vey of the social needs of th e
Provincial Infirmary and established the Social Service Department there .
Later she organized the Kam loops area of the Provincial Wei _
fare Field Service, and became act -
Radio Societ y
Presents All
Music Progra m
• VARSITY', Radio Society cat ered to music lovers last Wednesday night, with an all-musica l
program, presented over CJOR .
Stars of the show were the Mil s
Soc pianist, Ray Keeble, who gave
a classic interpretation of the
Etude in E Major and the Etude
in Ab Major, and the already accomplished singer, Art Jones.
More vocal talent, supplied b y
campus song-birds, Dureen Grant,
Ruth Veeberg, Eri1Ea lrhfos am
Beverley Adams, completed th e
half-hour program . Don McMil Ian, Radio Club president, produced and announced the broadcast ,
in his own inimitable style ,
ONE LITTLE moron in an in sane asylum asked his pal i f
the clock was right . "Of course
it Isn't" was the reply, "It wouldn't be in here if it was."
S 1 *
TWO LITTLE morons had a
horse each . But they couldn't
tell them apart . So first one
knocked the teeth out of his s o
they would know which wa s
which . But the other got into e.
fight and got his teeth all broke n
too . Then they cut the tail off
one, but the other got his tai l
caught in a barbed wire fence, an d
had to have it cut off too . Finall y
one m . said to the other m . " I
know how we can tell them apart .
The black one is ½ an inch talle r
than the white one . "
• •• •
• A LITTLE moron was sound
asleep in bed one night whe n
the phone rang . So he got up and
answered it . The voice at th e
other end said "I hope I didn' t
wake you up" . "Oh no," says the
moron "I had :o get up to answer
the phone anyway . "
TWO LITTLE morons wer e
peeking through a knot-hol e
in the fence around a nudist colony . "Oh boy," says one of them ,
"there's a girl in there that woul d
sure look good in a sweater . "
"HI . Recognize me? I'm one of
your crowd . You tie, I speak fo r
Cow-Cola, known, too, as Coke .
I speak for both . They mean
the same thing . The gan g
say I look lust like Coke
tastes. And you can't get
that delicious and refreshin g
ing Medical Supervisor of Socia l
Service in the T. B . Clinic during
the absence of the regular super visor .
Last summer Miss Collins war:
called upon to take over the super vision of the Provincial Welfar e
Field Service, while Miss Edward s
was on vacation .
A LITTLE moron had some thing wrong with one of ht s
ears so he went to the doctor . The
taste this side of Coca-Cola .
Nobody else can duplicate it."
Friday, November 27, 1942
Mary McLeod, Ex-Players '
Club Member,
In. Movies
Page Three
Buchanan . . •
W+th Mary Ann
• FOR SMARTNESS and wearability there's nothing like gabardine shoes from Rae son, 808 Gran
vile Street. They are just th e
thing for wearing these winte r
days. Black Is the prevailing
color, and is really smooth with
very little ornament ' — maybe a
bow or doo-dad on the toe bu t
very plain and neat . Have yo u
what to ask Santa Claus for
this Christmas what coul d be bet ter than a gorgeous fur cord fro m
the New York Fur Co ., 797 W .
Georgia Street? This is a practical gift as well as a glamorou s
one, for these furs and are not
only beautiful to look at and to
feel. They are beautiful for quail •
ty and wear . A prominent Gamma
noticed that no sooner did the P.
K . Sigma get his pin at initiation
than he had giver it to the Alpha
Gam pledge that someone wrote
a column about not long ago?
These gabardines come In high
low and medium heels . Just th e
thing for dressy occasions a t
Christmas time. See them on the
Mezzanine floor for $7 .95 ,
e e
Phi pledge was honored by her alatere in the Caf the other day with
a 21-candle birthday cake and
"Happy Birthday to You," in whic h
the Betas gallantly chimed in, If
you're parents "can't think of a
thing" to give you, why not euggest casually how much you nee d
and would like one of these luscious coats ?
RIGHT NOW exams are prob ably foremost in your mind .
but don't forget the snappy woo l
dresses at Plant's, 564 Granvill e
St., for your Christmas season. It
was a very embaraning few moments for the little Kappa when one
of the Cat hounds (and I don' t
mean fret men) sauntered up and
used her leg as a substitute for a
telephone pole, especially sinc e
she had good silk stockings on.
These wool and silk dresses a t
Plant's come In all the bright
winter shades, and one, or tw o
piece styles, that will be smar t
till Spring . Get one now so tha t
you will be gay and bright, to
cheer you through the dull exa m
days and bring Christmas chee r
during the festival season .
e e
• MARY McLEOD, University of British C olumbia Arts graduate of 1940, and former sta r
actress with the University Player's Club,is rapidly rising to fame in Hollywood, havin g
recently been loaned by her home studio, M etro-Goldwyn•Mayer, to play the lead in Re public studio's "London Blackout Murders," opposite English actor, John Abbott .
Miss McLeod's success Is not
surprising . While attending UBC
she showed definite pacmise as an
Green Roomers fondl y
point with pride to pictures hang .
ins cm the Green Room wall of
the casts of "Pride and Prejudice "
and "The Brent's," In which Mis
Mcleod received wide acclaim .
In the former production she
played the part of 'a characte
she expects to be cut in Holly wood. In the latter play she completely changed her stage person .
aide In the characterization o f
Carolyn Bingley .
Born and educated in Vancouver
ver, where she attended Kitsilan o
High School, Miss McLeod came t o
University to obtain her teacher's
degree . However, she had secret
since her acting debut at the age
of twelve in "Mldatnamer Night's
Centering her extra-curricular
activities around the Player's Clu b
she became active on the exalt .
tive. She also became affiliated
with the Delta Gamma sorority
Upon graduation she completed
her course at Normal School an d
obtained a position teaching English, History, and Physical Education at Gilmore Avenue Junior
Hi ghSchool in Burnaby .
During this time, in addition t o
appearing on CBR, Mlm McLeod
joined the Players' Club Alumn i
and starred in a command perfo r mance of "Baolo and Francesca"
before Lord and Lady Tweeds .
muir .
UNIVERSITY PEOPLE . . . students
and faculty alike . . . will find a
friendly, helpful banking service a t
Canada's Oldest Bank .
Established 1817
E. J . SCHEIDEL, Mgr .
"A Bank where small Accounts are welcome"
West Point Grey Branch : SAISAMAT AND TENTH
Her last acting appearance in
Vancouver was in the Little Theatre Group's "Yes My Darlin g
Daughter," in which she received
very favorable comment. "Idiot' s
Delight" was another Little Thea .
tre play In which she acted an d
became welLknown to Vancouver
Her interest In teaching eventually led her to Hollywood wher e
she went In order to receive a degree in dramatics. While there,
she appeared in a play and was
induced to take screen tests for
three studios . Miss McLeod was
finally signed to a long term con .
tract by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
A chance bit part in "Keeper o f
the Flame," starring Katherine
Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, con .
vinced Republic Studios that Mary
was the type of girl that they
wanted for the lead In "London
Blackout Murders, " and in a few
short days the UBC graduate wa
transformed from an aspiring
actress to a leading lady .
. . . Electe d
• UBC STUDENTS read with
pride the news that Dean Dan.
161 Buchanan has been chosen
president of the Vancouver Canadian Club .
Recently, Dean Buchanan wen t
on a two-week lecture tour of the
Canadian Clubs of Western Cu .
aQa .
He succeeds A . E. Jukes, prod.
dent during the pact year .
• Signboard
The elan in NM MAR
YOU JUST have to feel these
cosy Snuggle-Down pajamas
and nighties at Wilson's Glove and
Hosiery Shop, 575 Granville St ., to
want to buy a pair to keep you
warm these chilly nights. A tall
titlark Theta from Victoria was celebrating her birthday (or was It
her birthday?) at a downtown
cabaret last Saturday and when
giving the announcement to th e
M.C. she insisted that it was only
her sixteenth birthday. Just the
thing for the College girl are thes e
"Miss Collegiate" pajamas an d
gown styles by Dunning. Mis s
Wilson also has some adorabl e
nighties of printed silk in ga y
floral designs .
e e
• ON
into the Shi p
Shape Inn last Saturday night
for some of their delicious Griddl e
Specialties I was amused to discover a Seattle policeman taking
his week-end off by washing
dishes to help out Mr. Bloomfield
who was having labour trouble .
These P.K. Sigmas always seem to
be giving away their pins. A tall ,
blond lad was going to give his
L08T — A pair of brown ki d
Perrin's gloves, hand embroidere d
in gold, on Saturday, November 7 ,
in the Arts Building . Please re.
turn to AMS office. Reward .
LOST — 20th Century Poetr y
last Monday afternoon from th e
Arts Locker Room . Finder please
return to Pat Birmingham or t o
the AMS office.
pin to his girl friend nurse bu t
they had a slight spat and she
wouldn't talcs it. So the next dal
he sent her a big bunco of roses
which apparently patched things
up 'cos now she's wearing It. I f
looking for a late snack, there' s
no place like the Ship-Shape Inn,
1519 West Broadway, just off
Granville ,
OF ALBERTA will begin on Melva 1, 1943. Applications for ad .
minion to this souse should b e
In the heads of the Registrar, tit.
vomlty of Alberta, not later tha n
December 15, ISM
All American football players
should turn in their strip to Johnny Owen in the stadium as soon
as possible.
LOST — Black loose-leaf note .
book with zipper, Wednesday noon.
Return to J . Smith, Mus Soc room .
Something new in the way of
campus clodhoppers . . their soles are
wood! And comfortable , , . umm-m !
Fake pigskin uppers with open toe s
and an ankle strap with a natty
buckle top the platform woode n
sole with leather cleats, so you won't
slip at crucial moments . The sole is
hinged so there's plenty of spring
and flex in your step . The nice
chunky heel is squared off i n
'dutchie' style . . . and you'll jus t
love the clonk, clonk it makes whe n
you walk through the 'Caf' an d
into lectures . Come into The BAY
and see these wooden wonder s
Film Society
Show Aids Fund
For Ambulance
• AN ALL-COMEDY show wil l
be presented by the Film Society Monday, November 30, as the y
stage their final production of the
term .
The show, to be staged in th e
Auditorium at twelve-thirty, wil l
be preceded by a half-hour of recordings commencing at twelve ,
noon .
A five cent admission fee wil l
be charged, proceeds to go in aid
of the current ambulance drive .
Students will be advised of the
program planned by the campu s
notice boards .
10pafanxT.0 Lmpan .
a" .
MAN' 187 0
There will be a meeting of the
Chemistry Society on Friday, November 27, at 4:00 p.m. in Room
400 (Science Building) . Speaker:
Dr . J . G. Hooley. Subject : "The
Chemistry of Glace " All students are welcome.
•• . •
Open meeting of the Law Soc.
iety, Jim MacDonald, speaker ,
Tuesday, December 1, at 12,49, I>t
Men's Smoking Room, Brock Hall .
Our Collegiate Wooden Wonder s
Although one of the newest star s
in the Hollywood firmament, Miss
McLeod has kept her feet firml y
planted on the ground . The only
change her Vancouver acquaintances, who knew her as a quiet,
serious-minded, and unassumin g
girl, have found in her, has been
in her appearance . Although des .
cribed as being pert, bright, an d
vivacious-looking, Mary was
found to be unphotogenic, ao
make-up experts were forced t o
alter her natural beauty to fit
screen requirements .
LOST — French Book, "Anatol e
France," with the name of Elvir a
Weins inside . Please get in touc h
with Mary Ann Norton throug h
the Arts Letter Rack or phon e
PA . 8567,
Page Four
Friday, November 27, 1042
Davidson First In Spokane Cross Country
Lee 9th In 4 Mile
16 In Freshma n
POUNDING across the finish line of a gruelling four .
mile cross-country run ahead of the best collegiate runners in the Western States, Bob Davidson, slight, cheer y
Scienceman brought LTBC international fame Thursday when
he covered the Spokane course in twenty-two minutes an d
fifty-three seconds .
Finishing ninth in the same race came husky Dou g
Lee, winner of the local intra-mural contest, and in sixteent h
place in another event came Con McKenzie, who finishe d
fifth in the local run . Davidson finished second in the UBC
Davidson's win came as a our .
prise to road race experts, an d
should establish UBC for the first
thus across the line is a ss*t
sporting event . Davidson ran second to Lee In the last two. arosecountry events staged here .
The winner, well known in
Science circles as a class president
for several years, ran the grueL
ling course in an average of twelve
miles an hour, an amazing time fo r
such a long route .
News of UBC's sensational international victory came late las t
night in a wire from the UBC's
team's coach, M. L. Van Vliet.
McKillop Gets
Sen. B Wome n
To 2nd Win
B basketball team won thei r
second game in as many starts b y
defeating Pro-RecII 52-9 at Normal
gym last Wednesday .
Starting out slowly, Varsity soon
had control of the ball. Gwyn n
Postelthwaite opened the scorin g
with a foul shot . M . Johnston of
Pro-Rec evened the score with a
free toss at 1-1 . Pauline Gree r
then scored from the foul sho t
line to give the Birds a 3.1 lead .
Other scores in this quarter wer e
by Norma Ford with 5 to make
the score 8-3 in favor of the blue
and gold .
During the next frame Varsit y
held the Recreational scoreless
while they were scoring seve n
points to bring the score to 15-3 a t
the half .
The third quarter saw Varsity ,
lead by Eileen McKillop begin
their drive . After making good a
foul shot, Eileen added two mor e
quick baskets to bring the score
Birds Lose First; Meet RCAF- Sat .
Eaton s Etchings
who travelled with them to Spokane .
The race was staged by the fain .
ed "Knights of the Round Table ."
well known Spokane philanthropi c
organization, whose bundles fo r
Congress, and other screwball acts
have made them renowned the
continent over. Sponsoring athletics Is just one of their hobbies .
'Entered In the race we re stars
from almost every university i n
the Western United States . The
UBC victory will publicize UBC
across the line more than any other event yet entered.
to 20 .3, Pro-Rees teen scored o n
a long shot by M. Greer . Varsit y
scored three times more n baskets
by Gwynne Postelthwaite, Jacqul e
Vance and Joan Rhodes to mak e
the score at the thlee-quarter mark
score at the three quarter mar k
26-5 .
The final period saw Varsit y
scoring 28 points before the whistle .
Lead again by Eileen McKUlop ,
whose left-handed shooting had
Pro-Rocs bewildered, the blue an d
gold ran up their total to 52. Mac
scored eleven points in this quarter followed by Norma Ford with
8 Joan Rhodes with 4, Gwynne
Postelthwaite and Helen Matheson with two and Jacqule Vanc e
a foul shot . Helen made her
only basket of the game in the
last twenty-five seconds. Elv a
Kidd and M. Greer tallied for
Eileen McKillop was high score r
for the night with sixteen, followed by Norma Ford with fourtee n
High scorer for Pro-Rees was M .
Greer with four .
Greer 2, Gwynne Postlethwaite 5 ,
Eileen McKillop 18, Jacqule Vance
4, Norma Ford 14, Betty Walton3 ,
Joan Rhodes 6, Helen Matheson2 .
THIS COLUMN BEI:OW was written by Art Eaton, a
former Sports Editor who has left the University in
favour of a life in the army. Art was one of the best like d
penonalitiea in the Pub and we all hope that he makes a s
much a success of his new career as he did with us .—Editor.
THE HECTIC DAY S of editing a sports page are over ,
and I'm not very happy about it . There is some truth t o
the adage that the newspaper game gets in your blood . Even
in the small field of a college paper, you get the feel of it .
Of course, there are woes, as well as the occasional happ y
The times when reporters come in from the Gym ,
just before the deadline and whisper in your ear, "Hold th e
whole sports page for me, Van Viiet has a scoop comin g
through" . The . first couple of times this happens, you ar e
plenty worried . But after that, you just ignore the whol e
thing, knowing that it will be at least two weeks before th e
story will break.
And the anxious moment, when the prints you hav e
just wormed out of the editor-in-chief, are in the bath, waiting to be developed . You know that the whole future of the
sports page depends on whether or not they come through .
Witness that page introducing this year's basketball squa d
Those are the times when the sweat tries to break throug h
the skin .
And when you go down to set up the page, knowing
very well that if you can't find at least a two column cut ,
you will be lost, and the page will have Victory bond ad s
all over the bottom of it .
And the times when the editor has to call upon the
first person he sees to write a column . On What? It doesn' t
matter . Witness the Eaton's Etchings of the past year .
Or the times when the general section of the paper ,
grossly underset, using all the Totie cuts they can, at lengt h
reaches the stage where they have to steal all the sports cop y
they can get their dirty little hands on . These, my friend s
are only some of the many reasons that the sports pag e
looks the way it does.
Or the week-end when every Varsity entry loses it s
games . Those are the Mondays and Tuesdays when the pag e
is run in very small type, with a humorous feature on to p
of the sports cut . Its wonderful .
But sometimes, at least once in the life of every editor ,
there is an issue that is just perfect . All the copy comes in
on time, and all the heads fit . There is room for everything ,
and very few typographical errors .
YOU GO DOWN to press, and set up the whole page
in about 30 minutes . Then you walk away, your heart fille d
with an absorbing love of the . UBYSSEY, the Sports staff ,
the general pudic, and even the editor-in-chief, if you ar e
in a very good mood . The fact that the reverse will happen .
on the next issue doesn't seem to matter .
But then the next issue does come i eand everything
goes wrong . And you walk out of the Press Room, wear y
and disconsolate in mind and body, about two-thirty in th e
morning, just in time to see the last street car go briskly ove r
the crest of the hill . "Is it all worth it"? you ask, pensively .
tugging idly at your little street car ticket, tears in you r
tired old eyes . It's a funny thing, but you always come bac k
for more .
It is a funny feeling, leaving the racket . perhaps neve r
to return . It is the fond hope of every man connected wit h
the news that he may come back to it some day, and d o
the things he wants to do . It gets in your blood, I tell you ,
and once its there, it never goes .
To those who ask, "Why the necessity of
Selective Stops?" the B .C. Electric has bu t
one answer : To give.the greatest possible ,
service to the greatest number of people,
during the greatest transit emergency thi s
country has ever known .
Liotiel Salt summed it up nicely . once, by saying ,
"When it gets in your blood, you don't break out in a blush ,
you break out in headlines . " That's how it is with all of us ,
and I hope that some day, I may be able to take anothe r
shot at it . Until then, dear reader, bear with the deplete d
sports staff, and remember the words of the ancient wh o
so truly said, "He who works with too small a staff, deserve s
credit for failure, and immortality for success . " I thin k
it was Pluto, or one of those Disney animates .
Bumsteacl Hot; Garners 12
As Lauries Doom Students
decision to Lauries basketballers at the Varsity gym las t
Wednesday. This minor catastrophe left our heroes only
a half a game ahead of Bumstead's boys . Thunderbirds havo
now won four games and lost one, as compared to Laurie s
who have triumphed in three of the four games they ha w
Saturday night, the Thunder birds will have a chance to redeem
themselves and bolster their lead ,
when they take Wally Mayers' Al r
Force crew . The Airmen may be
tough . Last time out, they walloped Shores 58.25 . Since they
played Varsity last, the Fliers
have added George Siborne to
their roster. They also may hav e
Ralph Pay, who last year starre d
for Shores, and Jack Edmondson ,
late of Tookes, both of whom will
arrive in town this week.
This gams scheduled for 9 p.m .
will be the feature of the basketball double-header next Saturday
night at V .A.C . Shores will en..
gage Stacys in the first game a t
7 :30.
Our Thunderbirds were withou t
the valuable services of their coach,
Mr . M . L. Van Wet . He accompanied the UBC cross-countr y
team to Spokane . Further ac.
counts of this latter venture ap •
pear elsewhere on this page.
Laurles deserved to win th e
game last Wednesday, although . t
is doubtful if they were the bet ter team . The pie-men fough t
hard all the way and shot thei r
collective heads off . To date they
are the only team to out-shoot the
Thunderbirds, and by out-shoot,
we mean attempt more shots . They
have accomplished this mildly terrific feat twice . On Wednesday ,
they tried 57 varieties of shots to
the Varsity club's 42.
Varsity experimented some i n
the first half, trying to get all
their height on the line. Gordi e
Sykes was at centre flanked by
Ole Bakken and Paddy Wescott.
Centre Harry Kermode was shift.
ed back to a guard position, an d
was partnered by Harry Franklin .
Bakken and Franklin went off In
the second quarter for Barton and
Johnson . The Thunderbirds le i
23-16 at half-time .
In the second half, Lauries cam e
out and proceeded to give th e
young and effervescent Thunder birds a horrible shock .
Their nine old men swarmed al l
over Varsity, pumping home eigh ,
een points to the Thunderbirds
nine .
The last quarter was a repetition
of the last quarter that Varsit y
played two weeks ago agains t
Shores .
Varsity was leading 28-25 as th e
fourth canto opened . Trev Harvey, who had played a hustlin g
game for Lauries, pumped in a
pretty one-hander for the Pie .
men to put them ahead 27.28 .
Johnson came back with a free
shot for Varsity to tie it up .
Lauries countered with a free
shot by .johnny Cavallln to go
ahead again 28-27 . Gordie Sykes
then sank another of the free
shots which played such an lm,
portent part in the last quarter .
Harry Franklin then put Varsity
into the first two-point lead of th e
quarter with a neat field-goal.
Playing-coach Arnie Bumstead
tied it up for Laurin, only to se e
the Thunderbirds go into the lead
again, on a basket by Harry Ker .
Trev Harvey and Bumstead finished off Varsity in the last few
minutes to win 34-32.
You could have cut the gloom
generated by the pro-Varsity
crowd with a knife.
Here are the scores with afg re.
presenting attempted field goals,
cfg converted field goals, orb attempted free shots, cis converted
free shots pf personal foul.
Varsity— pts pf ate dg ab ds
43 52 1 0
4 2 4 2 1
7 1 12 2 0
6 11 7 2 4 2
5 3 7 2 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1 4 1 2
0 0000 0
32 . 13 42 10 19 10
Lauries— pts pt afg dg eh ci
12 3 13 8 2 0
2 1 3 1 1 0
3 2 8 1 1 1
4 2 8 2 2 0
2 0 8 1 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 t'
3 3 2 1 2 1
2 2 3 0 3 2
6 1 17 3 4 0
0 1 1 1 .0 U
34 15 57 15 17
Varsity Thunderbirds ar e
certainly going places
this term. And if you'l l
entrust the care of you r
car t o your Friendl y
Home Gas Dealer you'l l
continue to be able to g o
places, too.
tip GAS