Bulletin 9-10-2016


Bulletin 9-10-2016
“Our Greatest Need”
I. What was the greatest need of the disciples a er Jesus ascended to heaven? Luke 24:45‐49. Power from on high. II. What is “the promise of the Father that was going to be sent?” John 14:26 III. What a tude did the disciples have toward each other as they waited for the Holy Spirit? Acts 1:14 & Acts 2:1 They were of One Accord. IV. As the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the disciples and they were able to wit‐
ness in the foreign languages of those present, Peter explains that this out‐
pouring of the Holy Spirit is a fulfillment of a prophecy from Joel 2:28&29 V. Joel 2:23 speaks of the former rain and the la er rain. Jeremiah 5:24 VI. When those who heard the messages of the disciples at Pentecost asked what they must do Acts 2:37, they were told to repent and be bap zed and then they would receive the gi of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 VII. When Jesus spoke to Nicodemus in John 3:3‐7 He spoke of being born of water and of the Spirit. VIII. How is one born of the Spirit? By __________________. IX... According to John 16:7‐13, the Early Rain or first experience with the Holy Spirit will 1) Comfort, Reprove/ Convict of 2) Sin, 3) Righteousness 4) Judgment and 5) Guide into all truth. Without the Early Rain we can never grow or bear fruit. X. We all have sin in our heart. According to Romans 8:13&14 only the Holy Spirit is able to kill the sin that is in us. “Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. It is the Spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought out by the world’s Re‐
deemer. It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given His Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cul vated tenden‐
cies to evil, and to impress His own character upon His church.” The Desire of Ages, Page 671 XI. How do you know if you are filled with the Holy Spirit? Gala ans 5: 22‐25 XII. James 5:7&8 speaks of the La er Rain in the Last Days. XIII. To experience the La er Rain we must first have had the Early Rain experience and con nue to be filled DAILY with the Holy Spirit through: A. Prayer B. Pu ng away sin C. Pu ng away dissension D. Bible study E. Witnessing "Behold the husbandman waiteth
for the precious fruit of the earth,
and hath long patience for it,
until he receive the early and latter rain."
James 5:7 (KJV)
Our mission is to be a Christ-centered, Spiritfilled church that demonstrates the power
of grace and intentionally shares the good
news of Christ's soon return.
September 10, 2016
Jesus loves you
Adult Lesson Study “Jesus Ministered to Their Needs”
Classroom #1 Tom Bischoff
Pastor’s Office: Doug Cross
Young Adults meet in the side room left of balcony.
All children meet in Classroom #5 downstairs.
Know the Savior ~ Experience Peace
Worship Hour—10:45 AM
Song Service
Call to Worship*
Opening Hymn*
Jim Ball
“Surely the Presence of the Lord
is in this Place”
"Hover O'er Me, Holy Spirit"
Fall Mission Appeal
99.9fm Pastor Charles Shultz
Hymn #260
Dwight Winslow
Mary Kirk
Community Fellowship
Children’s Offering
Children’s Story
Jayme Beebe
Joys & Requests
Bob Biegel
Response Song
“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
Hymn #290
Scripture Reading
James 5:7-8
"Our Greatest Need"
Closing Hymn
Pastor Charles Shultz
Pastor Charles Shultz
"O for a Closer Walk!"
Shernette Wallace
Hymn #315
Pat Ball
*Please stand
Jann Biegel
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...And Much Much More!
Mark Your Calendar
October 28-30
You don’t want to miss the
2016 Chris an Women’s Retreat 30th Anniversary
Oct 28‐30, 2016
Special updates
 Church Family Prayer Requests: The Shadow Empire seminars, the
family of Heidi McKenna, Shirley Morey’s family, Carol Badger & family,
the Heinrichs, Jack Tefertiller, our country & the military, persecuted Christians in the world, .paying off the church mortgage, the unspoken requests.
 Today:-Prayer following the service at the back of the sanctuary
Do you have a special prayer request or a burdened heart?
Bring your heart’s desire to Jesus. Prayer warriors are waiting and
praying for you to come to the back of the church to pray.
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name,
there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20
 Today: Picnic in the Basement - Everyone please join us following the service for an informal meal downstairs.
This Thursday at 7pm “The Shadow Empire” starts!
Continues Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights at 7pm.
Live‐streaming in Brookings Oregon
Tomorrow ‐ 9am ‐
Church Work Bee ‐
Lots of work to do!
Here are some of the great speakers and music
Week at a Glance
Loretta Bacchiocchi,
Elise LeBlanc 12:30 pm
7:36 pm
9 am
6:30 pm
8:30 am
Wednesday 3:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:26 pm
“Picnic in the Basement”
Church Work Bee
Soup Kitchen
Ping Pong (and Thursday)
Exercise Class (and Thursday)
Prayer & Study Group
Shadow Empire Seminar 1
Shadow Empire Seminar 2
Cheerful Givers Report As of July 30, 2016
Risë Rafferty Rachel Griebel PT Peggy Casebier Lisa Marie Buster Needed for Budget: $3,400.00
Needed for Building: $3,941.00
July Budget: $2,280.31
July Building: $3,517.67
Principal Balance-Building $156,323.43
As a people we hold the Bible in supreme regard as the revealer of God’s
truth to guide us to salvation. Our love and devotion is rooted supremely in Christ
who we worship as our Savior, Creator, Lord and King.
We believe that forgiveness, healing and eternal life are offered freely to
all on the basis of what Jesus has already accomplished for us at the cross, and
continues to do as He ministers on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary above.
God’s mercy and grace are infinite and are received by faith, to prepare a people
for Jesus’ second coming.
The “New Covenant” provides not only forgiveness for sin, but also God’s
promise to write His law on our hearts so that our greatest joy will be to do His will.
We keep His commandments, not in order to be saved, but because He has
already encircled us in His saving arms. His law includes also the fourth commandment Sabbath which invites us to spend a special time of fellowship with God
on the seventh day.
Picnic in the Basement
Pastor Charles Shultz
Mary Kirk
Deacon In Charge
Don Kirk III
Linda Merritt, Mary Kirk
Next Week
All Church Potluck
Pastor Charles Shultz
Todd Rigby
Deacon In Charge
Mike Runyan
Ernie Madden, Teri Knighten, Sonia Mosier
Brookings Seventh-day Adventist Church
102 Park Avenue * P O Box 777
Brookings, OR 97415 * Phone: 541-469-3030
E-mail: [email protected]
Pastor: [email protected] * 541-661-5404
Office hours by appointment.
Website: www.brookingssda.org
Facebook: Brookings Seventh-day Adventist Church
Home of KSEP Radio — 99.9 FM
Jesus loves you
What can you be doing?
Invite you friends to the
mee ngs
Pray for your Neighbors
Tell people about Jesus
Volunteer to help
Pass out Literature
Sing in the Shower
Count your blessing
Pray for the mee ngs
Support your Pastor
Jesus is coming again
Praise the Lord
I want to be ready
Coming up next in Oct
Oct 4 Tues 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #11
Shawn Boonstra speaks “The Coming of the Lawless One”
Oct 5 Wed 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #12
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Sign of God”
..Oct 6 Thur 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Oct 7 Fri 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #13
Shawn Boonstra speak “Revelation’s Forgotten History”
Oct 8 Sabbath - All Church Potluck ********
Oct 8 Sat 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #14
Shawn Boonstra speak on “A River Runs Through It”
Oct 9 Sun 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #15
Shawn Boonstra speak on “Babylon Rising”
..Oct 10 Mon 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Oct 11 Tues 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #16
Shawn Boonstra speak on “Revelation’s Keys of Death”
Oct 12 Wed 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #17
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Fall of Babylon”
..Oct 13 Thur 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Oct 14 Fri 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #18
Shawn Boonstra speak on “God’s Strange Act”
Oct 15 Sat 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #19
Shawn Boonstra speak on “A Desolate Planet”
Oct 16 Sun 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #20
Shawn Boonstra speaks “How to Postpone Your Funeral”
..Oct 17 Mon 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Oct 18 Tues 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #21
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Mark of the Beast”
Oct 19 Wed 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #22
Shawn Boonstra speak on “Return of the Women”
..Oct 20 Thur 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Oct 21 Fri 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #23
Shawn Boonstra speaks “Revelation’s Testimony of Jesus”
Oct 22 Sat 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #24
Coming up next in Sept and Oct
Sept 15 Thur 7pm Shadow Empire #1
Sept 16 Fri 7pm Shadow Empire #2
Sept 17 Sabbath - All Church Potluck
*Look Look
*Sept 17 Sat 7 Pm Shadow Empire #3
*Sept 18 Sun 7pm Shadow Empire #4 Date and Time change
..Sept 19 Mon 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Sept 20 Tues 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #1
Shawn Boonstra speak on “A New World Order”
Sept 21 Wed 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #2
Shawn Boonstra speak on “A Planet in Upheaval”
..Sept 22 Thur 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Sept 23 Fri 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #3
Shawn Boonstra speak on “Armageddon”
Sept 24 Sat 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #4
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Man of Revelation”
Sept 25 Sun 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #5
Shawn Boonstra “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”
..Sept 26 Mon 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Sept 27 Tues 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #6
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Time of the End p1”
Sept 28 Wed 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #7
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Time of the End p2”
..Sept 29 Thur 6:30 pm Ping Pong
Sept 30 Fri 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #8
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Appearing”
Oct 1 Sat 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #9
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Anatomy of Evil”
Oct 2 Sun 7pm Revelation Speaks Peace #10
Shawn Boonstra speak on “The Ultimate Mind Game”
..Oct 3 Mon 6:30 pm Ping Pong
To Know Jesus is to have eternal Life
Pastor Shawn Boonstra is speaker/director for the Voice of Prophecy ministry. His broadcasts, live seminars and books have been a source of inspira on around the globe, and over the years, his live events have been presented on every con nent except Antarc ca. Each week, he hosts VOP’s flagship broad‐
cast, Disclosure. The program — which features his wife, VOP associate speaker Jean Boonstra, and special guests — takes a look at current events and trends, with an emphasis on how the Bible’s perspec‐
ve on today’s issues is more relevant than ever. He also traverses the globe to hold live mee ngs, including his Revela on Speaks Peace series, which reveals that prophecy can be understood, and that it ul mately points to the hope we find in Jesus. Shawn is also spearheading VOP’s effort to provide local churches with resources and training to make their community outreach even more effec ve. And every church is encouraged to start a local VOP Discover Bible School, which has already seen more than 1 million graduates. In addi on, events such as Shadow Empire — which was held in churches across North America in spring 2016 and will be held again in the fall — are approaching Bible prophecy and issues like religious liberty from new angles. The ministry’s reach extends worldwide, and current projects in‐
clude the construc on of a church in the Arc c, as well as a rehabili‐
ta on home for young girls who have been the vic ms of human trafficking in India. Prior to coming to VOP in 2013, Shawn served as an associate minis‐
terial director at the North American Division, where his role was to inspire, train, and equip pastors and churches for evangelism. Before this assignment, he served for seven years as speaker/
director for It Is Wri en Interna onal Television. While there, he held major series in places such as Phoenix, Portland, Los Angeles, Rome and the Andhra Pradesh region in India. Satellite events in‐
cluded Revela on Speaks Peace, Out of Thin Air, The Presence and The Appearing. Thousands of churches downlinked and hosted these mee ngs. Ping Pong Game
Every Monday and Thursday
evening @ 6:30 pm
Game Night
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come all
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When Jesus looks upon my life, What picture does He see?
Does He see His own reflection, Or does He just see me?
Does He see His likeness, The product of His hand.
Or just another Christian, Who never took a stand?
Does He see a child of God, A child that He made free?
Living life to honor Him, Or does He just see me?
What about the other folks, I meet along the way.
Do I show them Jesus, To brighten up their day?
When someone looks into my eyes, Can they truly see.
That calm and gentle peace of God, That dwells inside of me?
When I reach out and shake a hand, Is He right there in my grip?
Can they feel that strength from God, That steadies when I slip?
When folks are in my presence, Do they know His Spirit's there?
Can they see that He's the one, Who guides me everywhere?
When other people think of me, What is on their mind?
Do they think of Jesus Christ, So gentle and so kind?
I try to be like Jesus, Every single day.
Spreading love and kindness, All along my way.
I'm afraid that I have failed, I could not pass the test.
Deep inside my heart I know, I haven't done my best.
I have had to fight my flesh, Since the day that I was born.
It's always causing trouble, And being such a thorn.
That's why His Spirit dwells in me, He's helping me to learn.
In every situation, Where I need to turn.
He knew I'd never pass the test, That's why He took my place.
He gave His life to save my soul, He suffered my disgrace.
Now I try to be like Him, I must present Him well.
So other folks will want His gift, And turn their backs on hell.
Other folks should see the joy, That Christ has given me.
They should want to have it too, Especially since it's free.
They should begin to ask me, What is it they must do.
Just how it is they go about, Getting Jesus too.
Then I get to tell them, This wondrous gift is free.
It only takes a humble heart, A prayer on bended knee.
Someday when I'm face to face, With the Lord who made me free.
Will He see His own reflection, Or will He just see me?
Written By:Chick Velasco©2000
Star ng Sept 15 2016 @ 7pm
Be Sure to pass out your INSERT TODAY
Watch the trailer video at:
Starting Sept 15, 2016
7:00 pm
Brookings Seventh-day Church
102 Park Ave
Brookings, OR 97415
Invite everyone you know