Ibrik Brewing guide


Ibrik Brewing guide
Ibrik Brewing guide
Step 2
Step 1
Fill the Ibrik about 2/3rds full with fresh cold water then add the ground coffee
to it. This must be really fine, if you’re using a burr grinder go for slightly finer
than espresso then finish it off in a pestle and mortar, if you’re using a blade
grinder then keep going past espresso.
If you have sugar add it at this stage, alternatively you could use a small
amount of cardamom then mix the ground into the water.
Step 3
Allow the ibrik to come to the boil, this can take 2-3 minutes. Once it has
boiled and the coffee is coming to the top of the pot remove from the heat
and allow it to settle for about 30 seconds.
Step 4
This is optional but many people choose to re-boil it again
but this is of course purely dependent on your personal
Step 5
Serve in small espresso cups. This is an extremely potent brew method and
reasonably high in caffeine due to the coffee and water contact time. You may
choose to filter it at this stage but there will still be some ground left in the cup
due to the fineness of the grind
we normally
using a burr
grinder for this
method a blade grinder
can often get you closer to
where you need to be.
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