
Dr Anne Vassault, Ph. D,
European Specialist in Laboratory Medicine Pharmacien Biologiste Biologiste des hôpitaux Expert auprès de l'ISO et du CEN Dr Anne Vassault, Ph.D, has been working as a medical biologist in the medical
laboratory of the Necker University Hospital in Paris (FRANCE). She was responsible for
the accreditation process of the Medical Laboratory.
Her main concerns included – and still do include - implementation of the quality
management, good laboratory practices and accreditation as assessor.
On behalf the French Ministry of Health, she was involved in developing and establishing
the National External Quality Assessment program in France for medical laboratories. She
is the president director of one of the most known associations organizing External
quality assessment Quality Control program in France (ASQUALAB).
Dr Anne Vassault has been an active member of the French Society of Clinical Chemistry
(SFBC). She served as Chair of the committee for method validation.
Her international activities include membership in several working groups. She is a
member of the ISO TC 212 Working Group 1 since 1995. This WG is in charge of the
preparation of the ISO/EN 15189 Standard. She is also a member of the IFCC Committee
on analytical quality since 2007.
She is a member of the working groups COFRAC (Comité Français d’accréditation) in
charge of the preparation of guidelines for method validation, uncertainty measurement
as well as quality control.
She trains residents and professionals on quality control and quality management in
France and abroad.
She is the author and/or co-author of more than one hundred articles, book
contributions, papers and publications, many devoted to clinical research in Inborn Errors
of Metabolism, clinical enzymology, and assessments of clinical laboratory quality.