2010 State of the Schools - Charleston County School District


2010 State of the Schools - Charleston County School District
2010 State
of the Schools
Believe • Achieve • Excel
Charleston Achieving Excellence: Plan Overview
Every child will graduate from CCSD with the critical skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college
and the 21st Century global workforce.
1. Elevate the achievement of all students.
District-wide, we are going to raise the academic proficiency of our students. Our absolute and overall
numbers will continue to improve.
2. Close the achievement gap.
In the early, middle and high school grades, we are going to decrease the achievement gaps―defined by
a range of test scores and other measures―that exist between African-American, Hispanic and Caucasian
3. Increase the graduation rate.
Graduation rates will rise steadily each year, and after year three, will exceed state and national
averages. We will instill a college-bound culture in every school, built on high expectations for every child
and a steady connection between classroom learning and future success.
Goals cannot be achieved without a solid foundation of values that support them. That is why the
Charleston Achieving Excellence plan is built on three core values― Results, Access, and Partnerships.
Strategic Priorities
Teacher Quality Priority 1
• Teacher Outstanding Performance (TOP)- Building opportunities for
teachers in elementary and middle school grades to be rewarded for
student growth
• Teacher Evaluation System- Creating a system that clearly defines,
recognizes, and acts on teacher effectiveness based in part on
student achievement
• Teacher Development Cycle- Recruiting, retaining, developing, and
rewarding teachers around the goal of effectiveness
• Meeting Students’ Needs- Pairing effective teachers with students who
need the most help
• In the 2009-2010 school year, 100 elementary teachers and 15 middle
school teams were recognized as TOP teachers based on their students’
academic growth.
Literacy Improvement Priority 2
• Expanded Early Childhood- Providing more programs with literacyinfused and proven curricula
• New Board-Approved Literacy Policy
• New District-Wide Plan- “Accelerated Literacy Pathways”
• First, Third, and Sixth Grade Academies- Bringing extra supports and
effective teachers to below-grade-level readers
• Innovation Zone- Turning around persistently low-performing schools
• In the 2009-2010 school year, a new director-level Early Childhood
position was created. The Board approved avision for universal 4K
programs for all low-income students, and 400 additional four-year-olds
were enrolled in Early Childhood classes.
• Third Grade Academy students significantly outperformed their peers in
Math and English Language Arts.
• A new literacy policy and “Accelerated Literacy Pathways” plan were
established to create district-wide accelerated academies to, better serve
below-grade-level readers in in 2010-2011.
World-Class Learning Facilities & Programs Priority 3
• Safe, State-of-the-Art, Award-Winning Schools
• Portfolio of Options- Expanding CCSD’s range of school choices, offering
parents and students a diverse menu of neighborhood, magnet, charter,
Montessori, single-gender, arts and music, and other school themes
and programs
• Classroom Modernization- Over $30 million invested in bringing SMART
Boards and other high-tech tools to teachers and students
• New Choice Options
• The Charleston Promise Neighborhood- A collaborative effort
modeled after the “Harlem Children’s Zone,” designed to dramatically
improve outcomes
• Literacy, Arts, and Child Health and Nutrition Roundtables
• Parent, Community, and Faith-Based advisory groups
• Children in Crisis Fund and related initiatives
• In the past five years, the Capital Plan has transformed the county by
opening 17 new or completely renovated schools.
Strategic Partnerships Priority 4
• The Charleston Promise Neighborhood has identified its Board and
secured funding commitments from the Cities of Charleston and
North Charleston. The vision is to ensure that every student in the
Promise Neighborhood receives a continuum of educational and
community supports from birth to college.
CCSD in 2008-2009
FY2008 Revenues
FY2008 Expenditures
$324.4 million
$327.8 million
Community Services
Support Services Charter Schools
Highlights: Our World-Class Schools and People
Did You Know?
Following five straight years of enrollment declines, over the
last two years, CCSD has added nearly 1,000 new students.
The number of CCSD schools making “Adequate
Yearly Progress”(AYP) jumped from
21 last year to 50 this year. 69% of CCSD schools
made AYP, compared to 49% statewide.
Lucy Beckham, Wando High School: National High School Principal of
the Year (MetLife/National Association of Secondary School Principals)
Maisha Rounds, Sanders-Clyde Elementary/Middle School:
CCSD Teacher of the Year
Katherine Henderson, West Ashley High School:
Milken Award-Winning Teacher
The current building program has brought 17 new or entirely
renovated schools to Charleston County.
CCSD continues to lead the state in the number of Palmetto
Gold and Silver award-winning schools.
Mary Beth Meggett, Stiles Point Elementary: Presidential Award for
Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Academic Magnet High School: Best Magnet High School in the
Nation, U.S. News and World Report
Garrett Academy of Technology & Charleston County School of the Arts:
named among the nation’s best schools by U.S. News & World Report
2008-2009 CCSD
Report Card Data
*Academic Magnet High- E
*Ashley River Creative Arts- G
*Belle Hall Elementary- E
*Buist Academy (Elementary)- E
*Buist Academy (Middle)- E
*Charles Pinckney Elementary- E
*Charleston School of the Arts (High)- E
*Charleston School of the Arts (Middle)- E
Charlestowne Academy (High)- G
*Drayton Hall Elementary- A
*East Cooper Montessori (Elem.)- A
*East Cooper Montessori (Middle)- A
*Ft. Johnson Middle- A
Garrett Academy of Technology- E
*Harbor View Elementary- E
*James B. Edwards Elementary- G
*James Island Charter High- E
*Jennie Moore Elementary- G
*Laurel Hill Primary- N/A
*Mamie Whitesides Elementary- E
Military Magnet Academy (High)- E
*Moultrie Middle- G
*Mt. Pleasant Academy- E
*Springfield Elementary- A
*St. Andrew’s School of Math & Science- G
*Stiles Point Elementary- E
*Sullivans Island Elementary- E
*Thomas C. Cario Middle- A
Wando High- E
District Absolute Rating: Average
District Growth Rating: At-Risk
Absolute Rating
*Charleston Development Academy- E
*Laing Middle- A
*Orange Grove Elementary Charter- G
*A.C. Corcoran Elementary- A
*Angel Oak Elementary- A
Baptist Hill High- E
*C.C. Blaney Elementary- A
C.E. Williams Middle- A
*Charleston Charter of Math & Science- A
*Charleston Progressive (Elem.)- G
Charlestowne Academy (Middle)- A
*E.B. Ellington Elementary- BA
*Edith L. Frierson Elementary- G
*Hunley Park Elementary- A
*James Island Elementary- BA
James Island Middle- A
*Ladson Elementary- A
*Lambs Elementary- A
*Matilda F. Dunston Elementary- G
*Minnie Hughes Elementary- BA
*Mt. Zion Elementary- A
*Murray-Lasaine Elementary- G
*Oakland Elementary- A
*Pepperhill Elementary- A
*St. James-Santee Elementary- A
*St. Andrews Middle- A
*Stono Park Elementary- A
*W.B. Goodwin Elementary- A
West Ashley High- AR
West Ashley Middle- A
Alice Birney Middle- BA
Burke High (High)- AR
*Charleston Progressive (Middle)- A
Charlestowne Academy (Elem.)- AR
*Chicora Elementary- A
*Haut Gap Middle- A
*Jane Edwards Elementary (Elem.)- A
*Jane Edwards Elementary (Middle)- BA
Lincoln High- AR
*McClellanville Middle- BA
*Memminger Elementary- AR
*Midland Park Elementary- A
Military Magnet (Middle)- A
*Mitchell Elementary- BA
*Sanders-Clyde Elementary (Middle)- BA
Brentwood Middle- AR
Burke High (Middle)- AR
Edmund A. Burns Elementary- AR
Greg Mathis Charter- BA
James Simons Elementary- BA
*Malcolm C. Hursey Elementary- BA
Mary Ford Elementary- AR
Morningside Middle- BA
*North Charleston Elementary- BA
North Charleston High- AR
R.B. Stall High- AR
R.D. Schroder Middle- AR
*Sanders-Clyde Elementary (Elem.)- BA
St. John’s High- BA
Susan G. Boykin Academy- AR
Wilmot Fraser Elementary- AR
Absolute Rating
Absolute Rating
Below Average
Absolute Rating
Absolute Rating
E- Excellent Growth Rating
G- Good Growth Rating
A- Average Growth Rating
BA- Below Average Growth Rating
AR- At-Risk Growth Rating
N/A- Not Applicable (No Growth Rating)
*- Made Adequate Yearly Progress
Closed or Grades Eliminated
Due to School Redesign
No School Report Card Data: Zucker Middle
School, Montessori Community School
Program, Sixth Grade Academy