Staff Advisory Council


Staff Advisory Council
September 13, 2006, 408 Student Union, Case Study 1
Blackburn, Campbell, Chapman, Curtis, Ford, Forsythe, Fox,
Gladden, Graham, Hale, McIntire, Miller, Peters, Phelan, Reece,
Teague, Venard, Ward, Warner, Welliver, Wieder, S. York
Castle, Condit, Reim, A. York
Carey Warner called the meeting to order at 1:15 p. m. and Lynette Venard
called roll.
Carey asked for approval of the August minutes. Per Karen Castle, the Day of
Caring at OSU-COMS was September 8th. A motion was made to approve the August
minutes as corrected, seconded and approved by a voice vote.
Carey announced that there were some changes on the agenda. Under New
Business, Stuart Sparvier cannot be seated as a member of the council. His job
classification is an A & P position. The only A & P position open is under Enrollment
Management. His department does not fall under that division. A motion was made to
approve the agenda as amended, seconded and approved by a voice vote.
Confidentiality Agreement – Ms. Darlene Hightower, Chief Information Officer
Darlene spoke about the confidentiality agreement. She said that the
agreements no longer have to be signed. Her staff will start shredding the already
signed agreements. A question was asked if staff would get the agreements back rather
than shredding. Darlene said that would not be possible. The committee is working on
having some on-line training regarding the confidentiality issue. The training will
probably be conducted thru the Desire to Learn website. Desire to Learn will be
replacing Blackboard in the spring. The website address for the training will be sent to
the employees to complete the training. The on-line training will be held quarterly and
later as needed. A question was asked concerning those employees that don’t have
access to or the ability to work a computer. Darlene said that IT will work with Physical
Plant employees regarding the training issue. The Data Release Process will remain the
same. There was a question concerning changing the individual’s information on the online directory. Each individual will have to update their information thru their O-key
E-Group Update – Ms. Anne Matoy, Assistant Vice President, Human Resources
Anne spoke regarding the increases in insurance premiums. There was no
increase in Health Choice premiums last year. The original increase for this year was
thought to be 30%. The actual increase in premiums this year was 17%. There were 2
major changes in the Health Choice plan this year; 1) the deductible increased to $500
from $300 and 2) the co-insurance for out of network provider will be 50% instead of
75%. One of the factors for the increase was that the State legislature combined the
claims for pre-Medicare inactive employees with the claims for full time employees.
Historically, inactive employees have had a much higher premium. This in turn
increased our premiums. Another reason for the increase can be attributed to the
number of un-insured people. The comment was made that a lot of people can’t afford
insurance and therefore they are uninsured. Anne agreed that this was a vicious cycle.
Medical insurance expenses are increasing throughout the country, not just OSU. Anne
suggests that we stress to our co-workers to study the various insurance options. That
means also looking at private insurance. This would include Sooner Care. If an
employee goes off campus to get insurance, when they come back to OSU insurance,
they may have a pre-existing condition. Anne noted that private insurance premiums
cannot be flexed.
Anne stated that they are working on putting the insurance program out for bid
next year. In the past, OSU has been self insured. Anne says that OSU will not be self
insured again. When the new program is selected, it will be put into place in January
If an employee decides to flex medical expenses, the payout time is now 15
months. Employees will pay in for 12 months. The medical expense time frame will
cover an additional 3 months for a total of 15 months.
Branch Campus Reports
OSU-CHS – Sandra Hale
The blood drive was held on August 30th. Their goal was to have 50 donations;
they actually had 52 donations. The United Way Day of Caring was held on September
8th. An anonymous donor provided a limo to pick up the elderly women for a manicure,
etc. The volunteers cleaned up a Girl Scout Camp. Sandra likes that the OSU Council
has executive updates; she is implementing that with the CHS council.
OSU–Okmulgee – Allen York – No report
OSU-OKC – Ronda Reece
Ronda reported that they are still working on committee signups. She is also
working on the website for the Staff Council on the OKC campus. One of OSU-OKC’s
vice presidents will be coming to an upcoming council meeting to talk about the new
Wellness Rewards Program. There are still several buildings being renovated. The
Pond Extravaganza is almost done.
OSU-Tulsa – Karen Castle –No report
Report of Standing Committees
Rules & Procedures – Lori Wieder, Chair
Lori had no report available.
Awards & Recognition – Becky McIntire, Chair
Becky is discouraged about the participation on the Orange Peel raffle. Not a lot
of tickets have been sold. The drawing for the Orange Peel tickets will be on September
Becky brought up the subject of having a booth at Walk Around. After much
discussion, it was decided to proceed with having a booth. We will have baked goods
for sale and information about the Staff Advisory Council. Volunteers will be needed to
work the booth and bring baked goods. Carey mentioned that the SAC is a team and
needs to work together and let’s have a lot of cooperation from the council.
Distinguished Staff Awards day will be held Thursday, November 2nd. Becky
mentioned that prices have increased on everything. The photography, plants and
posters have been donated.
Policies, Benefits and Budget – Leslie Miller, Chair
Leslie reported that Anne has asked her committee to review proposed policy 30710, Corrective Actions and Dismissals for Staff. After reading the policy, if anybody
has any comments, please tell Leslie.
Leslie asked the Council to untable the “Walk-In Parking Permit Service
Recommendation.” She would like to bring it to a vote of the council. A motion was
made to vote on the recommendation, seconded, and approved by a voice vote. Carey
will send the recommendation to the Administration.
Public Relations – Hank Welliver, Chair
Laura Payne is the new contact person for the New Employee Orientation.
Marsha and Gracie have volunteered to work together to update the SAC website.
Causley’s cannot get the orange shirts. After much discussion, it was decided
that Hank will call Stillwater Screenprinting and inquire about the possibility of getting our
shirts there.
Faculty Council Report
Carey went to the Faculty Council meeting. The Wellness Walk with President
Schmidly will be held on September 29th. Dr. Strathe mentioned the United Way kickoff.
Steve Rogers from the University Health Services spoke about the Pandemic Influenza
Planning. This would be used with disaster planning. Dr. Darcy still has a problem with
the phone books not being printed. The university has the WIFI system in place. All
laptop users will register by logging on to the OSU server when on campus.
Old Business
SAC Proposals – Confidentiality Agreement – Darlene spoke about the shredding of the
confidentiality agreements.
Vacant Seats – Carey noted that there are 4 open seats on the council; 1.) classified
seat in Academic Affairs 2.) A&P seat in Enrollment Management 3.) classified seat in
Enrollment Management 4.) classified seat in Student Affairs. Bonnie Gladden has
switched jobs. She is no longer in the Athletic Business Office. She is now working in
HES, which is under Academic Affairs. Bonnie will now be the Classified representative
for Academic Affairs. With that move, there is now a classified seat open in Business
and Finance.
New Business
Vice Chair Seat – Since Jeremy has left the University, the Vice Chair seat is vacant.
Tara Graham was nominated to fill the term. A motion was made to cease nominations
and Tara be elected Vice Chair, seconded, approved and passed by a voice vote.
Blood Drive – The Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by SAC will be held Friday,
October 6th at the Starlight Terrace from 10 am to 3 pm. Volunteers are needed.
Train the Trainer – Carey received the information from Dr. Bird. The classes will be
held on the weekends during October and November.
Stuart Sparvier announced the Taco Sale will be held Friday, September 15th on the
south side of the terrace. For $5, you can get a taco, drink, and a dessert. The Pow
Wow sponsored by the Native American Student Association will be held October 14th in
Gallagher-Iba Arena. Organizations may purchase ad space in the program. The prices
are $50 for a half page ad, and $100 for a full page ad. A motion was made to purchase
an ad in the program promoting SAC, seconded and approved. We will need to check if
we are allowed to do that.
There being no further business to come before the Council, motion was made,
seconded and approved to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynette Venard, Secretary