to our 2013-2014 Annual Report


to our 2013-2014 Annual Report
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2013-14 Annual Report
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A Day in the Life of Paul’s Place
Dear Friends,
Paul’s Place is a catalyst and leader for change, improving the quality of
Welcome to a day in the life of Paul’s Place!
life in the Washington Village/Pigtown neighborhood and the surrounding
“On a typical day, Paul’s
Southwest Baltimore communities. Paul’s Place provides programs,
As you read this annual report, you will follow a typical day at Paul’s Place, starting at 6:00 a.m. when Sue arrives to
Place is a resource for
services, and support that strengthen individuals and families, fostering
begin preparing meals for Hot Lunch to 6:30 p.m. when our middle school and high school students head home after
residents in need of
hope, dignity, and growth.
an enriching after-school experience. Every day, for more than twelve hours a day, our doors are open to the community.
emergency food, utility,
More than 3,500 community members find a welcoming, safe, and supportive environment in which to work toward
or housing assistance
self-sufficiency each year.
as well as those
This day in the life of Paul’s Place is not exactly a typical day; we’ve combined all of our programs and services offered
seeking long-term
throughout the week during the school year into a single day to show you the breadth and depth of our offerings to the
assistance to achieve
community. On a typical day, Paul’s Place is a resource for residents in need of emergency food, utility, or housing assistance
their high school
as well as those seeking long-term assistance to achieve their high school diploma, find a job, or stabilize their lives.
diploma, find a job,
By 2020, the individuals and families living in Southwest Baltimore City
will have full access to high quality health care, education, employment,
and housing along with the other support necessary for stability and
or stabilize their lives.”
Strategic Goals
In the last year, we continued to offer the essential services that sustained families in our neighborhood as we began to
1. Healthy, successful children: Children and youth served by Paul’s
implement our new strategic plan. The overarching goals remain unchanged: we are focused on helping individuals of all ages lead successful, self-sufficient
Place will be healthy and prepared to succeed in school and beyond.
2. Self-sufficient, stable families: Individuals and families served by
Paul’s Place will have opportunities to improve their self-sufficiency
and stability.
3. Safe, stable neighborhood: Paul’s Place will partner with community
lives in a safe, stable neighborhood and to build the capacity of Paul’s Place to be an ongoing source of support for our community. However, we have
deepened our commitment to in-depth interventions and longer relationships with the children and families we serve, and we have focused on improving our
infrastructure to ensure that each program has the staff support, on-site expertise, and systems to be sustainable over time.
As you read this annual report, you will learn of our accomplishments toward our goals and how we worked towards those goals. You will read about the
new evidence-based assessments to measure the progress of our guests in areas such as self-sufficiency, self-esteem, self-worth, ability to handle stress,
organizations and residents to promote a higher level of safety and
and attitudes. You will also note a number of new staff positions that have been created in the last year or two: a Director of Health and Wellness, an
stability in the neighborhood.
Outreach Coordinator/Guest Liaison, a Goodwill Employment Specialist, a Housing Case Manager, a Youth Case Manager, and a Reading Specialist. All of
4. Sustainable organization: Paul’s Place will strengthen the
organization’s capacity to secure its long-term sustainability.
the modifications to program and staffing structure are aimed at fully supporting Southwest Baltimore residents in their quest to become more self-sufficient.
We could not do this without you. The steadfast support of donors, volunteers, partners, and friends like you has provided Paul’s Place with the resources
needed each year to meet the growing and changing needs in our Southwest Baltimore community for another year. Thank you!
Denie DulinWilliam J. McLennan
PresidentExecutive Director
We dedicate this Annual Report
to Regina Sykes who passed away in
November, 2014. Her compassion
and kindness brought joy into
Paul’s Place and our personal lives.
She will be missed but never forgotten.
8:00 AM
A Day in the Life of Paul’s Place
6:00 AM
Ambassador volunteers begin
to arrive at Paul’s Place.
The day begins at Paul’s Place when Sue and the kitchen staff arrive
to begin preparation for Hot Lunch. During FY14, over 70,500 meals were
prepared for guests of Paul’s Place.
7:00 AM
Fresh produce is delivered for Hot Lunch. Our emphasis on nutrition
ensures that our lunch guests eat at least one balanced meal a day, with at
least two servings of fruits and vegetables.
8:00 AM
Our doors open to the community for access to our essential services,
case management, and adult education and job readiness programs. On
average, 275 guests are served each day.
8:00 AM 9:00 AM
Our emergency food
pantry opens.
Utility assistance, paired with energy
saving tips from The Fuel Fund of Maryland, helps our guests keep the lights
and heat on. With increased funding from our utility assistance partner –
the Fuel Fund of Maryland – Paul’s Place was able to more than double the
number of individuals receiving assistance to 262.
Results: 100%
A few changes to the process of utility assistance had big results.
Now, instead of first come, first served, our neighbors in need of utility
assistance are pre-screened over the phone on the day that they call
to determine eligibility, then attend a workshop focused on building
their assets and improving their access to resources. Some guests
will enroll in the twice monthly Fuel Fund’s Watt Watchers program
to learn how to reduce their electricity use.
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8:00 AM 3:30 PM
Ambassador volunteers arrive at Paul’s Place ready to learn and volunteer.
The newly-restructured Ambassador program allows us to maintain the best
of the existing program – the emphasis on community volunteerism – while
maximizing new resources available at Paul’s Place, specifically our licensed
social workers and Goodwill Employment Specialist. A standard curriculum,
delivered over 12 months, includes workshops on basic finance, essential
job skills, personal development, and health and wellness. Last year, 43
Ambassadors volunteered 25,894 hours at Paul’s Place.
8:00 AM 2:30 pM
Goal: 25 new Ambassadors will join and complete the program.
Goal: 80% of guests accessing rental or BGE assistance will
remain housed or with utility service at least 90 days after
receiving assistance.
Our emergency food pantry – open at Paul’s Place in partnership with
the Baltimore City Department of Social Services and the Maryland Food
Bank – provides three days of food and other emergency provisions,
including baby formula, diapers, and toiletries. 2,824 individuals received
food and household supplies last year.
Results: 23
Paul’s Place now recruits smaller cohorts of community residents
as Ambassador volunteers for a highly-personalized, short-term
program. Interested residents must now complete a minimum of
35 volunteer hours at Paul’s Place prior to enrollment to demonstrate
their commitment to the program.
6:00 AM
The day begins at Paul’s Place
when Sue and the kitchen
staff arrive to begin
preparation for Hot Lunch.
Goal: Of those Ambassadors who identify employment as a
goal, 55% will secure employment.
Results: 80%
Ambassador volunteers set at least one goal for coaching on
enrollment in the program. Those seeking employment are matched
with the Goodwill Employment Specialist for job-readiness assessment;
referrals to job training, apprenticeships, and professional development
opportunities; and assistance with the job search.
Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 3
8:00 AM
Goal: 65% of Ambassadors will successfully graduate from
the program.
Results: 75%
BY APPOINTMENT Job coaching, in partnership with Goodwill Industries
of the Chesapeake, connects our guests with employment, job training
opportunities, and professional development, including resume review,
practice interviews, and essential employability skills. Last year, 12 guests
found jobs and 20 enrolled in training programs through this new service.
Our fully-accessible shower
is available five days a week
for community members.
Ambassadors – our community volunteers – now set at least one
personal goal related to employment, housing, health, reconnecting
with family, or other issues of personal importance and are assigned to
a staff coach. Through interactions with their coach, Ambassadors will
map out and follow a plan to achieve their goal(s) and work through
obstacles on the way. Their graduation celebrates their accomplishments
in collaboration with their personal and professional development.
8:00 AM 4:00 PM
Goal: 35% of guests engaged in job coaching will become
employed or engaged in an apprenticeship or other job
training program.
Results: 38%
A job-readiness assessment determines whether an individual has the
background and skills for employment placement services or would
benefit from an apprenticeship, job training, or even a volunteer
placement first. The Goodwill Employment Specialist helps our
guests find the best opportunities to become employed, then provides
coaching during their first 90 days on the job.
Case management helps individuals and families in or near crisis address
underlying issues and develop strategies to address future challenges
through intensive counseling by a licensed social worker, immediate
assistance, and referrals to services not offered by Paul’s Place.
Goal: 90% of guests engaged in intensive case management
services will report an increased level of self-sufficiency.
Results: 83%
Self-sufficiency is measured at the first case management session on
a scale that considers finances, housing, child care, health, and other
quality of life factors – then again at three months and six months. Some
of our guests access case management for help with an immediate crisis
and do not continue beyond resolution of the issue. Those engaged in
intensive case management, and the work between sessions, for three
months or longer see considerable improvement in self-sufficiency.
Families without access to a washer and dryer, as well as those experiencing
utility shut-offs, can have up to two loads of laundry per week washed, dried,
and folded in exchange for one hour of volunteer service as long as the laundry
is dropped off by 8:30 a.m. Last year, Paul’s Place provided laundry service
– including the detergent and dryer sheets – for 1,543 loads of laundry.
8:00 AM 8:30 am
TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS Instructors from South Baltimore Learning Center
offer pre-GED, and GED classes throughout the year. Adults lacking a high
school diploma improve their reading, math, and computer skills and prepare for
the GED exam. Last year, 2 adult learners passed the GED exam and earned
their high school diploma.
8:30 AM 12:00 PM
Computer classes for beginners and those
with more advanced skills are offered in six week sessions throughout
the year. Adults with limited computer skills and access learn the basics
of internet use and Microsoft Office as well as tips and tricks for those
computer programs. In FY14, 49 adults enrolled in computer classes.
8:30 AM 10:00 AM
8:00 AM 10:00 AM
Our fully-accessible shower is available five days a week for community
members experiencing homelessness or utility shut-offs, as often as needed;
some guests shower daily before work. Paul’s Place supplied the towels,
soap, shampoo, razors, shaving cream, deodorant, toothbrushes, and
toothpaste for 1,295 showers in FY14.
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8:00 AM 4:00 pM
8:30 AM
Instructors from South Baltimore
Learning Center offer
pre-GED, and GED classes.
Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 5
1 1:00 AM
8:45 AM 9:45 AM
MONDAYS Men from the community gather for the weekly Men’s Group
meeting. Through mutual support, volunteer service, and other team building
activities, the Men’s Group helps participants build a support network,
improve their conflict resolution skills, and address personal and community
issues. 51 men joined in meetings last year.
Hot lunch is served.
The Market Place opens
for shopping.
Goal: 80% of men participating in Men’s Group will report an
increase in self-esteem, self-worth and ability to handle stress.
Results: 86%
Paul’s Place utilizes an evidence-based assessment to measure
self-esteem, self-worth, and ability to handle stress for participants in
our Men’s Group. Men take the assessment when they join the group
and multiple times throughout the year to determine their own progress
and the efficacy of the program overall.
9:00 AM 10:00 AM
9:30 AM 10:00 AM
10:00 AM 10:30 AM
The Walking Club of
Pigtown travels a variety of routes through the neighborhood to help
residents stay fit and healthy by making walking a daily habit – just one
aspect of our wellness programs. Walkers get about an hour of exercise
and enjoy the camaraderie of their neighbors. 41 adults walked with the
Club last year.
Volunteers from outside the community arrive for the day and begin their
service with a tour and explanation of our programs and services. On a
typical day, 10-15 volunteers assist with Hot Lunch and the Market Place.
This often includes groups from local companies, schools, and religious
9:30 AM
Volunteers from outside the
community arrive for the day
and begin their service.
The 22-station computer lab opens for the day, and the computers fill up
quickly. Community members access the internet, email, social media, online
benefits information, job applications, and Microsoft Office programs with
the help of a Computer Lab Assistant. The computer lab had 4,798 visits
last year.
10:00 AM 2:00 PM
Community members with eviction notices and
renters on the verge of homelessness without the resources for a security
deposit can receive financial assistance from Paul’s Place to stay
housed. Last year, 64 community members received assistance – 14 of
them through the new rental assistance program.
10:00 AM 11:00 AM
Volunteers get the first taste of the daily meal as they enjoy a meal
together before the doors open for Hot Lunch and the Market Place.
10:30 AM 11:00 AM
Hot Lunch is served. Five days a week, Paul’s Place offers a hearty, healthy
meal for anyone in need. Our oldest program, Hot Lunch remains the most
common point of access for neighbors needing additional support. We
served 70,548 meals last year.
11:00 AM 12:30 PM
WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS The Market Place – stocked with
donated, gently-used clothing, shoes, and household items as well as
new socks and underwear – opens for shopping. Volunteers serve
as personal shoppers, helping men and women find the right sized
clothing for themselves and family members. New partnerships with
local employment agencies and the Baltimore City Department of Social
Services brought increasing numbers of job seekers to Paul’s Place for
professional attire in FY14. Last year, 1,878 individuals shopped 5,156
times in the Market Place.
11:00 AM 12:30 PM
The daily morning meeting provides a welcoming environment for new
and long-time volunteers to meet each other, get their assignments for the
day, and understand how their role fits with others. The morning meeting
includes introductions, a word of the day, and affirmation readings chosen
by the volunteers.
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Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 7
11:00 AM 1:00 PM
WEDNESDAYS The University of Maryland Nurses’ Clinic offers basic
health check-ups and referrals for a variety of medical, substance abuse,
and mental health services. One Friday each month, the Baltimore City
Health Department provides confidential HIV testing and counseling. In
FY14, the student and volunteer nurses began more intensive medical
case management with our guests, looking more holistically at their medical
history, screening for mental and behavioral health issues, and referring
patients to additional medical resources. Last year, 346 guests visited the
Nurses’ Clinic.
Goal: 85% of those seen in the Nurse’s Clinic will be connected
to a medical home.
1 1:00 AM
The University of Maryland
Nurses’ Clinic offers basic health
check-ups and referrals.
12:45 PM 2:00 PM
report an increase in self-esteem, self-worth and the ability to
handle stress.
Results: 67%
Paul’s Place utilizes an evidence-based assessment to measure
self-esteem, self-worth, and ability to handle stress for participants in
our Women’s Group. Women take the assessment when they join the
group and multiple times throughout the year to determine their own
progress and the efficacy of the program overall.
Goal: Paul’s Place will grow the volunteer base for the Nurses’
Clinic by 10% to ensure clinic coverage.
Results: 13%
Nursing students, and their professors, from the University of Maryland
run the Nurses’ Clinic for most of the academic year, gaining valuable
hands-on experience in a community health setting. To ensure
consistent, year-round availability of this essential service, Paul’s Place
recruits licensed practicing nurses to volunteer between semesters.
8 | Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report
The weekly meeting of the Women’s Group involves lots of
socializing, art therapy, guided discussions to help the women work through
challenges and find positive solutions, and field trips that offer participants
new experiences outside the neighborhood. The Group provides a support
network for participants that strengthens their self-esteem, confidence, and
problem-solving skills. 27 women participated last year.
Goal: 80% of women participating in Women’s Group will
Nursing students and volunteer nurses have begun making the case for
the benefits of a medical home – a primary care physician, rather than
the emergency room – to our guests. The goal is to link our guests to
consistent, local care to improve their health and reduce their reliance
on the Nurses’ Clinic.
Nutrition, Painting, Zumba and Wii Dance are among the
fitness classes Paul’s Place offers in our Wellness Center to make getting
and staying in shape fun. These varied classes are open to adults of all
fitness levels. Last year, 68 adults participated in fitness/wellness classes.
12:30 PM 3:00 PM
Results: 86%
12:00 PM 1:00 PM
TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS Afternoon basic literacy, pre-GED, and
GED classes offered in partnership with South Baltimore Learning
Center commence.
2:30 PM
The After-3 program staff
walk to pick up children in the
first to fifth grades enrolled in
our after-school program.
Showers re-open for a few hours in the afternoon.
12:45 PM 2:30 PM
The After-3 program staff walk to George Washington Elementary School
and Charles Carroll Barrister Elementary School to pick up the children in
first through fifth grades enrolled in our after-school program and walk them
back to Paul’s Place for a fun afternoon of academics and enrichment. Last
year, 53 elementary students enrolled in After-3.
2:30 PM 3:00 PM
Elementary schoolers enjoy a snack and free time before the program
begins. Children might be found reading their favorite book, playing a board
game, or outside on our playground.
3:00 PM 4:00 PM
Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 9
5:00 pM
3:30 PM 4:00 PM
4:00 PM 5:00 PM
The fun begins when all students
participate in enrichment activities
such as physical education,
field trips, and service learning.
FOUR DAYS A WEEK (MONDAY- THURSDAY) Middle and high school students
arrive at Paul’s Place from their area schools for the P2LaYS Program –
Paul’s Place Leaders and Young Scholars. First on the agenda for the
afternoon – a snack and a little free time. Last year, 14 middle school boys,
14 middle school girls, and 29 high school students participated in our
after-school programs.
Goal: 70% of after school participants will see improved
academic success.
Results: 80%
Paul’s Place collects report cards from all students in our after-school
programs to measure academic progress. Volunteer tutors with
subject-area expertise are matched with students struggling in those
classes for additional support beyond completing homework.
grade level.
Results: 80%
A Reading Specialist, made possible with funding from the Aaron
Straus & Lille Straus Foundation, works with elementary students
testing below grade level at the beginning of the school year both
one-on-one and in small groups to improve their reading abilities.
10 | Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report
Results: 97%
The structured environment to complete homework assignments;
additional tutoring in reading and math, in particular; mentoring; and
emphasis on school attendance are all factors in the high percentage
of our students who matriculate to the next grade level.
The academic and mentoring portion of all after-school programs
focuses on improving overall academic success for our students, with a
specific emphasis on reading skills. Volunteer tutors help children and youth
with their homework assignments. Middle and high school students mentor
elementary schoolers, high school students mentor middle schoolers, and
volunteer tutors meet with high school students.
Goal: 80% of elementary students will read on the appropriate
Goal: 80% of enrolled children and youth participants will
matriculate to the next grade.
4:00 pM
The academic and mentoring
portion begins with a focus
on improving academic
success for our students.
The fun – with a purpose – begins. Elementary students participate in
enrichment activities such as physical education, arts education,
computer classes, field trips, and service learning. Enrichment
partners last year included the James Webb Space Telescope and
Port Discovery. All activities are geared to improving reading and math
comprehension and school attendance.
5:00 PM 6:00 PM
Middle school enrichment focuses on academics, leadership
development, community service, and team-building. The middle school
boys program partnered with the Baltimore Wisdom Project to examine
social issues in the City including race, youth, and economic disparity.
Girls explored bullying, empowerment, and self-expression through poetry
writing and a poetry jam, art therapy, and yoga. These activities help middle
schoolers develop emotional wellness and self-confidence.
5:00 PM 6:30 PM
High school students participate in career development activities,
service learning, college visits, painting workshops, and other enrichment
activities designed to build hope and expectations. One aspect of setting
expectations is sexual health education in partnership with Planned
Parenthood. The goal: high school graduation and plans for career
or college.
5:00 PM 6:30 PM
Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 11
6:30 pM
Goal: 90% of middle and high school participants will improve
significantly in feelings and attitudes as well as indicators of
behavioral adjustment.
Results: 81%
Enrichment activities for middle school students focus specifically
on the emotional fortitude required to thrive in sixth, seventh, and
eighth grades and continue on to high school. We measure emotional
wellness and self-confidence using evidence-based assessments at
the beginning of the school year, the end of the first semester, and the
end of the school year.
Goal: 90% of high school students will complete the
mandatory minimum hours for service learning.
Results: 100%
High school students are required to complete 75 hours of service
learning to graduate, and Paul’s Place is there to help. We monitor their
progress using report cards submitted at the end of each semester and
help connect them with opportunities in and around the community to
volunteer. And, time spent mentoring elementary and middle school
students in our after-school programs counts.
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
Parents pick up elementary school students as After-3 ends for the day.
Once a month, Paul’s Place hosts family nights for parents with children and
youth in our after-school programs. Issues specific to raising children such
as family dynamics, health, and reading to your kids are discussed.
Paul’s Place closes for the day as our middle and high school students
head home for the evening.
Paul’s Place closes for
the day as our middle and high
school students head home
for the evening.
Statement of Financial Position
June 30, 2014
Revenue FY14
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Public Support
27.81% - $801,813
Rental Income
3.51% - $101,159
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Pledges receivable
Other assets
Total Current Assets
$ 950,194
$ 162,915
Donated Food, Goods & Services
17.37% - $500,730
Property, net of accumulated depreciation
Foundation Support
36.27% - $1,045,777
Other Assets
Pledges receivable, noncurrent
Beneficial interest in assets held by Irrevocable Trust
Beneficial interest in assets held by Baltimore
Community Foundation (BCF)
Total Other Assets
$ 98,610
$ 135,405
Investment Income
9.10% - $262,811
Annual Fundraising Event
5.94% - $171,166
Total: $2,883,456
Includes contributions to restricted endowment funds.
$ 17,439
$ 251,454
Total Assets$6,384,838
Expenses FY14
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
$ 139,167
Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
$ 847,675
$ 697,653
Total Liabilities and Net Assets$6,384,838
Administrative Expenses
4.13% - $112,893
10.77% - $294,362
Program Services
85.10% - $2,327,525
Total $2,734,780
A copy of Paul’s Place’s financial statement is available by written request or by calling 410-625-0775.
Documents filed under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act can be obtained from the Office of
Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401, 410-974-5521, for a small fee.
12 | Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report
Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 13
Annual Report
The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg
Wells Fargo Foundation
The Wieler Family Foundation
$5,000- $9,999.99
Anonymous (4)
Louise A. Armstrong
Associated Jewish Charities
of Baltimore
Baltimore City Foundation
The Bank of America Foundation
BGE - An Exelon Company
Campbell Foundation, Inc.
Annie E. Casey Foundation, Inc.
Phil Clough
Mr. and Mrs. H Chase Davis, Jr.
Dresher Foundation, Inc.
The Friendly Inn Association
of Baltimore
Erwin and Stephanie Greenberg
Barbara Hathaway
Jack Daddy, LLC
Mrs. Andrea Laporte
Linehan Family Foundation, Inc.
Maryland Department of
Human Resources
The Estate of Richard A. Moore
Franklin and Debbie Morton
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Morton, III
Nextgen Foundation Charitable Trust
The Orokawa Foundation
Marla and David Oros
Estate of Robert N. Riley
The Rouse Company Foundation
The Salmon Foundation, Inc.
The Jean & Sidney Silber
Foundation, Inc.
Aaron Straus & Lillie Straus Foundation
The Baltimore Community Foundation
The Beaufort Foundation, Inc.
The Charles T. Bauer Foundation
The Kenneth S. Battye
Charitable Trust
Abel Communications
John T. Beane Charitable Foundation
Ed and Ellen Bernard
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Brown Advisory
Calvert Street Capital Partners. Inc.
Campbell & Company, Inc.
Ellicott Dredges, LLC
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Food Lion Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goad
Ann and Michael Hankin
Melanie and Donald Heacock
Walter and Sharon Jachimski
James Riepe Family Foundation
Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos, P.C.
Legg Mason Global Asset
John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc.
Sandra Liotta and Carl Osterman
John and Suzanne Luetkemeyer
Mr. Aris Melissaratos
The Jim and Patty Rouse Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Schapiro, III
Schwab Charitable Fund
St. John’s Church Western Run Parish
Patricia Stephens
T. Rowe Price Foundation
Techtronic Industries North America
University of Maryland Physicians, P.A.
Valley Motors, Inc.
The Whiting-Turner Contracting
14 | Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report
$2,500- $4,999.99
Ann and Frank Cahouet Foundation
Mr. Peter Bowe
BNY Mellon
Calvert Investment Counsel
CohnReznick LLP
Margaret O. Cromwell Family Fund
CSX Corporate Citizenship
Randy and Denie Dulin
Fuel Fund of Maryland, Inc.
Philip and Anette Goelet
Gorfine, Schiller, & Gardyn
Mary and Harold Graul
Hardiman Family Foundation
Eric and Anne Hemmendinger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Himelfarb
J. C. Crothers Foundation
Johns Hopkins University
Kaydon Ring and Seal, Inc.
Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund
Learning by Giving Foundation
Maller Wealth Advisors
Martin’s, Inc
Maryland Charity Campaign
Maryland Glass & Mirror Company
Ms. Marguerite E. Mugge
Mr. George A. Murnaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peterson
P. N. and Elizabeth B. Powell Jr.
Raymond James Charitable
Endowment Fund
The Estate of Eleanor Kreis Reed
George S. Rich Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Rodgville
St. Thomas’ Church Garrison Forest
Mr. William and Rev. Caroline Stewart
Susquehanna Bank
Venable Foundation, Inc.
War Horse LLC
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston
Jack Wilen
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus M. G. Williams
$1,000- $2,499.99
859 Washington Blvd., LLC
AES Builder & Home Improvements,
Mullen Andersen Children’s
Foundation and Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Anderson
The Associated: Jewish Community
Federation of Baltimore
Mr. John S. Bainbridge Jr.
Robert Bair
Cynthia W. Ballard
James and Buff Barnes
Miles and Susan Baxter
Cathleen Blanton
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Blaze
Robert and Lauren Bogue
Charles A. Bryan
Patience M. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Carey
Susan and Edward Cashman
Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity
The Church of the Redeemer
Hacky Clark and Peter Dubeau
Cole Roofing Co., Inc.
Caroline Coleman
Combined Charity Campaign
Correct Rx Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Ruth and Mac Cromwell
David and Alex Dalury
Mrs. Worth Daniels
Ms. Frances Davis
Davis H Elliot Company
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Davis
Earle & Annette Shawe Family
William Eddison
Employees Charity Organization of
Northrop Grumm
Mr. Luke Eshleman
Roger and Anne Eve
Exelon Corporation
Mrs. Dawn M. Ferenc
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Franke
Joseph Frontera
Ethel Galvin
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. Garner
Goetze’s Candy Company, Inc.
Gillis and Lynn Green
Donald and Sybil Hebb, Jr.
Hebb Family Private Foundation
Katharine Hunt Hudson
Mrs. Anna V. Hughes
Stuart and Lynn Janney, III
Bob and Pedie Killebrew
Patricia Lattin
C. Tilghman and Rebecca Levering
Ethel M. Looram Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Karin L. Lundquist
Mr. Brian T. Mahoney
Mrs. Virginia W. Martin
Christina B. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McLennan, Sr.
New River Electrical Corp
Number Ten Foundation
Peter O’Brien
Eric and Gail Ostergaard
Ernie Paszkiewicz
Platt Foundation, Inc.
Harvey and Kathryn Ramsdell
Keith Ramsey
Frank and Patricia Reilly
Lettice and Tom Rhodes
Jaye Richardson
Ralph Rigger
Lisa K. and Gary F. Riggin
W. Charles Rogers III
Saratoga Insurance Brokers
Schluderberg Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shapiro
Mary K. Shaughnessy
Kenneth and Suzanne Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Smith
St. Joseph Parish
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Paul Tarantino
Read and John Timken
Albert L. Tucker and
Elizabeth T. Tucker Foundation
Mrs. Monica Tucker
William and Estelle Turney
Patrick and Margaret Walsh
$500- $999.99
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Aarsand
Judy and Franklin Adkinson
Christyl L. Akseraylian
Ms. Jean E. Andon
Anonymous (3)
James Anthony
Arch Insurance Group
Art With A Heart, Inc.
Ashland Presbyterian Church
Preston and Nancy Athey
Mr. and Mrs. E. Collin Back
Edward and Mary Bedford
Mr. Ethan Berkwits
Tom and Martha Biede
Elizabeth R. Bilger
Mr. Daman Blakeney
Cathleen Blanton
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bond
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bond
D. Stuart Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown
Grace S. Brush
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
Mr. and Mrs. Etienne D. Cambon
Mr. Kevin Carnell
Mr. and Mrs. Cato Carpenter
Darcy C. Carroll
John and Jodie Childs
Sandra Cho
Edward and Jeanne Clapp
The Community Foundation For
Greater Atlanta, Inc
S. Christopher Costa
Clinton and Diana Daly
Joe and Blythe Davies
Senator Elizabeth H. Dole
James A. Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Farber
Mrs. Wilson L. Fewster
Wilson and Bunny Fewster
Ira Fine, M.D.
Ashley and Mike Fried
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fruchtman
Mr. and Mrs. Kingdon Gould Jr.
Peter and Barbie Horneffer
Monika Houstoun
Ms. Carol Hoyle
Mrs. Harriett S. Iglehart
Immanuel Episcopal Church
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jenkins II
Francis Kasper
E. Robert and Townsend Kent, Jr.
George Kilroy
Ronald and Mary Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Lee, III
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Levering, IV
Ernest and Anne Levering
Frederick and Georgianna Long
Laura and Frank Martien
Maryland Food Bank, Inc.
Paul and Leah McAfee
Mr. J. Michael McGuire
John I. and Donna L. McKenna
Elizabeth McKennon
Miller Family Gift Fund
Harvey and Margaret Miller
Mary J. Miller
Helen Montag
John and Jean Moore
The Nabit Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Leon Nguyen
Mr. and Dr. David P. Nichols
Northrop Grumman Christmas
Mr. J. R. Owens
Tim and Sylvia Parker
Mr. and Mrs. William Passano
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Peacock Jr.
Patricia B. Pineau
Dr. and Mrs. Giovanni Raccuglia
Lynn and Philip Rauch
Anne and Joseph Sachs
Lorraine Schapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shawe
Yoshinobu and Kathleen Shiota
Gary and Dana Simpler
Melissa and Robert Smith
Kevin and Barbara Spencer
St. James Academy
St. James Church - Monkton
Ed St. John
Ms. Chris Stacey
Stevenson University
Stieff Family Foundation
The Hugh and Katharine Stierhoff
Charitable Fund
Mrs. Charles L. Stout
TESSCO Technologies
Sara Anne Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tirone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Tsakalos
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
United Way of Central Maryland
United Way of Delaware
University of Maryland Baltimore,
Foundation Inc.
Van Dyke Family Foundation
Ms. Nichole B. Ward
Patricia W. Waters
Wells Fargo Community Support
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Wheaton
Mr. and Mrs. David Willis
Shari T. Wilson
Frank and Virginia Wright
Thomas and Margaret Wright
$250- $499.99
Ms. Christine Akins
American Land Title Corp.
Anne D. Andrews
Greg Andrews
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald
Martin and Marie Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baader
Elliott Badder
Jane and Richard Barton
Pam and Todd Bilger
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bortner
Scott Broadbent, Jr.
Mr. Bayly Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Burgess
Anthony and Eleanor Carey
Cathedral of Mary Our Queen
Hope Chase and David Jenkins
Church of the Good Shepherd
John Claster
Nancy B. and Howard K. Cohen
Charitable Fund
Steven and Joanne Cohen
Marilyn Collins
Mark and Victoria Collins
Susan L. and Jeff Corden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cox
Mrs. Sandra A. Crawford and
Charles W. Crawford
Ms. Alison Cullinane
Karen Dale-Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Dame
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Davis
Mr. and Mrs. John Dearing
Mary K. Dunn
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 15
Charles Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Falcone
Alex G. Fisher
Charles Martin Fisher
Mr. G. Ross French
Jim Furletti
John and Robbin Furst
Joseph and Cynthia Galli
Mark and Deanne Giarraputo
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Goldseker
Sally and Howard Golstein
Jack and Margaret Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gottlieb
Mr. Robin Graham
Ms. Carol I. Griswold
Francis and Caroline Grumbine
Mr. Binyamin Hackerman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hardiman
Andrew and Janet Hartman
John and Anne Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Helme
Mr. Mark Henschke
Katharine Finney Baetjer Hornady
John and Elizabeth Howard
The A.C. and Penney Hubbard
Foundation Inc.
F. Patrick Hughes
Mr. Arthur Imparato
16 | Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad Inayatullah
Charles T. and Cynthia Isenhour
Mr. Richard D. Jiranek and
Dr. Jean Kim
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Bob & Carol Knight
Paige and Howdy Knipp
Elizabeth Krug
Megan and Joe LaRocque
James C. Lawler
Len the Plumber
The Levinson Family
MacKenzie Commercial Real Estate
Services, LLC
William Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Mason
Dudley Mason
Traci and Phillip McFaul
Ms. Christine K. McSherry and
Mr. Frederick Hopkins
Michael and Marsha Meyd
Josephine Moncure
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Moore
Mr. Christopher Morea
William and Mary Lou Mullin
Joseph and Linda Napora
G. Macy Nelson and Ann MacNeille
Hillary A. O’Brochta
Lee and Marilyn Ogburn
Ojas Wellness Center
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Palmer
William Pantle
Mr. Daniel J. Parlagreco
Mike Pate
Sandra S. Patterson
Larae S. Paulson
Deborah Peeples
Carolyn Phillips
John and Susan Powell
Robert F. and Suzy Price
Mr. Tom Quirk
Drummond Rice
Ms. Nancy Roberts
Lucy Robins and Kevin Larrowe
Ms. Katie Rodgers
Larry Rounds
Meghan Gill Roy
Inex A. Scholler-Jaquish
Dr. and Mrs. Carlton C. Sexton
Zack and Hillary Shankman
Richard Slaven
Daniel A. South
Arthur R. Spencer
Philip and Melissa Spevak
St. Paul’s School
John and Cheryl Strom
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Stump
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Thalenberg
Margaret Thalenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Topping
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tracey
Mrs. William Trimble
Kathy Van Lanen
Nicholas and Karen Visser
Mr. and Mrs. David Wagner
Ms. Marion Walsh
Francie Weeks
Mrs. Sherry A. Welch
William W. Whitty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Willey
David R. Wilmerding
Brad and Crickett Woloson
Matthew and Christy Wyskeil
Up to $250
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adams
Theodore Adams
Mary M. and Peter C. Agre
Charles and Elizabeth Albert
Aristides and Dorothy Alevizatos
Mrs. Laura E. Alfonso
Kathleen Allen
Masoud Ameri
Judd and Evy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Andrew
Frank and Susan Andrews, III
Anonymous (5)
Mahlon and Anne Apgar
Judith Armold
Oden Bowie and Susan Arnot
Pastor and Mrs. David Asendorf
Dorothy Atkinson
Ms. Joanna Badinelli
Howard and Susan Baetjer Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Bagley
Anne and Tom Bailliere
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Baker, Jr.
Baltimore Business Journal
Bank of America United Way
Keith Barberis
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Barberis
Ms. Linda Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Barnes
Ms. Valerie Barnes
Burke L. Barrett
Margaret Barthel
Delmar Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Beach
Beatty Development Group, LLC
Ms. Jane Beatty
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Mrs. Margaret T. Beer
Michael Beer
Rayanne Beers
Emile Bendit
Mrs. William E. Berndt
Ethel W. Berney
Ms. Christina R. Best
Bruce and Kate Beveridge
Anne Bieretz
Paul Bilger, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Bingham
Patrick Blake
Mrs. Cecelia Blalock
Brenda Bodian
William and Cynthia Bollinger, Sr.
Thomas Bonderenko
Frank and Helen Bonsal, III
Jonathan Bor
Diane Borenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Boucher
Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Boutilier
Harry C. Bowie III
Bowman & Company, CPA, PC
Dorothy Boyce
Nancy Boyce
Kenneth and Ana Boyer
Ms. Shirley J. Braddy
Robert Brannan
Marjorie Braverman
Herbert P. and Mary P. Bremermann Jr.
Eddie and Joyce Brown
Frances J. Brown
Marjorie Brown
Sandra C. Brown
Mr. Scott Brown
Stanley Brown
Mr. Edwin H. Brubaker
Tracy Bruce and Steven Davenport
Mrs. J. David Bryan
Fred Bryant, III
Julia W. Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Budzynski
William R. and Diana D. Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burdette
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Burnett
Darek Bushnaq
William J. Butt
The Honorable and Mrs. John Byrnes
Mr. David Cahouet
Mr. and Mrs. S. Winfred Cain
Rev. and Mrs. David A. Caldwell
John & Eileen Cameron
Edward W. Campbell III
James and Regina Campbell
Mary Jo Campbell
Greg Cantori
Judge and Mrs. Hilary Caplan
Jill Carlson
John and Annelise Cataldo
Mr. Matt Cellini
Suzanne E. Chapelle
Anne Chapin
David and Jan Chapin
Mrs. Pamela F. Charshee
Sylvia Chisolm
Henry Cholewczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. A. Chriss
Evan Chriss
Ms. Cherry Clark
Mr. Curtis Clark
Gaylord and LeeAnn Clark, III
Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord Clark
Mrs. Margery W. Clark
Candace Claster
Ms. Joan Cochin
Maureen Codelka
Paul Colella
Mr. Michael D. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley C. Compton, Jr.
Vassar T. Conkling
Constellation Energy Group
Foundation, Inc.
C. Edward Cook
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Cook, IV
Thomas and Donna Coons
Bill and Cathryn Corey
Nancy Cornbrooks
William Couper
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cowie
Michael and Natalie Cowley
Ms. Nancy Cox
Barbara Craig
Ronald Creamer
Joe Credit and Sharon Credit
Lynn Cripps
Ms. Pamela Crites
Gordon P. Cromwell
Kitty Cromwell
David Crossley
Mary Crowley
Dave Crumpton
Kathe Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Lock Curtis
Richard H. Czyzewski
Ms. Shannon Daily
Ms. Elaina Dance
Aristea Daniels
Bettina and Charles Darrell
Mrs. Ethel Darrell
Kent and Janice Darrell
Frances Daum
Mr. Raymond Day
Ralph and Marion DeGroff, Jr.
George and Holly Delahunty
Julie Dematteis
James and Carolyn Dempsey
Stuart and Sandy Dettelbach
Catherine De Vito
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Diette
Luther B. Ditch
John and Ann Doak
Robert and Patricia Dobbin
Ms. Shannon Dolan
Mrs. Melanie S. Donnelly
Mrs. Patrick J. Donnelly
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Donner
Elizabeth T. Donzella
Rhoda M. Dorsey
Muffie Dougherty
William F. Dove
Jane and Barry Dowling
Matthew Dowling
Elizabeth Downes
Mr. Richard A. Doyle
Louisa Dubin
Mr. Thomas Dudley
Sibyle M. Dulin
Edward and Janet Dunn, Jr.
Mary Dunn
Taryn Dunnaville
Norman and Emilie Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Alexius A. Dyer
Mark Dyer
Mrs. Jessica Dziemburski
Ms. Kathleen F. Edwards
Karl F. Eger
Omar and Ann Eid
Alberta Eidman
Carl and Ann Elliott
Kathleen and Todd Elliott
The Epp Family
Scott Espenscheid
Ms. Jennifer Eve-Williams
Mary Ann Facente
Ms. Antonia K. Fasanelli
Ms. Lorena R. Feacher
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Feiss
Ricardo and Susannah Feldman
H. Bruce Fenwick
Ms. Phyllis Ferguson
Claudia R. and Geoffrey W. Fielding
Phyllis E. and Gene L. Finn
Dr. and Mrs. Rolfe B. Finn
Mrs. Tina Fiorelli
Charles Fish
Ronald and Terry Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Fisher
Charles Fisher
Mindie Flamholz
Ms. Megan Fletcher
Charles Fleury
Harry and Jody Ford
Archibald Fort
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Forthuber
Richard K. and Teresa B. Foster
Mrs. Linda K. Fredeking
Barrett W. Freedlande
Richard and Donna Frisch
William F. and Fritz
Jeff Gaines
George & Judy Gallahorn
Dr. and Mrs. Earl P. Galleher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gamper
Bonnie & Rob Garonzik
Mary Ellen C. Gasek
Robert and Joan Gassert
Robert A. Gaumont
Timothy Geipe
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Gelston Jr.
A. C. and Kathryn George
Mr. and Mrs. W. Randall Gerstmyer
Sandra L. Gerstung
W. T. Dixon Gibbs and Sibyl Gibbs, Jr.
Gail P. Gibson
Arthur and Martha Gilbert
Charles G. Gilbert
Adele Gill
Julia Gillern
John and Minnie Gillett
Samue Gitlin and Florence Monaghan
Give With Liberty
Anand Gnanadesikan
Mr. Max Gold
Larry Goldberg
Herbert and Harriet Goldman
Emily C. Gonce
Stephen and Alicia Gonce
Victoria A. Gonce
Mr. Marvin Goodwin
James and Darcy Gordon
Ms. Trish Gottesman
Grace Episcopal Church
Ms. Lorie Graffius
Anne Gray
Ms. Susan M. Gray
Karen Greeley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Green
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greenman
Costas Grimaldis
Robert and Vicky Grose
Mr. Steven Gutowski
Katherine Guyton
Anne Hackney
H. Hamilton and Dumpsey Hackney
Louise A. Hager
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Haigh
Andrew Haines
Nancy Hall
Ban A. Hammoodi
Ms. Lisa Hanes
Steven M. and Lisa B. Hankin
Mr. and Mrs. O. Kenneth Hankins
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hanson
Ms. Pamela Hargest
Ms. Amy Harlan
Mary Harris
Mrs. Cisylin Harrison
Robert and Katherine Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Thornley A. Hart
Nancy G. and Robert T. Harvey
Janet and R. D. Harvey, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Hatten
Dominique Hawkins
Ms. Barbara Hawley
Mr. David E. Heacock
Ms. Kristen L. Held
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Hemmendinger
Ms. Sandra D. Hess
Denise and Keith Hightower
Calvin Hill
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Hill
Samuel and Pamela Himmelrich
Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 17
Ms. Eleanor Hiser
Geraldine Hisle
J. Adam and Joann Hitt
Jean Hoblitzell and Chris Glotzbach
Joan M. Hoblitzell
Priscilla Hoblitzell
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Hoey
Ms. Venetia Holland
Louise Hollyday
Penny and Jock Hopkins
Ryan M. Hopkins
W. Carl and Susan Hossfeld, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hotz
William and Deborah Howard
Elizabeth Howe
R. P. and Mary L. Hulleberg
Richard and Dorothy Huppert
Christopher and Cathy Hutchins
Richard Hynson
Dr. and Mrs. Iredell W. Iglehart, III
Andrew Imparato
Dr. Roberta J. Irgens
Joyce Jackson
Anne A. Jamison
Steven and Lincy Jarowski
Ms. Kerry Ann Jeffers-Parente
William and Patricia Jeffries
Rodica Johnson
Thomas and Laura Johnson
18 | Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report
Dante C. and Rosalind Jones
Lynn and Ross Jones
Ruth W. Juskowitz
Robert O. Kan
Peter and Susan Katan
Andrea K. and Lawrence Katkow
Karen Kauffman
Susie and Jehovah Kearse
Ms. Carol S. Kees
Claudia Sennett and Douglas A. Kelso
Richard and Louise Kemper
Kenneth and Shirley Ketterman
KeyBanc Capital Markets
Ms. Kathy M. Kinsey
Kipp Visual Systems, Inc.
Fred H. Klaunberg
Ms. Catherine Klein
Mr. Brian Klinzing
Steven and Irene Knott
Linda Knox
Mr. Lee F. Kolakowski
Bette Koontz
Jeanne Kraus
Douglas L. Kruse
Ronald Labarre
Thomas LaCrosse
Ms. and Mr. Katherine LaVeck
Mr. and Mrs. William LaVeck
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Lederman
Eileen Leikach
Cynthia Leiner
Donald Leiss
Mr. Ryan Lessans
Leslie Levine
Daniel and Pearl Licht
Ms. Lucy Liddell
Barbara Lingg
Barbara Lloyd
Sarah Long
Marguerite Lopes
Donnell and Helen Lorenz
Peter Lucas
Mr. Barry Luciani
Albert Lundquist
Jane R. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay MacArthur
M. I. MacGregor
Amy Macht and George Grose
Clark and Ann MacKenzie
John and Joyce Maclay
Jeffrey D. Maddox
Thomas and Jean Maddux, IV
Jay Magaziner
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Mahoney, Jr.
Andrew and Martha Marani
Charles and Bonnie Markell
M. Lee and Sylvia Marston
Gerald Martin
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mathias
L. B. and Cecily Matthai
Matthews United Methodist Church
Judith Mayer
Mrs. Elizabeth McCall
Margaret McCann
Beverly D. McCarthy
Jane McConnell
The McConnell Family
Karen McGee
David and Ellen McGinnis
John McGlone
Mr. Michael P. McIntyre
Anne McKusick
Patricia and Taylor McLean
William and Betty McMillan, Jr.
Pearl and Thomas McNamara
Karen Mears
Frances Meginnis
Mr. Phillip L. Melville
Mr. Lawrence Menefee
Scott S. and Susan Menzies
Michael and Carolyn Meredith
Fred and Christine Metschulat
Mr. Albert H. Michaels Jr.
Sally Michel
Harvey I. Milhiser
Millennium Family Practice
Ms. Bonnie Miller
Cecelia and Charles Miller
Charles H. Miller, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Miller
Mrs. Rita M. Miller
Stan and Mary Miller
Charles and Elizabeth Mitchell
Marik Moen
Alan J. Mogol
Mrs. Deanna S. Mojarrad
Michael Monahan
Serena B. Montague
Mrs. Betty I. Moore
Frank and Judith Moore
Jean Moran, LCSW-C
Michael and Jeannie Moran
Angela Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Morris
James R. and Susan P. Morrison
Ms. Patrice C. Morrison and
Mr. Felix Morrison
Elizabeth and Peter Moser
Holly Z. Moye
Dr. Joseph Murphy
K. M. Murphy
Patrick and Genevieve Murphy
Genevieve Murray
Ms. Christina Myers and Hal Pollard
Mrs. Mary B. Myford
Claire Naisby
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Nathan
Irvin Naylor
Bruce and Robertanna Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. F.S. Nelson
Mr. Travers Nelson
Mrs. Nancy W. Nicholls
John and Martha Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. William Nickerson
Ms. Bonnie Nixon
Philip S. Norman
Thomas and Marilyn Nuttle
John C. O’Brien
Mr. Dennis Okeefe
Elizabeth L. Oliver
Lisa Marie Orens
Rebecca Orrick
Lucy & Rollin Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Palmer, III
Sarah Papania
Bryn B. Parchman
Mr. and Mrs. Marion T. Parker
Fredric Parsons
Janet C. Partel
Charles and Joan Partridge
Ms. Jeanne Paul
Ms. Tanya Paxson
Sally Pearce
Lawrence and Rachel Penn
Richard Penn
Richard and Barbara Perlmutter
Dr. Jay A. Perman
Marypatricia Perry
Dennis and Louisa Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Peterson
Victor and Carol Petrosino
Mr. James Petway
Elizabeth and Patrick Phelan
Lesley Pierce
Michael and Katie Pinheiro
Mrs. Christie C. Pistell
W. A. and Christie Pistell
Florence Platt
Albert Polovoy
Ms. Cierra Poole
John and Christine Powderly
A. Judith Pratt
William J. Price
John Purdy
Terry and Elizabeth Purvis
Richard and Kathleen Rattell
Ms. Karen Reed
Joan Elisabeth Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Reynolds, Jr.
Claire A. Richardson
Laurence Richmond, Jr.
Annetta Richter
Audrey Riker
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Riley
Donna King
Margery and William Ritchie
Carol Roberts
Vanessa Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Robinson, Jr.
Sally and John Robinson
Bruce and Lisa Roed
John and Carol Roeder, III
Ronald and Sally Roessler
Dr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Rogers
Roland Park Country School
Charles E. and Jane Rosolio
Jennie Rothschild
Mrs. Olga Rowland
Ms. Amy Roza
John Russell and Marianna Russell
Mrs. Marianna Russell
Mr. Adam G. Sachs
George Sack, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Sands
Anne M. Sapir
Mr. Lloyd Sargent
Archie and Rachel Satterfield
Todd B. Sauer
Ms. Meggan Saulo
Ursula Scheffel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schelberg
Mary E. Schildwachter
Howard and Liz Schindler
Mrs. Gretchen Schlenger
Elizabeth A. Schmidt
Jane Schmidt
Mr. Paul Schurick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Scrandis
C. Lamar and Cheryl Seats
Second Chance at Life
Ms. Liz Seidel
Ms. Elizabeth Selock
Natalie Seltz
Mrs. Nellie M. Semans
Wilbur and Evelyn Seufert
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Shaw
Katie and Sam Sheffield
Mrs. Daniel H. Sheppard
Harriet Shiffman
John W. and Carol Shilling Jr.
Chips and Judy Shutt
Leonard and Virginia Siems
William & Anne Simmons
Claude and Gina Skelton
Richard Skovira
Claudia Smith
Gary and Sadie Smith
James and Sandra Smith
Linda and Ross Smith
Bud and Nancy Smith
Peter and Shana Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith
Sadie Smith
Thomas W. and Libby Snider
Patricia A. Snyder
Sally Sobolewski
Sonia L. Socha
Jenny Sorel
Thomas and Linda Sparks
Michael and Pamela Spencer
St. David’s Church
St. Martin’s in the Field
St. Mary’s Church
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
Jonathan St. Thomas
Ms. Jill Stahl
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Standiford
J. Snowden and Nancy Stanley
Mrs. Robert E. Stegman
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Stellmann
Mrs. Shelley Stevenson
Ann Stewart
Clare H. Stewart
Evelyn Stewart
Hervey and Dyson Stockman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Stoltz
Michael M. Stoltz
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Stone
Eileen R. Stoner
Ann Stonesifer
Helen Stough
Elke Straub
Mr. Barry and Mrs. Patricia Straube
Louise and Paul Stringer
John and Virginia Stuelpnagel
Virginia L. Stuelpnagel
Rita Sulin
Cindy and Dennis Sullivan
Robert M. and Mary P. Summers
Mr. Neil Sweren
Mr. and Mrs. John Swift
Mrs. Lydia Tallie-Wright
Missy Teague
Ms. Shirley Tellington
Frank and Sarah Terhune
Ms. Ericka Tesfa
Mrs. Frances K. Thayer
The Giving Campaign - Allstate
The Gordon Croft Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thomas Sr.
Nancy K. Thomas
Kenneth and Laura Thompson
James and Mae Thornton
Mr. Matthew Thurber
Susan Tippett
Mr. J. MacGregor Tisdale
Richard D. and Theresa B. Toohey
David F. and Sharon K. Tufaro
Mrs. Sarah B. Uebersax
United Way of Greater Portland
University of Maryland School of
Ms. and Mr. Mary Frances Vacca
Thomas and Toyoko Vassil
Douglas and Priscilla Vaughan
Ms. Victoria Vince
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Vogel
Robert Walker
Loretta Wall
Ms. Amy Walters
Ann Warfield
Erin Warfield
William S. Warner
Mr. Thomas Warren
Richard Wasserman
David and Colleen Waters
Mary Watriss
Peter and Caroline Wayner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webster
Mr. Andrew Wecht
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wehland
Jane and Charles Wehland
Gregory Weidman and
J. Michael Flanigan
Sally S. Weinman
Ms. Nadine Weinstein
Stephen and Elinor Weinstein
Edward and Olivia Welbourn
Mrs. Nancy P. Welbourn
Mr. Joseph G. Wendel
Ms. Robin B. West
Amanda S. Wharton
Ruth Wheeler
Thomas and Carolyn Wheeler
James and Patricia White
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Whitman, Jr.
Leon and Yvonne Whitney
Mrs. Yvonne Whitney
Dr. and Mrs. E.F. Shaw Wilgis
Albert R. and Kathryn H. Wilkerson Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Wilkinson
Thomson and Gillian Willard
Keith Willey
Linda Williams
Mr. George Wills
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Winstead, Sr.
Beverly Winter
Marc Witman
Margaret Wittich
Moke Wolfe
Dr. and Mrs. Stewart Wolff
Brad and Crickett Woloson
Mary Wontrop
Hiram W. and Ann Woodward Jr.
Mrs. Carolyn C. Workman
Mrs. Sallie G. Worthington
Jean R. Worthley
William C. and Hope M. Wright
Edward Wysocki
George Yannakakis
Dorsey Yearley
Mr. Martin I. Yospa
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Youngquist
Paul Zaccaria
Susan Zator and Harry Merritt
Edward and JoAnne Zehler
Mr. Carl N. Ziegler
Ried and Mildred Zimmer
Mrs. Doris Zimmerman
Evelyn Zink
Richard and Kathleen Zyla
Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report | 19
Gifts in Kind
Allied Waste Industries/
Republic Services
Alpha Omega Sorority
Baltimore City Health Department
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation
Young Adults
Baltimore Ravens
Baltimore Salsa Company
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Brantley Security
Bryn Mawr Lower School
Calvert Hall College High School
Calvert School
Camp Louise
Cangene Bio Pharma
Chezelle, Inc
Chizuk Amuno Congregation
Christian Temple
Church of Good Shepherd
Church of the Redeemer
Dickey Memorial Presbyterian
Eddie’s of Roland Park
Ellicott City Rotary Club
Ellicott Dredges
Food Lion
Fraternity Federal Savings & Loan
Gilman School
Girl Scout Troup 324
Good Shepherd Pre-School
Gorfine, Schiller & Gardyn
Graul’s Market *
Greenmount School
Gross Mendolsohn & Associates, P.A.
Habitat for Humanity of the
Holly Poultry
Janice Cornell
Johns Hopkins Hospital Utilization/
Clinic Resource Management
Johns Hopkins University Masters
Kaydon Ring and Seal Corp.
Kforce Tech
20 | Paul’s Place 2013-14 Annual Report
Kim Aschenbach
Legg Mason
MacKenzie Commercial /
Real Estate Services
Maryland Department of the
Maryland Food Bank *
Ojas Wellness Center
Park School
Pi Omega Chapter - Omega Psi Phi
Price Modern
Prudential - YWGC Homesale
Rite Aid
Roland Park Country School
Schochor, Federico, and Staton, P.A.
Signal Hill
Sisters Academy
St. Agnes Care Management
St. David’s Church - Roland Park
St. James Academy
St. James Episcopal Church Monkton
St. John’s Church Western Run Parish *
St. John’s Episcopal Church Baltimore
St. John’s Episcopal Church Kingsville
St. Martin’s in the Field
St. Paul’s School for Boys
St. Paul’s School for Girls
St. Thomas Episcopal Church Garrison Forrest
St. Thomas Episcopal Church Homestead
Stevenson Nursing Program (NSNA)
TESSCO Technologies
The Shelter Group
Towson Y Pre-School
Travelers Insurance
Trinity Day School
Trinity Long Green Episcopal
United Way of Central Maryland
UM - Baltimore Division of
UM School of Nursing Faculty
UMB School of Nursing
UMD Dept. of Medical Research
Technology (DMRT)
University of Maryland at Baltimore,
Office of the President
University of Maryland Medical
University of Maryland - School of Law
University of Maryland - School
of Nursing
University of Maryland School of
Nursing - Sisters4sisters
United Evangelical in Canton,
United States Air Force at
Fort Meade
US Kuoshu Academy
Waldorf School
Wells Fargo Bank
Womble Carlyle
In Honor of
Dorothy Aleviazatos
Susan Andrews
BHC Chai Life
Joan Buck
Denis Chatham
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cromwell
Ruth and Mac Cromwell
The Dent Family
The Dulin Family
Harold & Mary Graul
Esther Hackerman
The Hankin Family
Anne Hemmendinger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffberger
Kathy Hudson & Greg Otto
Art & Noelle Imparato
Nora & Howard Johnson & Family
Patty Lattin
Nan McConnell
Bill McLennan
Aris Melissaratos
Dobbie Meyermann
Paul’s Place Board of Directors
Denie Dulin
John Morton
Howard Nussman
Brigid Peterson
Dr. Nate and Diane Pierce
Harry Quigley
Carroll Rasin
Stuart & Beth Smith and Family
Libby Southall
Suzanne & Jay Watkins
Nora Yaggy
In Memory of
Jan Chapin
Ruth Chapin
Maria Paz Herbkersman
Margaret and Earle Hudson
Alice Huffman
Helen Martien
Patricia McPherson
Hank Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Morton, Jr.
Joseph Purcell
Genevieve Purdy
Rebecca Rigger
Elnora Jane Roane
Letitia Sexton
Holly Smith
Jay Sweren
Semmes Walsh
Jack Westerlund
Leoda Zipprian
Legacy Donors
Ruth and Mac Cromwell
Charles C. G. Evans, Jr.
Roger and Anne Eve
Donald R. and Melanie M. Heacock
Kathy Hudson
Estate of Bernard Kerns
Estate of Mary C.M. Leypoldt
Estate of Harriett M. Little
William J. McLennan, Sr.
Estate of John S. Morton, Jr.
John S. Morton, III
Estate of Lettice Lee Lyon Morton
Estate of Robert N. Riley
Jeannie D. Pohlhaus
Estate of Eleanor K. Reed
Jaye Richardson
* 32 years of committed support
Every effort has been made to
ensure the accuracy of these lists.
Our sincere apologies to anyone
we may have missed or listed
To correct your listing in
our system, kindly email
[email protected].
Children and Youth
Programs Staff
Christan Morley
Director of Children and Youth Programs
Vice President
K. Brigid Peterson
Mike Andrews
Executive Assistant & After School Facilitator
Karen Lundquist, CPA
Loretta Brown
After School Program Assistant
Anne Hemmendinger
Rebecca Dial
Youth Coordinator/Case Manager
Curtis Clark, S.T.D.
Phillip A. Clough
Dr. Stephen N. Davis, MBBS, FRCP, FACP
Dawn Ferenc
Carter Franke
Elizabeth Fenwick Garner
Edward Giltenan
Melanie M. Heacock
Patty Lattin
John S. Morton
David Oros
Faye Royale-Larkins, RN, MPH
Monica Tucker
Program Staff
Paul’s Place Staff
William J. McLennan
Executive Director
Development Staff
Jeffrey Smith
Director of Development
Tina Crow
Development Associate/Events Coordinator
Sadie Smith
Deputy Director
Aimée Clark
Director of Case Management
Brad Clevenger
Kitchen Assistant
Barbara Craig
Computer Lab Coordinator
Tamie Flax
Day Program Coordinator
Dolly Miller
Peer Recovery Advocate
Paroma Nandi
Community Liaison/Guest Advocate
Jayna Powell
Volunteer Coordinator
Travis Ridgway
Housing Case Manager
Sue Schmincke
Kitchen Manager
Will Thomas
Ambassador Volunteer Coordinator
Paul’s Place is proud to be a Standards for Excellence organization.
Standards for Excellence is awarded by Maryland Nonprofits and shows
that Paul’s Place operates with ethics and accountability in our program
operations, governance, human resources, financial management, and
fundraising practice.
Photography: Sachs Photography
Design: Jensen Design Studio
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1118 Ward Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(P) 410-625-0775 (F) 410-625-0784
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