Cobra Courier Kingsville Public


Cobra Courier Kingsville Public
Volume 9
May 2015
Cobra Courier
Please remind your child
about appropriate dress
now that the weather is
getting warmer. Shorts
need to be to the finger
tips and sleeveless shirts
instead of spaghetti
May is finally here! The
flowers are blooming
and the birds are singing.
Many exciting things
have been happening in
the last month.
Principal Mr. J. Cowper
Vice Principal Ms. J. Huggins
Secretary Ms. Tetzleff
Kingsville Public
Clerk Mrs. A. Carruthers
Our Track and Field
meet will take place on
Thursday May 7 here at
KPS. Hot dogs, candy,
water, gatorade and pop
will be sold at this event
for students to purchase.
If you are planning to
move and are not attending KPS in the fall,
please let us know, so
that we can plan for that
when we are building
Our Grade 7 Leadership Camp students returned to Leadership
Camp to make their
presentation and to offer a cheque to Hospice.
This money was raised
during our Hats on for
Hospice fundraiser held
this year!
If you are dropping off
your child, please don’t
drop them off on the
street. Please be sure
you are using crosswalks
and crossing guards.
Thank you so much for
all of your help and support this month!
KDHS will be holding
the Relay for Life on
Friday May 8th
Families are reminded to
check their bussing information prior to Sept.
by logging in to with their
student ID and PIN. If
you don’t have this information, please call
the school and we will
assist you.
Earth Week at KPS
April brought us many
earth friendly activities
centered around Earth
Day. On Earth Day we
showed short films
about protecting our
world. We also had a
wasteless week during
Earth week. Students did
a great job reducing the
amount of garbage in
their lunches.
Eco Team would like to
thank all of the students
for their help during the
Inside this issue:
Students made art out of
recycled objects and they
were proudly displayed in
our front hallway for the
Keep up the great work
Eco Team!
Special points of interest:
Relay for Life
 Our newsletter is available on our website
SAC News
Food and Beverage Policy– Milk and Alternatives
 Breakfast Program will be canceled when
no buses are running
May Calendar
 Wondering if the buses are running? Check
New Online Cash System
Starting May 1st, we
went live with our
new School Online
Cash System. This
means that parents
can now pay online
for school activities.
This can be anything
from field trips, hot
lunches, spirit wear,
fundraisers, milk etc.
The first item we will
be posting is our June
Milk Order.
Letters have already
gone home to explain
how to set up the
payment system for
your family.
This System will provide a convenient payment option that reduces paper. It will
limit cash and
cheques having to be
brought into school by
students. Parents who
opt to participate will
receive an email regarding upcoming
events, trips or fees.
Page 2
This System is secure
and provides parents
with a receipt for their
To set up, go to
If you have any questions about the System, please call 1866-961-1801 or
email :
[email protected]
Is now delivering to Kingsville Public School!!! Go online to check out
the menu and pricing!!!!
Green Heart Lunch Club offers
fresh, delicious and nutritious hot
lunches, delivered once a week to
our school. They offer both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options
as well as substitutions for children
with allergies and special dietary
Kingsville School Advisory Council News
The Grade 3-8 students will be participating in
Track and Field May 7 at KPS this year!
Relay for Life is another exciting event for our
community. KDHS is holding a Relay for Life at
the highschool on May 8th. Families are encouraged to come out and participate.
EQAO tests will keep our grade 3 and 6's busy
this month as well. The day of the test, be
sure your child eats a healthy, full breakfast
and keep the atmosphere in the house cheerful. Try not to have one of those crazy rushed
Our School Advisory Council has been working
hard to provide healthy snacks for our children
every Friday during Tuck Cart. Some of the
profits made this year were used to purchase
skipping ropes, chalk, soccer balls, basketballs
and footballs for all of the classrooms to use
outside at recess now that the weather is nice.
A special thank you to our Tuck Cart team for
doing this for us!
Food and Beverage Policy
The School Food and Beverage Policy
(Ministry of Education, 2010) uses nutrition standards based on Canada’s Food
Guide (Health Canada, 2007). Although
the policy doesn’t apply to food and beverages that are brought from home or bought
off school grounds (and are not for resale
in schools), we all want to ensure that the
healthiest choices are the easiest for students to make.
substitute such as soya, rice, or almond
milk, make sure that it is fortified with
calcium and vitamin D.
For more information on the School Food
and Beverage Policy (PPM 150), go to .
Canada’s Food Guide recommends:
For more information on Canada’s
Food Guide, go to ,
select “Food and Nutrition,” and
then select Canada’s Food Guide.
Drink skim, 1%, or 2% milk each day.
• Selecting lower-fat milk alternatives.
Health Canada. (2007). Eating Well with
Canada’s Food Guide. Retrieved
on February 22, 2011, from
Did you know that chocolate milk is just
as nutritious as white milk? It is a good
alternative. If your child drinks a milk
Ministry of Education. (2010). School Food
and Beverage Policy Resource Guide 2010.
Retrieved on February 22, 2011, from