Lent-4th Sunday - Sacred Heart Catholic Church


Lent-4th Sunday - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
(Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville)
222 Berger Street
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464
March 22, 2009: Fourth Sunday of Lent
Church Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
P.O. Box 708
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464
Parish Office: (931) 762-3183 School Office: (931) 762-6125
Fax: (931) 762-5128
Website: www.shlawrenceburg.org
Email: [email protected]
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 5:30 p.m.
Sunday - 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Monday, Thursday, Friday—8:00 a.m.
Wednesday— 6:30 p.m.
Catholic Community Since 1887
We, the Sacred Heart Community, welcome all our visitors and friends to our Worship and our Liturgical Celebrations. We are glad that you are here with us today. If
you would like to join our church, or want to know more
about our Parish, please call (931) 762-3183, or stop by
the Parish office at any time.
Pastor: Rev. Joseph Mundakal C.M.I.
Parish Secretary: Thalia Young
Parish Pastoral Council: Blake Lay
Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 p.m.
Holy Day : 8: 00 a.m.& 7:00 p.m.
First Saturday: Rosary—7:30 a.m.; Mass—8:00 a.m.
Holy Hour & Benediction
First Fridays From 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Rosary: 30 minutes before the weekday Masses
For Sacraments
For Sacrament
of the Sick:
Call the rectory at 931-762-3183.
Prayer requests:
Call 762-3183 or you can send an email
the with details.
For Confession:
Saturday-5:00—5:20 p.m.
Any other times: Call (931) 762-3183
Book keeping (Regional) Terri Bailey
Religious Education: Rev. Joseph Mundakal
Youth Ministry: Samantha Benefield
Music coordinator: Christina Robertson
Knights of Columbus: John Evers
SHCCW—President Becky Patt
School Principal: Rosemary Harris
School Secretary: Becky White
For Baptism:
Call the Rectory at least Four weeks before the baptism. Baptismal instruction for
the parents and the god-parents is required.
For Marriage:
Call the Rectory at least Six months before. Pre-marital preparation is required.
Mass Intentions for this week
Sat. 3/21 : 5:30 pm
Mary Evelyn Hopwood
Sun. 3/22 : 8:00 am
: 10:30 am
Annie Fowler
L/D Mbrs SH-parish
Mon. 3/23: 8:00 am
Sula Sandrell
Tue. 3/24: 8:00 am
No Mass
Wed. 3/25: 6:30 pm
Louis John Evers
Thu. 3/26: 8:00 am
Fran/Frank Budniak
Fri. 3/27 : 8:00 am
Alfred Eck
Sat. 3/28 : 5:30 pm
Bernadine Kerstiens
Sun. 3/29 : 8:00 am:
10:30 am
Bill Lamprecht
L/D Mbrs SH-parish
Please remember in your prayers
Anna May Woods
J. W. Kollefrath
Freeman Fowler
Mary Frances Anderson
Kenneth Rohling
Jeanne Marin & son
William Gang
Larry McAnally
Paul Giamanco
Ken Stockard
Lynn Lawrence
Bert Mahecha
Leonard Pawlowski
Imogene Garner
Terry Urban
This week during our Rosary, we will pray for the following
families and their intentions:
Betty Eck, Bruce & Teresa Ellis,
Ronnie & Lesa Ellis, Dortha Ellis,
Agnes Elmy…
John & Christie Evers, Mike & Sarah Evers, Troy &
Emily Evers, Vincent & Clarice Evers, William &
Dottie Finkenhagen…
Becky Fisher, David & Linda Forys, Aleta Fowler,
Cecilia Fox, Mark & Kristy Gang…
William & Barbara Gang, Shaun & Trish Gardener,
Robert & Donna Garner, Bob & Imogene Garner,
Clifford & Michelle Garrett...
Last Week’s Offertory—-March 15, 2009
Debt Reduction:
TN Register:
Black & Ind. Miss:
Ash Wednesday:
*To date, $15, 656.01 has been paid toward our debt to the
Diocese & to Catholic Mutual Insurance.
Debt Reduction Report
Balances 3/22/09
Balance owed to diocese:
(amount past due)
$ 19,001.42
Balance owed to Cath. Mutual: $ 15,855.00
Balance owed to TN Register:
$ 9,235.75
Total past due owed today:
$ 44,092.17
($1744 collected for the Register in Feb. ‘09 has
been paid against overdue balance).
Our Nursery
Our nursery is open today for the 10:30 am Mass
and will be staffed by Kelsey Bates & Katelyn Patt.
Next Sunday (March 29) the staff will be Christina
& Dustin Robertson.
For Your Keepsakes!
We have on hand some
beautiful color sketches of
our Church which are
There is an example hanging in the back of the Church. If you
would like one, it can be obtained in the
Church office for $5. Please come by to
pick up your own lovely drawing! The
proceeds will be donated to the church by
Terry McMahan.
Thanks, Terry!!!
Golf Tournament
Sunday 3/22:
SHARE today in the school cafeteria. WhyCatholic?
session V. Please bring your book
Elementary/Jr. High CCD today 9:10 until 10 am.
Men’s softball signups start today. High school & up,
please sign on the back table!!
Adult Choir practice in the church at 6 pm (preparing for
Monday 3/23:
Lenten Communal Penance Service 7 pm.
Wednesday 3/25:
Bruce Beckman, our contact person, may be reached
Annual Ecumenical Lenten Prayer Luncheons
CYO/CCD from 7 until 8:30 pm
Friday 3/27:
Tee times are 8 am & 1 pm.
Entrance fee: $60 per person.
Lunch provided & cash prizes
to be given away!!!
There are sign-up sheets in the back.
Our Home & School is hosting a fourman scramble golf tournament to be
held at Clax Branch Golf Course on
Friday, March 27th.
Stations of the Cross at 7 pm.
Parish Lenten Penance Service
Our Communal Lenten Penance Service will be on this
Monday March 23rd at 7:00 pm.
Please make use of this great occasion to receive
God’s forgiveness and mercy!
Other Local Penance Services
3/26...Sacred Heart, Loretto
3/31...St. Catherine, Columbia
(All are at 7 pm)
Way of the Cross
Please join us at 7:00 p.m. on
all Fridays of Lent, to pray
through the “Stations of the Cross” the path Christ walked to Calvary carrying His Cross.
These remain on the schedule:
March 25: First Presbyterian Church
April 1: Immanuel Baptist Church
April 8: Calvary Hill Church of God
March, 2009 Sacred Heart School Calendar
Baptized in Water and the Holy Spirit!
March 25: Spring Book Fair begins
March 26: early dismissal for teacher inservice 1:15 pm
Jenna Claire Porter...daughter of Justin & Heather
Phillip James Niedergeses...son of Jayme & Melissa
March 27:
• Home & School Golf Tournament—Clax Branch
• Energyze Guys will present program 1 pm
Patrick Xavier Rohling...son of Flint & Brianna
Camp Marymount Announcement
March 28 & 29: Book Fair open to parishioners after all
weekend Masses.
Pro-Life Oratory Contest
The Lawrence County Chapter of Tennessee Right to Life is sponsoring an oratory contest
for grades 9-12. You must register by March 30,
2009. Speeches are to be on your choice of the following: stem cell research, abortion, euthanasia, or
infanticide. The contest will be on Saturday, April
4th at 10:30 am at the Lawrence County Courthouse. 1st place will get $50 cash; 2nd place a $50
bond . Prizes donated by F & M Bank of Loretto.
Local winners will have the chance to compete in the state & national contests for cash prizes
from $500 to $2000.
Volunteers Needed
The chaplain at Riverbend Maximum Security
Prison needs volunteers. If you can teach music or art, or visit during daytime hours on
Tuesdays, you would have a chance to work
with death-row prisoners. For details, email
[email protected]
Camp Marymount, a Catholic
overnight camp, is now accepting
camper applications for summer
2009 sessions. The camp, which
is located in Fairview (just 45
miles from Nashville), serves ages 6-16 in
three week sessions. For information or to apply,
Please call: (615) 799-0410.
Ask for Lindsey Davis, Program Director.
Men's Church League Softball.
Those are interested in playing softball (men and
teenagers—high-school & up) are invited to sign-up
in the back of the church. Please call Scott Benefield for details.
Rice Bowl Contributions
This is a reminder that the Rice Bowl collection started on Ash Wednesday & will
run through Easter.
There are Rice Bowls available on the table at the entrance of the church!
Thank you!
Liturgical Ministry Schedule for March 28 & 29, 2009
Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
Altar Servers
Katie Garrett & Juliana Campbell
Annalee Scott & Ben Evers
Garrett Brewer & Olivia Beckman
Sue Brown
Mark Harris
John P. Sercel
Dustin Robertson
Bob Augustin
Bob Garner
Teresa Held
Patrick, Rachel, & Catherine Held
Patrick Held, Sr.
Lee Beckman & Terry Henkel
Gary Rohling & James Webb
Jr. Akins & Brian Brewer
Samantha Benefield, Keith Rohling,
Debbie Scott
Reggie Picard, Robbie & Cheryl
Nursing Homes
Larry & MaryAnn Keough
Ex. Ord. Eu. Danny & Becky Patt, Lucy Santini
Mark & Rosemary Harris
Ad Space in Our Bulletin
We are selling ad space in our bulletin. This sells in packages.
“A” pkg. = 52 weeks of business card-sized ads, with 4 one-fourth page-sized ads per year for
“B” pkg.= 52 weeks of business card-sized ads for $100;
“C” pkg. = 52 weeks of one fourth page-sized ads for $250;
One-time ad for $10 (birthdays, jobs wanted, congratulations, etc.);
4 business card-sized ads in one month= 30.
If interested, please contact Scott Benefield at
766-3934 or [email protected]