Societe Generale Srbija - dobitnik dve VIRTUS


Societe Generale Srbija - dobitnik dve VIRTUS
Societe Generale Srbija dobila je dve VIRTUS nagrade na šestom konkursu namenjenom poslovnim subjektima koji su
tokom 2012. godine na najdelotvorniji, najdugoročniji i najefektniji način podržali neprofitne akcije ili organizacije od
opšteg dobra i interesa.
Banka je, već drugi put, dobila Nagradu za dugoročno partnerstvo sa neprofitnim sektorom, zahvaljujući saradnji sa
organizacijom Dostignuća mladih (Junior Achievement) koja se bavi edukacijom mladih u oblasti preduzetništva,
organizacijom MaliVeliki ljudi kojoj od 2007. godine pomaže u stvaranju uslova za bolji život socijalno ugrožene dece i
Bankom hrane koju u Srbiji podržava od samog osnivanja, 2006. godine.
Sosijete ženeral banka je dobila i nagradu za volontiranje, zahvaljujući angažovanju zaposlenih u okviru Inkluzivne
Akademije, projekta u saradnji sa Forumom mladih sa invaliditetom, čiji cilj je da osobama sa invaliditetom pomogne da
se dodatno edukuju i nađu odgovarajući posao. Ovakvoj odluci žirija je doprinela i činjenica da je tradicija volontiranja u
banci rezultirala formiranjem Kluba volontera koji već broji nekoliko desetina članova.
VIRTUS nagrade dodeljuje Balkanski fond za lokalne inicijative, u saradnji sa USAID, Institutom za održive zajednice
(ISC), Timom za socijalno uključivanje i smanjenje siromaštva Vlade Republike Srbije (SIPRU), VIA fondacijom, fondacijom braće Rokfeler (RBF), fondacijom C.S. Mott, Executive Group, eKapijom, Medija centrom Beograd, Društvom
Srbije za odnose sa javnošću, AmCham Srbiija, Gradom Beogradom i Narodnom skupštinom Republike Srbije.
Societe Generale Srbija received two VIRTUS awards at the sixth competition organized for cooperations in Serbia crowning those
that during 2012 supported non government organizations in a most efficient, most effective manner and with activities that have
the most impact on the local community.
The Bank, for the second time received the Award for Long term partnershipo between a Business Organisation and Non Profit
Organisation as a result of good collaboration with Junior Achievement for supporting additional education to students in enterpreneurial know how, MaliVeliki Ljudi for supporting better living conditions of children with special needs that SGS has been a partner
with since 2007 and finally the Food Bank that we have been supporting and working with since they were founded in Serbia in
Societe Generale Srbija received a second award for having the best volonteer program as a result of staff engagement in the
Inclusive Academy project. This project’s objective is to integrate youth with disabilities, in partnership with the Forum for Youth
with Disabilities, by providing and putting them through training programs that enable them to easier qualify for the employment
market.In addition, what facilitated the jury decision was the fact that the volonteer spirit in the Bank resulted in the formation of the
Volonteer Club counting about 40 members.
VIRTUS awards are delived by the Balkan Community Initiatives Fund for local communities, with the support of USAID, Institiute for
Sustainable Communities (ISC), Team for Social Inclusions and poverty reduction of the Republic of Serbia (SIPRU), VIA Foundation,
the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, C.S. Mott Foundation, Executive Group, eKapija, Media Center Belgrade, Serbian PR Associatoin,
AmCham Serbia, City of Belgrade and National Assebly of the RS.