The New Orleans Principles - U.S. Green Building Council


The New Orleans Principles - U.S. Green Building Council
The New Orleans Principles
Celebrating the Rich History of New Orleans Through
Commitment to a Sustainable Future
U.S. Green Building Council New Orleans Planning Charrette
November 9-11, 2005
Celebrating the Rich History of New Orleans
Through Commitment to a Sustainable Future
Charrette Overview
The New Orleans Principles are guidelines
developed by participants of a charrette on Gulf
Coast Reconstruction that was held on November
9-11, 2005, at the U.S. Green Building Council’s
annual Greenbuild conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
These principles represent a consensus position
of the 160 participants, approximately one-fifth of
whom were invited guests from New Orleans and
the immediate vicinity. The rest, from throughout
North America, represented a wide range of
expertise in urban planning, water management,
engineering, and architecture and included some
Cover Photo: Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA
of the leading voices in sustainable design.
The recent destruction in New Orleans and the surrounding areas
presents the city and the region with a historic opportunity. That
opportunity is to rebuild these communities in a way that brings
forward their rich history while creating a new definition of a
21st century city. In the process, it also allows the city to address
problems that were long-standing before Hurricane Katrina—to
create a city that is stronger economically, physically, and culturally
for all of its citizens.
The following New Orleans Principles were developed to help guide
the planning and rebuilding efforts, with the intent of enhancing
environmental, social, and economic outcomes. This holistic, or
“triple-bottom-line,” approach promotes environmental, economic,
and equitable solutions in addressing the rebuilding efforts, creating
a stronger, more self-sufficient and protected city for the coming
century for all of its citizens.
In this effort, it is clear that the resources of the entire nation will
be required and should be forthcoming. New Orleans has given the
nation much through its culture, its music, its architecture, its cuisine,
its language, and its people. The physical planning characteristics of
the city, including diverse and mixed-use neighborhoods, and the
charm of its human-scaled environment have become models for
communities across the nation. New Orleans plays a vital role in the
nation’s cultural life. Our country needs now to stand behind the
city in order to strengthen the nation as a whole.
The process and outcome of the rebuilding effort on which our
nation is about to embark holds the potential to generate a
redevelopment of New Orleans that serves as a world-class, living
example of what is possible when we work together intelligently
and strategically. In choosing this path of creating opportunity out
of adversity, by growing vibrant, prosperous communities out of the
devastation, New Orleans will find a new place for itself once again
as a world-class destination that lives up to its reputation as a place
to celebrate life while also embracing the wellbeing of its residents.
The New Orleans Principles
1 • Respect the rights of all citizens of New Orleans
Displaced citizens who wish to return to New Orleans should be afforded the opportunity to
return to healthy, livable, safe, and secure neighborhoods of choice.
2 • Restore natural protections of the greater New Orleans region
Sustain and restore the coastal and floodplain ecosystems and urban forests that support and
protect the environment, economy, communities, and culture of southern Louisiana, and that
contribute greatly to the economy and well-being of the nation.
3 • Implement an inclusive planning process
Build a community-centered planning process that uses local talent and makes sure that the
voices of all New Orleanians are heard. This process should be an agent of change and renewal for
New Orleans.
4 • Value diversity in New Orleans
Build on the traditional strength of New Orleans neighborhoods, encourage mixed uses and
diverse housing options, and foster communities of varied incomes, mixed age groups, and a racial
diversity. Celebrate the unique culture of New Orleans, including its food, music, and art.
5 • Protect the city of New Orleans
Expand or build a flood protection infrastructure that serves multiple uses. Value, restore, and
expand the urban forests, wetlands, and natural systems of the New Orleans region that protect
the city from wind and storms.
6 • Embrace smart redevelopment
Maintain and strengthen the New Orleans tradition of compact, connected, mixed-use
communities. Provide residents and visitors with multiple transportation options. Look to schools
for jumpstarting neighborhood redevelopment and for rebuilding strong communities in the city.
7 • Honor the past; build for the future
In the rebuilding of New Orleans, honor the history of the city while creating 21st century
buildings that are durable, affordable, inexpensive to operate, and healthy to live in. Through codes
and other measures, ensure that all new buildings are built to high standards of energy, structural,
environmental, and human health performance.
8 • Provide for passive survivability
Homes, schools, public buildings, and neighborhoods should be designed and built or rebuilt to
serve as livable refuges in the event of crisis or breakdown of energy, water, and sewer systems.
9 • Foster locally owned, sustainable businesses
Support existing and new local businesses built on a platform of sustainability that will contribute
to a stronger and more diverse local economy.
10 • Focus on the long term
All measures related to rebuilding and ecological restoration, even short-term efforts, must be
undertaken with explicit attention to the long-term solutions.
Principle 1. Respect the rights of all citizens of New Orleans
Displaced citizens who wish to return to New Orleans should be afforded the
opportunity to return to healthy, livable, safe, and secure neighborhoods of choice.
Background and Context
Photo: Alex Wilson
There is concern among some displaced New
Orleanians that the city will be rebuilt in a manner
that physically or economically prevents their return.
There is fear that some portions of the city will be
deemed impossible or impractical to rebuild and that
residents from those portions of the city will not be
afforded opportunities to relocate to other, more
livable, areas of the city. There is also concern that a
gentrification of New Orleans will occur that economically forces its lowest-income residents from the city.
Even at this early point in the planning, it is becoming increasingly clear that to protect the city and its
residents, some areas of the city should not be rebuilt.
New Orleans should not shy way from these difficult decisions if they benefit the city as a whole. That
some sections of the city may not be rebuilt, however,
does not mean that all people should not have the
opportunity to return. Planning needs to find other
opportunities for good neighborhoods, and policymakers from the city, region, and nation need to find
ways to fund the creation of those neighborhoods.
Four Gulf Coast Reconstruction Charrettes in November,
2005 brought together more than 160 people from the
New Orleans region and throughout North America to
address rebuilding in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
For New Orleans to recover its position as a center
of America’s culture, music, art, architecture, language, and cuisine, it is critically important that all its
current and displaced citizens—and the diversity of
cultures, heritage, and income levels they represent—
be a central part of the new New Orleans. Finding
other places in New Orleans to build good quality
homes, apartments, and neighborhoods therefore needs
to be a top priority.
Roughly 80 percent of the city’s
485,000 residents fled before
the storm hit. This left nearly
100,000 stranded and subject
to the storm’s rage.
Removing the specter of uncertainty surrounding the
rights of New Orleans residents to return to the city
allows attention that would otherwise be focused on
this issue to instead be devoted to addressing the longterm challenges that face the city and its residents. By
working together with common purpose, the residents
of New Orleans can achieve a livable city, a strong
economy, and a sustainable future.
Times Picayune
above—can be a model for other neighborhoods,
helping to bring more people into the city while
reinforcing a sense of community.
Policy Recommendations and Actions
1. Communications Outreach Program – Immediately implement a communications outreach
program that will reach all New Orleanians—
those who have returned and those who remain
displaced—to maintain a sense of community and
open access to information.
• Levee zones – Many of the levees have to be rebuilt,
modified, or reinforced. In many cases, the banks
of the levees can and should be greatly widened to
reinforce them while creating higher ground for
critical-need facilities. These widened levee zones
can also be locations for higher-density housing at
key points. If developed in a comprehensive way,
the system of levees could also become a major
new system of linear urban parks linking all parts
of the city.
2. Announce Policy of Return – Convey to all New
Orleans residents that it is the City’s and State’s
policy to make it possible for all residents wishing
to return to the city to be able to do so.
3. Plan for New Neighborhoods – Direct New Orleans planning efforts to explicitly address the fact
that not all residents may be able return to their
original neighborhoods. Redevelopment should be
planned to maintain density in regions of the city
that can safely support development, while shifting
development from regions of the city at the highest
risk of future flooding. For those portions of the city
that are deemed unsuitable for rebuilding, identify
other living options for the former residents of
those neighborhoods. There are many areas in the
city to provide additional housing and new neighborhoods for people displaced by flooding. Some of
these possibilities are listed below:
• Mississippi River zone – Numerous areas of high
ground along the Mississippi River corridor, both
above and below the French Quarter, are underused and suitable for redevelopment into new
• Downtown Core – The edges of the downtown
core, including the former hospital zones and
numerous vacant parcels, provide an opportunity
to create higher-density housing areas adjacent to
the existing business and residential areas.
4. Publicly Owned Conservation Zones – Flooded
areas that are to remain unbuilt for the protection
of the city should remain protected public lands
either as parks or conservations districts. They
should be used for the benefit of all of the people of
New Orleans. These natural “greenway” areas should
be linked with trails and bicycle paths to form
connected corridors for people and wildlife.
• Central City – Large sections of the central
part of New Orleans have been abandoned
over the years, are underused, were in need of
replacement before Katrina, or are simply vacant.
After the flooding problems in these areas are
resolved, they will provide ample opportunity
for new neighborhoods in close proximity to the
center of the city.
• Higher-Density Uses Along Major Streets –
Many of the structures along commercial/
arterial streets, including Claiborne, Carolton,
Canal and Tulane Avenue, need to be rebuilt.
Following the traditions of older parts of New
Orleans, it would be relatively easy to plan for
mixed-use centers with higher-density housing along these routes. Placing housing above
retail follows longstanding traditions in older parts
of the city, including the French Quarter, and the
practice can be extended to redevelopment along
major streets.
Photo: HOK
• Mixed-Use Centers – Create higher-density centers
in neighborhoods by combining retail and commercial space with apartments and housing for
people of all ages, including the elderly. Jackson
Square and its Pontalba buildings—with retail on
the first floor and townhouses and apartments
Use restored wetlands and forest buffers around the city
as public parks and amenities.
Principle 2. Restore natural protections of the greater New Orleans region
Sustain and restore the coastal and floodplain ecosystems and urban forests that
support and protect the environment, economy, communities, and culture of southern
Louisiana, and that contribute greatly to the economy and well-being of the nation.
Background and Context
Photo: Ralph Bicknese
Human actions along the Mississippi River and Gulf
Coast have dramatically altered the natural hydrology of the region and resulted in significant erosion of
the wetlands and protective islands, marshes, swamps,
and floodplain forests that have long protected New
Orleans and other coastal communities. Because
levees were built along the Mississippi River and the
river and shipping canals were channeled, sediment is no longer deposited to a significant extent in
the Mississippi Delta around New Orleans; instead,
high-velocity river flows erode the remaining land base,
carrying sediment further out into the Gulf of Mexico.
One mile of cypress swamp will absorb
approximately one foot of storm surge.
Marshes and wetlands are wave buffers, storage tanks,
water purifiers, oxygen pumps, a food pantry to wildlife, and fish nurseries. According to the strategic plan
Coast 2050: Toward a Sustainable Coastal Louisiana
(Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force and the Wetlands Conservation
and Restoration Authority, 1998), since 1930, more
than 1,500 square miles of vegetation-rich wetlands
have been lost along the Louisiana coast; these losses
are continuing at an average rate of a football field
every 30 minutes—25-30 square miles per year. This
land area—lowland marsh and swamp—is being
replaced by open water, which offers no protection
from hurricane winds or storm surges. Compounding the problem, the land not eroded is subsiding as
the organic silt soils decompose and compress. These
actions make New Orleans increasingly vulnerable to
hurricane damage.
urgency to the need to repair the natural systems
that provide the primary line of protection to
coastal communities.
The Gulf Coast houses North America’s largest
expanse of coastal wetlands. Along with putting
people at risk, the loss of these wetlands also threatens
the coastal fisheries upon which a significant portion
of Louisiana’s economy depends. These ecosystems
contribute nearly 30% by weight of all commercial
fishery harvests in the lower-48 states. The same wetlands provide wintering habitat for some 70% of migratory waterfowl on the Central and Mississippi Flyways.
Healthy floodplains protect the wetlands and downriver communities, such as New Orleans. As high
water forces a river out of its banks, the river is forced
to slow down and thus looses its power to carry its
cargo of silt. As the river spreads its blanket of silt, it
not only cleans itself and provides rich nutrients for
plant life, but it also protects the bays, estuaries and
wetlands downstream. Without healthy, functioning
floodplains, rivers tear into the estuaries and overwhelm the saltwater-adapted life there.
The severity of storms in the Atlantic Ocean and
Gulf of Mexico has increased in the past decade,
which many scientists believe to be a result of global
warming—which has increased water temperatures
(the driver of tropical storm systems). This adds
Photo: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Protecting and restoring the coastal floodplain and
woodland ecosystems in and around New Orleans will
better protect the city from future storm damage and
coastal erosion. Restoring some natural flows along
parts of the Mississippi River and allowing floodplains
to function would allow sediment deposition in the
wetlands surrounding New Orleans, in turn allowing
these wetlands and the vegetation they support to protect New Orleans and other Gulf Coast communities
from storm surges and other impacts of hurricanes.
In rough terms, every mile of wetland buffer absorbs
one foot of storm surge. The planting of cypress groves
and urban forests in and around New Orleans will help
to deflect winds during hurricanes; while some trees
will be lost, trees provide a critically important protective buffer. Healthier wetland ecosystems along the
Gulf Coast are crucial in sustaining the fisheries upon
which the New Orleans region has so long depended.
Building crib walls out of hurricane waste
and arranged to trap flowing water and accelerate
sediment deposition.
5. Reforest City and Region to Provide Storm
Protection – Plant wind-resistant, native trees
in and around New Orleans to provide bands
of protection from future storms. Use composted botanical waste and wood chips from
Hurricane Katrina, if uncontaminated, to mulch
trees and provide an organic soil matrix. Fill areas on
islands and riverward of levees should be forested to
protect them from waves and surge. A forested
band landward of levees should be included to
lower risk of wind damage to structures.
Policy Recommendations and Actions
1. Levee/Water Control – Consolidate all boards and
authorities controlling levee, water control and
coastal restoration into a single organization to
manage the regional ecosystem comprehensively.
2. Coast 2050 Plan – Update and revise accordingly the
Coast 2050 plan in light of 2005 Katrina hurricane
damage. Fully fund and expedite its implementation. Promote the restoration of natural river flows
and floodplains along parts of the Mississippi and
other river systems to begin rebuilding sediments
that support vegetation and protect inland areas.
Very simply, we must use the valuable services of
river systems to rebuild the protective wetland land
base around New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast.
Photo: Ralph Bicknese
3. River Sediment – Pump and trap river sediments to
restore eroded islands and wetlands. Sediment can
also be pumped across levees to raise land elevation
in parts of New Orleans. Care should be taken to use
dredged sediment appropriately. Fine sediment can
be used for wetlands and bottomland forest, while
silty sand is used for islands and fill areas. Small
woody debris can be used as “brush mattresses” to accelerate vegetative establishment. Filled areas should
be promptly vegetated with native vegetation.
Live oaks and other native trees absorb
and deflect wind energy.
6. Eliminate man-made channels – Channels create
open water in areas that used to be wetlands, thus
eliminating natural protections. When channels
are open to large bodies of water, storm surges can
be funneled into populated areas, risking lives and
loss of property. Eliminate these artificial channels
where not absolutely necessary and restore these
areas as wetlands and floodplain woodlands.
4. Use Hurricane Waste to Form Crib Walls – Crib
walls made from hurricane waste can naturally trap
sediments and rebuild islands and wetlands. Using
large woody debris to trap sediment is a natural
process and has a high likelihood of success. Very
simply, the boles and branches are towed into place
Principle 3. Implement an inclusive planning process
Build a community-centered planning process that uses local talent
and makes sure that the voices of all New Orleanians are heard. This
process should be an agent of change and renewal for New Orleans.
Background and Context
Illustration: HOK
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans faces
a planning challenge that is perhaps greater than any
other in the history of the United States. Though on a
smaller scale, it is analogous to Europe’s needs following World War II. In the past, significant portions of the
population have felt left out of discussions about the
future of their city. Open and participatory planning is
a key tenant of The New Orleans Principles.
Compact, mixed-use development is a high priority in
maintaining New Orleans’ unique character.
The most successful macro-scale planning efforts in
recent decades have resulted from broad participation
of residents. In North Charleston, South Carolina, for
example, a major planning and development effort
currently underway, known as Noisette, has garnered
a remarkable participation of close to 40% of adults
in planning meetings, focus groups, or hearings on
their master plan—this in a city whose residents, most
of whom fall at the lower end of the economic spectrum, had long felt disenfranchised from all planning.
The Noisette Master Plan, built from the ground up
through neighborhood- and community-scale discussions, demonstrates the remarkable accomplishments
that can arise from an inclusive planning process.
A clear and open policy of inclusion in planning will
help New Orleans residents feel that they are part of
the solution, and more will be likely to return.
2. Virtual Planning – Invite displaced residents to
participate in the planning that will guide the
rebuilding of their city. Use available technologies of
the Internet, such as online forums, listservs, virtual
charrettes and town meetings, Web-based polling,
and other tools to reach out to displaced residents
and ensure that they are included in discussions
about the future of New Orleans. Mobilize “NOLA
ambassadors” to regularly go out and meet with
displaced residents.
3. Involve Outside Expertise – Continue to reach out
and seek the help of outside expertise, including the
Urban Land Institute (ULI), the American Institute
of Architects (AIA), the American Planning Association (APA), the American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE), the American Public Works Association
(APWA), the Congress of the New Urbanism (CNU),
and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to assist local talent in developing New Orleans’ highly
challenging planning needs and to ensure the best
thinking possible. Just as Europe benefited from
the Marshall Plan following World War—a plan
envisioned and largely implemented by the U.S.—
so too New Orleans can benefit from creative thinking originating outside of the immediate region.
Policy Recommendations and Actions
1. Involve Residents – Involve residents in guiding
development decisions that will affect their communities. Work at all levels and scales—neighborhoods,
church communities, school districts, nonprofit
community development organizations, social
justice groups, Chamber of Commerce and other
business organizations, political leaders, and citywide organizations and agencies—to ensure fully
participatory and inclusive planning.
Principle 4. Value diversity in New Orleans
Build on the traditional strength of New Orleans neighborhoods and foster
communities of varied incomes, mixed age groups, and a racial diversity. Celebrate
the unique culture of New Orleans, including food, music, art and architecture.
Background and Context
Photo: Ralph BIcknese
In many ways, New Orleans is a cultural center for
the United States. It is a melting pot of cultures and
generally considered the birthplace of blues and jazz,
two uniquely American forms of music. It is a city
known for its cuisine, art, festivals, and culture. The
physical limitations to development and the compact,
tightly knit neighborhoods that evolved in the city
have helped to ensure the survival of this diversity.
The historic city has always been mixed-use; examples
of this development pattern are found throughout
the city, especially in the older sections. Large singlefamily homes, modest shotgun houses, apartment
blocks, store-front retail with apartments above,
restaurants, and offices are found in neighborhoods
throughout the city. New Orleans is one of the few
U.S. cities that have fully retained a diverse, mixed-use
character after the Second World War—while many
other cities are working actively to bring that character
back after losing it.
Musicians on Royal Street
The cultural diversity out of which New Orleans
grew is crucial to the future of the city. By retaining
compact, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods that
serve to bring the people of New Orleans together, and
by addressing some of the underlying problems in the
city that lead to poverty, drug abuse, and violence, the
city can retain and reinvigorate its position as a center
of American culture and as one of the foremost destinations to celebrate American culture and festivity.
Thousands of homes in the
Lower Ninth Ward, which was
built over a cypress swamp, were
destroyed when a series of waves
from Lake Pontchartrain and
Lake Borgne overran levees.
New Orleans has been home to a large number of
small, locally owned businesses—more than in most
other metropolitan areas. The mixed-use tradition
allows these businesses to thrive, multiply, and expand.
This diverse, mixed-use character also offers competitive advantage to New Orleans—the American
business community is increasingly moving to cities
that attract and retain talented young people, who in
turn are attracted to cities of character, quality, diversity, and uniqueness. Building on the mixed-use
history of the city will help New Orleans prosper in the
years ahead.
National Geographic
4. Expand Bicycle Access and Public Transit
System – Incorporate bicycle and pedestrian paths
in and between the neighborhoods. Plan neighborhoods around expanded streetcar and light-rail
systems. Use the construction of new transit lines
and inducements for development in the areas
served by those lines. Transits lines can be raised
to act as internal levees and connect the city
during minor flooding.
Policy Recommendations and Actions
1. Bring Cultural Leaders Home – Bring cultural
leaders back to New Orleans as soon as possible
through targeted funding, temporary housing,
temporary workspaces, and attractive employment
opportunities. Engage musicians and artists, churches, and the leaders of other social organizations in this
effort. Providing options for cultural leaders of
New Orleans to return will inspire others to plan for
a return to the city.
Photo: HOK
2. Schools as Neighborhood Anchors – Schools
should serve as the anchors of New Orleans’ diverse
neighborhoods and communities. Schools must
be reopened as soon as possible, and long-term
planning must address how schools can more
effectively achieve their potential for bringing
communities together. Enabling schools to serve
New Orleans’ diversity will depend on improving
the quality of those schools so that all economic and
cultural segments of New Orleans society return to
those schools.
3. Continue Mixed-Use Tradition – Plan for mixed
uses and diverse housing options. Require inclusive planning for all new developments in the city.
A healthy, diverse New Orleans depends on creating
vibrant, safe, mixed-use communities with a wide
range of housing options available to residents.
The tragedy of Hurricane Katrina offers a one-time
opportunity to address these needs in a comprehensive, coordinated manner that will serve the city
for generations.
New Orleans could benefit from an
expanded streetcar system.
5. Save Historic Structures – Salvage as many
historic structures as possible, moving them as
necessary to protect them from future flooding or
redevelopment pressures, or to serve as anchors in
new neighborhood development.
6. Community Social Anchors – Along with schools,
plan around strong community social anchors,
including churches, social organizations, and
neighborhood groups.
Photo: Ralph BIcknese
Over 80% of the city of New
Orleans was flooded.
Times Picayune
New Orleans has many fine examples
of mixed-use buildings.
Principle 5. Protect the City of New Orleans
Expand or build a flood protection infrastructure that serves multiple uses.
Value, restore, and expand the urban forests, wetlands, and natural systems
of the New Orleans region that protect the city from wind and storms.
Background and Context
Illustration: HOK
Outward expansion of New Orleans from the historic
French Quarter and other higher-ground parts of the
city only proceeded in a coordinated fashion after
levees were built to protect the city from floodwaters
from the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain.
Additional levees and canals were built to facilitate
ship traffic and to contain the elaborate system of
drainage canals that provided stormwater drainage
and a way to pump water from the city back into Lake
Pontchartrain. These levees were designed to protect
the city from a Category 3 hurricane, though initial
investigations indicate that the levees failed under
conditions less severe. Meanwhile, ample scientific
evidence indicates that the severity of hurricanes is
increasing, and most experts believe that flood control infrastructure should be built to afford protection
from Category 5 storms.
This plan of New Orleans shows elevations in different
parts of the city. Levee failure points are indicated.
The levee systems were built
to depend on the substantial
wetlands’ buffering capability
of years gone by. Now that
the wetlands are gone, the old
levees are still in place, leading
to more flooding and more
pressure on the levees.
Strengthening or rebuilding the constructed floodcontrol infrastructure is critical in providing New
Orleans residents and businesses the confidence they
need to return to the city and invest in their futures
there. The reconstruction of levees and other floodcontrol infrastructure can achieve multiple benefits
—for example the construction of buildings on more
protected higher-elevation ground, the creation of
recreational amenities such as perimeter parks, and
the restoration of coastal wetlands and forests that can
help to shield New Orleans from storm events, while
providing recreational and economic opportunities.
Technology News
resist water intrusion and mold growth.
Policy Recommendations and Actions
7. Reliable Pumping System – Redesign pumping
stations so that they can function and be operated
safely during even the most severe storm events.
1. Rebuild Levee System – Upgrade the existing levee
system to withstand a Category 5 storm with redundant systems throughout. Internal levees should be
incorporated to isolate flooding in case of a breech
in the primary levees.
Photo: US Army Corps of Engineers
8. Reduce Stormwater Loading with On-site
Strategies – Reduce the city’s stormwater loads
through the design of its new buildings and infrastructure. By reducing the stormwater loading,
the rate at which stormwater reaches pumps is
reduced, lessening flooding and allowing use of
smaller pumps operating at substantially lower
cost. Open, green areas that accept stormwater
and have controlled discharge structures act as temporary storage and further reduce flooding risk.
• Require the use of porous pavement wherever
feasible to reduce stormwater loading. Despite the
city’s high water table, porous pavement is helpful
in reducing flooding that results from small and
moderate storms.
New Orleans levees failed in 17 locations.
• Require the installation of green roofs for most
large structures, both to reduce stormwater loading and to reduce the urban heat island effect,
thereby cooling the city as a whole and reducing
energy consumption.
2. Urban Linear Parks – Use a redesigned, reinforced,
and buttressed levee system and embankments as
recreational areas, as segments of a system of linear
parks with biking, walking and jogging trails. These
linear parks can also be a component of a coordinated evacuation strategy.
3. Emergency Evacuation Routes – Look for creative
opportunities to share the costs of creating a
better levee system by focusing on recreational
opportunities—for example, a new national park
could be funded by the National Park Service, and
an emergency evacuation system could be funded
by the Department of Homeland Security.
Photo: HOK
4. Critical-Needs Facilities on Higher Ground –
Locate higher-density housing and critical-needs
buildings such as hospitals, schools, and emergency
response services along the redesigned waterway
system, building on higher, more protected ground.
Green roofs can help to reduce stormwater volume as well as
reducing the temperature of the surrounding area.
5. Use Demolition Waste Creatively – Use suitable
demolition waste (such as crushed concrete, aggregate, and bricks) to raise ground levels in especially
low-lying regions of the city and along expanded
levee banks.
• Require the use of rainwater harvesting systems, including on-site cisterns, both to lessen
the stormwater loading and to provide water for
other uses (landscape irrigation, toilet flushing,
cooling/heating systems, and maintenance).
6. Water Resistant Construction – Require new
construction in low-lying areas to be built to
withstand expected future flooding though careful material selection, elevated floor levels, and
careful placement of utilities. Design structures to
9. Survivable Wireless Systems – Develop a reliable
and survivable cell phone system and city-wide
high-speed wireless access to the Internet.
Principle 6. Embrace smart redevelopment
Maintain and strengthen the New Orleans tradition of compact, connected,
mixed-use communities. Provide residents and visitors with multiple
transportation options. Look to schools for jumpstarting neighborhood
redevelopment and for rebuilding strong communities in the city.
Background and Context
Photo: PD
New Orleans has long served as one of America’s
best and most emulated examples of high-density,
mixed-use, walkable, and diverse urban design. There
is a strong and active movement, often referred to as
New Urbanism or neo-traditional development, to recreate spaces with the human scale and feel of a place
like New Orleans. New Orleans is fortunate, among
U.S. cities, never to have lost its neighborhood character. While the buildings and urban layout have been in
place in New Orleans to provide such spaces, problems
of poverty, income disparity, drug use, and inadequate
schools in recent decades have been making it more
and more difficult for the people of New Orleans to
achieve the opportunities for a quality lifestyle that
this type of land-use provides.
New Orleans street scene, pre-Katrina
The planning and redevelopment that will occur in
the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina can serve both
to preserve New Orleans’ tradition of compact,
connected communities and to strengthen that model
of land use moving forward. In the process, planning
and redevelopment can address problems such as
poverty and separation of people by economic status
that have plagued New Orleans for decades. In particular, an effective, integrated planning initiative can
restore schools as the hubs of New Orleans neighborhoods and communities; schools can be the beacons of
communities, jumpstarting progressive redevelopment
and luring residents back to the city. Through these
various strategies, New Orleans can not only recover
from Hurricane Katrina but end up in far better condition than it was before Katrina came ashore.
100,000 people—nearly ¼ of
the population—were without
personal transportation, many
had no way to escape the disaster.
5. Good Neighborhood Schools as development
incentive – Jumpstart neighborhood redevelopment by rebuilding schools as key community
institutions. Reestablish schools as community
centers for learning, providing people of all ages and
walks of live with access to art, music, adult education, and community-service programs. Redesign and rebuild schools to be high-performance
buildings with passive survivability features that
will enable them to be safely occupied in the event
of extended power outages (see Principle 8).
Policy Recommendations and Actions
Photo: Tulane Community Service
Photo: Ralph Bicknese
1. Provide for Higher-Density Housing – Identify
areas suitable for higher-density housing. These
should be areas on higher ground—or where the
elevation can be raised—that are more protected
from future flooding and wind damage. Where
possible, utilize formerly undeveloped land or
vacant properties.
New Orleans has many good examples of
high-density housing.
2. Plan for Mixed Use – Support the New Orleans
Main Street tradition of mixed-use, walkable
neighborhoods, where people live near basic
services (including working, shopping, eating,
Clean-up, repairs and painting of New Orleans schools are
being done through volunteer efforts.
3. Transit System as Development Incentive –
Expand the existing streetcar line as an incentive for
redevelopment. Investigate the possibility of designing the streetcar system to serve in an evacuation
capacity, possibly with funding from the Department of Homeland Security. Consider raising part
of the system for use as internal levees for flood
isolation. Sound barrier walls and berms can also
serve as internal levees.
Before Katrina more than 23%
of the residents lived below the
poverty level.
4. Expand Rapid Transit to Airport and Northside
of Lake – Provide rapid transit from the airport to
downtown and to the other side of the lake. This
will open opportunities for new neighborhoods
and strengthen the downtown core. Seek funding
from the Department of Homeland Security to
investigate the possibility of the rapid-transit system
serving in an evacuation capacity.
Principle 7. Honor the past; build for the future
In the rebuilding of New Orleans, honor the history of the city, while creating 21st
century buildings that are durable, affordable, inexpensive to operate, and healthy to
live in. Through codes and other measures, ensure that all new buildings will be built to
high standards of energy, structural, environmental, and human-health performance.
Background and Context
Photo: Ralph Bicknese
As many as 150,000 houses, schools, and other buildings
were destroyed or extensively damaged by the flooding
that occurred due to the storm surge and levee failures
following Hurricane Katrina. Tens of thousands of
other buildings that escaped major structural damage
may cause ongoing problems for their occupants due
to mold or other problems. Most of the buildings that
were destroyed relied on fossil fuels, were not energy
efficient, and contributed to global climate change,
which—many experts believe—in turn contributed to
Hurricane Katrina’s severity.
With the rebuilding that will occur in New Orleans,
there is opportunity to reconsider how we design and
construct those buildings. While there is, of course,
urgency to begin reconstruction as quickly as possible,
there is a one-time opportunity to reexamine standard
practice and create a city that, even within a historical
context, is a model of advanced, energy-efficient, environmentally responsible, and durable new structures
that are able to withstand future storms.
Traditional New Orleans homes were protected from the sun,
raised to avoid flood waters, and made of durable materials.
The widespread destruction of buildings that occurred
following Hurricane Katrina allows us to do better
in the reconstruction—creating buildings that are
less expensive to heat and cool, healthier to live and
work in, durable despite occasional (limited) flooding,
survivable in times of extended power outages or fuel
supply interruptions, and far better for the environment. Out of the tragedy of Katrina is an opportunity
unlike any we have seen in the United States in recent
decades to effect dramatic, fundamental improvement
in a large percentage of buildings in a city. If we plan
the forthcoming reconstruction carefully, we will be
able to look back at Katrina as a watershed event that
ushered in an age of dramatically better buildings that
will benefit the people of New Orleans for generations
to come. In signing on to the U.S. Mayors’ Climate
Protection Agreement and in aggressively addressing
energy efficiency and alternative energy sources, New
Orleans could become a model city in its response to
global climate change, giving it yet another distinction
and attraction for visitors.
Older homes made of cypress
wood are structurally sound
and able to be restored once
they are dried out. Not so with
pine construction.
Preservation Resources Board
Policy Recommendations and Actions
1. Strict New Building Codes – Adopt strict new
building codes in New Orleans that mandate high
levels of energy efficiency, structural stability, flood
resistance, water efficiency, responsible stormwater
management, and passive survivability (see more
about this in Principle 8).
53% of the US population
lives within 25 miles of a
coastal area.
2. LEED – Adopt the LEED® Rating System for all new
construction or major reconstruction in the city.
Set a minimum of LEED Silver for all public buildings, or buildings that receive tax payer assistance.
Create a LEED New Orleans as a high priority to
address specifically the special issues of building in
the Crescent City.
Environmental Protection Agency
LEED Rating System
3. Incentives – Encourage the development of new
building prototypes that respond to historical
precedents while providing innovative and costeffective modern structures through expedited
approvals, waived fees, and tax incentives to offset
process costs. Provide the greatest incentives for
construction of carbon-neutral or zero-energy
LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) is used to rate the
overall environmental performance of
buildings, measuring such factors as energy
efficiency, water efficiency, relationship to
the site and community, and how healthy
the building is for its occupants. LEED is
widely used by governments at all level,
universities, developers, corporations, and
other building owners who want to improve
the performance of their buildings.
4. Partner – Seek outside partners and funding
to deliver housing to meet the needs of New
Orleans residents. Work with federal, state, and
local agencies and nonprofit organizations, such
as Habitat for Humanity International, the
Enterprise Foundation, and the Trust for Public
land, to meet the extraordinary needs.
Photo: Daniel Hellmuth, hellmuth + bicknese architects
5. Resource Center – Establish a resource center
for community education, job training, access to
green building product information, and financial
incentive resources.
One of the first LEED-Platinum certifications—
at the Chicago Center for Green Technology.
Illustration: HOK
Designing and building hurricane- and flood-resistant houses
necessitates a multi-pronged approach. Measures, such as those
shown here, not only make homes more survivable during storms
but also better, healthier places to live. Low-energy homes will also
significantly reduce regional energy needs and related pollution.
Illustration: HOK
Higher, wider levees provide an opportunity to locate high-density
housing, hospitals, and other mission-critical facilities above flood
levels. The expanded levees could also be part of a s system of linear
parks serving as amenities for the surrounding neighborhoods as
well as another way to connect the city with bike and walking trails.
The levee adjacent to the Anderson Park is used in this way.
Principle 8. Provide for passive survivability
Homes, schools, public buildings, and neighborhoods should be
designed and built or rebuilt to serve as livable refuges in the event
of crisis or breakdown of energy, water, and sewer systems.
Background and Context
Photo: Ralph Bicknese
Hurricane Katrina will not be the last hurricane to hit
New Orleans; there will be others. There may also be
power outages and fuel supply interruptions caused
by terrorism, resource shortages, and other circumstances. In the weeks following Katrina, many newer
homes, otherwise little damaged, were not able to
be occupied because they depended on electricity to
function. This characteristic was also blamed for many
deaths, particularly among the elderly. Many older
traditional homes, however, functioned without power
as they did for many years before electricity. These older
homes were designed to minimize solar gain through
the use of deep porches and overhangs, and they
functioned adequately with daylight as the primary
source of illumination. They were designed with high
ceilings and cross ventilation, with raised first floors to
cool the buildings. Most of these homes originally had
their own cisterns for rainwater catchment.
In New Orleans—and everywhere—it makes increasing
sense to design buildings so that they can maintain livable conditions in the event of extended power outages
or fuel supply interruptions. This design criteria for
buildings is referred to here as passive survivability.
Cisterns for storing collected rainwater were common
in early New Orleans homes.
Many experts believe that natural disasters, terrorism,
energy supply shortages, and other circumstances will
become increasingly common through the 21st century.
If that is the case, we can significantly reduce human
discomfort and suffering by designing homes, schools,
and other public buildings so that they can serve as livable refuges in the event of crisis or the interruption
of electricity, heating fuel, water, or sewer systems.
Beyond disaster preparedness, these simple strategies
make sense, because they reduce operating costs and
often create more attractive places to live. If implemented wisely, in an integrated fashion, these strategies
should not significantly increase construction costs—
some may actually reduce construction costs. They also
encourage the use of vernacular architecture, which
provides unique character to places like New Orleans.
The most lethal weapon in a
hurricane’s arsenal is not the
wind, but rather the storm
surge, the large dome of water,
it brings ashore.
National Geographic
3. Back up Power for Municipal Sewage – Provide
back-up generator power at sewage treatment plants
and pumping stations so that minimal sewage line
operation can be maintained during extended power
outages. Part of the problem is that sewer systems
are not sealed. Rain or floodwater enter the system
either by infiltration or through vents and manholes.
If floodwater overwhelms the system, it backs up
into buildings, and untreated waste is released from
the treatment plant. One-way valves mitigate this
problem, but increase maintenance costs.
Policy Recommendations and Actions
1. Passive Survivability – Make it the policy of the
City of New Orleans that all homes, schools,
churches, and civic buildings that could be used as
emergency shelters be designed and built to provide
life-support shelter in times of crisis—a criteria
referred to here as passive survivability. These
buildings should be designed to maintain survivable
thermal conditions without air conditioning or
supplemental heat through the use of cooling-loadavoidance strategies, natural ventilation, highly
efficient building envelopes, and passive solar
design. Schools and other public buildings should
be designed and built with natural daylighting so
that they can be used without power during the
daytime. Co-locate healthcare facilities with schools
as part of the community anchor and to strengthen
4. Distributed Infrastructure – Implement a distributed infrastructure (including power supply,
water supply, and communications) to provide these
critical services and ensure emergency response
capability during times of crisis. Include renewable
energy strategies in achieving this requirement.
5. Solar Electric Systems – Seek federal funding
through the Solar Roofs Program to provide rooftop
photovoltaic (PV) systems on new homes and other
buildings in the city. Configure these grid-connected
systems so that they can provide emergency power
within the building when the electricity grid is down
(this will necessitate some battery back-up as well as
equipment to safely disconnect the PV system from
the grid during blackouts). In normal times, these
systems will reduce the owner’s need to purchase
electrical power, reduce peak demand, and lower
regional pollution levels.
2. Water Systems – Provide incentives to homeowners
and other building owners for installing emergency
water systems, including rooftop rainwater harvesting, in their buildings. Configure rainwater
harvesting systems to provide landscape irrigation during normal times (reducing potable water
consumption), but with an option so that during
power outages or in the event of water supply interruptions, stored water can be used for drinking
(with filtration), toilet flushing, bathing, and other
uses in the building.
320 miles of floodwalls and
levees partition the city.
Photo: HOK
National Geographic
Photovoltaic roofs could supply most of the electrical
power needs of an average home.
Illustration: HOK
Many green building and sustainable landscaping practices allow
buildings to provide liveable refuges in the event of extended power
outages—a design criteria that can be called “passive survivability.”
These practices will also significantly reduce stormwater loading for
the city and reduce local ponding.
9. Highway System – Upgrade the existing highway
system to withstand future Category 5 storms, both
to provide safe egress from the city and to save
the expense of having to rebuild them after a
future storm.
6. Solar Water Heating – Provide incentives for
homeowners, schools, and businesses to install solar
water heating systems on buildings.
7. Bury/Protect Infrastructure – Make it the policy
of the City of New Orleans to install new electric,
communications, and gas lines below ground
and protected from stormwater and flood-water
10. Emergency Access – At schools and hospitals and
in recreation areas, include spaces that, during
an emergency, can be used as assembly areas,
helicopter landing spaces, and distribution points.
8. Areas of Refuge – Ensure that each neighborhood
or community in New Orleans has a designated
building (typically a school, but alternately a public
library, church, or other civic building) that can
serve the community during times of emergency
or extended power outage. Construct or rebuild
schools as neighborhood centers and potential
refuges. Fund an outreach program to educate
residents about this emergency shelter system.
The storm surge that hit New
Orleans was over 20 feet high.
National Geographic
Principle 9. Foster locally owned, sustainable businesses
Support existing and new local businesses built on a platform of
sustainability that will contribute to a stronger and more diverse
local economy.
Background and Context
Photo: Ralph Bicknese
Recovery in New Orleans involves more than strengthening its levees, rebuilding homes, repairing and
opening schools and hospitals, and restoring power
and water throughout the city. For the city to become
whole again, businesses must also be strong. With the
vast majority of New Orleans businesses currently
closed and many business owners unsure if they will
reopen, the city is at great risk of losing its economic
vitality and the business tax base that funds local
services. There is great need to convince shuttered
businesses to reopen and to attract new businesses
to the city. This process provides an opportunity to
establish a platform of sustainability for the economy
of New Orleans. The tragedy of Hurricane Katrina
can jumpstart the creation of such an economy if
local businesses carry out much of the recovery and
reconstruction work.
Mixed-use communities in New Orleans have long
supported thriving businesses.
The highest rates of job growth in the United States
today are not from large national and multinational
companies, but rather from small and emerging
companies. Likewise manufacturers that have failed
to respond to changing needs, such as General
Motors, are being forced to downsize, while fleetof-foot companies like Toyota are experiencing
burgeoning growth. Companies that look to the future
for opportunities are better positioned for growth than
companies that base plans only on the past—that steer
using the rear-view mirror. As New Orleans seeks to
advance a healthy business economy, supporting and
attracting forward-looking, environmentally responsible, and socially responsible businesses will likely yield
a high return. By promoting a strong local economy of
such companies—with locally owned businesses that
pay living wages—everyone in the city benefits.
The Katrina storm surge
was 30 feet and reached
10 miles inland. Extensive
wind and water damage
extended 200 miles inland.
The New York Times
Policy Recommendations and Actions
natural disasters and other emergency situations.
The Center can refine passive survivability building practices and code language. Local businesses
and consulting firms built around this Center can
generate economic growth for the city and region.
1. Reconstruction Centered Businesses – Create new,
locally owned businesses that produce or provide
materials, systems, or services to aid in the reconstruction of New Orleans. New Orleans could
become a new center of excellence in reconstruction systems, technologies, and businesses as a new
source of strength in the local economy.
5. Agriculture – Within the conservation districts
created for the protection of the city, designate
agricultural areas to provide jobs and support
the local food-service industry. Develop farmers
markets in conjunction with community centers.
2. Waste as Resource – Treat waste as a resource by
using hurricane waste and demolition debris to
advance economic development through locally
owned businesses employing local labor. Whenever possible, deconstruct buildings that have to be
taken down rather than simply demolishing them.
Salvage, decontaminate, and store usable building
materials for later use in reconstruction. Despite
significant challenges, salvaging, decontaminating,
and storing usable building materials for later use in
reconstruction offers significant promise.
6. Eco-Tourism – Expand the tourism industry to
include eco-tourism, making use of the restored
wetlands and conservation areas to the east and
south and immediately adjacent to the city. In
addition, such sustainability features as passive
survivability, energy efficiency, and effective water management can bring people to New Orleans
for learning.
7. Economic Growth – Expand small business and
micro-credit loan programs to help create or
expand local business and create jobs.
Photo: Daniel Hellmuth, hellmuth + bicknese architects
3. Sustainability Industries –Establish New Orleans
as a world leader in a New Economy based on
sustainable manufacturing and service industries.
Attract clean industry that does not generate harmful emissions. Create new exportable skills and
services based on environmental resilience, renewable energy, and responsible water-use technologies.
For example, a New Orleans-based photovoltaic
solar roofing industry could be the 21st century
equivalent of the Higgens Boats of World War II fame.
Just as New Orleans helped win that war with its
local boat industry, so too could it help win the war
for more reliable and sustainable energy sources.
4. Center of Disaster Response and Mitigation – Seek
federal funding to establish a New Orleans-based
Center of Excellence for Disaster Response and
Mitigation. This Center can develop and export
technologies and best practices for responding to
In the New Orleans area
more than 750,000 workers
lost their jobs.
Fabricating photovoltaic panels at a factory in Chicago—
such industries could expand the New Orleans economic
base and become the “Higgens Boat” of the 21st century.
Principle 10. Focus on the long term
All measures related to rebuilding and ecological restoration, even short-term
efforts, must be undertaken with explicit attention to the long-term solutions.
Background and Context
Photo: Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA
There is a tendency in responding to any emergency
to focus only on the immediate needs and problems, without addressing the long-term picture. The
Marshall Plan put forth by the United States at the
close of World War II dramatically strengthened
Western Europe’s economy, in part because it considered the long term. Key funding was provided to
catalyze economic growth in 16 countries, and these
economies blossomed. Simply throwing money at
New Orleans will not fix the city’s problems—while
it may solve some immediate problems relating to
hurricane damage, it will not fix the deeper, more
systemic problems that have plagued the city for
decades. Planning related to the recovery of New
Orleans will be most successful if long-term impacts
and benefits are addressed with every decision.
Preventing future flooding of New Orleans will necessitate
effective long-range planning.
Policy Recommendations and Actions
With the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina and the planning and rebuilding that will emerge during the
recovery, there is a once-in-a-generation opportunity
to fix many of the problems that have long plagued the
city. This holds true for wetlands and protecting the
city from storm surges, and it holds true for promoting
social justice in the city. If approached wisely, the ensuing planning and rebuilding in New Orleans can bring
about dramatic improvement for the city, its residents,
its environment, and its future.
1. Visionary Master Plan – Use the opportunity to
remaster a city and regional plan that corrects
past mistakes. Make decisions that will serve New
Orleans well for the next several hundred years.
2. Temporary Basic Services – Provide temporary
solutions for basic services (including water, sewage
treatment, electricity, and security) that will allow
system-wide improvements to be made in the context of integrated needs assessment and planning.
3. Temporary Structures – Phased solutions, such
as temporary housing and classrooms, can be implemented in a manner that allows longer-term
solutions to be fully planned and implemented.
It will take a year or more
to restore the network of
electrical transmission lines,
substations, and feeder lines.
4. Establish Priorities – Prioritize the implementation of long term, environmentally responsible, and
economically responsive improvements to the city.
Entergy Corporation
Charrette Organizers, Acknowledgements, and Participants
Charrette Organizers
The New Orleans Principles Report
Core Team
U.S. Green Building Council
Partners in the Charrettes
Alex Wilson, BuildingGreen, Inc., Brattleboro, VT
Trust for Public Land
Habitat for Humanity International
The Enterprise Foundation
Global Green USA
Design and Layout
Ralph Bicknese, AIA
Bill Browning, Hon. AIA
Mary Ann Lazarus, AIA
Martha Jane Murray, AIA
Bill Odell, AIA
Other Planning
Group Members
Bob Berkebile, FAIA
Elizabeth Manguso
Muscoe Martin, AIA
Tom Meyer
Carolyn Mitchell
Bob Shemwell
Chris Smith, USGBC
Rives Taylor, AIA
Peter Templeton, USGBC
Lois Vitt Sale
Special Thanks To
U.S. Green Building Council Chapters:
St. Louis
Balcones (Texas)
South Florida
Louisiana (forming chapter)
Julia Jandrisits, BuildingGreen, Inc., Brattleboro, VT
© 2005 – U.S. Green Building Council. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This document may be freely distributed, reproduced, or quoted
provided proper attribution is given and all copyright notices retained.
For more information:
U.S. Green Building Council
1015 18th Street, NW, Suite 805
Washington, DC 20036
To download this report:
Charrette Participants
Loren E. Abraham, AIA, LEED-AP
Abraham + Associates Architects
Hastings, MN
Lynne Barker
City of Seattle
Seattle, WA
Dana Bourland
Enterprise Foundation
Columbia, MB
Keith A. Christman
The Vinyl Institute
Arlington, VA
James Andrews, RIBA, LEED-AP
Overland Partners Architects
San Antonio, TX
Bill Barnard, AIA, LEED-AP
The Troyer Group, Inc.
Mishawaka, IN
Forest Bradley-Wright
Alliance for Affordable Energy
New Orleans, LA
Gregory Churchill
Oregon Department of Energy
Salem, OR
Lucia Athens, ASLA, LEED-AP
City of Seattle
Seattle, WA
Sidney J. Barthelemy
Historic Restoration, Inc.
New Orleans, LA
Willard Brann
Atlanta, GA
Joseph F. Clair, P.E.
Chicago Public Schools
Chicago, IL
Rachel Auerbach
BuildingGreen, Inc.
Brattleboro, VT
Mara Baum
University of California - Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Stuart Brodsky
OWP/P Architects
Chicago, IL
Norman E. Clark
Salt Lake Community College
Salt Lake City, UT
Gina Baker, AIA, LEED-AP
Burt Hill
Washington, DC
Bob Berkebile, FAIA, LEED-AP
BNIM Architects
Kansas City, MO
Bill Browning, Hon. AIA
Browning + Bannon, LLC
Washington, DC
Vera Clay
Habitat for Humanity,
St. Tammany West
Covington, LA
Christopher P. Bankston, AIA,
Holly and Smith
Hammond, LA
Ralph Bicknese, AIA, LEED-AP
hellmuth+bicknese architects,
USGBC St. Louis Chapter
St. Louis, MO
Jim Brunson
Satterfield & Pontikes Const.
Houston, TX
Jeff Bannon
Browning + Bannon, LLC
Washington, DC
Xavier Bishop
Mayor, Moss Point, MS
Moss Point, MS
Zot Barazzotto
Zot Development, Inc.
Xenia, OH
Jessica Boehland, LEED-AP
BuildingGreen, Inc.
Brattleboro, VT
Ted Bardacke, MCP
Global Green USA
Santa Monica, CA
Roy O. Bonnell, Jr.
Florida Green Building
Coalition, Inc.
Naples, FL
Ernest L. Burdette
Pass Christian Visionary
Pass Christian, MS
Jessica Chamberlin
Jersey City, NJ
Zachary Christeson, LEED-AP
the HOK Planning Group
Atlanta, GA
Michele Cygan
O’Toole Design, Maryville Univ.
St. Louis, MO
Christian Dagg
Auburn University, Sch. of Arch.
Auburn University, AL
Lance Davis
U.S. General Services Admin.
Washington, DC
Brett Dillon
Chattanooga Neighborhood
Enterprise, Inc.
Chattanooga, TN
Jennifer Donaldson, LEED-AP
SEED Interiors Group
Lakewood, CA
Donald Green
THW Design
Atlanta, GA
Gray Kelley
Southface Institute
Atlanta, GA
Ray Manning, AIA
Manning Architects, APAC
New Orleans, LA
Bill Edgerton, AIA
The Oak Hill Fund
Charlottesville, VA
Hillary Gross
Global Green USA
Santa Monica, CA
Sally Kelly
USGBC member
Chevy Chase, MD
Karen Marsal
Alvarez and Marsal, LLC
Atlanta, GA
Ann Edminster
Design AVEnues
Pacifica, CA
James B. Hackler
U.S. Green Building Council
Washington, DC
Joan Kelsch
Arlington County
Arlington, VA
Muscoe Martin, AIA, LEED-AP
Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
Philadelphia, PA
David Eisenberg
Development Center for
Appropriate Technology
Tucson, AZ
Ian T. Hadden
Trane Arkansas
Little Rock, AR
Helen J. Kessler, AIA, LEED-AP
HJKessler Associates, Inc.
Chicago, IL
Erik Martindale
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Sarah Haga
Jonathan Rose Companies
New York, NY
Robert J. Kobet, AIA
Sustainaissance International, Inc.
Pittsburgh, PA
Casie McCarthy
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
Jay Hall
Building Knowledge, Inc.
Annapolis, MD
Marty Kooistra
Habitat for Humanity Int’l.
Americus, GA
Rupert IP McCave, AIA
Prince George’s County Schools
Upper Marlboro, MD
Bruce M. Hampton, AIA, LEEP-AP
Elton + Hampton Architects
Allston, MA
William Krill
Swinerton Builders
San Francisco, CA
Janet McIlvaine
Florida Solar Energy Center
Cocoa, FL
Alice Hartley
Cook + Fox Architects
New York, NY
Chris Ladner
Trane Arkansas
Little Rock, AR
Robin McKennon Thaler, PE,
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Seattle, WA
Kate Hawley
ETHOS Development, Inc.
Portland, OR
Jennifer Langton
Habitat For Humanity Int’l
Americus, GA
Joseph W. Healy, AIA
Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
Philadelphia, PA
Tony Laska
Conservation Services Group
Portland, OR
Daniel F. Hellmuth, AIA, LEED-AP
Hellmuth & Bicknese
St. Louis, MO
Mary Ann Lazarus, AIA, LEED-AP
HOK, USGBC St. Louis Ch.
St. Louis, MO
Jody L. Henry
Houston, TX
Rachel Lee
Mosaic Architects
Boulder, CO
Neal Hixon
Hixon Development, Inc.
New Orleans, LA
Laura Lesniewski
BNIM Architects
Kansas City, MO
Megan Holder
the HOK Planning Group
Atlanta, GA
Peter Levasseur, AIA, LEED-AP
Washington, DC
Jillian Hovey
The Sustainable Living Network
Toronto, ON
Michael Lindenmayer
The Build Better Project
Chicago, IL
Herman Howard
the HOK Planning Group
Atlanta, GA
Kevin Magill, MRICS, MRIAI
Ministry Of Education
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Punit Jain, LEED-AP
Cannon Design
St. Louis, MO
Jonathon Mahorney
Auburn University
Opelika, AL
Laura L. Keller
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
Elizabeth Manguso
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
Charles Eley, FAIA, P.E.
Architectural Energy Corporation
San Francisco, CA
Audrey Evans
LSU AgCenter Cooperative
Extension Service
New Orleans, LA
Wes Evans, LEED-AP
Herman Miller, Inc.
Raleigh, NC
Richard Faesy
Vermont Energy Investment Corp.
Bristol, VT
Vaughn R. Fauria
NewCorp, Inc.
Baton Rouge, LA
Anya Fiechti, AIT, LEED-AP
CTA Architects Engineers
Billings, MT
Robert Fornataro
Perkins + Will
Coral Gables, FL
Ilse Frank
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Patricia Gay
Preservation Resource Center
of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA
Monica Gilchrist
Global Green USA
Santa Monica, CA
Mark Ginsberg
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC,
Peter Gorer, AIA, RIBA, LEED-AP
Facility Asset Strategies
Somerville, MA
Thorn Grafton, AIA
Thorn Grafton Architect
Coral Gables, FL
Jana McKenzie
EDAW, Inc.
Fort Collins, CO
Joan McNaughton
E. Eean McNaughton Architects
New Orleans, LA
E. Eean McNaughton, FAIA
E Eean McNaughton Architects;
Tulane University School of
New Orleans, LA
Munsell McPhillips, Ph.D.
Intuition & Logic
Amelia Island, FL
Sandra Mendler, AIA, LEED-AP
HOK - San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Tom Meyer
Precision Hydronics
Neenah, WI
Todd Meyer, ASLA
the HOK Planning Group
Chicago, IL
John Milhone
Federation of American Scientists
Washington, DC
Chris Miller
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
Birmingham, AL
Carolyn Mitchell
Latter & Blum, Inc./Realtors
New Orleans, LA
Darren S. Port
New Jersey Green Homes Office
Trenton, NJ
Bob Shemwell, AIA, LEED-AP
Overland Partners
San Antonio, TX
Rob Viera
Florida Solar Energy Center
Cocoa, FL
John Moore
Southface Energy Institute
Atlanta, GA
Sharon Prasow
Toronto, ON
Hamilton Simons-Jones
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA
Lois Vitt Sale
Wight & Company
Chicago, IL
Daniel Slone
McGuire Woods, LLP
Richmond, VA
Fred Wacker
Home Depot Foundation
Atlanta, GA
Kricket Snow, AIA, LEED-AP
Zyscovich Architects
Miami, FL
Jed Waldman
CA Dept. of Health Services
Richmond, CA
Pat Murphy
American Polysteel
Albuquerque, NM
Tim Murray
Houston, TX
Martha Jane Murray, AIA,
The Wilcox Group
Little Rock, AR
Jeanne Nathan
Creative Industry, Inc.
New Orleans, LA
Mary Helen Neal
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
Brad Nies
Elements, BNIM Architects
Kansas City, MO
John O. Norquist
Congress of the New Urbanism
Chicago, IL
Grady O’Rear
Green Advantage, Inc.
Lovettsville, VA
Bill Odell, AIA, LEED-AP
HOK, USGBC St. Louis Chapter
St. Louis, MO
Annette Osso
Virginia Sustainable Bldg. Networ
Arlington, VA
Trevor Palmer
Palmer Captial and Development
New Orleans, LA
Bharat Patel
Los Angeles, CA
Michael Pawlukiewicz
The Urban Land Institute
Washington, DC
Casey Pickett
Turner Construction Company
New York, NY
Steven Piguet, AIA
Merritt & Harris, Inc.
New York, NY
Sholem Prasow, LEED-AP
Teknion Furniture Systems
Toronto, ON
John Quale
U.of Virginia School of Arch.
Charlottesville, VA
Kathleen Rai
Sensibuild; College of San Mateo
Richmond, CA
Charles Reith
Tulane Univ., Enviroviz
New Orleans, LA
Claire Richardson
New College of Florida
Sarasota, FL
Mark A. Robertson, ASLA
MESA Landscape Architects, Inc.
Little Rock, AR
Billi Romain
City of Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Shawn Rosenmoss
City of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Larry Schmidt
Trust for Public Land
New Orleans, LA
Larry Schoff, PE
Energy Efficient Solutions
Blacksburg, VA
Robyn Scofield
Trifecta Construction Solutions, Inc.
Naples, FL
Linda Sorrento, ASID, IIDA,
No. Virginia Com. College
South Riding, VA
Cory Sparks, Ph.D.
Carrollton United Methodist
New Orleans, LA
Jeff Stevens, LEED-AP
JZMK Partners
Irvine, CA
Brenda M. Stokes
Heery - Mitchell
Atlanta, GA
Wesley Sullens. LEED-AP
Oakland, CA
Jeffery Swainhart
Swainhart Construction Services
Minneapolis, MN
Stella Tarnay
Green Home Choice Prog.,
Arlington County
Arlington, VA
Rives T. Taylor, AIA, LEED-AP
Gensler, Houston Advanced
Research Center
Houston, TX
Greg Searle
One Planet Living / BioRegional
Development Group
Wallington, Surrey, UK
Christopher C. Theis, AIA
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Jay Seastrunk, AIA
John C. Williams Architects
New Orleans, LA
Sue Tilden, AICP, PP
Heyer, Gruel & Associates
Princeton, NJ
Carl Seville
Seville Consulting
Decatur, GA
Charles B. Tomlinson
Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
Philadelphia, PA
Jyoti Sharma
Wake County Public
School System
Raleigh, NC
Anna Ross Twichel
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA
Bill Walsh
Healthy Building Network
Washington, DC
Christina Webb
Maitland, FL
Prisca Weems
Futureproof, LLC
New Orleans, LA
Kristin Weikert, LEED-AP
Planning Design Research Corp.
Houston, TX
Walker Wells
Global Green USA
Santa Monica, CA
Abbie Wharton
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Lance A. Williams
USGBC Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles, CA
John C. Williams, AIA
John C. Williams Architects, LLC
New Orleans, LA
Alex Wilson, LEED-AP
BuildingGreen, Inc.
Brattleboro, VT
Sean M. (Monte) Wilson, LEED-AP
the HOK Planning Group
Atlanta, GA
Nicole Wolters
Portland, OR
Jessica Zenor
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
Gene Zimmerman
BASF Corporation
John Zinner, LEED-AP
Zinner Consultants
Santa Monica, CA
Those individuals in boldface joined the charrette at the invitation of—and support from—the U.S. Green Building Council.