Robertson Christian nation. Demon possession. TELEVANGELIST


Robertson Christian nation. Demon possession. TELEVANGELIST
April 1991
Christian nation.
Demon possession.
Education. . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. .. .. .................................................••..127'
•••••• 130
. . . . . 131
Fetal tissue research •••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• l29
National Endowment for the Arts...
. ••..•••..•.•• 126-127
Planned Parenthood •••••.•••••••.••••••.•.••••••••.••.• l28-129
••• 132
Concerned Women for America ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
The LaHayes • .•••......•••.•..••....
700 Club 4-1-91
Update on situation in the Middle East
Georgia's vote to secede from the USSR
NEA's funding of "Poison"
"They're at it again •••• I think they ought to throw
Frohnmayer out. He's a disgrace. He ought to resign. President
Bush ought to demand his resignation.
"They're going to give a large grant, 20, 25 thousand
dollars ••. to fund a pro-lesbian play that deals, as John
[Black, CBN correspondent] says with two twelve year-old girls.
Now, it is not anti-lesbian: it is pro.
"This other movie had anal intercourse, had all kinds of
violence, had torture, had just vile themes that John says it
just isn't very artistically good.
"But Frohnmayer says we can't make any artistic judgments.
Well, it's an easy thing to do, to say, 'We're not going to give
you any money.' You don't have to make an artistic judgment,
just say, 'We're not going to give you any money'!
" ••• Unfortunately, there's a strong homosexual community
that deals in the art realm. There are many, many homosexuals
who are very active in the arts community. They are very vocal
in getting grants from the federal government.
"I think they ought to get it from the private sector. If
the private sector wants to fund this, that's their business. If
it is obscene, it ought to go to the courts. If it's not
obscene, let them show it.
"But there's an entirely different area when you're talking
about censorship, that's one thing. The other is the propriety
of taking mY money -- that's what he's doing -- he's taking your
money and my money -- April 15th is coming up, and it's taking
your money, ladies and gentlemen, and it's going to promote
homosexuality. Thomas Jefferson said to compel a man to give
contributions of money to a concept or to a belief that is
repugnant to him is tyrannical. And this is a form of tyranny.
It is sinful and tyrannical. They're the words of Thomas
Jefferson, and I believe this. This is sinful and tyrannical for
John Frohnmayer and the NEA to do this. Even once, it's wrong.
"It's got to be stopped, but nobody wants to come up to the
plate because the President's been for this thing; most of the
Congress has been for it, and the very wealthy elites who put the
money into the political parties have been supporting, quote,
art, because it's funded very generously by the more wealthy in
our society."
Terry Meeuwsen (co-host)
"What will stop it? .•• "
VOLUME 12, Issue 4
April 1991
"What's going to stop it is if the people enforce the
Congress. The Congress needs to put some restrictions on this
thing. They can do it. After all, it's money! You don't have
to give money away! There's nothing that says the United States
has to give money to homosexuals to advance their cause! Nothing
that says we have to do that! And so if Congress does it, and it
is doing it on its own volition, then the voters have a perfect
right to vote against them or to bring that to their attention.
And if enough people make enough issue of it, the Congress will
say, 'Well, we better do something."
"Surely with the social concerns in our country we could
find something else to do with $50,000."
"I think we ought to feed some poor in the inner city and
teach some kids how to read and write instead of teaching them
how to be homosexuals."
Special report: Projecting US Power
"The next ten years are going to determine where America is.
We'll either hit the year 2000 looking like Argentina, or we'll
come up strong like we used to be. We've got to go back to the
way we used to be as a nation."
Terry Meeuwsen (co-host)
"In your opinion, is that going to happen?"
"Only if the Christians in America will mobilize together,
begin to pray and to be active in the political process and let
their voices be heard. The concerned pro-family Roman Catholics
united together with the evangelicals could elect anybody to any
office at any level of our government any time they want to.
They can stop abortion today if they really meant business. They
can. They can elect judges in some states and change the rulings
of the various courts. They can change the school systems. They
can do all that, if they'll get involved. But if they sit back
and are apathetic and they do not be informed [sic] on the issues
••• we can change this country. And if we don't, there is no
other moral force in America that's going to make a difference."
A discussion on the economy, a testimony, and a preview of the
NCAA championship game followed.
VOLUME 12, Issue 4
April 1991
700 Club 4-9-91
Baker's trip to Israel
Interview with CBN correspondent Conny Mus.
Return of Congress
Special report: Planned Parenthood
This extensive story demonstrated how Planned Parenthood is
undermining parental authority by encouraging teenagers to have
Highlights froa Robertson's tirade:
"[Margaret Sanger's] main thrust was toward what's called
eugenics •••• She said we must take away from the gene pool the
defective ones."
Sheila Walsh (co-host)
"That's like Adolf Hitler."
"Hitler copied her. One of the key members of the Planned
Parenthood organization was a doctor whose writings were copied
by Hitler.
"But you ask yourself, who are the defectives?"
"Who would they be?"
"You and me for starters, because we're fundamentalist
we have to be crazy."
"[Sanger] got $50 million, I think, from the Rockefeller
interests. She got $50 million from the Ford Foundation --"
"Yes! Rockefeller's big on birth control because they're
afraid of all these hungry mouths to feed."
VOLUME 12, Issue 4
April 1991
"[At its inception, Planned Parenthood] wanted to start
birth control, then abortion, and then when they had so many
babies they couldn't control it, [Sanger] wanted to start
sterilization. So you go into the inner cities of America, you
will find Planned Parenthood pushing sterilization. Now it's out
in the malls to get the kids to have sex so we'll get so revolted
by all of the babies that are being produced by this that we'll
start sterilizing people."
"What Planned Parenthood is doing is absolutely contrary to
everything Christian. It is teaching kids to fornicate, teaching
people to have adultery, teaching people to get involved in every
kind of bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism -- everything that
the Bible condemns. And teaching us to be absolutely without any
moral restraint."
Robertson then encouraged viewers to write to the House Energy
and Commerce Committee and demand that no federal money be
given to Planned Parenthood.
Testimonies and interviews rounded out the show.
700 Club 4-16-91
Negotiations in the Middle East
Rail strike
Debate on fetal tissue research
Sheila Walsh (co-host)
"What, in your opinion, Pat, are the most alarming aspects
of this?"
"This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did. They took tissue
from human beings and used it for all kinds of things. They did
experiments on living human beings, none of which had any medical
value we can discern. But on top of that, they made lampshades
from the skin of people, and it just began to be inhumane. Now
we're talking about women being like breeding animals to breed
unborn babies, which in turn will be slaughtered for their parts
and tissues. I mean, the thing is monstrous in its implications .
••• Imagine: you pay a woman-- an unborn baby's worth a thousand
dollars -- all right, honey, you get pregnant, you carry that
baby for three months, then we'll harvest it. It's monstrous!"
VOLUME 12, Issue 4
April 1991
Special report: Demon Possession and Exorcism
Robertson detailed his own experience with a demon-possessed
girl, then had this conversation:
"When something like the '20/20' interview [on exorcism]
out, a lot of people are very afraid because they wonder if
going to happen to them. Demonic possession -- does that
[from] a direct invitation? Does somebody actually have to
themselves over to the enemy to be possessed?"
"I heard of one girl who was demon-possessed, and the people
were casting it out, and the demon said, 'But I've had
permission.• And the permission was, she went to an R- or Xrated movie some place, and that's what did it. That was
permission. She had opened herself up to this sexual activity,
and that was it. And the demon said, 'I had permission.'"
"But if that's so, then there must be -- I can think of a
bunch of Christians who've gone to see R-rated movies."
"And there are a bunch of Christians who are opening
themselves up to demon possession every time they get involved in
something like that."
"Demon possession?"
"Well, certainly .QPPression, demon influence. Every time.
And they don't know what will come into their heads or what will
happen. This is very real. There are spirits of lust, spirits
of alcoholism, there are spirits of fear. There are all kinds of
demonic activities."
Testimonies and interviews followed.
700 Club 4-23-91
Conditions in the Soviet Union
Earthquake in Costa Rica
"Race norming" in standardized tests
Public schools vs. Christian schools
VOLUME 12, Issue 4
April 1991
"Horace Mann was a Unitarian, and he set out in his goal to
establish non-Christian schools. He wanted Unitarian -- he
wanted the schools outside the Christian church. And so, the
public education movement has also been an anti-Christian
movement. People don't understand that. They think public
schools are like Mom and apple pie. They aren't necessarily.
They're places where people get indoctrinated in a particular
lifestyle. • ••
"We've got to change the system, change the type of
educators, change the curriculum, change the mindset of those
people and get control of the school system away from the
National Education Association and put it back in the hands of
the parents. We can change education in America if you put
Christian principles in and Christian pedagogy in. In three
years, you would totally revolutionize the education of America."
Testimonies and interviews finished the program.
700 Club 4-29-91
Situation in Iraq
-- Rising crime rate
Special report: Historic and Biblical Foundation of America
"From being the destiny to carry the gospel to the world,
we've come to a point where Christians are a hunted, persecuted
minority in the nation we founded! Our forefathers -Christian-- founded this nation as a Christian nation •••• This
is a nation founded to honor Jesus!"
Sheila Walsh (co-host)
"When you look at where we're at right now in this country,
can the tide be turned, Pat?"
"It can, Sheila, but we've got ten years. If we do not have
a moral and spiritual revival during the 1990s, America is lost
as a great power. Now, we won't necessarily just blow apart and
go away, but I think we will be in such an irreversible decline
that future generations will not know the nation we've known ••••
Christians are Americans, too. This nation must return to its
heritage. We must re-capture the faith we had as a nation and
come back to faith in God."
The rest of the show consisted of testimonies.
VOLUME 12, Issue 4
April 1991
Old Time Gospel Hour 4-21-91
Before his sermon, Falwell introduced Beverly LaHaye, who spoke
briefly about Concerned Women for America:
"Tim and Beverly LaHaye, in my opinion, will be remembered
in history as a couple, a family, that impacted America in a time
of great need. As authors, both of them, Tim a pastor,
educators, lecturers, and crusaders for decencr and morality, God
has used Tim and Beverly to affect literally millions of lives.
It may be that the most significant contribution of this family
has been the work God has led Beverly to do. Twelve years ago,
she founded Concerned Women for America. Today 700,000 women are
involved. They're committed to Biblical morality and decency,
family, traditional values. They oppose abortion. They're in
favor of the monogamous family. They oppose pornography. Just
the opposite of their counterpart in society today, the National
Organization of Women. Just the opposite. Many times larger in
number, though you never read that in the media, because in fact,
CWA represents grassroots American women. NOW represents
radicals who repudiate everything that America stands for, and
yet the media gives them a lot of ink." [Introduced Bev].
Beverly LaHaye
"Thank you, Dr. Falwell. I'm delighted to be here in this
wonderful service today. I would like to say that Concerned
Women for America joins President Bush in the Days of
Thanksgiving that we're celebrating right now. I only wish that
we could be celebrating days of thanksgiving for the war that's
going on inside the United States: the war against the unborn
babies, the war against decency.
"All the time the war was going on in the Gulf, there were
still thousands of babies being murdered -- unborn babies. While
the war was going on in the Gulf and our attention was focused
there almost totally, the National Endowment for the Arts was
spending our tax dollars for obscenity and pornography. And
while the war was going on in the Gulf, we still saw the
statistics that thousands of teenagers were committing suicide.
Drugs and all the ills. There is a war going on inside the
Untied States.
"Concerned Women for America has really tried to become, if
you please, a watchdog in Washington, DC, because sometimes they
need watching. Some of the legislation being passed, some of the
decisions being made in courts across our land, our religious
freedoms are really in jeopardy. Some of the decisions that the
courts are making today are beginning to deny us the freedom of
speech regarding religion. So we're supporting a bill called the
Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Who would ever believe that
one day we'd have to restore religious freedom to this great land
that was founded on religious freedom?
VOLUME 12, Issue 4
April 1991
"All these things Concerned Women for America is proud to be
involved in to alert the American public. Dr. Falwell, I'd like
to say that of that 700,000, we now have almost 80,000 men who
decided that they want to be part of Concerned Women for America
also, because they believed in what we stood for. And I say to
you, who will save the families of America? Who will save
morality and decency for our future generations? It will have to
be you and me."
VOLUME 12, Issue 4
April 1991