Annual Report 2006 - Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation


Annual Report 2006 - Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
Annual Report 2006
Board of Directors
Nicholas J. Vogelzang, MD
Nevada Cancer Institute
M. Ann Abbe
Arlington, Texas
Ulf Jungnelius, MD
Takeda Global Research &
Mary Cosentino, Esq.
Western Springs, IL
Michael Harbut, MD, MPH
Royal Oak, Michigan
Latanyta Manuel
Canton, MI
Harvey Pass, MD
NYU School of Medicine
Susan Vento
St. Paul, Minnesota
In Memoriam
Congressman Bruce F. Vento
Science Advisory Board
Harvey Pass, MD
NYU School of Medicine
Steven Albelda, MD
University of Pennsylvania
Steve Hahn, MD
University of Pennsylvania
Raffit Hassan, MD
National Cancer Institute
Hedy Lee Kindler, MD
University of Chicago
Dan Miller, MD
Emory University
Lary A. Robinson, MD
H. Lee Moffit Cancer Center
Victor Roggli, MD
Duke University
W. Roy Smythe, MD
Texas A&M
Robert N. Taub, MD
Columbia University
Joseph R. Testa, PhD
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Dear Friends,
I am honored to be the new Chairperson of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation’s Board of
Directors. My first meso patients were in 1978 – two sisters who had been exposed to asbestos during World
War II when they were employed to build liberty ships. I enjoyed getting to know them and was immediately
struck by the possibility that genetic influences impacted on asbestos-induced malignancy. Sadly, neither
of them had much benefit from the only available drug that we had at that time, doxyrubicin.
Today, nearly 30 years later, our knowledge of mesothelioma has advanced dramatically, as have the
treatment options. Meso Foundation grants are helping advance the science in critical ways. For example,
Meso Foundation-supported researchers Dr. Joseph Testa and Dr. Deborah Altomare at Fox Chase Cancer
Center have found that the neurofibromatosis-2 gene is mutated in approximately 50% of meso patients.
Why this is etiologic for meso is unclear; but we do know that mutation of the NF2 gene leads to loss of
the NF2 protein merlin, which would normally inhibit the ERK signaling that occurs following exposure
to asbestos and leads to malignancy. One can now imagine that mutation of the neurofibromatosis
gene was the common genetic link leading to meso in the two sisters, and in many other patients. Such
detailed scientific hypotheses are now being explored by scientists worldwide, and this is very promising
for understanding the meso tumor and developing powerful new treatments to stop it.
The Foundation’s International Symposium provides these scientists the opportunity to share their results
and ideas with each other and with the patient community, and in 2006 we had our 3rd successful meeting.
For the first time, the scientific presentations were interpreted for the patients and families. Meanwhile,
the International Mesothelioma Interest Group held its meeting right next door, and the scientists enjoyed
this additional opportunity for collaborations and interactions.
Organizationally, the Foundation continues to be strengthened by the increasing numbers of patients and
families who join and support it. My goals include expanding the number of board members to include
more patients and families, and I am thrilled to have Mary Cosentino and Latanyta Manuel joining us.
We also need to bring in additional expertise in the business and marketing sector, the philanthropic
sector and the legal and medical sectors. Our medical advisory board has been strong and continues to be
ably led by Dr. Harvey Pass, one of the organization’s founders. Dr. Pass will now also serve on the Board
of Directors. Given the success of the medical advisory board, we have begun to look toward creating a
legal advisory board. Our legal colleagues have a particular interest in meso, representing many of the
families involved with the Foundation. The potent triumvirate of patients, physicians and lawyers all
focusing on finding better treatments for meso should lead to dramatic synergies not only in fundraising
but also in political action. Finally, the fundraising will translate into increased patient education and
support and will enable us to continue to build our research grant portfolio. These grants are often the
first funding that investigators receive and enable them to achieve longer-term support from the National
Cancer Institute or other institutions. A very important step for the Foundation’s research grant program
is to stimulate true clinical trials. Even though their cost is substantial, this is the only way to translate
scientific advances to patients’ bedsides, and I am confident we can do it.
There has been much progress since I first became interested in meso in 1978. We have seen the emergence
of genetic and molecular knowledge of mesothelioma, and the development of many chemotherapy agents
beyond the single drug, doxyrubicin. We now have gemcitabine, Alimta, cisplatin and hopefully soon
many other agents. The potent combination of patients, physicians and attorneys as well as philanthropic
support from business and the pharmaceutical industry has clearly captured the attention of the federal
government. The Foundation and its community of patients and families will continue to be the voice for
meso patients in this country and hopefully beyond. I am honored to be part of the family and look forward
to serving the Meso Foundation.
Eric Vallieres, MD
Swedish Cancer Institute
Claire Verschraegen, MD
University of New Mexico
Nicholas Vogelzang, MD
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
Board Chairman
New Members Join the Board of Directors
Latanyta Manuel’s fight against meso began when Andrew Manuel, her husband of 23 years, was diagnosed.
Andrew lost his battle to meso on January 23, 2004, but Latanyta continues honoring his memory by helping
raise awareness about this devastating disease. In Detroit and urban communities throughout the nation,
meso is underdiagnosed, and those patients who are diagnosed do not receive adequate information on their
treatment options. Latanyta wants to change this.
In addition to her newly added responsibilities as a member of the Meso Foundation’s Board of Directors,
Latanyta juggles motherhood and extensive involvement with her local community organizations. Latanyta
is also a dedicated supporter of education. She sits on the Board of Directors of the Detroit Urban Lutheran
School and she teaches Sunday school at her church.
Latanyta is a student at Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan, where she is pursuing a double degree in
Psychology and Biblical Studies.
As a person living with peritoneal mesothelioma, Mary Cosentino brings to the Meso Foundation Board of
Directors first-hand knowledge and thorough understanding of all the challenges that patients and their loved
ones encounter when faced with mesothelioma. She and her husband Bob also bring a positive, optimistic
attitude that meso patients and families truly can make a difference in the disease. Since 2004, Mary and her
husband Bob have been devoted Meso Foundation volunteers, financial supporters and political advocates.
For over seventeen years Mary has been a member of faculty of law at Loyola University of Chicago, where
she still teaches part-time. Last year, with the support of Professor Lawrence Singer, Director of the Beazely
Institute for Health Law, Mary developed an independent, directed-research course focusing on legal
arguments to increase meso research funding through asbestos litigation and asbestos company bankruptcies.
As part of the course, her students were able to attend the 2006 International Symposium on Malignant
Mary started her legal career in the field of health law as a member of the Legal Department of The Catholic
Health Association of the United States, the national trade association for Catholic hospitals and long term
care facilities located in St. Louis, Missouri. With experience in both health law and health policy matters,
she then joined the Chicago law firm of Gardner, Carton and Douglas and later served as General Counsel to
St. Joseph Hospital and Health Care Center in Chicago.
Dr. Harvey Pass is recognized both by his patients and by the international medical/scientific community as
a visionary leader in meso research and treatment. He has unique passion for meso medicine, from very basic
laboratory research all the way through treating patients at their bedsides, and everything in between.
Dr. Pass is Professor of Surgery and Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery and Thoracic Oncology at NYU School
of Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center. He has studied pleural mesothelioma since 1988; first as
Head of Thoracic Oncology and Senior Investigator of the Surgery Branch of the National Cancer Institute in
Bethesda and then as Head of Thoracic Oncology at the Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit. In 2005, he
co-edited Malignant Mesothelioma, the leading research clinical textbook on the disease.
While Dr. Pass is new to the Board of Directors, he has served the Foundation since its start in 1999, as Chair
of the Science Advisory Board. He has helped design and develop the Foundation’s research grants program,
helped allocate through that program over $4 million towards critically-needed meso research, co-chaired
the Foundation’s annual Symposium, and tirelessly lobbied U.S. Senators, the NCI, and the country’s largest
corporations to make a greater commitment to meso research.
Serving on the Board of Directors will create an even greater opportunity for Dr. Pass to apply his zeal for
meso patients, and his expert vision for meso research, to the Foundation’s strategic agenda. We expect a
major impact in all three of the Foundation’s program areas – directly funding the most important new
meso research, educating and supporting meso patients and families, and pushing the federal government to
develop a comprehensive and effective meso research program.
The Foundation’s Work
Our Mission
The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation is the national nonprofit collaboration of researchers, physicians, advocates, patients
and families dedicated to eradicating mesothelioma (meso) as a life-ending disease. We believe meso can be cured. We believe the
resources to support the necessary medical research are available, especially given the human toll of suffering the disease causes, the
compassion and energy of the meso community, the moral, legal and economic aspects of asbestos, and the benefits of meso research
to the entire cancer research field. We seek to marshal these resources and utilize them responsibly, as effectively as possible and with
financial transparency to:
• Fund the highest quality and most promising meso research projects from around the world through our rigorous peer-review
• Offer sincere support to patients and families by educating them on the disease, helping them to obtain the most up-to-date
information on treatment options and connect with meso treatment specialists, and providing them emotional support and
community with others; and
• Raise awareness of meso and advocate that the federal government partner in the effort to cure it by directing an appropriate
percentage of our society’s resources to the medical research needed to stop this national tragedy.
2006 Program Highlights
In 2006, we saw the momentum of meso research and treatment continue to increase. Meso investigators reported significant new
understandings of the tumor cell’s biology, surgical and drug treatment protocols advanced, a number of clinical trials progressed
– including the second largest clinical trial ever in meso (SAHA), and important work was completed on meso biomarkers. In fact, as of
this writing, the first meso biomarker, MesoMark, has just received FDA approval in the U.S! (See insert.)
This great progress was reflected in the success of our 2006 round of grants. We received 33 high quality applications (the most ever),
and from these awarded grants to ten excellent new projects. This marks the third year in a row that we have awarded approximately
a million dollars of research funding. This substantial, consistent funding for meso is motivating brilliant researchers to invest their
careers in meso, and is driving the field forward. At the International Mesothelioma Interest Group’s scientific meeting in October (held
in tandem with the Foundation’s International Symposium), most of the posters and abstracts on new research projects were presented
by Foundation-funded investigators. We must continue this funding, and expand it to support larger projects, including clinical trials.
Patient Education and Support
The 2006 International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma was the most successful yet. With the most patients ever, 32, and
170 registrants total, it offered critical patient education about the disease and developing treatments; it also included a strong call to
advocacy, and was moving, unity-building, and even at times fun.
Last year we unveiled our new website, redesigned to more easily and effectively give meso patients and families the latest and most
relevant information about the disease, offer hope and support, and unite the meso community. Almost 400 individuals have now joined
the website’s “meso community” which offers important tools including a document archive and bulletin board – where patients and
families are exchanging information and supporting each other.
Personal contact is the heart of our patient education program, and in 2006 we communicated directly by phone or email with
approximately 600 patients or their family members to provide names of meso medical experts, detailed information on treatment
options, or even just a listening ear. Our reward for these efforts is stories like that of peritoneal patient David K. Two years ago, David
spoke with Patient Advocacy Director Jill Wayne, telling her that his meso had progressed into both his lungs, and that his doctor said he
was inoperable and the prognosis was just weeks to months. Jill recommended he see peritoneal expert Dr. Robert Taub. Today, David’s
lungs have been successfully treated, and he just told Jill that he is about to undergo Dr. Taub’s extensive, and potentially curative,
peritoneal treatment protocol!
Advocating for a serious federal commitment to meso research funding became an even larger Foundation priority in 2006. In May,
Executive Director Chris Hahn testified before the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. Chris asked that meso be included
among the diseases eligible for research funding from the Department of Defense’s $45M Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program.
Following an all-out blitz by Foundation researchers, clinicians and grass-roots volunteers, a group of influential Senators backed Chris’
request, and the Subcommittee included it in the 2007 budget bills report language. Also included was a second year of funding to
NIOSH to continue the meso registry and tissue bank instituted as a result of the Foundation’s efforts in 2005. Unfortunately, Congress
failed to pass the 2007 budget bill before the 2006 term ended. This very unusual political event left the report language in limbo, so we
are continuing to work aggressively to have our language included in the appropriate 2007 funding bill.
The credibility the Foundation has gained in Washington D.C. was powerfully demonstrated when the number two ranking Democrat,
Senator Dick Durbin, spoke movingly about his commitment to the meso community at the 2006 Symposium’s keynote lunch. Senator
Harry Reid, who spoke at the first Symposium and has been a strong friend of the meso community for several years, is now the
ranking head of the Senate. Senator Durbin is number two. Washington Senator Patty Murray, who for years has been the most vocal
federal leader on the need to ban asbestos and provide adequate research funding for meso and other asbestos-related diseases, will be
aggressively pushing her bill in 2007. We are in the strongest advocacy position for meso ever, and there is much to do!
2006 Fundraising Highlights
The Foundation is generously supported by meso patients and their families and loved ones who have invested in the search for a cure,
as well as law firms, drug companies, and companies formerly involved with asbestos, all of whom have joined in the common mission
of curing the disease.
2006 was our most successful fundraising year ever, as we received contributions of $2,212,709. Of this, $228,846 came from the annual
research funding appeal. This enabled us to award three extra grants on top of the seven for which we were originally budgeted.
Attorneys representing meso patients and families made up our largest category of donors, contributing 33% of our total donations by
dollar amount. The SimmonsCooper law firm continued to lead by example, donating almost $500,000 over the year. A number of other
law firms also donated significant amounts, including several firms which are new donors. It is encouraging that the list of firms “giving
back” and advocating for what patients need most – a cure, continues to grow.
Right at year end we received a large, and somewhat unexpected, payment of $432,000 from Owens Corning. This represents OC’s postasbestos bankruptcy pay-out on the $900,000 over-five-years pledge it made to the Foundation in 2000. We believe this is the largest
contribution in U.S. history by an asbestos defendant aimed at asbestos disease medical research! Another company formerly involved
with asbestos, Owens Illinois, continued its consistent support of the Foundation with a $30,000 gift. Clearly, supporting research
through the Foundation to cure the problem is a nonpartisan effort that is in everyone’s best interest.
We received another “first-of-its-kind” gift in 2006, when the trustees of the Rutland bankruptcy trust, which was established to pay
asbestos claimants, designated the Foundation to receive all excess funds left after all claimants had been identified and paid. As a
result we received $137,780. In this way, the trustees served the ultimate interests of all claimants, whose first priority is successful
treatment. They also set a concrete precedent for the Foundation’s vision that asbestos bankruptcies – with their billions in assets, and
tens of millions in attorneys’ fees and other administrative costs – are a natural source of funding to cure the fundamental problem,
asbestos disease itself.
A full 65% of our donors gave in memory of a loved one or friend lost to meso. These gifts ranged from $100,000 and $50,000 gifts to
almost a thousand gifts under $500, and constituted 26% of our total contributions by dollar amount. These memorial gifts testify to the
loss meso inflicts in our society, and the moving commitment of those who have experienced grave personal loss to help cure the disease
for the sake of others.
18% of our gifts, 5% by dollar amount, came directly from meso patients themselves or in honor of a meso patient. We are honored and
inspired that meso patients and their friends and loved ones entrust us with their gifts as an investment in their own future.
Volunteer events increased from nine in 2005 to 25 in 2006, and raised over $125,000. Patients, family members and friends are finding
all kinds of ways to raise awareness and raise funds for research.
For 2006, Charity Navigator awarded the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation four out of a possible four stars. In earning
Charity Navigator’s highest rating, the Meso Foundation has demonstrated exceptional financial health, outperforming most of its peers
in its efforts to manage and grow its finances in the most fiscally responsible way possible.
2006 Grant Recipients
Dr. Bin Liu, University of California San Francisco
Establishing the molecular identity of a panel of internalizing mesothelioma cell surface antigens.
Dr. Deborah Altomare, Fox Chase Cancer Center
Combinatorial Targeting of Signaling Pathways that are Frequently Implicated in Malignant Mesothelioma
Dr. Alla Ivanova, New York University, School of Medicine
Mechanisms of innate drug sensitivity in malignant pleural mesotheliomas
Dr. Brooke Mossman, University of Vermont & State Agricultural College
Nanoporous Spheres for Chemotherapeutic Drug Delivery in Mesothelioma Patients
Dr. Courtney Broaddus, University of California, San Francisco
The use of novel mesothelioma-specific antibodies for diagnostic and therapeutic preclinical studies.
Dr. Stephen Levin, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Serum Specimen Identification and Mortality Experience Update among Asbestos Insulators for Validation of
Mesothelioma Biomarkers.
Dr. Lee Krug, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
WT-1 Analog Peptide Vaccine in Patients with Malignant Mesothelioma
Dr. Faris Farassati, University of Minnesota Medical School
Silencing Mesothelin: A Novel Approach for Treatment of Mesothelioma
Dr. Guang-Hui Xiao, Fox Chase Cancer Center
Adenovirus-mediated NK4 gene therapy for malignant mesothelioma
Dr. Anil Wali, Wayne State University/Karmanos Cancer Institute
The Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway in Mesothelioma
Research Funding By Year
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Statement of Financial Activity
Year ending December 31, 2006
Public Support and Other Income
Annual Appeal
2005 †
2006 ††
Volunteer Events
Investment Gain & Income
General Contributions
Symposium Registrations
Grant Funding
Education, Support, & Awareness
Activities & Materials
Symposium †††
2005 financial figures are from the Foundation’s audited financial statement.
2006 financial figures are not yet audited. Once available the 2006 audited financial statement will be posted on the Foundation’s website.
††† Two-thirds of Symposium expenses are allocated to advancing meso research, and one-third to educating patients/family and community physicians.
Donors By Percent of Total Dollar Amount
Plaintiff Law Firms
Defendant Corporations
Fundraising By Year
Pharmaceutical Companies
Bankruptcy Trust
Gifts Made In Memory
Michael Abbott
William Abela
Edward Joseph Albarado
Louis Allen
Lynne Allgaier
Gary Anderson
James Andrews
Paul Antonucci
Edgar Mac Arrowood
Elmer Asturino
Barbara Auslander
James Bailey
Rudy Barber
Jerry Barlow
Clyde Barnhart
John Bassett
Elwyn Bean
Herbert Becker
Gerald Bender
Sidney Berger
Tony Bergin
Victor Besosa
David Betzner
John Bigogno
Albert Black
Dale Blackburn
Richard Bloch
Sterling Blumberg
Donald Borzych
John L. Bosko
Carolyn Boswell
Lee Brackett
Jerome Braun
James Brent
Brenda Bright
Dennis Buege
Thomas Burnette
William Burns
Tony Buszinski
Bruce Cairns
Ralph Ted Call
Frank Carter
Joseph Chamides
Benjamin Chapman
Durjoy Chaudhuri
Ramona Christiano
Elizabeth Clancy
Edward Clark
Robert Clark
William Clark
David Clem
Mark Coffey
Carl Conway
Mike Cook
Virgil Cotton
Frank Cowperthwaite
John Crable
Cullen Crews
David Culp
Gary Dale
Marvin Dash
Jack Davis
John Davis
Armine Dedekian
Lewis Deets
Ernest Derendinger
Tom Dexter
Daniel Dicken
David Donovan
Robert Dove
Donald Drake
Alfred Drexler
Merlon Dukes
Leon Dumstorff
Ralph Dunlap
Joseph Dwyer
John Dybis
Alvin Ehrig
Grady Eidson
Arnold Eudy
Tony Facono
Manuel Fernandez
Barry Fischer
John Foy Fischer
Michal Evans Flach
Jay Fleckner
Kenneth Fordyce
Maurice Fortin
James Foster
Arthur Fraser
Joseph Frazier
James Frost
Joel Fuerstenau
Aloys Billy Fuhrmann
Daniel Garshman
Louis Geijer
Robert Gelow
Gene Genola
Judith Gerke
John Giannini
Lys Gionfriddo
David Gleason
Cristina Gomez
Jerome Goodyear
Lowell Green
Charles Gregory
Kenley Groce
Nikilaus Guy
Karla Haber
Arline Hall
Todd Hall
James Fredric Ham
Bernard Harahan
Lee Hartnek
Brian Harvey
Albert Hassall
Carl Bud Hatley
Jeffrey Hayes
Roseanna Henchar
Greg Hirsch
Maria Holban
Jack Holmes
June Holmes
Robert Roy Hornblower
Gary Horne
Karla Horne
Lois Hove
Michael Hudac
Andy Hudak Jr.
Anthony Iacono
Angela Iacoretti
Donald Janak
Dennis Janisse
Kazys Jasinskas
Eleanor Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Lloyd Johnson
Melinda Jones
Vickie Jones
Charles Jounakos
Mildred Kaplan
Martin Keane
E. Conrad Keidatz
Harry Keith
Pat Kelm
Harold Kern
Helen Kerr
Frank Kidrick
Moscoe King
Willie Klapperick
Pat Klemz
Robert Kline
Charles Kosidowski
Jim Kozak
Barbara Kramer
Ray Kuehn
Stanley Kulick
Norman Kulig
Van Lacey
George Lachapelle
Nelson Russell Lachapelle
Charles Largent
Raymond Laubenstein
Susan Lawes
Jean Sandon Leedy
William Leffler
Nancy Lemkin
Wayne Leslie
Paul Lewis
Eugene Light
George Lindquist
Larry Lohr
Joseph Lombardo
Richard Heath Long
Ivan Looker
John Lund
James Madon
Cynthia Malara
Carol Malone
Benjamin Maniscalco
Andrew Manuel
Margaret Marani
Geoffrey Marshall
Larry Marzullo
Norman Mass
Howard May
Terrence McCann
John Jack McCarthy
John McCormack
George McDowell
Harry McDowell
Jack McElmurry
Michael McGuire
David McKenzie
Tim McNeillie
Austin Melton
Mike Melton
Barbara Meyer
Beth Miller
Mike Miller
Robert Millimaki
Gerald Mills
Adam Mintz
Fred Mirante
William Lee Monk
Frank Chick Moscato
Samuel Moses
Marty Mullis
Vincent Mulroney
George Murdoch
George Murphy
Terence Murphy
Melvin Murray
Donald Myers
Deborah Mynatt
Donald Nord
Richard O’Heir
Floyd Paaso
Stephanie Pagano
Gene Pagnac
Carl Panozzo
Teddie Pate
Ronald Patrick
Sylvester Patrick
Lynn Payton
Joseph Pecukonis
Thomas Pellerin
Ronald Pelzel
William Pennington
Gonzalo Perez
Frederick Perise
Bill Perri
George Pfeil
Sandra Phares
Ronald Pitney
Harry Pleczynski
Daniel Pollard
Gregory Porchetta
William Powell
Laura Powers
James Prag
Robert Price
Maynard Joseph Prock
Robert Pullin
Richard Pusty
Arthur Reed
Julius Mel Reich
Alan Reinstein
Joe Rendelman
Scott Reno
Alex Renow
Jack Reynolds
Robert Rice
Raymond Rikkola
Frederick Ritzer
Linda Lee Ross
Jim Roys
William Rundle
John Russo
Gordon Rutland
Bill Saffels
Dave Salisbury
William Saller
Belle Saltzman
Oliver Sandahl
Amanda Nicole Satterfield
Clifford Schaack
Duane Schmidt
Johannes Schols
Sigfried Scholz
Sandra Schulze
Kathleen Semenic
Edward Silva
Romualdo Silva
Ronald Silva
Salvatore Silvestro
Ron Simkins
Harold Skidds
Ruth Ann Skinner
Bruce Slavinski
Richard Smalley
Barry Smith
Joan Solari
Elizabeth Sorenson
Engle Southard
Leonard Spanier
Michael Steckler
Richard Steigerwald
John Sterling
LCDR Finlay James Stewart
William Stibitz
Chris Stoeckler
Lloyd Pat Stoik
Allen Sudduth
W. Timothy Sullivan
Don Surnbrock
Richard Swenson
William Tausz
Charles Fred Taylor
Delmar Tesserau
Torwald Thomasen
Robert Thurber
Rodger Tindall
Ronald Trainer
Joseph Trocki
Malcom Tucker
Raymond Turckes
Juan Vallejo
Bert Vandermar
Bruce Vento
Robert Vickman
Otis Vigen
Virginia Voegle
John van der Vyver
Richard Walmach
David Watters
Joseph Weidner
Joyce Weiss
Christiane Westlake
Glenna Whinery
Frank A. White
Carl Whitman
David Whitney
Maurine Willis
Donald Wilsterman
William Curtis Worrell
David ‘Punch’ Worthington
Walter Wozniak
Norman Yeamans
Philip Yelin
Raymond Zellner
Warren Zevon
John Zipper
Walter Zukowski
Henry Zurman
Caroline Zylka-Parisi
Marilyn Lass
Sandy Linden
Franz Losch
Cynthia Malara
Carol Malone
John McNamara
Joseph Medeiros
Marina Mintz
Mira Miller
Richard O’Heir
Stephanie Pagano
Charles Palmore
Ronald Patrick
Todd Plummer
Daniel Pollard
Adrian H. Post
Carl Roca
Willie Rodgers, Jr.
Chris Stoeckler
Ruth Thom
Robert Thurber
Robert Treggett
Liz Van Zandt
Juan Vallejo
Heather Von James
Edward Walkow
David Whitney
Bret Williams
Mary Jane Williams
Gifts Made In Honor
Doug Allison
Jerry Barlow
Albert Bercher
Caroline Bercher
Joe Berger
Krista Berggren
Lisa Bonchonsky
Klaus Brauch
June Breit
Ken Brownfield
Wally Bunyea
Brian Chamides
Mary Jean Connelly
John Convertino
Mary Cosentino
Michael Culmer
Jennifer Dawson
Cornelis De Jong
Ron Diana
Mary Donahue
James Frost
Ralph Gragg
Julie Gundlach
Robert Guptill
Donald Hardy
Mary Hessdorffer
Karen Jesensky
Lloyd Johnson
Vickie Jones
Harry Krause
Craig Kozicki
Charles Largent
Donors 2006
$200,000 - $500,000
Owens Corning Corp.
$100,000 - 199,999
Rutland Fire Clay Co.
Sigrid Brueggemann
$50,000 - $99,999
Roger Worthington, Esq.
Estate of Judith Gerke
The Richard and Sandra Schulze
Family Fund
$10,000 - $49,999
Caroselli, Beachler, McTiernan &
Conboy, LLC
Mary and Robert Cosentino
Early, Ludwick, Sweeney & Strauss
Rolfe Forland
Debbie Fuerstenau and Family
Leonette Giannini
Goldberg, Persky & White, P.C.
Barbara Hoffacker
Elaine Holmes
Kazan, McClain, Abrams,
Lyons & Farrise
Waters & Kraus, L.L.P.
Eli Lilly & Company
Owens-Illinois, Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Scott Monk
Jean and James Rion
Donna Saller
Kirsten Silva
Peggy Sterling
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc.
Linda and Robert Treggett
Irene Turckes
Maria Vallejo
Nicholas Vogelzang, Esq.
Jim Whinery
5K Walk for Hope
$5,000 - $9,999
Marcia Abbott
Doug Allison
Sara Biddle
Bilbrey & Hylla, P.C.
Bonnie Burke
Mary and Sean Donohue
Doris Dukes
Sarah Kaplan
Mazur & Kittel, PLLC
Carol Melton
Cheryl Mueller
Law Offices of Peter T. Nicholl
The Pleczynski Foundation
Marilyn Porchetta
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender PS
Janet Simkins
Nancy Tegeder & Ronald Astbury
Hannelore Tucker
$1,000 - $4,999
Rebecca Albarado
Michael and Sabrina Armitage
Judith and Joe Berger
Bevan & Associates, LPA
Joan Blumberg
Richard and Elizabeth Burton
Carmir Properties, LLC
Law Office of Victor M. Carrera, P.C.
Joan Crable
Daymarc Foundation
Mary Dearing
Angie Deets
Debra Dicken
Catherine Donovan
Patricia Dybis
First Brunswick Mortgage
Gail Geijer
Grace Goodnite
Goshen General Hospital
Harvit & Schwartz, LC
Carol Hayes
Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos
Workers, #17
Lorna Hooper
Judith Hudak
Cindy Jesso Larry Lohr
John Giannini
Mae Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Dorothy Jordan
Daniel Klein
Judy Kosidowski
Shelly Kozicki
Linda Kunz
Rosie Lacey
Lansing Division Michigan Chapter N.E.C.A.
Franz and Maria Losch
Joseph Losch
Latanyta Manuel
John McNamara Fight for Lives
Marlene Mirante
Sue Monk and Family
Karen Morris
Norine Mullins
Carla Myerson and Robert James
Jacquelyn Paaso
Stephanie Pagano
Rosemary and Ronald Patrick
Olive Pellerin & Family
Helen Pitney
Vera Reynolds
The Grover Hermann Foundation
Evelyn and Carl Roca
Dana Rutland
Estate of Bill Saffels
David Sorenson
Time Warner Employee
Grant Programs
University of Missouri-Columbia
Faith Vandermar
Marjorie Whinery
Lynn Williams
Mary Jane and Loring Williams
$500 - $999
Ann Abbe
Ammie Archer
Baron & Budd, P.C.
Pam Becker
Theresa Bosko
Branch Banking & Trust Company
Janice and Ray Bright
Cars 4 Causes
Central Jersey Street Hockey Assoc.
Lori Coghlan
Beth and Harold Commander
Bibis and Dave Consalvi
Andrea Conway
Loretta and Robert Cooney
Denise and Robert Dangremond
Marcia Dedekian
James Delahanty
Doran & Murphy, LLP
Kimberly Duchossois
Alice Dumstorff & Family
Shirley Eidson
Kendra Ferreira
Patricia and Charles Finkenbine
The Family of Aloys “Billy” Fuhrmann
Charlene and David Geffen
Joseph Gionfriddo
Lisa and Robert Glosson
Goldenberg, Miller, Heller &
Antognoli, P.C.
Linda and Donald Gray
Christopher Hahn
Laura Harbut
Higgins Family Foundation
Constance Hoogerland
James Hopkinson
Terry Huchton
Chris Hudac
Mark Hudac
Friends and Co-Workers of Jeff Hayes
Pasquinelli Homes, LLC
Robert Jones
Evelyndale Kern
John Koch
M.T. Konet
Roberta Kuehn
Estate of Nelson Russell Lachapelle
Verda Mae Lewis
Julie Lickteig
Richard Long
M Booth & Associates, Inc.
Raymond Madden
Madden Funds Management, LTD
Alexandra Mammes
Marjorie McCoy
Kathy McCray Walker
Linda McDowell
Lori Mealer
Merck Partnership for Giving
Jan and Steve Miller
Steven Miller
Joan Millimaki
Donna Papa
Christine Pate and Family
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local No. 11
Daniel Praino
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Amy and James Reardon
Melissa Risk
Pamela Rodgers
Joseph Roti Roti
Kimberly Schmidt
Henry Shatkin
Sieben Polk LaVerdiere & Dusich
Total Petrochemicals USA, Inc.
Thelma Van der Vyver
Anne, James and Taylor Van Dyke
Susan Vento
Patricia Vickman
Josephine and John Wendler
$100 - $499
Anne Aaberg
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving
Debra and David Acker
Lodema Adams
Ahrens Greenhouse, Inc.
AIG Matching Grants Program
Allegheny North Veterinary Hospital
Bonnie and Bryan Allem
David, Rachel and Caitlin Allgaier
Allodi Family Foundation
Thomas Almond
Amaranth Group Inc.
Denise Ambre
American Express Gift Matching Program
Bonnie and John Anderson
Carole and Charles Anderson
Diane Anderson
Joan and David Anderson
Rose Anderson
Andia Telecom
Jan and Wayne Andresen
Claire Andrews
Barbara Apking
Sam Armato
Kathleen and Andrew Aromando
Asbestos Workers Local No. 2
Dolores Asturino
Linda and Rod Ausmus
Paul Auten
Barbara and Todd Bachman
Ruth and Dale Bachman
Susan Bailey
Audrey and Frank Baker
Jackie and Bruce Ball
Roberta Bannister
Mariana Barajas
Julie and Richard Barber
Bargain Network, Inc.
Annette Barlow
Mary and Jose Bartolo
Clarice and John Batt
Bay Area Association of SMACNA Chapters,
Beach Mortgage of NC, Inc.
Yancey Beamer
Virginia Bean
Mary Beaubien
Susan and Mark Becker
Terry Becker
Valerie and Ronald Bedoe
Cheryl and Thomas Behan
Susyn Berger and Barry Jacobs
Peggy Bergin
Mary Bergmann
Myra and Art Berman
Nancy and Allan Bernard
Hedy Bextine
Carol, Gary, Jennifer and Emil Beyer
Mary Bjork
Raye Black
Christopher Blanc
Susan and Paul Blease
John Bledsoe
Maryann Bloch
Bob King Buick-Pontiac-GMC, Inc.
Janette and Clay Bollinger
Maureen and Donald Bonistalli
Robert Borzych
Heather and Matthew Bosko
Justin Bosl
Dean Boswell
Deborah Bott
Dan Botti
William Boyer
Virginia Brackett
Heidi and Jeff Bradley
Marcia Bradley and William Hembel
Connie and Ron Brasel
Brayton Purcell
Betty Breit
Faculty and Staff Barbara Brennan School of
Leslie and Marvin Brittman
Courtney Broaddus UCSF
Bernadette and Tim Broccolo
Nora and John Brown
Patricia and Ronnie Brown
Brown University Medical School
Catherine Buege
Jennifer Buell
Shawn and Christine Bullock
Anne Burbine
Judith Burcar
Elizabeth and John Burgee
Doris and David Burns
Jess & Harumi Burns
Rosemary and John Bury
Nancy Buszinski
William Buszinski
Patti Butler
James Byrnes
Marilyn and Thomas Cahill
Craig and Laurie Canedy
Susan Canon
Capitol Insurance Group
Virginia Cappelli
Madge Carlson
Jeff Carpenter
Stephen Castellarin
Lynn and Chad Castro
Jerry, Chris and Jeana Ceglia
Margaret and Pat Ceglia
Joyce Cerbasi
Joseph Cerne
Rosemarie Cerundolo
Subhas Chakrabarty
Grace Chamides
Champion Resort Maintenance
Charles Lambert
Frank Childers
Betty Chlysta and Family
Julie Christ
Carol and Joseph Clark
Cheryl Clark
Grace Clark
Mary Joan Class
Judy Clem
Margo and Mike Clements
CMC Claims Management Services, LLC
James Coble
Ann and Michael Coffey
Peter Cohen
Rose Coletti
Collector’s Corner
Jaime Collins
Julie and Kevin Collins
Brian Connelly
Connelly Electric Co.
Sabrina and James Connolly
Carol Consalvi
Mae Consalvi
Mary and Richard Consalvi
Amy and Tom Cook
Lexine and Steven Cook
Matthew Cooper
Debbie and Tom Corcoran
Nancy Corser
Joe Cosentino Family
Marcia and Bernie Coski
James and Catherine Costello
Kathleen Costello
Cheryl Cotton
Jonathan Couch
Roberta and Arnold Coven
Jennifer Cribb
Kim and Tom Croisant
Donors 2006
John Cryer lll
Teresa and Brian Cullen
Beverly Culp
Daniel Culver
Jeanne and Gary Cunningham
Mary and Joseph Cushing
August Cwik
Keith Czepiel
Janice and Michael DaPrato
Fran Dash and Family
Barbara Davis
Deborah and Patrick Davis
Laura and Brian Davis
Paul Davis
Anna and Anthony De Felice
Jean and Joseph Deasy
The DeHuff Family
Johnnie Deloach
Ken Dennett
Tearesa Derendinger
Brian Derrer
Kimberly deSoto
Bonnie Diana
Karen and David Dille
Barbara and Thomas Dillon
Mary and Daniel Dillon
Dominion Foundation Matching Gift Program
Mae Doubek
Robert Doubek
Mary Dougherty
Anne Doyle
Charlene Drake
Gregory Dray
Marian and Paul Drolsom
Natalie and Patrick Dumstorff
Maureen and Terrence Dunne
Daniel Durkin
Joseph Dwyer
Mary Dwyer
Thomas Dwyer
Jack Dybis
Marguerite Dyer
E. J. Mullins Company
Deborah and Scott Early
Betty Echerd
Edwards Family
Beth Eggert
Irene Eichel
Terry and Gary Einig
Lori Enloe
N.B Epstein
Bridget and David Erfort
Celeste Eshenwald
Anne Etter
Koren Evans
Louise and Frank Fargo
Susanna Ferebee
The Finkelsteins
Jaclyn Fischer
Bridget and Michael Flaherty
Trish Flaherty
Linda and Christopher Ford
Martin Foreman
Priscilla Fortin
James Fox
Arthur Frank, MD, PhD
Janet Fraser
Joan Frazier
Fred J. Bastie & Associates
Nadia and Ray Freed
Donna Frey
Nancy and Gregory Fritz
Jacqueline and David Froberg
William Frost
Roy E. Frost and Roy A. Frost
Andrew Gagliardo
Pamela Garnick
Gatlin Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Karen and Frank Gaudio
Gail Geijer
Louis Geijer
Ruthe Gelow
Karen and John Giacopelli
Cynthia and Richard Giannini
Kelli and Shane Gilbert
Maleah and Trent Gilles
Mary and Joseph Gillis & Family
Amy Glass
Janet Gleason
Jill Golde
Shelli Golden
Betty and Stanley Golebiewski
David Golebiewski
Lisa & Christopher Golebiewski
Michael Golebiewski
Michelle & Todd Golebiewski
Tracy & Mark Golebiewski
Lorie and Steven Golich
Teresa Gomez
Sally Goodyear
Marguerite and Thomas Gordy
Jeanne Gorman
Jill Gould
GPL Investments
Lisa Grabowski
Carol Grasha
The Gravestar Foundation
Richard Green
Shawn Green
Angela Greenberg
Adriane and Benjamin Greenberg
Barbara and Larry Greenfield
Ted Griffin
Albert and Lucy Guerra
Tracey Guthrie
Anne and Thomas Hagood
Beverly Haig
William Hall and Carla Hatley
YE Hall, Jr.
Erica and John Hamill
Jeannie and Thomas Hamilton
Mary Hamilton and Irvin White
Harry Handlin
Jill and Bernard Hanley
Molly and Kevin Hanley
Suzanne Hanley
Virginia and Marvin Hansen
Nancy and David Hanson
Paulette and Robert Harnach
Timothy Harrigan
Barbara Harris
Gerald and M.J. Harris
Mary and Brian Hart
Stephanie and Robert Hart
Kay and Michael Hartmann
Patricia Hatley
Mary and Mark Havard
Monica and Roger Haverkamp
Gary Hayden
Health Care Suppliers, Inc.
Heat & Frost Insulators Asbestos Workers
Local #49
Alan Heine
Kathy and James Helget
Sharon and Keith Helsby
Paul Henderson
Gloria Henn
Janette and Mark High
Mary Ann and Ron Hill
John Hiller
Norma and William Hindman
David Hines
Ann Hirsch
Jeanne Hirth and Tom Kluesenor
Lisa and Paul Hjulberg
Maureen and Gene Hochberg
Daniel Hodgman
Margot Hodgson
Frederic Hogan
Leslie Holloway and Al Surink
Marcia and Kevin Horan
Patricia Hornblower
Colleen and John Horrigan
Karen and William Hosticka
Catherine and Neal Houcek
Walter Houghtaling
Houston Wire & Cable Company
Agnes Hudac
Darlene and Gerald Hudac
Janis and Lad Hudac
Nancy and David Hudac
Peg and Pete Hudac
JoAnne and Jim Huff
Susan Humphres
Elaine and C. William Hunt
Margaret Hunt
Hunt Management Incorporated
Robert Ingraham
International Association of Heat & Frost
Insulators and Asbestos Workers
International Brotherhood of Electrical
Kim Izzarelli and Gary Tannenbaum
Renette Janak
Linda Janisse
Aldona Jasinskas
Jefferson Staff
Arnold Joffe
Maureen and William Johnson
Diane Jones
Sophia Jounakos
Barbara Kaiser
Sarah and Gary Kaplan
Jill Kaplan and Mackenzie Trenk
Joan and Stephen Karsay
Betty Kase
Carol Kase
Richard Kassin
Jennifer and Edward Kaufman
Dawn Keagy
Lainy and Marty Keller
Michael Kelly
Kelty Lawn Care, Inc.
Pamela and Mark Kendall
Tom Kestranek
Elaine and James Kingham
Lynda Kirby
Suzanne Kisbye
Ladonna Klapperick
Laura Klee
Carol and Marty Klein
Eric Klein
Rebecca Kline
Deborah Knecht
Robert Kohn
Sarah and Tom Kolar
Iris and Ron Kovarsky
Joel Kowalski
Paula and Dennis Krauss
Lori and Brad Krei
Dennis Kroll
Bill Kruchko
Tami and Todd Krzyskowski
Peter Kucharski
Becky LaBlanc-Willis
Cynthia Lancaster
Diane Landosky
Eleanor and Anthony Lascola & Family
Ina Lavin
Bonnie LeBrun
Phyllis and Larry Lee
John Lehr
R.M. Lemoine
Jennifer Lewicki
Lewis Architectural Services, PC
Catherine Light-Holmes
John Linden
Ellen and Brian Liston
Charlene and George Locasto
Loffredo Brooks Architects, PC
Janet Lombardi
Loyola University Employee’s Federal Credit
Frances Lund
Barbara and Leonard Lundy
Joan Luning
Shannon and Douglas Luzecky
Lynch Dental Center Partnership
Karen and Steve Lyons
Sarah Lytwyn
Kathleen and Kenneth Maciolek
Mary Ann and Ken Macvey
Dorothy Madden
James Maddock
Niamh and Philip Maddock
Jeanne Madon
Carol and J.L. Maginn
Majestic Pools & Landscape
Catherine Malara
Patricia and James Maley
Malibu Textiles, Inc.
Richard Malley
Steve Maltz
Marisa Maniscalco
Sam Marchese
Laura and Brad Marion
Mark J. Walsh & Co.
Sharon Marks
Heather and Nicholas Marshall
Julia Marshall
Beth and Jeff Maserang
John Mathias Piccerelli, Gilstein & Company
Nathalie Mattson
Mary and John Mavero
Terrie and James McAmis
Karen and Stephen McCarthy
James McCartney
Ruthann and Thomas McCarty
Anne McConnell
Jerry McCorkle
Mary McCormack
McCue & Husband Law Firm
January and Brett McCulloch
Jack McElmurry
The McGowans
Rita McGuire
Anne and Michael McKeon
J.H. McKerring
Jane and Joseph Medeiros
Christine and Peter Melchert
Glenna and Jerry Metzler
Marla Meyer
Robin Meyerhoff
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mike Middleton
Diane Miletto
Lucy and Tony Miller
Lisa Miller and Robert Schumacher
Joann Mirante
Kathleen Mirante
Sharon Mirante
Teresa Mirante
Geralyn Mirante Marley
Robert Misen Family
Larry Moore
Rosemary and Renzo Mori
Catherine and Frank Moroni
Frances Moscato
Donna and Morton Moss
Wanda and Roger Mozingo
Robert Mullin
Lynn Mullis
Jean Mulroney & Family
Kathleen Murphy
Mark Murphy
Shawn Murphy Hitchcock
Denise Murray
Jacqueline and Thomas Murray
Jean and Robert Murray
Joe Murray
Patricia Murray
Smithmoore Myers
Kenneth Nash
Roseanne and Gordon Nash
Betsy and Bob Nelson
New Life Baptist Church Shop, Inc.
Bruce and Amy Noble
Jacqueline and Walter Norton
Chari and Robert Nyberg
Mary and Erwin Oberg
Therese and William O’Brien
Mary and John O’connor
Hugh O’Connor
Friends of Manuel Fernandez
Sandra O’Heir
Tracy O’Heir
Jan and Len O’kray
Donald and Lynne Olson
Linda and Francis Olson
Bradley and Sandra O’Neill
Margaret and Daniel Otton
Chris Pagano
Jacqueline and Joseph Pagano
Lynne and Paul Pagano
Meaghan Pagano Rockin for a Cure
S. J. Pagano
Sal Pagano Waterworks, Inc.
Pamela Paine
Genevieve Palczynski
Cheryl Park
Sharon and Tom Partch
Pate Construction Co., Inc.
Ann Patrick
Thomas Patrick
Veronica and Theodore Patrick
Morgan Pecukonis
Kathleen Pennington
Valli Perera
Gonzalo Perez
Susan and Carlos Perez
Robert Pernini
Gina Perri and John Ferden
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
JoAnn and Gene Pierce
James Pietro and Frank Odorisio
Pinehurst Insurance
Maureen and Faustin Pipal
Donors 2006
Andrew Pitler
Paula and Jon Plummer
Meg and Bill Pokorny
Helen and Frank Polichene
Rose and Patrick Pollard & Family
Barry Popkin
Port Orchard Yacht Club
Vicki Price
Suzanne Prince
Tom Pusty
Quality Construction
Nancy Quinn
Robert Rahe
Sally Ramsey
Frances and Steven Rasmussen
Jane Reddecliff
Redmond Family
Mary Reebe
Anne and Dennis Reed
Regina and Gerald Reich
Laraine and Richard Reid
Linda Reinstein
James Renfroe
Joan Renow
Donna and Alan Resetar
Diane and Martin Reynolds and Family
Ty Rice
Emmy and Robert Rigali
Theresa and John Rigas
Kathy Rink
Michael Ritzer
RJ Simon, LLC
Sandy Robeson
James Robinson
Anne and Francis Roche
Barbara Rodolitz
Arlene and Evans Ronshausen
Marie and David Rorick Family
Wilma Rosen
Linda Rosenblum
Dennis Rosenfeld
Andrew Rosenzweig
Henry Ross
John Ross
Stephen Rostan
Barbara “Cis” Rundle
Rose Russo
R. Jack and Joanne Ruthbard
Anne and Thomas Saal
Brian Saal
Carol and Bert Sacco
Elizabeth Saddler
Lysa and Phil Saran
Bud Sargent
James Sassano
Joseph Sayre
Adeline Schaack
Claire Schafer
Kris Schindler
Jackie Schirn and Robert Drzymala
Mary Rea Schiszler
Charlotte Schmidt
Brandi and Marshall Schoewe
Lt. Gen Daniel Schroeder (RET)
Schroeter Goldmark & Bender PS
Kathy Schultz
Linda Schulze
Lynn and Daniel Schuman
Colleen Schwartz
Wendy Selene
Stu Seltz
Dennis Semenic
Greta Senn
Elizabeth and Michael Shanahan
Maryann and Richard Shanas
Betty Siegel and John Merck
Estate of Romualdo Silva
Rose Silva
Doris Silvestro
Beverly Sistare
David Skelding
Annette and William Skelton
Mary Ann and Robert Skowronski
Ann Marie Slagle
Deborah Slavinski
Shannon and Brian Smith
Vickie Solis
Zachary Solomon
Susan, Anthony and Christina Sorboro
South Brunswick Islands Woman’s Club
Sheila and Bob Spector
Siobhan Spillane
Christine Stanish
Alice Steigerwald
Phyllis Stibitz
Janna and James Stidham
Marjorie and Edward Stinson
Lloyd Stoik
Mark Stokes
Kate Stoune
Russell Stuart and Mark Sherman
Christine Stuhlmiller
Superior Electric of Lansing Inc.
Nancy and Daniel Swanson
Shirley Swenson
Judith and Richard Swiderski
Molly Ann Swock
Mary Tackett
Scott Tappan
Bernard Taschini & Family
Mary Beth Tate
Lorraine Tausz
Estate of Charles Fred Taylor
Pat and Rick Terbrock
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and
Martha Thomas
Evelyn Thomasen
Lisa and Mark Thomasen
Amy Thompson
Edna and Jeff Thompson
Robert Thomson
Robert Tiberi
Philip Timyan
Ton Hall Building Corp., Inc.
Gwen and Pietro Tonino
The Officers and Employees of TPA Design
Patricia Trocki and David Tennessen
Paula and James Ulma
United Transport Services, Inc
Bret Van Dyke
Judith and Michael Van Handel
Ramakrishna Velamati
Vic West Plumbing LLC
Ruthann and Charles Vihon
Sheila and Paul Villamil
Stephanie and Randy Vlach
James Vogel and Erin McCarthy
Suzanne Von Drehle
Mary Ellen Wagner
Patricia and John Waldorf
Jerry Waldrip and Marice Frazer
Janet Wall
Fred Walls
Donald Ward
Co-workers Washington University School of
Todd Wasserman
Arlene and James Watts
James Watts
Susan and Richard Weiner
Betty Weiss
Carolyn Weiss
Donald Wenker
West Bay Psychiatric Associates
Colleen and Terrence White
Martin White
Mary and John White
Elaine Whitman
Joy Whitney
Harriet and Paul Wiedner
Anne and Joseph Wild
Becky Willard
Cheryl Williams
Shane Williams
Wilson Downing Group, LLC
Mary Witherow
Irene and Jim Witmer
Linda Wittig and John Shoemaker
Marc and Solveig Wolstenholme
Mildred Woods
Wooten’s Electric, Inc.
Regina Wozniak & Family
Richard Wray
Wylaco Supply Company
Evan Yegelwel
Dana Zeip
Helen Zielinski and Marie Hagman
Jocelyn Zuelch
Marguerite Zukowski
Meso Symposium Sponsors
The Foundation is extremely grateful to the sponsors who helped make the
2006 International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma possible.
SimmonsCooper, LLC
Roger Worthington, P. C.
Eli Lilly & Co.
Waters & Kraus, LLP
Kazan, McClain, Abrams, Lyons, Farrise & Greenwood
Merck & Co., Inc.
Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc.
Foundation Directors, Science Advisors & Staff
Board of Directors
Science Advisory Board
Foundation Staff
Nicholas J. Vogelzang, M.D., Chairman
Director, Nevada Cancer Institute
Harvey Pass, M.D., Chairman
NYU School of Medicine
Christopher Hahn
Executive Director
M. Ann Abbe, Secretary
Associate Vice President for
Development, University of North Texas
Steven Albelda, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Rob Grayson
Director of Development
Steve Hahn, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Jill Wayne
Community Liaison & Patient
Advocacy Director
Ulf Jungnelius, M.D., Treasurer
VP, Oncology Clinical Research
Takeda Global Research and Development
Mary Cosentino, Esq.
Adjunct Professor of Law,
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Michael Harbut, M.D., M.P.H.
Chief, Center for Occupational and
Environmental Medicine
Latanyta Manuel
Canton, MI
Raffit Hassan, MD
National Cancer Institute
Hedy Lee Kindler, M.D.
University of Chicago
Maja Belamaric
Development Associate
Trish Cerin
Administrative Assistant
Dan Miller, M.D.
Emory University
Lary A. Robinson, M.D.
H. Lee Moffit Cancer Center
Victor Roggli, M.D.
Duke University
Harvey Pass, MD
Professor of Surgery and Chief of Thoracic
Surgery and Thoracic Oncology,
NYU School of Medicine
W. Roy Smythe, M.D.
Texas A&M
Susan Vento
Education Minnesota Field Staff
Robert N. Taub, M.D.
Columbia University
Joseph R. Testa, Ph.D.
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Eric Vallieres, M.D.
Swedish Cancer Institute
Claire Verschraegen, M.D.
University of New Mexico
Mesothelioma Applied
Research Foundation
research - education - support - advocacy
Publication of the 2006 Annual Report sponsored by Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc. - makers of MESOMARK.