Understanding and Annotating LIGO


Understanding and Annotating LIGO
Understanding and Annota.ng LIGO-­‐Virgo Probability Maps Roy Williams LIGO Lab -­‐ Caltech Hotwiring the Transient Universe
How to get your Nobel Prize for the GW-­‐EM counterpart •  Apply to join the MOU group here –  When approved register here •  Ask GCN to allow your IP-­‐address to connect –  send email to ScoL and Teresa (sec.on 1 here) •  Login to event database (Gracedb) here –  and get a password (sec.on 2 here) •  When VOEvent / GCN-­‐No.ce arrives, get the skymap – 
using your password View it with Skymap Viewer or process it with healpy or with pygcn •  If you observe, share footprints at Gracedb May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
How is LIGO followup different? The Skymap •  Not a posi.on. A probability distribu.on •  represented with FITS/Healpix •  healpix.jpl.nasa.gov •  sudo pip install healpy •  EA in HEALPIX means all pixels on the sphere have equal area •  sample code and tech info here •  Should I observe? •  If so, where? May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Next .... •  Skymap Viewer •  Here is the open version with 1600 mock skymaps •  Here for MOU partners •  direct link from Gracedb •  And sharing footprints •  like the minor planet center •  don't observe what is already covered •  we want to ask for the image itself if we need to May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Skymap Viewer N
view from Tasmania
Observations so far
May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Image and Catalog Click on the Layers icon
May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
size of square is
~galaxy mass *
click the center to get
Simbad and NED
70 Mpc
May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Zoom and drilldown zoom control
May 15, 2015
set image = DSS colored
keep zooming in ESO336-016
click the marker then NED link
much more data (eg 2MASS image)
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Gracedb: the LIGO event database •  Communica.on: Click, Curl, or Code? •  clicking allows reading, experiment, understanding •  a curl command is automatable and transparent •  a code library integrates well with other code –  try pygcn •  Curl example curl --insecure --netrc https://gracedb.ligo.org/gracedb/apibasic/events/M137112/files/bayestar.fits.gz
> M137112_bayestar.fits.gz"
May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Reading a Skymap •  Reading a skymap file •  Healpix/FITS –  Process with healpy –  View with Skymap Viewer (convert to json and load) map,header = healpy.read_map(filename, h=True)"
# map is a long vector of floats"
# header is dictionary of FITS header"
# interpolate"
# th is codeclination (radians), ph is RA (radians)"
probability = healpy.pixelfunc.get_interp_val(map, th, ph)"
# handle every pixel"
nside = healpy.get_nside(map)"
(th, ph) = healpy.pix2ang(nside, i)"
probability = map[i]"
May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Using Gracedb for Sharing •  EM followup •  Shared messages from LV-­‐EM partners •  GCN Circulars •  EM Observa.ons From the MOU
•  Footprints (required by MOU) •  Candidates •  Visualizing shared effort May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Using Gracedb for Sharing gracedb.ligo.org
collapse the Event Log Messages
open the "EM followup" and "EM Observations"
Like GCN Circulars (includes them)
observation footprints
May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Sharing observa.on footprints click,
comma-­‐separated RA, Dec lists RAwidth, Decwidth can be list You don't need to click a web form you can •  build a curl command •  use pygcn May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
or code
Footprints in Skymap Viewer Open the "Sky Localization" tab
Click the gray button
May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Footprints in Skymap Viewer May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Helping the follow-­‐uppers •  Nearby galaxy catalogs •  To ~200 Mpc •  Got any more? •  Galaxy cluster catalogs •  Sugges.ons welcome •  But most galaxies not in clusters •  Light curves •  has this object been variable before •  forced photometry services from surveys? May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe
Helping the follow-­‐uppers •  Most likely galaxies •  Catalog with rate prior (eg galaxy luminosity) •  Mul.ply by skymap probability •  Ordered list of your fields •  Sky tesselated into YOUR rectangular fields –  which have most dark sky + probability? •  Personal alarm for GW events •  When YOUR telescope has a chance –  dark sky + probability > X steradians May 15, 2015
Hotwiring the Transient Universe