August/September issue of Fanfare


August/September issue of Fanfare
August / September 2010
Fan Lighting Update
The first phase of the Fan Lighting Project encompasses West Grace Street from
the 1100 through the 2600 blocks and
Mulberry from West Grace through the
100 block of S. Mulberry. The final construction documents for this phase have
been completed and approved. Several additional steps must be completed
before the City solicits bids on the project. Actual construction is still several months away.
The City currently has $1.2 million available
for the Fan lighting project, but this is not enough
to complete the entire West Grace-Mulberry phase. It is anticipated that installation will begin on West
Grace Street first and continue along Mulberry as
additional funds are appropriated.
After the West Grace-Mulberry portion
has been completed, additional plans and
funding will be required for the second phase,
presumably along Floyd Avenue. As originally
conceived, the improved lighting would be
installed first along the streets on the Fan’s borders and then
progress into the Fan’s center. It is hoped that crime will be
deterred and safety increased by improved lighting on the
Fan’s perimeter.
Fda Welcome To The Fan Packets
Are Here!
If you are new to the FAN or know someone who is,
please let us know so that we can deliver one of our hotoff-the-press WELCOME TO THE FAN packets. Filled with
useful and essential information, our packets are absolutely
free to new residents. The packets include the following:
Locations and descriptions of FAN parks and other area
Houses of worship – addresses, websites and phone
Application for historic house plaque
Application for membership to the FDA
Information on recycling – when items are collected;
what can be recycled
The annual FAN and surrounds GUIDE
Useful map of the FAN and surrounding
Important telephone numbers and
websites – city numbers, emergency
numbers, etc.
New resident guide with information
on safety, trash pick-up, the Party
Patrol, pet regulations, etc.
Area school information
And much, much more!
To request a WELCOME TO THE FAN packet
email [email protected]
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
President’s Message
Barbara Hartung
Summer in the Fan means music. Once again, the FDA is presenting free
summer concerts in Meadow Park. The
first concert in June featured the Third
Wave and drew an enthusiastic crowd
despite the over 90-degree temperature. As always, free ice cream added to the
enjoyment. Four concerts are scheduled
from June through August. Bring lawn
chairs or blankets, and join your neighbors for these relaxing summer evenings. And on August 3d, the FDA will provide food and drink
in Meadow Park for National Night Out. This annual event
promotes neighborhood safety and presents another opportunity to socialize with friends. To deter crime and increase
security in our neighborhood, please turn on your exterior
house lights every evening.
Although this summer’s extreme heat has discouraged
even the most enthusiastic Fan gardeners, the FDA is
now planning for fall improvements. The Trees and Parks
Committee, led by Betsy Coffield, will conduct another
Adopt-A-Tree drive. An application is included in this issue. Calder Loth is heading up the Environment Committee and
that group will focus on ways to improve the appearance
of our streets and alleys. Grants are available to encourage
permanent alley improvements. Of course, everyone can
help now by pulling weeds and picking up trash along your
Trash is a year round problem. The FDA recently
purchased several heavy-duty trashcans for lower Fan streets. If you see additional spots that cry out for a sturdy trash can,
let me know.
To support the summer concerts and other projects, the
FDA needs your help. FDA annual dues were billed in May. If you have not done so, please send in your membership
renewal now.
Finally, I am delighted to welcome Bev Pflugrath and
Mike Bell to the Board. Our thanks go to Debbie Repp for
her service during the past year.
Fan Bulletin Board
Concert in Meadow Park, August 1
FDA Board Meeting, August 2
National Night Out in Meadow Park, August 3
Fan Street Cleaning by City, August 9-13
Concert in Meadow Park, August 15
Party Patrol Resumes, August 20 & 21
VCU Fall Classes Begin, August 26
FDA Board Meeting, August 30
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
Board News
Guerrilla Gardeners of the Fan
On June 1, 2010, the Board elected Betsy Coffield as Vice-President,
Denny Fox as Treasurer, and Bev Pflugrath as Secretary (effective July) for the
2010-2011 year.
Our thanks to Debbie Repp, who served as Secretary for the past year.
At the June meeting, the Board presented Jim Klaus with an Excellence
In Volunteerism Award in recognition of his service to the FDA. Jim served
four continuous years on the Board and handled the FDA’s community grants
The Board elected Mike Bell to the Board at the July 5th meeting. Mike
replaces Adella Watlington. Mike will serve until the May 2011 election.
On July 6th, in the stealth of the night
while a crescent moon was being masked
by gray clouds, a small army of volunteers
took on the weeds and clutter at Lombardy
Park. The task was formidable, but the
energy and optimism grew as more champions of the cause joined the effort. After
more than two hours of toil and sweat,
the sympathy of rakes, brooms and weed
pulling came to an end. These vigilantes
paused to assess their efforts; much progress
was made but clearly their good deed was
not complete. Dodging the lights of the
traffic these “Guerrilla Gardeners” gathered up their meager implements and a
dozen trash bags full of their evening work
and disappeared back into the darkness
of the night. A review of the premises the
next day revealed their work was not in
vain as the sweet words, “rather impressive” were heard under the breath from one
participant’s wife. This was the 4th sighting
of these phantom gardeners in less than a
month. If you want to catch a glimpse of
these Guerrilla’s in action, the best time to
spot them is on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of
each month.
Now that we are in the heat of the summer, it’s nice to think of something
cooler – like the Holiday House Tour. So far we have three potential houses
and chairs for some of the committees. However, we still need a Chair/CoChair to head up the tour, and a co-chair each for the Volunteer and Logistics
committees, and chairs for the Hospitality committee. The theme will be
decided in the next few weeks. The dates for the tour are December 11 and
12, 2010 from 1-6 p.m., each day.
Anyone who is interested in helping with the tour in any capacity, please
contact Rose Brinson at 353-9160 or e-mail at [email protected].
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
Fan District Association Membership News
Trees And Weeds
The annual dues for membership into the Fan District
Association are now due. If you have already paid your
dues (effective May 2010) thank you! If not and you are a
member now, you have until August to send in your check
before you are removed from the membership roles. If
you are currently not a member of the FDA , but would
like to be, please mail your check to the FDA office at 208
Strawberry Street. Individual memberships cost $20.00, and
for families, the cost is $25.00.
What does membership in the FDA include??
• You will receive 6 issues of your newsletter, letting you
know all of the latest happenings and news in the Fan
• Invitations to our free concert series every summer.
• Invitation to our annual membership party!
• Email alerts letting you know the latest information and
news about your neighborhood.
• And an opportunity to get involved with our many
committees including Trees and Parks, Membership,
Community Relations, Neighborhood Improvement,
and our NEW Welcome Committee, just to name a
Be a part of the neighborhood. Join the FDA!!
The Fan’s trees are suffering from the brutal heat
and sparse rainfall. Please keep the Gator bags filled.
Our newly planted trees need extra care this summer.
Established trees will benefit from additional watering as
well. Run a hose out to the sidewalk tree well and give your
tree a drink.
Weeds keep growing despite the heat. They flourish
in the sidewalks, in the tree wells, along the curbs, in the
alleys and next to buildings. Please take a minute to pull
them out or use weed killer on larger areas.
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
2010-2011 Adopt A Tree
Campaign Kick Off
The Fan District Association, in conjunction with the City
of Richmond, is pleased to announce the Adopt A Tree kick
off campaign for 2010-2011. Last year, the Fan Adopt A
Tree campaign adopted 62 trees that were planted in empty
tree wells from W. Franklin Street to Robinson. This year, we
hope to increase the number of trees and have set a goal of
100 trees.
What is the Adopt A Tree Campaign?
Any Fan resident, who has an empty tree well near their
home or rental property, may buy a tree to fill the tree well.
The cost of adopting a tree is $50.00, which includes grinding out any stump that might be in the existing tree well,
planting the tree, and providing the tree with a “Gator Bag”,
a slow drip watering bag. If you are an FDA member, the
cost of the tree is only $25.00; the Fan District Association,
will pick up the other $25.00!
How Do I Apply For A Tree?
The application for the tree is on the back of this page,
along with a care agreement. Simply fill out the form,
including the location of the empty tree well, make your
check out to “The Fan District Association,” and mail or
drop off at the FDA office at 208 Strawberry Street.
Certain Conditions Apply!
After receiving your application, the FDA will forward
it to the City Arborist who will inspect your tree well to
ensure it poses no problems for the tree, and will then make
a recommendation as to the type of tree best suited for
your tree well. In turn the Adopter must agree to care for
the tree, including watering the tree a minimum of twice
a week for the next full year. Also, tree planting season
begins in November, and ends in March. Your tree will be
planted, depending on the species, sometime between those
months. Don’t have a need for a tree right now, but have a
neighbor who does? Please pass this form along to them. The
more tree wells we fill, the GREENER our neighborhood will
be. Not an FDA member? Go to for a
membership application.
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
Advertiser Profile
Look for a new article each issue on one of our FanFare advertisers. The advertisers profiled have made significant
commitments to advertise in FanFare in support of the FDA. Thank you all!
Getting To Know…
Bob Lytle from Silver Hammer Additions
How and when was your company
What current initiatives do you
want to share?
I first established Silver Hammer Additions
Air leaks are the main cause
in February 1998, but its roots go back to my
of energy and moisture transfer. I
start as an old house carpenter in 1970. Since
recommend doing whole house blower
1998, the business has evolved from an early
door testing to determine where the
focus on project management and renovation
house is losing most of its energy. One
carpentry to providing design/build services
of the least expensive improvements
for home renovations. My current focus
to an old house is to stop the air leaks.
is on energy efficiency upgrades for older
For example, I use a silicon weather
houses. The most prestigious project of my
stripping system that preserves the
career was serving as Lead Finish Carpenter
architectural integrity of old doors.
on restoration/renovation of the Virginia
In addition to weather stripping, we
Governor’s Mansion in 2000. I also appeared
can significantly improve the physical
on Bob Vila’s “Home Again.”
performance of doors by making
adjustments that reverse the ravages of
What is the most enjoyable or exciting
time and haphazard past repairs.
part of your business?
Rebuilding old things to make them
Is there something about your
work like new and blending old and new
business that people might not know
construction in a way that is seamless really
and would be of interest?
turns me on. The best part of what I’m doing
Paybacks in terms of reduced
Bob Lytle
now is helping old houses save their owners
energy consumption are not necessarily
money while being respectful of the character that has made
expensive to achieve. The marketplace is filled with “green”
them so attractive. Finding solutions that conserve both
products, yet one of the greenest things you can do is
energy and historical integrity is the ultimate in “green.”
improve the overall efficiency of your old house.
Contact Information:
Bob Lytle
[email protected]
What is your tie to and connection with the Fan
I’ve lived in the Fan District since moving to Richmond
in 1970, and have renovated two houses of my own and
worked on countless others. I grew up in a house in Illinois
that was built in approximately 1869. I seem to have an
affinity for old houses and consequently this lovely area.
What is the specialty of your business?
There is a new category of contractor called “Home
Performance Contracting.” This has to do with looking at
your house as a system, rather than separate components.
Then you can make much better decisions with regard to
prioritizing your energy upgrades.
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
T he Green Fan
by Kathleen Toler
The Fan’s First Farmers’ Market
Farmers’ markets keep cropping up around
Richmond, and the Fan is no exception. This summer, Monument Market is open Saturday mornings
from 8:00 a.m., to noon at the corner of Monument Avenue and Robinson Street.
The seed of the idea for Monument Market
originated with longtime West Avenue resident
Linn Kreckman, who witnessed a strong sense of
community at the Farmers’ Market at St. Stephen’s
Episcopal Church in the Near West End. “I was impressed
with the involvement of the neighborhood and the church,”
Kreckman says. “As a lifetime member of First Baptist
Church, I wanted to develop the same church-community
partnership by starting a market in the Fan.”
Her idea fit in with First Baptist Church’s mission to be
more involved in the community, so the church agreed to
sponsor Monument Market, which opened in May. Kreckman volunteers as manager of the market, and First
Baptist Church provides
the parking lot, signage
and other needs. Proceeds
Haven, memory quilts from local seamstress
Jean Gonzales and birdhouses from P. C. Crafts.
Vendors with jewelry, wooden bowls, pottery, soap
and plants often make an appearance.
Beyond offering a place to buy products that
are locally grown or locally made, Kreckman
envisions that Monument Market will become
a regular Saturday destination—a place for
neighbors and friends to meet. “We hope to grow,”
says Kreckman, who can usually be found at Monument
Market selling her handmade children’s clothing. “That will
come with faithful patrons and vendors.”
Free parking is available,
but neighbors should be aware
that all cars are towed from
the parking lot after midnight
each Friday to make room
for patrons and vendors on
Saturday mornings. For
a vendor application
form and information,
visit www.fbcrichmond.
org or send e-mail to
from the weekly $15 vendor
donations go toward
running the market as
well as other First Baptist
Church programs that
benefit the community.
Although some foods may be organic, offering
“homemade or homegrown” products from vendors
within a two-hour drive is the goal of Monument Market,
according to Kreckman. “Our aim is to bring the farm to
the Fan,” she says. “It’s the next best thing to having our
own vegetable gardens.”
Vendors vary each week, but some of the regular
offerings include berries from AgriBerry, produce from
Victory Gardens, meats and jams from Empress Farms,
pasta from Bombolini Pasta, honey and jams from Bee
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
Come Out for National Night Out
Tuesday, August 3rd, marks the 27th annual National
Night Out. The Fan District Association will hold a picnic
and gathering at Meadow Park from 6:00 p.m., until 8:00
p.m., to raise awareness regarding what residents can do to
make our neighborhood, the Fan, a safer place to live.
Christopher’s RunAway Gourmay will provide food and
there will be free ice cream. In addition, Nutzy, the mascot
for the Richmond Flying Squirrels, will make an appearance. Local law enforcement will stop by, as well.
Please come out to connect with neighbors, get to know
your local police officers, have dinner, and say hello to
The Fan District Association
[email protected]
Quick Reference Numbers
Animal Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-5573
Domestic Violence Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . 643-0888
Free Mulch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-4706
Graffiti Hotline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-5101
Party Patrol/Noise Complaints. . . . . . . . . . 549-6962
Friday & Saturday Nights, Aug--May
Police (Emergency). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
Police (Non-Emergency). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-5100
Police (Third Precinct) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-1412
Power Outage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-888-667-3000
Recycling Hotline & Bins. . . . . . . . . . . . . 340-0900
Richmond City Information Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Code Enforcement
Environmental Enforcement
Litter Report
Public Utilities (24-Hour Emergency)
Trash and Bulk Pickup
Early this past June, as they have for the past several years,
representatives from the Strawberry Street Long & Foster
Office, spent their day gardening and spiffing up the
grounds of the William Fox Elementary School in preparation
for graduation. The whole Fan community thanks them for
their efforts.
SPCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643-6785
Supercan Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-0999
Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646-6340
Online for City Services. . . . . . . .
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
Training For School Volunteers
To Begin In September
Volunteers are needed for a variety of positions in Binford
Middle School and Fox Elementary School including:
• Mentoring • After school tutoring • SOL testing
preparation • PTA Board & non-Board positions
As the school year gets underway, training for volunteers
will be held at both schools in September. Although fifteen
Fan residents have already volunteered through the Fan
District Association, more are needed. To register or get additional information, contact Sandra Swalley at her e-mail,
[email protected].
Aging In Place In The Fan
Many Fan residents would like to stay in their homes as
they grow older, maintain their neighborhood friendships,
and continue their Fan activities. The goal of “aging in place”
has been achieved by Beacon Hill Village, a Boston nonprofit
group, that serves a neighborhood very similar to the Fan.
In July, the Board voted to investigate the Beacon Hill
Village model and its applicability to the Fan. A committee is
being created to review the Beacon Hill concept and report
back to the Board. Members wishing to serve on this committee should contact Barbara Hartung at [email protected]
and write “Beacon Hill” in the subject line.
A meeting date will be announced shortly.
More information on Beacon Hill Village can be found at and by searching Google for “Beacon
Hill Village.” The New York Times printed a feature article on
February 9, 2006, that gives an overview of the program.
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
FanFare is published six times a year by the Fan
District Association (FDA) for the benefit of Fan residents
and businesses.
FanFare is mailed directly to all FDA members. For
non-FDA members it is available for download from our
web site at and at six central drop
sites in the Fan.
Editor: Tucker Greer, [email protected]
Advertising: Brent Morris, [email protected] or
Photographer: Ashleigh Pederson
Publication Schedule
Nov 25
Jan 25
Mar 25
May 25
July 25
Sept 25
Editorial Policy
We welcome your submittals about upcoming events
and items of interest to those in the Fan. Submittals are best
forwarded in soft copy to [email protected]. You may also
mail items to FDA, Attn: FanFare Editor, 208 N. Strawberry
Street, Richmond, VA 23220. Be sure to note your name and
contact information. We reserve the right to edit or to not
publish any submittal.
Article Submittal Deadlines
Please submit all articles or event notices by the 7th day
of the publication month at the latest.
Advertising Policy
We offer single issue, semi-annual and annual contract
options and frequency discounts. We accept camera ready
and digital artwork. Artwork should be supplied in black/white
(no color) and digital artwork should be in one of the following formats: PDF, JPEG, TIFF or EPS for Macintosh or Windows
environment. All fonts should be in either outline form, embedded or rasterized. Further, ads should be sized in the exact
dimensions. FanFare does not develop ads for its advertisers but
we will refer you to local design resources. Please contact our
advertising manager for deadlines and pricing.
Fan District Association
President: Barbara Hartung
353-6699, [email protected]
Secretary: Debbie Repp
[email protected]
Treasurer: Denny Fox
397.0113, [email protected]
Board of Directors:
Kathy Garvin
347.3695, [email protected]
Barbara Hartung
353.6699, [email protected]
Betsy Coffield
358.2917, [email protected]
Denny Fox
397.0113, [email protected]
John Gilbody
335.0562, [email protected]
Jane Hotchkiss
355-4836, [email protected]
Ann Bradshaw
358-3606, [email protected]
Charlie Diradour239-8180,
[email protected]
George Hostetler
614-6869, [email protected]
Calder Loth
358-9052, [email protected]
Rose Brinson
353-9160, [email protected]
Mike Bell261-1776,
[email protected]
Upcoming FDA Board Meetings
All board meetings start at 7 PM and are held in the
FDA Building at 208 N. Strawberry Street. Please contact
the president at 353.6699 or [email protected] to
schedule a presentation. Requests must be received one
week prior to the meeting.
• August 2
• August 30
• October 4
FDA Membership
Membership is open to any individual who lives, owns
property or operates a business in the Fan District. Effective
January 1, 2010, annual dues are $20 per person or $25 per
household (two voting adults). Dues help support programs
throughout the Fan. You can print out a membership form at and then mail the completed form with the
appropriate fee (check, please) to FDA, Attn: Membership,
208 N. Strawberry Street, Richmond, VA 23220.
FanFare Wants You!
That’s right...we would love to hear stories written by our friends and neighbors about their life in the Fan.
In future editions of Fanfare, we’re hoping our readers will submit short stories about fun things they have done
in the neighborhood, interesting experiences, fun events they have attended or events they would like to see....
share your successes, invite your neighbors to help you with projects and committees that are near and dear to
your heart or just tell us a funny story that you would like to share with everyone!
Fanfare is our chance to share stories and experiences with each other. It is a publication about our great
neighborhood and we want to hear from the residents that make it so great! So put your pens to paper or your
fingers and send us some news!
If you would like to be included in a future issue of Fanfare, send any articles that you would like to submit
to [email protected]. Thanks in advance for sharing your stories with us. We look forward to yet another
great edition of Fanfare coming out soon!
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
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Fda Awards Grant Money To Art 180
The Fan District Association Board voted unanimously Monday, July 5, 2010, to award $1000
to Art 180 in support of the August 2010 Jonny Z Festival to be held on Shields Avenue.
In 2008, Art 180 held the first annual Jonny Z Festival on Shields Avenue showcasing the
mural on the side of Joe’s Inn painted by youth participating in Art 180’s summer program. A
year later, at the second annual Jonny Z Festival, a recycling dumpster painted by children was
unveiled to celebrate Art 180’s efforts to provide youth with an opportunity to recycle, practice
environmentalism, and realize public art.
Once again this summer on August 7th, the Jonny Z Festival will celebrate community engagement, art and music, honor the contributions of the Fan community, and share in the inspirational
work of young people. The Festival is a perfect combination of the cultural, intellectual and social,
wrapped together with a desire to see our city’s children grow and our neighborhoods thrive.
It is my sincere hope that any and all Fan neighbors participate in and enjoy this enriching Festival
experience where children of all ages, artisans of all media and neighbors of all interests join in
support of Art 180’s mission to provide art as an expressive medium to each and every child.
Ann Bradshaw
FDA Board Member
Summer Concert Series Continues
At Meadow Park
Just a few of the many Fan residents who
enjoyed the recent FDA concert that featured
Third Wave. Photo courtesy of Paula Varner
Have a cold one on us—ice cream cone, that is.
Sunday, August 1, 6:00-8:00 PM
Harper & Co. for bluegrass and old time music
Sunday, August 15, 6:00-8:00 PM
Susan Greenbaum for vocals with acoustic guitar
Check the FDA web site for regular updates:
Special Notes
FanFare wishes to
thank the following
individuals for their
contributions to
this issue:
Ann Bradshaw
Mike Bell
Barbara Hartung
Colin Kelly
Paula Varner
Jane Hotchkiss
Kathleen Toler
Rose Brinson
and Betsy Coffield
Thank you