HKUST Alumni Homepage


HKUST Alumni Homepage
Spring 1999
Specially For You
I am very pleased to send you this first issue of a “stand alone”
Alumni News. UST is now seven years old. Despite our tender
age, the alumni body is expanding fast. Currently, we have
over 8,000 members in our alumni family, with around 2,200
new recruits every year. We thus feel there is a need for a
publication dedicated to alumni, one that will serve the
important function of facilitating communication and building a strong alumni network.
We need your support to make Alumni News a publication you will be proud to call your own. You can participate
in many ways, such as by sending us story ideas, referrals, or
articles written by yourself, and by letting us know how to
make improvements.
You may notice that Alumni News is sent to you with
the University’s Newsletter and Genesis. While Newsletter
and Genesis report on UST’s development and campus
activities, Alumni News concentrates on topics of particular
interest to alumni.
Alumni Jenny Yeung Fei (’95 CIVL), Benny Lam Wing-kin
(’96 CENG), Apple Leung Suk-ping (’96 ISMT), Issac Hsu Kuanchun (’97 ELEC), Josiah Chan Chun-wai (’98 PHYS), Kenny
Chan Siu-keung (’98 PHYS), Carl Cheung Chung-kit (’98
SOSC) and Jackson Lee Chi-yung (’98 PHYS) have given us
useful comments on the content, style, and story ideas of
this publication. We wish to express our gratitude to them.
As the Year of the Rabbit dawns, may I wish you happiness, health, and prosperity.
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HKUST Alumni Homepage
Loretta Pang
Director of University Development
Inside this Issue
Career Center Now Open to Alumni
On-line alumni email and homepage directory
Visitors’ book dedicated to UST alumni
Links to alumni associations
Information on campus facilities and services
University contact points
plus a host of information and features prepared for you !
A Beijing Trip
Alumni Association News
Alumni Notes
Visitor Center Discount
Thinking of a job change?
Need information? Need advice?
Come to the Career Center and make
use of its resources and services.
Career Center
Now Open to Alumni
Job Information
HKUST alumni can obtain information on job vacancies
through the Joint Institution Job Information System
(JIJIS) Direct Line at the Career Center. Just show your
HKUST identification when using the Direct Line. Please
pick up a JIJIS User Guide from the Career Center if you
are new to the system.
Job information is also available on the following
“CAREERNEWS”. Please refer to the Alumni Internet
Services Group’s homepage at for
details on access via the alumni dial-up pool.
Acceptable identification documents for alumni to use at
the Career Center are: your former HKUST Student ID
Card, or HKUST Alumni Association Membership Card,
or HKID card (in this case, you will be required to register
your name, HKID number and UST Student ID number
for verification).
Career Center
Room 4001 (lift 3 or 4)
Academic Building, HKUST
Phone: 2358 6688
Fax: 2719 9412
World Wide Web:
Individual Consultation
Alumni are welcome to visit a Student Counselor for
individual consultation. Appointments can be made in
person or by phone at 2358 8590.
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Editorial Board: Loretta Pang, Daisy Chan, George Leung • Design and Production: Timothy Ngan
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EEE Alumni Association Elects New Exco
At the second annual Electrical and Electronic Engineering Alumni Day held last November, the EEE
Alumni Association elected the second session of their
Exco. The new president Issac Hsu Kuan-chun (’97
BEng, MPhil student) and other Exco members wish to
thank all EEE alumni and faculty for their support over
the past year. They are now calling for suggestions on
the kinds of activity to organize, and promise to try
their best to respond to members’ requests.
The EEE Alumni Association can be contacted at
[email protected], or by fax on 2358 1485.
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Successful Launch of the Civil Engineering Alumni
Association: On 12 December 1998, over 40 Civil
Engineering alumni and faculty including graduates
from all four graduation classes, Prof Wilson Tang,
head of department, and many other teachers enjoyed
a warm and memorable evening at the first annual
dinner and Exco inauguration of the Civil Engineering
Alumni Association.
New Functions for Alumni Computer Accounts
Since we last reported in Alumni News on the alumni computer accounts provided by the Alumni Internet Services Group (AISG),
many alumni have registered and are now using their accounts to communicate with fellow alumni on the Internet.
Here we are happy to introduce two new functions:
Access to UST’s Intranet and ENB
Alumni accounts can now connect to UST’s intranet, and
hence the Student ENB, including the job folders. Just follow
the steps below:
1. Choose “get on internet” (Accessory) in WIN 95/98;
2. Choose “manual setup”;
3. Set the internet connection such that it will bring up a
message window for you to login;
4. Set the DNS entry as;
5. Use the alumni account to login;
6. Set it to PPP and then continue;
7. Set the intranet page ( as the
default page;
8. Choose ENB in the page.
UST’s Information Distribution Lists
To provide you with more up-to-date news about UST, all alumni accounts
are automatically added to the University’s email distribution lists so that
they can receive the latest information on seminars, talks, art activities, and
press releases, etc.
Don’t miss out. If you haven’t registered, do so now! The HKUST Alumni
Association mailed you your account name and first-time registration
password last December. If you have any queries, please check their
homepage at or contact them at
[email protected].
AISG is an alumni-run body affiliated to the HKUST Alumni
Association, and was established in 1997 with the objectives of providing
Internet services to UST graduates and strengthening the alumni network.
Phebe Chan Pui-sze =(’95 MARK) is a manager in the Institutional Department of Baring Asset Management (Asia) Ltd. She can
be reached at [email protected].
Allen Cheng Wai-lun (’95 ISMT) treasures the time he spent
studying at UST. He graduated three years ago, but still feels like
it’s just a few minutes ago because all the moments at UST are held deep in his heart. He
started his career path in the computing
industry, joining Group Sense Limited
as a systems administrator, then
worked as a systems engineer at
Automated Systems Limited.
Allen is currently a technical
consultant at Eclipse Computing Ltd, specializing in
Microsoft’s and Sun
Systems’ financial
accounting products.
Any alumni who would
like to know more about
these products can give
Allen a call on 82002616. Allen’s email is
[email protected], and
homepage: http://
Allen Cheng and his
girl-friend Alice.
Li Kin-kei (’97 MARK) would like to say “kon-ni-chi-wa”
(Japanese) to all UST graduates. He works at Sony Electronic
Devices (HK) Ltd on the sales and marketing of radio integrated
circuits in Hong Kong and China. He thinks business-to-business
marketing is very different from consumers-goods marketing. This
is true as far as strategies, and, most importantly, negotiation are
concerned. He thinks radio IC is a miracle. Being unaffected by the
“leapfrogging of technology” as in the case of CPUs, the radio IC
Li Kin K
ei’s new
Shadow ike—
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Keh Hean-tat (’93 MBA full-time) completed his Ph.D. in
marketing at the University of Washington, USA, in October 1998.
Originally from Malaysia, Dr Keh has taken up an appointment as
an assistant professor at the National University of Singapore. His
research and teaching interests include distribution channels,
retailing, productivity, global marketing and entrepreneurship.
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Do you miss your old UST friends? Now alumni can keep
in touch with each other through this section in Alumni
News! Tell us about your recent news: marriages, births,
appointments, promotions, new company start-ups, further
studies, moving house, ...etc., so that we can spread the news
to your classmates. Or, if you are organizing a reunion,
looking for a long-lost friend, seeking business partners, or
may have read a good book, taken a nice picture during your
vacation, or have a brilliant idea to share, then this is the
place for you!
Please send news to us by mail, fax or electronic mail.
By fax: +852 2705-9119. By email: [email protected]. Send
mail to: University Development Office, Room 6342,
Academic Building, HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,
Hong Kong.
Deadline for submissions for the summer issue is April
has a very long life-cycle measured in the tens of years. In the past,
only electronic components can be used to manufacture a radio
set. After the invention of the IC, production of radios has stabilized at over 120 million sets a year, just in Hong Kong and China
alone. So you can imagine how big the business is. In fact, Hong
Kong and China now account for over 80% of world production of
portable radio set! Any alumni who would like to share their
experience of this industry may contact Kin-kei at
[email protected] or [email protected].
Sean Lin (’94 MGMT) married Karen on November 27,
1998. He would like to take this opportunity to thank all USTers
who attended his wedding banquet and ceremony, especially his
Class of 1994 schoolmates, the SU guys and gals, and friends from
SAO including Luke Wong, Pandora Yuen and
Donny Siu. “The memories you gave me are
the best gift of all;” says Sean, “and, one last
word for the ladies: sorry for jumping the
queue, please hurry up!”
Alvin Lo (’94 COMP) wrote from the United States: “It’s a
pleasure to be able to write something for the new alumni newsletter
after all these years. I still vividly recall the good old days when I was a
student at UST: the professors I learnt from, the friends I made, and of
course, the canteen food that I had to put up with...(I heard it improved
a lot, but that was after I left, unfortunately). Since then, almost five
years have flown by. I finished my graduate studies at the University of
Texas, landed a job in database software development with Tandem
Computers, and last summer married my beloved Joana. Looking back,
it seems so much has happened in so little time. That’s probably why I
hardly get a chance to catch up with my fellow UST graduates and to
check on how they are doing. I guess the same kind of things must
have happened to all my old friends. So, I think this is really a good time
for us to update each other with our whereabouts and start to get into
touch with each other again. I hope to hear from all of you soon, and
wish you all a very fruitful new year!”
HKUST Visitor Center—
Special Mid-Week Rate for Alumni
Hall II
PG Hall I
Bridge Link
Hall II
UG Hall I
Hall IV
Academic Building
University Center
and Visitor Center
Towers C & D
Car Park
Want to show the campus to your friends? Miss the good old
days on campus? Need a break? Why not come and spend a night
at UST to recharge your batteries! Relax by playing sports, have
a sumptuous meal with your friends or family, stay overnight,
and breathe some clean air.
Now, alumni and their guests can enjoy a discounted room
rate at the Visitor Center during weekdays. A nicely-furnished
apartment with two bedrooms, sitting room, a kitchenette and
a bathroom is available for ONLY $700 up.
Most of the apartments have magnificent sea-view. Guests
are welcome to use the sports facilities on campus, and enjoy a
complimentary breakfast at UC Bistro.
For details about the facilities at the Visitor
Center and for reservations, please check the
Campus Services Office’s homepage at http:// or call
Ricky Yu at 2358 6158 during office hours.