Success Institute Charter School


Success Institute Charter School
A Year of
Success Institute Charter School
Success Institute Charter School
Success Institute Charter School Soldiers
Welcome to the Success Institute Charter School
family! The faculty, staff, and I are excited about
the 2011-2012 school year and are looking
forward to working with our Success students.
We are proud of our school and hope you will be
too. We provide a safe, orderly environment
which is conducive to teaching and learning. We
treat all persons with respect and maintain the
dignity and self worth of all our school family
members. We accept the responsibility for the
learning of all our Successful students because we
believe all children can learn and we know we
have the necessary skills to accomplish this task.
We expect every parent and every student to
accept their responsibility for learning as well. All
of us must work together so each child may reach
his/her full Successful potential.
We have an open communication policy and
welcome questions or comments because we
believe our school must have the intelligent,
informed support of the people of our
community. Together we can make this year the
best year in the lives of our children.
Tenna D. Williams - Principal
Success Institute Charter School seeks to employ
and maintain 100% Highly Qualified Professionals.
Currently Success Institute Charter School Staff employs 90% highly Qualified staff.
The Success Institute Charter School Staff consist of
Ms. Loretta Bunch - Teacher Assistant
Mr. Nelson Coppola - Spanish Teacher
Mrs. Nita Feimster - Child Nutrition
Mrs. Francis Hasan - Teacher Assistant
Ms. Teresa Holmes - Bus Driver/Teacher Assistant
Ms. Pamela Rogers - Teacher/Extended Care
Mrs. Schofield - Teacher Assistant
Ms. LaShonda Smith—Administrative Assistant
Ms. Thompson- Computer Skills/Physical Education/Coach
Mr. Mario Torrence - Teacher
Mrs. Ruta Usry - Student Coordinator/Assistant
Ms. Denise Wilkerson - Teacher
Ms. Tenna Williams - Principal
Success Institute
Charter School
Main Office - (704) 881-0441
Fax Number - (704) 881-0870
The Mission of
Success Institute
Charter School
is to provide a
holistic and
educational environment that
enhances both
students and
their families.
Principal - [email protected]
Administrative Assistant –[email protected]
Admission Policy – Success Institute is a free Public School.
Although Success Institute would like to enroll every student
that applies to our school, we are unfortunately unable to do
so. The enrollment process consists of application completion
by parent, parent and prospect student and principal interview
and grade availability. Success Institute is unable to enroll any
student after the 20th day of school. Success Institute does not
discriminate in any way of race, color, gender, nationality,
ethnic origin, or disability in the admission of any student. The
final enrollment completion consists of letter of acceptance,
and $20 per family enrollment fee compensated during open
Admission Programs – Students enrolled in Success Institute has
a terrific opportunity to become a part of the following
VIP – parent organization designed to serve as a communication empowerment between teachers, students, parents, staff, and the community. Please look forward to
the information about the meeting times for this
Morning and Afterschool care- This program offers extra
care for students. Morning care begins at 6:40 am and
Afterschol Care begins at 3:00 pm. The cost of the
Morning and Afterschool Care program is $11.70 per
day, and $60 per week. There is a $20 registration fee
due at the beginning of this program each year.
Vouchers are Accepted
Withdrawals – Success Institute encourages every child that
enters into our doors to enter for a caring, nurturing and educational environment until the end of their eighth grade year,
Success Institute realizes that situations and events change
whether a student continues in our care. Proper procedures to
withdraw a student from Success Institute includes: notification
from student parent(s) in writing or through a meeting set up
with the Student Coordinator, or Principal. Every item
distributed to Success Institute need to be returned to Success
Institute by student and/or parent before withdrawal can be
completed; this includes, but not limited to, books, any school
supplies, field trip money, etc. Also, all account balances must
maintain a current balance of $0, before withdrawal
procedures can be complete. When all information is
complete, student information will then be forwarded to
student’s new school of attendance. This does include students
moving to an out-of-state school.
All students are encouraged to follow all bus rules governing
Success Institute Charter School. Any student that causes disruption
for the bus driver and/or other students will be suspended from
the bus at the discretion of the principal and the bus driver.
Students are only permitted to ride the bus they are assigned to
ride and be discharged to the location they are assigned to be
dismissed. The bus routes of Success Institute are limited; therefore,
please ensure that your child is placed on a transportation schedule
immediately. Also, parents are required to notify the office or bus
driver a day in advance, in writing from the parent only, if a
student’s transportation schedule has changed, please include a
number where you can be reached with this written notification.
In addition, the Success Institute staff cannot change a bus schedule
after 2 pm.
Buses –
Success Institute encourages students not to ride bicycles to
or from school. Success Institute is not responsible for lost or stolen equipment students bring from home.
Bicycles –
Walking and Transportation by Vehicle – All Students are required to go to
the Success Institute Gym upon arrival. Vehicles and Walking
children are not to enter the bus porting areas. Students riding in
vehicles and walking are dismissed after bus riders. Staff will direct
student pick up areas and procedures.
Parent Parking - When
visiting the school, parents should park in
parking lots area only. Cars parked in front of the school door are
subject to towing expenses. Dismissal time begins at 3pm.
Students are not permitted to be dismissed early after 2:45 pm.
Safety - All parents, guardians, family and visitors must report to the
office through the front office door only, upon entering the
building. Parents are not permitted to enter through the side
doors; this is considered trespassing and will interrupt academic
instruction. Please sign in at the front office to receive the required
visitor’s badge.
Child Nutrition Applications All students are allowed to apply for free or reduced
meals at any time during the school year. All nutrition applications are given out at
open house. It is best to apply during the first week of school and return the
application to the school immediately, to identify your child’s nutrition benefit status.
If a student has received free or reduced meals in the Success Institute School system
the previous year, this status may continue for the first five days of the school year.
However, a new application must be submitted in August of each school year. Please
note that the nutritional status is also required by the state of North Carolina to be
updated and verified on a random basis. Students who did not receive free or reduced
meals in our school system last year must bring money for the full
cost of meals or a bagged meal during the application processing
period. Parents will receive written notification of their child’s
approval type within a week of receipt of application.
Child Nutrition Billing Procedure If your child does not receive free or reduced lunch
benefits, all lunch money is due on the first day of each week, or on the first day of
each month. Bi-Weekly or monthly invoices are given to your child on their billing
status. The full cost of breakfast is $1.25, lunch begins at 11:30 am for the first lunch
schedule, and 12:05 pm for the second lunch schedule. The full cost of lunch is $2.25.
Payments are accepted through Cash or Money Order Only . White or chocolate milk
can be selected with lunch and breakfast. If your child has a lunch balance at any time,
after the bill compensation due date, students must bring their lunch until the balance
is paid. We are a small school with limited child nutrition resources. Students must
prepay for the month of April and May. All nutrition questions and concerns may be
addressed to LaShonda Smith or Tenna Williams (704) 881-0441.
*Note: Due to nutrition standards, no restaurant food
will be permitted inside the cafeteria.
Cafeteria Conduct Students must enter and leave the cafeteria in an orderly fashion.
The same discipline required in classrooms is required in the cafeteria. Children are
encouraged to keep the cafeteria clean, safe, and new. Breakfast is served at 7:15 am.
Breakfast ends promptly at 7:50 am. Although students are allowed to bring a bagged
lunch from home, sodas or fast food is not permitted. Please do not send glass containers with your child. Due to North Carolina health and safety regulations, students
nor parents are permitted to prepare food in the school kitchen.
Our Goal The main goal of the Success Institute Child Nutrition Program is to
promote academic success. Success Institute
Child Nutrition Program will offer healthy,
well balanced and affordable meals.
Early Dismissal If a child must leave before scheduled dismissal time, a
parent/guardian must sign him out through the office. If child will not
be picked up by his or her parent/guardian, Success Institute must be
notified before 12 noon, and an ID must be shown by the person
picking up your child. Please note that each early-unexcused sign outs
will be counted as a tardy.
Tardies We hope that you will instill in your child the importance of
arriving on time. Success will also instill that same importance to the
child and the parent. If a child arrives after 8:00 am, it is mandatory
that he or she be signed in by a parent/guardian or by person bringing
the student to school. After a student receives 10 unexcused tardies; the
student will be automatically suspended for one day, and must return
to school with a parent for a conference with the school principal. Five
unexcused tardies equals one unexcused absence.
Absentees Please notify the school office at (704) 881-0441 if your
child will be absent from school. Please send a written note to the
school upon your child return to school. If a child has been absent
from school more than 3 days, a doctor’s note must be presented upon students return to school. Please note that North Carolina Law requires that children attend school at least 170 days during each school
year in order for a child to be promoted to the next grade. Success
Institute encourages each student to perform his or her best academically, therefore we expect students in school everyday, unless the
school is closed, or he or she is sick, or the child can absolutely not arrive to school. If your child receives ten absentees, he or she will be
retained (according to state guidelines), along with a principal
conference with child and parent. Absentees due to out-of-town trips
will be coded as “unlawful” unless prior approval has been given by
the principal. To receive this approval, the trip must be educational,
and shared with class upon return.
Success Institute Dismissal Policy All car riding and walking students
must be picked by 3:05 pm. Students still on campus after 3:05 pm
will need to go to the afterschool care program. The afterschool care
fee is $11.70 per day. Students sent to afterschool care must pay the
$11.70 fee the same day student is sent to afterschool care.
Incompliance with the absentee, tardy or dismissal policy
will result in conference with principal and parent/guardian.
Record and Parent Custody – Success Institute abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment
with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In the absence of a court order each birth parent
are given equal access to the academic records and to other school related information regarding
the student. However, if there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given to
the custodial parent, it is the right and the requirement of the custodial parent to provide the school
with an official copy of the court order concerning restrictions of that particular child . In addition,
all divorce parents must furnish the school with a copy of the custody section of the divorce decree.
This vital information will determine if the student can be released. For all non-custodial and custodial parents a request to view record must be prepared in writing to the director at least 24 hours
prior to parent availability to review any student records. Request, however, must be the consent
of both parents.
Who can I talk to about Personal and Student concerns - Success Institute is a school of choice.
Success Institute will like to thank you for choosing our school to service the academic needs of your
child. All parent and student concerns are very important to the Success Institute Administration.
The parent’s first point of contact is the teacher. In the event that the issue is not resolved a conference may be scheduled with the teacher/parent/ administration. Student information will only be
shared with documented legal guardian.
School Volunteers and Visitors – Parent, Family Members and Volunteers are welcomed at Success!
Please plan to visit classrooms, cafeteria, or volunteer on occasion. All visitors are required to sign
in at the front office. Please inform any Success Institute family member in advance of any type of
planned visit or volunteering. Although we welcome family members, please ensure that all visitors
are in good health.
Sick Children and Medication – Success Institute encourages students to attend school everyday.
Please do not send sick children to school. Due to limited personnel, parents are automatically
called to pick up their sick student if the student has a fever, diarrhea, undiagnosed rash (doctors
note required), or vomiting. These types of emergencies do come up, therefore please be sure that
Success Institute has appropriate and reachable parent and family member contacts for the person
responsible for the sick student. Also, student assignments are available for pick up by after 12:00 if
notified a day in advance.
Please do not send medication to school with the child. If a student is required to take
prescription medication at school, parents must bring medication and a statement from student’s
doctor. Parents must complete paperwork in order for school administrator to disperse medication
to the student. Medication must have student and doctor’s labeled on the medication bottle as
well. Medication date must be current. Any student prescribed medication by a physician to function during school hours must be in compliance with physician’s orders. Any parent and/or student
not in compliance with physician and Success Institute are required to have non compliance information transferred to Iredell County Department of Social Services.
Doctor’s Appointments – If possible, please schedule dental, doctor, and optical appointments after school hours. If an appointment has to be made during school hours,
students may be picked up at the office. Doctor’s notes are required upon child’s return
in order for the child to receive an excused tardy.
Make Up Work – It will benefit your child if you plan all family vacations around the
Success Institute calendar. All students must make up any work missed during their time
away from the class or classes they have missed. If a student will be absent for numerous
days, please contact the school administrator to verify excused or unexcused reason for
absence. Make up work is due upon student’s return to school.
Student Telephone Use – Students are not allowed to bring a telephone to school for
any reason. Students may not receive telephone calls at school except for absolute emergency. Students may use office telephone for emergency only.
Success Charter School strives to support the educational needs of all students. Students
need all the necessary equipment to become successful academically. Success Institute
staff and teachers encourage students and parents to maintain the following individual
items as academic support:
Eye Wear – If your child is prescribed eye wear, please maintain up-to-date
appointments, and accurate eyewear. Eye Wear will need to be worn all year if
prescribed by a doctor because it becomes of the educational plan. Eye Wear is
tremendously important for seeing the board, transitioning, and testing. If your child is
referred to an optometrist for visual screening/impairment a note must be submitted by
an optometrist to clear them. If a child is prescribed glasses, it becomes a part of their
educational plan. It is mandatory for your child to wear.
Medication – Success Institute should be informed of any medication(s) a child takes on
a daily basis prescribed by a licensed practitioner. Success Institute is not responsible for
medications brought to school or taken by any student taken during the school day.
However, medication must be properly administered as prescribed by a doctor.
-Proper forms must be completed in the office before a staff member can administer
medication to a child.
- The state law mandates public schools to comply with diagnosis from a licensed
practitioner in support of a health and academic plan that supports student’s
Additionally, a medical plan will be implemented on field trips in order to meet the
student’s educational needs or the student will be released to parent if not in
Report Cards – Report cards are distributed every nine weeks. Progress reports sent
every three weeks. Parents may access a copy through the computerized system
Engrade for middle grade students. Parents and Students are able to view report
cards through this system. It is the responsibility of the parent to sign report
cards each grading period and return the signed envelope.
School Assistant Team (SAT) The team is comprised of the EC specialists,
administration, teachers, and parents. The purpose of this team is to assist the
child needs educational and behavioral needs. The SAT team may refer students
to a licensed psychologist in order to obtain a completed psychological evaluation. This process takes approximately six weeks after the teacher/parent referral. The NC law requires that public schools comply with a diagnosis from a
licensed practitioner in order to support of a health and academic plan. If parents do not comply with the recommendations of the Board/Team. Upon
findings, if a parent refuses to support the recommendations of the SAT Team
and the psychological findings the parent will result in mediation with the Dept.
of Social Services. The student may not return until cleared by the SI Board of
Retention/Promotion – All are based on administrators’ decision.
All promotion has to be approved by the last day of 1 st semester retention
must be approved by the end of 3rd quarter. Documentation must validate
the decision.
We take pride in our students dress ethics & grooming. We encourage our
students to look as professional as possible. For this reason and more, Success
Institute Charter School has a strict uniform policy. However, from time
to-time we do allow opportunities for individual expression of casual clothing
on specified days. Please look forward to those times, and be sure to abide by
the uniform policy. More importantly, we (students and staff) should always be
neat and clean, and practice great hygiene. Violations will result in immediate
The following uniform should be available at almost any store.
Boys and Girls:
Shirts & Blouses: Any Solid Color Polo Style (shirts with collars) Shirts only
1st Friday of each month will be Dress Up day
$2 jean days on the last Friday of the month
Slacks and Shorts: Solid khaki style
Walking shorts (no cargo pants or jeans, or shorts below middle finger tip)
Girls may also wear Capri’s, skirts (within dress code length), dresses, or jumpers
Solid color sweaters and sweatshirts must be within uniform standards and
must be worn with a collar shirt. No printed sweaters or sweatshirts will
be permitted.
White Tennis shoes are preferred
Please Note: neither shirts nor bottoms may contain gang logos, name brand
logos, symbols, lace, see- through, fire, chains, or profanity. Being out of
compliance with this rule will result in immediate suspension.
No jeans, jean skirts, Jean jumpers, sweatpants, or wind suits may be
worn as a form of uniform
All students shirt tails must be tucked in at all times & wear a black or brown belt
Coats must be taken off once student enters the inside of the classroom
All clothes must fit appropriately (no sagging, tight fitting, holes, or rips in clothing)
No hats or sunglasses may be worn in the building unless prescribed by
doctor, or specified by staff member.
Boys may not wear earrings.
PE-Students are required to change into T-shirts and tennis shoes for physical
Bringing Items To School – Students shall not bring extra items to
school that will interfere with the learning process. Students are prohibited to sell any items at school. In addition, please label all coats,
bookbags, and personal belongings. Success Institute is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Electronics—All electronic devices and
toys are considered an educational distraction. These items will be
confiscated to the office until the end of the year.
Textbook and Supplies – Textbooks are provided to all students. We
encourage all students to treat textbooks and library books with tremendous care. Students will be charged for any lost or damaged
books. Book fines may range from $35 -$50 per book, so please encourage your child to save you money by maintaining the up keep
and the return of any textbook or any book that belongs to Success
Institute. All previous school year transactions must be clear before
students may began a new year.
Inclement Weather – In case of inclement weather, the administrator
will post school closing information on the following TV stations:
WSOC (Channel 9), WBTV (Cable Channel 2)/Channel 3 (Regular)
In addition, please check Success Institute message machine (704) 8810441. The station will specifically say Success Institute. If there is an
hour delay, students report to school at 9am, and if there is a two
hour delay, students report at 10am. Unfortunately breakfast is not
available if school is on a two hour delay. Students outside of city
limits are responsible for transportation to school.
Birthdays – Success Institute welcomes birthday celebrations for any
students. However, please be sure to notify students teacher at least
3 days in advance to ensure schedule permits, and no special events
are planned at that time. The Success Institute office or director is
unable to schedule or give permission for any parties for students.
Parents are required to speak with teacher only.
Pictures – Success Institute takes pictures every year, and will notify
parents on the dates pictures are taken.
The Students, Staff and Success Institute
Administration desire for every student to behave
in a respectful, decent and orderly manner, as well
as comply with all rules set by the Success Institute
administration. Success Institute encourages
students and parents to become familiar with the
consequences of misbehavior.
Verbal and Written Warning
Silent Lunch (student may not receive more than one within one week)
Mailed Letter for Mandatory Parent Conference
Office visit to school principal for reprimand
(Parent notification refers to signed discipline
forms given at the beginning of the year)
Suspension (Principal discretion)
The decision of specific disciplinary actions will be upon
the discretion of the school principal.
Success Institute strives to maintain an academic atmosphere at all
times. The following rules reflect our commitment to maintaining
academic excellence:
Success Institute School-Wide Conduct and Behavior Expectations
-Any student caught cheating on tests will automatically receive a
zero and must retest.
- Students must not to bring any non - educational materials to
school such as toys and electronics which are not used for
educational purposes. Items will be retained until parent
conference. Second infractions will be retained until the end of the
year. All personal care items should be place inside a small carrier
which must fit inside the book bag.
- Any student who demonstrates insubordinate behavior will
receive a conference based administrative decision.
- Any
students who are suspected or involved in vandalism or
vandalism threats, fighting and stealing, caught with any form of a
concealed weapon (knife, gun, gun shells, fingernail files, fingernail
clippers, laser beam lights, wooden items, or sharp items) will be
automatically suspended.
- Any student caught with substances/drugs or any paraphernalia
will be expelled. Students may not bring any type of drugs or
medication to school. Please see proper medication procedures if
your child takes medication on a regular or as needed basis. For
this information shall be given to administrative personnel.
- Students are encouraged to conduct themselves in an orderly
manner throughout school facilities.
- Success
inspires all students to share in the responsibility of
keeping their school facilities and grounds clean.
- No Gang related activity or Bullying will be tolerated. This
includes paraphernalia, signs, and property.