Feb 2007 Issue Tidings.pub - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church


Feb 2007 Issue Tidings.pub - Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Happy New Year! And Valentines Day, and suddenly, Lent is here! If you are like I am, the calendar seems
to spin through its cycle just a little faster each year.
So this year, my resolution is to slow down and create a space of 30 minutes a day to have a quiet time. I allow myself to fill it with reading, meditation, listening to music – anything to be still for just half an hour each day.
So far the results are mixed. I can’t always take that time. And when I do, it takes me a long time to settle down to
do nothing.
I am not going to stop, though – the idea is too wonderful when it works. I guess changing even that little
part of my life is hard. I have to convince myself that I am greater than the clock, or to quiet my tendency to fill each
minute with ‘productive activity’.
So I think for you as a parish, yet another change of rector is a big challenge to your way of being, far greater
than adding quiet time to your day.
But look at yourselves. This church will be celebrating its 100th birthday soon. The families that form the
core of this church have been here nearly as long. And will be here for another 100 years, at least. Seen that way, the
current stream of changes seems like small stuff, not the kind of thing to produce long-term anxiety. The church
family will survive anything that comes its way. Paul even said it to the Romans – “Nothing will be able to separate
us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (8:38)
That belief and worship in Jesus Christ and the love He extends to all people form the backbone of our faith
– and of our community here at Holy Trinity.
So if that is strong, then the church is strong. And we can look forward to the arrival of Father Fuller – and
later on a new permanent Rector – without anxiety, complaint, or impatience. The work of the parish continues because of all of you, not because of one person.
Even so, please pray for the staff, the clergy, and each other to maintain a positive and energetic environment
for God’s people and God’s work.
Rev. Nancy
Who Is Father Perry?
Fr. Perry Fuller and Pamela have been married for 46 years. They have two children. Karen, a classical
musician and principal flute in the Palm Beach Opera Orchestra, lives in Ft. Lauderdale with her husband
Dwayne, a pharmaceutical representative and their two children, Dylan and Brynne. Their son Adam lives in
Evanston, Wyoming, with his wife, Pamela, and their two children, Benjamin and Breila. Adam and Pamela are
clinical psychologists.
The ordained ministry is a life-long vocation for Fr. Perry. A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary,
he was ordained Minister of Word and Sacraments in the Presbyterian Church. He served in full time parish
ministry for 25 years. Although it was not his original intention to work outside the parish, higher plans prevailed, and when he finished his doctoral work in Family Therapy, he entered private practice. He did general
practice for three years, specializing in persons with eating disorders. He then worked inpatient and outpatient
for ten years with alcoholics, addicts and their families. In 1996, Fr. Perry and Pam were received into the Episcopal Church as members of the St. Paul’s Cathedral parish in Buffalo, New York, and Fr. Perry was released from
his Presbyterian ordination vows.
Both Fr. Perry and Pam retired in 1999 and moved to Delray Beach, Florida. After becoming an Episcopalian, Fr. Perry was often asked if he ever considered the priesthood. His answer was always, “No, I am content as
an active Episcopal layperson.” The third time his rector at St. Paul’s in Delray Beach, Fr. Chip Stokes, asked him
to consider Holy Orders, Fr. Perry agreed to talk with the Diocesan representative. It was a fateful meeting, and
the rest, as they say, is history. As part of his preparation for the priesthood, and given his background, experience, and training, Bishop Frade asked Fr. Perry to become trained for Interim Ministry. He was ordained to the
priesthood at Grace Episcopal Church, West Palm Beach.
Fr. Perry recently completed a successful interim at St. Matthew the Apostle Church in Miami. Pastoral
care, preaching, and congregational development are strong aspects of Fr. Perry’s ministry. He also leads retreats
and workshops in contemplative prayer, Benedictine spirituality, and personality type and spirituality. His first
Sunday as Interim Rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, West Palm Beach, will be February 11, 2007.
Please Join Us
In the Parish Hall
After the Ten O’Clock Service
February 11, 2007
For a Reception
To welcome Fr. Perry and Pam Fuller
“Depression Era” 1938—1942
She is on display in the gift shop window and can be
seen in the Gift Shop following the 8 & 10 a.m. services
Tickets are on sale after the 8 a.m. services during coffee hour
and in front of the Gift Shop after the 10 a.m. services
Ticket Price
3 for $5.00 or 1 for $2.00
The Daughters of the King
will be hosting a Quiet Day on Saturday, February 24th.
The Rev. Wendy Williams from Good Shepherd, Tequesta, will be our facilitator. We will have a portable
Labyrinth set up in the Parish Hall and Rev. Williams will
conduct our Labyrinth Walk. The Labyrinth is a path of
prayer and meditation for all people seeking a closer relationship with our Lord. What a wonderful way to begin
your Lenten journey! Coffee and goodies will be ready at
9:30 a.m. and the program will begin promptly at 10:00
a.m. Lunch will be served by the Daughters. Please call
Beth Jeffers, 333-3870, or Char Macon, 967-2119 for
more information and to make your reservation.
2:30 P.M.
Holy Trinity Parish Hall
February 5
Fr. Hallock Martin
February 12
Pat Cook — well-known musician
February 19
Speaker from The Palm Beach Post
February 26 Opportunity School Singers
We are in need of items for
the Knick Knack Table
To Our Newly-Elected
Vestry Members:
Monday, February 19, 2007
at 7 o’clock
Sandra Heaton (2009)
Stephan Robinson (2009)
Scott Ward (2009)
Martha Warwick (2009)
MOSAIC by Soheir Khashoggi–a novel
about the plight of women across the Arab world. We will
meet in the home of Mimi Holley. Want a book or have a
question? Call Janet Maby (762-5932).
Want a
From the Desk of Elizabeth Brown, Director of Christian Education
Westminster Abbey was founded as a Benedictine monastery, and to this day the Abbey
follows Benedict’s style of prayerfulness in all their work. This is the prayer they observe.
O gracious and Holy Father,
give us the wisdom to perceive you,
diligence to seek you,
patience to wait for you,
eyes to behold you,
a heart to meditate on you,
and a life to proclaim you;
through the power of the Spirit
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
I pray that this prayer will help you observe the Lenten season and find peace and grace
at our church. Lent is driven by our need for renewal in both mind and spirit. We need
to be lead where God teaches us repentance and training to a fuller Christian life. We
need to confront God’s majesty and mercy and examine the mystery of God. It is my
hope that this mystery will lead you to the cross and the exaltation of the resurrection.
The Church School has begun their winter curriculum of Living Together. Our teachers
tell me that the children enjoy this curriculum and have been working on their goals for
the year. On February 18, at the 10:00 a.m. service the children and youth will be serving as readers and ushers as we hold our annual Children’s Sunday. This Sunday will be
for our youngest children to serve God in the worship service and it will teach them the
many aspects of the service. Children have been assigned their parts and should practice them at home. On this Sunday there will be no Church School but our nursery will
be open for those under three years of age.
It is once again time to register for our First Holy Communion class! Classes will be
held on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. in the second grade classroom. This class is open
to all children in second grade and higher who want to receive instruction on receiving
Holy Communion later this spring. Dr. Tom St. Antoine and Mrs. St. Antoine will be
teaching this class along with me to boost attendance in our second grade class. Children and parents must make a commitment to attend all our classes in order to receive
communion. Call today to sign up! Classes will begin February 25, 2007.
All Church School children have received their pledge envelopes. If your child needs
them please see me. I am sad to report that fewer of our children are attending church
weekly and it is hard for our volunteer teachers when they take their time and energy
to plan a lesson and have so few children attend. Every child who attends regularly receives a voucher for our Gift Shop worth two dollars. Please encourage your family to
attend often, my little ones can not drive themselves to church, and they need YOU to
drive them to Holy Trinity.
Dates to Remember
February 11, 2007-Fr. Perry’s first Sunday.
February 18, 2007-Children’s Sunday-Church-Nursery open
February 25, 2007-First Holy Communion Class begins at 10 a.m.-Call to register at 6558650.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL-JUNE 11-15 Co-Directors and all volunteers needed! Our
theme this year is: Gospel Light’s Son Force Kids, special agents!
Call me at 655-8650 if you have any questions.
Elizabeth Brown
Director of Christian Education
Lenten Series at Holy Trinity
“Contemplative Prayer:
An Ancient Practice for a PostModern World “
This class will begin on February 28th and continue on March 7th, 14th
and 21st. The first week we will learn how to make our own Anglican
Prayer beads with Holly Dickens. Fr. Perry will teach the following
weeks. Come and meet him and learn something new this Lenten season. Fr. Perry has invited the youth to this class. Dinner will begin at
6:00 p.m. and class will follow at 7:00 p.m. and be completed by 8:00
p.m. Donations accepted and nursery open!
Please attend!
Holy Trinity Mid-Lent Series
"Contemplative Prayer: An Ancient Practice for a Post-Modern World."
There are at least five types of prayer: praise, thanksgiving, petition, intercession, and
confession. There are several forms of prayer: liturgical, devotional, and spontaneous
prayers. One thing both categories have in common is that they involve words, spoken
aloud or within.
Contemplative prayer is prayer without words. In this form of prayer, we go beyond
the clatter and clutter of our minds.
Contemplative prayer is the means by which we move into our inner, silent center
and come to rest in God. Other forms of prayer may be thought of as conversations with
God – assuming we listen as well as talk. Contemplative prayer is entering into communion
with God.
Fr. Thomas Keating, leading proponent of Centering Prayer, says, “The language of
God is silence.”
Contemplative prayer is a form of Christian meditation. It differs from other forms of
meditation, which may have absence as their goal. Contemplative prayer has presence as
its end, being present to God.
Participants will discover contemplative prayer through the simple process of Centering Prayer.
Join us on March 7, 14, and 21
At 6:00 p.m. for dinner
Followed by class
Donations accepted
Leader: Fr. Perry T. Fuller, Interim Rector
Youth Group Activities!!!
February is a great month for lots of events, especially since it’s already the shortest month.
Just a reminder of the calendar sent to each family:
February 2-3—Lock-in with bowling and a work project with Brian
February 11—Father Perry’s first Sunday and BUNKO!
February 20—Shrove Tuesday—cooking and serving at the church pancake supper
And don’t forget Sunday School every week and Wednesday nights.
Rev. Nancy
Music Ministry – Many Thank You’s!!!
Although the holidays now seem like distant memories, the joy and fellowship we shared through Advent and
Christmas will live on in our hearts. Many people devoted countless hours to make the season bright! There are so many
people to thank for all of their hard work. Our annual “Songs of the Season” was a great success with more than 150
people in attendance. Once again the “Trinitones” presented many holiday favorites, both secular and sacred. This year
we welcomed new soprano Kendra Tarbill to the group. She learned a “score” of music in a very short period of time.
This year we served Jim Walton’s delicious Mulligan stew, with hot rolls, and a spring salad. Beth, Meghan, and Justin
Walton, Pegi Hamner and the “Gift Shop Girls”, Peggy Ornell, Kevin Libby, Carol Suhr, John Gash, Nancy Drevich, Pat Hannah, Marilyn Van derlofske, Elizabeth Lee and Hadie worked wonders in the kitchen. Marilyn Van derlofske and Elizabeth
Lee also made the room especially beautiful with their decorations. Nancy Drevich baked her fabulous homemade gingerbread cookies which were served with holiday ice cream, provided by the Brown family and served by Elizabeth and
Katherine Brown. Your hard work and dedication to Holy Trinity helped to make this event wonderful.
This year’s Christmas pageant, “Tonight’s the Night”, was presented at the 5 PM service on Christmas Eve. The
pageant was a multi-generational depiction of the birth narrative set to different musical styles, including Broadway,
country western, and calypso. We had 28 participants in the pageant: Carriger Paine, Ginny Donn, Lucy Donn, Elizabeth
Donn, Evan Parker, Logan Parker, Libby Parker, Michelle Parker, Brittany Thornton, Maddy Thornton, Rusty Grant, Sarah
Dolce, Emily Hammell, Blake Hammell, Susan Hammell, Savanah Lambert, Mary Layman, Christopher Layman, Terri Layman, Lyda Brown, Kaitlyn Adams, Sharon Adams, Chaz Adams, Tanner Williams, Chad Williams, Michael Shanker, Victoria
Brown, and Katherine Brown. The youth acted as our “storytellers” while the children sang and danced. Huge thanks to
David, Terri, Christopher, and Mary Catherine Layman, Carol Suhr, Brian Nehemias, Michelle Parker, Clayton Jones, Jennifer Bailey and Elizabeth Brown for helping with set design, costumes, props, sound system, and moral support. This
pageant could not have been done without your dedication.
Music at the 11 PM service on Christmas Eve was provided by the Parish Choir, organ, Partington Ringers, and an
orchestra consisting of Nikki Drevich and Heather Blackford, on clarinet, Danny Nehemias, on trumpet, Julian Davies, on
recorder, and Stacy Blackford on flute. The choir presented a beautiful cantata entitled, “Carols, Communion, and Candlelight”, comprised of several traditional carols, as well as original musical compositions.
Thank you to Jim and Barbara Richardson, Suzie Westergard, and Carolyn and Bernie McCann for the gold and
white Christmas decorations that made the sanctuary so beautiful through the holiday season.
Once again, many thanks to all of the adults, choir members, bell ringers, musicians, youth, children and parents
who helped to make the “Songs of the Season”, Christmas pageant, and Christmas Eve memorable.
Mace Graham
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church February Outreach Project
February Food Collection
C.R.O.S. Ministries
hristians Reaching Out to Society or C.R.O.S. is an inter-faith organization that enables peo-
ple of faith to identify needs, collaborate with community groups and to assist them in creating and advocating solutions which provide hope and justice for people in need throughout Palm
Beach County.
C.R.O.S. has four food pantries, they are located in Riviera Beach, West Palm Beach, Lake Worth
and Delray. These food pantries supply food to over 20,000 needy people each year.
Twice a year, Holy Trinity collects food for C.R.O.S. pantries located around the county. We collected in November and are collecting again for the month of February.
To help with this project
please call Barbara or Jim Richardson at 493-2923
Attention Upcoming Outreach Projects
March 3, 2007
Special Olympics
Contact: Melissa Mulvihill 967-1687
March 2007
Contact: Brian Nehemias 784-0228
April 2007
Mission Earth Project
Contact: Kris Lidinsky 624-2404
May 2007
Care Packages for Our Troops
Contact: Kris Lidinsky 624-2404
June 2007
Our Little Roses and Vacation Bible School
Contact: Beth Walton 967-1687
June 2007
Help Our Holy Trinity Youth Mission Trip
Contact: Justin Walton and Laurie Goodale 967-1687
Thank You To Our Donors and Helpers
Laurel Baker
The Nehemias Family
Sybil Birt
Peggy and Father Ken Ornell
Sheila Blackwell
Ruth Paine and Family
Rainey and Bill Brainard
Evan and Logan Parker
Bill and Marlene Bromley
Marilyn Rasnick
The Tim Brown Family
Barbara and Jim Richardson
Susie Bryant
The Emory Rogers Family
Tom Burns
Van Scherff
Sybil Burt
Ann Sowers
Norma and Harold Carter
Andi and Tom St. Antoine
Linda Caruso
Jane Sturgis
Nell Collins
Andrea Thomas
Carole Dorsey
Pat Tickner
Nancy Drevich and Dr. Bill
Beth , Jim and Justin Walton
Jane Elliott
Rose and Bill Walton
Linda Fraser
Martha, Alex, Leah and Cameron Warwick
Laurie Goodale
Bonnie Weaver
Chris and Rusty Grant
Gloria Wheat
Nancy and Sam Hadley
Wesley Wheat
Sandra Heaton
The Wilburn Family
The Peter Henry Family
The Wynen Family
Mimi Holley
The Holy Trinity Gift Shop Gals
Elsie Jamison
and anyone else
Beth Jeffers
we don’t know about!
Sally Jolly
Dorothy Jones
Julie, Andrew and Noah Kjos
The Lambert Family
2007 Outreach Commission
Sandy Lawson
Heather Luttier, Chairman
Chris Layman
The Lidinsky Family
The Luttier Family
Nancy Maass
Janet Maby
Tim Mack
Char Macon
Carolyn and Bernie McCann
Laurel Baker
Barbara Richardson
Pat Dehon
Jim Richardson
Linda Fraser
Lisa Rogers
Laurie Goodale
Andi St. Antoine
Kris Lidinsky
Andrea Thomas
Nancy Maass
Pat Tickner
Melissa Mulvihill Beth Walton
Brian Nehemias Justin Walton
Deidre and John McGurk
Janet Metzger
Melissa Mulvihill
If you would like to join the
Debby and Mike Mulvihill
Outreach Commission,
Donna and Frank Mumby
please call Heather Luttier at 833-1468
The Stewardship Commission would like to thank the following people who
have made a commitment to contribute their time, talent and treasure to the
missions and ministries of Holy Trinity Church
Stewardship Report
as of January 11, 2007
Total Pledged to Date
Number of Pledges
Jim Paine
Evan Parker
Logan Parker
Robert and Ruth Parker
Brad and Michelle Parker
Bob and Helen Adams
Pat Hannah
Chaz Adams and Sharon Brehm
Sandra Heaton
Evie Baber
Peter Henry
Jennifer Bailey
Bob and Florence Hewitt
Laurel Baker
Stu and JoJo Hicks
Mike and Stephanie Barker
Mimi Holley
Valerie Barto
Tim and Liz Hulett
Mary Baruch
Bob and Mary Ifft
Marjorie Beall
Benno and Jeanne Janssen
Ames and Bettye Bennett
Beth Jeffers
Sybil Birt
Jack and Roberta Jennings
Sheila Blackwell
Chris and Kai Li Jette
Bill and Rainey Brainard
Marcia Johnston
Freda Brehm
Michele Jones
Sarah Brigman
Dorothy Jones
Bill and Marlene Bromley
Clayton Jones
Tim and Elizabeth Brown
Ella Knight
Bill and Susie Bryant
Peter and Mary Belle Knight
Walter and Kathleen Budowski
Danny and Yasmine Lambert
Tom and Patience Burns
Dave and Terri Layman
John and Lois Burns
Charles and Martha Lee
Theresa Carnes
Malcolm and Mildred Lewis
Harold and Norma Carter
Jeff and Cathy Lewis
Roger and Melissa Chaple
Greg and Sharon Lewis
Harper and Nancie Clark
Hap and Dede Lewis
Nell Collins
Brenda Liberti
Eva Cooke
Rick and Kris Lidinsky
Betty Curran
Dori Livingston
Julian and Sheila Davies
June Lonergan
Pat DeHon
Mark and Heather Luttier
Britt and Dorothy Deviney
Nancy Maass
Charles and Carole Dorsey
Janet Maby
Nancy Drevich
Cathy MacIntyre
Jane Elliott
Char Macon
Kenneth and Jill Entler
John and Karen Marasco
Frank and Darcy Farnan
Charles and Connie Matuszak
John J. Farrell
Ethel McAniff
John M. Farrell
Malcolm and MaryPage McCampbell
Tom and Sue Fan Ferguson
Bernie and Carolyn McCann
Janet Ferlisi
John and Carol McCracken
Berkley and Avonelle Forbes
John and Deidre McGurk
Linda Fraser
Janet Metzger
Sarah Garcia
Sarah Michaelides
John Gash
Melissa Mulvihill
Joe Gates
Brian and Cindy Nehemias
Laurie Goodale
Ann Neil
Kirk and Cheryl Grantham
Harold and Emily Obst
Mary Hadley
Margaret Olsen
Sam and Nancy Hadley
Judy O'Malley
Murray and Pegi Hamner
Gordon and Nancy Osler
Nancy Paty
Jay and Retta Paulsen
Cynthia Plockelman
Jane Poston
Randy and Kathy Randolph
Marilyn Rasnick
Peggie Reynolds
Jim and Barbara Richardson
Beverly Robinson
Stephan and Kimberly Robinson
Emory and Lisa Rogers
Bill and Betsy Rogers
Glen and Missy Rovinelli
Lolly Russell
Van Scherff
Joe Shearouse
Gay Shepard
Grant and Constance Sherk
Billie Shevick
Bob and Lyda Sorgini
Ann Sowers
Tom and Andi St. Antoine
Buzz and Pat Stickler
Louise Strauss
Carol Suhr
Helen Syverts
Andrea Thomas
Pat Tickner
Jim and Abigail Tiefenthaler
Father John and Mae Belle Tucker
Ward and Ruth Wagner
Chaunce and Carol Wallace
Jamie Walton
Rob and Becky Walton
Bill and Rose Walton
Jim and Beth Walton
Justin Walton
Scott and Marcela Ward
Patricia Warren
Martha Warwick
Adams and Bonnie Weaver
Charles and Pat Weeks
Peter and Suzy Westergard
Michael and Fran Wethern
Nancy White
Howard and Christine Wilburn
Henry and Louise Willard
John Winn
Fons and Nancy Wynen
Elizabeth Donn
Courtney Lambert
Savannah McCline
Kirsten Tenore
Cindy Nehemias
Betsy Rogers
Katie Hulett
Watch over your servants, O Lord, as their days increase; bless
Mei Lin O’Malley
Tim Hulett
and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when
John Deese
they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise
Craig Evans
them up if they fall; and in their hearts may your peace which
passes all understanding abide all the days of their lives;
Bettye Bennett
Kimberly Robinson
Deidre McGurk
Abigail Tiefenthaler
From the Parish Register………..
Mae Belle Tucker
Julian Davies
Chaunce Wallace
Fran Coopersmith
Ames Bennett
Jean B. Weis
Berkley Forbes
January 6, 2007
Donna Ludwig
Connie Matuszak
Wesley Wheat
Beth Brown
Sam Luttier
Janet Blackford
Rose Walton
Mary Gushee
Polly Sherk
Stuart Hicks
Grace Embler
James Krumenacker
Margaret McCall
Did you know……
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Just go to www.goodsearch.com and enter the Duncan Center as
the organization you want to support. Just 500 of us searching
four times a day will raise about $7,300 a year without anyone
spending a dime!
Get started now. Spread the word. Your support is what makes the
ministry of the Duncan Center possible.
Andrea Thomas, Liaison for the Duncan Center
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
211 Trinity Place
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
The Deadline for the March Tidings is Thursday, February 15, 2007.
Thanks to all who contributed to the February Issue. Please be prompt in
submitting articles, there’s a lot happening, so let’s get the word out.