Tydings - The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation


Tydings - The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
Special Edition—June 2015
We hope you enjoy this “Special Edition” issue of our Tydings Newsletter. We have included a report on the Feasibility Study (p. 3) and some information that just could not
wait for the July/August issue. These few pages hold some important Incarnation information. Look for the full July/August issue in mid-July.
Rev. Linda Kerr
Greetings all! You will remember that we have been planning to make use of the survey monkey
to determine the time of our Fall Service. Upon closer consideration, I am asking you to accept a slightly
different path.
We will have one service in the Fall and timing of the service is critical for those we rely on to
lead the singing, educational programming and worship. Keeping that in mind, I have spoken with those
whose personal commitments to leading worship will be directly affected. It is clear that the 9:30 start
time will not work because of the need to move rehearsals and classes to an early hour that many find
difficult (for a variety of reasons). The remaining options are 10:00 am and 10:30 am. Either of these
times would work. However, it is my sense, after speaking with many of you, that we should move to an
“earlier time.” As your Rector and after discussing this with the Vestry, I am recommending that we
adopt the 10:00 am time for our Fall worship.
If you would like to share your thoughts about the 10:00 am service, please speak to me or anyone
on the Vestry. While I don’t personally see a more workable solution, it is important for me and the Vestry to hear your concerns and opinions.
Patching of our parking lot is scheduled for sometime the week of June 23rd. We will be sending an
email regarding the use of the lot during this week.
This will be a one-day project so inconvenience will
be minimal.
We have chosen a contractor to install our new unit
and they were able to squeeze us in this week.
So….prepare to be nice and cool this Sunday! Installation will take place on Thursday, June 18th. Thank
you all for your patience!
Page 2
Parish Staff
Michelle Stawicki, Administrator
Linda Dellmuth,
Parish Custodian
Sushil Pakyanadhan,
Interim Organist
Rector’s Warden John Bigelow
Acct. Warden Linda Froelich
Vestry Members Dave Dixon,
Cynthia Goode, Valerie Hofer,
Susan LaRosa, Judy Lott, Patty
Deanery Reps
Andrena Wishnie
Shirley Henderson
Dave Dixon
Ministry chairs
Sunday School:
Adult Ed.: Andrena Wishnie
Communications: Julie Snarski
Bldg. & Grounds: Valerie Hofer
Fellowship: Marcie Venella
Fundraising: Diane Kern
New Members: Rev. Linda
Outreach: Priya Eddy
Pastoral Care: Claire Heinbach
Worship: Dave Dixon
Altar Guild: Susan LaRosa/
Christine Hughes
Susan LaRosa/Linda Dellmuth
Refreshments: Micki Wisdom
Merrie Mailers: Norma Brice,
Nancy Thompson
Worship Schedule
9:30 am—Holy Eucharist Rite II
Good News is arriving at the Church of the Incarnation in the
form of the music ministry of Francis Coates III. Frank has
accepted the position of Music Director beginning August 9,
2015. Frank was “born” into music and grew up in churches
pastored by his father. He has played organ and piano in many
churches and enjoys working with choirs of all ages. Frank
studied music composition and performance. Whether leading
a congregation in worship, working with a concert orchestra or
engaging the curiosity of young children, Frank finds joy and
meaning in the world of music. Frank and his family recently
moved to Holland PA. Many thanks go to the search committee
for their help: Dave Dixon, Dennis Oehmig, Priya Eddy, Patty
Shields, Cynthia Goode and Cheera Slayback.
We look forward to welcoming Frank to our parish family.
Thanks be to God!
First Thursday of each month volunteers are needed to help at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). Dates
of need for the summer will be July 2
and August 6. Please sign up in the
Parish Hall if you are able to help on
either of these dates.
Aid for Friends will be held on the following dates through the summer:
June 17th & 18th; July 15th & 16th; and
August 19th & 20th. Please come out
to help either Wednesday night at
7:00 p.m. or Thursday morning at 9:00
a.m. on the above listed dates.
Toiletries continue to be needed at
the Trenton Rescue Mission. While
vacationing, remember to pick up the
complimentary shampoos, etc. that
are in hotel rooms. They can be
dropped in the basket in the Parish
Hall. Thank you!
Thanks to the generosity of a
parishioner, our grounds were
mulched last Sunday afternoon.
The landscaper who mulched
also freshened up our St. Francis
Rev. Linda Kerr will be
on Professional Development in
Europe on the following dates:
June 23-July 4
If you have a Pastoral emergency during this time, please
contact the church office.
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Findings on the Viability of a
Contemporary Service
As part of our parish strategic plan that was presented to the congregation in October, 2014, a Feasibility
Committee was formed to explore the viability of adding a contemporary service to our worship schedule.
Members of the committee are: Dave Dixon, Linda Froelich, Dan Goode, Susan LaRosa and Jessica Polistina.
The plan was to visit other churches that offer a contemporary service and meet with the church leaders.
The Feasibility Study was presented to the Vestry on May 11th. Here is a summary of the findings.
The four churches we visited were:
 Good Samaritan (Episcopal), Paoli, PA
 Emilie United Methodist Church, Levittown, PA
 St James Episcopal, Langhorne, PA
 Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Yardley, PA
What is a contemporary service? All of the churches used traditional prayers for their Eucharist service.
What defined the service as “contemporary” was the music. In three churches there was a praise band with
guitars, a keyboard, drums, and singers. The music was easy to sing and the lyrics and prayers were displayed on an overhead screen. In one parish there was just a piano and a guitar player. At this service we
were given a bulletin with the service order, prayers and lyrics.
What did we learn?
 There is a large range of services and music
 The music and the music director are both key to the success of a contemporary service
 Committee members had mixed reactions to the praise bands
 Adding a contemporary service would not be a quick fix to grow our membership. Developing this
service will take time.
Recommendations: With the departure of Andrea McGahan, the process was impacted and changed our
recommendations. Hiring a music director was top priority.
 Allow the new music director to build a relationship with the choir and congregation (Update:
Frank Coates III will begin on August 9, 2015).
 Continue with one blended service for a period of time
 Explore using contemporary music with the choir during this time
 Ask congregation and choir to be open to new ideas and possibilities
 Re-visit the feasibility of offering a contemporary service at some time in the future
Bonus – things we observed at the different services that we liked:
 Stating the parish mission statement at the end of each service
 Short children’s sermon before dismissal to classrooms
 Asking congregation for prayer requests during the service – either verbally or written
 Posting a parish concern/question on a bulletin board - members would respond using post-it notes
Remember the purpose of any service is to spread the word of God. Committee members welcome any
questions or comments.
The Church of the Incarnation
1505 Makefield Road
Morrisville, Pennsylvania 19067
Our Mission Statement
Drawn together by faith and
nourished by the bread of life,
we welcome Christ into our daily lives
and distant dreams.
We rejoice in our calling to build a world
renewed and sustained by bold actions of
reconciliation and peace.
Join us Sunday mornings at
9:30 a.m.
Childcare will be available through June.
Contact us:
The Rev. Linda L. Kerr
[email protected]
Michelle Stawicki
Parish Administrator
Office: 215-295-2259
Fax: 215-295-9540