FROM HOPE TO HOME - Operation Exodus USA


FROM HOPE TO HOME - Operation Exodus USA
A Christian ministry assisting Jewish people moving to Israel
ISSUE 3/2016 |
R A I S I N G T H E B A N N E R O F A L I YA H …
Bringing Awareness
to Our Faithful
page 2
…when a banner is raised on the
mountains, you will see it, and when
a trumpet sounds, you will hear it.
Isaiah 18:3 (NIV)
The Heartbeat of Operation Exodus USA
God’s prop
Operation Exodus USA is affiliated with Ebenezer Operation Exodus International, a ministry with
representatives in over 50 countries around the world. Together, we have assisted over 150,000
Jewish people with their return to Israel from many different nations.
Give Witness to What God is Doing
Dear Friends,
"Listen to this message from the LORD, you nations of the world; proclaim it in
distant coastlands: The LORD, who scattered his people, will gather them
and watch over them as a shepherd does his flock.” Jeremiah 31:10 NLT
Here in the USA, Jewish people are returning to Israel, and the Gentiles—the Church—are assisting them. This invitation from God—a Kairos moment— is a gift from the Lord. His grace
and mercy have put us in the midst of this miracle. What a remarkable, Holy and exciting
place this is to be!
Coast to Coast with
Debra Minotti
Operation Exodus USA
Your OE Awareness
Toolkit to Share
We now have “boots on the ground” in Brooklyn, New York. Our Columbus, Ohio, hub is
working closely with the Jewish community. And the number of Jewish people asking us for
assistance to make Aliyah continues to grow!
You too are invited to share, proclaim and give witness to the ingathering of the Jewish people.
This is our mandate—to share the Good News, and prepare the way for God’s plan for Israel. I
know many of you have a passion to become part of this miracle, and we want to give you the
tools to go and spread this miracle. TO THE LEFT YOU WILL FIND A SET OF TOOLS YOU
CAN USE TO EASILY SHARE what the Lord is doing at OEUSA.
It’s easy!—Write, call or email us for
any of these materials to share:
•Encourage others to join our family
of intercessors
•A free OE book to share
•Spanish materials
•For His Name’s Sake campaign
•A bundle of newsletters to share
•Scripture brochure
(716) 681-6300
[email protected]
OR GO ONLINE for a complete
set of easy-to-use, shareable content
for friends and family.
You can also request free materials
on our Facebook page:
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After much prayer we sense an urgency to empower you to bring this awareness
of what God is doing. We know this is God’s work, but He uses willing vessels.
There is much to share, and we want to make it simple for you to share with others:
•Praying is the lifeblood of our ministry; pray and reach out to your
fellow intercessors and ask if they would like to become actively involved
in supporting in prayer the Jewish people on their way to Israel and for
their absorption into the Land.
•Social sharing; we encourage you to help us spread the
word about OEUSA with friends (we’ve created beautiful
“share squares” for you to share on your social media!)
and your church.
•OE Representatives; A representative of our ministry would love to
come, or skype and share at your church or gathering!
•Contact OEUSA for resources to share; through handing out our
book “Operation Exodus” written by Gustav Scheller; our powerful Scripture
brochure; “Promises for Israel; the Return of the Jewish People”; and other
•Share your story with us. How has the revelation of Israel and Aliyah
affected your understanding of Scripture? How have current political and
world events shaped your view of Israel? What do you sense God is saying
to you about Israel?
Thank you for standing with us, in prayer and financial support. You are
making a difference in the Land of Israel, in the lives of individuals—fulfilling
prophecy and declaring Israel’s right to exist!
t our recent conference in Jerusalem, we
announced the opening of a new office
in Paris to support our team in France and
the growing work of Aliyah.
The Jewish Agency reports an increasing
number of anti-Semitic attacks, and last
year 7,900 Jewish people made Aliyah from
France—an all-time record. Operation Exodus, in cooperation with Christians for Israel
International, is expanding efforts in France
and the new office is part of our development
plans for 2016.
Seventy per cent of France’s 600,000 Jews
live in the Paris region, and the opening of
our new office is a significant strategic step
by Ebenezer in this land. The office opened
in February and Elizabeth Webb and Sarah
Gimenez are building up its work under the
leadership of National Coordinator Xavier
Darrieutort. A key part of this is to establish contacts with churches in Paris and
build prayer support. The team will also be
involved in providing practical support for
those making Aliyah.
Please pray for the Lord’s covering over our
team in this new initiative. Also pray for
those in the Paris area whom the Lord has
been preparing and calling to join the work
of Aliyah.
Alan Field
International Coordinator
You and your colleagues at Ebenezer (Operation Exodus) are true friends of the Jewish Agency, and the ongoing
partnership that exists between our two organizations at both an organizational and personal level is important
to all of us. Your tireless work, dedication and support for Aliyah enable us to continue this important work.”
–Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel
Restoring the Kingdom to Israel
ummer Aliyah is upon us! The number of Aliyah applications has grown 12 percent from
last year at this time. We have already assisted double the number of those making Aliyah
(immigrating to Israel) compared to last year at this time. Simply put, we need your financial
help. We have never had to turn away anyone in need of a little extra help as a result of financial lack, and we never intend to. For those of you who have supported this Holy work in any
way, we say “Thank You!” May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob speak to your hearts,
and may you hear and obey Him.*
*The Hebrew meaning of the word “hear” is to “hear and then obey.”
Chaim: “I first went to Israel
in 1978 and fell in love with
the country and all the wonderful people there. Sadly,
on August 6, 2013, my wife
Ruchama of blessed memory, passed on to the next
world and I laid her to rest
in Yerushlayim.”
Kathy Ardino
Aliyah Director
Operation Exodus USA
Jay and family: “Sharon
and I both grew up in very
Zionist homes. I am a Rabbi
and Sharon is a Judaic
teacher, and so Israel means
so much to us. Before our
children get too much older,
we felt that now is the right
time!” | 3
Estate Planning/Legacy Gifts
Olim Notes
Here are just a couple of
the generous notes we’ve
Many of you have been faithfully supporting Operation
Exodus USA for years now and we appreciate your
ongoing support. While we are on this earth, God’s
word encourages us to be good stewards of all that He
has entrusted to us. One way we can do this is through
a legacy gift in our will to help us assist Jewish people
making Aliyah.
If you are prayerfully considering
a legacy gift, we will connect you
with someone who can explain
your options. Please call us at
(716) 681-6300 and we’ll be
happy to assist you.
For more information about Operation Exodus USA,
our Purpose, Vision, Values, and History, visit our website.
PO Box 568, Lancaster, NY 14086 | (716) 681-6300
[email protected] |
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Phone (________ ) _______________________________________
Email __________________________________________________
Credit Card # ___________\__________\__________\__________
Credit Card Verification # _________ Exp. Date _____________
Name (as it appears on credit card) _______________________________
Signature _______________________________________________
Send me ___ 5 ___ 10 ___ 25 extra copies of this
Add me to your mailing list
Send me information about becoming a prayer partner
Here is my donation in the amount of
___ $25 ___ $50 ___ $100 ___ Other
Over and above my regular giving, enclosed is my gift
For His Name’s Sake:
Other $___________
Over and above my regular giving, I would like to
partner with OEUSA monthly, For His Name’s Sake:
$25/month ($300/yr)
$50/month ($600/yr)
$100/month ($1,200/yr)
$250/month ($3,000/yr)
Other $____________/month
Leave a Legacy Gift (e.g., donation of any amount,
designated through your will or living trust). For more
information please call 716.681.6300.
I am excited about what the Lord is doing at OEUSA!
I commit to pray For His Name’s Sake.
Please send me information.
Please contact me about how I can help spread the word
about For His Name’s Sake.
Payment Options
• Credit/ Debit Card:
Monthly Auto-deduction
One-time Gift
American Express
• ACH from Checking/Savings: please call 716.681.6300 for
authorization form
• You can call with your Credit/Debit Card donation by phone:
• Give online: or for our campaign
• Checks payable to: Operation Exodus USA
PO Box 568, Lancaster, NY 14086-0568