A Select Bibliography of the Negro American


A Select Bibliography of the Negro American
A Compilation made under the direction of Atlanta University; together with the Proceedings of the
Tenth Conference for the study of the
Negro problems, held at Atlanta University, on
May 30, 1905
The Atlanta University Press
Pens were mightier than
the Sword
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
Proceedings of the Tenth Atlanta Conference
. . . . . . . . . . . .
A Bibliography of Bibliographies of the Negro American
. .
A Select Bibliography of the Negro American:
Part I, Arranged Alphabetically by Authors
Part 11, Perlodlcal Literature
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As a bibliography the present report i s very imperfect. This is due
chiefly to t h e fact t h a t it has been compiled a t a distance from all the
great collections of Americana; whether this should have been attempted a t all or not i s a question, but i t seemed to the editor better
to print a poor bibliography of this great subject, in the hope of hettering i t in future editions, t h a n to w a i t longer for those better situated to do the work. A first modest attempt a t a short b i b l i ~ g r a ~ p h p
was made in a leaflet of 4 pp. published i n 1900. This was enlarged
in a second edition (1901) to 9 pages. The present report is thus iir
a sense a third edition of this bibliography.
The selection of titles i n this bibliography was especially difficult O I I
account of the large number of works on slavery which bear more or
l e s ~on the Negro and yet do not properly come within the scope of
this list. I n the attempt to fieparate from the mass of American s h v ery literature those works which deal especially with the nlave rather
than the system, m a n y mistakes have been made both th1,ough ignorance and iuadvertence.
The bibliography should be supplenientecl by atllird p a r t which
would be a subject catalog. This m a y be printed in fuLure e d i t i o o ~ .
The editor would welcome speciflc criticism especially on on~issioi~h
and the inclusion of improper titles.
A study of human life to-day involves a consideration of conditions
of physical life, a study of various soci:t.l organizations, beginning with
the home, and investigations into occupations, education, religion r-.nd
morality, crime and political activity. The Atlanta cycle of fit,udies
into the Negro problem aims a t exhaustive and periodic studies of 8.11
these subjects so far a s they relate to the Negro A 4 n ~ e r i r a ~ ~ .
The first decade of these studies has now been f i n i s l ~ ~atsi follows:
Negro Mortality-18%
Social and Physical Condition of Negroes in Cities-18'97
Efforts for Social Betterment-18%
Negroes in Basiness--l&W
College-Bred Negroes-1900
The Negro Common School-1W1
The Negro Ar tisau-1902
Tbe Negro Clnirch-1Y03
Negro Crime-193-4
Methods and Results-1'905
The results of nine of these studies have been printed m d widely
distributed. The present publication is the tenth report and i t h a s
been thought t h a t the results of this conference can best be summarized
by a bibliography of the Negro American.
During the next decade the following cycle of studies is proposed:
1. The Negro Physique-1906
2. The Negro Family-1907
3. Negro Organisations-1908
4. The Economic Development of Negroes, 1-1909
5. The Economic Development of Negroes, 11-1910
ti. The Education of Negroes-1911
7. The Political Power of Negroes-1912
8 The Negro Church-1913
9. Crime among Negroes-1914
10. Methods and Results--1915
Atlanta University has been conducting these studies for the past
ten years. The results, distributed at a nomiual sum, have been widely used. Notwithstanding this success, the further prosecution of t h i s
important work is greatly hampered by the lack of funds. With
meagre appropriations for expenses, lack of clerical help and necessary
apparatus, the Conference cannot cope properly with the vast Aeld of
work before it.
I t seems hardly necessary to emphasize the fact to day that the ignorance of the real condition of the Negro American i s the most sinister part of the Negro problem. Nevertheless this work of social study
a t Atlanta University receives but scanty encouragement.
Especially is it questionable a t present a s to how large and import a n t a work we shall be able to prosecute during the next ten-year cycle. I t m a y be necessary to reduce the number of conferences to one
every other year. W e trust this will not be necessary, and we earnestly appeal to those who think i t worth while to study this, the greatest
group of social problems that has ever faced the nation, for substantial
aid and encouragement in the further prosecution of the work of the
Atlanta Couference.
The Tent
sembled a t .
President B
"Methods a
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President E
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After the
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st,udy emploj
T h e Tenth Annual Conference to s t u d y t h e Negro Problems assembled at A t l a n t a University, Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday, May 30, 1906.
President Horace Bumstead was chairman. The subject of s t u d y w a s
"Methods a n d Results of Ten Years' S t u d y of the American Negro."
T h e following program w a s carried o u t :
Plrst Sesalon, 10 A. M.
President Horace Bumstead, presiding.
Subject: "Reasons for a systematic Study of the Negro."
Address-Mr. L. M. Hershaw, of Washington, D. C.
Address-Mr. W. T. B. Williams, Hampton, Va.
Second Sesslon, 2 P. M.
Round Table.
Subject: "Fields of Study and Methods of Co-operation."
Men's section-Room 13, Stone Hall.
Women's section-Room 6, Stone Hall.
Thlrd Sesslon. 3:3O P M.
Eighth Annual Mothers' Meeting.
Miss Lucy Laney, presiding.
Subject: "Child Study and the Kindergarten."
Address-Miss Frances Kellor, of New York.
Address-Mrs. Butler Wilson, of Boston.
Address-Miss Mary Ovington, of New York.
Consultation : A Colored Kindergarten for the City-Discussionled
Gertrude Ware.
by Miss
Fourth Session, 8 P. M.
President Horace Bumstead, presiding.
Remarks by President Bumstead.
Subject: "Methods of Future Study."
Address-Profeseor G. W. Henderson, of Nashville, Tenn.
Address--Mr. T. J. Jones, of Hampton, Va.
Remarks-Professor Walter F. Willcox, Itheca, New York.
After t h e adoption of the resolutions which follow, the Conference
The Tenth At1ant.a Conference for the study of t'he Negro
problems believes that the results of ten years' study of these social questions have just)ified the meetings and the methods of
study e m p l o ~ e d .
W e believe that there has grown in the last ten years a larger
scientific spirit in dealing with the Negro problems and a demand for verifiable knowledge, rather than mere opinion, as a
basis for sound judgment and philanthropic effort.
The investigations of the last ten years seem on the whole to
indicate :
( a ) A progressive differentiationof theNegro race into social
arid economic clasfies.
(6) A slow recognition t h a t this fact makes i t more and more
unjust to characterize t h e race as if i t were a unit.
( c ) A large but slowly decreasing Negro mortality.
(d) An encouraging decrease of infant and child mortality.
(e) A n increase in t h e number of good homes.
(f) AII increase i n t h e kind and number of efforts for social
betterment among Negroes.
(g) An increase in the number of business enterprises a n d
i n econ.omic co-operatian.
( h ) A rapid decrease in illiteracy, especially in cities, and a
large percentage of success among college-bred Negroes.
(i) A severe econoniic crisis among Negro artisans.
( j ) An increase in the social and econoniic activities of t h e
Negro church.
( K ) A large increase of crime up until 1895 and a considerable decrease since that date.
We believe t81iatfuture investigytions ought t o lay especial
stress an t8hemany unsettled questions as to t h e vitality of t h e
A ;
A partial
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Collins, q
1004 (BibL
DuBois, \
DuBois, V
DuBois, Tf
t,a, 1'90%
delphia, 18%
Hickok, C .
thorities us6
Johns KO
ries. No. X.
thorities, p.
Johns Ho1
Slavery in C
Johns Ho:
and servituc
1 s (Auth
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of slavery ir
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thorities, pp
A Bibliography of Bibliographies of the Negro American
A partial list of book8 and pamphlets on the Negro question in the United
States. [In Race Problem of the South, 1900, pp. 224-240240]
Atlanta University Publication, No. &(Select bibl. pp. G9. Bibl. of works
of College Negroes, pp. 1033.)
Atlanta University Publication, No. &(Select bibl. pp. 4-13.)
Atlanta University Publication, No. 7-(Bibl. of Negro Artisan and industrial training, pp. V-VII.)
Atlanta University Publication, No. &(Bibl. of Negro Churches, pp. VIVIII.)
Atlanta University Publication, No. 9-(Bibl. of Negro Crime,pp. VI-VIII.)
Channing and H a r t G u i d e to United States History. (Bibliography,
Collins, W.H.-The Domestic Slave Trade of the Southern States, N. Y.,
1 W (Bibl. pp. 140-154.)
DuBois, W. E. B.-African Slave Trade. New York, 1896. (Appendix D,
Bibliography, pp. 299-325.)
DuBois, W.E. B.-Bibliography of American Negro. Atlanta, 1901.
DuBois, W. E. B.-Bibliography of the Negro Folk Song in America. Atlanta, 1903.
DuBois,W. E. B.-Philadelphia Negro. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1899. (Appendix C, Bibliography, pp. 419+3.)
Hickok,C.T.-The Negro in Ohio. Cleveland, 0. 1896. (W. R. Univ.) (Authorities used, pp. 1%182)
Johns Hopkins University Studies in History and Political Science,Sth series. No. X. History of Liberia, by J. H. T. MoPherson, B d t . 1861. (Authorities, p. 63.)
Johns Hopkins University Studies, etc. 11th series. No. IX-X. History of
Slavery in Connecticut, by Bernard C. Steine-. B a l t 1893. appendix,^. R3.)
Johns Hopkins University Studies, etc. 14th series. No. IV-V. Slavery
and servitude in t h e colony of North Cerolina,by John S. Bassett. B a l t
1896. (Authorities used, p. 173.)
Johns Hopkins University Studies, etc. 14th series. No. IX-X. A study
of slavery in New Jersey, by H. 9. Cooley. Baltimore, 1806. (Bibl., pp. 59-60.)
Johns Hopkins University Studies, eto. 17th series. No. VII-VIII. Slavery in the state of North Carolina, by John S. Bassett. Baltimore, 1899. (Authorities, pp. 110-111.)
Locke, M. S.-Anti-slavery in America, 1619-1808. (Radcliffe College Monographs, No. 11.) Bibliography, pp. 1WS1.)
May, Samuel-Catalogue of Anti-slavery Publications, 175&1863.
McDougall, M. C.-Fugitive Slaves, 1619-1865. New York, 1891. (BibliogSiebert, W. H.-The
Underground Railroad. New York, N. Y. 1898. (Appendix D, Bibliography, pp. 330-102)
Tuckerman, B.-William
J a y and the constitutional movement for the
abolition of slavery. N. Y. 1894. (Bibliography, pp. 171-173.)
United States Commissioner of Education, 1893-1894 (Bibliography, pp.
Weeks, S. 13.-Southern Quakers and slavery. Baltimore, 1896. [Johns Hopkina University Studies in History, etc. E x t r a vol. 15.1 (Bibliography, p p
Wisconsin State Historical Society. Catalogue of the war and slavery.
Madison, 1887, pp. 61
Part 1.
Arranged Alphabetically by Authors
A brief history of the movement to abolish the slums of Philadelphia. Phil.
Abstract of evidence before a committee of the House of Commons on the
slave trade. London. 1790-1791. xxvi, 155 pp. 8vo. 2nd ed. l7W. xx,
141 pp. sm. 8vo.
Account, An, of the designs of t h e associates of the late Dr. Bray-Parochial
libraries and instruction of Negroes. London. 1766. 47 pp. sm. 85-0.
Act of Incorporation, causes and motives of the African Episcopal church of
Philadelphia. Phila., 1810.
Adams, H. G., editor. God's image in ebony. A series of biographical sketches. London. xxxi, 168 pp. sm. 8vo.
Adams, J. W.-Letter to the Honorable Secretary of War on the examination
of field officers for colored troops. N. Y., 1863. 24 pp. 8vo.
Adarns, J. Q.-Argument before the Supreme Court of the U. 5: in the case of
the U. 8. Appellants, vs Cinque, and others, Africans, captured in the
schooner Amistad, by Lieut. Gedney, delivered on Feb. 24 and March 1,
1841. N. Y., 1841. 135 pp. 8vo.
Adams, Nehemiah-A
south side view of slavery. Boston, 1854. viii, 7214 pp. 16mo.
Adderman, J. M.-Reminiscences of two years with the colored troops. Providence, 1880. 38 pp. sm. 4to.
Address, An, by t h e colored people of Missouri to the friends of equal rights.
St. Louis, 1865. 4 pp. Bvo.
Address on slavery and against immediate emancipation, etc. By a citizen
of N. Y. N. Y., 18.34. 16 pp. 8vo.
Address to the clergy of all denominations on African colonization. 1860 (7)
16 pp. 8vo.
African Institution Report. London. Extracts from reports of directors,
1824,1825. Phila., 1826. 40 pp. 8vo.
African slave trade: the secret purpose of the insurgents to revive it. No
real stipulations against the slave trade to be entered into with the
European powers. Phila., 1863.
African's rights, The, to citizenship. Phila., 1865. 31 pp. 8vo.
Agricola (pseudonym)-An impartial view of the real state of the black population in the U. s.,etc. Phila., 18%. 26 pp. 8vo.
Alexander, George William-Letters on the slave trade, slavery and emancipation. London, 1842.
Allen, H. W.-Trial of the U. 6. Deputy Marshal for kidnapping, etc. Syrrv
c u e , 1852
Allen, Richard, and Jacob Tapiscc-The
doctrine and discipline of the
A.M. E. church. Phila., 1819.
Allen, Richard-First bishop of the A. M. E. church. The life, experience
and gospel lahors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen. Written by himself.
Phila., 1793. 69 pp. Bvo.
Allen, W. F., and othsrs, editors-Slave songs of the U. S. N. Y., 1867. (I),
xliv, (3), 115 pp. 8vo.
American prejudice against color. London, 1853. (4),
Allen, W. G.-The
107 pp. 16mo.
Allen, Wm. H., and John P. Crozier-African colonization-its progress and
prospects. (Add~esses.) Phila., 1863. Bvo.
American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Report. 7th-13th annual report, with addresses and resolutions. N. Y., 1847-5.3. 8vo.
American Anti-Slavery Almanac for 1W. Compiled by 1). L. Child. N. Y.
American Anti-Slavery Society, Boston and New York. 2v. 16mo.
American Anti-Slavery Society-Report and proceedings. N. Y., 1634-61.
3v. 8vo
First annual report. N. Y., 1834. 64 pp. 16mo.
American Anti-Slavery Society. Slavery and the internal slave trnde in the
TJ. S. Replies to questions of the British and foreign anti-slavery eociety, London, 1841. 280 pp. 8vo.
American Colonizatiou Society. Address of the board of managers. Wash.,
1831. I1 pp. 8vo.
American Colonization Society. Annual reports. 181E-1860.
American Colo~ization Society. Annual reports of the American Society
for the colonizing of the Free People of color of the United States.
Numbers 1-72, with minutes of the meetings and of the board of directors. 1818-1S9. 8v. 8vo.
American Colonization Society. Memorial of the semi-centennial anniversary of the society. Jan. 15, 1867. Wash., 1867. viii, 191, (1) pp. 8vo.
Americans i n slave trade * * * * * kidnapping. Message from the president
i n relation to the ahuse of theflagof the U. S.in the African slave trade,
the taking away of slaves the property of Portugese subjects. March
11, 1844.
American Union for the relief and improvement of the colored race. Boston,
1835. 23 pp. Rvo.
American Union for the relief and improvement of the colored race. Report
of Executive Committee at annual meeting, 1836. Boston, 1836. 39 pp. 8vo.
Anderson, Matthew-Presbyterianism and its relation to the Negro. Phila,
Anti-Slavery Almanacs, miscellaneous collection of, in the Library of Harvard College.
Anti-Slavery Record, The. R'. Y., 1835-1837.
Anti-Slavery Reporter. N. Y . Vol. 1. Nos. 1-8. 128 pp. 8vo.
Appeal, An, to Pharaoh. The Negro problem and its radical solution. N. Y.,
1889. 205 pp. 12mo.
Appeal of forty thousand colored citizens threatened with disfranchisement
to the people of Penn. Phlla, 1838 18 pp. $170.
Archer, A.-Compendium of slavery in U. S., 1844 London. 68 pp. 16mo.
Armistead, Wilson-A tribute for the Negro, etc. Manchester, Eng., 1648.
564 pp. 8vo.
Armistead, Wilson, editor-Five
hundred thousand strokes for freedom.
A series of tracts etc. London, 1853. sm. 8vo.
Armstrong Association, N. Y. City. The work and influence of Hampton.
Addresses of Mr. Carnegie, Dr. Chas. 8. Elliot, Dr. H. B. Frissell, and
B. T. Washington. N. Y , 1904. 38, (I) pp. 8vo.
Armstrong, Sam. C.-Normal school work among the freedmen. Boston,
1872. I1 pp. sV0.
Asher, Jeremiah-Autobiography.
Phila., 1862
Assiento, or contract for allowing the subjech of Great Britain the liberty of
importing Negroes into South America. Signed by the Catholic King
at Madrid, the Twenty-sixth day of March, 1il.l By Her Majesty's
special command. London, 1713. (Z),48 pp. 4to.
Atherton, J.-Speech in the New Hampshire convention for investigation,
discussion, and decision of the Federal Constitution. (In Joseph B.
Walker's History of the New Hampshire convention.)
Atkinson, Edward - The race problem. Its solution advocates the education of the Negro from the sale of public lands. Btllt., 1901. (I), 8 pp.
Atlanta University Publications-Mortality among Negroes in cities. Atl a n t a 18% 51 pp. 8vo.
Atlanta University Publications-Social and physical condition of Negroes
in cities. Atlanta, 1897. 72, 14 pp. 8vo.
Atlanta University Publication6-Some efforts of American Negroes for their
own social betterment Atlanta, 1898. (2), 66 pp. 8vo.
Atlanta University Publications-The
Negro in Business. Atlanta, 18W.
(3),77 pp. 8vo.
Atlanta University Publicatio~s-The College-bred Negro. Atlanta, 1934 (2),
11,5, (3) pp. 8170.
Atlanta University Publications-The Negro Artisan. Atlanta, 1902 1% pp.
8vo. viii.
Atlanta University Publications-The
Negro Church. Atlanta, 1903. viii,
212 pp. 8vn.
Atlanta University Publications-The Negro Common School, etc. Atlanta,
1'301. ii, (2), 120 pp. 870.
Atlanta IJniversity Publications-Notes on Negro Crime, Particularly in
Georgia Atlanta, l'W4. viii, 68 pp. 8vo.
Attempt, An, to demonstrate the practicability of emancipating the slaves of
the U. S., and removing them from the country. N.Y., 18%. 75 pp. 8vo.
B a:
B a1
B a1
B a]
B a]
B ~
B a1
Atwater, Wilbur Olin, and Charles Dayton Woods-Dietary studies with
reference to the food of the Negroes in Alabama in 1895 and 1896. Wauhington, 1897. 69 pp. 8vo. (U. S. Dept. of Agri.)
Babcock, James Woods-The colored insane. New Haven (?), 1896. 23 pp.
Bacon, Benjamin C.-Statistics of the colored people of Philadelphia. Phila.,
Bacon, Benjamin C.-Ibid.
Second edition with statistics of crime. P h i l a ,
1859. 2, (I), 3-24 pp. 8vo.
Bacon, Ephraim-Abstract of a journal of E. Bacon, assistant agent of U. S.
to Africa. 181S2Q. Phila., 1821. 96pp. 8vo.
Bacon, Leonard-Review of pamphlets on slavery and colonization. New
Haven, 1833. '24 pp. 8vo.
Bagley, A. C.--Speech on the bill t o preserve the purity of elections. I n
Ohio House of Representatives. 1859. 6 pp. 8vo.
Baird, Henry Carey-General Washington and General Jackson on Negro
soldiers. Phila., 186.3. 8 pp. 8vo.
Baldwin, Rbenezer-Observations on the physical, intellectual, and moral
qualities of our colored populalion. New Haven, 1834. 52 pp. 8vo.
Baldwin, John Denison-Human rights and human races. Washington,
1M. 8 pp. 8170.
Baldwin, R. S.-Argument before the Supreme Court of the U. S., Appellants
vs. Cinque and others, Africans of t h e Amistad. N. Y., 1841. 32 pp. 8vo.
Ballagh, J . C.-White servitude i n the colony of Virginia. Johns Hopkins
University Studies. 13th series. Balt., 1895. 99 pp. 8vo.
Baltimore Association for the moral and educational improvement of the
, v. 8vo.
colored people. Annual report. 2.4 3d. 186667. Balt., 1866. C
Bandinel, J.-Some account of the trade i n slaves from Africa as connected
with Europe and America, from the introduction of the trade to the
prenent. London, 1842. 8vo.
Bangs, I. S.-The Ullman Brigade. ( I n Military Order of the Loyal Legion
of the U. S. Maine Commandery. W a r papers. Vol. 2, pp. ZW-310. Portland, 190a). T h e first colored organization ordered by the government.
Barnes, Albert-The
church and slavery. With appendix. Phila., 1857.
204 pp. 16mo.
Barringer, Dr. Paul-Proceedings of the Montgomery conference. "The Sactrifice of a Race;' address delivered a t Montgomery, Ala, May 10, 1900.
Raleigh, N. C., 1%m. 30 pp. avo.
Barringer, Dr. Paul-The American Negro: his past and f u t u r e Raleigh,
1W. 23 pp.
Barrows, Samuel June-Evolution of the Afric-American. ( I n Brooklyn
ethical association. Man and the state. pp. 315-345). N. Y., 1892.
Barton, W. E., editor-Old plantation hymns. Boston, 1899. 45 pp. 8vo.
Baskerville, W. M.-Shall the Negro be educated or suppressed? Open letter
club. N a ~ h v i l l e ,1899. 2? pp. &o.
Bassett, John S.-History of slavery i n North Carolina. Johns Hopkins University Studies. Baltimore, lW. 111 lp 88yo. Studies in historical
and political science. Authorities pp. 110-111. Series 17, No. 7, 8.
Basset, John S.-Slavery
and servitude i n the colony of North Carolina.
Balt., 1%. 86 pp. 8vo. Series 14, No. 4,5. Authorities cited, p. 3.
Beard, Augustus Field-The providence of God in the historical development
of the Negro. N. Y., 1896. 10 pp. 8vo.
Beetle, Edward-Notices of Negro Slavery, as connected with Pa. Read before Historical Society of Pa., Aug. 7, 1826. Phila., 1864. Memoirs, v. 1.
pp. 365-116.
Benezet, Anthony-A caution to Great Britain and her colonies. A new edition. P h i l a , 1766. 35 pp. 16mo. London, 1764. 46 pp. sm avo.
Benezet, Anthony-A short account of that part of Africa inhabited by Negroes * * * and the manner i n which the slave trade is carried on.
3rd ed. London, 1786. 2d edition, with additions. P h i l a , 1762 80 pp.
Benezet, Anthony-Inquiry into the rise and progress of the slave trade.
1442-1771. P h i l a , 1771.
Benezet, Anthony-Notes o n the slave trade. 1780 (9). 8 pp. 16mo.
Benezet, Anthony-Observations on the inslaving, importing and purchaeing
of Negroes. Germantown, 1769.
Benezet, Anthony-Short ohservations on slavery, introductory to some extracts from the writings of the Abbe Raynal, on t h a t important subject.
12 pp. 16mo.
Benezet, -4nthony-The case of our fellow-creatures, the oppressed Africans.
Phila., 1784. 13 pp. 16mo.
~ e n & e t Anthony-The
potent enemies of America laid open. Phila., 1774
2 parts in 1 v. 12mo. Consists of original tract by Benezet, '&The
mighty destroyer" and a reprint of Wesley's "Thoughts on slavery."
Biddle, Charles John-The alliance with the Negro. Speech : House of Rep.
of the U. S., March 6, l W L Wash., 1862 8 pp. 8vo.
Branagan, Tho
46pp. 12mo.
Birney, William-James G. Birney and his times. Gene& of the republican
party with some account of the abolition movements in the South before 1828. New P o r k , lW0. xii, 443 pp. 121110. Portr. pp. 38!2-388, list of
books on slavery published in U. S. before 1831. p. 436, list of writings
of James GI.. Birney.
Blair, Lewifi H.-The prosperity of the South dependent upon the elevation
of the Negro. Richmond, Va., l8W. ix, 147 pp. 12mo.
Blake, W. 0.-History of slavery and the slave tiade. Ancient and modern.
Columbus, O., 1859. 832 pp. 4to. Illus. plates.
Blyden, Edward ~ i l m o t - c h & t i a n i t y ,
slam, and the Negro race. Introduction by Samuel Lewis. London, 1887. (4), vii, (I), 4B pp. 8vo.
Bobolition of Slaveyy !! ! Grand selehrashum by de Africum Shocietee !!! !! !
Boston, 181% 17% x 10% in.
Booth, S. M.-Justice essential to national prosperity. Wash., 18% 12pp.
Bosco, Augusto-La schiavitu e l a questione dei neri negli Stati Uniti. Scansano. Tessitori. 1RCX (I), 18 pp. 8vo.
Boston, Mass., Grammar school committee. Report of a special committee of
the grammar school hoard. Abolition of the Smlth colored school.
Boston, 1819. 71 pp. avo.
Boston, Mafis., Prsmary school committee. Report. Abolition of colored
schools. Boston, 1846. 38 pp. 8vo.
Boston, Jlass., Puhlir schools. Report of the minority of the committee of
the primary school board, on the caste schools of Boston (E. Jackson
and H. I. Bowditch) with remarks by Wendell Phillips. Boston, 18%.
36 pp. Rvo.
Branagan, Tho
Brissot, I)e W a
British and for
British and fol
la very ct
society a1
British Merchf
British p
British parliar
conf ederr
2 vols. L
Broca, Dr. Pau
1W. xiv
Brodnax, Wm.
the state
Brooks, C. H.lows. PI
Brousseau, Ka
39% (1) P1
Read be3oirs, v. 1.
new edi-
d by Newried on.
6 2 80 pp.
Lve trade.
some exit subject.
d a . , 1774.
:et, "The
: of Rep.
. Y., 1834.
iouth be88, list of
,eel!! I ! !
i Scanmittee of
?ittee of
ton, 1W.
Brown, B. G.-Freedom and franchise inseparable. Wash., 1864. 8 pp. 8vo.
Brown, Frederick John-The northward movement of the colored population. A statistical study. B a l t , 1897. 50 pp. 8vo.
Brown, H. M.-A plea for industrial educetion among the colored people.
N. Y., 1884. 30 pp. 16mo.
Brown, Leonard, of Des Moines-In Occident and Orient. Equal rights of
blacks end whites. (Verse.) Des Moines, 1901. 16 pp. 8vo.
Brown, T. A.-The origin of Negro minstrelsy. N. Y., 1874.
Brown, William Wells-Narrative of 8 fugitive slave. Boston, 1847. 110 pp.
Brown, William Wells-The block man, his antecedents, etc. N. Y., 1f63.
28B pp. 12mo.
Brown, William Wells-The Negro i n the American rebellion. Boston, 1867.
380 pp. 8vo.
Brown, William Wells-The rising son. Boston, 1874 (1873) 12mo. Portr.
Bruce, P. A.-Economic hiatory of Va. in the seventeenth century. 2v.
N. Y., 1896; 8vo. Map.
Bruce, P. A.-The plantation Negro as a freeman. N. Y., 1889. ix, 262 pp. 12mo.
Bruce, Roscoe Conkling-Service by the educated Negro. Tuskegee, 1903.
17 pp. 12mo.
Bruce, W. Cabell-The Negro problem. B a l t , 1891. 33 pp. Rvo.
Buford, Mrs.-Domestic missions. Among tho plantation Negroes. N. Y.,
18%t 4 pp. 8vo.
Buford, Nap. Bon.-African colonization. (Letter No. I.) Wash., 1862 (3) pp.
(Letter No. 11.) Cairo, Ill., 1863. (3) pp.
Bumstead, Horace-Higher education of the Negro-its practical value. Atlanta, 1870. 15 pp. 24mo.
Buneen, Christian Karl Gosias-Law of slavery i n the U. 9. Boston, 1863.
12pp. 12mo.
Burmeister, Carl Hermann Conrad-The black man. Comparing anatomy and
psychology of the African Negro. N. Y., la;% 23 pp. Hvo.
Buxton, T. F.-The African slave trade. London, 1839. 2d ed. "AO pp. 8vo.
Same. London, 1840. 236 pp. 12mo. Same. 1st. American ed. from 2d.
London ed. with app. Phila, 183% 188 pp. 12mo.
Buxton, T. F.-The ~ f r i c a nslave trade and i & remedy. London, 1840. viii,
582, '14 pp. 8vo. Map. [Appendices and prospectus of the society for
extension of the slave trnde and for civilization of Africa June, 1839.1
Cable, George Washington-The Negro question. N. Y., 1888. 32 pp. 8vo.
N. Y., 18Y0, vi. (M), 173 pp. 12mo.
Cabot, George-Slave representation by Boreas. (pseud.) Boston (?), 1812
23 pp. 8vo.
Cairnes, J. E.-"The Negro suflrage." (anon.) N. p. 18%. 12 pp. 8vo.
Cairnes, 3. E.-The slave power: its character, career, and probable designs.
London, 1862. xviii, 304 pp. 8vo. W ed. N. Y. xliv, 410 pp. 8vo.
Calendar of English state papers. Colonial series. 15134676. London, lfH,
1862,1880. Domestic series, by J. Bruce and W. D. Hamilton.
Ualhoun, William Patrick-The Caucasian and the Negro in the U. 9. They
must separate. If not, then extermination. Columbia, 8. C., 1'902 171 pp.
Portr. 12mo.
Campbell, John-Negro-mania: being a n example of the falsely assumed
equality of the various races of men. Phila., 1851.549 pp. 12mo.
Carey, 1
cotto, \
Chase, 2
Child, L
Clark, E
Clark, I
p. 870.
1 popula-
d people.
rights of
110 pp.
Por tr.
2 v.
pp. 121110.
gee, 1933.
N. Y.,
32 (3) PP.
alue. At-
tomy and
p. 8vo.
from 2d.
-840. viii,
c i e t y for
me, 1839.1
pp. 8VO.
(?), 1812
don, 1860,
12 171 pp.
Campbell, Robert F.-Some aspects of the race problem in the South. Pamphlet, 16%. Asheville, N. C. 31 pp. Bvo.
Carbery, Edward-Statement of the advantage to be derived from emigration to British Guiana B a l t , 1840. 8 pp.
Carey, Henry C.-The slave trade, domestic and foreign: why i t exists and
how i t may be extinguished Phila, 1853. 426 pp. 12mo.
Carnegie, Andrew-Address.
(Armstrong Association) N. Y., 1904 pp.44
Carson, Hannah-Glory in affliction. Philadelphia, 1864.
Carsteneen, Edward-Propositions for the organization of an African emigration and immigration. Copenhagen, 1869. 18pp. 8vo.
Catto, W. T.-History of the Presbyterian movement Phila, 1857. 8vo. A
semi-centenary discourse and history of the first African Presbyterian
church, Philadelphia, May, 1857, from its organization, including a notice of its first paator, John Gloucester, also appendix containing
sketches of all the colored churches in Philadelphia
Chamberlain, Daniel Henry-Dependent pension bills; and the race problem a t the South. Speech before Mass. reform club, Feb., 1890. Boston,
1890. 19pp. 8 v a
Chamberlain, Daniel Henry-Present phases of our so-called Negro problem. Open letter to James Bryce of England. Charlestdn, 1904. (I),
32 pp. 8vo.
Chancel, Ansone de-Cham et Japhet, ou d e 17emigrationdes Negres chez les
blancs consideree comme moyen providentiel de regenerer l a race Negre e t de civiliser 1' Afrique interieure. 2d ed. Paris, 1 W (8) 200 pp. 8vo.
Chandler, J. W.-Thi~ is a white working-man's government Wash., 1866.
14 pp. avo. K.t. p.
Chase, S. P.-Letter to a committee of colored men. New Orleans. 18G.
Cheever, G. B.-Impartial suffrage a right; and the infamy of the revolution
against i t x.Y., 1866. Q(i p p 8vo.
Child, David Lee-American anti-slavery almanac. N. Y., 1%
Childs, Lydia M a r i e A n appeal in favor of that class of Americans called
Africans. Boston, 1833. (0), 232 pp. PI. l2mo.
Childs, Lydia Maria-The oasis. Boston, 1834. xvi, Z 6 pp. 161110.
Christensen, A. M. H., editor-Afro-American folk lore told on the sea islands
of South Carolina Boston, 1892 xiv, 116, (1)pp.
Christy, David-A lecture on African colonization. Cincin., 1844. 56 pp. Bvo.
Christy, David-Ethiopia, her gloom and glory, ae illustrated in the history of
the slave trade. 1442-1867. Cincin., 1857. W pp. 8ro.
Christy, E. B.,Compiler-Charley Fox's Ethiopian songster. IT. Y., 1858. 83 pp.
16mo. Illus.
Cincinnati convention of colored freedmen of Ohio. Proceedings, Jan. 14-19,
1852 Cincinnati, 1852 8vo.
Clark, Peter H.-History of the Black Brigade.
Clark, Rufus W.-The African slave .trade. Boston, 1880. 102pp. 161110.
Clarkson, T.-An essay on the impolicy of the African slave trade. I n two
parts. Second edition, London, 1788. iv, 184 pp. sm. 8vo.
Clarkson, T.-An essay on the slavery and commerce of the human species,
particularly the African. London and Dublin, 1788 2d edition enlarged. xxii, 167 pp. avo.
Clarkson, T.-Essay on t,he comparative efflciency of regulation or abolition,
as applied to the slave trade. Showing that the latter only can remove
the evils to be found in that commerce. London, 1789.
Clarkson T.-Essai sur lee des avantages politiques de la traite des Negree.
Paris, 1814. 144 pp. 8vo.
Clarkson, T.-History of the rise, progress and accomplishment of the abolition of the African slave trade by the British parliament. London
and Phila, 1808 viii, 616 pp. 12mo. Illus.
Clay, Henry-Address to the colonization society of Kentucky, 1829. Lexington, 1829. 26 pp. 8vo.
Clay, Henry-Speech before American colonization society, 1827. Wash.,
1827. 13,8 pp. 8vo.
Clayton, Mrs. V. V.-White and black under the old regime. Intro. by Frederick Cook Morehouse. Milwaukee, 1899. 195 pp. 16mo.
Cleveland national emigration convention of colored people. Proceedings,
Aug. 2'244,1854. Pittsburg, 1854. 8vo.
Clowes, W. Laird-Black America Reprint from the Times. London, 1891.
xiii,240 pp. sm. 8vo. Map.
Coates, Benjamin Hornor-The effects of secluded and gloomy imprisonment on individuals of the African variety of mankind in the production of disease. Phila, 184.3. 15pp. 8vo.
Uobb, T. R. R.-An historical sketch of davery from the earliest times.
Cobb, T. R. R.-Inquiry into the law of Negro slavery in the U. S. Vol. I.
Philadelphia and Savannah, 1858
Cobb, T. R. R.-Law of Negro slavery in the various states of the U. S. 8vo.
Colfax, Richard H.-Evidence
against the views of the abolitionists, etc.
N. Y., 1833. 33 pp. 8vo.
Colonization of the Western coast of Africa by means of a line of mail steam
ships. N. Y., 1851. 82 pp. 8vo.
Colonization, Origin of American. N. Y., 1838 (P) 24 pp. 32mo.
Colored National League--Open letter to Pres. McKinley by colored people
of Mass. Boston, 1899. 11 pp. 8vo.
Colored peoplein Philadelphia. (Pamphlet Phila Library Co.)
Colored ;egiments. (pamphlet p h i l a Library Co.)
Colton. Calvin-Colonization and abolition contrasted. Phila. 1838 16 PP. 8vo.
Corson, El
Coston, W
Cotton, pl:
Cotton St&
ta, 1E
Croly, D. (
Cropper, J
(1) P
Cross, San
Culp, D. T
Curry, J.
the c
Curry, J.
J. F.
Curry, J.
Dabney, I
Day, Cha
Deane, C1
Deane, C1
Dean, Pa
Debate a
C o r e o ~Eugene,
Rollin-The vital equation of t h e colored race, eta. Wilder
quarter-century book. 115-175 pp. Ithaca, 1893.
Coston, W. H.-A free man and yet a slave. Burlington, Iowa, 18%
Cotton planter, A.-Conversations
i n a cane-brake by a cotton planter.
New Orleans, 1860.
Cotton States Exhibition, Atlanta, 1895. Edited by J. W. E. Bowen. Atlanta, 1896. 242 pp. avo. Illus. Pls. Portr.
Councill, William Harper-The American Negro. I n Southern Historical
Association Publications. Vol. VI. pp. 4044. Washington, 1902
Cream-colored mule. Comic banjo songster. N. Y. 9, 68pp. 16m0.
Croly, D. Gt., and others-Miscegenation : theory of t h e blending of the races,
applied to the American white man and the Negro. N. Y., 1664. 12mo.
Cromwell, John W.-The early Negro convention movement. Wash., 1904.
(The American Negro Acad.) 23 pp. 8vo.
Cropper, Jas., and otherg-Speeches a t the anti-colonization meeting, Exeter
hall, London, 1817. By Cropper, Garrison, Paul, etc. Boston, 1833. 39,
(1) pp. 8vo.
Cross, Samuel Creed-The Negro and the sunny South. A lecture. Martinsburg, W. Va., 1899. 136 pp. 12mo. Portr.
Crummell, Alexander-A defense of the Negro race in America, etc. Wash.,
1883. 36 pp. 12mo.
Crummell, Alexander-The black woman of the South : her neglects and her
needs. Cincin., 14 pp. 8va
Crummell, Alexander-The Future of Africa. 1862
Crummell, Alexander-The Negro Race, etc. 1863.
Crummell, Alexander-Africa and America. Springfield, 1891. 466 pp. 8vo.
Crummell, Alexander-Inaugural address before American Negro Academy.
Wash., 1898. 19pp.
Culp, D. W., compiler and editor-Twentieth
century Negro literature. Toronto, 1902. 472 pp. 8vo. Portrs.
complications and limitations connected with
Curry, J. L. M.-Difficulties,
the education of t h e Negro. Balt., 1895. 23 pp. 8vo. J. F. Slater Fund
of Negroes since 1880. Balt., 1894. 32 pp. 8vo.
Curry, J. L. M.-Education
J. F. Slater Fund papers.
Curry, J. L M.-The Southern States of the American Union. N. Y., 1M.
viii, (I), 248 pp. 12mo.
Cushing, Caleb-Oration pronounced a t Boston before the colonization society, 1833. Boston, 1833. 8vo.
Dabney, Rev. Dr. R L-Defense of Virginia, and through her of t h e South.
New York, 1W. 356 pp. 12mo.
Dawson, J. L.-Speech on the state of t h e union. Wash., 1866. 2!2 pp. 8vo.
Day, Charles H.-Fun in black. N. Y., 1874. 70 pp. 16mo. Illus.
Deane, Charles-Connection of Mass with slavery and the slave trade. Worcester, 1886.
Deane, Charles-Letters and documents relating t o slavery in Mass. From
collections of the Mass. historical society. Cambridge, 1877. 375442
pp. 8vo.
Dean, Paul-A discourse delivered before the African society in Boston on
the abolition of the slave trade. July 14,1819. Boston, 1819. 16 pp. 8vo.
Debate a t the Lane Seminary, Cincinnati. Speech of J. A. Thomas, 1834.
Boston, 1834. 8vo.
ns, 3
(1)pp. 8vo.
DuBois, W. E. B.-The souls of black folk. Chicago, 1903. viii, (1),W ,
Dudley, Paul-An essay on the merchandise of slaves and souls of men.
Boston, 1731. (3) iv, 63 pp. sm. 4to.
Dunbar, Edward E.-The Mexican papers containing the history of the rise
And decline of commercial slavery in America, with reference to the
future of Mexico. First series, No. 5. N. Y., 1861. 3phs. 8vo.
Dunbar, Paul Lawrence-Oak and Ivy-poems.
Dayton, Ohio. 1890.
Majors and Minors. N. Y. 1895.
Lyrics of Lowly Life. N. Y. 1896.
Folks from Dixie. N. Y. 1898.
The C'ncalled. N. Y. 1898.
Lyrics of the Hearthside. N. Y. 1899.
Poems of Cabin and Field. N. Y. 1899.
The Love of Landry. N. Y. 1900.
The Sport of the Gods. N. Y. 1901.
Dunn, Jacob P.-Slavery petitions and papers. Indiana hi~toricalsociety
publications. Vol. 11. No. 12. Indianapolis, 1894. 87 pp. 8vo.
Durham, Frederick Alexander-The lone star of Liberia London, Stock.,
1892 xxi, (I), 331 pp. 8vo.
Durham, J. S.-To teach the Negro history. Phila, 1898. 8vo.
Dwinelle, J. W.-Supreme court of California. Argument of Mr. Dwinelle on
' the right of colored children to be admitted to the public schools. 26 pp.
Dyson, J. F.-Richard Allen's place in history. Nashville, 1887.
Earle, Victoria--Aunt Lindsay. New York, 1893.
Eaaton, Hosea-A treatise on the intellectual character and condition of the
colored people of the C'. S. Boston, 1837. Ei4 pp. 8vo.
Eaton, John-Report of freedmen's schools for 1864-1865. (Contained in report of the GenJl Supt. of Freedmen. Department of the State of Tennessee and Arkansas. 1@64-5).
Edgar, Cornelius H.-The curse of Canaan rightly interpreted, etc. N. Y.
1%2 48 pp. 8vo.
Educational society, African. Wash, 1830. 16 pp. 8va
Education and employment statistics of the colored people of Philadelphia.
(In library of Penn. historical association.)
Edwards, Bryan-History, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in
the West Indies. Phila., 1806. 4 vols. 8vo. Portrs. Atlas. 4to. Folded
Edwards, Jonathan-The injustice and impolicy of the slave trade and of the
slavery of the Africans. New Haven, 1791. 37 pp. Bvo. 4 editions.
Eliot, Wm. (3.-The story of Archer Alexander. St. Louis, 1863.
Ellsworth, Henry L.-Appeal to the friends of African colonization. 1842
Wash., 1% 14 pp. Bvo.
Elwang, Wm. Wilson-The Negroes of Columbia, Mo. Columbia, 1904. vii,
69 pp. 8vo. Plates. Map.
Equal Suffrage. Address from the colored citizens of Norfolk, Va. New
Bedford, 1865. 26, (2) pp. 8vo.
Equiano, Olandah-Autobiography.
Boston, 1837.
Etheridge, Emerson-Speech on the revival of the African slave trade.
Wash., 1857.
* * * * a t the anniversary of the American
Everett, Edward-Address
- colonization society, 1853. Wash., 1853. 12 pp. 8vo.
Extracts from letters of teachers and superintendents of the New England
educational commission for freedmen. Boston, 186Q. avo.
Faduma, Orishatukeh-The defects of the Negro church. Washington, 1904.
17 pp. 8vo.
Farmer, A.-A serious address to the rulers of America on the inconsistency
of their conduct respecting slavery. Trenton printed : London reprinted. 1783.
Fenner, T. P., and others compilers-Cabin and plantation songs. H a m p t o n
106 pp. N. Y., 1874,1890 and 1901.
Ferret, de Couto, J.-Los Negros, etc. New York, 1864. 310, (1) pp. 8vo.
Finger, S. M.-Educational and religiousinterests of the colored people of the
South. U. R. Bureau of Education. Circular of information, No. 2,1886.
pp. 123-133,
Fisk University, Nash., Tenn., The slave songs of. London, 1874. 68 pp.
Fisk, Wilbur-Substance of an address before the Middletown colonization
society, 1836. Middletown, Conn., 1835. 23 pp. avo.
Fitzhugh, George-Cannibals all, or slaves without msatera Richmond,
1857. S7Y pp. 121110.
Fletcher, F r a n k H.-Negro exodus. 1800 (?), 24 pp. avo.
Fletcher, Ron. Richard--Opinion as to whether colored children can be lawfully excluded from public free schools. Boston, 1846(?).
Flipper, Henry O., ex-lieut. U. S. A.-The colored cadet a t West Point. N. Y.,
Flournay, J . J.-Esfiay on the origin, habits, etc., of the African race. N. Y.,
1835. 8vo.
Foote, Andrew H.-Africa and the American flag. N. Y., 1854. 390 pp. 12mo.
Foote, Andrew. H.-The African squadron : Ashburton Treaty : Consular sea
letters. Phila., 1855. 16 pp. 8vo.
Force, Peter-American archives. I n six series. Prepared and published
under authority of Congress. 4th and 6th series. Wash., 1837-1853 9
Force, Peter-Tracts and other papers relating to the colonies in North Ameri c a Wash., 18361846. 4 vols. avo.
Ford, Paul L-Pamphlets on the constitution of the U. P. published during
its discussion by the people. 1787-1788 With bibliography. Brooklyn,
1 W viii, (3) 451 pp. 8vo.
Forensic dispute, A, on the legality of enslaving the African, held a t the public commencement i n Cambridge, July 21,1773. By two candidates for
the bachelor's degree. Boston.
Fortune,T. Thomas-Black and white. N. Y. 1884.
Fowler, Wm. C.-Local law in Mass. and Conn. historically considered: and
the historical status of the Negro in Conn. Albany, 1812 104 pp. 8vo.
Fowler, Wm. (?.-The
historical status of the Negro i n Conn. Charleston,
1901. Year book. Charleston, 1900. Appendix. 1-84 pp.
Franklin, Benjamin-An essay on the African slave trade. Phila, 1790.
Freedmen, Annual reports of the Presbyterian Committee of Mifisions for.
1871-1882 (Committee incorporated under the name of Presbyterian
Board of Missions for Freedmen.) An. Reps. 1883. Pittaburg. avo.
Freedmen's BureauAnnual report of Adjutant-General's Branch of Freedmen for 1873-1877.
of the
2, 1886.
68 PP.
lawN. Y.,
N. Y.,
l r sea
853. 9
pub:s for
: and
s for.
Annual rwort of Superintendent of North Carolina for 1864, 1867; of
Louisiana for 1865; of Alabama for 1867; of the District of Columbia
and West Virginia for 1867.
Circulars, circular letters, etc., issued by the Commissioner of the Bureau
, of refugees, freedmen, and abandoned lands, during the year 1868.
General orders, 1862-1866. (Asst. Com. for S. C., Cfa, and Fla.)
General orders, 1863-1867. (Bu. of Ref., Freedmen and Aban. Lands.)
General orders, 1865-1868. (Asst Com. for Ga.)
General orders, 18f&186!3. (Asst. Com. for La. and Texas.)
General orders, 186&186!3. (Asst. Com. for D. C. and Va.)
Report of Commissioner of Bureau of refugees, freedmen, and abandoned lands, for 1865-1871.
Report of the General Superintendent of freedmen. Department of the
State of Tennessee and Arkansas, for 1864-5.
Report of the Secretary of War for 1867, containing a synopsis of the report of the Commissioners of the Bureau of refugees, freedmen, and
abandoned lands, for the same year.
Semi-annual reports on schools and finances of Freedmen, by J. W. Alvord, inspector, from Jan. l, 1866, to July l, 1870. (In all ten reps.)
Freeman, F.-Yaradee : A plea for Africans in familiar conversations on the
subject of slavery and colonization. Phila, 1838. 349 pp. 12mo. Portr.
3rd ed.
Freeman, Rev. F.-Africa's redemption the salvation of our country. N. Y.,
French, Mrs. A. M.-Slavery in South Carolina N. Y., 1862 312 pp. 12mo.
Friends-A brief sketch of the schools of the black people and their descendants, established by the religious society of Friends. Phila., 1SG7. 32
pp. 8vo.
Friends-A brief testimony of the rise and progress of the Friends against
slavery and the slave trade. 1671-1787. Phila., 1843. 69 pp. 12mo.
Friends-An explanation of the African slave trade from 1840-1850. Prepared
from official documents. Phila., 1857.
Friends-Appeal of the Friends in Penn., New Jersey, Del., etc. to their fellow citizens of the U. S. on behalf of the colored races. Phila, 1858.
48 pp. Bvo.
Friends' Association of Philadelphia end its vicinity for relief of colored
freedmen. Sixth annual report, 1869. Phila., l869. 8vo.
Friends-A view of the present state of the African slave trade. Phila., 1824.
69 pp. avo.
Friends-Facts and observations relative to the participation of American
citizens in the African slave trade. Phila,.lW. 36 pp. 8vo.
Friends--Observation on the enslaving, importing and purchasing of the
Negroes ; with some advice thereon from London yearly meeting, 1748.
2d ed. Germantown, 1760.
Friends-Slavery and domestic slave trade in the U. 9. Phila., 1841.
Friend+The case of our fellow creatures, the Africans, respectfully recommended to the serious consideration of the Legislature of G t Britain by
the people called the Quakers. London, 17E3-17%.
Friese, P. C.-The unconstitutionality of congressional action to give political power to the Negro in the white man's country. Balt, 1867. 42pp. 8vo.
Frissell, Hollis Burke, and Isabel Brevier-Dietary studies of Negroes in
eastern Va. in 1897 and 1898. Wash, 1899. 45 pp. 8vo.
Giddings, Joshua R.-Speech
* * * * on his motion to reconsider the
vote taken upon the final passage of the bill for the relief of the owners
of slaves lost from on board the Comet and Enconium. Wash., 1843.
Goodwin, M. B.-History of schools for the colored population in the District
of Columbia. U. S. Bureau of Education-Special Report on District of
Columbia for 1869. pp. 193-200.
G r d y , Henry Woodfin-The new South, etc. N. Y., 1W4. 136 pp. 16mo.
Orammer, Julius E.-African colonization. Wash., 1876. 12 p p 8vo.
Grand bohalition, or great annibersary fussible! Dialogue between Scipio
Smilax and Mungo Meanwell. Boston, 1821. 18% x 22 in.
Greeley, Horace-A history of thestruggle for slavery extension or restriction
in the U. S. from the Declaration of Independence to the present day.
N. Y., 1856. iv, 164 pp. 8vo.
Greeley, Horace, and J. T. Cleveland-Political text book for 1860; also a history of the struggle respecting slavery i n the territories. N. Y., I&%.
x, 9-248 pp. avo.
Greeley, Horace-The American conflict. History of the great rebellion,
1ffiO-1865. I t s moral and political phases with the drift and progress of
America respecting human slaverv from 1776. Hartford, 1864. 20 pp. 8vo.
Green, A. R.-Life of Rev. D. F . Davis. 1850.
Gregoire, H. B.-De la traite des Noirs et des Blancs. Paris, 1815.
Oregoire, 11.-Enquiry concerning the intellectual and moral faculties, etc., of
Negroes. Brooklyn, 1810. . 253 pp. avo.
Gregory, James M.-Frederick Douglass, the orator. Springfield, Mass. 1890.
Gregory XVI., Pope-To Catholic citizens. The Pope's bull for the abolition
of the slave trade. And the words of Daniel O'Connell on American
1856. 7 pp. 8vo.
slavery. N. P.,
Griggs, Sutton E.-Imperium in imperio. Cincin., 18%. 265 pp. 8vo.
Griggs, Sutton E.-Unfettered.
Grimke, Archibald H.-William
Lloyd Garrison. N. Y., 1891.
Grimke, Archibald H.-Charles Sumner. N. Y., 18%. 515 pp. 8vo.
Grimke, Archibald H.-Right on the scaffold. Wash., 1901. 27 py. avo.
Griinke, Archibald H., and others-The Negro and the election franchise.
Wauh., 1905. 85 pp.
Grimke, Francis J.-A resemblance and a contrast, etc. Wash., 1902. 14 pp.
Grimke, Francis J.-God and the race problem. Wash., 1903. l2pp. avo.
Grimke, Francis J.-The lynching of Negroes in the South. Wash., 1899. (4),
81 pp. 16mo.
Grimke, Francis J.-The Negro, etc. Wash, 1899. (3), 100 pp. 12m0.
Grimke, Francis J.-The
Roosevelt-Washington episode, etc. Wash., 1901.
14 pp. 8vo.
French. Charleston, 1837. (14), 162 pp. 12mo.
Guild, Samuel E l i o t T h e question before us. Bost., 1862. 12 pp. 8vo.
Gurley, R. R-Letter to Henry Clay and T. F. Buxton on the colon., etc.
London, 1841. x, 66pp. 8vo.
Gurley, R. R.-Mission to England in behalf of American colonization society. Wash., 1841. xii, 264 pp. 8vo.
Gurley, R R.-Report on condition of Liberia. Wash., 1850. 116 pp. 8vo.
Hahn, Michael-Manhood the hasis of suffrage. Wash., 18%. 8 pp. Flvo.
Hakluyt, Richard-Collections of early voyages, travels and discoveries of
the English nation. London, l W l 8 l Z 5 vols. Imp. 4to.
Hallowell, R. P.-Why the Negro was enfranchised. Boston, 1903. 35 pp.
Hamilton, John William-Going forward by going backward, or the trend of
the Methodist Episcopal church toward a settled system of caste. Boston, 1833. 38 pp. 12mo.
Hamilton, R. H., editor-Cabin and plantation songs as sung by the Tuskegee
singers. 21 pp.
Hammond, Isaac W.-Slavery in New Hampshire. Concord, 1883.
Hammond, James H.-Letters on southern slavery, addressed to Thomas
Clarkson. Charleston, 1845. '23pp. avo.
Hampton Nor. and Ag. Ins.-Anniversary
exercises. Springfield (?), 1876.
2 pp. F. to.
Hand, Daniel, A sketch of the life of, and of his benefaction to the American
Missionary Association for the education of the colored people i n the
Southern States of America New York, 1889. 31 pp. 16mo.
Harper, Frances E. W.-Forest Leaves. Balt., 1855.
Harper, Frances E. W.-Iola Leroy: a novel. 3d ed. Phila., 1892. 281 pp. 8vo.
Harper, Frances E. W.-Miscellaneous poems. Boston, 18.54.
Harper, R. G.-Argument against the policy of re-opening the African slave
trade. Atlanta, 1858. 78 pp. 8vo.
Harper, R. G.-Letter to Elias B. Caldwell on colonizing the people of color. Balt., 181% 32 pp. 8vo.
Harris, Alexander-Review of the political conflict in America, from the
commencement of the anti-slavery agitation. N. Y., 1876. 517 pp. 8vo.
Harris, Wm. T.-Education of the Negro. An address made to the students
of Atlanta University, Atlanta, GL, Oct. 29,1895.
Harrison, J. A.-Negro English. 1884. 7 pp.
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Haygood, Atticus Green-Our brother in black, etc. N. Y., 1881. 252 pp.
Haygood, Atticus Green-Pleas for progress. Nashville, 1889. 320 pp. 12mo.
Haygood, Atticus Green-The case of the Negro, as to education in the southern states, etc. Atlanta, 1885. 59 pp. 8vo.
Haygood, L. M.-The colored man i n the M. E . church. Cincinnati, 1890.
Hayne, Joseph E.-Tho black man. Charleston, 1894.
Helper, Hinton Rowan-Nojoque; a question for a continent. N. Y., 1887.
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N. Y., 1860. 420 pp. l2mo.
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Helps, Sir Arthur-Spanish conquests in America. London, 1 W 1 . 4 vols.
8vo. Same. New ed. with introduction and notes. London, 1900.
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Repburn, John-The American defense of the Christian Golden Rule. London (?), 1714. 36 pp. sm. 8vo.
Hertslet,Lewis and Sir Edward, compilers-A complete collection of the
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and navigation. * * * The slave trade, etc. London. 23 vols. 8vo.
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Haven, 1857. f
Hopkins, Pauline E
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pate all the A
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N. Y., 1744.
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dufitrial Institu
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Hubbard, Jeremiat
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casioned by t
lm. 40pp. :
Humphrey, Edwar
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. Rosskegee
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in the
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t it.
. Y.,
Val. I and 11. pp. 613424. avo. Boston, 1854.
Horsmanden, D.-The Xegro Plot (1741). A journal of the proceedings, etc.
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Howe,Henry-Historical collectionsof Virginia. Charleston, 1852. 514 pp. 8vo.
Howison, R. R.-History of Virginia. Phila., 1846-1848. 2 vol. 8vo.
Howland, Isabel-A description of the work a t the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. Brooklyn (?), 1897. 24 pp. 32mo.
Hrdlicke, Ales-Anthropological investigations on one thousand white and
colored children of both sexes, the inmates of the New York juvenile
assylum, etc. N. Y., 189-7 86 pp. 8vo.
Huhhard, Jeremiah-Letter on African colonization. 1a4. 8 pp. avo.
Hull House maps and papers. N. Y., 1895. viii, 2U) pp. 8vo.
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1803. 4opp. avo.
Humphrey, Edward P.-Africa and colonization. Wash., 1873. 14 pp. avo.
Humphrey, Edward P.-The color question in the United States. Wash., 1877.
Hunt, Edward Brissell-Union foundations, etc. N. Y., 186.3. 61 pp. 8vo.
Hunt, James-The Negro's place in nature. N. Y., 1864. 27 pp. 8vo.
Hurd, John Codman-The law of freedom and bondage in the United States.
Boston, 1858,186!! 2 vol. 8vo.
Hurd, John Codman-Topics of jurisprudence connected with the condition
of freedom and bondage. N. Y., 1856. ix, 113 pp. 8vo.
Illinois State Convention of colored men. Proceedings a t Galesburg, Oct. 16,
17,18. Chicago, 1867. 37pp. 8vo.
Illinois. The slave code of the state of Illinois. I n the Genius of Liberty.
E x t r a . Lowell, L a Salle Co, Ill.
I n d i a n a State board of colonization. Report of the secretary to the governor. Indianapolis, 1853. 8vo.
Ingle, Edward-Southern side-lights. Boston, 18%. 373 pp. 12mo.
Ingle, Edward-The Negro in the District o: Columbia, Johns Hopkins University Studies. Vol. XI. Balt., 1893. 110 pp. 8v0.
Institute for colored youth, Philadelphia. Objects * * * * * list of o a cers and students, etc. Phila., 1860-65. 12mo.
Jamaica movement for promoting the enforcement of the slave trade treaties
and the suppression of the slave trade with statements of facts, etc.
London, 18.50. 430 pp. 8vo.
Janney, Samuel M.-History
of the religious society of Friends to la'&.
P h i l a , 1860,1861. 4 vols. 12mo.
Jarvis, Edward-Insanity among t h e colored population, etc. Phila., 1844.
15 pp. 8vo.
Jay, John-Correspondence and public papers. Edited by Henry P. Johnston. N. Y. and London, 1890-1893. 4 401. 8vo.
Jay, William-An inquiry into the character and tendency of the American
colonization and American anti-slavery societies. N. Y., and Boston,
1835. 202 pp. 12mo. 10 editions.
J a y , William-A view of the action of the federal government i n behalf of
slavery. N. Y.,1839. 217 pp. 12mo. Several editions.
Jay, William-Miscellaneous writings on slavery. Boston, 1863. 670 pp. 12mo.
Jay, William-The life of John J a y ; with selections from his correspondence
and miscellaneous papers. N. Y., 1W. 2 vol. 8vo.
Jefferson (pseudonym\-Shall equality supplant liberty? Being a review of
Mr. Sumner's bill and speech. N. p. ( I S ? ) 16 pp. avo.
Jefferson, Thomas-Autobiography, correspondence, reports, messages and
other writings. Wash., 1853. 178 pp. 8vo.
Jefferson, Thomas-Notes on Va. London, 1787.
Jefferson, Thomas, Writings of, edited by P. L Ford, N.Y. 1892-1897.
Johnson, Edward A.-A school history of the Negro race in America from
1619 to 1890, with a short introduction as to the origin of the race ; also a
short sketch of Liberia. Raleigh, 1891.
Johnson, Edward A.-History of Negro soldiers i n the Spanish-American
War, and other items of inLerest. Raleigh, 1899. a 8 pp. 8vo.
.Johnson, Edward A.-Light ahead for the Negro. N. Y., 1904. 132 pp. 12mo.
Johnson, Mrs. E. A.-The Hazeley family. Philadelphia, 18%.
Johnson, T. and W.-Inquiry into the law of Negro slavery in the United
.Jones, Ahsalom-A Thanksgiving sermon * * * on account of the abolition of the African slave trade. Phila., 1808. 22 pp. avo.
Jones, C. C., Jr.-Negro myths from the Georgia coast. Boston, 1888. 171 pp.
Jones, C. C.-The religious instruction of the Negroes i n t h e United States.
Savannah, I%@. 877 pp. 19mo.
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state of Virginia. N. Y., 1 8 ~ . 151 pp. gvo.
Robert-Fif ty Years in the Lombard St. Central Presbyterian church.
Phila., 1894. 170 pp.
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Kelley, W. D.-Addresses
Douglass. Phila., July 6
p h i l a , 1963. 8 PP~cari-The
f a~
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Knox, w . - ~ h r e e tracts on
Negro slaves i n t h e
~ ~ V ~ l lJOS.
e e3faW
peans. Phila.,
n g s a t Galesburg, Oct. 16,
:n the Genius of Liberty.
he secretary to the govern-
. 373 pp. 12rno.
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; * * * * * list of offit of the slave trade treaties
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~ c i e t yof Friends to 1828.
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ldited by Henry P. John0.
mdency of the American
ieties. N. Y., and Boston,
government in behalf of
Boston, 18,%. 670 pp. 13mo.
is from his correspondence
. 8vo.
berty? Being a review of
16 pp. 8vo.
ice, reports, messages and
d, N. Y. 1892-1897.
gro race in America from
! origin of the race ; also a
in the Spanish-American
)9. 285 pp. 8vo.
N. Y., 1904. 132 pp.
:lphia, 1894.
ro slavery in the United
on account of the aboli22 pp. 8vo.
ast. Boston, 1898. 171 pp.
oes in the United States.
?. Y., 1865. 151 pp. 8vo.
tral Presbyterian church.
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Chicago, 103. 103 pp.
Kemble, Fanny-A journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation. N. Y.,
1863. 337 pp. 12mo.
Kennedy, J. H.-Sympathy considered in special relation to Africa 1828.
Phila, 1828. I1 pp. 8vo.
Kimball, J. C.-Connecticut's Canterbury tale. Hartford, 1886. 16 pp. 12mo.
Kirk, Edward Norris-Educated labor, etc. N. Y., 1% 11 pp. 8vo.
Knox, W.-Three tracts o n conversion and instruction of t h e free Indians and
Negro slaves in the colonies. London, 1789. 39 pp. 8vo.
Laidlaw, Walter, editor-The federation of Churches and Christian workers
i n New York City. N. Y., Sociological canvasses, 18%.
8vo. First,
112 pp., 2d. 116 pp.
Lane, Jas. H.-Vindication of the policy of the administration (1864). Wash.,
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Langston, .John Mercer-Freedom and citizenship. Washington, 1883.
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Latrobe, J. H . B.-African colonization, 1853. Balt, 1853. 26 pp. 8vo.
Latrobe, J. EI. B.-African colonization, its principles and aims. Balt., 1859.
Latrobe, J. H. B.-African colonization, 1662 Wash., 1862 llipp. 8vo.
Latrobe, J. H. R.-Colonization aad abolition. Balt., 1852 8vo.
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dress delivered before the American colonization Society, January 20,
1880. Washington, 1880.
Latrobe, J. H. B.-Maryland in Liberia. A history of the colony planted by
the Maryland State Society a t Cape Palmas, 18V-1853.
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Latrobe, J. H. B.-The Christian colonization of Africa. 1877. Wash., 1877.
10 pp. 8vo.
Laurens, Henry-A South Carolina protest against slavery. h'ow published
from the original. N. Y., 186L 8vo.
La Vallee, Jos. Marqnifi de Rois Robert-The Negro as there are few white
men. London, 1790. 3 vol. sm. 12mo.
LaVallee, Jos. Marquis de Bois R o b e r t T h e Negro equalled by few Europeans. Phila., 1801. 2 vol. 16mo.
Lawrence, George--Oration on the abolition of the slave trade. N. Y., 1813.
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LeConte, Joseph-The race problem i n the South. ( I n Brooklyn ethical association: Man and the State. 347-402 pp. 1893.)
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Lewis, Robert Benjamin-Light and t r ~ t hetc.
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Lincoln, Abraham, Life of, by Nichollty and Hay. N. Y., 1890.
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Livermore, George-An historical research respecting the opinions of t h e
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Love, E. K.-History of the First African Baptist Church. Savannah, 1888.
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Lovinggood, R S.-Why hie, hoee, hoe for the ~ e & o ? Marshall, Tex., 1900.
56 pp. 16mo.
Lyman, Theodore-Free Negroes and mulattoes. Report of a committee to
the Mass. House of Representatives, Jan. 16,1822 Boston.
Lyon, Jas. A.-Address on the missionary aspect of African colonization.
St. Louis, Mo., 18.50. 8vo.
Lunday, Benjamin-The war i n Texas, showing that this contest is a crusade
against Mexico * * * * to re-establish * * * * slavery.
Luiit, George-Origin of the late war traced from the beginning of the constitution to the revolt of the Southern States. New York, 1886.
MacAfee, C. B.-Some Southern prohlems. Parksville, Mo., lE98. 30 pp. 8vo.
MacCord, David Jas.-Africans a t horn& Charleston, 1854 2tl pp. 8vo.
Mac Donough, J.-Letter on African colonization. New Orleans, 1842 24; pp.
MacGill, Alexander, T., D. D.-The hand of God with the black race. A disconwe. Phila., 1862 19 pp. 8vo.
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* * * of re-opening t l
arining, E.-Six months on
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1880. Revised edition. !
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prohibiting the importa
inge.) 482 pp. 8vo. Cin
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Martineau, HarrietRetrospect of western traveL N. Y., 1838. 2 vol. 1 6 ~ ~ 0 .
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Mason, Jonathan-Extract of a diary kept by J. Mason. A journey from Boston to Savannah in 1804. Cambridge, 1686.
Mather, Cotton-Rules for the society of Negroes, 1693. N. Y., 1888 9 pp. 12mo.
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Maxwell, Joseph Renner-The Negro question, or, hints for the improvement,
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Miscegenation indorsed by the Republican party. N. Y., 1864. 8 pp. 8vo.
Mitchell, E. C.-Higher education and the Negro. N. p., 1896. 19 pp. 12mo.
Mitchell, Jas.-Letter on the relation of the white and African races in the
TJ. S. Wash., 1862 28 pp. 8vo.
Mitchell, 0. P.-The olive branch. Marysville, Cal., 1862 97 pp. 8vo.
Mixon, W. H.-A Methodist luminary. Selma, Ala., 1891.
Modern philanthropy illustrated. How they tried to make a white man of a
Negro twenty-five hundred years ago. 8 pp. avo.
Mohonk conference on the Negro question. First report, June 4 4 , 1890.
Boston, 1890. 8vo.
Mondaini, Gennaro-La questione dei Negri, e t c Torino, 1898. 485 pp. 16mo.
Montgomery conference on race problems. Proceedings, 1900.
Moody, Loring-Facts for the people, showing the relation of the U . S. government to slavery. 1847. Boston, 1847 (1). 142 pp. 16m0.
Moore, Geo. 11.-Historical notes on the employmentof Negroes in the American army of the Revolution. N. Y., 1862, M pp. 8vo.
1866. 256: pp.
Moore, Oeo. 11.-Notes on the history of slavery in Mass. N. P.,
Moore, Geo. H.-Additional notes. 1866. 15pp. sm. 4to.
Moore, J. J.-History of A. M. E.Z.church. York, Pa., 1884.
Moore, Prof. John-The Negro and American liberty. Boston, 1895. 8pp. 4to.
Morgan, Thos. J.-Africans in America. N. Y. M pp. Mmo.
Morgan, Thos. J.-Reminiscences of service with colored troop8 in the army
of the Cumberland, 18&1%5. Providence, 18%. 52 pp. am. 4to.
Morgan, Thos. J.-The Negro in America Phila., 1898. 203 pp. 12mo.
Moses, F. J., Jr.-Bond case. Opinion of chief justice Moses in case of Floride Calhoun. Charleston, 1871. 24 pp. 8vo.
Mossell, Mrs. N. F.-The work of Afro-American women. Phila., 1894. 178pp.
Mott, Alexander-Biographical
sketches and interesting anecdotes of persons of color. N. Y., 185L 408 pp. 12mo.
Moxom, Phillip Stafford-Our problem with the Negro in America. N. Y.,
1903. 16 pp. 8vo.
Muncaster, Lord, John Pennington-Historical sketches of the slave trade
and its effect in Africa. London, 1792
Mystery, The, finished! The Negro has a soul. Memphis, 1868. 16mo.
National convention of colored men and their friends. Troy, N. Y, 1847.
38 pp. avo.
National convention of colored men. Syracuse, N. Y. Oct. 67,1864. Boston,
1864. 62pp. 8vo.
National convention of colored men of America, 1869. Proceedings. Wash.,
1%9. 42pp. 8vo.
Needles, Edward-An historical memoir of the Pa. society for promoting the
abolition of slavery. Phila., 1848. 116 pp. 8vo.
Needles, Edward-Ten years' progress, or a comparison of the state and condition of the colored people in the city and county of Philadelphia from
1831to 1847. Phila. 1849.
Neill, E. D.-History of Va., Wash. 1868 17 pp. 8vo.
Neill, E. D.-Virginia Carolorum, 16S1685. Albany, 18% 446 pp. 4to.
Neill, E. D.-Virginia Vetusta Albany, 1885. 216 pp. 4to.
Negroes, Charities for. Home for destitute colored children, Marylandville,
P a Annual reports, 1st-21st Phila, 1856-76. 2 vol. avo.
Negro colonization. N. p., n. t p., n. d. 52 pp. 8vo.
Negro emancipation. London, 1824. 28 pp. 8vo.
Negro emancipation no philanthropy. London, 1830. 48 pp. 8vo.
Negro exclusion from I. 0. of G . Templars.
Negro mother's appeal, The-A poem. London, 165-7 4 pp. 8vo.
Negro Pew, The: being an inquiry concerning the propriety of distinction,
e t c Boston, 1837. 108 pp. 16mo.
Negro problem, The-A series of articles by representative Negroes of today.
N. Y., 1903. 234 pp. 12mo.
Negro religious instruction fund. N. t p. London, 1834. 8 pp. 8vo.
Negro slavery-A brief view of the measures proposed and adopted by His
Majesty's gov. London, 18.30. 4 pp. 8vo.
Negro, The, or the crimes and the recompense of the North and the South.
Manchester, 1863. 16 pp. 8vo.
Negro's friend, The. Consisting of anecdotes etc. London, 18!!?. 26 numbers
in 1 vol. 8vo.
Negro's memorial, The, or abolitionist% catechism. London, 1825. 127 pp.
Negro's remembrance, The. London. 4 pp. 1 6 ~ ~ 0 .
Negro young people's Christian and educational congress, Atlanta, 1902 The
united Negro. Atlanta, 1902 600 pp. 8vo.
Negro, The: what is his ethnological status? Cincin., 1872.
Negroes and religion. The Episcopal church a t the south. 4 pp. 16no.
Negroes, Association for the religious instruction of. Annual reports.
Charleston and Savannah.
Negroes, The Baltimore association for the moral and educational improvement of. 2nd annual report. Balt, 1868 19 pp.
Negroes i n Michigan. ~ i n u i e of
e the state convention of colored citieena of
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 1843. Detroit, 1843.
Negroes in Pennsylvania. Appeal of 40,000 citizens threatened with disfranchisement to the people of Penn., at a meeting of colored citizens,
March, lB38 Phila, 1838.
Nell, William Cooper-Property qualification or no property qualification.
N. Y., 1860. 12mo.
Nell, William Cooper-Services of colored Americans in the wars of 1776 and
1812 2. ed. Boston, 1862. 8vo.
Nell, William Cooper-The colored patriots of the American revolution.
Intro. by H. B. Stowe. Boston, 1855. 396 pp. 12mo.
New England anti-slavery convention. Proceedings at Boston, May 27, 1834.
Boston, 1834.
New Jersey. Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of N. J. relative to the
. manumission of Negroes, etc. Burlington, 1794.
New Jersey society for promoting the abolition of slavery. Constitution
wlth extract of laws. 1 7 & 8 & Burllngton, 1793.
New York anti-slavery society-Ne
states for 1869 and 1860. N. Y.,
New York, Selections from the
laws relating to slaves, togetht
9. respecting slavery. N. Y., It
Niles, Hezekiah, editor. The We,
LI-LXXV, 4to.
Niles, Nathaniel-Two discourses on
Newbury Port, 1774. 60 pp. 161
Nisbet, Richard-The capacity of th
provement, etc. London, 1789.
Nisbet, Richard-West Indian slavt
1773. 30 pp. 121110.
Norris, Robert-Short account of the
North Carolina, The colonial records
the trustees of the public l i b r a ~
Raleigh, lW 10 vol. 8vo.
Notes on colored troops, e t c N. Y., 1
Nott, J. C.-The Negro race. Mobile,
Nott, J. C.-Two lectures on the natu
races. Mobile, 1844. 53 pp. 12n
Nott, J. C, and Geo. R. Gliddon-Typ
8th ed. 1860.
Nourse, Jas.-Views of colonization.
Observations on the enslaving, impor
Germantown, 1760. 16 pp. 16m(
O'Conor, Charles-Negro slavery not
Ohio anti-slavery convention. P u t n ~
people of color, etc. 1835. N. Y
Ohio legislative documents, journals,
mittee on the repeal of the bl
1848. 8vo.
Olmstead, F. L-A journey in the bac
Olmstead, F. I*-A journey in the sea
Olmstead, F. I*-A journey through 7
Olmstead, F. L-Our slave states. LC
Olmstead, F. L-The cotton kingdom
Opie, 5melia-The Negro boy's tale.
Opinions of the early presidents, and
Optician (pseudonymj-Speculum for
ton, lM7. 27 pp. 12mo.
Orcutt, P.-African colonization. N.
Orr, Gustavus-The education of the P
Oson, Jacob-A search for truth or an
etc. N. Y., 1817. 12 pp. 12mo.
Owen, M. A.-Voodoo tales, etc. N. Y
Page, T. N.-The Negro: the Southerr
Paige, T. F.-Twenty-two years of ire
Palmer, B. M.-Discourse before the &
mparison of the state and conid county of Philadelphia from
p. 8vo.
lbany, 1886 446pp. 4to.
216 pp. 4to.
dored children, Marylandville,
676. 2 vol. 8vo.
n, 1830. 48 pp. 8vo.
n,185-? 4 pp. 8vo.
g the propriety of distinction,
presentative Negroes of today.
ndon, 1834. 8 pp. 8vo.
proposed and adopted by His
!of the North and the South.
!tc. London, 182-5. 26 numbers
?chiam. London, 1825. 127 pp.
a1 congress, Atlanta, 1902 The
Cincin., 1872.
st the south. 4 pp. 161x0.
truction of. Annual reports.
)re1 and educational improve19 PP.
nvention of colored citizens of
.izens threatened with disfrana meeting of colored citieens,
or no property qualification.
ericans in the wars of 17% and
of the American revolution.
pp. 121110.
:edings a t Boston, May 21, 1834.
Court of N. J. relative to the
~ n1784.
ition of slavery. Constitntion
m, 1793.
New York anti-slavery society-New "reign of terror" in the slave-holding
states for 1859 and 1860. N. Y., 1660. 144 pp. 12mo.
New York, Selections from the revised statutes of, containing all the
laws relating to slaves, together with extracts from the laws of the U.
S. respecting slavery. N. Y., 1830.
Niles, Hezekiah, editor. The Weekly Register. 75 vols. Vole. I-L, 8vo;
LI-LXXV, 4t0.
Niles, Nathaniel-Two discourses on liberty, delivered a t the North Church,
Newbury Port, 1774. 60 pp. 16mo.
Nishet, Richard-The capacity of the Negroes for religious and moral improvement, etc. London, 1789. 207 pp. 8vo.
Nisbet, Richard-West Indian slavery not prohibited by scripture. Phila,
1773. 30 pp. 12mo.
Norris, Robert-Bhort account of the African slave trade. London, 1789.
North Carolina, The colonial records of, published under the supervision of
the trustees of the public libraries, by order of the general assembly.
Raleigh, 18% 10 vol. 8vo.
Notes on colored troops, etc. N. Y., 1W. 16 pp. 8vo.
Nott, J. C.-The Negro race. Mobile, 1866. 28 pp. 12mo.
Nott, J. C.-Two lectures on the natural history of the Caucasian and Negro
races. hlobile, 1844. 53 pp. 12mo.
Nott, J. C, and Geo. R Gliddon-Types of mankind. Phila, 1854. 738 pp. 8vo.
8th ed. 1860.
Nourse, Jas.-Views of colonization. Phila., 1837. 52 pp. 8vo.
Observations on the enslaving, importing and purchasing of Negroes. 2d ed.
Germantown, 1760. 16 pp. 16mo.
O'Conor, Charles-Negro slavery not unjust N. Y., 1860. 14 pp. 8vo.
Ohio anti-slavery convention. Putnam, 0. Report on the condition of the
people of color, etc. 1835. N. Y., 1835. 24 pp. 8vo.
Ohio legislative documents, journals, reports, etc. Report of the select committee on. the repeal of the black laws, e t ~ . Feb. 2, 1848 Columbus,
1848. Bvo.
Olmstead, F. L.-A journey in the back country. N. Y., 1861. 492 pp. 12mo.
Olmstead, F. L.-A journey in the sea board slave states. N. Y., 1% 723 pp.
Olmstead, F. L.-A journey through Texas. N. Y., 1857. 516 pp. 12mo.
Olmstead, F. L-Our slave states. London, 1858.
Olmstead, F. L-The cotton kingdom. N. Y., 1861. 2 vol. 16mo.
Opie, 4melia-The Negro boy's tale. A poem. London, 1824. 16 pp. 12mo.
Opinions of the early presidents, and of the fathers of the republic. N. Y.,
Optician (pseudonym j-Speculum for looking into the pamphlet,etc. Charleston, lW7. 27 pp. 12mo.
Orcutt, P.-African colonization. N. Y., 1875. 22 pp. 8vo.
Orr, Guatavus-The education of the Negro. Atlanta, Ga., 1880. 15 pp. 8vo.
Oson, Jacob-A search for truth or an inquiry into the origin of the Negro,
etc. N. P., 1817. 12 pp. 12mo.
Owen, M. A.-Voodoo tales, etc. N. Y., 1893. 310 pp. 8vo.
Page, T. N.-The Negro: the Southerner's problem. N. Y., 1904. 316pp. 12mo.
Paige, T. F.-Twenty-two years of freedom. Norfolk, Va., 1885.
Palmer, B. M.-Discourse before the general assembly of 9. Carolina Dec.
palmer, Wm. K.-The
nobility of the Negro.
New Rochelle, N. Y., 1902.
patton, C. H.-A broad education. N. Y., 1898 7 pp. 16m0.
patton, Qen. W.-An essay on the origin and relative status of the white and
colored races of mankind. Towanda, P a , 1871. 41 pp. 12mo.
patton, William-On the inhumanity of the slave trade. Providence, 17%.
14 pp. 8vo.
Pearl, Cyril-Remarks on African colonization. Wind~or,Vt., 1833. 47 pp.
Peck, Nathaniel, and T. S. Price-Report of Messrs Peck and Price, delegates
to visit British Quiana and Trinidad, etc. Baltimore, 1840. 25, 8 pp.
Penn, Irvine Garland-The Afro-American press and its editors. Springfield,
Pennsylvania abolition society-Constitution
and act of incorporation.
Phila, 1860. 36 pp. 8vo.
Pennsylvania anti-slavery society-Proceedings
of the Pa. convention.
Phila., 1037. 7 pp. 8vo.
Pennsylvania society for promoting the abolition of slavery-Centennial anniversary. Phila, 1875. 82 pp. 8vo.
~ e n n s ~ l v a n i a - s o c i efor
t y promoting the abolition of slavery-Present
and condition of the free people of color of the city of Philadelphia and
the adjoining districts. Phila, 1 W 0 . 8 pp. 8#0.
Perry, Rufus L-The Cushite. Springfield, 1893.
Petition and memorial of citizens of the U. S. to the Senate and House of
Rep. in Congress, etc. N. Y ., 1885. 20 pp. avo.
Petition of the free colored citizens of Louisiane. to Abraham Lincoln, etc.
New Orleans, 18% 3 pp. 4to.
Phelps, Austin-The Christian civilization of the freedman. Boston, 1%
4 pp. two.
Philadelphia society for alleviating the miseries of public prisons, etc.Length of sentence of white and colored convicts. Pbila, 1849. 24 pp.
Pierce, Edward Lillie-The Negroes at Port Royal. Report to S. P. Chase,
Sec. of the Treas. Boston, 1862. 36 pp. 12mo.
Pike, Q. D,-The Jubllee Singers and their campaign for $20,000. Boston,
1873. 219 pp.
Pike, Q. D.-Singing
Singers in Great Britai:
Pike, J. 8.-The prostrate str
1874. 279 pp. 12mo.
Pillsbury, A. E.-The diafran
Pim, Bedford-The Negro an4
Pinkney, Wm.-Speech in th
manumission of slaves,
Pipkin, Jas. J.-The Negro in
Platt, 0. H.-Negro governor1
Vol. 1. 315-335 pp.
Plessy, H. A.-Holmer Adolp
supreme court of the st1
Pollard, Edward A.-Black d
South. N. Y., 1859. 12m
Pollard, Edward A.-Life of
Southern Confederacy
Pollard, Edward A.-The lost
Pomeroy, J . N.-An
Boston, 1863. N. Y. 549
Pomeroy, 9. C.-The new rebc
Poole, Wm. F.-Anti-slavery
pended a fac-simile repr
and Political Evil of Slr
Present condition, The, of the
Proceedings of a conventio~
Pro-slavery argument, as ma:
the Southern States. C:
Providence anti-slavery socie
Providence, 1789.
Punishments inflicted. Lond
Purvis, Robert-Remarks on
Queries respecting the slave]
Mass. H i ~ t Soc.
Ramsay, H. A,-The necrolos
the Negro. Thornson, C
Ramsay, James-An inquiry
trade, etc. London, 1784
Ramsey, James-Ohjections t
Londoc, 17% 85 pp. Bv
Ranby, John-Observations o
the Privy Council and E
ing the slave trade. Lo
Randall, Henry S.-Life of T.
Randolph, E. A.-Life of Rev
Randolph, T. J.-Memoirs of
Ransom, R. C.-School days a
Ray, Cordelia H.-Lincoln.
Lochelle, N. Y., 1902.
Boston, 1858. 21 pp.
ole, addressed to the
among the planters.
.tus of the white and
3p. 12mo.
le. Providence, 1793.
1817. 2 voL 16mo.
ical status? Cincin.,
ncin., 1885.
ehville, 1891.
498 pp.
sor, Vt., 1833.
47 pp.
and Price, delegates
Smore, 1840. 25, 8 pp.
: editors.
IS of the slave trade
G t. Britain. London,
ct of
the Pa. convent,ion.
~avery-Present state
r of Philadelphia and
3enate and House of
.braham Lincoln, etc.
Boston, 188.5
public prisons, etc.Phila., 184% 24 pp.
eport to 9. P. Chase,
for $%,OW
Pike, G. D.-Singing campaign for ten thousand pounds, or the Jubilee
Singers in Great Britain. Boston, 1874. 202 pp.
Pike, J. 8.-The prostrate state: So. Car. under Negro government N. Y.,
1874. 219 pp. 12mo.
Pillsbury, A. E.-The disfranchisement of the Negro. Boston, 1903. 13 pp.
Pim, Bedford-The Negw and J a m a i c ~ London, 1866. vii, 72 pp. 8vo.
Pinkney, Wm.-Speech i n the House of Delegates of Maryla~id,Nov. 1789, on
manumission of slaves, etc. Phila., li90. 22 pp. 8vo.
Pipkin, Jas. J.-The Negro i n revelation, etc. St. Louis, 1902 8vo.
Platt, 0. H.-Negro governors (Conn.) I n New Haven Col. Hist. Soc. 1900.
Vol. 1. 315-335 pp.
Plesfiy,H. A.-Holmer Adolph Plessy vs. J. H. Ferguson. I n error to the
supreme court of the state of Louisiana. Wash., 18% (7) 10 pp. 8VO.
Pollard, Edward A.-Black diamonds gathered in the darkey homes of the
South. N. Y., 1859. 12mo.
Pollard, Edward A.-Life of Jefferson Davis, with a secret history of the
Southern Confederacy Phila., 1869. 536 pp. avo.
Pollard, Edward A.-The lostcaase regained. N. 1
. 1868. 214 pp. 12mo.
introduction to the constitutional laws of the U. S.
Pomeroy, J. N.-An
Boston, 1868 N. Y. 549 pp. 8vo.
Pomeroy, 8. C.-The new rebellion. Wash., 1868. 8 pp. 8vo.
Poole, Wm. F.-Anti-slavery opinions before the year 1800. To which is appended a fac-simile reprint of Dr. George Buchanan's "On the Moral
and Political Evil of Slavery." Cincin., 1873. 82,20 pp. 8vo.
Present condition, The, of the Negro in British colonies. London, 1837. 2.8 pp.
Proceedings of a convention of the friends of colonization 1842. Wash.,
Pro-slavery argument, as maintained by the most distinguished writers of
the Southern States. Charleston, 18.52 490 pp. 12mo.
Providence anti-slavery society-Constitution for abolishing the slave trade.
Providence, 1789.
Punishments inflicted. London, 1838. 16 pp. 8vo.
Purvis, Robert--Remarks on the life and character of James Forten.
Queries respecting the slavery and emancipation of Negroes i n Mass. I n
Mass. H i s t Soc. collection.
Ramsay, H. A.-The necrological appearance of southern typhoid fever i n
the Negro. Thomson, Ga,l%Z. 23 pp. 8vo.
Ramsay, James-An inquiry into the effects of putting a stop to the slave
trade, etc. London, 1784. 44 pp. 8vo.
Ramsey, James-Objections to the abolition of the slave trade, with answers.
London, 1788. 85 pp. 8vo.
Ranby, John-4bfiervations on the evidence given before the committee of
the Privy Council and House of Commons in support of the bill abolishing the slave trade. London, 1791.
Randall, Henry %-Life of T. Jefferson. N. Y., 1858. 3 voL 8vo.
Randolph, E. A.-Life of Rev. John Jasper. Richmond, 1884.
Randolph, T. J.-Memoirs of Jefferson. Charlottesville, 1829. 4 v01. 8vo.
Ransom, R. C.--School days a t Rilberforce. Springfield, O., 1892.
Ray, Cordelia H.-Lincoln.
A poem. N. Y., 1893.
Reason, The, why the colored American is not in the World's Columbian
Exposition. Chicago, 1893. 81 pp. 12mo. Compiled by Ida B. Wells,
with introduction by Frederick Douglass.
Reed, John C.-The brothers' war. Boston, 1905. 456pp. 8vo.
Reichard, H. A. 0.-Ueber den gesezlichen Zustand der Negersklaven in
West Indien. Ein ausgzug, etc. Leipsig, 1779.
Remarks on the colonization of the western cosat of Africa by the free Negroes of the U. S. N. Y., 1850.
Remarks upon the controversy between Mass. and South Carolina Boston,
1645. 8 ~ 0 .
Report of the actuary of the Delaware association for the education of the
colored people (1877-78). Wilmington, 1878 8vo.
Report of tbecommittee appointed for the purpose of securing to colored
people in Phila. the right to the use of the street cars. Phila, 1867 ( 9 )
8 pp. 8vo.
Report of the committee on the comparative health, mortality, length of
sentences, etc., of white and colored convicts. Phila., 1849.
Report of the Lords of the committee appointed for the consideration of all
matters relating- to trade and foreign plantations, etc. Wanh., 1888
79 pp. 4to.
Report of the proceedings and speeches a t the dedication of coal estates for
the benefit of the poor; a free college and African col. Phila, 185L
31 pp. 8vo.
Reports of cases determined in the general court of appeals of Va. 1730-1865.
Charlottesville, Phila., and Richmond.
Resolutions and remonstrances of the people of color of Phila, etc. Phila.,
1818 8 pp. 8vo.
Rice, David-Slavery inconsistent with justice and good policy. Phila., 1792.
London, 1793. 24 pp. 12mo.
Richmond and Manchester coL soc. Report of managers. 1825. Richmond,
1825. 16 pp. 8vo.
Richmond, Leigh-The Negro servant Boston, 1814. 16 pp. 12mo.
Rickard, J. H.-Service with colored troops in Burnside's corps. Providence,
1894. 43 pp. 4to.
Rideout, D. A., Jr.-Life of Rev. D. A. Rideout, Sr. 1891.
Riley, J. R-The philosophy of Negro suffrage. Wash., 1897. 142 pp. 12mo.
Ritter, Carl-Begrundung
u. gegenwartige Zustande der Negerrepublik.
Liberia, 1852.
Rhode Island anti-slavery convention. Proceedings at Providence, Feb. 2,
1836. Providence, 1836. 87 pp. 8vo.
Roberton, John-On the period of puberty i n the Negro. Edinburgh, 1848
8pp. 8vo.
Roberts, B. F.-Report of the colored people of Boston on exclusive schools.
Boston, 1850. 4 pp. 12mo.
Roberts, J. J.-African colonization. N. Y., 1869. 16pp. 8vo.
Roberts, .T. J.-The Republic of Liberia. Wash., 1869. 20 pp. 8vo.
Rollins, F r a n k A.-Life of Maj. Martin Delaney. Boston, 1868.
Rollins, Jas. S.-Negro soldiers. A speech of Feb. 2,1863. Wash., 1863. 8 pp. 8vo.
Ross, Alexander Milton-Human slavery in the Southern States.
Rowe, Geovge C.-Thoughts in verse. Phila, 1887.
Rowland, Dunbar-A Mississippi view of race relations in the South. .Tackson, lW3. 21 pp. 8vo.
Royall, Anne, a traveller-9'
New Haven, 1828. 4392
Royall, W. L.-History of Va
ence in politics. Richn
Rudd, L. E.-Catholic Afro-A
Ruffin, Ed.-African colon. u
Ruffin, Frank G.-The cost a]
mond, 1889. 20 pp. 8vo.
Rush, Christopher-Rise and
106 pp. 16mo.
YainkAmanGHabitant pro]
libres des E t a t a n i s .
SainkVenant Barre-Des cc
516 pp.
Samson, Geo. Whitefield-En
Wash., 1874. 16 pp. 8vo
Samson, Cfeo. Whitefield-Th
patron of the Liberian I
onization society, Jan. I
Samson, J. P.-Temperament
Schumucker, 9. S., and Gerre
Schurz, C.-Enforcement of
Scober, J.-Negro apprentice^
Scoville, Joseph A.-What sh
question discussed and I
(7) 1863 ( 9 ) 15 pp. 8vo.
Scruggs, L. A.-Women of die
Sedgwick, Charles B.-Eman
of the U. S. Wash., 1862
Serment, J. H.-La questione
Seward, T. F., editor-Jubilee
University. N. Y., 1872
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgatc
man contrasta (The pr
pp. 12mo.
Sharpe, H. Ed.-On the abolii
Brougham. London, 1%
Shaw, John W.-New light 01
Shedd, W. C f . T.-Africa and c
Shorter, Susan L-Heroines c
Simmons, William JohnsonCleveland, 1881. 1141 pp.
Sinclair, William A.-The aft
T. W. Higginson. Bwtc
Sister Sallie (pseudonym)-TI
Smedley, R. C.-The undergrc
Slaughter, Rev. P.-The Virg
mond, 1855. 8vo.
Smith, Mrs. Amanda-Autobi
n the World's Columbian
~mpiledby Ida B. Wells,
Xpp. 8vo.
and der Negersklaven in
)f Africa by the free Ne-
South Carolina. Boston,
for the education of the
se of securing to colored
.reet cara Yhila, 1867 (1)
tlth, mortality, length of
Phila., 1M9.
the consideration of all
tations, etc. Wash., 188R
:ation of coal estates for
African col. Phila, 1855.
appeals of Va. 173&1865.
lor of Phila, etc. Phila.,
300d policy.
Phila., 1792.
16 pp. 12mo.
side's corps. Providence,
ash., 1897. 142 pp. 12mo.
rnde der Negerrepublik.
;s a t ~ro?idence,Feb. 2,
Negro. Edinburgh, 1848.
;on on exclusive schools.
16 pp. 8vo.
#. U) pp. 8vo.
sto on, 1868
163. Wash., 1863. 8 pp. 8vo.
~ t h e r nStates.
ons in the South. Jack-
Royall, Anne, a traveller-Sketches of history, life, manners, in the U. S.
New Haven, 1826. 9-392 pp. 12mo.
Royall, W. L.-History of Va. debt controversy. The Negro's vicious influence in politics. Richmond, 1897. I l l pp. 12mo.
Rudd, L E.-Catholic Afro-American congresses. Cincin., 1893.
Ruffin, Ed.-African colon. unveiled. Wash., n. d. 8vo.
Ruffin, Frank G.-The cost and outcome of Negro education in Va. Richmond, 1889. 20 pp. 8vo.
Rush, Christopher-Rise and progress of the A. M. E. church. N. Y., 18%.
106 pp. 16mo.
Saint-AmantEabitant proprietaire en Algerie. LIAlgerie et les Negres
libres des E t a b u n i s . 2d ed. Alger, 1866. 6 pp. 8vo.
SainkVenant Barre-Des colonies modernes dans la zone torride. Paris.
516 pp.
Samson, Geo. Whitefield-Emancipation and restoration to their fatherland.
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Samson, Geo. Whitefield-The U. 9. Government, the founder and necessary
patron of the Liberian Republic. An address before the American colonieation society, Jan. 18, 1881. Wash., 1881.
Samson, J. P.-Temperament and phrenology of the Negro race. 1881.
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on colonization. 1838. 7 pp.
Schurz, C.-Enforcement of the fifteenth amendment. Wash., 1870. 8 pp.
Scober, J.-Negro apprenticeship in the colonies. London, 1B7. 44 pp. 8vo.
Scoville, Joseph A.-What shall be done with the confiscated Negroes? The
question discussed and a policy proposed in a letter to patriots. N. Y.
(7) 1863 (?) 15 pp. 81-0.
Scruggs, L. A.-Women of distinction. Raleigh, 1893.
Sedgwick, Charles B.-Emancipation and enrollment of slaves in the service
of the U. 9. Wash., 1862 11 pp. 81-0.
Serment, J. H.-La questione des Negres. Geneva, 1866. 8vo.
Seward, T. F., editor-Jubilee songs, as sung by the Jubilee Singers of Fisk
University. N. Y., 1872 284 pp.
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate-The Neighbor: The natural history of human contrasts. (The problem of the African.) Boston, 1804. vii, 342
pp. 12mo.
Sharpe, H. Ed.-On the abolition of Negro apprenticeship, in a letter to Lord
Brougham. London, 1838 27 pp. 81-0.
Shew, John W.-New light on the Negro question. Cambridge, 1903. 12 pp.
Shedd, W. Q. T.-Africa and colonization. 1857. Andover, 1857. 24 pp. 8vo.
Shorter, Susan L-Heroines of African Methodism. Xenia, O., L881.
Simmons, William Johnson-Men of mark: eminent, progressive, rising.
Cleveland, 1887. 1141 pp. 81-0.
Sinclair, William A.-The aftermath of slavery, etc, with an introduction by
T. W. Higginson. Boston, 1905. 358 pp.
Sister Sallie (pseudonym)-The color line. 82 pp. 8vo.
Smedley, R. C.-The underground railroad. Phila, la.
Slaughter, Rev. P.-The Virginian history of African colonization. Richmond, 1855. 8vo.
Smith, Mrs. Amanda-Autobiography of Amanda Smith. Chicago, 1893.
Smith, C. 8.-Monograph on Bishop D. A. Payne, LL. D. Nashville, 18%
Smith, C. 8.-Offlcial sermons of Bishop D. A. Payne, LL. D. Nashville, 1 m .
Smith, J. N.-Addresses and sermons of Bishop 9. T. Jones. York, Pa., 1892.
Smith, N. P.-Negroleurn,formerly known as petroleum. N. Y., 165. 8 pp. 8vo.
s m i t h , Thos. P.-An address before t h e colored citizens of Boston i n opposition to the abolition of colored schools. 1849. Boston, 1850. 12 pp. 8vo.
Slnith, W. B.-The color line. A brief in behalf of the unborn. N. Y., 1905.
261 pp. 12mo.
S., M.-The Adamic race. Reply to "Ariel." Drs. Young and Blackie, on the
Negro. By M. S. N. Y., 1868. 70 pp. 12mo.
Songs of the Jubilee Singers,The. London, 1875. 67 pp.
Southern society for the promotion of t h e study of race conditions. Richmond, 1900. 8vo.
Spirituals, sung bv the Carolina singers. N. p., 1873. 46 pp. 24mo.
Stanford,P. T.-The tragedy of the Negro i n America. Boston, 1897. 226
pp. 12mo.
Starr,Fred, Jr.-What shall be done with the people of color in t h e U. S.?
Albany, 1862. 30 pp. 8vo.
State committee of the colonization society of California. Proceedings. 1&5.
27 pp. 8vo.
State convention of colored men of South Carolina. Proceedings a t Columbia, 1883. Columbia, 1883. 6 pp. 8vo.
Statement, A, of facts illustrating the administration of the abolition law.
London, 1837. 36 pp. 12mo.
Statistical inquiry, A, into t h e condition of the people of color of t h e city and
districts of Philadelphia, 1849. 44 pp. 8vo.
Stetson, Geo. R.-The problem of Negro education. Boston, 18%. 21 pp. avo.
Stetson, Geo. R.-The Southern Negro as h e is. Boston, 1877. 32 pp. 8vo.
Bteward, T. G.-Life of Mrs. Robecca Steward. Phila., 1877.
Stewart, Austin-Narrative of Solomon Northup. N. Y., 1859.
Stewart, T. Mc.-Liberia, the Americo-African republic. N. Y., 18W.
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1M9. 31 rip. 24mo.
Still, ~ r n . - ~ hundergronnd
railroad. Phila., 1883.
Stokes. Jordan-S~eech i n t h e Senate of Tenn. on the bill for t h e e x ~ u l s i o n
of free
of color. Feb. 20, 1860. Nashville, 1860. 14 pp. 8vk
Storey, Moorfield-Negro suffrage is n o t a failure. Boston, 1903. 19 pp. 8vo.
Straker. D. Auguetus-The new South investigated. Detroit, 1888.
Strieby, M. E.-Work of half a generation among the freedmen i n the U. S.
Liberia Bulletin, No. 5. 1894. 6 pp.
Sturge, James-Horrors of t h e Negro apprenticeship system in the British
colony. G l a ~ g o w1837.
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Subgenation: A n answer to miscegenation. N. Y., 1% 72 pp. 1Zmo.
Suffrage and reorganization. 1866 ( 9 ) 16 pp. 8vo.
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i n case of 9. C. Roberts vs. the city of Boston. Boston, 1840. 8vo.
Sumner, Chas.-Powers of Congress to prohibit inequality caste and oligarchy of t h e skin. Wash., 1869. 8 pp. 8vo.
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Swift, Zephaniah-An oration on domestic slavery. Delivered a t t h e North
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Tanner, Bishop I
1867. 468 pp
Tanner, Bishop I
M. E. churc
Tanner, Bishop I
Tanner, Bishop 1
Tarbox, Increase
occupied bg
Taunton union fc
ings, views,
Taylor, Marshall
~ a A o rMarshall
Taylor, S. R-Re
troops, late
Tennessee and A
Thomas, J. J.-FI
Thomas, L. L.-A
Thomas, R. H., a1
i c a N. Y.,
Thomas, Walter '
Labor, No. :
Thomas, Walter
Labor, No. ;
Thomaa, Willian
Thompson, Geo.,
tinction of :
Thomson, Jas., M
viii, 168 pp.
Thorpe, R.-A via
that increa~
1818. iv, 121
Thorpe, R.-Com
the Nether1
Thrasher, Max B
215pp. 12m
Thweatt, H. H., c
Tillinghast, Jose]
vi, 231 pp.
Tilton, Theodore.
INS. 16 pp.
Torrey, J.-Amer
for forming
Torrey, Jesse, J r .
of colonial ;
ille, 1884.
ashville, 1888.
x k , Pa., 1892.
1865. 8 pp. avo.
m in opposi12 pp. 8vo.
N. Y., 1905.
ackie, on the
itions. Richno.
,on, 1897.
in the U. 9.1
eedings. 1855.
gs at Colum.bolition law.
! the city and
21 pp. 8ro.
! pp.
less. Boston,
he expulsion
>p. 8vo.
19 pp. 8vo.
i n the U. S.
the British
dored schools
e and oligar-
of the U. S.
at the North
Tables showing the number of emigrants and recaptured Africans sent to
Liberia by the U. S. Government. Wash., 1845. 8vo.
Taney, Roger Brooke-The Dred Scott decision. N. Y., 1859. 48 pp. 8vo.
Tanner, Bishop Benjamin T.-An
apology for African Methodism. Balt.,
1867. 468 pp. 8vo.
Tanner, Bishop Benjamin T.-An outline of history and government for A.
M. E. churchmen. Phila., 1884. 206 pp. 8vo.
Tanner, Bishop Benjamin T.-The color of Solomon. Phila., 1895.
Tanner, Bishop Benjamin T.-Theological lectures. Nashville, 1894. 185 pp.
Tarbox, Increase Niles-The curse; or, the position in the w6rld7s history
occupied by Ham. Boston (?) 1864. 160 pp. 2vo.
Taunton union for the relief and improvement of the colored race. Proceedings, views, etc. Taunton, 1835. 14 pp. 8vo.
Taylor, Marshall W.-A collection of revival hymns. Cincin. 1882. vi, 262 pp.
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W.-Plantation melodies. Cincinnati, 1883.
Taylor, S. R.-Reminiscences of my life in camp with the 33d U. S. colored
troops, late 1st S. C. Volunteers. Boston, 1902 xii, (I), 82 pp. 12mo.
Tennessee and Arkansas, Colored schools in. Memphis, 1864. 2Q pp. 16mo.
West Indian fables. London, 1889. 261 pp.
Thomas, J. J.-Froudacity.
Thomas, L. L.-A colored man's reply to Bishop Foster. Baltimore, 1893.
Thomas, R. H., and Allen Clapp-History of the Society of Friends in America. N. Y., 1894.
Thomas, Walter T.-The Negroes of Litwalton, Va. (In U. S. Bulletin of
Labor, No. 57.)
Thomas, Walter T.-The Negroes of Sandy Spring, Md. (In U. S. Bulletin of
Labor, No. 32)
Thomas, William H.-The American Negro. N. Y., 1901. 440 pp. 8vo.
Thompson, Geo., English abolitionist-Speech a t a great meeting for the extinction of Negro apprenticeship. London, 1838. 58 pp. 8vo.
Thomson, Jas., M. D.-A treatise on the diseases of Negroes. Jamaica, 1820.
viii, 168 pp. 8vo.
Thorpe, R.-A view of the present increase of the slave trade, the cause of
that increase, and a mode of effecting its total annihilation. London,
1818. iv, 128 pp. 8vo.
Thorpe, R.-Commentary on the treaties between Great Britain, Spain, and
the Netherlands on slave trade. London, 1819. 28 pp.
Thrasher, Max B.-Tuskegee: its story and its work. Boston, 1'900. xvi,
215 pp. l2mo.
Thweatt, H. H., compiler-What the newspapers say of the Negro in the
Spaniah-American War. Thomasville, Ge., 1900 ( 5 ) . 12 pp. 8vo.
Tillinghast, Joseph A1cx.-The Negro in Africa and America. N. Y., 1902.
vi, 231 pp. 8vo.
Tilton, Theodore-The Negro. A speech in N. Y, May 12, 1W. 2d ed. N. Y.,
1863. 16 pp. 12mo.
Torrey, J.-American internal slave trade; with reflections on the project
for forming a colony of blacks in Africa. London, 1822.
Torrey, Jesse, Jr.-A portraiture of domestic slavery * * * and a project
of colonial assylum for free persons of color. Phila., 1817. 94 pp. 8vo.
Tracy, Joseph, Sec. of Mass. colonization society-Colonization and missions.
Boston, 1844. 40 pp. 8 ~ 0 .
Trades of the colored people. Phila, lt'38
Treatise upon the trade from Great Britain to Africa. London, IT12
Tremain, Mary-Slavery in the District of Columbia. N. Y., 1892 iv. 100 pp.
Trial of the Armistad African captives. N. Y., 1839. 47 pp.
Triumph of equal school rights in Boston. Meeting in honor of W. C. Nell.
Boston, 1856. 24 pp. 12mo.
Trotter, James M.-Music and some highly musical people. Boston, 1878.
353, (I), 152 pp. 12mo.
Truth, Sojourner-Sojourner Truth's narrative. Boston, 1875.
Tryon, Thomas, (pseudonym, Philotheus PhystologusA
dialogue between
a Negro slave and a Christian who was his master in America London,
1684. m p p . 161110.
of the U. 8. From their colonization to the end of the
28th Congress in 1841. Phila., 1856-7. 4 voL 8vo.
Tucker and Belknap, Doctors-Queries
respecting the slavery and emaucipation of Negroes in Mass. I n collections of the Mass. Hist. Soc. First
Tucker, G., J u r i s t L e t t e r to a member of the general assembly of V a Balt.,
1801. 23 pp. avo.
Tucker, Henrj- St. George-A dissertation on slavery: with a proposal for the
gradual abolition of it in the state of Va. Phila., 1796. 106 pp. 12mo.
Tucker, Jos. L.-Letter regarding colored mission work in Jackson, Miss.
Jackson, Miss., 1883. 8 pp. 8vo.
Tucker, Jos. L.-The relations of the church to the colored race. Jackson,
Miss., 1882. 91 pp. 8vo.
Turnbull, David-Travels in the West. Cuba, with notices of Porto Rico, and
the slave trade. London, l&M. xvi, 674 pp. avo.
Turner, Bishop Henry Xi.-Barbarous decision of the United States Supreme
Turner, Bishop Kenry M.-Catechism of the A. M. E. Church.
Turner, Bishop Henry M.-Fif teenth amendment. Speech.
Turner, Bishop Henry M.-Printed
Macon, Ga.,
speeches: 1. The duty of the Negro to
Sumner as a statesman. 5. The Negro and his civil rights.
Ullman, Daniel-Address before the soldiers' and sailors' union of €he state of
N. Y. on the organization of colored troops. Wash., 1868. 16 pp. 8vo.
Underwood. J. R.-An address delivered to the colonization societv of Ken-
America Wash.. 1896. ( I n report of commissioner for 1893-94.
1902 Reports 1900-1901.
VoL I,
United States I
1800 :Numb
1810: Numb
1W: Numb
1830: Numb
1840: Numb
eracy a:
1860: I vol.,
and na t
r POL,
1870: I POL,
I vol.,
1880: Vol. (
2 vol. I
2 vol. I
Vol. 01
1890: Vol. 0
ity, votc
Vol. 01
7 POL c
VoL 0:
2 vol. (
Vol. 01
VoL 01
1900: Vol. I
Vol. I1
Vol. I I
Vol. v
Bulletins :
No. 1 :
No. 4:
No. 8:
No. 13
No. 14
No. 15
No. !22
No. 23
No. 26
United States
United States c
(1). .38PO
donization and missions.
London, 1772
N. Y., 1892 iv. 100 pp.
47 PP.
in honor of W. C. Nell.
a1 people.
Boston, 1878.
d o n , 1875.
1s)-A dialogue between
ster in Americs London,
nization to the end of the
the slavery and emancihe Masa Hist. Soc. First
~l assembly of Va. Balt.,
r : with a proposal for the
2,1796. 106 pp. 12mo.
work i n Jackson, Miss.
colored race. Jackson,
lotices of Porto Rico, and
:United States Supreme
Macon, Qa.,
genius and theory of
e duty of the Negro to
he reconstruction measeorgia. 4. Hon. Charles
civil rights.
lors' union of the state of
'ash., 1868. 16 pp. 8vo.
nization society of Kenolored race. Negroes in
lner for 1893-94. Vol. I ,
le colored race.
xe colored race.
United States Census-References to the Negro American :
1790: Number of slaves.
1800 :Number of slaves.
1810: Number of slaves.
1820: Number of slave and free, by sex and 4 age periods.
1830: Number, slave and free, by sex and 6 age periods; and defectives.
1840: Number, slave and free, by sex and 6 age periods ; and defectives.
1850: Number, slave and free, by age and sex ; mulattoes, defectives, illiteracy and nativity.
1860: I vol., number, slave and free, by age and sex ; mortality, defectives,
and nativity.
I voL, mortality.
1870: I vol., number, age and s e x ; illiteracy.
I vol., vital statistics.
1880: Vol. on Population; number, dietrihution, age and sex, illiteracy,
nativity, defecti~esand delinquents.
2 vol. on Mortalit : vital statistics.
2 vol. on Cotton d o d u c t i o n : land and labor.
Vol. on Defectives, etc. ; crime, etc.
1890: Vol. on Population, Part I : Number, sex, conjugal condition, nativity, voters, distribution.
Vol. on Population, P a r t I1: ages, Illiteracy, occupations.
7 vol. on Vital etatistics.
Vol. on Insane, etc.
2 vol. on Crime, Pauperism, etc.
Vol. on Churches.
Vol. on Farms and Homes : ownership.
Statistical Atlaa: maps and diagrame.
1900: Vol. I: Number, distribution, nativity and voters.
Vol. 11: Sex, age, illiteracy, conjugal condition, homes owned.
Vol. 111, I V : Vital statistics.
Vol. V, VI: Farms and Crops: ownership.
Special Reports : Vol. on Occupations. Statistical Atlas.
Bulletins :
No. 1: Distribution.
No. 4: Increase.
No. 8: Negroes in the United States by W. F. Wilcox and W. E. B.
DuBois, Wash., 1904,333 pp.
The Negro Population, pp. 11-68
The Negro Farmer, pp. 69-88.
General Tables, pp. 101332
No. 13: Ages.
No. 14: Sexes.
No. 15: Mortality.
No. 22: Birth rate.
No. 23: Teachers.
No. 26: Illiteracy.
United States congressional documents. Journale, reports. Free colored
seamen. Wash., 1843 (1) 58 pp. 81-0.
United States congressional documents. Naval affairs. Wash., 1832 (1)-1861
(1). 38 vol. Fol.
United States Department (Bureau) of Labor Bulletins:
No. 10. Condition of the Negro i n various cities.
No. 14. TheNegroes of Farmville, V a : A social study, by W. E. B. Du
Bois, Ph. D.
No. 22 The Negro in the black belt: Some social sketches, by W. E. B.
DuBois, Ph. D.
No. 32. The Negroes of Sandy Spring, Md. A social study, by W. T.
Thomas, Ph. D.
No. 35. The Negro landholder of Georgia, by W. E. B. DuBois, Ph. D.
No. 37. The Negroes of Litwalton, Va.: A social study of the "Oyster
Negro," by William Taylor, Ph. D.
No. 38. The Negroes of Cinclaire Central Factory and Calumet Plantation, La., by J. Bradford Laws.
No. 48. The Negroes of Xenia, Ohio, by Richard R. Wright, Jr., B. D.
1792 31 pp. 8vo.
United States executive documents. President's messages. Message from
the President * * * colonization of Africa Wash., 1866. 64pp. 8vo.
United States, Message of President of the, communicating information of
the proceedings of certain persons who took possession of Amelia
Island and of Galveston during the summer of the present year (1817)
and made establishments there. Sent Dec. 15,1817. N. Y., 1839. 632 pp.
United States, Message of President of the, transmitting documents i n relation to certain captives on board the Spanifih slave vessel called the
Fenix, Jan. 15, 1831.
United Statefi, Message of the President of the, i n answer to a resolution of
t h e Senaterelative to the landing of the barque Wanderer on the coast
of Georgia Jan. 141854.
United States, Message of the President of the, i n compliance with a resolution of the Senate with copies of correspondence in relation to the seizure of slaves on board the Enconium and Enterprise. Feb. 14,1837.
United States, Message of the President of the, i n compliance with a resolution of the Senate. Copies of correspondence imputing malpractices to
the American consnl a t Havanna, in regard to granting papers to the
vessels engaged i n the slave trade. Jan. 20, 1841.
Vol. 15: On I m
Vol. 17 : On La1
on Railway L
Vol. 19. F i n a l l
TJnited Btates Sens
upon the re1
Wash., 18%.
United States S t a t
1789, to March
United States Wai
troops. N. Y.
Unique Sunday-Sc
ored people.
Updike, Eugene G
7 pp. lfimo.
Upshaw, Charles F
Ordinance of
Van Buren, T. B, f
stitution of t l
of Assembly,
Vance, W. R.-Slal
Van Evrie, J. H.-I
pp. 12mo.
Van Evrie, J. H.-I
Vassa, Gustavuu,Li
Vastey, Pornpee T;
London, 1817.
View, A, of exertio
of color in thl
Views of Americm
J o h n Wesley
Voices from Conne
Wadsworth, W. H.
18&% 8 pp. 8
Walker, Joseph B..
of the Federa
Ward, S. G.-Auto1
Washburn, Emory
Washington, B. T.and internati
Washington, B. T.Washington, B. T.13 pp. 12mo.
Washington, B. T.l2mo.
Washing ton, B. T.Washington, B. T.Wauwermans-Lil
Wayman, A. W.-1
Wayman, A. W.-I
3ois, Ph. D.
of the "Oyster
:alumet Plantait, Jr., B. D.
Message from
366. 64pp. 8vo.
informhtion of
ion of Amelia
sent year (1817)
'., 1830. 632 pp.
lments in rela:ssel called the
a resolution of
21 on the coast
with a resoluion to the seizx 14, 1K37.
with a resolnmalpractices to
papers to the
the searching
s of, by the difslavery. Phila.,
18 vols.
~ a b o ron Man-
Labor on the
~ a b o in
r Manu-
VoL 15 : On Immigration and on Education. 259 pp.
Vol. 17: On Labor Organizations, Labor Disputes and Arbitration, and
on Railway Labor. 1172 pp.
Vol. 19. Final Report. 12.59 pp.
United States Senate-Report of the committee (Henry W. Blair, Chairman)
upon the relations between capital, etc. 5 volfi. (4 vols. published).
Wash., 1%5. (Vol. IV. relates particularly to the Negro. €67 pp.)
United States Statutes a t large. From the organization of the government,
1789, to March, 1905. Boston, 1848-1905. 35 vols. Avo.
United States W a r Department IT. 8. In. tactics for t h e use of the colored
troops. N. Y., 18B. 445 pp. 321~10.
Unique Sunday-School, A-A true and interesting story of work among colored people. N. p. 1878 ( 5 ) 4 pp. 8vo.
Updike, Eugene G.-Christianity,
the solvent of race antagonisms. 1898 (?)
7 pp. 16mo.
Upshaw, Charles W.-Speech in the House of Representatives, Mass.,on the
compromises of the Constitution with an appendix containing the
Ordinance of 1787. Salem, 1849.
Van Buren, T. B., Speech of, on t h e bill to ratify the amendment to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting slavery. I n the N. Y. H o m e
of Assembly, March 15, 1865.
Vance, W. R.-Slavery in Kentucky. 18%
Van Evrie, J. H.-Negroes and Negro Slavery. N. Y., 1863. 3d ed.. xvi, 399
pp. 12mo.
Van Evrie, J. H.-Negroes a n inferior race. N. Y., 1861.
Vassa, Gustavus,Life of, written by h i m ~ e l f . Boston, 1837. 2 vol. 12mo.
Vastey, Pompee Valentin, baron de-Reflections on the blacks and whites.
London, 1817 ( 1 ) 83 pp. 12mo.
View, A, of exertions lately made for the pnrposeof colonizing the free people
of color i n the U. S., i n Africa, or elsewhere. Wash., 1817. 21 pp. 8vo.
Views of American slavery taken a century ago by Anthony Benezet aud
John Wesley. Phila., l85B. 138 pp. 12mo.
Voicesfrom Connecticut for impartial suffrage. 1865 (?) 16 pp. 8vo.
Wadsworth, W. H.-Speech
on the enlistment of Negro soldiers.
1 m 8 pp. 8vo.
Walker, Joseph B.-History of N. H. convention for discussion and decision
of the Federal Constitution. Boston, 1888.
Ward, 8.G.-Autobiography of a fugitive Negro. London, 1&5.
Washburn, Emory-Extinction of slavery in Mass. Vol. IV. py. 333%.
Washington, B. T.-Address delivered a t opening of Atlanta cotton states
and international exposition, Sept. 18, 1895. Atlanta, 1895 (?) 8pp. &0.
Washington, B. T.-Education of the Negro. Albany, 1900. 44 py.
Washington, B. T.-Negro education not a failure.
Tuckegee, Ala., 1904.
13 pp. 12mo.
Washington, B. T.-The future of the American Negro. Boston, 1%8. 244 pp.
Washington, B. T.-up from slavery. N. Y., 1901. 330 pp. 8vo.
Washington, B. T.-Working with the hands. N. Y., 1904. 246 pp. 12mo.
Wauwermans-Liberia: Histoire de la Fondation d'un E t a t Negre libre. 1885.
Wayman, A. W.-A cyclopedia of African Methodism. Balt., 1890.
Wayman, A. W.-Life of Bishop Jas. A. Shorter. Balt., 18W.
Wayman, A. W.-My recollections of A. M. E. ministers. Phila., 1881. 250
pp. 8vo.
Webster, Daniel, and Alex. Baring-Correspondence on McLerdie case. 2 on
the Creole case, 3 on fiubject of imprisonment
Webster, Noah, Jr.-Effects of slavery on moralu and industry. Hartford,
Weeden, William B.-Economic and social history of New England, 16%
1789. Boston, 1890. 8vo.
Weeks, Stephen B.-Anti-elavery sentiment in the South. Wash ., 1898 I n
South. Hist. Ass. Pub. VoL 11. pp. 87-130.
Weeks, Stephen B.-Southern Quakers and slavery. Balt., 1896. 414 pp. avo.
Weeks, Stephen B.-The history of Negro suffrage i n the South. Boston,
1894. 32pp. 8vo.
Weld, Theodore Dwight-American slavery as it is: testimony of thousands
of witnessea N. Y., 1839. 2% pp. avo.
Wesley, John-Thoughts upon slavery. Phila., 1774. 83 pp. 12mo.
West, Gerald M.-The status of the Negro in V a during the colonial period.
N. Y., 1897 (7) 76 pp. 8vo.
Weston, G. M.-Progress of slavery in the U. 9. Washington, 1857. viii,
301 pp. 12mo.
Wetherell, Ellen F.-In free America. Boston, 1901. 3-123 pp. 12mo.
Whedon, D. D.-An address before the Middletown colonization society,
1M. Middletown, 1834. 16 pp. 8vo.
Whitfield, James M.-Poems.
America, and other poems. Buffalo, 1853.
Whitman, A. A.-Not a man and yet a man. Springfield, O., 16-77.
Whitman, A. A.-TwasintaJs Seminoles. S t Louis, 1890.
Whittaker, Alex.-Good news from Va. London, 1613.
Whittlesey, E l i s h h A n address before the Tallmadge colonization society,
1633. Ravenna, O., 1833. 27 pp. 8vo.
Why colored people of Phil&are excluded from the street cars. Phile, 1866.
27 pp. 8vo.
Wighsm, ElizeAnti-slavery cause in America and its martyrs. London,
18133. 163pp. 12mo.
Wilcox, A. J.-The powers of the Federal Government over slavery. Balt,
1862 23 pp. 8vo.
Wilcox, Walter F.-Negro criminality. Boston, 1899. 25 pp. 8vo.
Wilkinson, Jas. J. G.-The African and the true Christian religion-his Magna Charta. A study in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. London,
1892. (21, 245 pp. avo.
Willey, Rev. Austin-History of the anti-slavery cause i n state and nation.
Williams, D. D.-Freedom and progress. Petersburg, Va., 1890.
Portland, M a , lW xii, 503 pp. avo.
Williams, Rev. G. W.-Emancipation day. Boston, 1881. 40 pp. Bvo.
Williams, Geo. W.-History of the Negro race in America from 1619 to 1880.
N.Y., 1883. 2vol. avo.
Williams, Jas.-An apprenticed laborer in .Jamaica A narrative of events
since Aug. 1,1834. London, 1837. 26 pp. 8vo.
Williams, Peter, Jr.-Orationon the abolition of the slave trade, delivered in
the African church, N. Y., Jan. 1,1808. N. Y., 1808 26 pp. 8vo.
Williamson, J.-Slavery in Maine. Me. Hist. Soc, collections.
Wilson, Henry-History of the anti-slavery measures of the 37th and 3&th
Congress. 1861-1864. Boston, 1864. 424 pp. 12mo.
Wilson, Henry-Hi
Boston, 1872-1t
Wilson, Henry-Yu
1880. Wash.
Wilson, J . T.-Em&
1875. Hempto
Wilson, Joseph-Sb
Phile, 1X41.
Wilson, Joseph T.Withrow, John L.Amer. Col. SW
Woodbury, F. P.-I
Woodworth, C. I*ton, 187-1
Woodwor th, C. I*8170.
Woolman, John-CI
52pp. 8vo. s
Woolman, John-Jc
Woolman, John, W
Work, Frederick J:
Fisk Universi
Working Brothers.
Wright, Carroll D.S. Dept of La1
Wright, Elizur, Jr.avo.
Wright, H. C.-The
and duty of
3opp. 12mo.
Wright, Richard R.
nah, G a , 1894.
Wright, Robert-M
1867. xvi, 414
Yates, William-Ri
jury. Phila.,
Young, M.-Planta
Young, M.-Planta'
Young Men's Colon
Yulee, Elias-An ac.
32pp. 8vO.
cLerdie case. 2 on
~ d u s t r y . Hartford,
ew England, lrJ20Wash., 1898 In
Phila., 1881. 250
, 1896.
414 pp. 8vo.
he South. Boston,
nony of thousands
>. 121130.
he colonial period.
lington, 1857.
pp. 12mo.
onization society,
Buffalo, 18%.
lonization society,
Phil&, lBG(i.
martyrs. London,
?er slavery. Balt,
p 8vo.
Magl e n b r g . London,
state and nation.
pp. Bvo.
from 1619 to 1880.
irrative of events
xade, delivered in
pp. 8vo.
the 37th and 38th
Wilson, Henry-History of the rise and fall of the slave power in America.
Boston, 1872-1877. 3 vol. 8vo.
Wilson, Henry-Suppression of the slave trade. Speech in Senate, May 21,
1860. Wash. N. t. p. 8 pp. Bvo.
Wilson, J. T.-Emancipation, its course and progress from 1491 B. C. to A. D.
1675. Hampton, Va., 1882 242pp. 8vo.
Wilson, Joseph-Sketches of the higher classes of colored society in P h i l a
Phil&, 1841.
Wilson, .Joseph T.-The black phalanx. Hartford, 1888. 523 pp. 8vo.
Withrow, John L.-The
hour for Africa. An address delivered before the
Amer. Col. Soc., Jan. 18, 1881. Wash., 1881.
Woodbury, F. P.-The feudal South. N. Y., 1898 (7) 14 pp. 161110.
Woodworth, C. L.-An open letter to the Christian women of America. Boston, 167-1
Woodworth, C. L.-The full enfranchisement of the Negro. 1867 ( 1 ) 20pp.
Woolman, John-Considerations on keeping Negroes. Part 11. Phila., 1762
52pp. 8vo. Same. Part I. 1754. 12 pp. 12mo.
Woolman, John--JournaL London, 1898. xxxv, 324 pp. 8vo.
Woolman, .John, Workfi of. I n two parts. 2d ed. Phila., 1775. xiv, 432 pp.
Work, Frederick J.-New Jubilee songs as sung by the Jubilee Singers of
Fisk University. 1902
Working Brothers. Spiced * * * for Southern digestion. Mobile, l%2.
Wright, Carroll D.-Slums of great cities. Seventh special report of the U.
S. Dept of Labor. Wash., 1894. 620 pp. 8vo.
Wright, Elizur, Jr.-The sin of slavery and its remedy. N. Y., 1833. 53 pp.
Wright, H. C.-The Natick resolutions, or resistance to slave holder, the right
and duty of Southern slaves and Northern freemen.
Boston, 1859.
30 pp. 12mo.
Wright, Richard R.-Brief historical sketch of Negro education in Qa. Savannah, Ga., 1894 58 pp. 8vo.
Wright, Robert-Memoir of Gen. James Oglethorpe, founder of Ga. London,
1867. xvi, 414 pp. 8vo.
Yates, William-Righta of colored men to suffrage, citizenship, and trial by
jury. Phila., l W . 104 pp. 8vo.
Young, M.-Plantation bird legends. N. Y, 1902. 249pp. Bvo.
Young, hi.-Plantatioa songs for my lady's banjo. N. Y., 1901. 150 pp. 8vo.
Young Men's Colonization Society of Penn., Constitution of. 3 pp. 12mo.
Yulee, Elias-An address to the colored people of Georgia Savannah, 1W3.
32 pp. 8vo.
Part 11.
Perlodlcal Literature
4 cademy:
Williams's Negro Race in America E. J. Payne. 24 : 107.
All the Year Round:
The Negro. 33 :489.
Williams's Negro Race i n America W. H. Page. 5: 299.
Voting of Negroes. A. B. Williams. 17 :203.
Plantation Negroes as Freemen. 18: 311.
The race problem of Negroes. G. W. Cable. 19: 396.
Trade schools for Negroes. 19:353.
American Catholic Quarterly:
Negroes in Georgia before, during, and since the war. R. M. .Johnson.
6 : 35%
Race war and Negro demoralization. T. F. Price. 25: 89-105.
American Church Review:
Puritanism and freedmen. N. S. Richardson 18: 63.
Freedmen and the Church. W. C. Williams. 2i : 559.
American Economic Association Publications:
Race traits and tendencies of the Negro. F. L. Hoffman. 11: 1.
American H~storicalReview:
Letters of Colonel William Byrd on slavery and indented servants, 1736,
1739. 1: 88.
Light on underground railroads. W. II. Siebert. 1 : 455.
American Jwurnal of Education:
Freedman's Bureau. S. Andrews. 18: 125.
Special report on the condition and improvement of the public schools
i n the District of Columbia. Legal status of the colored population in
respect to schools and education in the different states. Henry Barnard. 19 :1-300,30.'rUW),401-850.
A~nericanJournal of Political Economy:
Solution of Negro Problem. W. A. Curtis. 3 : 352.
Education of Negroes. A. A. Gundy. 1 : 295.
American Journal oj Social Brience:
Negro exodus, 1879. F. Douglass. 11: 1.
Negro exodus, 18-79. R. T. Greener. 11: 22
Negro schools i n Virginia. 0.Langhorne. 11: 36.
Higher education of Negroes. H. L. Wayland. 34: 68.
Present problem of the education of Negroes. W. H. Baldwin. 37 : 56.
Negro criminality. W. F. Wilcox. 37 : 78.
Education of Negroes. C. D. Warner. 38: 1.
Education of Negroes. 1C. Miller. 39 : 117.
American Continental
Negroes ae soldier:
American Journal of
Crime among the 1
Fourteenth amend
Race problem. M.
Social assimilatior
The Negro artisan
American Magazine G
Education of Negr
Anrerican Presbyteria
Future of Negroes
American Statistical.
Statistics of Negrc;
Negroes i n the We
American Negroes
Annals oj the Americr
Study of Negro P r
Philadelphia Negr
Montgomery rece
Race problem. 15
Lynching and the
Race problem. H.
Relation of the wh
Relation of the wh
18 : 121-40.
Evolution of Negr
Settlement work 8
Souls of black folk
Negro education ii
Andovrr Review:
Negroes a t school.
Education of Negl
Color-line in wors
Spectre of Negro I
Political Rights oi
New basis of educ,
,4nthropoiogicul Revit
The Negro as a sol
Brain in the NegrA renu:
The race problem
Negroes in the U.
The race problem
The race problem
The race problem
Nature of the Neg
24: 107.
war. R. M. .Johnson.
offman. 11: 1.
indented servants, 1738,
1 :455.
~t of the public schools
e colored population in
-ent states. Henry Bar-
*: 68.
IN. H. Baldwin. 37 :52.
American Continental Review:
Negroes a s soldiers. 2 : 324.
A m e r i c a n Journal of ~S'ociology:
Crime among the Negroes of Chicago. M. N. Work. 6: M14-23.
Fourteenth amendment and the race question. M. West. 6 : 248-54.
Race problem. M. T. Rlauvelt. 6 : 662-72
Social assimilation. S. E. Simons. 7 :539-56.
The Negro artisan. W. E. B. DaBois. 8 : 8 5 4 4 .
A,merican Magazine of Civics:
Education of Negroes. J. L. M. Curry. 8 : 168
A nterican Pre8byterian Rev'iew:
Future of Negroes of the South. 11: 134.
Amevican StatisticuL Association, Publications of:
Statistics of Negroes. F. A. Walker. 2 : 91.
Negroes in the West Indies. F. L. Hoffman. 4 : 181.
American Negroes. M. M. Dawson. 5 : 142.
A n ~ ~ a of
l athe American dcuclemy of Politicul Sciemcs:
Study of Negro Problems. W. E. B. DuRois. 11 : 1.
Philadelphia Negro. W. E. B. DuBois. 5 : 100-2
Montgomery race conference. 15 :307.
Race problem. 15: 807-10.
Lynching and the franchise rights of the Negro. 15: 493-7.
Race problem. H. A. Herbert. 18: 95-101.
Relation of the whites to the Negroes in t h e South. G. T. Winston. IS:
Relation of the whites to the Negroes in the South. W. E. B. DuBois.
18 : 121-40.
Evolution of Negro labor. C. Kelsey. 21 : 55-76.
Settlement work among colored people. C. B. Chapin. 21 : &"fi
Souls of black folk. W. E. B. DuBois. 22:230-2
Negro education in the South. W. B. Hill. 23: 32'Q-9.
A ndover Reuietu:
Negroes a t school. H. Bumstead. 4 : 550.
Education of Negroes. A. Salisbury. 6 : 256.
Color-line in worship. P. Pinch. 7 : 491.
Spectre of Negro rule. J. R. Hendrick. 12: 5 9 6
Political Rights of Negroes. 13 : 305.
New basis of education of Negroes. G . R. Stetson. 14: 2%.
Anthropological Beview:
The Negro as a soldier. S. B. Runt. 7 :40.
Brain in the Negro. J. D. Davis. 7: 190.
The race problem of Kegroes W. C. P. Rreckinridge. 2 : 39.
Negroes i n the U. S. N. S. Shaler. 2 : 660.
The race problem of Negroes. J. T. Morgan. 2 : 385.
T h e race problem of Negroes. Wade Hampton. 2: 1 3 2
The race problem of Negroes. W. S. Scarborough. 2 : W).
Nature of the Negro. N. S. Shaler. 3 : 23.
Negroes from the Negro's point of view. W . H. Pcarborough. 4 : 219.
Suffrage for Negroes. How to be regulated. R. H. Williams. 5: 'JT,.
Vital statistics of Negroes. F. L. Hoffman. 5: .5PR.
Burning of Negroes in the South. B. O. Flower. 7:630.
Question of Negroes. T. E . Watson. 6: 546.
The Negro's place in history. W. Boughton. 1G: 612
Past and future of Negroes. D. W. Culp. 17: 'i8li.
Negro folk-lore and dialect. W. S. Scarborongh. 17: 186.
Origin of race antagonism. J. T. Holly. 21 : 42P
I s there a problem of Negroes? W. H. C:onncill. 21 : 4%.
Disfranchisement of Negroes as a remedy. J. M. McGovern. 2lA38.
Impossibility of racial amalgamation. W. S. McCurley. 21 :446.
Educational possibilities of Negroes. B. T. Washington. 21 : 455.
Barbarism of civilization. C. H. Pemhertou. 23: 5-15.
Education of Negroes. C. Bl Blackford. 23: 24-30.
Negro and the soil. D. A. Wiley. 23: 553-60.
Negro vindicated. G. A. Mehane. 24: 44M7.
P a s s i ~ l gof the race problem. W. L. Hawley. 24:.467-78.
Lawlessness vs. lawlessness. W. S.Scarhorough. 24: 478-83.
Plea f rom the South. W. Onild. 24: 4834.
Criminal Negro. F. A. Kellor. 25: 59-68, 11W-7, 308-16, 41!9-28, 510-'20; 2 6 :
304-lti, 321-7.
Agricultural Negro. B. T. Washington. 28: 4il-3.
Anglo-Saxou and the African. K. Miller. 24: 575-W.
Problem of the blacks. W. Hematreet. 29: 495-9.
Recent views of tho Negro problen~. J . h1. Bicknell. 29 : 6115.
Has the fift'eenth mnei~clmeutbeen justitied? 6. E. Boyle. 31: 481-8.
Progress of the Negro. (:. W. for be^. 32: 13-l-41.
&i thr~bcce?srr~:
Negro race, Christianity and Islmn, Rlyden's. 2: 267.
Negro element in English language. J. Platt. 2 : 2%.
A tlwrrt.ic:
Denmark Vesey. T. W. Higgiuson. 7 : 738.
Nat Turner's insurrection, 1831. T. W . Higginson. 8: 173.
Freedmen a t Fortress Monroe. E. L. Pierce. 8: (i'L(5.
Gabriel's defeat. T. W. Higginson. 10: 337.
Freedmen a t Port Royal. E. L. l'ierce. 12: 291.
Freedman's story. W. Parker. 17 : 15'2, Dti.
Hymns of Negroes of the South. T. W. Higginson. 19: 685.
Negro exodna, 1879, J. H. Runnion. 41: 2'22.
Negroes in the U. 8. 51 : 51%.
New departure in religion among Negroes. 0 . W. Rlacknall. 52: W O .
Problem of Negroes. N. S. S l ~ a l e r . M:fiM.
Some testimony in the case. R. H. Davis. 56: W P
Free Negroes of North C:arolina. D. Dodge. 57: 20.
Science a,nd the African problem. N. S. Shaler. 66: 36.
Negro Words. 67: 143.
Negroes: W h a t they are doing for themselves. 8. J. Barrows. 67: bW.
Reliefs and superstitions of Negroes. 6.3: 3bT,.
I+:Jucation of Negroes. W. T. Harris.. 69: 721.
Question of Negroes and Alianissippi. A. C. McLaughlin. 70:828.
Negro superstitions,
Awakening of tht! Ne
Striviugs of the Negr
Negro schoolmaster i
Case of Negroes. B. '
Freedmen's bureau.
Reconstruction and d
Negro : anot,her view
Training of black me
Mulatto factor in the
Negro in t h e regular
Fruits of industrial t~
I n t e n ~ e l yhuman. T
W h y disfranchise me^
Economical aspects o
Freedmen's saving b:
Buptint Quurterly Revie1
Our colored citizens.
Negro love-letters. 2
Negroes of the South
Blnckwood'a Magariue :
The Negro and t,he N
Brown.qo7~'sQunrtrrl?/ Re
Reply to W. Pliillips
Negro life in Americ
Thomas on the Negr
Fiction by Negro wr
Cctnndiun Mugazit~e:
West Indian Negro c
Canadian V. C. W.
American Negro a r t
Freedmen in the c.
Cothol~c World:
Negroes and the Ro
Some nspec ts of Nee
Preselit and future c
Facts nnd suggastio
Negroes: how we cs
Negro problem. I s
N e g r o e ~and the Cal
h-egro superstitions. 7.5: 136.
Awakening of thc Negro. B. T. Washington. 78: 322.
Strivings of the Negro people. W. E. B. DuRois. RO: 194.
Negro schoolmaster in the new South. W. E. B. DuRoia. 83: 99.
Case of Negroes. R . T. Washington. 8 4 : 577.
E'reed~nen'sbureau. W. E. B. DuBois. 87: 354-65.
Reconstruction and disenfranchisement. 8 8 : 433-7.
Negro: another view. A. Sledd. YO: BS73.
Training of black men. W. E. B. DuBois. YO: 28%97.
Mulatto factor in the race problem. A. H. Stone. 91 : 65W2.
Piegro in the regular army. 0. G. Villard. 91 :'721-9.
Fruits of iudustrial training. B. T. Washington. 92: 453-62.
Intensely human. T. W. Higginson. 93: 588.197.
Why disfranchisement is bad. A. 11. Grimbe. 94 :72-81.
Bnr~keru' M a g a z i n e :
Economical aspects of the Negro. 3:033.
Freedmen's saving bank. 29 : 936 ; 36 : 11.
Baptist Quarterly Review:
Our colored citizens. L. Graves. 10: 292
Negro love-letters. '23 :
B e ~ ~ l l e yQ
' sz ~ a r t e ~Rl ey v i e w :
Negroes of the South. 6 : %2.
Bluckwoocl'a M a p z i n e :
The h-egro aud the Negrophilists. 99: 581.
B~oiunaon'sQuarted:y R e v i e w :
Reply to W. Phillips on abolition and Negro equality. 21 : 186.
Brtrsh und P e w i L :
Negro life in America. M. M. Hurll. 7: 239.
Book B u y e r :
Thomas on the Negro. 22: 144.
Fiction by Negro writers. 23: 5%.
Cunedian Maguzine:
West Indian Negro of to-day. H. G. DeLesc3er. 15: 115-21.
Canadian V. C. W. D. Warner. 17: 113.
Caa.sier's M a g a z i n e :
American Negro artisan. T. J . Calloway. 25: 43:AFj.
Catholic P'reshyte,riun:
Freedmen in the 11. S. C. A. Stillman. 1 : 119.
Catholic W o r l d :
Negroes and the Roman Catholic Chr~rch. 37: 374.
Some aspects of Negroes. J . R. Slattery. 38: W4.
P r e ~ e n and
futnre of h-egroes. J. R. S l ~ t t e r y . 40: B9.
Facts and suggestious about Negroes. J. R Slattery. 11: 32.
Negroes: how me can help them. C. A. Oliver. 42: 85.
Negro problem. I s i t becoming local? J. R. dlattery. 44:309.
Negroes and the Catholic Church. F. Janssens. 44: 721.
Catholic seminary for Negro missions. J. R. Slattery. 46: 541.
Education of Negroes. J. R. Slattery. 56: 28.
Present and future condition of Negroes in the LJ. 8. J. R. Slattery.
58 :219.
Negroes and the Baptists. J. R. Slattery. 63: 265.
Negroes in Baltimore. J. R. Slattery. 66: 519.
College for Roman Catholic Negro catechists. .T. R. Slattery. 7 0 : 1.
Chambers's Journal:
Negro plot. 3: 339.
Family life in Negro town. 17 : 1 2
Night view of Negro town. 29: 88
Charities Review:
Colored children in the District of Columbia. H. W. Lewis. 5 : 94.
DuBois and Eaton's Philadelphia Negroea H. L. Phillips. 9 : 575.
Social condition of the Negro. H. L. Phillips. 9 :575.
Negro insane. 10: 8.
Atlanta University conferences. W. E. B. DuBois. 10: 435.
Negroes in Waahington, D. C. M. W. Noble. 14 : 183.
The Negro in America. H. Watterson. 15: '20.
Southern Negro women. 0.R Jefferson. 18: 91.
Slave's devotion: a story. T. Greenleaf. 25: 262
Social life of Southern Negroes. W. T. Hewetson. !Xi: 295.
American Negroes. J. H. Babcock. B:178.
Suffrage amendment passed in N. C . 31: 5,544.
Race problems in the U. S. 32: 549.
Future of Negro suffrage. 37: 230.
Fifteenth amendment and the Negro. 37: 231.
n annulled. 37 : 332
Negro in the U. S. J. R Commons. 38: 223.
Bibliography. J. R. Commons. 38: !&I.
Freedman's case in equity. G. W. Cable. 7 :409.
Reply to Mr. Cable. H. W. Grady. 7 :809.
Problem of Negroes. W. B. Hill. 5 : 859.
Negroes: how can we help them? 8 : 273.
Colored troops under fire. T. W. Higginson. 32: 141.
Negro "Spirituals." M. A. Haskell. 36: 577.
Signs of progress among Negroes. B. T. Washington. 3 7 : 472.
Montgomery race conference. B. T. Washington. 38: G O .
Industrial color-line in the North. J. 8. Stemoua. 60 : 477.
P a t h s of hope for the Negro: J. Dowd. 61 : 278.
Yankee teacher in the South. E. G. Rice. 62: 151.
Heroes i n black skins. B. T. Washingtou. 66: 734.
Christian E z a m i n e r :
Africans in America, lS62 J. H. Allen. 73: 96.
Slavery and the colored population. W. B. Carpenter. 37: Is!).
Slavery and the colored population. S. B. Dickfion. 37: $27.
Condition of free Negroes in the U. S. .T. F. Clarke. 6 6 : W ; .
Memorials o
De la Beche
Chviutian Q u n r
Free Negroe
Religious fu
Church Recieul:
Missionary 1
Negroes and
Rights of Nc
Mission wor
( 'olhurn's Ma.gcr
Negroes o f t
Conxe?wrctiae Re
American NI
Social condil
Cont e n ~ p o ? . c l , ~ y
The race pro
Problem of P
Americau NI
Race probler
Contingntal Jf o:
Freedmen at
Future of Nc
Sketches o f t
C'ornh ill, Mnguz
Negroes, bon
Negro Methc
Negro charat
'The South a]
Problems in
Unpopular r
C,'it ic:
Negro plant,:
Plea for the
Defamer of k
C I Lberlmlci
Problem of P
How the wh
Our Negro t:
'. R. Slattery.
Memorials of pious Negroes. 33: 275,328.
De l a Beche on the condition of Negroes. 25: 373.
Clwist ian Quarterly:
Free Negroes. L. Bacon. 4 : 311.
Religious future of the Negroes of the South. J. S. Lamar. 6: 211.
Church Review:
Missionary bishops for Negroes. T. H. Vail. 41 : 301.
Negroes and the P. E. Church. S.D. McConnell. 42: 556.
Rights of Negro clergy in P. E. convention of S. C. J. Rershaw. 46: 466.
Mission work among Negroes. C. B. Perry. 50: 41.
C o l b u r n ' ~Magazine:
Negroes of the South. 128: 1.
Congregational Review:
Enfranchisement of Negroes of the South. C. L. Woodward. 7:254.
Cowernative Review:
American Negroes. P. A. Bruce. 2: 262.
Social condition of Negroes before t h e war. J. C. Ballagh. 3: 211.
The race problem of Negroes. G. W. Cable. 53: 443.
Problem of Negroes in America. C. F. Aked. 65: 818.
American Negro of today. P. A. Bruce. 77:284.
Race problem. M. S. Amos. 84: W.
Continental Monthly:
Freedmen a t the South. F. B. Stanton. 2: 730.
F u t u r e of Negroes i n the South. J. M. Sturtevant. 3 :W.
Sketches of freedmen. H. G. Spalding. 4 : 188.
Cornh ill Magazine:
Negroes, bond and free. 4: 340.
Negro Methodist conference. 38: 338
Superstitions of t h e Negro. E. Shepard. 5: 47.
Negro characters. Charcoal sketches. E. Kirke. 6: 300.
The South and the Negro. H. Watterson. 9: 113.
Presentation of Negroes on the stage. C. R. Sherlock. 31: 631.
Problems i n education. B. T. Washington. 33: 506.
Unpopular race. J. G. Cruger. 36 : 464.
Negro plantation muaic and the banjo. J. C. Harrie a n d others. 3 : 505
Plea for the American Negro. C. W. Chestnutt. 36: 160.
Defamer of his race: W. H. Thomas. 88:548.
Cumberlnnd Quarterly:
Problem of Negroes. J. M. McKee. 3: 43,129,285.
How t h e white m a n should help the Negro. J. D. Kirkpatrick.
Current Literature:
Our Negro types. N. S. Shaler. 29: 44.
3: 74.
Race and color in the U. 9. 29: 129.
Economic work of the Negro. B. T. Washington. 32 : 85.
Insanity and the Negro. M. L Perry. 33 : 467.
Extreme case of Negro superstition. W. P. Whaley. 35: 2%'.
Optimistic views on the Negro problem. 36: 87.
Governor Vardaman's view on the Negro. 36: 270.
Schurz on the Negro problem. 36 :302.
South's verdict on Negro schools. 36: P25.
Blow a t Negro education. 3 6 : 491.
Page's reply to Schurz. 36: 526.
DeBowls Review:
Negroes i n the U. 5. I. I. Henderson. 1 : 5 8
W h a t is to be done with the Negro? U. Fitzhugh. 1 : 577.
Problem of the Negro. J. C. Nott. 1 : 266
Freedmen's Bureau and Camp Lee. G. Fitzhugh. 2: 346.
Freedmen a t the South. O. Fitehugh. 2 : 489.
The Negro vote. O. Fitzhugh. 4 : 289.
Negroes in the U. S. W. C f . Sykes. 4:419.
Problem of Negroee. 5 : 249.
Management of Negroes. 10: 621. 11: 369. 19: 358.
Nature and destiny of the Negro. J. C. Nott. 10: 329.
Physical charact,eristics of Negroes. S. A. Cartwright. 11: 164.
Diseases of Negroes. S. A. Cartwright. 11: 29,331,504.
The Negro race. 11 :403; 18: 454.
Equality of the races. 11 : 630.
Negroes, ancient and modern. T. C. Girtin. 1 2 : 209.
Negro m a n i a 12: 507.
Beauties of Negro rule. 18: 710.
Free Negrodom. 19 : 263.
The black race in North America 20: 1.
Distinctive peculiarities and diseases of Negroes. 20: 612.
Vital statistics of Negroes of the South. 21: 405.
W h a t the North and South have done for the Negro. 2 1 : CXK
Negro life in the South. 22: 631.
Model Negro empire. 24 : 203.
The South demands more Negro labor. E. Deloney. 25: 491.
Free Negro rule. 28 : 440.
Negroes i n Northern U. S. W. W. Wright. 28: 573.
Relation of the Negro race to civilization. 28: 638.
Dr. Cartwright on the Negro. W. D. Scull. 2 9 : 7 1 2
Negroes and Negro slavety. 30 : 446.
Equality of Negroes with white men. 3 0 : 521; 3 1 : 186.
Negro freedom an impossibility. S. A. Cartwright 30: 648; 31: ,507.
Dr. Cartwright on the Negro. 3 2 : 54,238; 33: 6 2
Folk-lore of Negroes of the South. W. F . Allen. 1 : 183.
Williams's Negro race in America. A. L. Chapin. 3 : 252.
Future of the Negro in fiction. L. H. Egan. 18: 70.
Hoffman's American Negroes. F. Starr. 22: 17.
Thomafi on t h e Negro. W. E. B. DuBois. 30 : 262
Function of the Negro college. K. Miller. 3 2 267.
Case of t t
Eclectic Revi
Negro col
Claims of
Negro ant
Negroes i
Negro vir
New educ
Social ant
Negro ap]
Negro in .
. E , I:
Negro suj
Fort7bightly .
The Negr
Negroes i
Negroes i
Negro vo'
Negro vo
Negro su
The race .
Negroes :
Future of
Negroes :
The race
Negroes :
Negroes i
Negro s u
Black sh
Negroes !
Case of the Negro. W. H. Johnson. 34: 299.
Eclectic Review:
Negro colonization and emancipation. 56: 385.
Claims of the Negroes of the South. 57: 138.
Negro and other dark races. 121 : 465.
Industrial education of Negroes. W. P. Johnston. 5 :636.
Education of Negroes. C. G. Andrews. 6: 221.
Negroes in Missouri. J. M. Greenwood. 8: 336.
Training of the Negro teacher. N. B. Young. 21 : 359.
Educwtiowtl Review:
Negro vindicated. 6 : 3%. (Same article Selec. Ed. R. 5 : 355).
Character of Negroes. 6: 331.
New education in the South. P. B. Barringer. 21 : 233.
Education of the Negro in its historical aspects. D. L. Kiehle. Z':2%.
Improvement and emancipation of Negroes. 39 : 118
Social and industrial capacities of Negroes of the South. 45: 383.
Negro apprenticeship system. J. Spedding. 66: 477.
Negro in America. 119: 203.
E m:
Negro suffrage in Penn. in 1837. W. W. H. Davis. 12: 381.
Fo?-trcightly Review:
The Negro as a soldier. Lord Wolsely. 50: 689.
England and the black races. S. Gwynn. 79: 447.
Answer. E. G. King. 79: 1146.
F o w m:
Negroes in the U. S. N. K. Davis. 1 : 126.
Negroes in the U. S. E. M. Camp. 1: 562
Negro vote: I s i t suppressed? A. A. Colquitt. 4: 268
Negro vote : I s it suppressed? M. Halstead. 4 : 376.
Negro supremacy: What i t means. Wade Hampton. 5: 383.
The-race problem of Negroes. G. W. Cable. 6: 392.
Negroes: Shall they rule? J. S. Morgan. 6: 586.
Future of the Negro. W. S. Hcarborongh. 7 : 80.
Negroes and the Republican Party. E. L. Godkin. 7: 246.
Prejudice against Negroes. J. Snyder. 8 : 218
The race problem of Negroes: Can i t be solved? H. A. Scomp. 8 : 365.
Sufficiency of the constitutional amendments. R. A. Pryor. 9: !?&.
Progress of Kegroes of the South. A. D. Mayo. 10: 335.
Negroes: Do they seek social equality? J. C. Price. 10: 55%
Negroes in the U. S. F. A. Walker. 11 : 501.
Expenses of the education of Negroes: Does the Negro pay it? G. W.
Cable. 13 :C M .
Heligioua progress of Negroes. H. K. Carroll. 14: 75.
Negro suffrage a failure. Shall we abolish it? J. C. Wicklifle. 14: 797.
Black shadow in the South. A. G. Haygood. 16: 167.
Negroes in the U. S. H a v e they too much liberty? C. H. Smith. 16: 176.
Outrages by Negroes no excuse for lynching. L. E. Bleckley. 16: 300.
Unaided solution of the Negro southern social problem A. S. Van de
Graaff. 21: 330.
Educated Negro and menial pursuits. W. S. Scarborough. 26: 434.
American Negroes and African colonization. 0. F. Cook. 27: 114.
Future of Negroeu. W. H. ConncilL 27: 570.
Negro problem in the South. C. H. Grosvenor. 27 :720.
Negro problem i n the South. 0.W. Underwood. 30: 215.
Negro and education. K. Miller. 30: 693.
The Negro and our new posseseione. W. 8.Scarborough. 31 :341.
Southern question. G. A. Thacher. 32: 116.
Expansion of the Negro population. K. Miller. 32: 662
Negro and higher learning. W. S. Scarborough. 33: 349.
Negro's part i n the Negro problem. K. Miller. 36: 289.
Negro question. T. Carlyle. 40: 670.
Negro vs. Carlyle. 41 : 25.
Christianity and the Negro. E. W. Blyden. 93: 654.
The Negro as a soldier. 3. F. F i t t a 3 : 249
Romance of Negro. E. A. Pollnrd. 12: 470.
Good Wo.rdu:
Freedmen a t the South. J. M. Ludlow. 5: 116.
Negro sermons. 8 : 186.
Cfunton's Mu.gazin,e:
Negroes under northern conditions. G. L. Lee. 10 : 5 2
Has Jamaica solved the color problem? J. Moritzen. 20: 3 1 4 .
Education of Negroes and New Orleans. W :66.
Negro i n business. B. T. Washington. 20: 2D4-19.
Colored men as cotton manufacturers. J. Dowd. 2'3: 254-6.
Race problem. 24 : %M.
Negro as an artisan. 24: 452
Suffrage and representation. 26: 95-101.
Race social equality. 25: 189-94.
Georgia state industrial college for Negroes. L. B. Ellis. 25: 21fj-26.
Atlanta: the cent,er of Negro education of the world. M. G. Anderson.
25: 433-41.
Shall we have a sixteenth amendment? 27: 45342.
Harpe7"s Weekly:
Negro in New Yurk. J. G. Speed. 44: 1 W W .
Elihu Root on the Negro problem. 47 :3067.
Etoosevelt's doctrine and the facts of history. 47: 427-8
Cleveland's opinion. 47 : 729.
Politics and the Negro. 47: 777.
Recent views of the fifteenth amendment. 47 : 8734.
Negro problems and the Negro crime. 47: 105&1.
Discussion of the fifteenth amendment. 47: 114L
Outcome of the new Missisippi constiiution. 47: 1322
Mr. Washington and the Negro problem. 47 : 1324-5.
Criminal Negro. (f. B. Winton. 47 :1414.
Reply. 47 : 1577.
New Negro crime considered. Southern view. 47: 160.
Where Negroes may not come. 47 : 1950.
Should I
Where P
New Neg
Recent \
Negro a1
Native T
Weigh t3
Negro on
The New
South's d
Negro's c
Negro's o
North Ca
North Ca
Govern m
Then and
Negro i n
Negro gri
New Orle
Burden o
Wasted u
Color line
Black No:
Negro pro
54: 748-5
Atlanta li
Higher ed
Right to t
I s Negro I
Race prot
Race puri
Negro suf
'ough. 26 :434.
2ook. 27: 114.
ugh. 31 : 341.
Sllis. 25 : 218-26.
rld. M. G. Anderson.
Should whites and blacks be separated? J. M. F. Erwin. 47: 2070.
Where Negroes may not go. C. L. Coon. 48: 102.
New Negro crime. 48: 120-1.
Recent views of the Negro problem. 48: 312-3, 8923, 923.
Negro and the fourteenth amendment H. Alexander. 48: 438.
Native Virginian on the Negro question. 48: 576.
English view of our Negro problem. 48: 612-3.
Women and t h e race question. F. Jackson. 48: 1323, 1330-1.
Weighty factor i n the South's Negro problem. 48: 1980-1.
Education of freedmen. D. H. Strother. 49: 457.
Negro on the stage. L. Hutton. 79: 131.
The New England Negro--a remnant. J. DeF. Shelton. 88: 631.
Independent: .
Education of Negroes, symposium. April 7,1892
Disfranchisement defeated i n Georgia. 51: 33067.
Injustice to the colored voter. G. H. White. 52: 176-7.
South's dual system of education. N. B. Young. 52: 314-6.
Negro's case i n equity. I. B. Barnett. 52: 1010.
Montgomery conference. I. C. Barrows. 52: 1257-9.
Negro's opinion of Negroes. 62: 1398-8.
North Carolina's red shirt campaign. 52: 1874-6.
Suffrage denied i n North Carolina. M. Butler. 52: 1953-5.
North Carolina suffrage amendment. A. J. McKelway. 62: 1955-7.
Government hy terrorism. 52: 1997-8.
Elevation of Negro farm life. R. L. Smith. 62: 2103-6.
Then and now. 52 :2217-8.
Southern woman's appeal for justice. A. S. Jemand. 53: 4.3840.
Progress of the Negro. A. Walters. 53: 651-2
Negroin the mills. J. L. Orr. 53: E%4.
Negro graduates. 53: 1147-8.
New Orleans and Negro education. 53: 1630.
Burden of Negro schooling. W. E. B. DuBois. 53: 1667-8.
Negro-American dialect. A. W. Whitney. 53 :1979-81.
Wastedmoney. 53: 2427-8
Education of white and black. E . A. Alderman. 53: 2647-9.
Freedmen and their sons. W. E. B. DuBois. 53 :2709.
Color line. H. P. Goddard. -53: 28'35.7.
Black North. R. H. Davis. 54: 338-40.
Negro problem. H. W. Blair. 54: 4 4 2 4
American Negro's religion for the African Negro's soul. L J. Coppin.
54 : 748-50.
Atlanta library refused to Negroes. W. E. B. DuBois. 54 :809-10.
Higher education for the colored youth. A. F. Eilger. 54: 1500-2
Southern colored woman's views o n t h e Negro problem. 54: 2221-4.
Southern white woman's views o n t h e Negro problem. 54: 2224-8
Right to hold office. 54: 2855.
I s Negro suffrage a failure? 55: 400-1.
Race problem. S. D. McEnery. 55: 42430
Race purity and social equality. 55 :453-5.
Southern ignorance of the Negro. 65: 634-5.
Feudalism and slavery. 55 : 805-6.
Negro suffrage i n Alabama. 55: 1057.
Alabama decision on disfranchisement of Negroes. 55: 1104.
Shall the fifteenth amendment be repealed? 55: 1217-8.
Psycbology of the race question. 55: 193940.
Enfranchisement no blunder. J. W. Hood. 55: 2021-1.
Observations and comparisons abroad. B. T. Washington. 55: 212830.
Peonage i n G eorgia. 55 :3MM1.
New slavery in the South. 56: 409-14.
Experiences of the race problem. 5 6 : 5YD-4.
Observations of the Southern race feeling. 58: 594-9.
Northern Negro's autobiography. F. B. Williams. 57: 91-6.
Bringing the pygmies to America. S. P. Verner. 57: 485-9.
Elevation of tropical races. B. Kidd. 57: 545-50.
I?ternationaZ Monthly:
Southern question. E. P. C l a r k 1:W
American Negro and his economic value. B. T. Washington. 2:672-8fi
Negro and public office. J. B. Bishop. 7: 231-7.
Black and white in Africa. J. M. Robertson. 8: 1-16.
Problems of the Negro. C. W. E l i o t 9: 28691.
International Review:
Negroes in gulf states. E. T. Winkler. 1: 577.
Negro exodus, 1879. F. Guernsey. 7: 373.
Knickerbocker Nagazine:
Serville insurrection. C. Q. Leland. 58: 377.
Nature and destiny of Negro. 63: 363.
Among Negro singers. E. L Qurial. 2: 421.
Land We Love:
Ariel on the Negro. 5: 269.
Future of Negroes of the South. 5: 523.
Lend a Hand:
Educational statistics of Negroes. 6: 149.
Conference of Negroes a t Tuskegee, Ala. 1892. R. C. Bedford. 8: 251.
Negroes, the white problem. R T. Greener. 12: 351.
Education of Negroes. Report of Calhoun School. C. R. Thorn and W.
M. Dillingham. 13: 52.
The new Xegro woman. B. T. Washington. 15: 254.
Calhoun school for Negroes. P. Dillingham. . 15: 369.
Redemptive work for Negroes. Q. W. Moore. 17: 355.
Lippl.'ncott's Magazine:
H y m n s (7) of Negroes of t h e South. J. M. Brown. 2: 617.
Future of Negroes of the South. G. Fitzhugh. 4: 436; 5: 191.
Education of Negroes of the South. W. R. Hooper. 4: 671.
Negroes of the South. E. A. Pollard. 5: 383.
Superstitions of the Negro. T. Norris. 6: 90.
Negroes of the South, Freedman's Bureau W. R. Hooper. 7 : 609.
Folk-lore of Negroes of the South. D. Owens. 20: 748.
Rambling talk on the Negro. J. Woodville. 22: 621.
Negroes in the United Statea. L. S. Hoaghton. 31: 191.
Beliefs and superstitions of Negroes. S. M. Handy. 48 : 735.
Mc C
Free Negroes of Louisiana. P. J. deGournay. 53: 511.
Lingo of Negroes in literature. 55 : 266.
Literary World:
Williamls Negro racq in America. 14 : 72.
Negroes-Tourgee1s appeal to Caesar. 15: 349.
Living Age:
Negro as a soldier. 180: 85.
Johns Hopkins University Studies:
Progress of Kegroes in Maryland. J. R. Brackett. 8: nos. 7-9.
Negroes in the District of Columbia E. Ingle. 11 : nos. 3-4.
8: 251.
rn and W.
Journal American Folk-Lore:
Negro myths from the Georgia coast. W. W. Newell. 1 : 169.
Negro folk-lore and witchcraft in the South. L. Pendleton. 3 : 201.
Negro lore, Baltimore. C. Lee. 5 : 110.
Christensen's Negro. W. W. Newell. 5 : 258
Negro tales. Mrs. W. P. Johnston. 9 : 194.
Negro hymn from Georgia. Emma M. Backus. 11 : 2 2
Negro song from North Carolina. Emma M. Backus. 11 : 60.
Journal of the Military Service Institution:
Some characteristics of the Negro volunteer. R. L. Bullard. 29: 29.
Journal of Political Econwmy:
Philadelphia Negroes. K. B. Davis. 8: 284.
Leisure Hour:
Negro minstrels. 20: 600.
Problem of Negroes. 35 : 742.
Negroes in the United States. T. L.Robinson. 38: 54,697.
Negro suffrage. J. E. Cairnes. 12: 334.
Peep at Negroes of the South. A. Q. Bradley. 39 :61.
A Negro church service. C. Edwards. 50: 261.
Southern view of problem of Negroes. H. E. Belin. 84: 225.
Magazine of American History:
Negro slaves during the civil war. C. C. Jones, Jr. 16: 168.
Introduction of Negro into the United States. A. Stakely. 26: 349.
Magazine of Western History:
Free Negro of the South. J. H. Kennedy. 12: 128.
McClurels Magazine:
Can the South solve the Negro problem? C. Schurz. 22: 259-75.
Negro: the southerner's problem. T. N. Page. 22: 548-54, 619-26; 23: !X102
Genius and prospects of Negroes. 1 : 260.
Methodist Quarterly Review:
Condition and character of Negroes. T. Dwight. 24: 77.
Negroes of the South and Methodist Episcopal Church, South. J. H.
Caldwell. 26 :418.
The American Negro. (Taken from Temple Bar.) D. Curry. 28: 229.
The Negro. H. J. Fox. 35: 79.
Freedmen a t the South. T. H. Pearne. 37 : 462.
Education of freedmen. S. G. Arnold. 38: 48.
Negro exodus, 1679. J. C. Hartzell. 39: 722.
Problem of Negroes. A. Stephens. 44 : 108.
Negro population of Petersburg, Ve J. E. Edwards. 44: 320.
Methodist Review:
The race problem of Negroes. T. H. Pearne. 51 :428.
Methodist Episcopal Church and Negroes in the South. W. W. Wilson.
54: 713.
Our responsibility to the Negro. I. W. Parks. 69:713.
Negro in America. E. Parham. 6 : 265.
Midland Monthly:
Booker T. Washington's work among Negroea Susan Sands. 8: 10.
Missionary Review:
What the North is doing for the Christian development of the southern
Negro. A. F. Beard. 27 : EHM.
What industrial education is doing for the Negro. H. B. Frissell. 27:
What intellectual training is doing for the Negro. W. E. B. DuBois. 27:
Are Negroes better off in Africa? J. L. Dube. 27: 5838
What the South is doing for the Negro. 8. C. Mitchell. 27: 666-71.
What the Negro is doing for the Negro in America. B. T. Washington.
27 :832-5.
Monthly Religious Magazine:
Capabilities of the Negro. 28: 282
Negro music. J. Tonsor. 3: 119.
Negro melody: mammy's song, with music. Julia N. Finck. 13: 604.
Question of Negroes of the South. E. Quincey. 1: 229.
Negroes of the South and conservatism, 1865. F. Wayland, Jr. 1: 261.
Negroes of the South, will they die out? J. T. Bixbel. 1 :325.
Yankee on Negroes of the South. E. Godkin. 1 : 392
Negroes of the South. The one humanity, 186~5 T. Lewis. 1:520.
Negro dialect. W.I?. Allen. 1: 744.
Claims of Negroes of the South to ofice. E. L. Godkin. 5: 90.
Negro Bongs of the United States. 5: 411.
Question of Negroes of the South. E. L Godkin. 7: 386.
Negroes of the South and the administration, 188. E. IAGodkin. 8: 144.
Ku Klux atrocities against Negroes. E. L. Godkin. 12:192
Rice plantation Negroes of the South as voters. R C. Higgins. 15: 22.
Mortality among Negroes of the South. R. C. Higgins. 15: 105.
Protection of Negroes of the South. E. L.Godkin. 19: 377.
Story of freedmen. C. C. Nott 20: 253-2RS.
Who are the friends of Negro suffrage? 1877. S.Newcomb. 24: 53.
rry. 28: 229.
W. W. Wilson.
of the southern
B. Frissell. 21:
.B. DuBois.
7 :66671.
T. Washington.
d, Jr. 1 : 261,
Godkin. 8 : 144.
:gins. 16: 22.
Education of Negroes of the South. 24: 276.
Negro voters and the federal government. E. L. Godkin. 28: 113.
Negro exodus, 1879. E. L. Qodkin. 28: 242,386.
Lifting of Negroes. G. Bradford. 39: 462.
Negroes in southern politics. E. P. Clark. 41: 67.
Negro race, Christianity and Islam. Blyden's. 46: 123.
The South and Negroes. 46: 38.3.
Progress among Negroes. E. P. Clark. 48: 461.
Negroes, color prejudice. 49 : 26.
Plantation Negroes as freemen. E. P. Clark. 49: 26.
The race problem of Negroes. E. L. Godkin. 50: 64.
Negroes and the census. J. C. Rose. 52: 232.
Negro labor in southern manufactures. 63: 20%
Negro vote in South Carolina R. J. Manning. 60 :299.
DuBoisls "Suppression of the slave trade in the United States." 63: 498.
American Negroes. J. C. Rose. 64: 246.
Phases of problem of Negroes. E. P. Clark. 69: 163.
Problem of Negroes in the North. D. Mac G. Means. 69 : 310.
Disfranchising Negroes. H. White. 69 :384.
Slave.burning in Massachusetts colony. J. Noble. 69: 390.
First colored school in Philadelphia. 72: 316.
Race census at the South. 73: 24.
Negroes as soldiers. 0.G. Villard. 73: 85.
Growth of the Negro population. 73: 333.
Black and white ratios for eleven decades. 73: 391-2
Higher education for the colored youth. 74: 381.
Bryce on the relation between whites and blacks. A. V. Dicey. 75: 268
Caste and anti-caste. 75: 436.
Crime and our colored population. W. E. B. DuBois. 75: 499.
Color and crime. 76 : 24-5.
Nation vs. Indianola. 76: 86.
Reaction towards slavery. 76: 144.
Negro and the trade unions. 76: 186.
Negroes and poor whites. 76: 204.
South and the educated Negro. 76: 324.
Alabama decision on disfranchisement of Negroes. 76: 346.
New scheme of color. S. B. W. 76: 433.
Nation and the Negro. 76 :448.
Constitutional government and the alternative. I. W. Griscom. 77 : 2%
Republicanism and the so-called race problem. I. W. Griscom. 77 : 71-3.
Sophistry of oppression. I. W. Griscom. 77: 92.
Caste notion of suffrage. 77: 182.
Unconstitutional abridgment of suffrage. I. W. Griscom. 77: 187.
Southern question. 77: 3 1 5 4
Colored statistics. 77: 400-1.
Social problem in Baltimore. 77: 497-8
Schurz on the Negro problem. 77: 518-9.
Negro disfranchisement inMaryland. 78: 6 7 .
Negro i n New Orleans. 78 : 30.
Negro education and the South. 78: 624.
Educated Negro and the South. 78: 143.
Negro churchea 78 :405-6.
National Quarterly Review:
Character and destiny of the Negro. 12: 9 a
Negro race in Hayti and its lessons. 14: 359.
Intellectual position of Negro. R. T. Greener. 41: 164.
National Review:
Education of I
E5ects of Neg
Treatment of I
Future of Neg
Question of Negroes. D. A. ~ c ~ o r k l e12:
. 203.
Nature :
Negroes : why are they black? N. Alcock and others. 30: 001 ; 31 : 6.
N e w Eclectic:
Freedmen and southern labor problems. 3: 257.
N e w E n g l a n d Magazine:
Churches and schools of Negroes of the South. L B. Chase Wyman.
F r e e Negroes in United States : right to vote. E. R Tyler. 5: 5%
Citizenship of Negroes of the South. W. A. Larned. 15: 478.
Education of Neeroes. A. D. Mavo. 17: 213.
Sojourner Truth. L. B. C. Wyman. 24: 69-66.
Photographing the Negro in the South. J. H. Tarbell. 29: 463-78.
Darkest America. R Miller. 30: 14-21.
A dream of emancipation. B. A. Brown. 30: 494-9.
Negroes in the Civil War. J. E. Roy. 134: 415.
New World:
Religion of Neeroes. W. E. B. DuBois. 9 :614.
Education of Negroes. H. B. Frissell. 9: 625.
Niles's Register:
Southampton insurrection of Negroes of the South. 1B1. 41: 4.
Negro school s t New Haven. 41 :74-88.
Nineteenth C e n t u ~ y :
Negroes i n t h e United States. An open letter. 0. P. Fitzgerald. 34: 291.
American Negroes. E . L. Banks. 46: 459.
Negro on the position of the Negro in America. D. E. Tobias. 46: 957-73.
Negro problem in the United States. J. A. Hobson. 54: 581-94.
Black peril in South Africa. R Jones. 55: 712-23
North A m e r i c a n Review:
Education and civilization of freedmen. E. E. Hale. 101: 528.
Condition of freedmen. N. S Shaler. 116: 150.
Evils of Negro suffrage. W. H. Trescott. 123: 249.
Freedmen a t the South. C. Gayaire. 12j: 472.
Negroes of the South and the reconstruction.
D. 8.Chamberlain. 128:
Problem of Nt
Negro. 142: 43
Education of I
Position of Ne
Negro intellec
The race prob
A Southerner
The Negro as :
Evolution o f t
Three phases (
Origin of t h e I
Will educatio~
Education wil
The South anc
Suffrage restr
175 : 53443.
F u t u r e of t h e
Lynching of >
White peril : 1
OM and N e w :
Education of I
Institute for 3
Freedmen's sa
Trsits of Negl
Negro soflrag
Once a W e e k :
Open Court:
Negro questio
Negro citizen:
Negro questio
Our D a y :
The race prot
Negroes : soh
Race riots in
Ethnical cult
Problem of N
Kew aspects (
Unsolved rac
Aesthetic car
Industrial ed
Christian ind
Enfranchisement of Negroes of the South. 1%: 225.
Education of Negroes of the South. F. B. Stowe. 128: 605; 129: 81.
Effects of Negro suffrage. H. H. Chalmers. 132: 239.
Treatment of Negroes of the South; the color line. F. Douglass. 132: 567.
Future of Negroes in the United States. C. A. Gardiner and others. 139:
e Wyman. 3:
5: 5ZfL
Problem of Negroes. E. W. Gilliam. 139: 417.
Negro. 142 :437.
Education of Negroen. J . R. Gilmore. 143: 421.
Position of Negro. W. T. Sherman. 147: 361.
Negro intellect. W. Matthew. 149: 91.
The race problem of Negroes. J. Bryce. 153: 641.
A Southerner on the qnestion of Negroes. T. N. Page. 154: 401.
The Negro as a mechanic. R Lowry. 156: 472.
Evolution of the colored soldier. W. T. Parker. 168: 22.3.
Three phases of suffrage for Negroes. W. C. Ham. 168: 285.
Origin of the Negro race. H. M. Stanley. 170: 656-65.
Will education fiolve the raceroblem? J. R Straton. 170: 785401.
Education will solve the race problem. B. T. Washington. 171: 221-32.
The South and the Negro. M. L. Dawson. 172: 279-84.
Suffrage restriction in the South, its causes and consequences. C. H. Poe.
176 : 534-43.
Fnture of the Negro. A. R. Colquhoun. 176 :657-74.
Lynching of Negroes. T. N. Page. 178: 33-48.
White peril : the immediate danger of the Negro. W. G. Brown. 179: 82441.
Old and New:
Education of Negroes of the South. S. Andrews. 1 :W,
Institute for Negroes in Philadelphia. 1: 837.
Freedmen's saving bank. 2: 245.
Traits of Negroes. Mrs. A. M. C. Seemuller. 6 : 239.
Negro susrage in Virginia. 1872 6 : 631.
Once a W e e k :
Negrophobia in the United States. 6: 418.
Open Court:
Negro question in United States. E. D. Cape. 3: 2052
Negro citizens; shall they be banished? F. M. Holland. 3: 2079.
Negro question. C. S. Walker. 4: 2353. B. T. Wakemen. 4: 2433.
Our Day:
The race problem of Negroes. W. H. Thomas. 5 : 89.
Negroes : solntions of southern problems. G. W. Cable. 5 : 308.
Race riots in the South. K. J. Cook. 5: 406.
Ethnical culture of Negroes. J. E. Rankin. 6 :93.
Problem of Negroes. J. Bryce. 9: 51.
New aspects of question of Negroes. S. M. Davis. 10: 469.
Unsolved race problems. J. Cook. 12: 35.
Constitutional rights of Negroes. F. A. Noble. 12: 459.
Aesthetic capacity of the Afro-American Negroes. J. E. Rankin. 13: 289.
Industrial education of Negroes. B. T. Washington. 16: 79.
Christian industrial educatiod of Negroes. B. T. Washington. 16: 343.
Cotton-pickers. C. Johnson. 45: S97.
First Negro regiment. T. W. Higginson. 59: 521.
Negroes an industrial factor. C. B. Spahr. 62: 31.
Negroes as citizens. C. B. Spahr. 62: 490.
Hope for southern Negroes. 63: 623.
Montgomery race problem. 64: 247.
Village improvement among the Negroes. R L. Smith. 64: 733-6.
Montgomery conference. I. C. Barrows. 65: 1534,160-2.
Disfranchisement in North Carolina. 65: 841-3.
J i m Crow car law upheld. 66-912
Discriminations against Negro schools. 66: 9124.
Southern defender of Negro education. 67: 140.
Negro cotton-mill. b7: 466
Some southern impressions. 67: 9468.
Disfranchisement in Alabama 68: 2
Shall the Negro be educated? 68: 13-5.
Popular education and the race problem in North Carolina. J. W. Baile
68 : 114-6.
Whites and the Negroes. W. J. White, Jr. 68: 186.
Alabama constitutional convention. M. B. Thrasher. 6 8 : 437-9.
Freedman's progress in the South. E. O. Murphy. 68: 721-4.
Appeal for hospital endowment. 68:903.
Big quarterly. 69: 110-2.
Savings of black Georgia. W. E. B. DuBois. 69 : 128-30.
Negro in business. I. T. Montgomery. 69 : 7334.
Two southern views. 69 : 810-2
Negro: business proposition. M. F. E r w i n 69: 815-0.
Religious life in America. E. H. Abbott. 69: 1070-6.
Tuskegee cotton-planters in Africa. J. N. Calloway. 70: 772-6.
settlement idea in the cotton belt. P. ~ i l l i n g h a m ; 70: W 2 .
Negro disfranchisement in Louisiana. P. L. Haworth. 71 : 1634.
Why Booker Washington has succeeded in his life work. F. E. Leupp.
71 :32ti-33.
Negro common schools. 71: 675-7.
Should southern whites aid Negro schools? C. H. Poe. 71: 1010-3.
Negro conditions sensibly discussed. A. R. Holcombe. 72: 170-3.
Separate street-car law in New Orleans. A. R Holcombe. 72: 7467.
Roosevelt on the appointment of Negroes. 72: 754-60.
Negro office-holders. 73: 138-9.
Two generations under freedom. B. T. Washington. 73 :293-305.
Race problem. 73 : W-10.
Southern view of Negroes. L H. Hammond. 73 :619-23.
Restricted suffrage on trial: North Carolina. 73: 847.
National problem. 73 :95&2
Suffrage for Negroes. 74 : 13-4.
Alabama decision on disfranchisement of Negroes. 74: 95-6.
Two ty pica1 leaders. 74: 214-6.
Lincoln's position and the reconstruction. 74: 264-6.
Negro suffrage in the South. 74: 389-403.
Servitude for c
Educational sc
Aims of Negrc
Training of Nt
Negro life in t
Sectarianism E
Professor Baef
Negroes and n
Race problem.
Social and mo
Gain in the lif
Pres. Eliot an1
Negro enterpl
Negro enterpl
South and the
689-94: 741-5.
National plat1
Negro and his
Education of
Negro enterpl
Helping the 1
Red, black an
Penny Magazine
Negro as es ti1
Penn Monthly:
Medical aspel
Pos.tfolio (Dennif
Causes of colc
Popular Science
Negroes of tk
J. 8. Paters
Negro artisa
NUgro churc
Negroes in ti
Negroes in tl
Psychology 0
Negro. J. B.
Are we to be
Twenty yea1
Future of Nt
Savage depa
Literature o
Problem of :
Problem of
The transpl:
Servitude for debt in Georgia. 74: 486.
Educational solution of the Negro problem. 74 : 632-5.
Aims of Negro education. H. B. Frissell. 74: 937-9.
Training of Negroes for social power. W. E. B. DuBois. 75: 409-14.
Negro life in two generations. W. B. Pace. 75: 4 9 3 8
Sectarianism and Negro education. 75: 664-5.
Professor Basset on the race problem. 75: 77&2
Negroes and music. 75: 9 6 7 8
Race problem. 75 : 984-6.
Social and moral decadence. E. Tayleur. 76: %71.
Gain i n the life of Negro women. Mrs. B. T. Washington. 76: 2 7 1 4
Pres. Eliot and Dr. Washington on the race question. 76: 49-40.
Negro enterprise. B. T. Washington. 77: 115-8.
Negro enterprise. J. D. Allen. 77: 118-22.
South and the Negro. E. H. Abbott. 77: 165-8, !224-30,361-7, 456-60, 589-94:
IM-94 : 741-5.
iV. Bailey.
National platform on the race question. W. De W. Hyde. 77 : 169-70.
Negro and his Creator. 77: 635-6.
Education of the Negro in the United States. 78: 96-7.
Negro enterprise. 78: 179-83.
Helping the Negro to help himself. C. C. Smith 78:- 727-30.
Red, black and y e l l o r J. T. Barmhall. 37 : 722-6.
Penny Magazine:
Negro as estimated by our ancestors. 5: 455.
Penn Monthly:
Medical aspects of Negro. T. S. Sosinsky. 10: 629.
P o ~ t f o l i o(Dennie's) :
Causes of color of the Negro. 12: 6417.
E. Leupp.
Popular Science Monthly:
Constitutions of Alabama and Virginia. A. E. McKinley. 18: 480-(Hi
Negroes of the South : increase and movement of the colored'population.
J. S. Paterson. 19:
Negro a r t i s a n W. E. B. DuBois. 19: 699-701.
Negro church. W. E. B. DuBois. 19: 7023.
Negroes in the United States. E. W. Gilliam. 22: 433.
Negroes i n the United States. C. E. Chittenden. 22: 841.
Psyrhology of Negro. M. Buchner. 23: 399.
Negro. J. B. Craighend. 26: 39.
Are we to become Africanized? H. Gannett. 27 : 145.
Twenty years of Negroes. J. M. Keating. 28: 24.
Foture of Negro. 33 : 543.
Savage deportment of Negroes. P. Reichard. 39: 330.
Literature of African Negroes. M. Muret. 63: 241.
Problem of Negroes. J. L. M. Curry. 55: 177.
Problem of Negroes. B. T. Washington. 55: 317.
The transplantation of a race. N. 8. Shaler. 56: 513.
Negro aince the civil war. N. 9. Shaler. 57: 29-39.
Future of the Negro in the South. N. S. Shaler. 67: 147-56.
Higher education for the colored youth. A. F. Hilger. 57: 437-8
Theology versus thrift in the black belt. C. B. Dyke. 60: 360-4.
Political Science Quarterly:
History of suffrage of Negroes. 5.B. Weeks. 9 : 671.
Public Opinion:
Knights of labor and Negroes. 2 : 1.
Negroes and schools. 3: 526.
The race problem of Negroes. 8 : 303-397.
Deportation of Negroea 8: 375.
Scientific aspects of question of Negroes. N. S. Shaler. 8: 147.
Developmental status of Negro in ~ a r i c a .18: 171.
Emigration and deportation of Negroes. 18: 370.
Princeton Review:
Freedmen during the Civil war. 0.0. Howard. 1 : 373. 2: 234.
Religious instruction of Negroes of the South. J. W. Alexander.
The Negr
17 : 85.
Scientific A n
Why is tl
Scenes in
Negroes c
17 : 591.
Putnam's Month.ly Ma.gazine:
Negro minstrelsy. J. J. Trux. 5: 73.
Life among Negroes of the South. E. Kilham. 5 : 205-304.
About Niggers. 6 :608.
Neeroea and their customs. 8 : 1.
~ e g r suffrage.
V. B. Denslow. 12: 616.
Negro characters. 14 :741.
Negro schools. E. Kilhem. 15: 31.
Quarterly Review:
Friends of Negro. 82: 158.
The Negro as an artist. M. D. Conway. 2: 3'5.
Negro vote in the South. 5: 257.
Nature a1
Bocial Econc
Negro, so
South.ern Ri
The race
Southern Lil
Natural I
South.ern L i ,
The Cauc
Negroes :
Negro ra
Southern Mc
0.0. Ho1
Negro in
Review of Reviews:
Suffrage amendments in the South. 22: 213-5.
American Negro at Paris. W. E. B. DuBois. 22: 57:-7
South and Negro suffrage. 26: 656-8.
Alabama Negro school. 0. O. Villard. 26: 711-4.
Roosevelt's southern policy. 27: 14.340.
Race problem. L. Abbott. 28: 331-5.
Negro problem in South Africa. A. Hawkes. 28: 325-30.
Social equality. 28: 478-9.
Schurz on the Negro problem. 29:95-7.
Count Tolstoi on non-resistance and the Negro question. 29: 731-2
Our Negro problem by a Negro, for the benefit of Frenchmen. 30: 490.
Negro dialect. A. F. Chamberlain. 12: 23.
southern Qb
The Neg
Negro ar
Negro, el
Southern R,
Future (
The rac'
2: 234.
17 : 591.
The Negro and the Indian ethnologically considered. A. F. Chamberlain.
17 : 85.
Scienti$c American:
Why is the Negro black? 49 : 20125.
Integration of the Negro by the American nation. J. M. Boddy. 89: ZI.
Equality between white man and Negro. W. M. Baker. 18: 375.
Scenes i n a Negro church. I. T. Hopkins. 20: 422.
Negroes of the South under free labor. D. C. Barrow, Jr. 21: 830.
Disfranchisement of the Negro. T. N. Page. 36: 15-24.
Old-time Negro. T. N. Page. 36: 522-32.
Sharpe's London Magazine:
Nature and destiny of Negro. 41: 281.
Social Economist:
Negro, southern social problem. K. Bocock. 4:22.
Mortality of Negro. T. Q. Steward. 9: 204
Southern HinstoricalSociety Papers:
The race problem of Negroes. 17 : 21.
Southern Literary Journal:
Natural history of Negro. D.R. Whitaker. 3: 151; 4: 87.
Southern Literary Messenger:
The Caucasian master and African slave. 10: 329470.
Negroes, ebony line of steamers. 17 : 647.
Negroes in North America. 21 : 641.
Negro races. 31 : 1.
Capabilities of Negro race. W. H. Holcombe. 33:401.
Southern Magazine:
Negroes of the South a peculiar people. M. R. Brown. 13: 172.
0.0. Howard and freedmen. E. Spencer. 13:633.
Question of Negroes of the South. H. H. Goodloe. 14:373.
Negro in his religious aspect. M. R Brown. 17:498.
Southern Quarterly Review:
The Negro and the Caucasian races. 7 : 372
Slavery and the diversity of the races. 19: 392
Negro and white slavery; wherein do they differ? 20: 118.
Negro, equality of the races. 21 : 153.
Diseases of Negroes. 22: 49.
Physical characteristics of the Negro. 22:49.
Southern Review ( N . S . ) :
Negroes of the South. 14: 124.
Williams' Negro race in America 56: 808
Future of Negro. 60: 1651.
The race problem of Negroes. 62: 709.
Negroes in the United States. 63: 543.
Progress among Negroes. 63: 852
Negro emigration from America 66 : 113.
Future of Negroes. M. R. Kingsley. 75: 930.
Capacity of Negroes. 75: 927.
Future of Amerlcan Negroes. 84: 516.
Negroes in business. 84: 440.
St. Nicholas:
Sports of Negro children. T. 0. Williams. 30: 1004-7.
TJnitarian Review:
Co-education of white and colored races. A. P. Peabody. 3: 593.
Negroes, what is needed. G?. R Stetson. 27: 137.
Negroes, the race problem. 32: 642
Select lisLibr
IJnited Service:
The Negro as a soldier. T. G. Steward. 11 : 323.
Universalist Quarterly Review:
Contraband Negroes of the South. J. C. Knowlton. 21: 307.
Tail's Edinburgh Magazine:
Slavery and the internal slave trade i n the United States. 8:373.
Temple Bar:
The American Negro. 2: 196.
Westminster Review:
Prospects of Negro. 20: 168.
Importance of Negro race and its bearing on the Negro question.
Bodington. 134: 415.
Negro and woman suffrage. E. B. Dietrick. 1&5: 364.
W o ~ l d ' sWork:
Negro as he really is. W. E. B. DuBoia. 2:848-66
Salvation of the Negro. B. T. Washington. 2: 961-71.
Educational experiment with cannibals. S. P. Verner. 4: 2289-95.
National Negro business league. B. T. Washington. 4: W1-5.
Changed opinions on the race question. 5: 3156-9.
Supreme court and Negro suffrage. 6: 3491-2.
Successful training of the Negro. B. T. Washington. 6: 3731-51.
Cheerful facts about white men and black. 7: 4615-6.
How Jamaica solves the Negro problem. W. Thorp. 8: 4908-13.
Beard, J .
the I
of H
gro i
Hood, W.
Howe, S.
rY c
Bibliography of Bibliographies
Select list of references on the Negro question. A. P. C. Griffin, compiler.
Library of Congress, Wash, 1903. 28 pp.
Part I
American churches the bulwarks of American slavery. By an American.
Newburyport, 1842. 44 pp.
Andrews, C. C.- History of the New York African free schools from their establishment in 1787. Also an account of the New York manumission
society, with appendix. N. Y., 1830. 12 mo.
Andrews, Prof. E. A. Slavery and the domestic slave trade in the U d t e d
States. Boston, 1836.
Beard, J. M. - Ku Klux sketches. Treating the more important events of
the movement in the Sonth. 192 pp. 12 mo.
Bradford, Sarah H. - Harriet, the Moses of her people
the life and labors
of Harriet Tubman. 149 pp. 16 mo.
Chestnutt, Charles W.The conjure woman. Boston, 1899. 12 mo.
Frederick Douglass. Boston, 1899. 16 mo.
The house behind the cedars. Boston, 1900. 8vo.
The marrow of tradition. Boston, 1901.
The wife of his youth. Boston, 1899. 12 mo.
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney - A constitutional defence of the Negro. Wash.,
1901. 12 pp.
Crummell, Alexander - Civilization the primal need of the race. Wash.,
1898 5 pp.
Crummell, Alexander - The attitude of the American mind toward the Negro intellect. Wash., 1898. 12 pp.
Galloway, Bishop Charles B. - The South and the Negro. N. P.,1'904. 16 pp.
Henson, Josiah (Uncle Torn) - Father Henson's story. Boston, 1 S 8
Hood, W. J. -History of the A. M. E. Z. Church. N. Y., 1895.
Hopkins, John Henry - View of slavery. 376 pp. 12 mo.
Howard, James H. W. - Bond and free: a true tale of slave times. Harrisburg, Pa., 1886. 280 pp. 16 mo.
Howe, S. Q. - Refugees from slavery in Canada Report to freedmen's inquir y commission. Boston. 1864.
Hubbart, Q. W. A history of the colored schools of Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, 1874 34 p p Eva
Jamieson, Dr. - Minden Armaia, the man of the new race. Phila., 1890.
110 pp.
Ku Klux conspirecy. Report of the joint select committee to inquire into the
condition of affairs in the late insurrectionary statea 13 vol. 8vo.
Livermore, Mrs. Elizabeth D. - Zoe ; or the quadroon triumph. A tale for
the timea 1st vol. 327 pp. 2nd. vol. 306 pp. 12 mo.
May, Samuel J. - Some recollections of our anti-slavery conflict Boston,
1869. 12 mo.
Merriam, Qeo. 9. - The Negro and the nation. N. Y., 1906. 436 pp. 12 mo.
Miller, Kelly -What Walt Whitman means to the Negro. Phile, 1895.
Murphy, Edgar Qerdner -The task of the South. 2nd. ed. 1903. 51 pp.
Northup, S. - Twelve years a slave. N. Y. 12 mo.
Rider, 8.9. - Historical inquiry concerning the attempt to raise a regiment
of slaves by Rhode Island during the Revolution. Providence, 1880.
(Rhode Island historical tracts, No. 10.)
Rider, S. S. -The experience of Rhode Island with her Negro troops.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1852.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Dred. 577 pp.
Stroud, G. M. Sketch of laws relating to slavery.
Thomas, Allen Clapp - The attitude of the society of Friends toward slavery
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, particularly in relation to
its own members. 1897.
Tourgee, Albion W. - A fool's errand. N. Y, 1879. 521 pp.
Tourgee, Albion W. - Bricks without straw. N. Y., 1880. 521 pp.
Tourgee, Albion W. - An appeal to Caesar. N. Y., 1884. 422 pp.
University extension lectures - Syllabus of six lectures on "The American
Negro." Philn., 1900. 24 pp.
Wheatley, PhilliaPoe on death of George Whitfield. 17'70. 12 mo.
P o e z on various subjects, religious and moral. 177% 8 so.
Elegy sacred to the memory of Dr. Samuel Cooper. 1784. 8 pp. 4to.
Wheatley, Phillis, Memoir and poems of 2nd. ed. 110 pp. 24 mo. Boston.
Williams, Daniel H. Ovarian cysts in colored women. Reprint irom "Chicago Medical Record." 12 pp.
Wright, R. R. Negro companions of the Spanish explorers. From "American Anthropologiet." Vol. 4 1902
A merit
Nova 5
Part 11
enn. NashPhila., 1890.
lire into the
A tale for
12 mo.
Phila, 1895.
51 PP.
a regiment
idence, 1880.
A m e r i c a n Statistical Association:
The Negroes of S t Louis. VIII. Lillian Brandt
Negro as a peasant farmer. Katharine Coman.
A m e r i c a n Negro A c a d e m y : Occasional PapersNo. 1. A review of Hoffman's race traits and tendencies of the American
Negro. Kelly Miller.
No. 2 The conservation of races. W. E. B. Dn Bois.
No. 3. (a) Civilization the primal need of the race. (b) The attitude of
the American mind toward the Negro intellect. Alexander Crummell.
No. 4. A comparative study of the Negro problem. Charles C. Cook.
No. 6. How the black St. Domingo legion saved the patriot army i n the
siege of Savannah, 1779. Rev. T. a. Steward.
No. 6. The disfranchisement of the Negro. John L Love.
No. 7. Right on the scaffold, or the martyrs of 1822. Archibald H. Grimke.
No. 8. The educated Negro and his mission. W. S. Scarborough.
No. 9. The early Negro convention movement John W. Cromwell.
No. 10. The defects of the Negro church. Orishatukeh Faduma.
No. 11. The Negro and the elective franchise. A. H. arimke and others.
H a m p t o n Negro C'onference:
Nine reports. 1891-1906.
relation to
?p. 4to.
10. Boston.
from "Chiom "Amer-
Negro Business League:
Six reports. 1699-1905.
Nova Bcotia Historical Society, Collections of the:
Deportation of Negroes from Nova Scotia to Sierra Leone. Archibald.
V01.7. 1891.
The slave in Canada. T. W. Smith. VoL 10. 1899.
Slater Fund, Proceedings a n d Occasional P a p e r s of:
(a) Proceedings, 18821901.
(b) Occasional papers.
No. 1. Documents relating to the origin and works of the Sltlter
No. 2 Memoir of the life of John F. Slater.
No. 3. Curry : Education of Negroes since 1860.
No. 4 Gannett: Statistics of the Negroes in the United States.
No. B Curry: Dificulties connected with education of Negroes.
No. 6. Gannett : Occupations of the Negroes.
No. 7. Bacon : Negro and the Atlanta exposition.
No. 8. Johnson: Fifth Tuskegee conference.
No. 9. Hobson and Hopkins: Colored women of the South.
No. 10. Gilman: Study in black and white.
"The proper study of mankind is man."
The Atlanta University Publications
No. I-Mortality among Negroes .in Cities. 5 1 pp., 1896.
(Out of print.)
-Mortality among Negroes in Cities. 2 4 pp., (2nd
ed., abridged, 1903.) 5 0 cents.
No. 2-Social
and Physical Conditions of Negroes in
Cities. 8 6 pp., 1897. 50 cents.
No. 3-Some -Efforts of Negroes for Social Betterment.
66 pp., 1898. (Out of print.)
No. 4-The Negro in Business. 78 pp., 1899, (Out of
No. 5-The College-bred Negb. 1 15 pp., 1 900, (Out of
-The College-bred Ne ro. 3 2 pp., (2nd ed.,
abridged.) 25 cen s.
No. 6-The Negro Common School. 1 20 pp., 190 1 . $1.00.