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2010 Annual Report
Dear friends of Fraser,
In our society, people often feel pity for individuals with
disabilities. It is very human to think I’m glad that it’s not me.
Disabilities are sometimes seen as an unchanging burden,
as if they are rocks that cannot be put down. We feel sorry for
the people with the rocks.
As a provider of services for people with disabilities, I can tell
you that hope and potential are abundant! A disability is not
a rock — those with disabilities are making tremendous gains.
Mrs. Fraser always believed with the right support and
opportunities, individuals with special needs can grow, learn
and improve. We have seen this time and time again throughout
our 75-year history. The people we serve are going to
kindergarten, making the honor roll, getting jobs, and even
going off to college.
As an organization, we strive to grow, learn and improve as
well. Fraser is committed to the following priorities:
Awareness: Fraser is building awareness of the strengths of people with special needs, and
building awareness of our services that help people reach their potential.
Innovation: Fraser is always improving our services, and making life better for our clients.
Growth: Fraser is growing to meet the great need for our services.
Excellence: Fraser strives for excellence in everything we do.
Thank you for supporting the growth, learning and improvement of all the people we served in 2010.
Warm regards,
Diane S. Cross
President and CEO of Fraser
our mission :
a meaningful
To make
and lasting difference
in the lives of children, adults
and families with special needs.
We accomplish this by providing education, healthcare
and housing.
Fraser Services
Fraser provides a range of services for children,
adolescents, adults and families in the Twin Cities.
Our offerings include early childhood services,
autism evaluations and services, mental health
services, neuropsychology, rehabilitation, products,
and information to serve more than 60 types of
disabilities and disorders.
Autism and Mental Health
•Evaluations and referrals for autism
•Individual, family, and group treatment for
children with autism
•Individual, family, and group treatment for
children with emotional or behavioral disorders
•Physical, occupational, speech-language
and music therapies
•Comprehensive feeding clinic program
•Specialty groups for children with autism
Childcare and Education
•Center-based early childhood programs for
infants and toddlers of all abilities
•Pre-school and kindergarten readiness
programs for children of all abilities
•Classes and workshops for parents and
professionals on a variety of special needs topics
•Products and product development for people
with special needs
•Fraser is the sponsor/authorizer of Fraser
Academy, a public elementary charter school
serving children of all abilities. Fraser and
Fraser Academy are separate organizations.
•Center-based and home-based treatment services
•Evaluations for children and adults with
neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders
•Medication management
Lives impacted by Fraser in 2010
7,060 Clients Served through
Direct Services, including:
> Children and adults receiving
direct services
> Families receiving support
and information
> P
arents and professionals attending
Fraser classes/workshops
Community Reach, including:
> Attendees at Fraser events
> Fraser volunteers
> Student training/internships
> Recipients of service information
2,630Assisted through Collaborations,
> Partnerships/consulting with
other organizations
Total lives impacted by Fraser in 2010
Housing and Community Support
•A continuum of housing options, from supported
living to independent living for individuals with
special needs
•In-home services
•Case management
•Respite services
•Personal care assistance
Autism Services
What is autism?
Autism is a neurologically-based developmental
disability that affects the way a person’s brain
develops and results in differences in the way a
person communicates, behaves and socializes.
Autism is a spectrum disorder, which means that
symptoms and characteristics present themselves
in a wide variety of combinations, from mild to severe.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has
called autism a national public health crisis, with
1 in 110 children in the United States on the autism
spectrum. Autism is more common than juvenile
diabetes, childhood cancer and AIDS combined.
Fraser is Minnesota’s largest and most experienced
provider of autism services.
Fraser provides diagnosis, treatment and support
services to thousands of children, adolescents, and
adults with autism spectrum disorders and their
families. We serve more and more individuals each
Fraser sets itself apart from other
autism service providers with:
A Multidisciplinary Approach
Each individual with autism has unique needs.
Fraser designs services around the personal
strengths of each person and areas for growth.
Behavioral interventions are integrated into
daily activities along with psychological,
medical, rehabilitation, educational and social
communication strategies.
Family Involvement
We believe parents know their children best. We
partner with parents to design treatment programs
and provide important wrap-around services to
support individual and family success.
Lifelong Support
We provide autism services to children, adolescents
and adults. We serve individuals of all abilities,
on all points of the autism spectrum. Services are
modified as an individual’s needs change.
year. Fortunately, evidence shows that early
intervention can result in dramatically positive
outcomes. Given the right support, people with
autism can make gains at any point in their lives.
Benefits of Fraser Autism Services:
• Fewer out of home and crisis placements
• Improved behaviors at school, at home,
and in the community
• Parental choice and control over services
• Improved daily life of individuals and families
arents who are knowledgeable about their
child’s needs
treamlined services that help more families,
and help them sooner
2010 Accomplishments
Fraser is building awareness of the strengths and
abilities of people with special needs, and building
awareness of the services we provide to help them
reach their potential.
•Published the successful outcomes of the Fraser
autism day treatment program with Wilder Research
•Reached more than 200,000 people through events,
volunteering, training, internships and information
•Began rebuilding the Fraser web site to be the
hub of information Fraser provides for clients,
professionals, and the community
•Held the first Bright Futures Breakfast to
increase the number of community members
who understand and contribute to Fraser
•Reached 1,000 Facebook fans, and used targeted
Facebook advertising for the first time
Fraser is improving the way we deliver services,
and creating new ways to make life better for
our clients.
•Launched QuickCues and My Healthy Smile,
two iPhone/iPod apps to help young people
through technology
•Designed Fraser Supportive Living, a new
housing option for adults with disabilities
•Awarded a Silver Best Practice Award by Scanlon
Leadership Network for our on-line Supervisors’
Manual and Training System
•Developed a collaborative relationship with the
University of Minnesota School of Nursing
•Collaborated with Anoka-Washington Head Start
to incorporate child and family mental health
services into an early childhood setting
•Piloted telehealth services to expand our reach
across Minnesota
Of those responding to our
latest client/consumer survey:
said Fraser services made a
positive difference in their family
member’s skills or behaviors
felt their family benefited from
being connected to Fraser services
indicated they would recommend
Fraser services
felt staff members were sensitive to
their family’s diversity and culture
Fraser is growing to meet the great need for our
services in Minnesota, particularly for children and
adults with autism.
•Opened Fraser Bloomington, which added
capacity to provide more evaluations and services,
such as autism day treatment for adolescents
•Opened Fraser Hopkins Court, Fraser’s fifth
facility that provides independent living options for
people with disabilities
•Opened Fraser Penn, which added necessary
space for Fraser Residential Services and Fraser
Human Resources
•Expanded Fraser services for clients with autism
in their own homes
•Opened Fraser 10th Avenue House, a fullyaccessible home that meets the specific sensory
needs of its residents
•Became one of two organizations chosen to
provide case management services for people
with disabilities in Dakota County
Owen and Ethan
att and Michelle enrolled their infant son,
Owen, at Fraser School because they liked
the flexible hours, teacher interactions
and structure. Michelle had a typical pregnancy
and delivery, so they never imagined Owen would
be using any of the services Fraser School offers
for children with special needs.
At just 12 weeks
old, Owen was
Fraser School has
diagnosed with
been with them every
and doctors
step of the way. Both
discovered he had
boys have physical
a rare brain
therapy, occupational tumor. Owen had
therapy and speech
surgery to remove
the tumor and
therapy on site.
meningitis as a
result. At five months old he had a shunt placed in
his head, and at eight months old he was
diagnosed with a form of catastrophic epilepsy,
which was treated and is currently in remission.
Through medication and diet, Owen’s epilepsy is
currently being controlled.
“Fraser was a huge support the entire time,” Matt
and Michelle said. “They cared so much for Owen
and he had only been at Fraser for a few weeks.”
When Owen was able to come back to
Fraser School, he began using the
rehabilitation services that are available.
“Staff wanted to know more about Owen,
his medications, reactions, infections,”
Matt said. “They wanted to stay in
communication with us so they could
give him the proper care.”
When Matt and Michelle decided to have
another baby, Michelle had two doctor
appointments per week for nine months because of
Owen’s challenges. She was told she was going to
have a healthy baby. The day Ethan was born, they
discovered he had Down syndrome.
“Having gone through everything with Owen
prepared us for Ethan’s diagnosis,” Michelle said.
“We knew where to go, and what to ask. We were
already advocates because of Owen.”
Ethan joined Owen at Fraser School when he was
3 months old. “Everyone at Fraser was so happy for
our family and happy to meet Ethan,” Matt said.
Ethan has had his own health challenges, including
many bouts of pneumonia. “Between both boys,
they’ve been hospitalized over 35 times,” Michelle
said. “We just take one day at a time and remind
ourselves that life is unpredictable.”
Fraser School has been with them every step of the
way. Both boys have physical therapy, occupational
therapy and speech therapy on site. “It’s really
convenient,” Matt said. “It would be difficult to take
them to six therapy appointments per week.”
“Fraser has the same goals for our boys as we do,”
the Christensons said. “We all want them to be
independent and live happy, fulfilling lives. With
Fraser as part of our life, we know that can happen.”
The Fernandez family
lex and Jrawin Fernandez have four young
boys, and all have been diagnosed with
autism. For people who haven’t met them,
some might guess that life for the Fernandez
family must be extremely difficult, that raising four
boys with autism must be overwhelming. Meeting
them, however,
gives an entirely
“The staff people
different impression.
have been amazing.
There are certain staff
members who seem
to be custom-made
for our boys.”
“We got over that
hump awhile ago,”
Jrawin said about
the grieving or
self-pity she and
Alex may have felt about their boys’ autism. “It’s
not their fault they have autism. We can’t project
any fears or misgivings we might have on them.”
Alex and Jrawin are extremely optimistic about the
futures of Joshua (6), twins Elijah and Seth (4), and
Laurent (2). “We play to their strengths. We want
them to feel like they’re part of the puzzle, not an
addendum to society.”
Fraser is helping them do that. Elijah and Seth,
who their parents call “The Buddies,” started with
the Fraser FACT program, which provides therapy
for children with autism in their own homes. All
four boys have had early intervention autism and
rehabilitation services to improve their socialization
and communication skills. Elijah, Seth and Laurent
are all currently in Fraser autism day treatment.
“Joshua didn’t speak until he was 3. By the time he
was 3 ½, we discovered he could already read,”
Jrawin said. “I had lots of fears at first. But I went
from thinking he would be institutionalized to
thoughts of scholarships.”
Joshua is now in kindergarten. Academically, he is
off the charts, but he’s trying to get better at
interacting with his classmates, not just knowing
things about them. To help him, Joshua has skills
training and a friendship group at Fraser. “He’s
made so much progress, it’s incredible,” Alex said.
After observing their younger boys in a session
at Fraser autism day treatment, and seeing their
great progress in person, Alex and Jrawin have
pushed the boys to do more for themselves at
home. “Kids take cues from their parents,” Jrawin
said. “They need self-confidence, they want to feel
valued, and they need to be productive. That
starts at home.”
Alex, Jrawin and
Fraser are clearly
partners in making
the boys successful.
“Fraser does a good
job communicating
with us as parents so
we’re reinforcing the
same principles,”
Alex said. “The staff
people have been
amazing. There are certain staff members who
seem to be custom-made for our boys.”
“We’re always strategizing, always challenging
them, always trying to stay one step ahead of them.
We laugh and it’s fun.”
Robert Topp
n most Wednesday mornings, Robert Topp
gets up, gets ready, and drives to work. On
this particular Wednesday morning in April,
he ended up driving himself to the doctor because
he cut his hand. It was a deep cut that needed
three stitches.
can live on their own with some assistance. He
has lived in Hopkins Court since November 2010,
and he previously lived at Fraser Excelsior Court,
a similar apartment complex for people with
disabilities, for more than 10 years.
“I like it. It’s bigger than my old place,”
Robert said about his new apartment,
which is very close to downtown Hopkins.
“I can walk to the movies, and I can walk
to get ice cream. I couldn’t walk anywhere
at my old place.”
Not that Robert is limited by transportation.
Robert has a car and drives to his full-time
job at the General Mills Ad Warehouse,
where he works with in-store promotional
materials, posters, coupons, and labels.
Robert has received employment training
and work placement services for a number
of years.
Robert gets help with shopping, cooking,
cleaning, appointments, and planning his
activities three days per week. He used to
get help every day, but he doesn’t need as
much help now because he has learned
how to handle his own medications and get
himself to work in the morning.
“They almost put the wrong stitches in!” Robert
said as he held up his bandaged right hand. Once
the doctor did find the correct dissolvable stitches,
Robert had a hard time watching the procedure.
For most people, dealing with
accidents is something we all
do once in awhile. For Robert,
his ability to handle a morning
like this shows how capable
he is living and working on his
own, despite his intellectual
After work, Robert likes to go bowling, go for bike
rides, and in the winter he likes to ski. “I’m a great
skier,” he said. When he can, he skis by himself or
with a neighbor at Buck Hill. Originally from Puerto
Rico, he learned to ski when
he moved to New York as a
young adult, and now his wall
For Robert, his ability
is full of Special Olympics
to handle a morning like
medals for skiing.
this shows how capable
he is living and
working on his own.
Fraser is helping Robert to be
independent. He lives at Fraser Hopkins Court, an
apartment building for people with disabilities who
“My sister skis, but I’m a
lot faster.”
2010 Contributors
Our heartfelt thanks to all of our donors who help Fraser to make a significant
and lasting difference in the lives of children, adults and families with special
needs. The following individuals, corporations and foundations made
contributions of $25 or more to Fraser in 2010.
Cyndi Anderson
Taryn Anderson
Tatum Anderson
Barb and Craig Anderson
Teddy Ankerfelt
Janice Sinna
Billy Beddor
Bill and Bea Beddor
Cathy and Jim Robin
Erin Beitelspacher
Jayme Bender-Baden
Gerald and Laura Bender
Luca Blum
Theodore and Jill Loch
Parker J. Bragg
Jadin and Tricia Bragg
Henry Brown
Paul Brown
Leo Bruhl
Doug and Molly Van Metre
Alisha Carlos
Sandy Lowe
Samuel Conlon
Benjamin Conlon
Diane Cross
David and Ellen Cousins
Matty Dahman
Mona Askalani
Stacey and Patrick Dahman
Kimberly Reeves
Sue Todd and Charles Todd
Noah Martin DesLauriers
Lindsay M. DesLauriers
Lori R. Dossett
Cathy Seltz
Families Touched by Autism
Heidi and Jose Gaibor
Benjamin Foxhoven
W.M. Alexander
Fraser Development Team
Lori Dossett
Friends of Fraser
Margaret Bekkers and
Thomas Feavel
Rachel Gardner
Jennifer and Dennis Donnay
Christian Garvin
Fay and Charles Christianson
Anthony and
Thomas Gennaula
Chris and Wendy Gennaula
Sheryl Grandprey
Lloyd and Betty Grandprey
Tyler John Hawley
Vickie Dufault
John Hawley and
Jenelle Telschow-Hawley
Adeline Hines and
Shelley Hines
Laurie and Craig Anderson
Lincoln Iverson
Janeen and Vern Iverson
Mary and Ralph Jelinski’s
Wedding Anniversary
Sharon and Kevin Brummer
Michael Jergenson
Matt and Sarah Jergenson
Sam Johnson
Gregg and Kristen Johnson
Chloe Kiwus
Melissa and Scott Bean
Patrick and Jessica Krueger
Jim and Lisa Burns
The Letourneau Family
Joseph and Delphine Casey
Nathan Luehr
Jacqueline and
Brian Fogelberg
The Maxwell Family
Mark and Char Altman
Cole Maxwell
Jacqueline and
Brian Fogelberg
Scott and Heidi Frederiksen
Chuck Maxwell
Jordan McVay
Terry Crocker
Kieven Odero
Marlys Lang
Kellee Ott
Wendy Ott
Joshua Puchalski
Marian and Curtis Sampson
Pat Pulice
Naomi Duval
Nina Rapp
Ann Rapp
Amy Robinson
Jennifer and Dennis Donnay
Andrea and Aaron
Rose’s Wedding
Erick and Colleen Osburn
Greg Schultz’s Birthday
Timothy and Debra Clayton
Timothy and Bonnie Johnson
Jason and Janice Korstange
Craig and Bev Miller
Grant Schumann
Victoria and
Timothy Schumann
Reese and Jayden Seefeldt
Gayle Seefeldt
Paula Seefeldt
Robert A. Seefeldt
Mart Sewich
Douglas and Ann Sewich
Sally Shlosberg’s Retirement
Myrna Seaman
Vicki Shoff
Carol and Sheldon Shoff
Karna Louise Szczech
Josephine Shipka
The Tripeny Family
Katheryn Tripeny
Frankie Weber
Julia Del Col
Paula Werner, David Peacock
and Family
Richard Werner and
Barbara Langhenry
Mildred Abrahamson
Kay and Larry Brady
Marina Anderson
Janice and Paul Anderson
Tom Barthelemy
Carol Barthelemy
Dick Bauman and
Gregory Kuhnmuench
Margaret Bauman
Roberta Mann Benson
Esther Bergman
Marian Biersdorf
Beverly Whitehouse
Louise Borah
Naomi Duval
Michael Bowen and
Paul Bowen
Don and Anne Bowen-Olson
Claire Bowman
Carl and Jeannie Miller
Robert S. Campbell
Barbara Cuppett
Bruce Cuppett and Family
Charles J. Cuppett
and Family
Mildred Larson
Thomas and
Carol Luukkonen
Robert and Lisa Olberg
Allan and Lois Peterson
Charles and
Mary Ann Rolando
Kent and Kathlyn Vilendrer
Anne Connors
Christine Condon
David and Amy Connors
Steven and Kim Connors
Joyce Foss
Fountain Hill Elementary
School Bethlehem
Mike and Sue Sheil
Linda and Daniel Tretter
Upper School Faculty Moravian Academy
Maureen Curtis
Christine and Frank Hays
George Diggles
Julie and Dale White
Mary C. Docherty
Greg Sebald and
Patricia Docherty
Lois Engel
Steve Engel
Maggie Erickson’s
Grandma and Grandpa
Catherine Erickson and
Maggie Erickson
Katherine Simmons Flom
Sarah and Gary Kiecker
The Fraser Family
Gordon and Bernadette
Lindholm Fund of The
Minneapolis Foundation
Helen Fritz
Weldon and Phyllis Dunn
Matthew Gauker
Kay and Larry Brady
Justin Grady
Justin Grady Fund
William and Aileen Gresham
Bob Gunderson
Dorothy Gunderson
Barbara and David Kleist
Michael and Carole Krutsch
Elizabeth Ann Hilleque
Karen Anderson
Vicki Bunker
James Cardle
Tim Claus
Carol Erdall
Gregory Frazier
George Fremder
Judith and Peter Gregg
Cindy Hanson
Paul and Jean Jaeger
Kay and Gerald Johnson
Trudy Lapic
Nicole Lee
Richard Manley
Julie Miller
Cheryl Paschke
Mark Patrick
David Peterson
Ruth Peterson
LuAnn Reichow
Jim and Sue Swanson
Jan and Mary Tanghe
Amy Hokenson
Shirley and Ross Dinham
Michelle Ramsey
John Holliday
Kay and Gerald Johnson
Betty Kachelmacher
Jon Kachelmacher
Tony King
Jean King
Carol Ann Kiwus
Patricia Brekke
Mary Kay Brinkmeyer
Susan Byrnes
Patrick Conway
Linda Dally
Daniel Dauffenbach
Richard and Linda Distad
Charles Dolinar
Dove, Fretland &
Van Valkenburg, PLLP
Margie Durhman
Friends and Family of
Carol Ann Kiwus
Deborah Girard
Lori Gubrud
Marlene Gustafson
Barb Hovland
Diane and John Kelly
Kenneth Knowlton
Karen Koch
Anne Leigh and Joe Ward
Margaret Lord
Lorie Mesa and
Mathew Brouillard
Abby Schaak
Richard and Patricia Schaak
Schechter Dokken Kanter
Andrews & Selcer Ltd.
Maureen Schulte-Wirrer
Duane Smith
Kathleen Stanton
Terrence Sullivan
Laurie Waterman
Louise Wilson
Keith Koch
Thomas Koch and Family
Verne C. and Mary Ann Koch
Charitable Fund
Kristine Kohman
Arlene and Morty Tauber
Darline Walsh and
Aloha Walsh Byl
Michael Larson
James Larson
Luella Le Clerc
Kay and Larry Brady
Marguerite Melin
Reverend and
Mrs. Robert Possehl
Evelyn Nathanson
Thomas and Pamela Halpern
W. Terry Olson
Sandi Olson
Dr. Wilbur Pillsbury
Richard and Connie Ferris
Mary Rasmussen
Laurence and
Jane Eshleman
Carol Ratelle Leach
Alex and Patricia Ratelle
Suzanne Ratelle
Judy Revord
Nancy and Gene Booker
Ruth Schultz
Laura Kowalsky
Donald Schultz
Sara Jane Schultz
Ryan Schultz
Vicky Solomonson
Harold and Kathleen Baltzer
John and Norma Basgen
Don and Anne Bowen-Olson
Karen and Daniel Carlson
Alison and Bob Craig
Priscilla Lord Faris
Cathy Foy
Fred Gates
Paula and Gary Gleason
The GoGo Girls of Orono:
Jeanne, Jean, Amelia,
Susie, Pattie, Meg, Julianne,
Brenda and Adrienne
Nancy and Tom Hanneman
Julie Howard
Lorie Humphrey and
Harry Kennedy
Alexandra Jacobs
Lourine Johnsen
Janet Johnson
Kay and Gerald Johnson
Roberta Kagin and
Craig Alexander
Ronald and Anne Kaufman
Dr. Peter A. Kircher
Kristine Kohman
Dr. Robert J. Kowalczyk
Jill and Eric Leonard
and Family
Miles Lord and Virginia Lord
Mary and Mark Maher
Marcia and Richard Marshall
Mark and Julie McArthur
Jennifer and Jeffrey Naas
Ruth Noack
Darlene Noreen
Jeanne and Ronald O’Heron
Barbara Olson
Sharon and Richard O’Malley
Nancy and Kenneth Pascutoi
Norma and John Pierson
Robert and Totiana Pillsbury
Donna and Bell Ramsay
Lisa and Robert Reitz
Jaclyn and Gerald Robb
Sheila and Steve Rzepecki
Ed and Lucille Skluzacek
Renee Stelter
Randi and John Swanberg
Marion and Bill Thayer
Jill and Paul Vieth
Max and Bonnie Wagner
Dorothy and William Wilde
Lori and Tom Wildenberg
Sylvia and Greg Zinn
Mary Strother
Leo Bruhl
Carol Sturm
Kathryn Clancy
Dave Horan
John Nelson
Emily Richards
Kevin and Pam Smith
Warren and Judy Sturm
William Todd, Jr.
Nancy Summers-Fife
Fifth Avenue Salon
Douglas Copley Van Metre
Richard and Connie Ferris
Doug and Molly Van Metre
Dolores Wallace
Margaret Bekkers
and Thomas Feavel
Katie Weatherman
Olive Weatherman
Maryan Williams
Friends and Family of
Maryan Williams
Anonymous (27)
David and Katie Aafedt
Christine Aamot
Keelie and Pete Aasand
Carl Adamek
Ann Adams and Sally Ehlers
Mary Adamski
Melissa Albay and
Robert Brown
Aimee and Sean Alderson
Craig J. Alexander Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Kristi Allen
Gretchen Allison and
Tom Perrin
Robert Alsop
Shannon Anderberg
Amy and Scott Anderson
Beth Anderson
Deb and Scott Anderson
GB Anderson Fund
Gwen and Neil Anderson
Holly Anderson
MJ Anderson
Roger and Darlene Anderson
Glenn and Jennifer Andis
Angie Andresen
Theodore Angelo
Maria Anselmo
Sally and Peter Anson
Heidi Antholz
Grace Aoki
Lynn Archer and Daniel Flo
Nancy Archer
Mary and Matt Arneson
Ted and Ruth Arneson
Mary and Steve Asma
Dennis and Dawn Atchison
Cynthia and Richard Atkinson
Martha Atkins-Sakry and
Joseph Sakry
Sally Aubol-Grangroth
Scott Augustus
Mark and Diane Aulik
Russ Babinski
Lawrence Bachman
Jayme Baden
Janet Bahr
Michael and Sue Bakalars
Rita and Earl Bakalars
Joe and Deb Bakeman
Gregory and Cindy Baker
Lisa Baker
Lyle and Bernice Baker
Lyle and Margie Baker
Baltins Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Matt and Jean Bannick
Edward and Luetta Barney
Brenda Barney-Loken and
Kurt Loken
Jennifer and James Barrett
Sharman Davis Barrett and
Richard C. Barrett
Franny Barry and John Luehr
Dan and Mary Bartlett
Nick and Karen Basil
Donna and Philip Bauer
Stefanie and Matt Bauer
Angel and Lloyd Baul
Margaret Bauman
Cayla Baumann
Sarah and Dan Beaty
Leone Beauclaire
Chris Beberg
Barb and Harvey Becker
Elaine and Wilbert Becker
Laura and Sam Beckham
Sarra and Candice
Sandy Beddor
Laura and Piotr Bednarski
Chad and Andrea Bell
Elaine Bell
Gerald and Laura Bender
Jenny and John Bender
David Benditt and
Mary Ann Goldstein
Cyndi Benner
Lowell and Sonda Bennett
Robert and Lea Bennett
Chris Bentley
Jessi and George Bergh
Kris Bergly
Jo and Tom Bergstrom
Michelle and Wes Bertch
Mary Best
Thomas Beyer and
Jade Chong
Rebecca and Greg Bikfasy
Julie Binkley
Lisa Birno
Christina and Mads Bjorn-Roli
Marilyn and
Michael Blanchard
Susan and Ned Blankenship
Debbie Bloedow
Paul Blum
Charles and Sherry Boan
Shalabh and Shalini Bobra
Gregory and Jodie Boderman
Lynda and Robert Bodin
Tony and Tracy Bohmert
Michael Bono and
Kathie Constantine
Nancy and Gene Booker
Tracy Boorman
Ole Bore
Wendy Bouchard-Nelson
Judy Boudreau
Shawn and Eillyn Bowen
Don and Anne Bowen-Olson
Paul and Ann Boyer
James and Dawn Bradley
Philip and Jan Bradley
Jadin and Tricia Bragg
Shelly Brandl
Arthur Brandt
Maxwill Brandt
Neil Brastad
Kerima and Dan Brattland
Tony and Celeste Brausen
Cynthia and Dennis Bremer
Mark and Jenny Bretheim
Brigid and Kevin Brindley
Linda and Vernell Broberg
Molly Broder
Mary Brody
Megan Brogger
Brian and Jennifer Brooks
Wendy Brown
Julia Bruckner
W. Joseph Bruckner and
Elizabeth M. Sipe
Jackie and Gary Brueggemann
Amy Brugh and
Michael Nicholls
Leo Bruhl
Martin and Donna Bruhl
Patrice Bryant
Stephen Bubul
Brian and Paige Buck
Teresa Budziak
Carrie Bumgarner McLeod
and Chris McLeod
Heidi and Stephen Burch
John Burke
Kristen and Jamie Burnett
Doug and Deb Burns
Ed and Barb Burns
Natalie Boldischar Burns
Mary and Rick Burnton
Armi and John Busch
Kathy A. Busch
Janet Bush
Mary Beth and Gary Bushlack
John Butler
Barry and Joni Butzow
Bryan and Julie Butzow
Laura Bye
Mary Cady
Sean and Rebecca Callahan
William and Connie Cameron
Joshua Campbell
Karen Canfield
Margie Carlisle
Bonnie and Gary Carlson
Carri Carlson
Dan and Jennifer Carlson
Karen and Daniel Carlson
Terry Carlson
Donald Carlton
Mary Lou Carpenter
Haley Carr
Barbara Carter
Amber Carufel
Julie Herrmann Casey and
Tim Casey
Lorraine and James Cegla
Jay Cha
Lois Chalupsky
Kimberly and Bill Charette
Katy Chase
Abraham Chasnoff
Lori and Ron Cheatham
Colleen and Jeffrey Cheever
Myron Chernin
Walter T. Chesley
Angela and
William Christianson
Fay and Charles Christianson
Matt Christianson and
Robert Williams
Tony and Paige Christianson
Jim Christoffel
Karen Christopherson
Dave and Bette Chwalisz
Teri and Jason Clark
Marilyn Clarkin
Lori Clausen
Timothy and Debra Clayton
Penny Cody
Leigh and Harvey Cohen
Julie and Duane Cologne
David Colwell
Linda and Kevin Comiskey
Lori and Thomas Commerford
Marilisa and Tim Commerford
Diane Commers
William and Nancy Conley
Jim and Anita Conn
Joel Conner
Kate Conners
Anne Connors
Lora Cook
Suzanne Cook
Bill Coontz
Heidi Cooper
Daniel Coplen
Brian Cornelius
Doug and Sherry Cosbie
Jean Coulton
Courant Gift Fund
Jim and Angie Cousins
Dana Covietz
Rich and Jackie Cowles
Russell Cowles and
Josine Peters
James Crabb
Nancy Crain
Tiffany and Jason Cramer
Scott Craven
Kille and Thomas Crepin
Raymond Croissant
Diane Cross and Jan Andersen
Jon and Melissa Crow
Shirvalen and Shon Crowley
Jennifer Crump
Chris and Gretchen Cudak
Nicole Cueno
Sarah and John Cuningham
Lisa Czech
Mavis Daffer
Allison and Matt Dahlien
Daryl Dahlman
Hazel and Stanley Dahlman
Stacey and Patrick Dahman
Karen and John Dalton
Thomas Daly
Karen Dammer
Mike and Darlene Daniels
Quoc Dao
Emanuel Darne and
Anne De Rovere
Ann Fox Davenport
Steve and Meg Davidson
Thomas Davis
David and Aimée Dayhoff
Edward and
Sherry Ann Dayton
Owen and
Susan deCathelineau
Debbie Deck
Kevin and Emily Decker
Matthew and Kirsten Decker
Toni Decker
Mary Deehan
Camille Dehlin
Bradley DeJong
Jane DeKraay and Ken Valley
Linda DeLude
Renee and Peter Demitroff
Kristen and Timothy Denison
Linda and Joe DesJardins
Joyce DeVries
Teresa DeVries-Carter and
Derek Carter
Brett Dexheimer
Milissa Diaz
Tom and Sue Dierks
Gina and Dave Dillon
Shirley and Ross Dinham
Kathy Dioguardi
Margaret Dioguardi
Frank Docherty
Mary Dolan
Colleen Donahue
Charles and Caryn Donly
Charles Donly
Diane Donly
Belinda Dorau
James and Yvonne Dorsey
Lori and Bill Dossett
Kevin and Cheri Doyle
Ryan and Emily Doyle
Richard and Linda Drackley
Jeffrey and Claudia Drayton
Barb Dressel
Shirley and Severin Drobny
Deanna Dube and
Genghis Urich
Larry and Donnette Dulas
Cynthia Duncan
Thomas Dunlap
Thomas Dunlop
Greg Duppler
Curt and Janell Duppong
Daniel DuPuis
Jay and Nancy Dworsky
Sharon and James Dykhuis
Mary Dyrseth
Tamara Eastlund
Nancy Ebert
Jennifer Eckert
Deborah and Jeff Eckland
Julie Eddington
Jill and Kevin Edelman
Dan Edelstein and
Jeff Hammerstrom
Jon and Nikki Edwards
Susan M. Eich and
James C. Pohle
Debra and Trent Ekberg
The EkoForss Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Elizabeth and Mel Eng
Susan Engebretson and
Scott Carlson
Steve Engel
Carol Engstrom
Gail Engstrom
Ken and Pattie Enneking
Dawn and Brian Erdman
Catherine Erickson and
Maggie Erickson
Susie and Ron Erickson
Whitney Eriksson
Laurence and Jane Eshleman
Arne and Jeri Espeseth
Armantina Malvarez
Espinosa, M.D.
Susan Estill and Scott Culler
Diane and Don Evenson
Barbara Everson
Kenneth and Rosanne Everson
Amy Eystad
Barbara Factor
Anika Fajardo and
David Dieken
Marianne and John Falk
Letty and Leo Faller
Nina Fan
Lisa and Matthew Farley
Denise and Frank Farr
Daniel Fashant
Donald and Veronica Fashant
Jessica Fashant-Peterson
Robin and Jeffrey Faust
Janet Feany
John and Lynn Feickert
Bethany Fenhaus
Gus and Pat Fenton
Tamar Fenton and David Pink
Kathy Ferguson
Tom Feri
Maria Fernandez de Arriaga
and Sanjay Ingle
Jessica Ferris
Nathan and Linda Ferris
Richard and Connie Ferris
Lucas Fiedler and
Yvonne Zachman-Fiedler
J. Marie and John Fieger
Cynthia and Bruce Field
Meg Finn
Matthew and Meghan Finn
Barb Fischer
Christopher Fischer
Frank and Elizabeth Fischer
Lisa Fischer
Martin Fischer and
Mary Kate O’Connell Fischer
Eugene Flemming
Craig and Susan Flom
Melanie Fogarty
Peter Fogarty
Joan Folkert
Jeanne and Mark Ford
Debbie Forsman
Barbara Forster
Tighe Case Foster
Bill and Katherine Fox
John and Deborah Fox
Sharon Foxhoven
Ed and Joan Frank
Nick and Jocelyn Frank
Brooke Franzen
Rebecca Fraser
Tim Fraser and
Lee-Anne Famolare
Judy and Roger Freeberg
Lucinda and Robert Frenz
Michael Frommelt and
Brenda Beukelman
Michael S. Frost
Darrel Fusaro
Kathy Gabler
Tony and Ali Gabriel
Kathy and Larry Gage
James M. and
Barbara M. Gahlon
Heidi and Jose Gaibor
Patrick and Wendy Gallagher
Lisa Gallmeyer
Peggy Galvin
David Gannon
Lisa and Peter Garberg
Rachel and Nicholas Gardner
Tom Garncarz
Judy Garscia
Hilde Gasiorowicz
Diane Gates and Shelley Buss
Michele Gatien and
Nevin Dikel
Vicki and Tom Geiser
Allison and Michael Gelfman
Chris and Wendy Gennaula
Brent and Steve Gensler
Lin Germann
Lois Gernbacher
Megan and James Gerres
Celia and Hillel Gershenson
Marlene and Byron Giese
Mike Giese
Jennifer Gildden
Andrea Girtz
Nancy Glass
Paul and Paula Gleeson
Marie Goblirsch
Debbie Goettel
Frederick Goetz and
Anna Schaefer
Mark and Elizabeth Goin
Mary and Steven Goldstein
Rosemary H. and David F.
Good Family Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Mark and Patty Goodburn
Lawrence and Carol Goode
Marla Goranowski
Greg and Mary Gordenier
Jennifer and Todd Gordner
Meredith and Michael Gordon
Craig and Lindsey Gorski
Judith and Michael Graceman
Connie Grady
Jeff and Carol Grady
Linda and Desmond Granrose
Shannon Grant
Mindy Grantham
Hazen and Kathy Graves
Sarah Nickolay Gray and
Mike Gray
Dawnn Green
Judd Greenagel and
Jennifer Lauerman
Paul Greenblatt
Robert and Kim Gregg
Michele Greshik
Fred Grieco
Laura Grimes
Patricia and David Grimsrud
Donald and Shirley Grindstaff
Curt and Connie Grisim
Sheila and Corey Grisim
Carmen and Jim Groettum
Ed and Missy Groettum
Julie and Douglas Groettum
Richard Grundman
Marilyn and Wilbur Grunewald
Chris Guertin
Jessica and Pablo Guiroy
Pam and Bob Gullick
Beth Gunderson
Cori Gwartney
Amy and Jonnie Halford
Mark and Lana Halldorson
Alison and Mark Halley
Linda Halley
James and Elaine Halls
Barb and Dave Halsey
Dorothy Hamman
Leah Hanke
Cheri Hanna
Ann Hansen
Katie Hansen
Shannon Hansen
Stacey Hansen and
Kevin Boeckenstedt
Brad and Emily Hanson
Diane Hanson
Kari Hanson
Michael Hanson
Robert Hanten
Mary and Todd Haro
Murray and Ruth Harpole
Charlotte Harris
Michele Harris
Mary Harrison
Amy and Mike Hart
Paula Harter
Marge Hartfell
Helen Hartfiel
Sarah Hartman
Sean Harvey
Ron and Janet Haskvitz
Kristina and William Hatch
Edward Hathaway and
Pamela Haiden
Willa Hathaway
Kerry and Joanne Haugh
Vicki and Mike Haupt
John Hawley and
Jenelle Telschow-Hawley
Robert and Diane Hawley
Andrea Hayden
Christine and Frank Hays
Laurie and Thomas Healy
Jodi Hecimovich
Melvin Heckt
Kathy and Robert Hedstrom
Becky and Tom Heinrich
Gary Heinrich
Jim and Rochelle Heinz
Fred Heitke
Amy Helgerson
Stephanie Hencir
Erik Hendrikson
Phillip Hoch
Bob Hoeppner
Steve and Beth Hoeppner
Greg Hoffman
John Hogie
Sandra and Chuck Hoglin
Cindy and Jeff Holker
Eileen Holm
John and Linda Holper
Michael and Tami Holsten
Rob and Amy Holt
Shelley and
Kenneth Horstman
Suzanne Howe-Dostal and
Mark Dostal
Kevin Howk
Carolyn Howland
Dr. Sherman and Helen Hoyt
Hans Huijbers
Bryan and Nadine Huisman
Karen Huss
Matt and Brandee Huss
Nancy and Don Hutchison
George Hutson
Sally and David Hyslop
Peyton Ihle
Susan Ihli
Amy Ilkka
Jocelyn Henkensiefken
Karen Henrickson
Jill Hentges
Tracy Herkenhoff
Jeff Herman
Robert Hernandez
John and Jan Herron
Julie Heyd and Michael Weber
Soukouma Hickey
Jim and Darcy Hield
Kesta Higginbotham
Lindsey Hillesheim
Tracy Hirigoyen
Wendy Hitch
Sara and Kevin Hitchen
Adam and Sue Hjerpe
A. J. Ingebrand
Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad
Lucille and Robert Ingram
Rich and Martha Ingram
Steven and Michelle Inman
Harold Ireton
Janeen and Vern Iverson
Marlow and Beth Iverson
David Jackelen
Michael and
Kimberly Jackelen
Kirsten and Bob Jacob
Nancy and Tim Jacobs
Jacqueline Jacobsen
Keith Jacobson
Paul and Jean Jaeger
Richard and Cathleen Jaeger
John James
Ralph and Mary Jelinski
Bonita Jellinek
Dana Jensen and
Christopher Quam
Eric Jensen
Debra Jergenson
Lynda and Duane Jergenson
Matt and Sarah Jergenson
Chris Jewett
Mark and Emily Joern
Barbara Johnson
Carol and Ed Johnson
Deborah and Dennis Johnson
Gregory Johnson
Jerry Johnson and Tara Daily
Judy and Eric Johnson
Julia and Paul Johnson
Kay and Gerald Johnson
Kelly Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Mary Sweetser Johnson
Tom Johnson
Maggie and Brad Johnston
Restor and Sally Johnson
Robert and Gwen Johnson
David Jones
Jill Jones
Kathy Julian
Robbin Julien
Karen Kaczmarek
Nicole and Frank Kadwell
Chelsea Kaeske and
Nick Mittermann
Brian Kaess
Dennis and Karin Kaetterhenry
Kevin and Lori Kaetterhenry
Dave and Jean Kaiser
Greg Kaiser
Donna and Michael Kaplan
Samuel Kaplan
Molly Kapsner
Richard and Colleen Kargel
Joan and Nathaniel Karlins
Rachel Karsjens
Mary Kassner
Shawna Kaup
Thomas Keane
Tom and Peggy Keane
Shawn Kearney
Courtney Keefe
Debbie Keeler
Bethany Keene
Barb Keeney
Joe Keim
Michele and Philip Kelaart
Chad and Shelly Kelly
Jim and Wendi Kelly
Karole and William
Kerry Kelzenberg
Paul and Janet Kemper
Barb Kenison
Mary Kennedy
Patrick and Annie Kennedy
Ed and Jean Kern
Nicole Kersting
Gene Kesler and
Antoinette Keane
Nicole Kessenich
Stella and Dan Kienzle
Chris Killingstad
Meghan and Bruce Kimmel
Chris Kindler
Denise King
Nancy King
Scott King
Mark Kinney
Keith Kirby
Diane and Bryan Kirchmann
Tillie Kitzenberg
Charlene Klaus
Allan Klein and
Harriet Lansing
Anne Klein
Steve and Dayna Klein
Cindy Kleinschmidt
Diane Klempp
Susan Kleven
Winnie Klick
Tom Klima
Barbara and Rich Klish
Jason and Katie Kloos
Patrice Kloss
Vonda and Keith Knefelkamp
Josephine Knorr
Deborah and Phil Knutson
Marianne Knutson
Ted and Mary Koenecke
Paul and Nancy Koepcke
Kristine Kohman
Al and Michele Kolstad
Joe Kolstad
Alison Kopyt-Knutson
Mabel and John Koroma
Jay Korsmo
Jason and Janice Korstange
Dennis and Jodi Kortsha
Arlene and Richard Kosek
Lori and Peter Kosek
Cindy Kosen
Steve and Karen Kowalke
Katie and Tom Kraus
Kim Schaeppi Krebs and
Alan Krebs
Kathleen Kresge
Scott and Arlene Kringle
Shari Kroening
Mark Kronholm
Barb Krueger
Susan Kruskopf
Michael and Carole Krutsch
Sara and Ron Kuehn
Mary Ann and Terry Kukla
Lucas Kunach and
Sara Cheever
Susan Kunach
Daniel and Constance Kunin
Julie Kunkel and Tom Hall
Pamela and Richard Kunkel
Katey Kunzke-Toman
Lori and Tom Kuschel
Don Kvist
Linda LaBarre
Laird Norton Family Fund
Erika and Carlos Lamboglia
Susan and Richard Lanahan
Amy and Marc Lanciault
Marion and Warren Lang
Katie Langan
Kathryn Lange
Lloyd and Diane Lano
David Lantz
Anne Larson
Ariel Larson
Greg and Carrie Larson
Karen and Kirk Larson
Karri and Brandon Larson
Kenneth Larson
Kirk Larson
Larry and Linda Larson
Londa and Reggie Larson
Olga and Brian Larson
Wesley and Mary Laseski
Anne Latourelle
David Laube
Marlene and M. Eprevel Law
Larry and JoAnn Lawinger
Cindy and Jim Lawrence
Boyd and Alyson Lebow
Jennette Lee and
Mathew Foss
Jackie Leeson
John and Marsha Lefevre
Lucinda Legel
Joel and Amy Leger
Jane Lehar
Beth Lehman
Mary Beth Leitner
Sally and Steve Leivermann
Andrew and Ellen Liming
Ward Lenius
Meg and Patrick Lennander
Bryan and Jennifer Lervick
Anne and Brett Letourneau
James A. Levine
Rebecca Levine
Grace LeVoir
Chris and Marion Levy
Jon Levy and Beth Virnig
Mary and Ivan Levy
LeAnn Lewno
Carol and Jeff Ley
Charlotte Ley
Ann and Michael Lichty
Lydia Lightfoot
Amy Lilla
Andrew and Ellen Liming
Wayne and Marcia Lindblad
Gordon and
Bernadette Lindholm
Wayne and Maureen Lindholm
Sharon Link and Bob Lewis
Colleen Litkewitsch
Mark and Heidi Little
Sarah Lizakowski and
Marcile Peterson
Nancy Loberg
Theodore and Jill Loch
Peter and Karen Loewenson
Heather and Jeff Lohman
Mark and Kathy Lomen
Nancy Long
Allen and Vicky Longhenry
Kristin Lovejoy
Janice and Robert Lubar
Al and Paula Ludwigson
Molly and Ryan Lueck
Paul Luehr and
Kathryn Woodruff
Jan Luker
Bonnie Lunzer
Wendy Lutter and Eric Bosler
Heather MacLaughlin
Pamela Macleod
Scott and Andrea Madson
David Madvig
Richard Magneson
Andrew Maiden
Don Maietta
Thomas and Michelle Malchow
Michael Maley
John and Lynne Malknecht
Alexander Malmgren
John and Amy Maloney
Mark and Keely Mandel
Karen and Michael Maney
Maureen Manley
Angie Mann
Katie and Benjie Mann
Stephen and Alicia Mann
Krista Manske and
Mark Bennett
Rebecca and
Timothy Marchand
Hilarie Marin
Amy and Scott Marks
Katie Marpole Harry and
Philip Harry
Jonathan and Ingrid Marshall
Marilyn Marshall
Gwen Martin
Phyliss Martin
Amy Martinez
Marisa Martinez de Silva
Shonta and
Francisco Martinez
Robin Martinson and
Michael Martinson
Margret and David Martodam
Heather and Steven Marx
Matthew Massman
Harsh Mathur
Mark and Barbara Mathwig
Matthew Mattis
Charlie and Tara Maxwell
Katherine Maxwell
Cletus Maychrzak
Douglas Mayo and Susan Long
Heather Mazanec
Judith and Fredrick Mazure
Gina McAfee
Matt and Julie McBride
Joe and Carson McCabe
Lawrence and Aida McCabe
Melanie McCall
Cathy and Mike McCarty
Kate McCarthy
Molly and Aaron McCauley
Frances and Mike McCloskey
Lori McCloskey
David McClure
Kim and David McConnell
Ron and Nancy McCoy
Tammy and Mike McGee
Judith McGrann
Mary McHugh
Cindy and Terry McInroy
Sharla McIntosh-Ziegler
Daniel and Annie McKizzie
Angela McLean
Becky McLeran
Linda McNamara
Michael McVay
Roger and Sharon McVay
Linda Medvec
Tim and Judy Meginnes
Sue and Joseph Meier
David and Heather Melloh
Harriet Menard
Daniella Mendez
Michael Menner
David and Carmen Meyer
Gary Meyer
Jennifer and Eric Meyer
Mark Michelson and
Joseph Saavedra
Brian Millar
Jamie Miller
Lisa Miller and
William Severson
Mark & Anne Miller Fund
of the Catholic Community
Shirley and Harold Miller
Sue Miller
Thomas Miller
David Milne
Deb Milner
Richard Miner
Dave and Mary Mingo
Robert Minish
David Minkkinen
Kathryn Mitchell Ramstad
Steve and Mary Moen
Amy Monn
David and Ann Montour
Jim and Betsy Moore
Jeff Moriarity
Thomas and Jeanne Morizio
Catricia Morris and
Sandra Morris
Naomi Morris
Erik Mortenson
Kris and Jim Mortenson
Janet and Rick Moser
Marko and Bobbi Mrkonich
Judy and Paul Mullaney
Aditi Munshi
Linda and Steve Munson
Sharon and Donald Munson
Jennifer and Robert Murray
Ken and Sue Murray
Laura Murray
Wylie and Jennifer Musel
Joan Williams Myers
Kate Narveson
Phyllis Narveson
Amy and Tim Navarro
Joshua Nave
Kathleen and Stephen Nazian
Bruce and Jayme Neary
Richard Neby
Amanda Nelson
Andrea and Eric Nelson
Charley Nelson
Ericka Nelson
Gary Nelson
Joelle Nelson
Kathleen Nelson
Lisa and Todd Nelson
Merrill and Pete Nelson
Paul and Annette Nelson
Scott Nelson
Teanna Nelson
Tim Nelson
Susan Nelson-Rinke and
Jay Rinke
Norma Nemeth
John and Kirstin Nesbitt
Ms. Joel Nesset
Lori Nesvold
Hannah Nethercut
Janet Nethercut
Loni and Dick Nethercut
Kay and Dennis Netland
Mary and Rick Neuman
Jody Neuman-Aamlie
Bruce and Gutza Neumann
Sheri and Bowie Neumayer
Anita and Brian Newhouse
Karen and John Newman
Donna Nguyen and
Trong Raymond
Tricia and Todd Nichols
Tami Nitzschke
John and Joan Nolan
Steven and Anna Noran
David and Carol Nordli
Darlene Noreen
Katie and Bill Norman
Darice and Chris Norton
Mark and Ronica Norton
Paul Novak
Sarah Nowak
Todd Nowek
Suzanne Nystrom
Kevin A. Odefey
Gail Ohly
Michele O’Kane and
Richard Rosenberg
Robert and Megan O’Leary
David and Valerie Olheiser
Ben and Rita Olk
Janet and Rick Olsen
Aron Olson
Barbara F. Olson
Gretchen and Jeff Olson
Katie Olson
Lyle and Jennifer Olson
Meredith and Thomas Olson
Ruth Olson
Steve Olson
Charles O’Neil
Catherine O’Neill and
Paula Skjefte
Brian O’Rourke
Michael Orren and
Michele Smoody
Nancy and Larry Orstad
Joan Ortmann
Vicki and David Oster
Karen and Jerry Osteraas
James and Deirdre Otis
Anna and Timothy Ourada
Mary and Scott Owens
Tim Palmer
Mary and Robert Paoli
Mary and Thomas Papke
Shanni and Daniel Parker
Amy Parod
A.J. Paron-Wildes and
Pete Wildes
William Parsons
Peter and Kathy Parten
Pat Paul
Joanne and John Pauley
Thomas and Virginia Paulson
Linda and David Pavela
Taylor Pedersen
Clarice Peet
Jen and Greg Pelner
Petros and Lynne Pelos
Trisha and Ron Pergande
Charlotte Perz
Kenneth and Ann Peters Fund
of The Minneapolis
Tamara Peters
Thomas Petersen
Marion Petersmeyer
Ana Peterson and
James Litwin
Cory Peterson and
Melissa Cozart
Craig and Heather Peterson
Hannah Peterson
Howard Peterson
Jennifer Peterson and
Pete Berridge
Jerry Peterson and
Jayne Carey-Peterson
Joan and Jon Peterson
Josh Peterson
Keith Peterson
Mary and Robert Peterson
Sandy Phillips
Jessica Phinney
Mark and Elizabeth Pihart
Cathy Pikula
Brad Pipal
David Piper
Shelby Pittman
Dan & Barb Pjevach
Charitable Giving Account
Christine and Cliff Pocock
Colleen and John Polson
Kathleen Pomerleau
Jon and Linda Pomroy
Dan and Linnea Poretti
Roxanne and Gary Portnoy
Emily Poskie
Tammy Potter
Marion and Steve Potyondy
Amy and Mark Privratsky
Chrysti Protsch
Marcia and Paul Proulx
Sarah Proulx
Robert and Doreen Pucely
Tom and Melissa Puckett
Jacqueline Tschida Punch
Debra and Gordon Purcell
Richard and Dick Pursley
Virginia Puzak
Emily Quick
John Quinlan
Wiyomi and Regina Quion
Kimberly and Jonathan Quirk
Marni Radcliffe
Barb Radde
Troy Radke
James Radtke
Jason Rahn
Derrick and Susan Rame
Irene Ramirez
Rebecca Ramsden
Michelle Ramsey
Roberta Ramsey
Christa and Jim Ranweiler
Janet Raphael
Ann Rapp
Wendylee Raun
Lisa and Alan Redding
Cathy Reed
P & K Regan Family
Charitable Fund
Tiffany Rehn
Sara Reich
Steven Reid
Denise and Kevin Reilly
Mitchell Reinert
Cathy Rekuski
Mary Remarke
Joanne and Steve Rempe
Kevin and Cynthia Remus
Richard Renninger
Salina Renninger
Chelsea Rettinger
Laura and Jim Rettinger
Revord Family Fund
of the Catholic
Community Foundation
Kevin and Nancy Rhein
Howard D. Richards
Jennifer Richards
Alexandria Rick
Paula Riddle
Lori and Drew Riley
Paul Rippe
Elizabeth and Harlan Rise
Jennifer Rise
Robert and Rita Rivard
Shelly and Gordon
Peter and Cynthia Robb
James M. Robbins
Janet Robert
Amy and Jonathan Robinson
Brenda Lea Robinson
Janet and Michael Robinson
Jon Robinson
Laura Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Robinson
Walter and Jodell Rockenstein
Catherine Rocklitz
Jeanine and Michael Roddy
Neil Roers
Jennifer and Ernest Roettger
Ann Rogers
Mary and Bill Rogers
Randall Rogers
Elisa Roiko
Patty Roles
Arthur and Cheri Rolnick
Becky and Mark Roloff
Elizabeth Rominski
Stephen Rondestvedt
James Rooni
Nicole Rosario
Rose and Michael Rosario
Audrae Rosenzweig
Carol and Mitchell Rossman
Graydon Rostberg
Curtis and Traci Rotter
Midge L. Rotter
Steven and Jennifer Rowley
Tracy Rucker
Timothy Rued
Cathy and Jeff Ruehl
Randall Runyon
Dan Rutman
Janice Ryan
Karilyn and Terry Ryan
Carolyn Ryberg
Richard Saintey
Teresa and Raymond Sanchez
Emily and Paul Sandager
Christine Sandal
Deborah and Gary Sandell
Ranae and Gabe Sandholm
William and Susan Sands
Foundation of The Saint Paul
Pam Sanford
Janet and Bryon Sangren
Royce and Janice Sanner
Royce N. and Janice L. Sanner
Charitable Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Susan and John Santori
Jeanine Sargent
Paulette Sarp
Andrea and Joseph Satter
Janet Saurers
Rob and Aly Sayrf
Robert Schaeffer
Linda Schelin
Nancy and Richard Scherer
Tricia and Skip Schimek
Roger and Kathryn Schindel
Tim Schlichte
Peter Schlosser
Leo Schmidt
Beth Schmieg
Wayne and Anne Schmieg
Sandi Schmiesing
Margaret Schneeman-Reagan
and Brian Reagan
April and Eric Schnell
Mike Schreiber
Bernice Schroeder
Barbara Schultz
Greg and Christine Schultz
Mark and Ann Marie Schultz
Sharon and Ward Schultz
Steve Schumacher
Carl Schwab
Connie Schwader
Arlene Schwarz
Caroline and James Schwert
Terry and Bev Scully
Fred and Alice Seagren
Clee and Mary Sealing
Greg Sebald and
Patricia Docherty
Heather and Reese Seefeldt
Katherine Seger
Amy Seidel and
Michael Coddington
David and Mary Seidel
Christopher Sekin
Cathy Seltz
Marsha and Joel Seltz
Sally and George Seltz
Dimitri and Sarah Senaratna
David and Karen Senger
Lorena and Arturo Serrano
Arden Severson
Erin and Patrick Sexton
Wendy Seyb
John Seyer
Nancy Shafer
Sarah Shafer and Amy Kirby
Ina Lou Shaughnessy
Krista Shaw
Luella Shaw
Fran Shepardson
Christina and Kyle Sherwin
Robert Sherwin
Angela Shifrin
Jerome Shih
Zach Shimota
Sally and Jeffrey Shlosberg
Lee and Mark Shumow
Pamela and Mark Signorelli
Joseph and Gabi Sikich
Helen Silha
Steve Simenson
Rich Simons
Ginger Sisco
John Sjolander
Ed and Lucille Skluzacek
James Skridulis
Mark Slind
James Smart and Megan Kelly
Chris and Adam Smerud
Jim and Rhonda Smiley
Cynthia Jo Smith
Danielle Smith
Lauri Smith
Nicole Smith
Rebecca Smith
Sarah and Justin Smith
Thomas Smith
Tracy and Andrew Smith
James Soine
Paul Sonda
Steve and Kathy Soucy
Robin South
Christy and Steve Spears
Mary Spelbrink
Joylene Spencer
Connie and Robert Spreigl
Gregory and Emily Springer
Heidi Springer
Scott Stangeland
Victoria and Lee Staudt
Shannon and Ryan Stauff
Rebeccah and Matthew Stay
Jonathan Stecher
Darrell Steffenhagen
Susan and Kip Steincross
Sharon and Carl Steinwall
Roxanne and Jon Stender
Manon King Sternberg and
William Sternberg Family
Fund of The Minneapolis
Joy Steuck
Deedee Stevens-Neal and
Scott Neal
Kathleen and George Stewart
Carie and Michael Stickney
James Stolz
Larry Storey
Marcia and John Stout
Greg Strauss
Marsha and Mark Streng
Stephen Streng and
Electra Coucouvanis
Susan Strgar and
Brent Baethke
John Stringer
Michael and Erin Stromberg
Judy and Jim Strommen
Julie Strommen
Paula Struckman
Marcelle and Ed Suckow
Caryn Sullivan
Angie and William Sundell
George Swanbeck
Aaron Swann
Keith and Kelli Swanson
Linda Swanson
Vickie Swanson and Tom Vogel
Charlotte and Ralph Swarm
Kathleen Sweetman
Jennifer Sweetser-Puckett and
Terry Puckett
Joan and John Swenson
Leslie Swenson
Peter Swenson and
Pam Jewson
Anne and Doug Thielen
Lisa Thole
Dan Thomas
Emily and Matthew Thomas
Rebecca Thomley
Angela Thompson
Dana Thompson
Karen and Kevin Thompson
Jean Ulness
Deborah and Mark Van
Jeff and Karen Van Meter
Doug and Molly Van Metre
Jody and Brian Van Ness
Mark Van Note
Richard and Anne Van Sickle
Mary Vancura and Peter Bauer
Tammy and Gregg Swenson
Jack Swift
Joel Symons
Bruce Taher and
Janis Houston
Sunny Talbot and Joel Walker
Chuck and Sandy Tatge
Donna and Lyle Tatge
Orville and Mary Tatge
Pat Tatge
Maggie and Leif Taubenberger
Benjamin Taylor
Dana Taylor
Denine Taylor
Melanie and Lance Taylor
Margaret Teare and
Andrew John
Phyllis Tearse
Jane Terpstra and
Charles Stark
Marion and Bill Thayer
Timothy and Mary Thayer
Sara Thedinga
William and Gail Thedinga
Colleen and David Theisen
Heather and Greg Thelen
Jon and Lea Theobald
Michael Thornton
Terry Thul
Kay Thur
DeAnne Thyse and
Justin Rogers
Mark Tierney
Jean Tobritzhofer
Anna Tockman
Michael Todd
Tony Toetschinger
Linda and Robert Tomaschko
Mr. and Mrs. William Topp
Bill and Marge Traiser
Nhi Tran and Thi Nguyen
Byron and Susan Trebelhorn
Brian Treece
Cory and Lisa Treml
Mac and Maria Tripeny
Tony and Mary Tripeny
G. Tsurutani
Dawn Tuckner
Kathy and John Tunheim
Barb and Louis Turner
Elizabeth Turner
Kevin Turner
Jan and Tom Tuzinski
Michelle and Brent Uecker
Thomas and
Debby Vanderheyden
Christrana Vandi Dundas
Marion Vandi Dundas
Jackie VanDiver
Ann Vanvick
Sashank and Keisha Varma
Kristina Vee
Micaela Vega and
Scott Peterson
Steve Vekich
William and Jane Venell
Christine and Steve Verdon
Thomas Vetscher
Theresa and Brook Vickery
Doug and Sue Victoria
Linda Videen
Shelley and Ray Viestenz
Joann Vitullo
Nick and Jacqueline Vlietstra
Todd Volkmeier
Sharon Voto
Joyce Voxland
Ann Wagner
Gary and Nancy Wagner
Joan Wagner
Carolyn Wahrman
Julie Wallace
Jessica and Steven Waller
Maxine Wallin
Allene and Steven Walz
Hayley Wambsganss
Richard and Marianne Ward
Rita Ward
Steven Ward and
Rene Hernandez
Cindy and Bryon Warner
Mary Waters-Cryer and
Ken Cryer
Charles and Nora Watts
Heather Webb
Kathy Weber
Michelle Weber
Renee and Charles Weber
Rochelle and Jack Weber
Susan and Brian Weedman
Priscilla and Charles Weigel
Richard & Elizabeth Weigel
Family Fund
Mary Wein
Sandra Weise
Jean Weiss and David Kester
Nikki and Steve Wendt
Paul and Ann Werler
Paula Werner and
David Peacock
Luther and Jeanette Westman
Aura Wharton-Beck and
Joel Beck
Nancy Whaylen
Kari Whetsel
Matthew White
Beverly Whitehouse
Karyn Whitely
Mike and Michelle Wilhelm
Laura and Robert Willette
Cheryl Willey
David Williams
Sarah and Matt Williams
Stephanie Williams
Tim and Myrtle Williams
Heidi Wilson
Jim and Theresa Wise
Tracy and Troy Witt
David Witzig
Pete and Tamara Wold
Claudia and Mike Wondra
Audra Wood
Monique and Sheldon Wood
Brad Woodstra
Cindy and Leon Worm
David Wrase
John and Joan Wright
Nicole Wurdak
Alexandra Yanez
Tony and Sara Yocum
Connie and John Young
David and Corinne Young
Ray Youngkrantz
Daniel and Mary Ystesund
Chung and Cari Yu
Ursula Zak and David Randall
Lowell and Twyla Zaske
Annette Zaske Sladek
Heidi and Jason Zetterwall
Richard Ziegler and
Melissa Vetter
Lynn Ziemkowski
Ryan and Karen Ziemkowski
Julia Zimmerman
Allina Health System
Fred C. and Katherine B.
Andersen Foundation
Arts & Flowers, Inc.
Autism Society of Minnesota
Baker Foundation
Best Buy
The Bieber Family Foundation
Bob Cat of Rochester and
Valley Trailer Sales
Boulay, Heutmaker,
Zibell & Co.
Brackett’s Crossing
Country Club
Burdick-Craddick Family
Business Choice, Inc.
The Butzow Family Foundation
Chamarre Wines
Citywide Service Corp
CoCard Merchant
Services, Inc.
Coordinated Business
Systems, Ltd
Country Side Auto Body
& Repair
CPP North America, LLC
Crown Bank
Delta Dental of Minnesota
The Tom S. Detwiler
Foundation, Inc.
Leo W. Dworsky Foundation
East Side Neighborhood
Ecolab, Inc.
Ray Edwards Memorial Trust
Ely Auto Services
Engelsma Family Foundation
Excel Hardwood Floors, Inc.
Faegre & Benson Foundation
Film Positive, Inc.
Filtration Engineering Co, Inc.
Flint Hills Resources
Fringe Benefits Services, Inc.
G&K Services
G&K Services Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Geritom Medical, Inc.
Goetz & Eckland, P.A.
Grand Casino Mille Lacs
H.M. Cragg Co.
The Hearing Stores
of Minnesota
The Victoria Velie Henry Family
The Hubbard Broadcasting
Hubert H. Humphrey
Hutter Family Foundation
IWJ Charitable Foundation
Duane and Lynda Jergenson
Family Foundation
KeyStone Search
Kohl’s Cares for Kids
Kopp Family Foundation
Leder Bros Metal Co, Inc.
James A. Levine Trust
Life Time Fitness Foundation
Lifetouch, Inc.
The Lindsay Willis Group
Lisa Hashbarger Photography
Mairs and Power, Inc.
Mann Theatres, Inc.
Medica Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
Merchant & Gould
Minneapolis / St. Paul
Business Journal
Anonymous Fund of the
Minnesota Community
Minnesota Governor’s Council
on Developmental Disabilities
Morgan Stanley Foundation
The Mosaic Company
Noran Neurological Clinic, P.A.
Olivia Carsen Memorial
Optimist Club of Richfield
OptumHealth Behavioral
Owen Lavander Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Parkview Heating and Air, Inc.
The Jay and Rose Phillips
Family Foundation
The Elizabeth C. Quinlan
Foundation, Inc.
RBC Wealth Management
Real Estate Nexus
Residential Mortgage
Group, Inc.
Richfield - Bloomington
Eagles Auxiliary
Richfield Bloomington
Credit Union
The Richfield Foundation
Margaret Rivers Fund
The Riverway Foundation
C.H. Robinson Worldwide
Roles Family Foundation
Bud Rotter Family Foundation
Saint’s Vending Service
Schatz Real Estate
Schwegman, Lundberg &
Woessner, P.A.
SCICOM Data Services
Sea Foam Sales Company
Sewell Family Foundation
The Shared Fund
Sieff Family Foundation
Sit Investment Associates
State of Minnesota
Stewart’s Forest Products
Summit Brewing Company
Tailor Made Nutrition/
Gluten Free 4 U
Tennant Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Thrivent Financial for
Tonn Family Foundation
Tradition Family Foundation
University of Minnesota
Urban Rebuilders, LLC
Veterans of Foreign Wars Club
Vikings Children’s Fund
Wagner Greenhouses, Inc.
Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker
The Emanuel and Anna Weinstein
Wells Fargo Bank
Welsh Construction
White Rock Custom Cabinets
Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A.
The following organizations
matched employee gifts made
to Fraser.
Aetna Foundation
AgriBank, FCB
Ameriprise Financial
Cooper Power Systems
Follett Corporation
Hewlett Packard
International Parts
Supply Corp
Kraft Foods Foundation
McDonald’s Corporation
Metes & Bounds
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Piper Jaffray
Carl and Eloise Pohlad
Family Foundation
Random House, Inc.
Ryan Companies
SFM Mutual Insurance
Tennant Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Thrivent Financial for
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
Xcel Energy Foundation
Cynthia and Richard Atkinson
Jason Barthelmy
Brian and Merritt Beh
Heidi and Joe Blum
Nancy and Gene Booker
Harlan and Muriel Bursh
Robert and Karen Clinton
Kelly Dorso and Tyler Provolt
Kevin and Cheri Doyle
Michelle Dye
Barb Elwood
Jennifer and Warren Feather
Nathan and Linda Ferris
Richard and Connie Ferris
Katherine Simmons Flom
Heidi and Jose Gaibor
Michele Gatien and
Nevin Dikel
Betty Gustafson
Laura Gustafson
Christine and Frank Hays
Jonathan Jones
Maija Kangas
Sandy Kasprzak
Kerry Kelzenberg
Sarah and Gary Kiecker
Vonda and Keith Knefelkamp
Greg and Carrie Larson
Sharon Link and Bob Lewis
Stephen and Alicia Mann
Chelsea Matzke and
Luke Hegerle
Charlie and Tara Maxwell
Doug and Kasey McIntosh
Teresa Medina
Todd and Katie Messerli
Marnie O’Byrne
Michele O’Kane and
Richard Rosenberg
Randall Pattee and
Valerie Ruttenberg
Leah Reeves and
Mohammed Ahmad
Anne and John Ringquist
Melissa Robb
Peter and Cynthia Robb
James M. Robbins
Kristin Rotter
Katherine Seger
Ana Tetrault
Yvonne Wimer
Allegra Print & Imaging
The Appreciation Station, LLC
Coordinated Business
Systems, Ltd
Excel Document Management
Graves 601 Hotel
Hilton Minneapolis
Japs-Olson Company
Knox Landing
The Laurie Berkner Band
Manpower, Inc.
Merchant & Gould
Nameless Wildness Clayworks
Natural Resource Group
Perry Cohn Jewelers
Riverline International Corp.
Target - Richfield
Valspar Foundation
Yamamoto Moss Mackenzie
While we make every effort to be
accurate, we sincerely apologize
if we misspelled or omitted any
names. Please contact Amber
Becker at 612-798-8327 or
[email protected] with any
changes. Thank you for your
support of Fraser!
The following donors have
included Fraser in their
estate plans by naming
Fraser as a beneficiary
in their wills, life
insurance policies,
retirement accounts or
trust arrangements.
Bright Futures
Anonymous (11)
Sharman Davis Barrett
Dr. Robert Barricks
Margaret Bauman
Bill and Bea Beddor
Margaret Bekkers and Thomas Feavel
Anne Bowen-Olson
Shelly and John* Brandl
Christine A. Brown
Paula M. Carlson
Diane Cross and Jan Andersen
Nancy and Todd Dalaska
Shirley and Ross Dinham
Richard and Connie Ferris
Robert M. Ferris*
Richard A. Forslund
Rebecca Fraser
Wesley and Ruth* Fraser
David and Helen* Fritz
Robert G. Gunderson*
Jim and Rochelle Heinz
Adam and Susan Hjerpe
Jeff and Jacqui Jarnes
Mary and Phil Krafft
Brett and Anne Letourneau
Annette K. Levine*
James A. Levine
Wayne A. Lindholm and Maureen M. Lindholm
Muriel L. Lundberg*
Wendy Lutter and Eric Bosler
Marjorie A. Mansur
Jim and Betsy Moore
Janet and Rick Olsen
Barbara F. Olson
Steven and Jennifer Rewey
Howard D. Richards
Elizabeth Rise
Peter and Cynthia* Robb
The Rottlund Company Inc,
David Bernard Builders and Developers
Gayle M. Rupp
Janice and Royce* Sanner
Luella Shaw
Maggie and Leif Taubenberger
Louise M. Travis*
Jody and Brian Van Ness
Gary N. and Nancy C. Wagner
Eric Weatherman
Aura Wharton-Beck and Joel Beck
Beverly Whitehouse
Heidi M. Wilson
*denotes deceased individual
2010 Financial Results
Fraser maintains low overhead
costs allowing 89 cents of every
dollar to support our clients
through quality programs.
● Program expenses
● A
dministrative &
Fundraising expenses
Combined Statement of Financial Position
For the Years ending December 31, in Thousands
Current Assets
Property and Equipment (Net)
Other Long-term Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Long-term Debt
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Combined Financial Results
For the Years ending December 31, in Thousands
Service Fees (Government / Insurance)
Service Fees (Private Pay and Tuitions)
General Contributions
Interest and Miscellanenous
Total Revenue
Fraser Residential Services
Fraser Child & Family Center
Fraser School
Fraser Home & Community Supports
Fraser Rehabilitation Services
Fraser Institute
General and Administrative
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets before Investment Gains,
and Non-recurring Charges
Net Investment Gains, Non-recurring Charges
Change in Net Assets
For the purpose of simplification, all Fraser-affiliated entities are
combined here. These are Fraser (which includes Fraser School, Fraser
Home & Community Supports, Fraser Residential Services and Fraser
Rehabilitation Services), Fraser Child & Family Center, and the five
Fraser Independent Living Project (ILP) apartment buildings.
accountability standards set by The Charities Review Council, an
independent organization that reviews Minnesota nonprofits to help
donors make informed giving decisions.
Fraser is a contract provider for Hennepin and other counties and an
affirmative action/equal opportunity provider and employer.
Fraser Academy is a separate entity (founded and sponsored by Fraser)
and is not included in these financial results. Fraser meets all
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6/20/11 4:42 PM
Fraser 2010 Board of Directors
Heidi Wilson
Sharon K. Link
Wendy Lutter
Jennifer Barrett
Tony (Anthony L.) Bohmert
Stephen B. Engel
Cindy Holker
John Malknecht
Tammy Mencel
Paul Novak
Vice Chair
Lisa D. Nelson
Vice Chair
Michael D. Wilhelm
Vice Chair
Diane S. Cross
Contact Us
David W. Pearce
Mark Pihart
Lori A. Riley
James M. Robbins
Janet Schroeder
Kristen Spargo
Melanie J. Taylor
Emily Thomas
Members Of The Corporate Board of Directors
Sharman Davis Barrett
William Beddor
Anthony Brausen
Terri DeVries Carter
Barbara Colombo
Jeanne H. Crain
Susan M. Eich
Richard P. Ferris
John Fox
Mike Frommelt
Immediate Past Chair
Thomas C. Glass
Hazen Graves
James D. Heinz
Adam Hjerpe
Stephen Hoeppner
Greg Hoffman
Carol Johnson
Restor Johnson
Anne Kelly, M.D.
Paul Kenworthy
Kathryn Koessel
Claire Kolmodin
Steve Kowalke
Liza Leigh-Kiwus
Fred LeVoir
Wayne Lindholm
Steve Mann
Charles J. Maxwell, Jr.
Kim McConnell, M.D.
Alejandro Montoya
James Moore, M.D.
Tim Morin
Marko Mrkonich
Allan Peterson
Brooks F. Poley
Jackie Punch
Peter Robb
Kiki Rosatti
Royce Sanner
John Schamber
Nancy Scherer
Greg Schultz
Terry Scully
Alice Seagren
Dimitri Senaratna
Sally Shlosberg
Marion Thayer
William Thayer
Doug Van Metre
Molly Van Metre
Aura Wharton-Beck
David Witzig
Past and Present Honorary Board of Directors
Troy Auth
Andris A. Baltins
Robert Barricks
Yvette Beaulieu
Rick Beresford
Shirley Blanchard
John Bowen
Fran Bradley
Muriel Humphrey Brown
Vicki Brunsvold
Conrad Carr
Gertrude Ederer
Dan Engelsma
Louise Whitbeck Fraser
Ruth Fraser
Wesley Fraser
Helen Fritz
William Goblirsch
Bob Gunderson
Ron Haskvitz
Fred Heitke
Jason Hepp
Dr. Robert Kowalczyk
Lee Kness
Donald Knutson
Gale Lair
Phyllis LaMay
Carol Ratelle Leach
Helen Lubet
Gorden Lundberg
Thomas Mulcahy
Darlene Noreen
Elizabeth Okerlund
Atwood Olson
Gen Orr
G. William Pearson
Elizabeth Porcher
E.G. Puphal
Harold Rasmussen
Roland Rasmussen
Fran Shepardson
C. Bruce Solomonson
Bonnie Wagner
Jerry Walsh
Eric Weatherman
Jack W. Williams
Fraser Corporate Offices
2400 W 64th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55423
Fraser Anoka
2829 Verndale Avenue
Anoka, MN 55303
Fraser Bloomington
1801 American Boulevard E, Suite 1
Bloomington, MN 55425
Fraser Child & Family Center
3333 University Avenue SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Fraser Home &
Community Supports
2021 E Hennepin Avenue, Suite 402
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Fraser Rehabilitation Services
2400 W 64th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55423
Fraser Residential Services
2400 W 64th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55423
Fraser School
2400 W 64th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55423
Visit Us On The Web
Designer: Richard Tomkinson
Photographer: Chris Bohnhoff
Editor: Jay Kelly
Printing & Paper:
Donated Anonymously