Diamonite Executive Pension Trust


Diamonite Executive Pension Trust
Diamonite Site, Goodneston Road, Fishponds
It is proposed that an application for outline planning
permission is submitted for a mixed use development
comprising residential and employment uses to Bristol City
Council by Pegasus Planning Group on behalf of Diamonite
Executive Pension Trust in conjunction with Mr D and Mr J
Cox. The development will comprise predominately residential
development and a Class B1 office block.
The application will be supported by a number of documents
Planning Statement;
Transportation Assessment;
Ecological Assessment;
Flood Risk Assessment;
Statement of Community Involvement;
Design and Access Statement;
Archaeological Assessment;
Economic Statement;
Affordable Housing Statement;
Noise Impact Assessment.
> Introduction
Diamonite Executive Pension Trust
Diamonite Site, Goodneston Road, Fishponds
The site comprises two large utilitarian buildings that are largely vacant but used for storage
and by small scale office businesses.
The site in totality equates to 1.09ha and has one principal main road frontage to Goodneston
To the north west of the site is ALD Automotive. To the south west is an open area that is vacant
but was formerly used for car parking associated with the ALD Automotive.
It is important to note that the land to the north east (known as the Parnell Site) and to the
south east (the GPL site) both benefit from a resolution to grant planning permission for mixed
use redevelopment including housing.
The wider area is generally in residential use.
Planning permission was granted in 2009 for the redevelopment of the site for 7380 sq.m of B1
office space in six three-storey blocks. There has been no market interest in this permission
given the location and poor access.
Whilst providing a purpose built office building that is able to accommodate the same number
of people currently working on the site, Diamonite now wishes to obtain planning permission
for residential use on this brownfield site close to shops, services and facilities.
The Diamonite site is in a sustainable location and its redevelopment for housing will improve
the environment and amenity for the existing residents of Fishponds. The redevelopment of
this underused employment site will benefit the area and be characteristic of the pattern of
development in this part of Fishponds.
Site Context Plan
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© Copyright Pegasus Planning Group llp. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093 I Promap Licence number 100020449 .
Pegasus Urban Design is part of Pegasus Planning Group LLP. Drawing prepared for planning. Any queries to be reported to Pegasus for clarification
> Site and Surroundings
Diamonite Executive Pension Trust
Diamonite Site, Goodneston Road, Fishponds
© Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. © Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093 I Promap Licence number 100020449 . Drawings prepared for planning application purposes and can be scaled (drawings are not to be used for construction or sales documents).
Please refer to (client) for development design risk assessment documents. Pegasus Urban Design is part of Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Any queries to be reported to Pegasus for clarification.
Concept Masterplan
Site with resolution
to grant planning
The Concept Masterplan shows the possible layout for
residential and office development located close to the
junction between Goodneston Road and Lodge Causeway.
There will be a principal access point towards the southern
corner of the site and an emergency access point located
further north east along Goodneston Road.
The draft layout has been carefully considered taking account
of the following:
• The need to respect the amenity of future residents by
considering the relationship with the site’s industrial context;
• The desire to create a development that is attractive,
varied and easy to find your way around;
• Adopt a landscape approach which softens the urban
environment and provides shade during the hotter summer
Site with resolution
to grant planning
•Provide development that is characteristic of adjoining sites
such as the former Parnell Works and Graphic Packaging;
• Provide employment floorspace on-site in the form of a
new high quality office building that will help form a gateway
into the site.
After looking at the display boards and talking to our team,
you are welcome to express your views on the comment
Once comments have been considered, an application will be
submitted to Bristol City Council and you will have a further
chance to comment on the proposals.
> The Proposals
Diamonite Executive Pension Trust