August 2016 - St. Andrew`s On-the


August 2016 - St. Andrew`s On-the
The Rectors Reckonings
Whatever we say about the First Sunday of Advent,
being the Church’s New Year’s Day, the first Sunday
after Labor feels like it’s the beginning of the year.
Lots of things that have been somnolent over the
Summer will wake up and be back in force. Children
will trundle off to Sunday School, and parents will
gather in the Parish Hall for coffee and conversation.
But, as they say on the infomercials, “Wait, there’s more!” We also
have classes for adults, and not just on Sunday, but throughout the
week. When we speak of Sunday School it’s hard to avoid thinking of
children, but if we call it by a more contemporary name, Christian
Formation, it’s easier to think of it as a part of a lifelong process. We
don’t learn Christianity as children and then let it run like the
Energizer Bunny. The stories we learn when we’re small are intended
as a foundation upon which we build. Church provides a lot of
learning, but all of us can be enriched by deeper study.
Watch for announcements about our adult classes. Look at the
weekly calendar for other activities, Men’s Spiritual Formation,
Women’s Book Studies, Meditation, and others. Each stage of life
offers challenges, and we want to help everyone to be spiritually ready
for them.
Come and grow with us in Christian Formation this year.
Getting to Know Our New Curate
One who has been accepted by the Bishop
into the process leading to ordination.
As a Nominee for ordination under the Canons, Sarah made a
detailed application to the Bishop of East Carolina as to her personal
and canonical qualifications to be accepted into the ordination
process as a Postulant. Thereafter, Sarah and the Bishop conferred as
to her vocation and qualification.
Based upon Sarah’s Application and the personal interview(s), the
Bishop notified Sarah and the Diocesan Commission on Ministry that
he was prepared to proceed. The Commission met with Sarah to
review the Application and prepared an evaluation for the Bishop of
Sarah’s qualifications to pursue a course of preparation for Holy
Orders. The Commission then presented its Report to the Bishop as
to its evaluation of Sarah and its recommendations therefor. Sarah
was required to satisfy the Bishop regarding her intellectual ability and
competence to pursue a course of study preparatory to ministry in
Holy Orders.
Based upon the Application, the Evaluation of the Commission on
Ministry, a canonical certificate from Sarah’s Congregation or other
community of faith, and a consultation with Sarah as to the financial
resources available to her during her period of preparation for
ordination, the Bishop admitted Sarah as a Postulant for Holy Orders.
_ Submitted by Robert Royce
Though a cradle Episcopalian, I was working full-time
as the Education Director for a Methodist church in
Swansboro, NC when I began to honestly consider a
call to ordained ministry. For years, with positions in
camp and youth ministry, I had touted the importance
of the call to lay ministry – “ordination isn’t a
promotion!” and “the church runs because of lay
people!” – so I had to humbly stick my foot in my mouth when I
Our New Curate Continues
thought, “Wait, I know that’s true, but I’m actually being called to
sacramental ministry.” And so, after talking with my family while
home for the holidays, in late 2010, I walked the few blocks down the
street to the local Episcopal Church, St. Peter’s, and, to this day,
praise God for Father Bert Eaton who didn’t turn me away when I
introduced myself. After meeting with him, then going through a
parish discernment committee and a job change so that I could attend
St. Peter’s, I applied to be a Postulant. In the Diocese of East
Carolina, this process also involves spending a night at Trinity Center
with the Commission on Ministry, which conducts interviews and
then makes recommendations to the bishop regarding applicants’
aptness for ordained ministry.
I have been assured by several clergy friends that this is a common
reaction, but on the day I got the letter from Bishop Daniel indicating
my acceptance as a Postulant, my first reaction was one of relief and
excitement that the journey would continue, followed quickly by a
fearful, “What have I done!? What am I getting into?” Much of the
process leading to ordination is a lesson in letting go of control and
trusting God, but often, it feels, trusting God-working-through
committees and bishops.
Once accepted as a Postulant, you can apply for seminary, as directed
by your bishop. Bishop Daniel originally directed me to explore Yale,
General Seminary (New York, NY) and Virginia Theological
Seminary (Alexandria, VA). Perhaps still learning to let go of control,
I applied to VTS and Duke, with a strong desire to pursue Duke’s
option for a concentration in Christian Education (and avoid the cold
and drear of the northeast). Our God provides – by this time Bishop
Lee was in place as our interim bishop and he was a supporter of
Duke and former adjunct professor at the Divinity School. Equally
importantly, as I worried and prayed over how to afford seminary
(not an inexpensive endeavor), in late May, as decisions loomed
heavy, I was offered a full tuition scholarship to Duke and it seemed
the way was made clear. In August 2013, I loaded up dogs, fish and
frogs (and had returned two medically-needy ferrets to the shelter
from which I had rescued them) and moved to Durham to begin
FLOWERs On-the-Sound
We are in need of flower dedications for the
months of September and October. This is a
great way to honor and/or remember that special
someone or occasion. The calendar is located in
the notebook on “The Table” in the church. The
cost per arrangement is $42.50. During Lent and
Advent greenery only is used.
Upcoming Available Dates: September 18th, 25th and October
2nd, 9th, 23rd and 30th.
If you have any questions, or would like to sign up, please call or
email Barbara in the church office, 910-256-3034 or parishsec@saots.
Candle Dedications
The Altar Candles are given in memory of
Helen Bergeron., by Bill Bergeron.
To learn more about this vital ministry,
please call Donna Hancock at 910-256-8754.
Membership and Baptism
Join us as we welcome new members Hank and Diane Adams and
Alan and Margaret Anne Collins. We are excited for the new families
and hope they will find a new home in our parish family.
In the last few months we baptized and welcomed into our
congregation, Hatcher Britton Beale, Anna Elizabeth Dufour, Luelle
Kai Haynes, Kaylie Marie McAuliffe and John Donahue Mays and
Anne Marks Mays.
Mid-Week Service Opportunities
Monday (7:00am)
Monday-Thursday (8:30am)
is a brief service with readings and prayers following a form
that has been used daily in the Church for the last 1,500 years.
Tuesday (10:45am)
is a quiet service of Holy Eucharist where there is opportunity for
special prayers for healing for ourselves and others.
Wednesday (7:30am)
Take a break from the busyness of the world
and quiet your mind through meditation (30 minutes).
Thursday (7:00pm)
Gentle instructed yoga and meditation, free of charge, helps to quiet the soul
Saturday Evenings (5:30pm)
On Saturday evenings, we worship God together with songs and readings rooted in
the spirituality of Celtic Christianity. We have adapted resources from The Iona
Community, an Ecumenical Christian Community living and worshipping together
in Scotland. Though the pattern and structure of our Saturday evening service is
quite similar to a traditional Episcopal liturgy, the Celtic heritage of The Iona
Community shines through with an emphasis on simple yet beautiful language, time
for silent reflection, and an open conversation on the Scripture as opposed to a
traditional sermon.
Taking place in the Parish Hall, the atmosphere is at once relaxed yet
contemplative. All are invited and welcomed at the Lord’s Table as we seek to be
inspired by the grace and mercy of God’s Holy Spirit.
Though the best way to understand what this service is like is to come and worship,
perhaps this reflection taken from The Iona Community will give you a sense of
what we hope and pray happens as we worship God together: We owe our very
existence as a community to the central Gospel conviction that worship is all that
we are and all that we do. Either everything we do is an offering to God, or
nothing. We may not pick and choose. Our whole life, we believe, is a search for
wholeness. We desire to be fully human, with no division into the ‘sacred’ and the
‘secular’. We desire to be fully present to God, who is fully present to us, whether in
our neighbor or in the political and social activity of the world around us, whether
in the field of culture or of economics, and whether in prayer and praise together or
in the very centre and soul of our being. Of ourselves we cannot make this happen.
We cannot make ourselves whole any more than we can make ourselves happy or
good. But we do believe that by grace we are to structure our lives, both individually
and together, in obedience to the vision that God has given us of what wholeness is
like, primarily through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Labor Day - Sunday prior to Memorial Day
7:45am: - Holy Eucharist and Sermon
9:00am: - Holy Eucharist and Sermon
10:00am: - Sunday School for all ages
11:15am: - Holy Eucharist and Sermon
Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend - September
7:30am: - Holy Eucharist and Sermon at Lebanon Chapel
9:00am & 11:15am: - Holy Eucharist and Sermon at SAOTS
8:30am - 12:30pm
(Sunday’s and for special evening services)
A well equipped nursery staffed by paid caregivers
provides child care for infants and children up to 4 years old.
Adult and Children Christian Formation Classes (Fall - Spring)
Throughout the year, we offer several other study based
group meetings during the week.
Episcopal Youth Community
All middle and high school students and their families are invited to
join us. For more information on the above events or if you would
like to be added to the EYC email list, contact Stephanie Rieman at
[email protected].
YOUTH REACH 2016: Middle High School
Location TBD - Sat., Sept. 17th, 10am - 4pm
HAPPENING 68: High School Youth
Trinity Center - Fri. - Oct. 21st - 23rd
FALL CONFERENCE 2016: Middle School Youth
Trinity Center - Fri. - Sun., Nov. 18th - 20th
YOUTH@CONVENTION 2017: High School Youth
New Bern Convention Center - Thurs. - Sat., Feb. 2nd - 4th
HAPPENING 69: High School Youth
Trinity Center - Fri. - Sun., March 3rd - 5th
NEW BEGINNINGS 52: Middle School Youth
Trinity Center - Fri. - Sun., March 31st - April 2nd
EYE 2017: High School Youth
The University of Central Oklahoma – Sun. -Thurs., July 9th - 13th
Do you know a middle school or high school student interested in
joining our youth community? Do you have any questions about our
program? We’d love to hear from you! Email us:
[email protected]
...from the Music Room
With Fall right around the corner, it is time to turn our
attention to choirs and rehearsals! All rehearsals will
resume the week of Labor Day. (Wednesday the 7th and
Thursday the 8th). The children will perform one of the
songs from the 2016 VBS Surf Shack Sunday,
September 11th.
CHILDREN’S CHOIR will resume rehearsals Wednesday,
September 7th at 3:45pm in the Choir room. We play rhythm games
and move to music in addition to learning songs to sing in church.
We had a great group last year! Can it be bigger? Please bring your
child and a friend! Mark your calendar! The children will perform
one of the songs from the 2016 VBS Surf Shack on Sunday,
September 11th.
HAND BELL CHOIR will resume rehearsals Wednesday,
September 7th at 6:00pm in the old Parish Hall. (Please note the
time and day change). We are always looking for new ringers OR
folks that can stand in for a rehearsal or services when a member is
out. It’s fun and a good way to get out of the house for an hour.
ADULT CHOIR will resume Thursday, September 8th. We really
need new members to be able to sing 4 parts. There are plenty of 2
and 3 part anthems that we could sing, but it would be nice to have a
fuller choir. It is no pressure, just a commitment. You don’t need to
read music.
SMALL ENSEMBLE rehearses sporadically
to sing at the 9:00am services. If you or
someone you know that is interested and would
like to participate, please contact me at 910-2563034.
~ Mark Gansor, Music Director
Children’s Ministry
Sunday School
Sunday, September 11th will be the kick-off to Sunday School!
Snappy the Crab will start the year off with the Creation story and
some more tidal tunes from Surf Shack. All ages will assemble
together in the new parish hall.
Sunday, September 18th: we’ll divide into age based Sunday School
2 - 4 years-olds:
This year we will be using a wonderful program called ”Beulah Land”.
The children will use felt story boards to explore Scripture. It is
open-ended and designed to encourage free and creative play by the
children and the storyteller. Also, we might have some puppets
telling our stories this year!
K-2nd Grade:
Godly Play is a Montessori method of teaching Bible stories and
Christian language in a way that enhances the child’s relationship with
God. The children hear a story with beautifully crafted materials that
enhance their understanding. They are also encouraged to wonder
and explore the deeper meaning of the stories through art and play.
3rd-5th Grade:
These awesome kids will explore how all the Bible stories relate to
each other through the “Connect” series to form God’s Big Story.
Each week they will See, Explore and Make. First they will focus on
a witty video, then explore biblical text, and finally play a game or do
a craft. They will love this class!
We are looking forward to a wonderful new year!
Jennifer Arcuri, Director of Christian Formation
910-256-3034 x106
Words from Your Senior Warden
Speaking only for myself, I haven’t yet seen the “lazy
days of summer,” and I don’t anticipate that I will in
the next month. It feels like time is racing by, that
there is never enough time to be quiet, thankful and
purposeful. I even find myself rushing through my
prayers, at home and in church, so that I can move
on to the next thing. So I am taking the opportunity
here to be quiet, to think, and to be thankful for the BLESSINGS
that this summer has bestowed upon us at St. Andrew’s On-theSound: Youthful energy and spirit in the form of our new curate,
Sarah Smith, and our new Christian Formation Director, Jennifer
Arcuri; continued beautification of our grounds; additional resources
for Pastoral Care with the addition of our Deacon, Henrietta
Williams; a balanced budget(!); and an already active Stewardship
Formation group to launch our “Growing Together Since 1923” fall
campaign. Praise be!
- Frances Goodman, Senior Warden
Outreach Ministries
The book bags are ready for pick-up in the
Church, and are due back to the old Parish
Hall by Sunday, August 14th. The book bags
are tagged with the child's name, gender,
grade, and a list of needed supplies. If you
would like to help this ministry, but would prefer not to shop for
supplies, a monetary donation would be appreciated. We will be
delivering the bags to Newton Grove Sunday, August 21st. All are
welcome to travel with us and celebrate Holy Communion, see the
children receive their school supplies, and have lunch. A head count
of those going to Newton Grove is a must, so please contact Kathy
Laing at 910-398-7467.
Outreach Continues
After a very successful year, the Bargain Box
ministry of the Church of the Servant has
awarded over $14,000. To 28 social service
programs and 18 New Hanover schools. These
awards allow agencies and schools to refer
individuals and students to experience a quality shopping experience
and select needed clothing and attire at the store. The success of the
Bargain Box operation is linked to the donations of clothing and
household goods. The public is encouraged to visit the very upscale
shop at 4213 Princess Place. St. Andrews parishioners are thanked and
encouraged to continue making their donations. Please call June Clem
(686-2657) if you have questions about donations.
- Submitted by June Clem
Our next opportunity for preparing the evening
meal at Good Shepherd Center is Wednesday,
August 17th. If you would like to participate in
preparing the meal, we'll meet at 4:00pm in the
GSC kitchen. If you want to help serve, please
meet by 5:30pm. As always, we welcome donations of "cash money"
or donations of ingredients to help defray the meal's cost. To learn
more about this ministry, please call Ann Cameron Shuman at 910256-9659.
- Submitted by Ann Cameron Shuman
All is well with Tu Hkawng, Nang Shin and Gabu. The big news is
they have a new son and Gabu will be going to Pre-K at Rachel
Freeman - starting in a couple weeks! Praise be!!! This is a "yearround" school and she will be wearing uniforms! She has a backpack
from last year and we don't think much in the way of supplies will be
needed. Everyone is very excited and grateful to have been selected
since there is a waiting list of eligible students.
Outreach Continues
Tu Hkawng's leg burn is continuing to heal and he is back assuming
mostly normal work duties.
The pictures were taken during a recent ice cream treat - Gabu is
posing as a princes, of course - and Nang Shin and Gabu are so very
grateful and excited about the beautiful baby blanket knitted and
provided by our wonderful KnitWits! Thank you! Thank you! It is
indeed beautiful!!!
That's about it for now. We will keep you posted about the baby's
arrival! If anyone would like to contribute financially to either baby
supplies or the purchase of Gabu's school uniforms, etc., please either
drop a check off at the office or "Visa" cards would work as
well. Store gift cards may not work for the uniforms since we don't
know where we will be shopping. Walmart or Harris Teeter (etc.)
cards are always welcomed to help stretch the food budget.
As always, thanks for your love and continued support for this
wonderful family! They are so very grateful and so are we!
- Your Mission and Outreach Team
Outreach Continues
Thanks to all who contributed so much to
the success of the build. From the wonderful lunch our youth group
provided, to the hours of digging, sawing, nailing, painting etc., which
resulted in a beautiful 4 bedroom home. This deserving family of 5,
worked tirelessly with us every day of the project.
Below is a letter from the Chairman and Liaison from St. James
Episcopal Church along with a thank you card from the Woulton
-Submitted by Frank Dolezal and Joe Clem
Friday, August 26th from 6:00-8:30pm
Hosted by: Dick and Maggie Brice
554 Grande Manor Court, Unit 104
FFFG is a Church wide gathering opportunity at St. Andrews
regardless of your age or attending status! This is a wonderful venue
meant to strengthen friendships with those you may know and make
new ones with those you do not. All we ask is that you come casual,
with a beverage of choice, a finger food to share. This type of
gathering provides us with a relaxed environment to fellowship and
to get to know others within our parish.
The Order of the Daughters of the King® is an
order for women who are communicants of the
Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it,
or churches in the historic episcopate but not in
communion with it. Our membership currently
includes women in the Anglican, Episcopal,
Lutheran (ELCA) and Roman Catholic churches. If you are
interested in being a part of this Order, or would like to learn more,
please contact Linda Wyatt at 910-612-3999.
DOK PRAYER REQUEST: Please put your prayer request for the
Daughters in the box on “The Table” in the church (forms are there
too). Your request are lifted up in prayer daily by the Daughters and
are always confidential.
Please join us September 18, 2016 in the
new Parish Hall (refreshments served!) to
view the many faces of SAOTS. There is
much to do and much to enjoy being a part of in our church
community….Our Lord calls us to serve…how are you answering
that call? Come and meet the members of our church family already
involved in the various organizations…Ask questions, pray , step up
and then, step in! …….You are needed…..We will be excited to hear
you say, “Here I am Lord…it is I Lord…I have heard you calling in
the night.”
ECW: All women (no age requirements/limits) communicants in our
parish are members of ECW.
Fellowship Continues
We will not meet in August, but will gather on
September 21st at 12:30pm (location TBD). If you
would like to learn more about this group and/or be
added to this list, please contact Linda Spacek at 336420-5422 or [email protected]. This is a great opportunity to
get to know your fellow church members. See you in September!
SAOTS Supper Club….
In September we will resume St. Andrew’s Supper
Club. Enjoy a pleasant night of fun food and
fellowship for St. Andrews. We will sign up couples
and singles. Those who sign up will be divided into
groups of 6 to 8 and we will go to each other's homes for dinner. The
one hosting the dinner will be responsible for the entree and one
other dish. The others will bring a salad, vegetable, and dessert to
share. After everyone in the group has hosted, we will shuffle the
groups. Supper Club will not meet in Summer or in November and
December. Come meet new friends or old ones in a relaxed small
group and build fellowship with your fellow church members. A
signup sheet is available on “The Table” in the church. For all
questions, please contact Linda Spacek at 336-420-5422 or
[email protected].
Starting September 13th and running 7 weeks
(September 13, 27, October 4, 11, 25,
November 1 & 8). Lisa Harper….Hebrews.. The nearness of
King Jesus. Mark your calendars: Lisa Harper is an Awesome and a
Hilarious story teller…. To learn more email Donna Grice at
[email protected].
Take a break from the busy-ness and noise of the
world and refresh your mind every WEDNESDAY
MORNING at 7:30 a.m. as we meditate with Richard for
30 minutes. If evenings work better for you, we have
a 7pm THURSDAY EVENING Yoga and Mediation group too.
August Birthdays
August 1
August 2
August 3
August 4
August 7
August 8
August 9
August 10
August 11
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 16
August 17
August 18
August 19
August 20
August 21
August 25
August 26
August 27
August 28
August 29
August 30
August 31
Edward Graham
T. Overton
Levin Lake, Nord Younggren, Ian High
Mary Thomson
Ridge Earnhart
Bob Royce, Frances Parker
Sarah Reamy, Lyndia Wright, Raymond Skelton,
Ethan Elliott, Penny Brinkley, George Schulz,
Grace Avery
Bobby Butcher, Lilly McLamb
Stanley Carraway, Jim Grice, Amanda Davidson,
Donna Passmore
Olivia Stetler
Jason Chapman, Delores McIntosh, Greg Delaney,
Nancy Jenkins
Pat Steck, Wilker Marie Ballantine
Jack Mudge
Stephanie Rieman, Hadley Beale
Lee Graham, Tom Taylor
Patrica Taylor, Sally Vasilevich, Britton Perko,
Margaret Vineyard
Thomas Price
Christa Chapman, Christopher Kiger, Brandon
Mitchell, Bonnie Rochester
Emily Beale, Hanks Adams, Margaret Savage
Winifred Barton, Katherine Carroll, Kathryn Evans
Bill Waterfield, Lydia Aldana
Ed Dorsey, Dianna McManus, Knox Davidson
Denise Fowler
Boo Caraway, Darren Jones
Sterling Dalgleish, Jim Miller
August Anniversaries
August 1
August 5
August 7
August 8
August 9
August 10
August 12
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 18
August 19
August 21
August 22
August 23
August 26
August 27
August 28
August 30
August 31
Walt and Mary Keckich
Dan and Cathy Miller
David Streb and Kate Sullivan
Brian and Marian Guill
George and Betty Earnhart
Shannon and Tara Freeman
Patrick and Lisa Ballantine
Dick and Maggie Brice
Sid and Louise Brooks
Palmer and Christie Snodgrass
Mort and Judy Neblett
Bob and Mary Thomson
Dave and Georgie Bramley
Dan and Norma Knight
Michael and Jonnie Garrette
John and Irene Gangemi
Michael and Margaret Larson
Bob and Billie Royce
Steve Coons and John Grudzien
Pete and Jane Clow
Tom and Betsy Ellis
Tom and Laura Apollonio
John C. and Gail Drewry
Warren and Kathleen Jones
David and Linda Brown
David and Elise Mullaney
Paul and Nan Farley
Gordon and Marion Dalgleish
7:00 AM MSF Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
6:00 PM German Band
8:00 PM AA
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
10:45 AM Healing Service
11:00 AM ECW Meeting
7:30 AM HE at Lebanon Chapel
9:00 AM HE at SAOTS
11:15 AM HE at SAOTS
7:30 AM HE at Lebanon Chapel
9:00 AM HE at SAOTS
11:15 AM HE at SAOTS
12:15 PM DOK
7:30 AM HE at Lebanon Chapel
9:00 AM HE at SAOTS
11:15 AM HE at SAOTS
2:30 PM Surfers Healing
7:30 AM HE at Lebanon Chapel
9:00 AM HE at SAOTS
10:00 AM Acolyte Training/Breakfast
11:15 AM HE at SAOTS
7:00 AM MSF Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
6:00 PM German Band
8:00 PM AA
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
10:45 AM Healing Service
6:00 PM Finance Committee
7:00 AM MSF Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
5:30 PM WIN
6:00 PM German Band
8:00 PM AA
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
10:45 AM Healing Service
6:00 PM Vestry Meeting
7:00 AM MSF Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
6:00 PM German Band
8:00 PM AA
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
10:45 AM Healing Service
7:00 AM MSF Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
6:00 PM German Band
8:00 PM AA
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
10:45 AM Healing Service
7:30 AM Meditation Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
11:00 AM Knit Wits
8:00 PM AA
4:00 PM
Life Support
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
9:30 AM Al-Anon
10:30 AM Al-Anon - 12 Step
7:00 PM Meditation/Yoga
Sabbath day for the
7:30 AM Meditation Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
11:00 AM Knit Wits
8:00 PM AA
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
9:30 AM Al-Anon
10:30 AM Al-Anon - 12 Step
7:00 PM Meditation/Yoga
Sabbath day for the
4:00 PM
Life Support
5:30 PM
HE in Parish
7:30 AM Meditation Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
11:00 AM Knit Wits
4:00 PM Good Shephard Ministry
5:30 PM WIN
7:00 PM Evangelical Meeting
8:00 PM AA
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
9:30 AM Al-Anon
10:30 AM Al-Anon - 12 Step
6:00 PM Finance Meeting
7:00 PM Meditation/Yoga
Sabbath day for the
7:30 AM Meditation Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
11:00 AM Knit Wits
8:00 PM AA
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
9:30 AM Al-Anon
10:30 AM Al-Anon - 12 Step
7:00 PM Meditation/Yoga
Sabbath day for the
8:00 PM AA
5:30 PM
HE in Parish
1- 4th - New Parish Hall
7:30 AM Meditation Group
8:30 AM Morning Prayer
11:00 AM Knit Wits
8:00 PM AA
8:00 PM AA
8:00 PM AA
4:00 PM
Life Support
5:30 PM
HE in Parish
6:00 PM FFFG
8:00 PM AA
4:00 PM
Life Support
5:30 PM
HE in Parish
Civil War Round Table, open to everyone
Daughters of the King, open to all women
Episcopal Church Women, open to all women
Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12
4th Friday Fellowship Gathering, open to everyone
Men’s Spiritual Formation, open to all men
Sounders Open to those under 50 years old
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4:30pm
(Please check in with the volunteer in the Parish Hall upon arrival)
August 7
August 14
Vestry Persons of the Month: Barry Farrell and Dave Bramley
Lay Readers
7:30 a.m.
Elizabeth Woodside
Sally Vasilevich
Tracy Meyer
Mary Thomson
9:00 a.m.
Frances Goodman
Bob Remillard
Stephanie Kraybill
MaryAnn Ryder
Pat Patrick
Mary Mobley Baggett
11:15 a.m.
Cameron Rieman
Cathy Miller
Bob Royce
Melinda Rider
Ann Lees
Megan Earnhart
Cameron Rieman
9:00 a.m.
Jake Morris
Ben Arcuri
Luke Morris
Abby Arcuri
Kajsa Andersson
Sam Bourne
11:15 a.m.
Danny Royce
Allie Earnhart
Kellen Hanson
Megan Earnhart
Ridge Earnhart
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Altar Guild
Ophelia Hart
Clare Parsons
Polly Gibson
Pat Patrick
Joan Dolezal
Ron Foster
Steve Coons
Danny Philemon
Dave Bramley
Howard McCain
David Brown
Danny Philemon
Natasha Nunes
Frank Dolezal
Billie Royce
Team 4 Thomson
Team 1 Royce/Reabold
August 21
August 28
Doug Donald
Alicia Rudd
Mary Evans
Steve Coons
Mark Zeigler
Alison Atkins
Bob Royce
Pat Doersch
Scott Dodd
Bob Suddith
MaryAnn Ryder
Kellen Hanson
Norma Knight
Cathy Miller
Cameron Rieman
Connor Heckman
Grayson Barnes
Sean Heckman
Sterling Dahlgleish
Chapel Barnes
Riley Hubard
Katherine MacKinnon
Nansi Holt
Mairead Benson
Ellie Farrell
Zack Lewis
Hailey Lewis
Emma Lewis
Margaret Larson
Kathy Laing
Donna Grice
June Clem
Clare Parsons
Barry Farrell
Mike Larson
Bill Heckman
Jerry Kinlaw
Hubert Bordeaux
Tina Poisson
Jim Grice
Joe Clem
Chad McEwen
Howard McCain
George Myers
Team 2 Fawks
Team 3 Shore
St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound
101 Airlie Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
(910) 256-3034