Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures


Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
Rapport 1: 2008
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
ISBN 978-82-8082-232-1 (Printed edition)
ISBN 978-82-8082-233-8 (Electronic edition)
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet 1:2008
Published by Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet/
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety 2008.
Postboks 4404 Nydalen
0403 Oslo
Tel. + 47 21 62 28 00
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
Published by Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet/
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety 2008.
Postboks 4404 Nydalen
0403 Oslo
Tel. + 47 21 62 28 00
ISBN 978-82-8082-232-1 (Printed edition)
ISBN 978-82-8082-233-8 (Electronic edition)
Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Norwegian
Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Adopted 7 April 2008
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical
06/404-6 final
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical
Jan Alexander
Ragna Bogen Hetland
Rose Vikse
Erik Dybing
Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen
Wenche Farstad
Bjørn Munro Jenssen
Jan Erik Paulsen
Janneche Utne Skåre
Inger-Lise Steffensen
Steinar Øvrebø
2 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
06/404-6 final
Persons working for VKM, either as appointed members of the Committee or as ad hoc
experts, do this by virtue of their scientific expertise, not as representatives for their
employers. The Civil Services Act instructions on legal competence apply for all work
prepared by VKM.
The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet,
VKM) has appointed an ad hoc group consisting of both VKM members and external experts
to answer the request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The members of the ad hoc
group are acknowledged for their valuable contribution to this opinion.
The members of the ad hoc group are:
Members of VKM Scientific Panels:
Jan Alexander (Chair), Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in
Contact with Food and Cosmetics (Panels 4) and Panel on Contaminants (Panel 5)
Erik Dybing, Panel on Plant Protection Products (Panel 2)
Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen, Panel on Contaminants (Panel 5)
Wenche Farstad, Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (Panel 8)
Ragna Bogen Hetland, Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in
Contact with Food and Cosmetics (Panel 4)
Bjørn Munro Jenssen, Panel on Animal Feed (Panel 6)
Jan Erik Paulsen, Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in
Contact with Food and Cosmetics (Panels 4) and Panel on Nutrition, Dietetic Foods, Novel
Food and Allergy (Panel 7)
Janneche Utne Skåre, Panel on Plant Protection Products (Panels 2) and Panel on
Contaminants (Panel 5)
Inger-Lise Steffensen, Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in
Contact with Food and Cosmetics (Panel 4)
Steinar Øvrebø, Panel on Plant Protection Products (Panel 2)
External expert:
Rose Vikse, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
VKM wishes to acknowledge Senior Scientist, PhD Ragna Bogen Hetland and Senior
Scientist, PhD Rose Vikse from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, for their work with
the draft report that was prepared as a basis for this opinion. Professor Tore Aune is
acknowledged for his contribution with the chapter on algal toxins and MD, Phd Ragnhild
Halvorsen for her work with the chapter on allergy. A special thanks to the members of the
Scientific Panels 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of VKM for their valuable contribution to chapter 5.
Assessed by
Scientific Steering Committee: Åshild Krogdahl (Chair), Bjørn Næss, Espen Rimstad, Erik
Dybing, Knut Berdal, Jan Alexander, Janneche Utne Skåre, Marit Aursand, Margaretha
Haugen, Wenche Farstad, Leif Sundheim, Øyvind Lie, Ørjan Olsvik, Helle Margrete Meltzer,
Helge Klungland
Scientific Coordinators from the VKM Secretariat: Tor Øystein Fotland and Marie Louise
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM)
06/404-6 final
CONTRIBUTORS.......................................................................................................................... 3
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 3
Assessed by ........................................................................................................................ 3
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................. 4
SUMMARY................................................................................................................................... 7
SAMMENDRAG .......................................................................................................................... 10
BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................... 13
TERMS OF REFERENCE............................................................................................................. 14
ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................ 15
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 15
2 Basic concepts and terminology used to describe the combined actions of
chemicals in mixtures............................................................................................... 17
2.1 No interaction ............................................................................................................. 17
2.2 Interactions ................................................................................................................. 18
2.2.1 Mechanisms and causes of interactions........................................................... 19
2.2.2 Complex similar action .................................................................................... 20
2.2.3 Complex dissimilar action................................................................................ 20
2.2.4 Dose-dependent variations in toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures.... 21
2.3 Test strategies to assess combined actions and interactions of chemicals in mixtures
.................................................................................................................................. 21
2.3.1 Testing of whole mixtures................................................................................. 21
2.3.2 Physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) modelling................................... 22
2.3.3 Isobole methods................................................................................................ 22
2.3.4 Comparison of individual dose-response curves ............................................. 23
2.3.5 Other methods .................................................................................................. 24
3 Combined actions with different toxicological endpoints ........................................ 25
3.1 Local irritation ............................................................................................................ 25
3.1.1 Skin irritation ................................................................................................... 25
3.1.2 Eye irritation .................................................................................................... 26
3.1.3 Irritation to the respiratory tract ..................................................................... 26
3.2 Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity............................................................................... 26
3.2.1 Interactions between genotoxic substances ..................................................... 27
3.2.2 Carcinogenicity ................................................................................................ 27
3.3 Reproductive toxicity ................................................................................................. 29
3.3.1 Testing interaction of teratogenic compounds by using in vitro studies.......... 30
3.3.2 Examples of interaction of reproductive toxicants in vivo............................... 30
3.4 Endocrine disrupting chemicals.................................................................................. 30
3.4.1 In vitro studies.................................................................................................. 31
3.4.2 In vivo studies................................................................................................... 31
3.4.3 Fish and wildlife studies................................................................................... 32
3.5 Neurotoxicity .............................................................................................................. 34
3.5.1 Consequences of adverse effects on the nervous system.................................. 34
3.5.2 Examples of mechanisms of interactions ......................................................... 35
3.5.3 Examples of interactions between agents ........................................................ 35
3.6 Immunotoxicity .......................................................................................................... 36
3.6.1 Direct toxic effects on the immune system ....................................................... 36
3.6.2 Allergy .............................................................................................................. 36
4 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
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4 Approaches used in the assessment and regulation of chemical mixtures ............. 38
4.1 Procedures to assess combined effects of chemicals that work by similar mechanisms
of action.................................................................................................................... 38
4.1.1 Group acceptable/tolerable intake (group ADI/TDI) ...................................... 38
4.1.2 Hazard index (HI) ............................................................................................ 38
4.1.3 Point of departure index (PODI) ..................................................................... 39
4.1.4 Margin of exposure (MOE)/ Margin of safety (MOS) ..................................... 39
4.1.5 Toxic Equivalent Factors (TEF) ...................................................................... 40
4.1.6 Relative potency factor..................................................................................... 40
4.1.7 Interaction-based modification of the hazard index (HI) ................................ 40
4.1.8. Indicator substance ......................................................................................... 41
4.2 Procedures to assess combined effects of chemicals that act by dissimilar
mechanisms of action............................................................................................... 43
4.2.1 Simple dissimilar action................................................................................... 43
4.3 Chemical mixtures and the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) principle ... 43
4.4 Approaches to assess toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures - suggestions from
other European and US regulatory bodies ............................................................... 44
4.4.1 Approach to assess simple and complex mixtures – advisory report published
by the Health Council of The Netherlands (2002) .................................................... 44
4.4.2 Approach for assessment of combined toxic action of chemical mixtures –
proposal from the American Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(ATSDR) .................................................................................................................... 45
4.4.3 Combined risk assessment of pesticide chemicals that have a common
mechanism of toxicity – US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)............... 46
4.4.4 Examples on risk assessment of pesticide residues in food by the Danish
Veterinary and Food Administration ........................................................................ 47
4.4.5 Approach from the EFSA Scientific Colloquium - Cumulative Risk Assessment
of Pesticides to Human Health.................................................................................. 50
5 Approaches used by VKM to assess combined toxic effects of multiple chemical
exposures................................................................................................................... 52
5.1 VKM Scientific Panel 2 (Panel on Plant Protection Products) .................................. 52
5.1.1 Multiple Exposures to Plant Protection Products ........................................... 52
5.1.2 Risk Assessment of Combined Exposures of Plant Protection Products to
Human Health ........................................................................................................... 53
5.1.3 Concluding remarks from VKM Scientific Panel 2.......................................... 56
5.2 VKM Scientific Panel 4 (Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids,
Materials in Contact with Food and Cosmetics)...................................................... 57
5.2.1 Food additives.................................................................................................. 57
5.2.2 Natural flavouring complexes (NFC) and chemically identified flavourings.. 58
5.2.3 Food contact materials .................................................................................... 58
5.2.4 Drinking water ................................................................................................. 59
5.2.5 Cosmetics ......................................................................................................... 62
5.2.6 Concluding remarks from VKM Scientific Panel 4.......................................... 62
5.3 VKM Scientific Panel 5 (Panel on Contaminants)..................................................... 63
5.3.1 Environmental contaminants ........................................................................... 63
5.3.2 Biotoxins........................................................................................................... 69
5.3.3 Residues of veterinary medicinal products ...................................................... 73
5.3.4 Concluding remarks from VKM Scientific Panel 5.......................................... 73
5.4 VKM Scientific Panel 6 (Panel on Animal Feed) ...................................................... 74
5.4.1 Naturally occurring contaminants and additives............................................. 75
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM)
06/404-6 final
5.4.2 Xenobiotic contaminants.................................................................................. 75
5.4.3 Concluding remarks from VKM Scientific Panel 6.......................................... 76
5.5 VKM Scientific Panel 7 (Panel on Nutrition, Dietetic Foods, Novel Food and
Allergy) .................................................................................................................... 76
5.6 VKM Scientific Panel 8 (Panel on Animal Health and Welfare)............................... 77
6 Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 79
6.1 General comments ...................................................................................................... 79
6.2 Combined effects of multiple exposures below or above the dose thresholds of effect
.................................................................................................................................. 80
6.3 Proposed procedure for risk assessment of chemicals in mixtures............................. 81
CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................... 84
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 86
6 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
06/404-6 final
The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet,
VKM) has on the request of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) examined the
principles of risk assessments of combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures. Risk
assessment of exposure to chemicals in food, feed and cosmetics are mostly based on data
from studies on individual substances. However, humans are most often simultaneously
exposed to a large number of chemicals from different sources, and it has been questioned
whether combined exposures to low doses of substances that individually do not produce any
adverse health effects, could still induce toxic effects when they co-occur or appear in
A background document to be used in the work with the opinion was prepared by the
Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Thereafter, VKM appointed an ad hoc group consisting
of both VKM members from the relevant Scientific Panels and external experts to perform
this task. The VKM Scientific Steering Committee has discussed and approved the final
VKM has on the request of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority described the most relevant
theoretical principles for various types of combined toxic effects from multiple chemical
exposures, even though such information can be found in already published reports. This
strategy has been chosen as the most appropriate way to answer the question from the
Norwegian Food Safety Authority, whether combined effects have adequately been addressed
in the risk assessments of VKM. The intention has been to gather the most relevant
information about this topic together with comments and views from VKM into one report.
The main basis for the general part of this opinion from VKM has been three recent reports on
combined actions of chemicals, one from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration,
one combined report from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the Danish
Veterinary and Food Administration, and one report published by the UK Committee on
Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT). A review of
the available scientific literature published later than 2003 has also been performed.
Furthermore, applicable methods and approaches regarding such problems have been
The ways that the Scientific Panels of VKM have dealt with the issue of possible combined
toxicological effects following exposures to multiple chemicals in their assessments, are
summarised in Chapter 5 of this opinion. The primary focus has been on human health, but
issues related to animal health and substances in animal feed have also been briefly addressed.
Different algorithms or schemes that have been developed to decide whether combined effects
are likely to occur or when the possibility of such effects should be taken into consideration,
have been presented and discussed in this opinion. These schemes are often complex and
require additional data. However, VKM finds that the previously described schemes in most
cases are not suitable for practical use in the Scientific Panels of VKM. In the present report
VKM has therefore proposed a tool (flow chart) for use in risk assessments of chemical
mixtures or concurrent exposures.
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM)
06/404-6 final
The main conclusions of the opinion are summarised below:
The likelihood of combined toxic effects of multiple exposures at dose levels below the
thresholds for effect is low. The objectives of current food, feed and cosmetic regulations are
that exposures should not be associated with adverse health effects, which also include the
potential for combined effects.
For substances exhibiting similar modes of action (simple similar action), adverse effects
from multiple exposures may be experienced due to dose addition, even if the exposures to
the individual components of the mixture are below their respective acceptable or tolerable
daily intakes (ADIs/TDIs).
For substances exhibiting dissimilar modes of action (simple dissimilar action), adverse
effects from multiple exposures are not expected when the exposures to the individual
components of the mixture are below their respective ADIs/TDIs.
In situations where there is exposure to multiple chemicals significantly above their respective
ADIs/TDIs, enhanced combined effects due to interaction may occur. Such interactions could
be due both to toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic mechanisms, and are difficult to predict.
Assessments should be performed on a case-by-case basis and ideally be based on data from
testing of the relevant mixtures/concurrent exposures.
In the derivation of ADIs/TDIs from animal data, provided data on inter- and intraspecies
variation are not available, rather large default uncertainty factors are used in the
extrapolations to humans, reflecting potential differences in species sensitivity (default factor
of 10) and taking into account variability among humans (default factor of 10). Hence, the
levels of exposure corresponding to an ADI/TDI may be more than one order of magnitude
below the real dose thresholds of effect if humans are not more sensitive than the test species.
Although the Scientific Panels of VKM so far only to a limited degree have formally taken
possible combined effects from multiple chemical exposures into account, VKM does not
consider this as a matter of serious concern. However, a flow chart has been developed and
will be tested out as a tool in the Scientific Panels, in order to formally address the possibility
for combined effects of multiple exposures in the future.
Many plant protection products (pesticides) belong to groups with similar mechanisms of
action. When there is combined exposure to pesticides within the same mechanism group, the
principle of dose addition for such compounds exhibiting simple similar action would apply.
When the sum of the exposure doses of the individual compounds in the mixture does not
exceed the ADI for the most potent compound, there should be no apparent concerns. In
situations where this sum of exposures exceeds the ADI of the most potent compound, dose
additive effects may be expected. Risk assessments could for such situations be based on
knowledge of the relative potencies of the pesticides in the mixture. Also, synergistic effects
from mixtures could occur when exposures are above dose thresholds. However, with respect
to the probability of experiencing interactive effects from combined exposures to pesticides, it
should be kept in mind that based on national and Europe-wide monitoring programmes of
residues of plant protection products in fruits, vegetables and cereals, levels are infrequently
above maximum residue limits and thus considerably below ADIs.
8 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
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From international studies of pesticide operators, combined effects from multiple exposures
have been documented. Although no such studies have been performed in Norway, the
premise is that professional use of plant protection products should not exceed acceptable
operator exposure levels when applied correctly and any advice on use of personal protection
equipment has been followed.
This opinion has not addressed other risk areas equally detailed. Generally, areas of risk are
those where multiple exposures act by common modes of action and where there is a risk of
exceeding dose thresholds. The Scientific Panels of VKM have in addition to the issue of
plant protection products addressed the most important areas, such as dioxins and PCBs and
algal toxins. A potential risk area in a Norwegian context is the combined effects of
consumption of marine organisms from localised areas where there has been point source
release of halogenated organic compounds and heavy metals. Since both types of
contaminants are associated with developmental effects (reproductive-, immune- and central
nervous system) and the fact that the young child is especially sensitive towards such effects,
due consideration should be given to the potential for interactions.
This opinion has not in detail dealt with possible combined effects from multiple exposures in
relation to ecotoxicology. However, the toxicological principles for combined effects
described in this opinion, are expected to apply also for the environment.
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM)
06/404-6 final
På oppdrag fra Mattilsynet har Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM) belyst
prinsippene for hvordan man kan foreta risikovurderinger av kombinerte effekter som følge
av eksponeringer for flere kjemiske forbindelser samtidig. Risikovurderinger av eksponering
for kjemiske stoffer via mat, fôr og kosmetiske produkter er hovedsakelig basert på data om
virkninger av enkeltstoffer. Mennesker utsettes imidlertid som oftest for en lang rekke
kjemiske forbindelser fra ulike kilder samtidig. Det er blitt stilt spørsmål om hvorvidt
samtidige eksponeringer for lave doser av kjemiske stoffer, som hver for seg ikke medfører
noen uønsket helseeffekt, likevel kan forårsake toksiske effekter når de opptrer samtidig eller
i blanding.
Et bakgrunnsdokument, som er benyttet i arbeidet med uttalelsen ble utarbeidet av Nasjonalt
folkehelseinstitutt på oppdrag fra VKM. Deretter oppnevnte VKM en ad hoc-gruppe,
bestående av både VKM-medlemmer fra relevante faggrupper og ekstern ekspertise, for å
utføre oppdraget. VKMs Hovedkomité har diskutert og godkjent den endelige uttalelsen.
VKM har i denne uttalelsen, etter ønske fra Mattilsynet, beskrevet de mest relevante
teoretiske prinsippene for ulike typer samvirkende toksiske effekter etter eksponering for flere
kjemiske forbindelser samtidig, selv om dette allerede er omtalt i publiserte rapporter. Dette
ble ansett som mest hensiktsmessig for å kunne besvare spørsmålet fra Mattilsynet om
hvorvidt slike hensyn blir ivaretatt på en tilfredstillende måte i risikovurderinger fra VKM.
Intensjonen har vært å samle den mest relevante informasjonen om kombinasjonseffekter,
sammen med kommentarer og synspunkter fra VKMs faggrupper i en og samme rapport.
Grunnlaget for den generelle delen av uttalelsen fra VKM har vært tre rapporter som
omhandler kombinasjonseffekter av kjemikalier, henholdsvis to danske rapporter publisert av
Fødevaredirektoratet og Miljøstyrelsen/Fødevaredirektoratet i samarbeid, og en britisk rapport
fra UK Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the
Environment (COT). I tillegg er det gjort en gjennomgang av ny tilgjengelig litteratur,
publisert etter 2003. Videre omtales hvilke metodikker og tilnærminger som kan anvendes
ved risikovurdering av denne type problemstillinger.
Rapportens kapittel 5 beskriver hvordan, og i hvilken grad, problemstillingen med mulig
samvirkende toksiske effekter ved eksponering for flere kjemiske forbindelser samtidig blir
ivaretatt i risikovurderinger fra VKMs faggrupper. I rapporten omtales i hovedsak human
helse, men aktuelle problemstillinger relatert til dyrehelse og kjemiske stoffer i dyrefôr blir
også kort diskutert.
Det finnes ulike metoder og modeller for å avgjøre om det er sannsynlig at kombinerte
effekter kan opptre, eller som sier noe om når muligheten for kombinerte effekter må tas
hensyn til. De mest sentrale av disse modellene er presentert og diskutert i denne uttalelsen.
Disse modellene er ofte komplekse og krevende med hensyn til mengden data som er
nødvendig. VKM er imidlertid av den oppfatning at i de fleste tilfeller er ikke disse modellene
egnet til praktisk bruk i VKMs faggrupper. VKM har derfor utarbeidet et eget verktøy i form
av et flytdiagram til bruk i risikovurderinger av kjemiske blandinger eller sammensatte
10 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
06/404-6 final
De viktigste konklusjonene i uttalelsen fra VKM er oppsummert nedenfor:
Sannsynligheten for at det kan oppstå samvirkende toksiske effekter ved samtidig
eksponering for flere kjemiske forbindelser i doser som ligger under en terskeleffekt er liten.
Formålet med dagens regelverk på mat-, fôr- og kosmetikkområdet er at eksponeringer for
kjemiske stoffer ikke skal medføre uønskede helseeffekter, herunder også mulige
For stoffer med samme virkningsmåte (simple similar action) kan helseskadelige effekter
forårsaket av eksponering for flere kjemiske forbindelser forekomme som følge av
doseaddisjon, selv om eksponeringen for hvert enkelt stoff i den blandete eksponeringen
ligger under deres respektive akseptable eller tolerable daglige inntaksverdier (ADI/TDIverdier).
For stoffer med ulik virkningsmåte (simple dissimilar action) er det ikke forventet
helseskadelige effekter ved eksponering for flere kjemiske forbindelser når eksponeringen for
hvert enkelt stoff i blandingen ligger under deres respektive ADI/TDI-verdier.
I situasjoner hvor samtidig eksponering for flere kjemiske stoffer ligger betydelig over de
respektive ADI-verdiene, kan det forekomme en forsterket samvirkende effekt som følge av
interaksjon mellom stoffene. Slike interaksjoner kan være forårsaket av både toksikokinetiske
og toksikodynamiske mekanismer og er vanskelige å forutsi. Risikovurderinger bør utføres fra
sak til sak (case-by-case) og ideelt sett være basert på data fra undersøkelser av de relevante
Når ADI/TDI-verdier utledes basert på data fra forsøksdyr, blir det, når ikke spesielle data
foreligger, benyttet relativt store usikkerhetsfaktorer ved ekstrapoleringen fra dyr til
mennesker. Usikkerhetsfaktorene skal ta høyde for ulikheter i artsfølsomhet mellom dyr og
mennesker (faktor 10) og variasjoner mellom mennesker (faktor 10). Følgelig, kan
eksponeringsnivåer som tilsvarer ADI/TDI være mer enn en størrelsesorden lavere enn den
faktiske doseterskelen for effekt, hvis mennesker ikke er mer følsomme enn dyrearten som er
Selv om Faggruppene i VKM, så langt kun i begrenset grad formelt har tatt høyde for mulige
samvirkende effekter ved samtidig eksponering for flere kjemiske forbindelser i sine
risikovurderinger, anser ikke VKM dette som bekymringsfullt. Det er imidlertid utviklet et
flytskjema som vil bli testet ut som et verktøy av de vitenskaplige faggruppene, slik at det i
fremtiden kan tas mer systematisk hensyn til potensielle samvirkende effekter av sammensatte
eksponeringer i VKMs risikovurderinger.
Mange plantevernmidler (pesticider) tilhører grupper av kjemiske forbindelser som har lik
virkningsmekanisme. Ved sammensatte eksponeringer for flere plantevernmidler innenfor
samme mekanismegruppe, gjelder prinsippene for doseaddisjon for forbindelser med lik
virkningsmekanisme (simple similar action). Når summen av eksponeringsdosene for de
enkelte stoffene i blandingen ikke overskrider ADI-verdien for den mest potente forbindelsen,
er det ikke grunn til bekymring. I tilfeller hvor summen av eksponeringene overskrider ADI
for den mest potente forbindelsen, må det imidlertid kunne forventes additive effekter.
Risikovurderingene bør da baseres på kunnskap om den relative potensen til
plantevernmidlene i blandingen. Synergistiske effekter fra blandinger kan også forekomme
når eksponeringene ligger over dosetersklene. Når det gjelder sannsynligheten for å oppleve
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety 11
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet (VKM)
06/404-6 final
samvirkende effekter ved en sammensatt eksponering for flere plantevernmidler, skal det
bemerkes at nasjonale og europeiske overvåkningsprogrammer for rester av plantevernmidler
i frukt, grønnsaker og kornprodukter viser at restnivåene sjelden er over maksimale
grenseverdier for plantevernmiddelrester, og derfor bare vil føre til inntak betydelig under
Internasjonale studier av personer som utsettes for yrkesmessig eksponering av
plantevernmidler har dokumentert at det forekommer samvirkende toksiske effekter ved
eksponering for flere stoffer i blanding. Selv om ingen slike studier er utført i Norge, er
forusetningen slik at yrkesmessig bruk av plantevernmidler ikke skal overskride akseptable
eksponeringsnivå for brukeren (acceptable operator exposure levels, AOEL) når
plantevernmidlene brukes riktig og alle råd om bruk av beskyttelsesutstyr er blitt fulgt.
I denne rapporten omtales ikke andre risikoområder i like stor detalj. Generelt vil
risikoområdene kunne være knyttet til situasjoner hvor eksponeringen for flere forbindelser
har lik vikningsmåte, og hvor det er en risiko for å overskride dosetersklene. VKMs
faggrupper har i tillegg til å vurdere plantevernmidler også omtalt de viktigste
problemområdene, slik som dioksiner, PCB og algetoksiner. Et potensielt risikoområde i
norsk sammenheng er den samvirkende effekten etter inntak av marine organismer fra lokale
områder hvor det har vært punktutslipp av halogenerte organiske forbindelser og
tungmetaller. Siden begge disse gruppene av kjemiske stoffer er forbundet med effekter på
vekst og utvikling (reproduksjon-, immun-, og sentralnervesystemet) og barn er spesielt
følsomme for slike effekter, bør man være oppmerksom på muligheten for samvirkende
toksiske effekter.
Denne vurderingen har ikke i detalj tatt for seg mulige samvirkende effekter i miljøet, men det
er forventet at de samme toksikologiske prinsippene for kombinasjonseffekter som er
beskrevet i denne uttalelsen også vil gjelde for dette området.
12 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
06/404-6 final
Risk management of substances in food, feed and cosmetics is currently, among other
relevant factors, based on health risk assessments which generally take into account data from
studies on individual substances. However, humans are simultaneously exposed to a large
number of chemicals through consumption of food and drinking water, uptake through the
skin and inhalation. Moreover, consumers and non-governmental organisations frequently
challenge the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) to consider whether combined
exposures to low doses of substances that individually do not produce any unforeseen health
effects, could induce toxic effects when they appear in mixtures. The Norwegian Food Safety
Authority therefore wants more information to evaluate whether such “chemical cocktails” are
adequately covered in risk assessments related to human and animal health.
The combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures are to a certain degree taken into
account in the regulations on food, feed and cosmetics. There have for instance been
established group restrictions (group R) for some migrants from food contact materials, such
as primary aromatic amines. Analogous regulatory limits, which consider that different
substances could act by a similar toxicological mode of action, are established for some food
However, in general regulatory limits for the use of a chemical in food, feed and cosmetics
are based on separate toxicological tests of the individual substance in question and not on the
basis of combined toxic effects from testing chemical mixtures. Neither do the current
regulations take into account that a potential adverse effect of an ingredient could be
counteracted effectively by other ingredients in the same or other product.
Several research groups and international risk assessment bodies have addressed some general
principles related to how substances with different toxicological properties could act through
either a synergistic, additive or antagonistic mode of action. In June 2006, the Norwegian
Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet, VKM) received
a request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority for an evaluation of how combined toxic
effects of multiple chemical exposures are included in VKM’s risk assessments. VKM was
asked to consider the following reports when answering the request:
”Combined Actions and Interactions of Chemicals in Mixtures – The Toxicological Effects of
Exposure to Mixtures of Industrial and Environmental Chemicals, FødevareRapport
2003:12” combined report from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the Danish
Veterinary and Food Administration in 2003 (Danish Environmental Protection Agency &
Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, 2003).
”Combined actions of pesticides, FødevareRapport 2002:19” published by the Danish
Veterinary and Food Administration in 2002 (Danish Veterinary and Food Administration,
”Risk Assessment of Mixtures of Pesticides and Similar Substances, FSA/0691/0902”
published by the UK Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and
the Environment (COT) in 2002 (COT, 2002).
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Commissioned by VKM, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health was asked to prepare a
background document to be used in the work with the opinion. VKM appointed an ad hoc
group consisting of both VKM members from the relevant Scientific Panels and external
experts to perform this task. Based on the background document from the Norwegian Institute
of Public Health, the ad hoc group was requested to prepare a draft opinion where they
primarily focused on the discussion and conclusions of the report, and described issues related
to the different Scientific Panels which had not already been covered in the background
document. The VKM Scientific Steering Committee has discussed and approved the final
VKM is asked to examine the principles of risk assessments of combined toxic effects of
multiple chemical exposures. The request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority is
divided into three parts;
1) The opinion should be based on the three abovementioned reports and recent
information published after these reports. The most important conclusions from the
reports and the recently published literature should be included and commented as
they relate to risk assessments from VKM.
2) Do current risk assessments related to regulatory limits and approval of substances
take into account combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures when
considering if exposure to food/cosmetics does not produce any unforeseen health
effects for the consumer? The directions and principles for such risk assessments
should be elaborated.
3) Possible areas of risk where combined effects are not adequately covered, within the
remit of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, should be listed.
The opinion should also consider combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
related to animal health and substances in animal feed.
Since the new EU legislation for residues of plant protection products (Regulation (EC) No.
396/2005) has specific requirements for assessing combined toxic effects when relevant
methods exist, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority has asked for a broader discussion
regarding residues of plant protection products.
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1 Introduction
When the toxicity of a chemical is evaluated, it is important to consider if there is a dose
threshold for the effect. A dose threshold is defined as the dose level above which toxicity or
adverse health effect occurs. Below the dose threshold, toxicity or adverse health effects are
unlikely to occur. Physiological responses in the body are well regulated by homeostatic
mechanisms. Up to a certain point, the body can handle chemicals without adverse effects to
which it is exposed, and repair any damage. If exposure becomes too high, detoxication and
repair mechanisms are overwhelmed, and toxic effects are induced. The prevailing view has
been that chemicals which cause cancer and are genotoxic have been assumed to have no
thresholds for their effects, whereas non-genotoxic and non-carcinogenic chemicals have been
assumed to have dose thresholds. However, the non-threshold concept for genotoxic
compounds has been challenged (Hengstler et al., 2003; Bolt & Degen, 2004; Rietjens &
Alink, 2006).
In practice, humans and animals are exposed to complex and variable combinations of
chemical compounds. In most cases, however, exposures to each compound are below those
causing toxicity. In a situation of multiple chemical exposure, the single chemicals may act
independently as in a single exposure, or a number of the chemicals may interact to modulate
the effects of the total multiple exposure (Koppe et al., 2006). For instance, cumulative lowdose insult can in some circumstances be more toxic than a single high-dose exposure, e.g.
endocrine disruptive effects of a combination of polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins which
disrupt the thyroid status. These cumulative insults may further combine with heavy metals
and can disrupt heme synthesis. Similar aspects may be relevant for other groups of potential
harmful chemicals, such as in cosmetics and cleaning products. In addition, risk assessment
with focus on interactions means that not only chemicals but also concurrent diseases should
be taken into account, for instance such as increased risk of liver cancer caused by aflatoxin
with concurrent hepatitis B infection.
In order to predict the toxicological properties of chemical mixtures, detailed information on
the composition of the mixture, the mechanism of action and potency of each compound, as
well as proper exposure data is required. Mostly, such detailed information is not available. In
vivo data are often scarce since animal experiments are demanding. There is also a general
policy to reduce the number of such studies due to animal welfare considerations. Exposure to
potentially toxic chemicals in mixtures may be especially relevant for residues of pesticides in
food taken into consideration new regulations on plant protection products (Regulation (EC)
No. 396/2005). Much focus is also on endocrine disruptors, especially oestrogen receptorbinding compounds and their potential to act as reproductive toxicants in combination.
The present opinion of combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures is based on the
reports mentioned in the background where this topic has been discussed and evaluated (COT,
2002; Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, 2002; Danish Environmental Protection
Agency & Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, 2003). During the work with this
opinion, the European Food Safety authority (EFSA) published a report from a scientific
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colloquium on cumulative risk assessment of pesticides (EFSA, 2007c), which also have been
taken into account.
VKM has chosen to include the most relevant theoretical descriptions of aspects related to
combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures, even though the same information can
be found in the abovementioned reports. This strategy has been chosen as the most
appropriate way to answer the request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The
intention is to gather the most relevant information about this topic together with comments
and views from the Scientific Steering Committee of VKM into one report. Unless otherwise
stated, the text in chapter 2, 3 and 4 refers to the two Danish reports on combined actions of
chemicals and the report from the UK Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food,
Consumer Products and the Environment (COT, 2002; Danish Veterinary and Food
Administration, 2002; Danish Environmental Protection Agency & Danish Veterinary and
Food Administration, 2003). In addition, a literature search was performed to include papers
and reports published after 2003.
In this assessment, VKM discussed ways to address combined toxicological effects following
exposure to multiple chemical compounds. Chemical risk assessments performed by VKM
aim to protect the general, healthy part of the population. Individuals under medical treatment
with drugs are therefore not taken into consideration, and necessary additional advice has to
be formulated in this context. Also, the influence of a nutritional status strongly deviating
from that of the general, healthy population, as well as the possible effect of non-toxic
compounds present in foods (e.g. compounds in grapefruit that inhibit the xenobiotic
metabolising enzyme CYP3A4) has not been considered here, nor have any effects of use of
tobacco and alcohol been taken into account. Combined effects from exposures of mixtures in
relation to ecotoxicology have not been dealt with in detail. The widespread phenomenon of
hormesis (Calabrese & Baldwin, 2003), which is generally characterized by low-dose
stimulation and high-dose inhibition is not considered further due to very limited studies
related to combined effects.
Ultimately, risk-benefit analyses may be performed for multiple chemical exposures, since a
certain food may have significant health benefits, irrespective of contaminant content. For
instance, many fruits and vegetables have potent chemopreventive activities of far greater
importance for health aspects such as cancer development, than any low-level pesticide
residues present. Risk-benefit analyses have not been given any attention in this opinion.
In this opinion the following terms are used:
Combined exposure: Exposures to two or more substances occuring concurrently.
Cumulative exposure: All exposures to a specified substance from all routes.
Mode of action: Knowledge of toxicological action at the tissue level.
Mechanisms of action: Knowledge of toxicological action at the cellular level.
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2 Basic concepts and terminology used to describe the combined
actions of chemicals in mixtures
The major objective in the risk assessment of chemicals in mixtures is to establish or predict
how the toxicological effects of the mixture might turn out, often in comparison with
exposure to individual compounds. A risk assessment should be performed where coexposure is likely to occur, with special attention when combinations are intentionally made.
One of the main points to consider is whether chemicals in a mixture interact and produce an
increased or decreased overall response compared to the expected sum of the effects if each
chemical acts independently of each other. The descriptions of these basic concepts used in
the evaluation of toxicology of chemical mixtures were first outlined by Loewe and
Muischnek (Loewe & Muischnek, 1926), Bliss (Bliss, 1939) and Placket & Hewlett (Placket
& Hewlett, 1952) (Table 1). The terms simple similar action and simple dissimilar action,
describe situations where no interaction occurs and addition is the outcome of a combined
action. The terms complex similar action and complex dissimilar action are used when
interaction occurs and the outcomes differ from addition (synonymous terms are written in
parenthesis in Table 1).
Table 1. Classification of combined (joint) toxic action of two compounds in a mixture (when
both agents are effective individually). From the combined report from the Danish
Environmental Protection Agency and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration,
FødevareRapport 2003:12, modified after Placket and Hewlett (1952).
Similar mechanism
Dissimilar mechanisms
No interaction
Simple similar action
(Loewe additivity, Dose addition)
Simple dissimilar action
(Bliss independence, Response
(effect) addition)
Complex similar action
(Loewe synergism or antagonism)
Complex dissimilar action
(Bliss synergism or antagonism)
2.1 No interaction
According to the classification shown in Table 1, there are two models for combined action
without interaction: simple similar action and simple dissimilar action.
Simple similar action: The model for simple similar action assumes that the compounds act on
the same biological site (e.g. receptor or target organ), by the same mechanism and that they
differ only in their potencies. Each chemical contributes to the toxicity of the mixture in
proportion to its dose, and their relative toxicities are assumed to be constant at all dose
levels. The effect would be a result of the sum of the contributing dose of each chemical
(Figure 1A).
Simple dissimilar action: In the model for simple dissimilar action, the chemicals contribute
to a common result, but the mechanisms by which the chemicals act are always different.
Also, the nature and site of action may possibly, but not necessarily, differ among the
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chemicals in the mixture. Therefore, the presence of one chemical will not affect the toxicity
of another chemical (Figure 1B).
There is a major difference between simple similar action and simple dissimilar action when
the human situation of low exposure levels is assessed (Figure 1). Simple similar action
implies that the combined doses of a mixture may lead to a toxic response even if the
compounds individually are at levels below the effect threshold (no-effect level). In contrast,
simple dissimilar action implies that when doses of chemicals are below the effect threshold
(no-effect levels) of the individual compounds, the combined action of all compounds
together will be zero.
Simple dissimilar action
Simple similar action
Dose threshold
Dose threshold
Half threshold dose
of similarly potent
chemicals a, b and c
Response (a
+ b + c)
Half threshold dose
of similarly potent
chemicals a, b and c
Response (a
+ b + c)
Figure 1. Illustration of the difference in response/effect when chemicals act by simple similar
action (A) or simple dissimilar action (B). The hatched parts illustrates exposure to the
combination of half threshold doses of three similarly potent components (a, b and c). In the
case of simple similar action (A), the total response is above the threshold since the effects of
the individual chemicals are additive. In the case of simple dissimilar action (B), there is no
observed response since the individual chemicals do not affect each other and the dose of
each chemical is below threshold (modified from Borgert et al. (2005)).
2.2 Interactions
The interactions between different chemical components in a mixture may result in either a
weaker (antagonistic) or a stronger (synergistic, potentiated) combined effect than the additive
effect that would be expected from knowledge about the toxicity and mode of action of each
individual compound. Interactions may take place in the toxicokinetic phase (i.e. processes of
uptake, distribution, metabolism and excretion) or in the toxicodynamic phase (i.e. effects of
chemicals on the receptor, cellular target or organ) (see section 2.2.1).
Addition: An additive effect occurs when the combined effect of two chemicals corresponds
to the sum of the effects of each chemical given alone.
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Antagonism: An antagonistic effect occurs when the combined effect of two chemicals is less
than the sum of the effects of each chemical given alone (this phenomenon is well known for
substances competing for the same hormonal or enzymatic receptor sites).
Synergism: A synergistic effect occurs when the combined effect of two chemicals is greater
than the sum of the effects of each chemical given alone (e.g. the result of increased induction
of metabolising enzymes when the effect is due to a metabolite).
Potentiation: Potentiation occurs when the toxicity of a chemical on a certain tissue or organ
system is enhanced when given together with another chemical that alone does not have toxic
effects on the same tissue or organ system (e.g. carbontetrachloride (CCl4) toxicity to the liver
is enhanced with isopropanol).
2.2.1 Mechanisms and causes of interactions
Interactions may take place in the chemical/chemical, toxicokinetic phase and/or in the
toxicodynamic phase (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Relationships between external exposure and effect.
Alteration in the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of a toxic compound
related to exposure to another toxic compound is called toxicokinetic interaction.
Interactions with absorption can occur when an active transport process is involved, such as
absorption of iron and cadmium. For instance, in iron-depleted subjects, an increased uptake
of cadmium is seen because the expression of the transport protein is upregulated. However,
most toxic compounds are absorbed via passive diffusion.
After absorption, chemicals are distributed throughout the body via the blood circulation or
the lymphatic system. E.g. lipophilic compounds (PCB, PCDD/F) are protein-bound, and a
more lipophilic compound can displace a less lipophilic one from the binding proteins in
plasma. The free concentration of the less lipophilic compound is then increased, and there is
a possibility for a more severe toxic effect. This type of interaction is often seen with
For compounds, which are active as the parent compound, enzyme inhibition may reduce
detoxication and thus enhance toxicity, whereas enzyme induction could enhance detoxication
and thereby reduce toxicity. However, a majority of the chemicals which enter the body are
metabolised (biotransformed). Metabolism can either increase or decrease the toxicity of a
compound, and there are a number of possible interactions that can influence the outcomes.
Different chemicals may compete for a given enzyme or co-factor and thus result in
inhibition. Another scenario is interactions with the drug metabolising enzymes, resulting in
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induction of the enzymes (increased amounts and activities). Inducers of the microsomal CYP
enzymes are well known to result in either increased production of active toxic metabolites or
reduced toxicity caused by increased detoxication, depending on which enzymes and
pathways are affected and the biological activity of the parent compound and its metabolites.
The tissue doses of chemicals in a mixture can be predicted using physiologically based
toxicokinetic (PBTK) models. This requires information about the interaction of all the
components in the mixture, and this information has to be determined by experimentation.
With complex mixtures, this would require an unrealistic high number of experiments.
Interference (inhibition) with excretion of toxic compounds are mostly seen when active
transport processes are involved and can enhance toxicity. Simultaneous exposure to a
compound that either alters the pH of the urine, or acts as an osmotic diuretic, can affect the
excretion of chemicals and their metabolites.
Toxicodynamic interactions occur at the cellular receptor/functional target level. Generally,
the effect of combined action of two components at the same target is unlikely to result in
synergism/potentiation. Competition for a receptor will usually result in addition of effects or
antagonism (effect inhibition). An antagonist regulates negatively the activity of an agonist.
Partial agonists, on the other hand, will act as agonist in the absence or at low concentrations
of other ligands. Weak agonists may, however, function as antagonists by occupying the
receptor preventing the binding of a more potent ligand. Dynamic interactions may also occur
when two or more components act at different receptors/target sites or induce an increased or
reduced anti-oxidant capacity.
2.2.2 Complex similar action
Complex similar action occurs when two compounds act by the same mechanism (e.g. on the
same target receptor), but do not produce an additive effect as would be expected if it was
simple similar action. Both lower effects than additive (antagonism) and higher effects
(synergism) may be observed. In cases where compounds are competing for the same
hormonal or receptor sites, lower than additive effects are often observed. If the intrinsic
activities and affinities for the receptor of two competing substances (similar action) are
identical, an additive effect may be the result. This may be considered a special case of simple
similar action.
2.2.3 Complex dissimilar action
Complex dissimilar action occurs when there is an interaction in the toxicokinetic or
toxicodynamic phase, but the two compounds act by dissimilar mechanisms. For example
diethyl ether and styrene have dissimilar action; diethyl ether is hepatotoxic and styrene is
carcinogenic when metabolised to the active metabolite styrene oxide. Diethyl ether increases
the concentration of CYP2E1, the enzyme that converts styrene into its carcinogenic
metabolite, resulting in an increase in the carcinogenic styrene oxide (interaction in the
toxicokinetic phase).
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2.2.4 Dose-dependent variations in toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
When studying the combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures, the main goal is to
determine if additivity is the outcome of a combined action, or if interactions may occur.
Interactions may remain constant over the total dose-span, or there may be dose-dependent
variations. Critical, limiting steps in toxicokinetic and/or toxicodynamic pathways may
become saturated or overwhelmed, and responses may be altered in a non-linear manner with
increasing dose. This may affect metabolic processes, endocrine regulation as well as cellular
defence and repair mechanisms. An increase in the exposure dose may e.g. shift additivity to
synergism, toxic effects not seen without saturation of receptor or enzyme systems may
appear or the metabolism of various chemical compounds may be modulated. For risk
assessment of combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures, it is therefore of
importance to know if dose-dependent variations in toxic effects occur, and if the variations
take place at doses relevant to human exposure. Dose-dependent additivity and synergism
have been demonstrated in female rats exposed to a mixture of thyroid-disrupting chemicals
(TDCs) (Crofton et al., 2005). In this study, additivity was seen at the lower doses of the
mixture, whereas a greater-than-additive (synergistic) effect was seen at the three highest
doses. In a follow-up investigation built on this study, a method for estimation of an
interaction threshold limit is presented (Gennings et al., 2007). In two reports by Moser and
co-workers, cholinesterase inhibition and behavioral changes were determined in adult and
17-day-old Long Evans male rats following acute exposure to mixtures of organophosphorus
pesticides (OPs). At the lower end of the dose-response curves, synergism was observed
(Moser et al., 2005). Also, in preweanling rats, the OP mixtures resulted in greater than
additive responses, and the effects could only partially be attributed to the presence of
malathion in the mixture (Moser et al., 2006).
2.3 Test strategies to assess combined actions and interactions of chemicals in
Ideally, the chemical identity and the toxicity profile for all chemicals in a complex mixture
should be identified, and the potential for combined actions and/or interactions should be
determined for a wide range of exposure levels. However, the use of this approach is not
realistic in assessing combined actions of most mixtures from a resource and logistical
perspective. A number of different test strategies have therefore been presented to obtain
toxicological information on mixtures with a limited number of test groups (Cassee et al.,
1998; Danish Environmental Protection Agency & Danish Veterinary and Food
Administration, 2003).
2.3.1 Testing of whole mixtures
Testing of the whole mixture as such may seem to be the proper way to evaluate the hazard of
a mixture. A simple method of carrying out such a study is to evaluate the effects of the
mixture and of all individual constituents at one dose level. However, testing of whole
mixtures will not provide data on combined actions and/or interactions between the individual
components. This can only be achieved when information on dose-response for each single
component is available. Therefore, this approach might be applied for assessing the combined
toxicity of simple, defined chemical mixtures where the toxicological properties of each
component are known or will be investigated. It may also be used for primary screening for
potential adverse health effects (hazards) of mixtures that are not well characterised.
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2.3.2 Physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) modelling
For many chemicals the outcome of their metabolism is the major determinant of their hazard.
In order to elucidate possible toxicokinetic interactions of chemicals in mixtures, PBTKmodelling may be used. PBTK models describe the disposition, metabolism and transfer of
chemicals and their metabolites in various tissues of the body. Considerable knowledge about
the role of metabolism of toxic substances has become available. Information on reactive
intermediates, as well as detoxication pathways, is provided from a variety of in vitro and
animal studies. In principle, the PBTK modelling may predict human metabolism and the
relative contribution of metabolic pathways. When PBTK modelling is used to assess the
metabolism of mixtures, it has been suggested that one of the components in the mixture
should be regarded as the prime toxicant being modified by the other components (Cassee et
al., 1998; Danish Environmental Protection Agency & Danish Veterinary and Food
Administration, 2003).
2.3.3 Isobole methods
The isobole method is widely used in the analysis of experimental data to demonstrate simple
or complex similar action of binary mixtures in which both components act on the same target
and by the same mechanism. An isobole is a line representing exposure doses or
concentrations of two components or their mixture that lead to the same level of effect, for
instance ED50. The combination index, Ic for the two compounds in the mixture is defined as:
Ic = d1/D1 + d2/D2,
where d1 and d2 are the dose (or concentration) levels of each chemical in the mixture, and D1
and D2 are the dose (or concentration) levels of the single compounds that produce the same
level of response as produced by the mixture.
When Ic = 1, the combined action is addition (simple similar action)
When Ic > 1, the combined action is antagonism (complex similar action)
When Ic < 1, the combined action is synergism (complex similar action)
Isoboles representing synergism and antagonism between two compounds (A and B) are
shown in Figure 3. In an isobole diagram, additive effect is illustrated by a straight line
connecting the iso-effective doses of the single compounds. Dose combinations resulting in
an isobole below the straight line correspond to synergism and dose combinations resulting in
an isobole above the straight line is usually called antagonism (Sühnel, 1990; Kortenkamp &
Altenburger, 1998; Sørensen et al., 2007). However, a variant of the isobole method as
described by Parrott and Sprague distinguishes between independent, less-than-additive and
antagonistic effects (Parrott & Sprague, 1993).
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Dose compound B
Dose compound B
Dose compound A
Dose compound A
Figure 3. Isoboles for two compounds A and B (solid lines). The isoboles are based on
different combinations of A and B that results in the same biological effect (e.g. ED50).
The straight (dashed) lines show additive effect of A and B. Synergism (left diagram) is
when A and B cause the same response at smaller doses than expected when compared to
dose addition. Antagonism (right diagram) is when higher doses of A and B than expected
is needed to cause the same biological effect when compared to dose addition (figure
modified from the combined report from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and
the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration in 2003).
The isobole method is very illustrative and can be used to analyse combined effects of
compounds with different dose-response curves. However, the method requires a large
amount of data both on the single components and the mixture. Furthermore, large standard
deviations on the estimated isoboles may limit their interpretation.
In a recent study on inhibition of neurite outgrowth in mouse neuroblastoma cells NB2a, the
isobole method was used to analyse combined effects of commonly used food additives in an
in vitro developmental neurotoxicity test (Lau et al., 2006). Significant synergy was observed
between combinations of Brilliant Blue (E 133) and L-glutamic acid (E 620), and between
Quinoline Yellow (E 104) and aspartame (E 951). The isobole method was also used to
illustrate in vitro effects of combinations of the Penicillium mycotoxins citrinin,
cyclopiazonic acid, ochratoxin, patulin, penicillic acid and roquefortine on mitogen induced
lymphocyte proliferation. The results showed that the majority of toxin pairs tested produced
combined effects lower than additive and indicated that the sum effect of all toxins was less
than that expected from summation of potency-adjusted concentrations (Bernhoft et al.,
2.3.4 Comparison of individual dose-response curves
Comparison of the dose-response curves for one chemical (A) in the presence or absence of a
second chemical (B) has been proposed for prediction of whether the combined action of a
mixture is similar or dissimilar. In the case of simple similar action, the dose-response curve
should shift to the left, and reach the same maximum response as for A alone, when a fixed
dose of chemical B is added to various doses of chemical A. In the case of simple dissimilar
action, the dose-response curve will shift upward when a fixed dose of chemical B is added to
various doses of chemical A. In the case of simple dissimilar action, individual components in
the mixture are not assumed to contribute to the overall mixture if they are present at
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subthreshold levels (e.g. No observed adverse effect levels, NOAELs). For more details, see
(Cassee et al., 1998).
2.3.5 Other methods
Response surface analysis (RSA) uses multiple linear regressions to produce a statistically
based mathematical relationship between the doses of each of the chemicals in a mixture and
the effect parameter. Factorial designs, in which n chemicals are tested at x dose levels (xn
treatment groups) are statistical approaches that have been used to describe interactions
between components in chemical mixtures for risk assessment. (For discussions of these
matters, see (Groten et al., 1996; Cassee et al., 1998).
Compounds in a chemical mixture which contribute to toxicity can also be studied using
advanced statistical multivariate models such as principal component analysis (PCA) (Principi
et al., 2006), supervised principal component analysis (SPCA) (Roberts & Martin, 2006) and
partial least square projection to latent structures (PLS) (Wold et al., 2001). These methods
can also be applied in predictions-based methods such as Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships (QSARs) (Papa et al., 2005) can thus assist in identifying combined actions and
interactions of chemicals in mixtures.
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3 Combined actions with different toxicological endpoints
3.1 Local irritation
The main biological barriers protecting the body to xenobiotics are the intact epithelia of the
eyes, airways and lungs, gastrointestinal tract together with the stratum corneum of the skin.
These barriers may be damaged from combined actions or interactions of chemicals. Cells in
the eyes, skin, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract are active in metabolising
xenobiotics, and induction, depletion or inhibition of the responsible enzymes by the
combined action of chemicals can result in local irritative effects. The blinking reflex of the
eye and the mucosciliary escalator of the airways constitute additional defence mechanisms.
3.1.1 Skin irritation
The skin consists of two layers: the epidermis, and an underlying layer, the dermis. The
epidermis constitutes the major barrier to foreign compounds, mainly those being hydrophilic
substances. In contrast, many lipophilic compounds may be absorbed more or less easily
through the skin. Several transport processes are involved in absorption of chemicals through
the skin, before they reach the circulation. The rate-limiting step in undamaged skin is passive
diffusion through stratum corneum of the epidermis. This layer is not impermeable to water,
however, it is practically impermeable to large molecules (MW>500) regardless solubility.
Skin irritation is most often studied in animal experiments or human volunteers. However,
experiments with skin organ cultures and reconstructed human epidermal tissue cultures are
promising and will probably be more used in the future. Compounds that modulate the barrier
function of the skin may dramatically change the effects of chemical irritants. Especially
dehydration, but also delipidisation of the skin, is known to decrease the permeability
Among examples of combined action is tandem application of retinoic acid and sodium lauryl
sulphate, which has been shown to cause synergistic, non-specific effects as skin irritants.
Shortly after application of sodium lauryl sulphate, increased water loss of the epidermis is
measured, but this is delayed after application of retinoic acid. Various chemicals have been
used in dermatological preparations in order to enhance the absorption of drugs with both
additive and synergistic effects as a result. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) used as solvent
vehicle for radiolabelled parathion resulted in greater absorption of radioactivity than using
acetone as solvent. Moreover, sodium lauryl sulphate enhanced parathion absorption with
both vehicles. In this experiment, the effect of methyl nicotinate and SnCl2 on absorption of
radioactive parathion was also studied and several complex interactions were noted (Qiao et
al., 1996).
Addition of lipids to the skin as a component of creams protects workers against damage
caused by organic solvents. Other skin protective agents, such as mineral wax or beeswax,
protects the skin against sodium lauryl sulphate and combined ammonium hydroxide/urea
treatment, and moreover protects against induction of allergic contact dermatitis (Zhai et al.,
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3.1.2 Eye irritation
The conjunctiva of the eye consists of a non-keratinized epithelium. This layer contains blood
vessels, nerves, inflammatory cells and glands. The conjunctival glands secrete the precorneal
tear film, which is very important for proper ocular function. Upon irritation of the eye the
flow of tears is increased and the irritant is diluted or rinsed away. The epithelial cell layer
constitutes a barrier against entrance of xenobiotics and excess water into the stroma. Several
tissues of the eye contain various CYP enzymes, and the enzyme activity is relatively
speaking, especially high in the vascularised tissues. Contamination of the eye with
surfactants (such as ordinary soap) and detergents causes immediate stinging and burning,
without causing serious injury. Threshold responses of nasal and eye irritation of various
single solvents and of solvents in combination have been assessed (Cometto-Muniz et al.,
1997). Additive effects were observed to varying degree, and as the number of components
and the lipophilicity of the compounds increased, so did also the degree of agonism (ComettoMuniz et al., 1997). The most complex and lipophilic mixtures had synergistic effects
especially on eye irritation.
The in vitro Hen’s Egg Test at the Chorion Allantois Membrane (HET-CAM) has been used
to examine combined action of compounds occurring as disinfection by-products in
swimming pools. The compounds tested included halogenated carboxyl compounds (HCCs)
which act as precursors during the formation of chloroform. These compounds are irritating
individually and some of the mixtures were even more active than single compounds at lower
concentrations. Moreover, when these mixtures were combined with aqueous chlorine, a
number of HCCs exhibited significantly the previously seen enhanced effects (Erdinger et al.,
3.1.3 Irritation to the respiratory tract
Several cell types of the respiratory tract are extremely vulnerable to various types of injury.
The Clara cells are the major site of injury (e.g. necrosis) from xenobiotics that are
metabolized by the CYP enzymes. Compounds irritating the airways often result in
bronchoconstriction. Other types of acute cell toxicity caused by irritation may result in
necrosis, increased permeability and oedema. The cytotoxic effect in the respiratory tract is
often general and non-specific, and is related to water solubility of the compound. If the
xenobiotic is an aerosol, the particle size will determine the site of action in the respiratory
The interaction between ozone and nitrogen dioxide has been studied in a number of human
clinical studies and in animal and in vitro studies. Based on the results from the human studies
only, there is not enough evidence to conclude that there is an interactive effect on lung
function after simultaneous exposure to ozone and NO2. However, both animal and in vitro
studies suggest at least an additive irritation effect after combined exposure to these two
3.2 Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity
Genotoxic compounds cause damage to the genetic material (DNA) of cells. The damage can
on one hand be repaired or cell death can be induced. However, if DNA repair fails, the DNA
change is propagated through subsequent cell divisions and may result in mutations.
Mutations caused by genotoxic compounds can cause irreversible, adverse health effects even
at low exposure levels.
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Humans may be exposed to a number of complex mixtures containing both genotoxic
compounds and/or other compounds that can have modifying effects on the genotoxicants.
There is much knowledge about the genotoxic effects of individual compounds. However,
less is known about possible interactions or combined actions between genotoxic chemicals.
Interactions that affect the bioavailability, metabolism (metabolic activation or detoxication),
and DNA binding or repair of DNA damage may influence the genotoxicity of a complex
mixture. There are a number of different mechanisms by which genotoxic compounds can
damage DNA, which make it very difficult to predict the outcome of exposure to chemical
mixtures. Examples of types of primary DNA lesions are: DNA adducts, DNA strand breaks,
DNA base modifications, loss of DNA bases and DNA cross-links. When repair of these
primary changes fails, different types of mutations may arise, such as point mutations,
chromosomal or structural mutations, aneuploidy (numerical aberrations) and recombinations.
3.2.1 Interactions between genotoxic substances
There exists quite a lot of knowledge about the overall genotoxic potentital of complex
environmental mixtures, but relatively few studies have been performed on mixtures with
known chemical composition. Several studies have been performed on the interactions
between a mutagen and a co-mutagen or anti-mutagen, and on mixtures of genotoxicants
showing no interaction.
In complex mixtures consisting of chemicals of a similar class such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH), dose or effect addition might be assumed. In binary mixtures of PAH,
both synergistic and antagonistic effects have been demonstrated. In a complex mixture of
PAH (PAH in urban air), a linear correlation between Salmonella mutagenicity and PAH
concentrations was demonstrated at lower PAH content, while at higher PAH concentrations
the mutagenicity increased much more than the PAH content, indicating a synergistic or
potentiating effect.
Toxicodynamic interactions have been demonstrated in in vivo studies with heterocyclic
aromatic amines (cooked food mutagens), which showed that the combination effect of these
mutagens was synergistic at specified dose levels (Hasegawa et al., 1994; Hasegawa et al.,
3.2.2 Carcinogenicity
The understanding of carcinogenesis was in the 1940s, based on experimentation with skin
carcinogenesis, operationally divided into two distinct processes, initiation and promotion.
Various compounds were shown to affect either process. The first combinational effect in
carcinogenesis, demonstrated in 1924, was scarification of the skin prior to application of
mineral oil, which enhanced carcinogenesis.
The development of cancer is a complicated multi-stage process in which a large number of
factors interact to disrupt normal cell growth and division. Today, there is a general
agreement to distinguish between genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens in the risk
assessment related to human cancer (O'Brien et al., 2006; Barlow et al., 2006). Genotoxic
carcinogens are compounds that affect DNA. Characteristic for these carcinogens is that the
compounds itself or its active metabolites react covalently with DNA in the target cells and
cause mutations, which thereafter may lead to neoplastic development. Thus, genotoxic
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carcinogens are able to act as initiators in the carcinogenic process. Theoretically, exposure to
one single molecule could produce DNA damage and as a consequence there is no exposure
without a certain level of risk. The traditional approach using a NOAEL is therefore not
appropriate for genotoxic compounds. However, when carcinogenicity data from animal
bioassays are available, a point of departure (POD) on the dose-response curve (usually the
BMDL10) may be defined. Margins of exposures (MOEs) may then be calculated by dividing
the POD with human exposure data in order to give an advice to risk managers.
Non-genotoxic carcinogens do not directly affect DNA, but causes cancer via mechanisms
that indirectly lead to neoplastic transformation or promote neoplastic development. For the
non-genotoxic carcinogens it is generally considered that there is a dose threshold below
which no significant effect will be induced (Dybing et al., 2002). Homeostatic mechanisms
are able to counteract harmful effects at low intake levels, and adverse effects are only
expected to occur at higher intake levels. For non-genotoxic carcinogens, health-based
guideline values have therefore been derived from the traditional NOAEL approach. Combination effects in initiation
Compounds causing mutations or gene rearrangements in a target cell are potential tumour
initiators. The initiated cell has an altered response to external stimuli resulting in abnormal
division or apoptosis. The initiation-promotion protocols for mouse skin papilloma and rat
liver preneoplastic foci formation are the most widely used methods for studying such
combined effects. More recently, the mouse and rat newborn systems and transgenic models
have also been used. Because the suspected cancer initiating compound is administered to the
animal in the newborn systems at day one, and one or two weeks after birth, these methods
may be very sensitive.
An effect which is stronger or weaker than the expected additive effect is seen for several
combinations of initiators. A synergistic effect was observed with mixtures of heterocyclic
aromatic amines in rat liver tumourigenesis, while with mixtures of PAH both synergistic and
antagonistic responses have been observed.
In a recent study an experimental 2-year rodent cancer bioassay with either
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), PCB-126 and 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran
(PeCDF) or a mixture of these three compounds was performed (Walker et al., 2005). The
doses in the mixture study were based on the toxic equivalent factor (TEF) values for the
compounds, so that each compound would provide a third of the total dioxin TEFs to the
mixture. Dose-response modelling based on statistical analysis indicated that the shape of the
dose-response curves for hepatic, lung and oral mucosal neoplasms was the same in studies of
the three individual chemicals and the mixture. The main conclusion from the study was that
the hypothesis of potency-adjusted dose addition for induction of rodent neoplasms for a
defined mixture of dioxin-like compounds cannot be rejected (Walker et al., 2005). Co-carcinogenesis
Co-carcinogenesis occurs when a non-carcinogen increases the action of a carcinogen. Cocarcinogens act mainly by either of three different mechanisms; firstly, by compounds
increasing the penetration of carcinogens through epithelial barriers. Examples of this are
organic solvents which increase the penetration of PAH through the skin, and a fatty diet
which increases the absorption of dietary lipophilic carcinogens. Secondly, there are
compounds that increase the activation or the impact of the genetic damage of the initiator.
An example is benzo[e]pyrene which increases the potency of benzo[a]pyrene by increasing
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its activation and DNA-binding. When a combined exposure of tars and mineral oil residues
are applied on skin together with benzo[a]pyrene, the fraction bound to DNA is reduced,
resulting in lower carcinogenic potency. In female mice exposed orally to benzo[a]pyrene as a
part of a coal tar mixture, the formation of forestomach tumours seemed to be in accordance
with the benzo[a]pyrene content of the mixtures (SCF, 2002b). However, in addition, the coal
tar mixtures also produced increased incidences of adenomas and carcinomas at several
different sites. The third mechanism is when cell turnover is increased by co-carcinogens.
This increases the carcinogenic process in at least two ways: dividing cells are more
vulnerable to mutations than resting cells, and rapid cell turnover leaves less time for the cell
to repair damaged DNA. Two classical examples of this mechanism are scarification of the
skin in skin cancer and partial hepatectomy in liver cancer. Chemicals and physical agents
that act by this mechanism are phorbol esters, catechol and asbestos. As mentioned above,
several combination effects are possible in carcinogenesis, the effects can be specific and a
co-carcinogen can increase, decrease or have no impact on the effect of different other
Anticarcinogens are compounds that decrease the response of carcinogens and this effect can
occur at any stage in the carcinogenic process. Promotion
Promotion is a process that gives an initiated cell a growth advantage over normal cells, and it
is quite similar to co-carcinogenesis. It is demonstrated that promoters can act synergistically
when they act by different mechanisms. Due to the fact that tumour promoters in many cases
are both organ- and initiator-specific, their identification is difficult. Combination effect at later stages
Subsequent treatment after initiation with a direct-acting initiating agent on mouse skin can be
shown to increase the tumour response, an effect that has been called conversion. Conclusion
Carcinogenesis is affected by different chemical, physical or biological agents and it is clear
that in most cases tumour development is caused by combined toxic effects. Initiators,
promoters, converters and co-carcinogens all may act in concert to potentiate the final tumour
outcome. In some cases anticarcinogens can potentiate each others’ effect. Potentiation can be
caused by compounds affecting the same step by different mechanisms. The possibilities for
combination effects in carcinogenesis are therefore many, and they are difficult and often
impossible to predict. Combination effects at low and realistic human exposures, which are
not possible to explore experimentally in animal studies, may be different from those obtained
by experimentation at high doses.
3.3 Reproductive toxicity
Exposure to chemical mixtures has been reported to give impaired male and female
reproductive functions which interfere with the capacity to fertilise, with the fertilisation itself
or with the development and implantation of the fertilised ovum. Moreover, harmful effects
have been documented on the progeny induced by chemical mixtures and can occur both
before and after birth and up to puberty.
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3.3.1 Testing interaction of teratogenic compounds by using in vitro studies
More than 20 in vitro tests have been used for testing of teratogenic effects. These can be
divided in two different categories; morphogenetic tests, based on the use of isolated
embryos, organs or regenerating tissues, and non-morphogenetic tests, based on cell cultures.
However, the results from in vitro testing in the field of reproduction and development are
difficult to interpret and use in risk assessment, because of the complex nature of the in vivo
reproductive processes involving mother, father and foetus.
3.3.2 Examples of interaction of reproductive toxicants in vivo
Three compounds found at hazardous waste sites (trichloroethylene (TCE), di-(2ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and heptachlor (HEPT)) were combined using 5 dosages of
each agent in a 5x5x5 full-factorial design. Four dose levels (1-4) were selected on the basis
of a preliminary dose-ranging study performed for each chemical individually. Dose level 0
indicated the absence of an agent. Combination of TCE and DEHP caused synergism,
appearing as a negative effect on maternal weight gain, and induction of prenatal loss, and full
litter resorption. Combination of DEHP and HEPT had synergistic effect on maternal death
and antagonistic effects on the parameters maternal weight gain, full litter loss and pup
weights on day one and on day six. HEPT potentiated the effect of TCE and DEHP on
prenatal loss and full litter resorption. The TCE-HEPT interaction was antagonistic
concerning adverse effects on full litter loss. Several mechanisms of interaction were found to
be involved in these results. The authors concluded that the assumption of additive toxicity
may be inadequate in some situations. When these compounds are administered
simultaneously at the tested doses, several mechanisms of interaction are involved. Because
the mechanism of action was not elucidated, it was, however, not possible to classify whether
the interaction was of complex similar or complex dissimilar nature (Narotsky et al., 1995).
In a recent study with C57BL/6 mice, a significant increase in the incidence and severity of
forelimb ectrodactyly in foetuses exposed to cadmium and all-trans retionic acid (RA) was
reported, when compared to the results with corresponding doses of cadmium or RA given
alone (Lee et al., 2006). When mice were exposed to subthreshold doses of both cadmium
(0.5 mg/kg) and RA (1 mg/kg), the combined treatment exceeded the threshold, resulting in
forelimb ectrodactyly in 19% of the foetuses. Moreover, co-administration of cadmium and
RA at doses exceeding the respective thresholds showed a synergistic effect, resulting in 92%
of foetuses with the forelimb defect, as opposed to 10% if the response were additive.
In conclusion, data from several in vivo experiments studying reproductive toxicity suggest
that the prevailing outcome of exposure to mixtures often was dependent of the dose. Low
doses of combinations in most cases produced no effects or additive effects, whereas higher
doses more typically produced antagonistic or synergistic effects.
3.4 Endocrine disrupting chemicals
During the last years a growing list of chemicals reported to show endocrine activity has
appeared. The increased occurrence of abnormal sexual development in wild-life, the worldwide increased incidence of testicular cancer, developmental disorders of the male
reproductive tract and female breast cancer have by some scientists been suggested to be
related to exposure to these so-called endocrine disrupting environmental chemicals. Most of
them are weak agonists or antagonists of the steroid receptors, such as the oestrogen receptor,
however their potencies are several thousand fold lower than those of the natural steroid
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hormones. It is therefore difficult to explain the possible health effects caused by such
compounds only based on the toxicity from exposure to the single compounds. However,
humans are exposed to mixtures of xenoestrogens, and it is therefore important to consider
whether the interaction effects of these compounds with respect to endocrine disruption might
occur. The systematic analysis of combined effects of xenoestrogens has only recently begun
and a few examples will be given here.
3.4.1 In vitro studies
In a report by Wang and Kurzer, genistein and coumestrol at low concentrations significantly
enhanced oestradiol-induced DNA-synthesis in MCF-7 cells, while at high concentrations
inhibition was observed (Wang & Kurzer, 1998). Thus, the type of interaction was
concentration-dependent. This study was performed very thoroughly, including dose-response
curves of the single compounds. In another report, the dose-dependent combination effect of
the phytoestrogens genistein, daidzein and coumestrol, and 17β-oestradiol on cell
proliferation and apoptosis induction in human MCF-7 breast cancer cells was studied
(Schmidt et al., 2005). In the presence of phyto-oestrogens and low levels of 17β-oestradiol,
no additive or antagonistic effects on proliferation were seen. However, the observed increase
in cell number was explained by inhibition of apoptosis (Schmidt et al., 2005). Mixtures of
eight oestrogenic compounds, including hydroxylated PCBs, benzophenones, parabens,
bisphenol A and genistein, were tested in a recombinant yeast oestrogen screen. The mixture
was prepared at a mixture ratio proportional to the potency of each individual component.
Four approaches for calculation of different additive combination effects were used. The
authors concluded that dose addition and the use of the toxicity equivalent factor approach,
was a valid method for the calculation of additive mixture effects, showing excellent
agreement between prediction and observation. Substantial mixture effects were reported,
even though each chemical was present at levels well below its no observed effect
concentration (NOEC) or EC01 (Silva et al., 2002).
In another report, the combined dose additive effect of 11 xenoestrogens on 17β-oestradiol
action in vitro led to a dramatic enhancement of the natural hormone’s action, even when each
single agent was present below its NOEC (Rajapakse et al., 2002).
3.4.2 In vivo studies
Oral administration for three days of the phytoestrogen genistein (Gen, 100 mg/kg bw) in
female Wistar rats resulted in significant increase in uterine weight comparable to the effect
of ethinyloestradiol (EE, 30 µg/kg bw), and co-administration of EE and Gen resulted in an
additive effect on the uterine wet weight (Schmidt et al., 2006). In the same study, bisphenol
A (BPA, 200 mg/kg bw) alone did not stimulate the uterine wet weight significantly.
However, BPA significantly antagonised the effect of EE on the uterine epithelium. In
combination with Gen, BPA was also able to antagonise the stimulatory effect of Gen on the
uterine epithelium (Schmidt et al., 2006). In a different study with female Wistar rats, Gen
(10 mg/kg bw for three days) caused a faint stimulation of the uterine wet weight in
ovariectomized (OVX) rats (Diel et al., 2006). In both intact and OVX animals co-treated
with oestradiol (1 or 4 µg/kg bw for three days), Gen had no effect on uterine wet weight.
However, in OVX animals co-treated with oestradiol, Gen antagonised the oestradiolstimulated increase of the uterine epithelial height and epithelial PCNA (proliferating cell
nuclear antigen) mRNA (Diel et al., 2006).
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In a study with female neonates of Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to mixtures of non-ortho
PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs, indications of tissue-specific additive and non-additive/
antagonistic effects, but no synergism, were observed with increasing doses of
organochlorines, or in combination with ethynyloestradiol (Desaulniers et al., 2003). In
female Long Evans rats, dose-dependent addition and synergism of 18 different thyroiddisrupting chemicals (TDCs) were demonstrated (Crofton et al., 2005). In this study, TDCs’
effect on total thyroxine concentration in serum was measured. At the lowest doses of the
mixtures there was no deviation from dose addition, but at the three highest mixture
concentrations there was a greater than additive effect (Crofton et al., 2005).
Recently the developmental effect of three antiandrogens: vinclozolin, procymidone and
flutamide, alone or in combination, were studied in male Wistar rats. With anogenital distance
as endpoint, the combined effects of the three anti-androgens were dose additive. Nipple
retention was slightly higher than expected from prediction of dose addition (Hass et al.,
2007). In another report the ability of a mixture of vinclozolin, procymiodone and flutamide
to induce disruption of male sexual differentiation after perinatal exposure was investigated in
rats. Changes in weight of reproductive organs and of androgen-regulated gene expression in
prostates from male pups were chosen as endpoints. The combined effects of the three
antiandrogens were dose additive with all endpoints. Single administration of vinclozolin,
procymidone and flutamide at low doses did not produce significant effects in the weight of
seminal vesicles and on prostate-binding protein subunit C3. These data support the idea that
antiandrogens act together to produce marked combined effects after simultaneous exposure
at doses that individually produce, small statistically insignificant responses (Metzdorff et al.,
In conclusion, studies have reported both dose addition and synergism of endocrine disrupting
chemical mixtures. However, several of the more recent well-designed studies clearly show
that the effects of oestrogenic compounds do not deviate from dose addition. At present more
data are needed to address whether synergism is a possibility to be taken into account in the
risk assessment of weakly oestrogenic chemical mixtures.
3.4.3 Fish and wildlife studies
Several chemicals have been shown to have endocrine disruptive effects in fish and wildlife
species. Among chemicals of concern are diethylstilbestrol, coumestrol, bisphenol A,
dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), nonylphenol, endosulfan, and dieldrin (Watson et
al., 2007), as well as natural oestrogen and ethinylestradiol. The most worrying effects of
endocrine disrupters in fish and wildlife have been linked to effects on the reproductive
system and the thyroid system, resulting in decreases of fitness and fecundity. With respect to
exposure to mixtures of contaminants, most focus has been put on oestrogenic compounds,
since they all have a similar mode of action via the estradiol hormone receptor (ER) proteins
(Matthiessen & Johnson, 2007). Due to release of oestrogenic compounds to aquatic
environments, especially from sewage, there has been particular focus on exposure to
mixtures which contain different oestrogenic compounds. Currently available information
suggests that mixtures of estrogenic compounds act no more than additively (Brian et al.,
2007; Matthiessen & Johnson, 2007). There is however, also concern about antiestrogenic
properties of some chemicals, especially of drugs (Kawahara & Yamashita, 2000). Thus, in
the environment animals can be exposed to mixtures of both oestrigenic and antioestrogenic
compounds (Houtman et al., 2004).
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There is also concern about androgenic and anti-androgenic effects of chemicals in fish and
wildlife. These effects are thought to be mediated through the androgen receptor (AR)
(Goksoyr, 2006). The ability of a range of chemicals to bind to the AR has been tested (Fang
et al., 2003). There are also serious concern about effects of thyroid disruptive chemicals in
fish and wildlife (Rolland, 2000; Fang et al., 2003; Mastorakos et al., 2007; Tan & Zoeller,
2007). Studies on free-ranging fish, birds, seals and polar bears have shown associations
between pollutant levels, in particular PCBs and levels of circulating hormones (Van den
Berg et al., 1994; Brown et al., 2004; Jørgensen et al., 2004; Braathen et al., 2004; Sørmo et
al., 2005). The modes/mechanisms of action of thyroid disrupters are multiple, and little is
known about the combined effects of several chemicals that interfere with the thyroid
In Norway, there has been particular focus on ecological risk assessment of persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) in the Arctic (Skaare et al., 2002; Jenssen, 2006), and several studies have
focused on endocrine effects related to POPs in Arctic wildlife and fish. Since these generally
are field studies, the approach has been to study associations between organ or blood
concentrations of various POPs and levels of various endocrine variables, such as plasma
hormone levels. It is important to be aware that reports of associations between POP levels
and endocrine variables not are direct evidence of cause-effect relationships.
In polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from Svalbard and the Barents Sea, levels of various POPs
were negatively correlated to plasma levels of thyroid hormones (Skaare et al., 2001;
Braathen et al., 2004) and to vitamin A (retinol) (Skaare et al., 2001). Furthermore, pesticides
have been shown to contribute negatively, and PCBs to contribute positively, to the variation
in the plasma cortisol, even though the overall contribution of the organochlorinated
compounds (OCs) to the plasma cortisol variation was negative (Oskam et al., 2004). In male
polar bears, plasma testosterone levels correlated negatively with levels of pesticides and
PCBs (Oskam et al., 2003; Ropstad et al., 2006), whereas in females a positive correlation
between PCBs and progesterone levels was found (Haave et al., 2003; Ropstad et al., 2006).
Several studies have also addressed the effects of POPs on health and immune function
related aspects (Bernhoft et al., 2000; Skaare et al., 2002; Lie et al., 2004; Lie et al., 2005).
These studies show associations between POPs and immune function variables, which
strongly indicate that high levels of POPs may impair resistance to infections in polar bears.
Furthermore, there are strong indications that POPs may interfere with the size of the
reproductive organ in male and female polar bears (Sonne et al., 2006) and with bone density
(Sonne et al., 2004), possibly via endocrine disruptive mechanisms.
In glaucous gulls from Bjørnøya, negative associations between plasma levels of thyroxin
(T4) and blood levels of several POPs, and positive associations between plasma levels of
progesterone and several POPs have been reported in males, but not in females (Verreault et
al., 2004; Verreault et al., 2006). Testosteron levels did not correlate with any of the POPs in
glaucous gulls (Verreault et al., 2006). Effects of POPs on behavioural and morphological
traits in glaucous gulls at Bjørnøya have been suggested to be linked to these endocrine
disruptive effects of POPs (Bustnes et al., 2001; Bustnes et al., 2002). Negative associations
have also been reported between various POPs and vitamins (A and E) in seabirds, such as
European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), kittwakes (Rissa tridactyla) and Brünnchs
guillemot (Uria lomvia) (Murvoll et al., 1999; Murvoll et al., 2006a; Murvoll et al., 2006b;
Murvoll et al., 2007).
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In Arctic charr, PCB appear to affect plasma cortisol regulation (Jørgensen et al., 2002), and
the effects were reported to be linked to brain glucocorticoid receptor downregulation (Aluru
et al., 2004).
In seals, several studies have reported associations between body concentrations of various
POPs and plasma levels of thyroid hormones and between POPs and vitamins (Jenssen et al.,
1994; Jenssen et al., 2003; Nyman et al., 2003; Routti et al., 2008). There are also indications
that POPs affect bone metabolism in seals via intereference with thyroid hormone and vitamin
D homeostasis (Routti et al., 2008). Even though PCB associated alterations of hepatic steroid
metabolism in harbour seals have been reported (Troisi & Mason, 2000), associations
between POPs and steroid hormones do not seem to be reported in seals.
In conclusion, there are strong indications that POPs have endocrine disruptive effects in
Arctic wildlife and fish. These effects may be of ecological significance, and may affect
population dynamics of the species.
Since animals in the wild are exposed to complex mixtures of different compounds, these
suspected endocrine effects may be caused by single compounds or by mixtures of
compounds. Currently, there is little knowledge on the extent to which the effects are caused
by single compounds or combinations of different compounds.
3.5 Neurotoxicity
Exposure to some chemicals, including drugs, has been linked to induction of persistent
changes in the nervous system. Neurotoxicity is any adverse effect on the chemical signaling,
structure and/or function of the nervous system during development or at maturity induced by
chemical or physical influences. The nervous system is particularly vulnerable to toxic
compounds during the period of development. During this period there is extensive
interaction between the brain and other organs, especially the sex organs and the thyroid
gland. An example of toxic interaction in developmental toxicity is the interaction between
dimethoate (a pesticide) and lead. Pretreating rats with dimethoate accentuates the
developmental neurotoxicity of lead. Pretreating with lead has a similar effect on dimethoate
toxicity, but not as pronounced (Nagymajtenyi et al., 1998).
3.5.1 Consequences of adverse effects on the nervous system
Mature neurons have limited capability of regeneration, and are therefore at greater risk for
permanent damage after a toxic injury than many other cells in the body. Proper function of
the nervous system depends on an electrochemical balance and large energy supply.
Chemicals affecting neuronal targets such as membranes, intracellular transport or energy
supply may cause neurotoxicity.
The molecular mechanism of action is unknown for most of the toxicants affecting the central
nervous system. In the peripheral nervous system, a well known mode of action is inhibition
of the anterograde transport of cellular components causing peripheral neuropathy. Interaction
is possible between chemicals that affect this transport system, regardless of which target
organs are involved.
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3.5.2 Examples of mechanisms of interactions
Repeated seizure activity in the brain is accompanied by increased synaptic strength, a
phenomenon called kindling. Experimentally induced kindling is used to study changes in
nervous system excitability. The pesticide chlorpyrifos caused a more rapid occurrence of
kindling, an effect that was additive with xylene (Wurpel et al., 1993).
When a chemical without neurotoxic effect interacts with a neurotoxicant and increases its
response or effect, this is an example of potentiation. Hexane or hexanedione is more
neurotoxic at the same dose level when a ketone is co-administered. The mechanism has not
been elucidated; the interaction is probably related to changes in metabolism, distribution or
excretion of the neurotoxic agent. Non-neurotoxic compunds can make the blood-brainbarrier (BBB) more penetrable to ionic compounds, mannitol is an example, although not
relevant for food. If the cytostatic doxorubicin (adriamycin) is given together with mannitol
(1.4 M) enhanced neurotoxicity is observed (Neuwelt et al., 1981; Kondo et al., 1987).
3.5.3 Examples of interactions between agents
Insecticides: The toxic effects of combined exposure to organophosphorus insecticides are
generally considered to be a result of dose addition. These structurally related compounds
share certain characteristic toxicological actions, specifically the inhibition of acetylcholine
esterase leading to accumulation of acetylcholine in the nervous system. However, in addition
to inhibition of acetylcholine esterase, a variety of agent-specific clinical signs are also
induced in experimental animals after exposure to organophosphorus compounds.
An acute neurotoxicity study in male rats examined the effect of parathion and permethrin in
a formulated product and in a commercially formulated mixture of the two compounds.
Methyl parathion was found to increase the LD50 of permethrin because of an inhibition of
carboxylesterase involved in the main metabolic pathway of permethrin. The decrease in
carboxylesterase activity presumably caused an increased permethrin concentration with
increased toxicity as a result. Permethrin also decreased the methyl parathion-induced
inhibition of brain cholinesterase activity (Ortiz et al., 1995).
In two reports, cholinesterase inhibition and behavioral changes were determined in adult and
17-day-old Long Evans male rats following acute exposure to mixtures of organophosphorus
pesticides (OPs) (Moser et al., 2005; Moser et al., 2006). Two different mixtures were tested,
one containing the following five pesticides: chlorpyrifos, diazinon, dimethoate, acephate and
malathion, and another containing the same pesticides except malathion. Malathion has been
shown to produce synergistic interactions with certain OPs. In the study with adult rats,
significant deviation from dose addition for several neurochemical and behavioural endpoints,
except tail-pinch response, was observed. At the lower end of the dose-response curves,
synergism was observed (Moser et al., 2005). Also, in preweanling rats the OP mixtures
resulted in greater than additive responses, and the effects could only partially be attributed to
the presence of malathion in the mixture (Moser et al., 2006).
Organic solvents: Several studies have shown that exposure to mixtures of solvents may be
more harmful than single exposures, and in several cases exposure to combinations gave
greater effects than mere addition (WHO & Nordic Council of Ministers, 1985).
Metals: Lead, mercury and manganese exhibit interaction with other neurotoxicants.
Absorption of lead from the gastrointestinal tract is increased by ethanol. Increased absorption
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of neurotoxic divalent metal ions such as lead and manganese is seen in humans or
experimental animals with low iron status (Berglund et al., 1994).
In a recent report, antagonistic effects in vitro of some concentrations of the neurotoxicants
methylmercury and PCB153 in PC12 cells were observed (Vettori et al., 2006). Cell viability
and intra-cellular dopamine were used as endpoints.
In conclusion, potential interaction of neurotoxic chemicals by additive and synergistic
effects/potentiation should always be considered in the risk assessments, especially when
exposures are above effect thresholds.
3.6 Immunotoxicity
3.6.1 Direct toxic effects on the immune system
Toxic responses to the immune system can be determined experimentally in vivo using a
number of immunological methods. A variety of mechanisms are involved in immunotoxicity,
an example being the thymic toxicity of TCDD that is due to an effect on the thymic epithelial
cells mediated by the Ah-receptor. Another example is the immuntoxic effect of aflatoxin that
presumably is linked to inhibition of protein synthesis. Combined actions and interactions in immunotoxicity
Few genuine immunotoxicology studies have been performed on chemical mixtures. One
study in mice with a mixture of 25 groundwater contaminants was found to be myelotoxic
(Germolec et al., 1989). Other effects observed were decreased cellularity in the bone
marrow, decreased antibody formation to sheep red blood cells and an increased number of
parasitised red blood cells in an infection model. None of the individual contaminants were
present at sufficient concentration in the chemical mixture to be solely responsible for the
observed immunological effects. The total dose, however, was relatively high and the results
of this study indicated some kind of additive immunotoxic effect. Based on few experimental
data, it seems that chemicals sharing a common immunotoxic mechanism may have additive
effects, whereas competition for metabolising enzymes may antagonise the immuntoxic
3.6.2 Allergy
Skin contact with certain allergenic chemical compounds (allergens or haptens) may induce
contact sensitisation, which is a cell-mediated process. Most contact allergens are small
molecules (MW < 600 Da). Contact sensitisation, once established, is a life-long process, but
the effect may become weaker if exposure is avoided. Allergic contact dermatitis, which is a
cell-mediated process (type IV immune reaction), can develop in contact-sensitised persons as
a result of re-exposure to the specific chemical. Patch testing in humans is used to document
contact-sensitisation to environmental chemicals. In this test, contact allergy is assayed by reexposing a 0.5 cm2 large skin area on the upper back to a specific chemical. A positive test is
seen with clinical signs showing redness, infiltration and possibly vesicles. The degree of
symptoms in a test may be quantified by comparisons with standard series using the most
frequently sensitising chemicals such as certain metals, preservatives, fragrances and others.
Animal models of skin allergy are also available.
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Environmental chemical compounds may also induce IgE sensitisation. Sensitisation resulting
in IgE production and contact sensitisation may occur concurrently, i.e. develop with the same
compound in the same individual. IgE mediated sensitisation is demonstrated with a skin
prick test and/or the detection of IgE antibodies in serum. IgE sensitisation may, but not
necessarily result in respiratory, gastrointestinal or skin symptoms and even anaphylaxis (type
I immune reaction).
Food additives, as well as other food substances of non-protein nature, have been
demonstrated to elicit allergic and non-allergic food reactions comparable to the above
mentioned reactions to chemical compounds. The modes of action involved are IgE
mediated, cell mediated or non-immunologic mechanisms. Patch test results with mixtures of chemicals
Clinical experience with patch testing of mixtures of substances, such as a cosmetic product,
often causes a positive result, while testing of the individual ingredients show no response.
For example, only half of the individuals reacting to a fragrance mixture from the European
Standard patch test series also gave a positive response to at least one of the eight individual
fragrance mixture constituents when these were tested individually. The same phenomenon is
known from testing of other mixtures such as rubber allergens. These test results have often
been interpreted as a false positive patch test. Much effort has been taken to eliminate the
causes of such false results, but despite of this the frequency of such responses has remained
stable over the years (Johansen & Menne, 1995).
In a different study, two groups of individuals with contact dermatitis to perfume ingredients
were investigated. Eighteen of the subjects had contact allergy to two fragrance substances
and 15 were allergic to only one of these two fragrances. The test and matched control
subjects were patch tested with the two allergens applied in serial dilutions in separate
chambers on one side, and combined in one chamber on the other side of the upper back. The
reactions were assessed on day three by clinical grading and by measurement of blood flow
by laser Doppler flow measurement. The 1:1 mixture of allergens elicited responses as if the
doses were three to four times higher than the dose actually used. The authors of the study
concluded that the compounds acted synergistically (Johansen et al., 1998).
In conclusion, an individual with a negative result in a diagnostic patch test with single
chemicals may in some instances have a positive reaction after being tested with a mixture of
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4 Approaches used in the assessment and regulation of chemical
4.1 Procedures to assess combined effects of chemicals that work by similar
mechanisms of action
The exact molecular mechanism of effect is only known for a few groups of chemicals,
therefore the term “mode of action” is often used to describe toxicities that appear to be
similar, but the detailed underlying mechanisms are not known. An ILSI Working Group
(Mileson et al., 1998) concluded that a common mechanism might exist if two compounds:
Cause the same critical effect,
Act on the same molecular target at the same target tissue, and
Act by the same biochemical mechanism and may share a common toxic intermediate.
If a combined effect is likely to occur, the duration and timing of exposure and the biological
half-life of the chemicals in the body are of importance. This is because the internal exposure
is more important for the hazard assessment than the external exposure, and the intensity and
duration of the response depend on the toxicokinetic properties of the chemicals in question.
A major problem associated with methods of combined hazard assessment and derivation of
regulatory guidance values, is that different uncertainty factors may be applied in safety
assessment of various chemicals, since the size of the uncertainty factor will dominate the
derived values of the hazard assessment, such as acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) or acute
reference doses (ARfDs).
4.1.1 Group acceptable/tolerable intake (group ADI/TDI)
Some compounds with similar structure and effects have been allocated a group ADI/TDI.
EFSA considers that a group ADI/TDI should be employed if: 1) exposure to several
members of a structurally related series of chemicals is likely to occur frequently, and 2)
several members of the series have been demonstrated to have (a) common target organ(s),
cellular target(s) and the same mode of action (EFSA, 2005b). For instance, the members of a
group may be metabolised to a common metabolite which determines the toxic effect. Even in
cases where there are only limited toxicological data on one or more of the members, it is
assumed that these compounds contribute to the same effect on the target organ. The group
ADI/TDI is set for the sum of these compounds on the assumption that they have the same
potency. If the above-mentioned criteria are met, individual members of the series should be
assumed to have an additive effect. This concept has been used for e.g. parabens and food
additives (EFSA, 2004d; EFSA, 2004e), but obviously represents an overestimation when
some of the individual compounds are less potent than others.
4.1.2 Hazard index (HI)
This method is based on the assumptions that the compounds in the mixture act on the same
biological site, by the same mechanism of action, and differ only in their potencies (simple
similar action). The HI method has also been used for compounds with similar effect when
knowledge about the mechanism of action is insufficient or not available. The HI is the sum
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of the hazard quotients (HQ) of the compounds in a mixture. The HQ is the ratio of exposure
to a defined limit exposure, such as the ADI. The HI for a mixture of four compounds can be
calculated by the following equation:
HI = HQ1 + HQ2 +HQ3 + HQ4
HI = E1/ADI1 + E2/ADI2 + E3/ADI3 + E4/ADI4
where E is the level of exposure and ADI is the acceptable daily intake for each compound.
If HI > 1, the mixture has exceeded the maximum acceptable level for daily intake and there
may be a risk. This method is based on an assumption of dose addition and risk is
overestimated if the basic assumption of dose addition is wrong. Incorrect estimations will be
the consequence if interactions (synergism or antagonism) occur.
4.1.3 Point of departure index (PODI)
The point of departure index is the sum of the exposures of each compound expressed as a
ratio between exposure and their respective point of departures (PODs), e.g. NOAEL or
Benchmark dose (BMD), instead of comparing them with the ADI/ARfD or TDI. BMDmodelling gives a better basis than NOAEL if there are sufficient data for modelling.
PODIi = ΣiExp/(PODi or NOAELi or BMDi)
There is not a defined magnitude for an acceptable PODI. However, the sum should be less
than an agreed uncertainty factor for the group. This uncertainty factor does not have to be the
default 10 x 10 usually chosen for setting ADIs.
The PODI is a valuable approach if interactions (synergism/potentiation) are suspected. In
such cases an extra uncertainty factor should be incorporated.
4.1.4 Margin of exposure (MOE)/ Margin of safety (MOS)
An international conference organised by EFSA and the World Health Organisation (WHO),
with the support of ILSI Europe, concluded that the MOE is the preferred approach for risk
assessment of substances that are both genotoxic and carcinogenic (Barlow et al., 2006).
According to this, the term Margin of safety (MOS) should be used in the assessment of
compounds other than those being both genotoxic and carcinogenic. The calculated value of
the MOE (or the MOS) is obtained by dividing the POD from the dose-response curve by the
level of exposure.
MOE = POD/Exposure
The POD may be a dose corresponding to a given observed effect level, e.g. ED10, or the
NOAEL. When MOE is calculated for single chemicals, values > 100 or > 10 are usually
considered as acceptable when toxicological data are from animal or humans, respectively.
The MOE approach is the reciprocal of the PODI.The combined MOE for compounds in
mixtures is calculated by the following equation:
MOET = 1/(1/MOE1 + 1/MOE2 + ---1/MOEn)
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There is no defined magnitude of an acceptable MOET for exposure to a mixture of chemicals.
However, when the number of compounds in the mixture increases, the MOET decreases. As
a consequence, combinations of several compounds with MOEs of 100 will obtain a MOET <
100. Therefore, a MOET > 100 approach seems inappropriate and a reduction in the level of
acceptable MOET may be considered as the number of components in a mixture increases.
Similar considerations are valid for MOST.
4.1.5 Toxic Equivalent Factors (TEF)
The toxic equivalent factor concept is based on the assumption that structurally related
chemicals exert their toxic effects by a similar mechanism of action (simple similar action),
but they differ in potency. It is also based on the assumption that the dose-response curves for
all compounds are parallel. One chemical in the group of related chemicals is chosen as an
“index compound” and given a certain TEF, and the toxicities of the other chemicals are
calculated as the toxicity of each compound relative to the index compound. The total
combined exposure (total equivalent quantity, TEQ) is then estimated by summation of the
exposure to each chemical (Ci) multiplied to its respective TEF (TEFi):
TEQ = Σ Ci x TEFi
The estimated TEQ expresses the total hazard as the hazard of an equivalent exposure of the
index compound, and may therefore be compared to the ADI/TDI of the index compound.
The toxic equivalent factor approach is used for the risk assessment of mixtures of
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like
biphenyls (PCBs). A re-evaluation of human and mammalian toxic equivalent factors for
dioxins and dioxin-like compounds has recently been performed by WHO. New TEF values
have been proposed by WHO for human risk assessment of these compounds (Van den Berg
et al., 2006). A similar approach has also been chosen for the ongoing risk assessment of
combined hazard from exposure to acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors by the UK Pesticide Safety
Directorate (Advisory Committee on Hazardous Substances, ACHS 07/18A).
4.1.6 Relative potency factor
In the relative potency factor (RPF) method the dose of all compounds in a mixture is also
scaled relatively to the dose of an index compound, and then added. This method is used
when exposure to the different components in a mixture leads to a common toxic effect, but
there may be differences in the mechanism of action. RPF is the same as TEF when the
mechanism of action is similar (simple similar action), but may be used in a broader context.
This method is used for risk assessment of organophosphorus pesticides (cholinesterase
inhibitions) by the US EPA (U.S.EPA, 2006b), and RPF is the preferred method of this
agency. The concept of so-called cumulative RPF is used by EPA when oral, dermal and
inhalation exposure are taken into consideration.
4.1.7 Interaction-based modification of the hazard index (HI)
A weight-of-evidence (WOE) modification method proposed by (Mumtaz & Durkin, 1992),
takes into account both synergistic and antagonistic interactions in the derivation of the HI.
The method evaluates the data relevant to combined actions for each possible pair of
chemicals in the mixture (binary weight-of-evidence, BINWOE) in order to make weight-ofevidence classification for the effect of each chemical on the toxicity of all the other
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chemicals in the mixture. Physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) models may provide
data useful for the calculations. A problem with the interaction-based HI method is that due to
lack of experimental or epidemiologic data a number of assumptions about the mechanisms
are used (Haddad et al., 2001; Teuschler, 2007).
4.1.8. Indicator substance
The Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on
Food Additives (JECFA) have introduced a surrogate approach for evaluation of chemicals in
mixtures, where one substance has been chosen as an indicator for a group of compounds, e.g.
benzo[a]pyrene, as the most potent carcinogen, is used as a marker of exposure and of the
effects of the mixture of PAHs (SCF, 2002b; JECFA, 2005). This method uses a single
component as the measure of concentration in relation to the response of the whole mixture
(13 genotoxic and carcinogenic PAHs).
Table 2 gives an overview of different procedures/methods used to assess combined effects of
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Table 2. Methods for risk assessment of mixtures, all based on information on individual
compounds. Based on Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (2002) and EFSA
Scientific Colloquium 7 (EFSA, 2007c).
Risk assessment
Hazard Index (HI)
Point of Departure
Index (PODI)
Margin of
of safety for
Toxic Equivalent
Factor (TEF)
Point of
Relative Potency
Factor (RPF)
Response Addition
Hazard Index
data for
and doseresponse
data for the
data for
and doseresponse
data for the
The fraction
of total
effect for
level for
based on
Exposure data
at low levels.
HI is also used
for compounds
with similar
target organ
Simple similar
action (similar
mode of
and transparent.
Relates to well
known and
widely used
measures of
acceptable risk
(e.g. ADI, ARfD)
Relates directly
to real exposure
and toxicity data
are based on
NOAELs, which in
most cases
involve default
factors in the
No criteria for
defining the
magnitude of an
acceptable PODI
Relates directly
to real exposure
and toxicity data
No criteria for
defining the
magnitude of an
acceptable MOEΤ
Relies very much
on the toxicity
data for the index
Restricted by
similarity in
mechanism of
action, few
groups will
Simple similar
action (similar
mode of
Simple similar
action (similar
mode of
Simple similar
action (similar
mechanism of
Restricted by
similarity and
to specific
Simple similar
action (similar
mode of action)
is supposed to
account for
mixtures with
different mode
of action
Data usually
not available
dissimilar action
(different mode
of action),
common effect
interactions are
the most
42 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
Relates directly
to real exposure
and toxicity data.
and transparent
Relates directly
to real exposure
and toxicity data.
and transparent
Relies very much
on the toxicity
data for the index
Complex to
determine the
Weighing factors
not supported by
experimental data
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4.2 Procedures to assess combined effects of chemicals that act by dissimilar
mechanisms of action
4.2.1 Simple dissimilar action
If fractional responses of the components of a chemical mixture are known, response addition
can be applied. It is assumed that the modes of action and possibly the nature and site of
action differ among the chemicals in the mixture. The chemicals exert their individual effect
and contribute to a common result without modulating the effect of each other. The term
response addition is used to describe proportions of responders in a population and represents
the sum of probabilistic risks, whereas effect addition describes the sum of graded biological
responses in individuals (Teuschler, 2007). In order to use this method, it is necessary to
know the fraction of the total possible effect of each of the compounds in the mixture, as well
as the total possible effect of the mixture. Even if the method is easy to use mathematically,
the required data are usually not available. Furthermore, the concentrations of the individual
components in a mixture are very often below exposures corresponding to the NOAEL. In
such situations, the dominating understanding is that effect/response addition is not relevant
for mixtures where the exposure is below the NOAEL for each individual compound. This is
if there are no interactions between the compounds resulting in synergism/potentiation or
antagonism. Exposure below the NOAEL may, however, be relevant if the compounds
interact and produce synergism/potentiation (EFSA, 2007c).
4.3 Chemical mixtures and the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC)
The TTC is a principle, where level of exposure is used to set priorities for need of
toxicological testing, since for most toxic effects there is an exposure dose, or threshold value
below which no adverse effects can be expected (Barlow, 2005; VKM, 2006b). The concept
should not be confused with thresholds for toxicological effects. The application of the TTC
principle is recommended for substances to which humans are exposed at low levels. The
approach originated in relation to food packaging migrants, was refined for application to
flavouring substances, and will be developed further to allow for a wider application to lowmolecular-weight compounds that are present in the human environment in trace amounts,
either naturally or as result of human activities.
The assessment of chemical mixtures is a complex issue, and more work is needed to develop
methods to deal with this issue, in regular risk assessment as well as when using TTC. In
principle, the TTC approach could be used to assess mixtures of substances which have
similar toxic modes of action (Barlow, 2005). It would be possible to sum their
exposures/intakes and compare the combined exposure/intake with the relevant TTC,
provided they were of similar potency or were corrected to a similar potency. If the combined
intakes were below the TTC, this would indicate that the substances would not be expected to
be of concern. If the mechanisms of action of substances in the mixture were known to be
dissimilar, then the TTC approach could be used in assessment of each individual substance,
one at a time.
When dealing with complex mixtures of diverse chemicals, assessment using the TTC
approach should focus on the exposure to a "marker" compound or a major compound which
represents a high proportion of the mixture and is of the highest Cramer class (III), i.e. the
chemical with the highest potential for toxicity based on its chemical structure (VKM,
2006b), of the known constituents in the mixture.
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As an added complexity, relevant exposures from sources other than the one under evaluation,
e.g. from a certain food, need to be taken into consideration. However, data for exposure from
other sources are often not available to consider total intake.
4.4 Approaches to assess toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures - suggestions
from other European and US regulatory bodies
Several advisory reports and suggested strategies on how to assess toxic effects of multiple
chemical exposures have been published by regulatory bodies in several European countries
and in the USA. Suggested strategies may be outlined in simple or more complex flow charts
that are meant to serve as guidelines for choosing among the methods and models presented
earlier in this report. The applicability of the various strategies and flow charts is highly
dependent on the amount of available data on the different compounds in a mixture. The
following paragraphs contain summaries of some of the suggested approaches on how to
assess combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures.
4.4.1 Approach to assess simple and complex mixtures – advisory report published by
the Health Council of The Netherlands (2002)
In July 2002, the Health Council of The Netherlands published an advisory report “Exposure
to Combinations of Substances: a System for Assessing Health Risks” (Health Council of The
Netherlands, 2002). Major topics in this report are: a) a distinction between a specified
combination of substances and a mixture of substances, b) a framework for the safety
evaluation of combined exposures, including the use of so-called “top n” and “pseudo top n”
approaches, and c) a recommendation to use the Mumtaz-Durkin weight of evidence (WOE)
method for prioritisation of combined exposures according to their potential health risks
(Feron et al., 2004).
A specified combination of chemicals is characterised by known chemicals with the same or
different target organ, various exposure routes and independent exposures which may or may
not overlap in time. Mixtures may contain both known and unknown components, depending
on whether they are intentionally or unintentionally formed. However, exposure to a mixture
is characterised by exposure to all components at the same time and by the similar route since
they occur together. Different approaches are often considered for the two types of risk
assessment. The framework for risk assessment of combined exposures is shown in Figure 4
A and B. Combination of chemicals may be treated as a single entity, as divided into fractions
according to physical and chemical properties, or as individual components. To reduce the
safety evaluation of complex exposures to manageable proportions, the “top n” and “pseudo
top n” approaches were introduced, n representing the most hazardous chemicals or groups of
chemicals, respectively. The Mumtaz-Durkin WOE method results in qualitative and
quantitative refinement of hazard indices, based among other things on classification of
binary interactions (BINWOES). For more details, see Feron and co-workers (2004) and the
report of the Health Council of The Netherlands (2002).
44 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
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Mixture/specified combination of substances
Toxicity data on
Toxicity data on
mixture as entity?
Toxicity data on
More data needed
More data needed
Data on
Select surrogate
“(pseudo) top n”
More data needed
Derive recommended exposure limit
for mixture/use for risk assessment
Proceed with figure B
figure A
Exposure limits
for individual
substances not
Use exposure limits for
individual substances
and toxicity equivalence
for risk assessment
Exposure limits for
substances not
suitable for risk
Use exposure limits
for individual
substances for risk
Figure 4. Proposed framework for the risk assessment of combined exposures,
modified from Feron et al. (2004).
4.4.2 Approach for assessment of combined toxic action of chemical mixtures – proposal
from the American Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
The ATSDR “Guidance Manual for the Assessment of Joint Toxic Action of Chemical
Mixtures” describes a methodology for how to conduct health risk assessment for chemical
mixtures (ATSDR, 2004a). In this process, step-by-step procedures for assessing nonNorwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety 45
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carcinogenic and carcinogenic effects are outlined in flow charts. The hazard index (HI; the
sum of HQ) approach uses the assumption of dose addition to assess non-cancer health
effects. The strategy for cancer is similar to the non-cancer effects, except that the cancer risk
estimates are used in place of HQ and HI in the analysis. Dose addition usually requires that
all components act by the same mechanism, but HI may also be used as a tool after exposure
to components affecting the same critical target. The target organ toxicity dose (TTD)
modification, a refinement of the HI method, is used to accommodate the assessment of
mixtures whose components do not all have the same critical effect, but have overlapping
targets. The HI method does not take into account interactions among components of the
mixture. This may lead to overestimation or underestimation of the health hazard if the
interactions are greater or less, than additive, respectively. To evaluate the potential impact of
interactions, a WOE method is used both in the non-cancer and cancer strategies to assess for
interactions. For discussion of the strategies, see (Wilbur et al., 2004). ATSDR has also
developed six toxicity interaction profiles for chemical mixtures, two on persistent
environmental chemicals, two on metals and two profiles on volatile organic chemicals
(ATSDR, 2004b; ATSDR, 2004c; ATSDR, 2004d; ATSDR, 2004e; ATSDR, 2004f; ATSDR,
2004g). The profiles are also described in a paper (Pohl et al., 2003).
4.4.3 Combined risk assessment of pesticide chemicals that have a common mechanism
of toxicity – US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
The US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs has published the document “Guidance on
Cumulative Risk Assessment of Pesticide Chemicals That Have a Common Mechanism of
Toxicity” (U.S.EPA, 2002). This provides guidance for the evaluation and estimation of
potential human risks associated with multichemical and multipathway exposures, referred to
as cumulative risk assessment. The organising principle is the identification of a group of
chemicals that induces a common toxic effect by a common mechanism of toxicity (common
mechanism group, CMG). In short, a CMG group of pesticides is identified, and the
Candidate Cumulative Assessment Group (CAG) is determined. The dose addition and
relative potency factor (RPF) approach are used to express the total exposure. Based on dose
response analysis, the RPF of each chemical is expressed as the ratio between the index
chemical potency and the CMG chemical (e.g BMD or NOAEL). The POD for the index
compound is then used to calculate a combined MOS. Route specific MOSs can be combined
to generate a total MOS.
The organophosphorus pesticide (OP) class of pesticides was established as the first common
mechanism group by EPA in 1999. OPs share the ability to inhibit acetylcholinesterase by
binding to and phosphorylate the enzyme in both the central and peripheral nervous system.
This results in accumulation of acetylcholine and continuous stimulation of cholinergic
receptors. Thirtythree chemicals were included, and methamidophos was selected as index
chemical (Dr. Vicki Dellaco, EPA, at EFSA Scientific Colloquium 7, 2006). An updated
version of “Organophosphorus Cumulative Risk Assessment” was published in 2006
(U.S.EPA, 2006b). In contrast to risk assessment of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in other
countries, such as UK and The Netherlands, EPA has chosen to distinguish between OPs and
carbamates because of toxicokinetic and also toxicodynamic differences.
The “Estimation of Cumulative Risk from N-Methyl Carbamate Pesticides: Preliminary
Assessment”, was published in 2005 (U.S.EPA, 2005). Other pesticide CMG identified and
assessed by EPA are “Triazine Cumulative Risk Assessment” (U.S.EPA, 2006c) and
“Cumulative Risk from Chloroacetanilide Pesticides”(U.S.EPA, 2006a). EPA has also started
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to develop a cumulative risk assessment for the pyrethroids, some of the most common
pesticides used in indoor environments. Pyrethroids are a family of pesticides that induce
toxicity through a common mode of action, by interacting with sodium channels in the
nervous system. They are commonly found as a mixture, and routes of exposure include oral
(diet, hand-to-mouth), dermal and inhalation (Soderlund et al., 2002).
In a recent publication existing risk assessment methods are referred to and discussed
(Teuschler, 2007). In this paper, a guide for selection among available risk assessment
methods for chemicals in food is presented (Figure 5). Cumulative RPF is suggested used
when various exposure routes are taken into consideration (see section 4.1.6).
Same Toxic
Effect, Mode
of action
(MOA), Dose
Whole Mixture
Data on
Same Toxic
of Toxic
Toxicity Values for Whole Mixture:
-Cancer Slope Factors
-Reference Doses
-Reference Concentrations
-Fractionation of Whole Mixture
-Pattern Recognition Techniques and
Multivariate Regression Models
Data on
Similar MOA?
Dose Addition
-Hazards index (HI)
-Toxicity (EC,
Factors (TEFs)
-Relative Potency
Response Addition,
Effects Addition
Interaction-based HI
Binary Weight of
Evidence (BINWOE)
Same Toxic
Cumulative Relative
Potency Factors
Figure 5. Flow chart for risk assessment of combined exposures, modified from Teuschler
4.4.4 Examples on risk assessment of pesticide residues in food by the Danish Veterinary
and Food Administration Selection of methods for risk assessment of pesticide residues in food
The whole mixture approaches would, as mentioned earlier, be the preferable risk assessment
methodology for pesticide residues in foods. However data to be used for such approaches are
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usually not available. This leaves the single compound approaches as the more realistic
methods to use. These can be divided into three categories depending on whether the
compounds act by similar mechanism, independently or whether they interact with each other.
At the moment there exists no readily applicable risk assessment method that accounts for
Do the compounds in the
mixture act on the same
target organ?
Do the compounds act by
the same mode of action?
The compounds are
Are the available data
adequate for the toxic
equivalency factor
the hazard index
(HI) approach for risk
Use the toxic
equivalency approach for
risk assessment
Figure 6. Proposed flow chart for risk assessment approach for mixtures of pesticides in food,
adapted from Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (2002).
The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration proposes to use the flow chart shown in
Figure 6. The risk assessments of pesticide residues have to be done on a case-by-case basis
in which the available chemical and toxicological data are evaluated in a weight-of-evidence
process. The hazard index (HI) method is seen as the most appropriate in most cases for
toxicologically similarly acting compounds, but the HI method may also be used for
compounds with similar effects when knowledge about the mode of action is insufficient or
unavailable. The HI method is transparent, understandable and it relates directly to ADI, a
well known measure of acceptable risk. The method has also been used for mixtures of
compounds that have the same target organ, but different modes of action. In Figure 6, the HI
method is also suggested used for mixtures of pesticide residues. VKM is of the opinion that
this approach does not comply with the theoretical principle on which the method is based.
Food residues of pesticides are generally found at exposure levels well below their respective
NOAEL and they are therefore not expected to cause more than an additive effect. In cases
where the weight-of- evidence points out that the compounds share a common mechanism
(e.g. as for the organophosphorus pesticides, the chloroacetanilides, the dithiocarbamates and
the thiocarbamates) the toxic equivalent factor (TEF) should be used. Examples from Denmark
In the Danish report, 10 examples of risk assessments of crops containing pesticide residues
are given, of which two are included in the present report (Table 3).
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Example 1: Oranges, Spain
Seven pesticides were found in oranges from Spain: chlorpyrifos, dicofol, imazalil, malathion,
orthophenylphenol, prothiofos and tetradifon. The compounds do not belong to the same
chemical classes, and they are not similar in chemical structure. The compounds have the
following similarities with respect to their toxic action and target organ:
dicofol, imazalil, malathion, orthophenylphenol and tetradifon have an effect on the
liver, but they do not have a common mode of action
dicofol, malathion and orthophenylphenol cause adenomas in the liver and dicofol can
also cause liver carcinomas
chlorpyrifos, malathion and prothiofos act on the nervous system by inhibiting
dicofol and malathion have an effect on the thyroid gland.
None of the compounds in this mixture do have a common target organ or mode of action,
even though some of them show some similarities. The compounds are toxicologically
independent, and according to the flow chart proposed by the Danish Veterinary and Food
Administration (Figure 6), the mixture is evaluated by the hazard index approach.
The average daily intake of oranges in Denmark is 15 g/person/day for adults. For children
under 3 years, the intake is estimated to half of this amount: 7.5 g/person/day. The residue of
chlorpyrifos in this type of fruit was 0.04 mg/kg orange, which gives the following exposure
in a 60 kg adult or in a 15 kg child:
E1, adult =
0.04mg / kg x 0.015kg / person / day
= 0.00001mg / kgbw / day
E1, child =
0.04mg / kg x 0.0075kg / person / day
= 0.00002mg / kgbw / day
These calculations are performed for all compounds found in the oranges and the results are
shown in Table 3. The next step is to calculate the hazard index, from the equation shown in
section 4.1.2.
HI adults =
HI children
1x10 −5 3.5 x10 −5 9.5 x10 −4 1x10 −5 3.8 x10 −4 4.5 x10 −6 1.5 x10 −5
= 0.0097
2 x10 −5 7 x10 −5 1.9 x10 −3 2 x10 −5 7.5 x10 −4 9 x10 −6 3x10 −5
= 0.19
The hazard indices for both adults and children are well below 1 and it is concluded that the
exposure to the residues is not expected to constitute a risk.
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Table 3. Raw data used to calculate exposure of pesticide residues in oranges and kiwi.
Oranges 15 g/
person/day for
adults, 7.5
g/person/day for
Kiwi, Italy
3 g/person/
day for adults, 1.5
g/person/day for
Exposure child
(mg/kg bw)
Exposure adult
Example 2: Kiwi, Italy
This is an example of kiwi with high levels of two dicarboximides pesticide residues;
iprodione and vinclozolin. Both compounds have an effect on the liver and the adrenal gland.
Iprodione has been reported to cause non-neoplastic lesions in the liver and vinclozolin causes
hepatocellular carcinomas. Iprodione is reported to cause histopathological changes in the
adrenals, and vinclozolin to cause tumours in the adrenals. The toxicological data for the
compounds indicate toxicological similarity and the data were for these organs considered to
be good enough for using the toxicological equivalent approach (Figure 6). The data for both
compounds were considered to be of equal quality and therefore either of them can be chosen
as the index compound. ADI for iprodione is 0.06 mg/kg bw and ADI for vinclozolin is 0.01
mg/kg bw. If iprodione is chosen to be the index compound, TEF for vinclozolin is 6 (0.06
mg/kg bw/0.01 mg/kg bw). The toxic equivalent for adults can then be calculated as in section
4.1.5: TEQ= Σ Ci x TEFi.
Using data from Table 3, TEQ for adults is calculated as follows:
TEQ = (7x10-6 mg/kg bw/day) x 1+ (2.9x10-4 mg/kg bw/day) x 6 = 1.7x10-3 mg/kg bw/day.
This is 35 times lower than the ADI for the index compound (iprodione), and the exposure to
the residues is therefore not considered to be of any risk.
TEQ for children is calculated as follows:
TEQ = (1.4x10-5 mg/kg bw/day) x 1+ (5.7x10-4 mg/kg bw/day) x 6 = 3.4x10-3 mg/kg bw/day.
This is a factor 17.5 below ADI for iprodione, and the exposure to the residues is therefore
not considered to constitute a risk.
4.4.5 Approach from the EFSA Scientific Colloquium - Cumulative Risk Assessment of
Pesticides to Human Health
Criteria for grouping compounds into CMGs were one of the topics discussed at the EFSA
Scientific Colloquium: Cumulative Risk Assessment of Pesticides to Human Health: The
Way Forward (EFSA, 2007c).
The following points of view on defining CMGs were presented after discussions:
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• The criteria should be science-based. This is easy when there is a well established target
(OPs and carbamates), but is much more complicated when there are multiple targets and
feedback mechanisms, e.g. as with endocrine disruptors and pyrethroids.
• There are options regarding the strength of evidence for commonality of mode of action.
E.g. should grouping be performed only when the scientific basis is sound enough or also
when there is no evidence of the contrary? If a minimum is that the compound must have
the same end-effect, this approach opens for a lot more compounds to be grouped.
• The problem is the lack of information on mechanism/mode of action for a lot of
o Standard studies that are adequate for use in risk assessment of each compound
are the minimum data requirement
o Information on time-course of effects is essential for acute and long-term
o The ideal data to have would be: dose-response for benchmarking; time-course
of toxic effects, data for defining key events
o Data on mixture studies, also in order to reveal complex similar mode of action
• Complex similar action has to be considered (synergism/potentiation(/antagonism))
The following points regarding non-dose addition were discussed:
• Simple dissimilar action is not of concern at levels below the ADI of all compounds.
However, it may be relevant to consider synergism or potentiation.
• Complex dissimilar action is considered to be rare at levels of regulated residue exposure
(below MRL).
• Assessment of combined effects should be performed where co-exposure is likely to
occur, with special attention when combinations are intentionally made.
• Discriminate between acute and chronic effects of exposure in the risk assessment.
Timing in exposure is essential since it influences any kinetic interactions.
• In cases where interactions are foreseen, an additional UF may be used.
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5 Approaches used by VKM to assess combined toxic effects of
multiple chemical exposures
In the following, information is given on how combined toxic effects of chemicals in mixtures
are handled at present within the areas covered by the Scientific Panels 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 in
VKM. Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures were not considered to be
relevant for VKMs Panels on Biological Hazards (Panel 1), Genetically Modified Organisms
(Panel 3) and Plant Health (Panel 9).
A discussion and description of relevant approaches within the remit of VKM is given below.
Relevant research on combined toxic effects of chemical mixtures within some areas is also
5.1 VKM Scientific Panel 2 (Panel on Plant Protection Products)
This Panel is concerned with the safety of chemical and biological plant protection products,
and their residues in food. Most of the work in this Panel relates to evaluation of premarketing dossiers submitted when importers/producers apply for registration of plant
protection products formulations. In Norway, the situation related to plant protection products
is different than for other chemicals in foods and consumer products. In other areas, Norway
has to comply with EU regulations as laid down in the EEA-agreement between the EU and
EFTA. For plant protection products, Norway has its own specific regulation concerning
approval for use, laid down in the Act pertaining to Food Production and Food Safety (The
Norwegian Food Law). For residues of plant protection products in food, Norway has to
comply with the EU regulations. The Panel assesses the risk to operators when
exposed during application of plant protection products. This includes an evaluation of the use
of any personal protection equipment.
The Panel is also consulted by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority in instances where the
national monitoring programme for residues of plant protection products has identified
samples with residues levels indicating a case of concern, such as when estimated exposures
result in intakes above acute reference doses (ARfD).
5.1.1 Multiple Exposures to Plant Protection Products
Multiple exposures to plant protection products may chiefly occur in one of two situations: 1)
Exposures in the occupational setting when plant protection products are loaded, mixed and
sprayed, as well as during re-entry into sprayed crops, either in greenhouses or in the field; or
2) from exposures when consuming foods such as fruits and vegetables that contain multiple
plant protection products residues.
For risk assessment of plant protection products exposures in the registration of new plant
protection products formulations or re-registration of plant protection products already on the
market, the applicant must submit dossiers enabling an exposure assessment to be performed.
Ideally, such information should be based on real-life measurements. However, often the
exposures are estimated by using various models (e.g. UK, Europoem and German models).
Measurement of occupational exposure to applicators and workers in the field may be
performed by quantifying parent compound and/or metabolites in blood and urinary samples,
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but this is seldom done in practice. Biomonitoring of exposures to organophosphate and
carbamate pesticides can relatively easily be measured by using levels of plasma and red
blood cell cholinesterase activity. Since 1974, the US State of California has required testing
of pesticide applicators by measuring these cholinesterase enzyme levels. This has been
reported to be a useful and cost-effective means of preventing organophosphate and
carbamate overexposure (Lessenger, 2005). This type of biomonitoring would integrate
multiple exposures from the cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides.
The Norwegian monitoring programme for plant protection products residues in fresh fruit
and vegetables including potatoes, cereals, baby food and other vegetable products has in the
last years included 1700-2000 samples per year. The monitoring programme 2006 covered
244 plant protection products including some isomers and breakdown products. Of the
samples of fresh fruit and vegetables including potatoes, 55% were without detectable
residues. The Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs1) were exceeded in 2.6% of the samples
(0.9% in domestic and 3.6% in imported samples). Residues of 102 different plant protection
products were found. Eight consignments contained residues in amounts that were considered
to represent a health risk (omethoate/dimethoate and EPN). Of 1540 samples in 2006, 891 had
no residues (58%), 292 (19%) samples contained one type of plant protection products
residue, 165 samples (11%) contained two residues, 98 samples (6%) three residues, 57
samples (4%) four residues, 19 samples (1%) five residues and 18 samples (1%) six or more
residues. Samples with multitude of residues could contain plant protection products showing
both similar and dissimilar mechanisms of action.
During the period 1997-2004, samples of fruit, vegetables and cereals monitored in the EU
contained 15.5% (1997) to 23.4% (2004) multiple plant protection products residues (EC,
2006). For 53-64% of the total samples monitored, no detectable residues could be found.
There were 32-42% of the samples which contained residues below or at the level of national
or EC-MRLs. In 3.3-5.5% of the samples, national or EC-MRLs were exceeded (EC, 2006).
5.1.2 Risk Assessment of Combined Exposures of Plant Protection Products to Human
Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of plant protection products in or
on food and feed of plant and animal origin emphasises the importance of developing a
methodology to take into account combined and possible synergistic effects of plant
protection products to human health. There is no generally agreed framework/approach yet for
combined risk assessment of plant protection products at the European or International level.
US EPA has given considerable emphasis and work concerning approaches to combined
(cumulative) risk assessment of pesticides the later years (U.S.EPA, 2002). This effort has
focused on combined effects of pesticides, called a common mechanism group, that bring
about the same toxic effect by a common mechanism of toxicity. So far, the following
mechanism groups have been identified: 1) organophosphates, 2) N-methyl carbamates, 3)
triazines and 4) chloroacetanilides. In light of the interest in this area, EFSA organised a
scientific colloquium in November 2006 to evaluate existing methodologies and identifying
new approaches (see section 4.4.5).
MRLs are defined as the maximum concentration of pesticide residue (expressed as mg residue/kg of
food/animal feeding stuff) likely to occur in or on food and feeding stuffs after the use of pesticides according to
Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), i.e. when the pesticide has been applied in line with the product label
recommendations and in keeping with local environmental and other conditions.
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Risk assessments of combined exposures in relation to registration of plant protection
products, can either be done based on already available knowledge from studies on combined
effects of compounds or based on existing toxicological assessments for each of the
compounds. Today only a few studies on combined effects of plant protection products exist
that can be used for evaluation of combined interactions. However, the toxicological
documentation on each of the plant protection products is extensive and gives a good
knowledge on endpoints/target organs and sometimes on effects at the cellular level and mode
of action.
The US EPA points out that not all assessments of combined exposures need to be of the
same depth and scope (U.S.EPA, 2002). A screening-level assessment may be conducted that
applies more conservative approaches than would a comprehensive and refined combined
assessment. For example, a margin of safety may be based on the ADIs for the common toxic
effect rather than modelling dose-response curves of each chemical member to derive more
refined relative potencies and points of reference. For exposure to food, treatment of 100% of
crops and MRLs may be assumed for each chemical belonging to a common mechanism
group registered for use on a crop. If a screening-level analysis including such overestimates
of exposure indicates that there is no reason for concern, no further detailed assessment may
be necessary. But if this conservative approach indicates a potential for unacceptable risk,
then a refined assessment should be conducted.
In a refined assessment, a dose-response analysis is performed on each member of a common
mechanism group in order to establish its toxic potency. Once the toxic potency of each
common mechanism chemical is determined, the relative potencies of the common
mechanism group chemicals are established. To determine relative potency, a chemical from
the common mechanism group is selected to serve as the index chemical. Relative potency
factors (RPFs) are used to convert exposures of all chemicals in the common mechanism
group to exposure equivalents of the index chemical. The last step in the dose-response
assessment is to calculate a point of reference (NOAEL, BMD etc.) for the index chemical so
that the risk of the common mechanism group can be extrapolated to anticipated human
exposure (see also section 4.1.6). Criteria for grouping compounds
A number of existing frameworks and guidelines are already available that set out criteria to
identify and define a common mechanism group of compounds (e.g. EPA1, ILSI2, IPCS).
Simple similar action
There are a number of plant protection products which share a common mechanism of action
or for which a common mechanism cannot be excluded:
Organophosphorus (OPs): cholinesterase-inhibiting agents such as acephate, azinphosmethyl, chlorphenvinphos, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, fenthion,
malathion, methyl parathion
N-Methyl carbamates: cholinesterase-inhibiting agents such as aldicarb, carbaryl
methiocarb, methomyl, primicarb, propoxur, dithiocarb). Only acute exposure may
need to be considered, and there have to be reasons for combining the assessment with
those for the OPs
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Triazines (atrazine, simazine, propazine): disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitarygonadal axis with changes of hormone levels and developmental delays, as well as ratspecific mammary gland tumours
Conazoles: there are many compounds within the group and presently no common
endpoint and mechanism has been decided
Pyrethroids: effect on the nervous system. The possibility of sub-grouping is presently
under consideration
Dicarboximides (vinclozolin, procymidone, chlozolinate and iprodione): alterations in
hormonal homoestasis
Chloroacetanilides (alachlor, acetohclor): nasal olfactory tumours in rats
Microtubule/spindle inhibitors: benomyl, karbendazim and tiofanatmetyl..
Phthalimides: captan and folpet
Dithiocarbamates: mankozeb, maneb etc.
For the latter two groups, a combined assessment is normally performed by default when the
analytical method determines a common residue such as CS2 for dithiocarbamates.
Compounds that show the same toxicological effects can be grouped under a dose addition
principle when it is reason to believe that the compounds do not have a different
mode/mechanism of action.
For plant protection products with simple similar action and sharing a common mechanism of
action, it is assumed that an effect of combined exposures would be the result of the sum of
the contributing dose of each chemical (see section 2.1). When the combined exposures are
below the ADI of the most potent compound in a mixture, no concern would be raised. If
exposures should exceed the ADI, then a detailed, specific risk assessment related to the
common mechanism would be necessary.
Simple dissimilar action
When combined exposure to plant protection products with simple dissimilar action (nondose addition, response addition) are below their respective effect threshold levels (NOAELs,
BMDs), it is assumed that combined action of all plant protection products will be zero (see
section 2.1). In situations with exposures above the respective effect thresholds, each plant
protection product in the mixture and their accompanying risks resulting from exposure would
have to be evaluated separately.
Available data indicate that interaction does not occur at doses that are at or below the
NOAEL of plant protection products in a mixture (Richardson et al., 2001; Gordon et al.,
2006). When exposures exceed the respective NOAELs of the plant protection products in the
mixture, both toxicodynamic and toxicokinetic interactions resulting in inhibition or synergy
can occur (Moser et al., 2005; Moser et al., 2006), see section 3.5.3. For example,
organophosphates that require metabolic activation could compete for those activating sites
resulting in less-than-additive bioactivation and toxicity. In contrast, inactivation of
detoxification pathways by one organophosphate could increase the net toxicity of another. In
mixture studies of five organophosphorus pesticides, greater-than-additive interactions
occurred at the lower end of the dose-response curve (Moser et al., 2005). Also, if the dose
levels of compounds in the mixture were large enough to cause enzyme induction, this could
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also lead to synergy for plant protection products requiring metabolic activation. A study of
the interactive toxicity of two organophosphates (chlorpyrifos and parathion) reported a
marked influence by the sequence of exposure (Karanth et al., 2001). Taken together, it may
be quite difficult to predict the toxic outcome from combined exposures to multiple
compounds eliciting toxicity through a common mechanism. Methods for assessing combined effects
Four methods are used for dose addition of plant protection products in mixtures having
simple similar action. In selecting the method, consideration is given to knowledge of
mechanisms and the toxicological profiles of the compounds in question. The four methods
being used are: Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEF), Relative Potency Factors (RPF), Hazard
Index (HI) and Point of Departure Index (PODI). These methods are described in more detail
in section 4.1. Occupational combined exposures to plant protection products
Exposure conditions during plant protection products application may be very complex. The
possibility for interactive effects would depend on the number and types of plant protection
products being used, their mechanisms of action, the exposure conditions (levels, frequency,
duration), greenhouse or field application, climatic conditions, use of protective equipment,
life-style factors, etc.
Measuring cholinesterase enzyme levels in red blood cells and plasma has become a practical
and useful tool in the early detection of organophosphate and carbamate poisoning. This is a
practical example of an integrated measure of a likely additive effect when there has been
combined exposures to such compounds, and would also reflect any joint effects of such
mixed exposures. Risk assessment of combined exposures to plant protection products conducted by
VKM Scientific Panel 2
Panel 2 has evaluated the combined effects of plant protection products in connection with
residues levels in vegetable food resulting in exposure doses which could potentially exceed
acute reference doses (ARfD). In 2006, this was performed in connection with maximum
residue levels of dimethaote and its metabolite omethoate were exceeded in green beans and
apples. Both dimethoate and omethoate affect the nervous system in high doses via
acetylcholine esterase inhibition, the metabolite omethoate being more potent than
dimethoate. The risk assessment took this metabolic conversion into account. The TEF
approach was used and the calculation showed that the maximum intake of the residues in
apples and green beans by children aged 1-4 years would have been 3-7 times more than
recommended as safe for this age group.
5.1.3 Concluding remarks from VKM Scientific Panel 2
Many plant protection products belong to groups with similar mechanisms of action. When
there is combined exposure to compounds within the same mechanism group, the principle of
dose addition for such compounds exhibiting simple similar action would apply. When the
sum of the exposure doses of the individual compounds in the mixture does not exceed the
ADI for the most potent compound, there should be no apparent concerns. In situations where
this sum of exposures exceeds the group ADI, dose additive effects may be expected. Risk
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assessments could for such situations be based on knowledge of the relative potencies of the
plant protection products in the mixture. Also, synergistic effects from mixtures could occur
when exposures are above dose thresholds, due to both toxicodynamic and toxicokinetic
interactions. However, with respect to the probability of experiencing interactive effects from
combined exposures to plant protection products, it should be kept in mind that based on
national and Europe-wide monitoring programmes of plant protection products residues in
fruits, vegetables and cereals, levels are infrequently above maximal residue limits and thus
well below effect levels.
5.2 VKM Scientific Panel 4 (Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing
Aids, Materials in Contact with Food and Cosmetics)
This Panel addresses questions on safety of the use of food additives, flavourings, processing
aids, materials in contact with food and drinking water, and chemicals used for water
treatment. In addition the Panel is responsible for risk assessments of cosmetics.
5.2.1 Food additives
For a number of food additives, group ADI/TDI values have been established (see also below
under Food contact materials). Examples are groups of food preservatives such as sorbic acid
and sorbates, benzoic acid and benzoates and the parabens (ethyl-, methyl- and propylparahydroxybenzoates). They have all been allocated group ADI values, which mean that the
intake of the sum of the amounts of each compound in the group, obtained through simple
addition, should not exceed the group ADI. For benzoic acid and the benzoates, the group
ADI of 0-5 mg/kg bw/day also includes the intake of the flavouring agents benzyl acetate and
other benzyl esters, benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde. The rationale behind this is that these
compounds are all rapidly and efficiently metabolised to benzoic acid.
Food additives are authorized in the EU on the basis that they constitute no health risk to the
consumer at the proposed level of use. Although additives at their permitted levels of use are
considered safe, there are concerns that simultaneous intake of different additives could be of
potential health significance. Therefore, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI)
Europe Acceptable Daily Intake Task Force established an expert group of scientists to
analyse the possibility of health implications of joint actions and interactions between the 350
food additives currently approved in the EU (Groten et al., 2000). All approved additives
allocated a numerical ADI value were studied. Target organs were identified on the basis of
the effects reported at doses above the NOAEL in animal or human studies. Descriptions of
the pathological and other changes reported were used to assess whether different additives
sharing the same target organ would produce a common toxic effect. In all but a very few
cases, the possibility of joint actions or interactions could be excluded on scientific grounds.
The exceptions were some additives with effects on the liver (curcumin, thiabendazole, propyl
gallate and butylhydroxytoluene), the kidneys (diphenyl, o-phenylphenol and ferrocyanide
salts), the blood (azorubine and propyl gallate), and the thyroid (erythrosine, thiabendazole,
nitrate salts). However, in-depth consideration of both the specific use and the intake levels of
these additives led to the conclusion that joint actions or interactions among these additives
are a theoretical rather than a practical concern.
The ILSI expert group proposed that when approving future additives that induce target organ
toxicity at doses above the NOAEL, risk assessors should consider the possible joint actions
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or interactions with previously approved additives on the basis of a common mechanism of
toxicity (Groten et al., 2000).
The VKM Scientific Panel 4 has so far not evaluated health risks of exposure to combined
effects of mixtures of food additives, either because the terms of reference concerned one
substance only, and/or because of lack of data.
5.2.2 Natural flavouring complexes (NFC) and chemically identified flavourings
Natural flavouring complexes are mixtures of constituents obtained by applying physical
separation methods to botanical sources, including pulp, bark, peel, leaf and flower of fruit,
vegetables, spices and other plants. Many of the approximately 300 NFC have a food origin,
e.g. lemon and basil. The method for the safety evaluation of NFC in the US, called the
naturals paradigm, is intended only for the safety evaluation of NFC derived from higher
plants to be used as flavouring substances for food and beverages. The naturals paradigm is a
procedure that begins with a review of available data on the history of dietary use of the NFC,
then prioritises constituents according to their relative intake from use as a NFC and their
chemical structure (Newberne et al., 1998; Smith et al., 2004). The method further uses the
concept of threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) (see section 4.3), and assigns
constituents to one of three structural classes (Cramer classes I, II or III) (VKM, 2006b).
Another aspect of the naturals paradigm involves the evaluation of constituents of unknown
chemical structure. As a conservative default assumption, the total intake of all unknowns is
considered together and placed in the structural class of greatest toxic potential and thus
compared with the most conservative exposure threshold. The paradigm also addresses the
concept of joint action among structurally related constituents. If a common pathway of
toxicity has been identified or can be reasonably predicted on the basis of structure-activity
relationships for a group of constituents, the combined intake of those substances will be
compared with the appropriate human exposure threshold of concern. Ultimately, the
procedure focuses on those constituents or groups of constituents which, because of their
intake and structure, may pose significant risk from consumption of the NFC. With the
developed strategy, the overall objective of the naturals paradigm can be attained; that no
reasonably significant risk associated with the intake of NFC will go unevaluated.
JECFA (Munro et al., 1999) and the EU Flavour Information System (FLAVIS Working
Group) (Council Directive 88/388/EEC) also evaluate structurally related chemically defined
flavouring substances in groups, by conducting individual assessments using the TTC
approach on each compound and then considering the safety of the group as a whole. Simple
addition of the intakes would not allow for differences in potency or interactions, and would
assume that the risk related to exposure from each substance, based on its structure, is not
altered by the presence of the other substances.
The VKM Scientific Panel 4 has so far not evaluated any cases regarding health risks of
exposure to NFC and chemically identified flavourings.
5.2.3 Food contact materials
Approximately 3000 substances may potentially migrate into food from food contact
materials (Kroes et al., 2000). Many of them are present simultaneously, for instance in
polymeric plastics. To ensure the protection of the health of the consumer and to avoid any
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contamination of the foodstuff, two types of migration limits have been established for
polymeric materials: 1) an Overall Migration Limit (OML) of 60 mg substance/kg foodstuff
or food simulant, that applies to all substances that can migrate from food contact materials to
foodstuffs, and 2) a Specific Migration Limit (SML), which applies to individual authorised
substances or groups of substances, and is fixed on the basis of the toxicological evaluation of
the substance(s). For substances with adequate toxicological data, an ADI or a TDI value is
set, and this value is used to calculate the SML. For substances where an ADI/TDI is not
established, restrictions (R) can be set, frequently derived from limited toxicity dossiers,
leading directly to fixed migration limits, e.g. R = 0.05 or R = 5 mg/kg food or food simulant.
For these substances, the SML generally corresponds to the restriction which appears in the
toxicological assessment by the former EU Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) or the
present European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
Restrictions for a group of substances may be given as group ADI or group TDI, or group R
in the Synoptic document, the provisional list of monomers and additives notified to The
European Commission as substances which may be used in the manufacture of polymeric
plastics intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (EC, 2005). No general criteria for the
evaluation of groups of substances or mixtures were established by SCF, who decided to
evaluate them on a case-by-case basis (EC, 2003). Often the compounds that were given a
group restriction had the same use (e.g. as plasticizers) and were applied as a mixture.
However, EFSA has later given more specific criteria for employing a group ADI/TDI (see
section 4.1.1).
According to the SCF, the evaluation and listing of groups of substances and mixtures should
be replaced, where possible, by treatment of individual substances (EC, 2003). If the
petitioner is unable to specify the individual substances in a mixture, the SCF/EFSA requires
an explanation and will usually authorise only the mixture for which the petitioner supplied
the technical data. Therefore, the petitioner should precisely describe the mixture.
Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis, where the activity of a substance
is deduced from the structural resemblance of its functional chemical groups to those of other
substances, is used increasingly in risk assessments, of food contact materials, as well as of
other chemicals.
The VKM Scientific Panel 4 has so far evaluated health risks from exposure to single
substances in food contact materials, since the basis for the requests for risk assessments were
analytical data of single substances found to migrate from food contact materials to foods or
food simulants. No processing aids have yet been evaluated by the Panel.
5.2.4 Drinking water
Chemical contaminants in drinking water supplies are present with numerous other inorganic
and/or organic constituents. Disinfected drinking water should be regarded as a variable,
complex, very diluted chemical mixture with the following main characteristics: large
numbers of chemicals occurring at very low levels, a large fraction (about 50%) of
unidentified drinking water by-products, a lifetime exposure of the consumer, and huge
numbers of consumers. WHO’s Guidelines for drinking-water quality sets guideline values
for drinking water contaminants (WHO, 2004). For contaminants considered to be genotoxic
carcinogens, the guideline values are the concentrations in drinking water associated with an
estimated upper bound excess lifetime cancer risk of 10-5 when consuming 2 litres per day. In
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cases where the concentration associated with this risk level is not practical because of
inadequate analytical or treatment technology, a provisional guideline value is set at a
practicable level and the estimated associated cancer risk presented. The guideline values take
into consideration also contribution to exposure from other sources. The values generally vary
from 10% for substances for which exposure from food is probably the major source to 80%
for substances for which exposure is primarily through drinking water. These guideline values
are calculated separately for individual substances, without specific consideration of the
potential for interaction of each substance with other compounds present. However, the large
margin between exposure levels and levels which cause adverse effects incorporated in the
majority of guideline values is considered to be sufficient to account for such potential
interactions. In addition, the majority of contaminants will not be continuously present at
concentrations at or near their guideline value. In Norway, these guideline values set by WHO
are used in risk assessments of substances not specified in the Norwegian drinking water
For many chemical contaminants, the underlying mechanisms of toxicity are different;
consequently, there is no reason to assume that there are interactions between them. There
may, however, be occasions when a number of contaminants with similar toxicological
mechanisms are present at levels near their respective guideline values. In such cases,
potential combined effects should be taken into consideration. Unless there is evidence to the
contrary, it has been regarded as appropriate to assume that the toxic effects of these
compounds are additive.
This hypothesis was studied experimentally using the Eker rat, a model of hereditary renal
cell carcinoma (McDorman et al., 2003). The effects of mixtures of either low or high doses
of carcinogenic drinking water by-products having distinctly different modes of action on
nephrotoxicity and/or renal carcinogenicity were compared with similar doses of individual
substances. It was found that while some of the mixture responses observed in male rats did
fall within the range expected for additive responses especially at the high doses,
predominantly antagonistic effects on renal lesions were observed in response to the low dose
mixture in male rats and the high dose mixture in female rats. These data suggest that current
default risk assessments assuming additivity may at least not underestimate the cancer risk
associated with exposure to mixtures of drinking water by-products at low concentrations.
Since disinfected drinking water is characterized by containing high numbers of chemical byproducts at low levels simultaneously, large efforts are being put into development of new
methodology to evaluate the health effects of such complex mixtures. Many drinking water
utilities are at present changing their primary disinfectant from chlorine to alternative
disinfectants, e.g. ozone, chlorine dioxide and chloramines, which generally reduce regulated
trihalomethane (THM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) levels, but can increase the levels of other
potentially toxicologically important by-products (Richardson, 2007). In addition, significant
amounts of the material that make up the total organic halide and the total organic carbon
portions of the drinking water by-products have not been identified. Epidemiological studies,
while not conclusive, are suggestive of possible reproductive/developmental or carcinogenic
effects in humans exposed to drinking water by-products. These effects cannot be explained
by the effects of the low doses of known individual by-products. Therefore, approximately 50
high-priority drinking water by-products are being measured as part of the US Nationwide
Drinking water By-Product (DBP) Occurrence Study (Simmons et al., 2002; Simmons et al.,
2004; Krasner et al., 2006). This research also involves the joint chemical and toxicological
evaluation of mixtures of drinking water by-products produced by different water-treatment
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processes, at first being chlorination and ozonation/chlorination. Especially, the critical data
gap of toxicological evaluation in experimental animals of those endpoints identified as of
concern in epidemiological studies as mentioned above will be studied. Both a componentbased approach and a whole-mixture approach are used by the US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) to understand the toxicity of these compounds. The advantages of the last type
of approach are that they account for the toxicity of the unknown by-products fraction, as well
as any interactions (additive, synergistic or antagonistic) that might occur between the known
and unknown drinking water by-products. Three quantitative statistical and risk assessment
methods will be developed and evaluated; the detection of departure from dose additivity, the
interaction-based Hazard Index, and the proportional-reponse addition (a new method).
Others feel that the strategy described above is unrealistic and that prioritisation of the various
groups of drinking water by-products on the basis of potential health hazards is badly needed,
focusing on an approach that takes into account the fraction of unidentified drinking water byproducts, and includes the TTC concept. The “top n” and “pseudo top n” methodologies
(described in section 4.4.1) were suggested to be useful in such an approach (Groten, 2000;
Feron & Groten, 2002).
Health Canada considered the limitations and data requirements of the various mixture risk
assessments methods (i.e. whole mixture approach, similar mixture approach, componentsbased approaches, interaction-based assessment) for incorporation into their risk assessment
of drinking water contaminants (Krishnan et al., 1997). They concluded that among the
existing mixture risk assessment methods, the components-based and interactions-based
approaches could be applicable. Specifically, among the components-based approaches, dose
addition, response-addition and the toxic equivalent factor approaches were the most
applicable ones for drinking water contaminants. Until an interactions-based, mechanistic risk
assessment approach, e.g. physiological model-based approach, becomes available for routine
use, the components-based approaches remain the default methods for consideration. A
suggested working strategy for the development of a physiological modeling approach to the
assessment of drinking water by-products would involve: 1) the construction of dose-response
curves for each of the principal components of drinking water by-product mixtures based on
relevant tissue-dose surrogates (using physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) models), 2)
a study of the potential metabolic interactions between trihalomethanes (THM), and between
THM and haloacetic acids (HAA) (the most important by-products based on occurrence and
health effects), and their effect on the modulation of the tissue-dose surrogates in animals and
humans, and 3) use of these data to estimate quantitative risk for human exposure to these
chemicals present as a mixture, by computer simulation. This integrated approach would
indicate the exposure concentrations of each chemical, in comparison to its drinking water
guideline value, at which significant interactions can be anticipated to occur during mixed
exposures. Finally, the potential impact of temporal and spatial variations in the
concentrations of one or more THM or HAA in the mixture on the predicted risk estimates
can be evaluated by probabilistic methods (Monte Carlo simulation).
In Norway, disinfection of drinking water with ozone, chlorine dioxide and chloramines is
less wide-spread than in the USA and Canada. In addition to chlorination, more waterworks
are using UV disinfection, although most of these waterworks are relatively small. By-product
formation is lower when disinfecting drinking water with UV than with these other alternative
methods. The levels of chlorine used in Norway are rather low compared with other countries.
Therefore, by-product formation in drinking water is a relatively small problem in Norway.
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A method has been presented for the risk assessment of mixtures of cyanobacterial toxins
with hepatotoxic, neurotoxic and carcinogenic effects in drinking water, based on derivation
of toxicity equivalent factors (TEF) (see section 4.1.5) obtained from toxicological data in the
literature (Wolf & Frank, 2002). Generally, all toxicological relevant toxins should be
included in the assessment. When using the total sum of toxic equivalents, this approach
seemed to lead to a more realistic assessment of cyanobacterial toxin mixtures than the worstcase approach. However, the availability of data about acute, and especially chronic toxicity,
must be increased significantly to establish toxicologically validated exposure limit values to
such cyanobacterial toxins.
The VKM Scientific Panel 4 has so far not evaluated any cases regarding health risks of
exposure to contaminants in drinking water, including migrants from materials in contact with
drinking water, or chemicals used for water treatment or their by-products.
5.2.5 Cosmetics
The EU Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP) is responsible for risk
assessments of consumer products, i.e. non-food products intended for the consumer, which
include cosmetics. A detailed guideline for their risk assessments of cosmetics is available
(SCCP, 2006). The safety of a cosmetic product is based on the safety of its ingredients,
which are evaluated individually by toxicological testing. The guidelines are extensive, and
include a full evaluation of the effects of a chemical on all toxicological endpoints. All
relevant ways of exposure are taken into account, being dermal, oral and/or by inhalation,
depending on the particular product/ingredient.
Although not all of them presently in use, there are some 8000 cosmetic ingredients listed in
the reference book Blue List (2001) and even more in the International Nomenclature of
Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) list, of which only about 5% have been evaluated for their
effects on human health (Bridges J., 2003). The Seventh Amendment to the EU Cosmetics
Directive 76/768/EEC (Directive 2003/15/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council)
will ban the marketing of cosmetic/personal care products that contain ingredients that have
been tested in animal models, and this is due to come into force in March 2009. New and
improved in vitro methods for testing of ingredients in such products are therefore needed.
Since cosmetics/personal care products may contain many ingredients simultaneously,
possible interactions also need to be taken into account.
Parabens may in varying degree bind to the oestrogen receptors and exert weak oestrogenic
activity in vitro and in vivo, and show anti-androgenic effects in vivo. In its risk assessment of
parabens in cosmetics (VKM, 2006a), VKM Scientific Panel 4 did not evaluate combined
effects because of lack of in vivo data. In its other risk assessments of chemicals in cosmetics
the terms of reference concerned one substance only.
5.2.6 Concluding remarks from VKM Scientific Panel 4
The chemical contaminants of relevance for VKM’s Scientific Panel 4 are normally present in
food or drinking water in low concentrations, and in principle do not have any intended
effects, such as e.g. pharmaceuticals (although exceptions can be found). Exposures to a
combination of compounds most likely do not cause effects stronger than the effects of their
most active component. This is provided that the components are present at low concentration
levels, such as at the ADI, TDI or reference dose (RfD) levels, i.e. well below their respective
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NOAEL levels. The safety of the overall evaluation is also secured by including an
uncertainty factor to cover any limitations in the data.
It has been demonstrated in various studies of mixtures of two or a few chemicals together
that a combination of compounds with the same target organ or the same or very similar
mechanisms of action, may cause additive or synergistic effects. However, the chance of such
effects will most likely diminish with decreasing mixture exposure levels. Synergism and
antagonism may also both occur at the same time at different organs or targets in the same
organism. However, and despite some exceptions, it has been demonstrated for e.g. plant
protection products residues in food or drinking water (Carpy et al., 2000) that interaction
between components is not a common event at low levels of human exposure.
In cases where interaction between compounds has been demonstrated in cell cultures (i.e. in
vitro) and the combined effects are of biological significance, it is important to follow up with
experimental animal (i.e. in vivo) studies. Risk assessment of ingredients of cosmetics for
instance, is usually based on toxicological information following long-term systemic exposure
of animals. Such testing takes into account the complex interplay between the organs as well
as influences caused by developmental stage, age or life cycle. However, this will not be
possible within the EU after 2009.
The VKM Scientific Panel 4 has so far not evaluated health risks of exposure to combined
effects of mixtures of chemicals in their risk assessments, either because the terms of
reference concerned one substance only, and/or because of lack of data, especially in vivo
5.3 VKM Scientific Panel 5 (Panel on Contaminants)
This Panel addresses questions on environmental contaminants and other pollutants, processrelated chemicals, natural toxins, and residues of medicines in food.
5.3.1 Environmental contaminants
A wide variety of potential hazardous contaminants, including both organic and inorganic
compounds, may be present in food. These contaminants may have very different sources and
fate in the environment. Common features for many of them are that they are persistent and
may accumulate in animal tissues, biomagnify in food webs and may exert toxic effects in
humans. Many of the contaminants may share the same toxic endpoints via similar or
dissimilar mechanism of actions; however, for most of the contaminants the mechanism of
action is unknown. Organochlorinated compounds
The industrial waste polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans
(PCDFs), the industrial chemicals polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, which can be divided
into two groups according to their toxicological properties; dioxin-like PCBs (dl-PCBs) and
non-dioxinlike PCBs (ndl-PCBs)), and various formerly used chlorinated pesticides (e.g.
lindane, DDT and its metabolites chlordanes, dieldrin, aldrin, endrin, heptachlor,
hexachlorbenzene and toxaphene) are all very persistent chemicals which are ubiquitous in
the environment. However, the chlorinated pesticides and PCBs are no longer produced, and
the emissions of PCDD/Fs into the environment during the past decade has been significantly
reduced (>80%). Thus, the levels of these compounds in the environment and foods are
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generally decreasing. Even though most of these compounds tend to occur in parallel and are
still generally present in food, in particular fat-containing food including milk, egg, meat and
fish, most attention has been given to the PCDD/Fs (dioxins) and PCBs. In Norway
occurrence of dioxins and PCBs has resulted in recommendations of restricted consumption
of various food products.
Dioxins (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like PCBs (dl-PCBs)
Dioxins and PCBs are persistent organochlorine compounds that are globally dispersed
environmental contaminants and which accumulate in fatty foods. The term “dioxins” is
commonly used to refer to a group of 75 PCDD and 135 PCDF congeners, of which 20 are
biologically active. 1,3,7,8-TCDD and 1,2,3,7,8 penta-CDD are the most potent. There are
209 theoretically possible PCB congeners, of which 12 non-ortho and mono-ortho compounds
exhibit similar biological activity to PCDD/Fs, and are therefore referred to as “dioxin-like
(dl) PCBs”. Exposure of the general population to dioxins and dl-PCBs is primarily from food
(> 90%), and fatty fish is an important source. Dioxins and dl-PCBs exhibit a broad range of
toxic and biological effects, and most, if not all, are mediated through the aryl hydrocarbon
receptor (AhR). AhR is a cytosolic receptor protein present in most vertebrate tissues with
high affinity for 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/Fs and some dl-PCBs. The general acceptance of
an additive model has resulted in the toxic equivalent concept and the toxicities of 17 dioxins
and 12 dl-PCBs relative to 2,3,7,8-TCDD are expressed as toxic equivalent factors (TEFs)
(Van den Berg et al., 1998; Van den Berg et al., 2006). The total toxic equivalency (TEQ) is
operationally defined as the sum of the concentration of each compound multiplied by its TEF
value and is an estimate of the total 2,3,7,8-TCDD-like toxicity of the mixture. The level of
TEQs in a food sample is a measure of the total dioxin effect and simplifies risk assessment of
complex mixtures of dioxins and dl-PCBs. Expert groups in SCF (SCF, 2001) and JECFA
(JECFA, 2001b) have assessed health risk of intake of dioxins and dl-PCBs from food, and
they based their updated assessment on rodent studies providing a NOAEL and LOAELs for
the most sensitive effects of 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure in experimental animals, i.e.
developmental effects in rat male offspring. The tolerable weekly intake (TWI) of dioxins and
dl-PCBs is 14 pg TEQ/kg bw (SCF, 2001). The VKM Scientific Panel 5 has used this TWI in
their risk assessment of exposure to dioxins and dl-PCBs in fish and other food known to be
important sources of these compounds.
Non-dioxin-like PCBs
The PCBs referred to as the “non-dioxin-like PCBs” (ndl-PCBs) (197 congeners) are found in
relatively high concentrations compared to dl-PCBs in food; in some food matrices they can
be several orders of magnitude more concentrated than the dl-PCBs. More than 90% of the
ndl-PCB exposure in the general population is via food; foods of animal origin are most
important. The ndl-PCBs do not show dioxin-like toxicity, but have other toxicological
profiles and about 10 different toxicological endpoints have been identified. The adverse
effects reported in laboratory animals following exposure to individual ndl-PCBs were
biochemical evidence of effects on the thyroid, liver and brain, as well as immunotoxicity,
oestrogenicity, and reproductive and neurodevelopmental effects. The most sensitive effects
seen in studies with individual ndl-PCB congeners in experimental animals were liver and
thyroid toxicity.
This group of PCB congeners has recently been evaluated by (EFSA, 2005a) who concluded
that no health-based guidance value for humans can be established because simultaneous
exposure to ndl-PCBs and dl-PCBs hampers the interpretation of the results of the
toxicological and epidemiological studies, and the database on effects of individual ndl-PCB
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congeners is rather limited. Furthermore, through their evaluation EFSA found indications
that subtle developmental effects, being caused by ndl-PCBs, dl-PCBs or dioxins alone or in
combination, may occur at maternal body burdens that are only slightly higher than those
expected from average daily intakes in Europe. In their risk assessment of exposure to PCBs
in food, VKM’s Panel 5 has used the health-based guidance value for dl-PCBs and dioxins.
According to the available toxicological database the toxicological potencies of the dioxins
and the dl-PCBs are orders of magnitude higher than the ndl-PCBs. Thus, assuming that
dioxins and dl-PCBs are occurring in parallel with ndl-PCBs in most food items and that the
concentration ratio does not differ significantly within and between food groups, the approach
to assessing the health risk of exposure to the most potent compounds in a mixture should
give an acceptable protection of the population. However, occurrence and levels should be
taken into consideration. Organobrominated compounds
Other persistent organic contaminants that have received a lot of attention recently are the
brominated flame retardants, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs; 209 congeners),
hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD; 3 isomers) and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA). In
contrast to the abovementioned chlorinated organic contaminants, the levels of these
compounds, particularly PBDEs, have until recently been increasing in the environment and
in humans. Since 2004, the production of specific technical mixtures of PBDEs has been
banned in Europe and a decline in levels for specific biota and humans has been reported.
Low levels of brominated flame retardants are generally found in parallel with the dioxins and
PCBs in fat-containing food, particularly in fatty fish. Fatty fish is an important source for
human exposure to chlorinated and brominated persistent organic pollutants.
The contamination in food reflects the composition of the three commercial mixtures (penta,
octa and deca mixtures) that have been used worldwide. The most common PBDE congeners
found in food are tetra-BDE 47, penta-BDE-99, penta-BDE-100, hexa-BDE-153, and hexaBDE-154 in addition to the fully brominated deca-BDE-209.
Both single substances and commercial mixtures have been tested in laboratory animals.
Among these, penta-BDEs appear to be most toxic. Effects on thyroid hormone balance,
histopathological changes in thyroid and liver, and neurotoxic effects/behavioural changes
leading to sustained increase in locomotor activity level after exposure in utero have been
reported in mice and rats. For several of the reported effects the toxicological relevance for
humans is not clear. Also, there are important physiological species differences in thyroid
hormone homeostasis. There is very limited knowledge of mechanisms of action, metabolism,
half-life and accumulation in both laboratory animals and in humans. In a risk assessment of
exposure to PBDEs from 2005, VKM’s Panel 5 concluded that there is not sufficient
knowledge to set a tolerable daily intake for PBDEs, and chose to present the margin of
exposure (should probably have been called margin of safety, MOS.) which is the ratio
between the no effect level in laboratory animals and exposure to the sum of BDE-47, BDE99, BDE-100, BDE-153 and BDE-154 in different parts of the Norwegian population.
The structure of PBDEs resembles that of PCBs. However, the PBDEs do not activate the Ahreceptor, indicating that their mechanism of action is different from that of dioxin-like PCBs.
On the other hand, several of the effects reported after PBDE-exposure in rodents, such as
neurotoxic effects, have also been reported after PCB-exposure. There is a theoretical
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possibility that PBDEs may act additively to non-dioxin-like PCBs. If this turns out to be the
case, the combined exposure needs to be accounted for in future risk assessments. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Another group of potential hazardous organic contaminants are the PAHs consisting of a large
number of compounds, some of which are fairly persistent. PAH may contaminate food either
by emissions from e.g. transport/traffic and industrial processes to agricultural areas and
aquatic bodies, or through food processing (e.g. frying and grilling). The most important food
sources of PAHs quantitatively are food oils, cereals, and leafy vegetables, but processed
(fried and grilled) meat and fish may also contribute to the exposure. Mussels may
accumulate PAHs from water. Low levels of PAHs may thus be present in mussels and
certain processed food of animal origin in parallel with dioxins, PCBs and brominated flame
PAHs contain two or more aromatic rings with no side chains. They are formed during
incomplete combustion of organic material. Among several hundred PAHs, 14 have been
classified as genotoxic and carcinogenic (SCF 2002b, IARC in press). It is believed that the
carcinogenic mechanism is primarily by covalent binding to DNA, leading to mutations, but
several PAHs also have tumour promoting effects. PAHs always occur as a mixture of several
substances. The carcinogenic potency depends on the mixture, since the combination effect of
different PAHs is not always additive, but has also in some instances shown to be synergistic
and antagonistic. Since different PAHs probably have different mechanisms of action, a TEF
principle is not suitable for risk assessment (SCF, 2002b; VKM, 2007b).
Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is the most thoroughly investigated and is one of the most potent
carcinogenic substances among the PAHs. BaP-exposed mice develop tumours in the
forestomach, but when mice are exposed to lower BaP doses administered together with other
PAHs in a mixture, they develop tumours in the lung and other organs. However, BaP
concentration is a good indicator of total carcinogenic potency of a mixture, provided that the
composition of PAH in the mixture is relatively constant. SCF (2002b) found that the relative
contribution of BaP to total PAH in foods was relatively constant (varied with a factor less
than 10), and concluded that BaP could be used as an indicator substance of all carcinogenic
PAHs found in food. JECFA used the same principle in their evaluation of PAH (JECFA,
2005). An on-going assessment in EFSA, based on new data on the composition of PAH in
food will examine if this assumption is valid.
The VKM Scientific Panel 5 has used BaP as indicator of total carcinogenic PAHs in risk
assessment of PAHs in mussels and in barbequed food, and determined the margin of
exposure (MOE) between a specified low defined effect level in laboratory animals and
human exposure. Metals
The presence of potentially hazardous metals in the environment is a result of both natural
geological conditions and anthropogenic factors, such as industrial emissions. Hazardous
metals including cadmium, lead, inorganic/organic mercury and organotin may be present in
various food items. Methyl mercury, cadmium and organotin are the most important
hazardous metals in food of marine origin (VKM, 2007a).
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Mercury, cadmium, lead
Despite that metals at a certain dose pose a health threat, about 20 of them are regarded
essential. Exposure to some metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead are given special
focus as human health and environmental hazards.
Lead (Pb)
Lead accumulates in several tissues and organs of the body, and the intake of lead may result
in many different toxic effects, i.e. on the nervous system, blood formation and the kidneys.
The half-life for lead in blood and other soft tissues is about 28-36 days, but it is much longer
in the various bone compartments. The most important target organ following long-term, low
level exposure to lead is the nervous system. Small children, and foetuses in particular, are
most vulnerable, and exposure to lead may result in impaired development of cognitive
functions (learning ability) and motor skills. The effects of lead exposure have been welldocumented and have also been described in epidemiological studies (WHO-IPCS, 1995).
The mechanism underlying the neurotoxicity of lead is that lead passes easily through the
blood-brain barrier, causing cell death and interference with the transfer of signals between
nerve cells and in supporting cells. Lead is not genotoxic, but it can cause tumours in
laboratory animals. Lead has been classified in Group 2A by the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) (IARC, 2004). Due to the effects of lead on children and
foetuses, the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) was set at 25 µg/kg bw by JECFA in
1986. The PTWI was based on studies on lead in children and was set with the aim of
avoiding the accumulation of lead in the body. In 1993 and 2000 JECFA confirmed this
PTWI value and expanded it to include all age groups (JECFA, 1993; JECFA, 2000a).
Cadmium (Cd)
Cadmium is absorbed in the intestines and accumulates in the kidneys and liver in particular.
In individuals with iron deficiency, the intestinal uptake of cadmium may increase
considerably. The metal is excreted slowly (the biological half-life is 10-30 years) and is
accumulating with age. The largest concentration can be found in the cortex of the kidney. In
the cells, cadmium binds to the protein metallothionein, which it also induces. The toxicity
depends on the amount of free cadmium in the cells, and is manifested especially when the
capacity for detoxification with metallothionein is exceeded (Jin et al., 1998).
The effects of cadmium have been well-documented in a number of experimental and
epidemiological studies (WHO-IPCS, 1992). Cadmium has also been classified as a human
carcinogen (Group 1) by IARC, but this applies to exposure by inhalation.
The PTWI has been set by JECFA at 7 µg/kg bw on the basis of studies on humans (JECFA,
2001b). JECFA re-evaluated cadmium in 2003 (JECFA, 2003). Recent epidemiological
studies indicate that low exposure, at the PTWI level, is associated with an increased
incidence of minor kidney changes. Because the long-term significance of these changes is
unknown, JEFCA upheld the previously established PTWI at 7 µg/kg bw.
Mercury (Hg)
There are different forms of mercury, both inorganic and organic. In fish and other seafood,
methylmercury is most prevalent (75-100% of total Hg in various fish species) and represents
the greatest health hazard. Methylmercury is absorbed in the intestine (95%), crosses the
placenta and blood-brain barrier and is also excreted in breast milk. The average half-life is 70
days in adults (JECFA, 2003).
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Methylmercury is neurotoxic. While the peripheral nervous system is most vulnerable in
adults, the central nervous system is most vulnerable in the early stages of human
development. The foetal brain is especially sensitive, and increased concentrations of
methylmercury may result in impaired cognitive skills as well as motor skills. The human
foetus is believed to be most sensitive during the last six months of pregnancy and in the first
period following birth due to the rapid development of the nervous system during these
periods. Some studies also indicate that methylmercury may affect blood pressure (Grandjean
et al., 2004). Also, a number of studies, including studies from Finland (Landmark &
Aursnes, 2004; Virtanen et al., 2005) and a large-scale European study (Guallar et al., 2002),
show an association between exposure to methylmercury and risk of cardiovascular diseases.
In 2003, JECFA revised its earlier assessment of mercury. The previous PTWI value for
methylmercury was reduced from 3.3 to 1.6 µg/kg bw (JECFA, 2003).
In 2004, EFSA assessed the European population's exposure to mercury from fish and gave its
support to the PTWI established by JECFA in 2003 (EFSA, 2004a).
Interaction within and between toxic metals
There are several complicating factors regarding possible interactions within and between
toxic metals. These include the fact that the metals occur in different chemical forms and
bound states in food. Interactions between toxic metals and between other bioactive
molecules in food components can occur in several ways:
1. Through different chemical forms and possible interactions in food
2. Through interactions during absorption in the intestine
3. Through metabolic interactions.
It is generally assumed that through the competition between divalent ions at the absorption
sites, diets and food items with higher levels of non-toxic divalent ions will reduce the
toxicity of toxic elements. The incidence of itai-itai disease in Japan was coupled to a high
cadmium intake, but it is also assumed that a low calcium intake enhanced the toxic effect by
influencing uptake. Other examples of such interactions may be the positive effect due to
uptake interference of selenium on mercury (Ralston, 2005).
Both at the absorption level and for the toxicodynamics of elements it is assumed that
metallothionein (MT) plays a crucial role in the homeostasis of elements. MT is a family of
low molecular weight proteins with very high content of the sulphur-containing amino acid
cystein. It binds readily several divalent ions such as Cd++, Hg++, Cu++, Zn++, Ag++ and Pb++.
MT is believed to function as a sequestering agent and possible intracellular storage molecule
for essential transition elements. MT may also function as a detoxifier through binding of
toxic elements. The protein is also highly inducible, and it is therefore assumed that previous
exposure can reduce the toxic effect of a subsequent exposure.
Organotin compounds
The main sources of organotin compounds (OTC) in food are commercial products used as
biocides, antifouling paints and as stabilisers of polyvinyl chlorides (PVC). The most toxic
OTCs are tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and triphenyltin (TPT). Known toxicological
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endpoints of OTC are reproductive and developmental toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity,
neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, as well as endocrine disruption.
EFSA was asked to assess the possible risk to human health from the consumption of food
contaminated with OTC, based on intake estimates for Europe. The critical toxicological
endpoint used in the risk assessment was immunotoxicity (EFSA, 2004b). EFSA focused on
the most toxic OTCs: TBT, DBT and TPT which primarily are found in (VKM, 2007d) of the
compounds were considered to be dose additive with equal potencies, and a group TDI was
established (EFSA, 2004b).
NOAEL for immunotoxicity was set at 0.025 mg/kg bw/day based on chronic feeding studies
in (TBTO, bis(tri-n-buthyltin)oxide) (Wester et al., 1990; Vos et al., 1990). EFSA used an
uncertainty factor of 100 to establish a group TDI of 0.25 µg/kg bw for the sum of TBT,
DBT, TFT and DOT. The group TDI is based on the molecular weight of TBTO. However, in
the EFSA report it is unclear if they have used TBTO, a bis molecule with two tin atoms, in
their calculation. EFSA has also given a group TDI based on the molecular mass of tin (0.1
µg/kg bw), as well as one expressed as TBTCl, tributyltin chloride (0.27 µg/kg bw).
The VKM Scientific Panel 5 has used EFSAs group TDI expressed as the mass of tin (0.1
µg/kg bw) in their risk assessment of organotin compounds in fish and fishery products
(VKM, 2007d).
5.3.2 Biotoxins
Biotoxins are toxic substances with a biological origin (produced by bacteria, fungi, algae,
cyanobacteria, plants or animals). Biotoxins are very diverse chemical compounds with a
diversity of biological effects. Biotoxins can be divided either by source of origin, biological
effects or chemical structure and toxins with similar chemical structures may have different
biological origin.
VKM has conducted risk assessments of algal toxins, which is discussed here. Mycotoxins
(toxins produced by fungi) have also caused some concern for public and animal health, and a
brief discussion of mycotoxins is also included. Mycotoxins
There are a vast number of described mycotoxins with a diverse chemical structure. However,
a limited number have been associated with human diseases and a selection of a few
mycotoxins most often considered to pose a risk to human health is discussed.
Fungal species are often co-occurring in food and feed raw materials and products.
Contamination of food and feed by mycotoxins may be a result of fungal infection and growth
both in the fields and during storage under suboptimal storage conditions where fungal
infection and mycotoxin production are known to occur. Furthermore, a large number of the
most common toxin-producing fungal species are producers of more than one mycotoxin.
During processing of food and feed, a variety of raw materials, each with their set of possible
fungi and mycotoxins are mixed. Consequently, mycotoxins are often found as mixtures of
different toxins from different chemical classes originating from both field and storage fungi.
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A limited number of experimental studies testing different mixtures of mycotoxins in vivo
have been reported, but the outcomes vary from no interaction to additive or antagonistic
effects. However, available data are limited and generally an insufficient number of
combinations have been tested to make any firm conclusions. Studies of the effects in
different in vitro systems have been found to range from antagonistic to synergistic effects,
depending on concentrations tested and test system used.
Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 are mainly produced by three Aspergillus species, A. flavus, A.
parasiticus and A. nomius. The fungi are most prevalent in tropical areas, and in Norway the
aflatoxin problem is mainly related to imported food and feedingstuffs. Aflatoxins M1 and M2
are hydroxylated metabolites occurring in milk from ruminants exposed to aflatoxins in the
feed. Aflatoxin B1 is found most frequently and in the highest concentrations. Aflatoxins B2,
G1 and G2 are generally not found in the absence of B1. Aflatoxins are potent genotoxic
carcinogens causing liver carcinomas. Aflatoxin is also acute hepatotoxic in higher doses
causing acute lethal intoxications of animals, and even humans, in tropical areas. Both
(EFSA, 2007b) and (JECFA, 1998; JECFA, 2001a) have made recommendations applying to
the sum of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2, based on the available data base, which to a large
extent is either the natural mixture of aflatoxins or aflatoxin B1. JECFA prepared a separate
assessment for M1, concluding that this toxin is not likely to have any significant contribution
to the incidence of liver cancers.
Ochratoxin A is produced by Penicillium verrucosum and a number of Aspergillus species.
The fungi also produce other ochratoxins, including ochratoxin B. The latter toxins are rarely
found and in much lower concentrations. Ochratoxin B is also considered to be much less
toxic (EFSA, 2006). Ochratoxin A is nephrotoxic inducing cellular damage and a progressive
nephropathy. Ochratoxin A has been associated with human kidney diseases and kidney
tumours in the Balkan area, but the epidemiological studies are incomplete and do not provide
sufficient evidence for classification of ochratoxin as a human carcinogen. Ochratoxin A
induces renal tumours in rodents at high doses. EFSA concludes in their evaluation that the
renal toxicity, as well as the DNA damage and genotoxic effects, are most likely caused by
oxidative damage.
There is no risk assessment where the combined effects of ochratoxin A and other mycotoxins
have been included.
The EU SCF evaluated a range of toxins produced by Fusarium species, the most prevalent
toxin-producing genus in the temperate climate zones, including areas such as Europe and
North America. Trichothecenes reduce feed intake and growth, and have immunomodulatory
effects in low doses. At higher doses, the toxins have a wide range of effects in most animal
species, such as diarrhoea, vomiting, pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract and
reduced reproduction. Trichothecenes are generally not considered to be genotoxic or
carcinogenic (Rotter et al., 1996; JECFA, 2001a).
SCF made a group evaluation of the trichothecenes T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, nivalenol and
deoxynivalenol, but did not include other important Fusarium toxins such as zearalenone and
fumonisins. Due to uncertainties about the exact mechanisms of action, very limited database
and large non-systematic potency differences between the toxins when different toxic effects
are considered, SCF concluded that a group TDI could not be set, with the exception of a
group TDI for the sum of T-2 and HT-2 toxins. The effects of the two latter toxins could not
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be separated from each other since T-2 toxin is partly and rapidly metabolised to HT-2 toxin
in vivo (SCF, 2002a). Fusarium-infected cereals are to a variable degree more toxic to
animals than what should be expected from the known levels of Fusarium toxins (Rotter et
al., 1996; Eriksen & Pettersson, 2004; EFSA, 2004c). It is not known whether this is due to
interactions, the presence of unknown fungal metabolites or some other unknown explanation.
Zearalenone was evaluated by JECFA in 2000. This is a Fusarium metabolite with
oestrogenic properties and effects in animals. Zearalenone affects reproduction and other
physiological processes influenced by the natural hormone. JECFA concluded in the
evaluation that for zearalenone the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake (PMTDI) of
0.5 µg/kg bw should apply to the sum of the mycotoxin and all of its metabolites, including
zeranol (zearalanol), which is used as a growth promoter in parts of the world (JECFA,
2000b). Algal toxins
Marine algal toxins include many different toxin groups. Many of them accumulate primarily
in bivalves, and may present a threat to the consumers. Exposure to marine algal toxins occurs
sporadically, and most toxicological data are based on acute or short-term exposure.
Consequently, acute reference doses (ARfD) have been established. These are an estimate of
the amount of toxin, expressed in terms of mg/kg bw, which can be consumed during a 24hour period without significant health risk for the consumers.
In 2004, a FAO/IOC/WHO expert group (FAO/IOC/WHO, 2004) established a scientific
basis for deriving maximum levels of algal toxins in bivalves based on risk assessments. Their
recommendations are now under evaluation by the Codex Alimentarius Committee for Fish
and Fishery Products. In addition, the Expert Consultation categorised the marine biotoxins in
a new way, based on their chemical structure. In 2006, the EFSA established an expert
working group on marine biotoxins, asking them to provide an evaluation of todays EU
regulation on maximum levels and methods of analysis.
The following section provides a description of the most important groups.
The saxitoxin group (STX). Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) has been known for several
hundred years and is caused by toxins in the STX group. The STX toxins are classic
neurotoxins that afflict both the peripheral and central nervous systems with sensory
impairment, paralysis and possibly death. The mortality rate in adults is 5-10% without
treatment and higher in children. There is great uncertainty regarding the dose/responses. A
temporary ARfD was set at 0.7 µg STX-eq/kg bw by the (FAO/IOC/WHO, 2004), based on
an estimated LOAEL of 2 µg STX-eq/kg bw in humans, and including an uncertainty factor
of 3. The STX equivalents are calculated by adding up each analogue present after
multiplication with the assigned TEF-value. The STX group comprises about twenty STX
analogues, most of them with established TEFs, based on their intraperitoneal toxicity in a
mouse bioassay (Oshima, 1995).
The okadaic acid group (OA). The toxins cause effects in the gastrointestinal tract in the form
of diarrhoea and vomiting, and the syndrome is named Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP).
A temporary ARfD at 0.33 µg OA-eq/kg bw was suggested by the (FAO/IOC/WHO, 2004),
based on a LOAEL of 1 µg OA-eq/kg bw in humans, including an uncertainty factor of 3. The
OA group consists of okadaic acid and the closely related dinophysistoxins (DTX-1 and
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DTX-2). In addition, fatty acid esters of all three analogues, commonly named DTX-3,
contribute in varying degree to the total toxicity. Most recent TEFs recommended by
international experts are 1 for OA and DTX-1, and 0.6 for DTX-2. The TEFs for DTX-3 are
calculated after hydrolysis to the non-acylated analogues. See also the recent evaluation by
EFSA (EFSA, 2007a).
The azaspiracid group (AZA). The major human route of exposure to AZA is ingestion,
resulting in toxicity characterised by gastrointestinal disturbances e.g. diarrhoea, vomiting,
abdominal pain and cramps. The first case of azaspiracid poisoning (AZP) was reported in the
Netherlands in 1995, associated with consumption of blue mussels from Ireland. More
intoxication took place in the following years, all from consumption of blue mussels from
Ireland. Several international expert groups have evaluated the AZA group recently. AZA-1,
AZA-2 and AZA-3 are known to be the most important toxins in the AZA group. Based on
the few data available, the TEFs for AZA-2 and AZA-3 are 1.8 and 1.4, compared with AZA1 at 1. The VKM Scientific Panel 5 has evaluated the risk related to AZA in Norwegian crabs
based on the risk assessment from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland in 2006 (FSAI, 2006).
The Panel recommends an ARfD of 17 µg AZA-1 equivalents/person (60 kg) based on the
lowest estimated LOAEL (50 µg/person) and a safety factor of 3 (VKM, 2007c). The FSAI
recommended an ARfD in bivalves at 0.67 µg/kg (40 µg/person), based on the median of the
estimated LOAELs from epidemiological studies. Current regulation of AZAs in the EU
(maximum level at 160 µg/kg AZA-1 equivalents in shellfish) is to a large extent based on the
sensitivity of the mouse bioassay, and not on a comprehensive risk assessment.
The domoic acid group (DA). In 1987, an outbreak of a newly recognized acute illness caused
by eating blue mussels and characterized by gastrointestinal and unusual neurological
symptoms occurred in Canada. More than one hundred people were affected. The symptoms
were vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea within 24 hours and neurological symptoms
within 48 hours (severe headache and memory loss). The syndrome was named Amnesic
Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). The dominating toxin is an unusual amino acid, domoic acid. A
few analogues are known, but they do not contribute much to ASP. No poisoning incidents
from ASP have been reported in Norway so far. The FAO/IOC/WHO expert group
(FAO/IOC/WHO, 2004) suggested an ARfD at 100 ug/kg bw for DA.
The yessotoxin group (YTX). Since 1987, the toxins in this group have been found together
with toxins from the OA group, and until recently they were included in the DSP toxin
complex. The main reason for this was that YTXs contribute to the outcome of the mouse
bioassay for lipophilic toxins (OA-, AZA- , YTX- and several other groups) The YTX group
has not been associated with any known human intoxications. A temporary ARfD has been
set at 50 µg/kg bw (FAO/IOC/WHO, 2004), based on studies of oral toxicity of YTX in mice,
including a safety factor of 100. An ever increasing number of YTX analogues are discovered
(between 50 and 100), but only a few of them exert toxicity even upon intraperitoneal
injections in mice.
Until now, possible combined effects of mixtures of toxins from different groups have not
been included in regulation, with the exception that pectenotoxins (a non-diarrheagenic
group) is included in the EU regulation for the DSP toxin complex. This is due to the EU
requirement for using the mouse bioassay, and not a comprehensive risk assessment. In the
future, it is important to examine whether exposure to mixtures from different groups may
increase the toxicity of shellfish.
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5.3.3 Residues of veterinary medicinal products
Within the European Union (EU) veterinary medicinal products (VMP) will not be the subject
of a marketing authorisation for the purpose of administering it to one or more foodproducing animals, unless this has been granted by the competent authorities of that member
state (EU Directive 2004/28/EC or Regulation (EC) No 726/2004). Marketing authorisation
requires, amongst others, that both the pharmacologically active substances and their
metabolites, which may remain in foodstuffs obtained from treated animals, have been
evaluated with regard to human safety (Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90). As a consequence of
the European Economic Agreement (EEA), this is also the case for Norway. The tests
required are described in various scientific guidelines for the evaluation of residues of VMPs.
For VMP, the approach used by the Committee of Veterinary Medicinal Products (CVMP),
European Medical Evaluation Agency (EMEA), for the evaluation of the safety of residues is
based on the determination of ADI for the pharmacologically active substance contained in
the VPM. The ADI may be set on the basis of toxicological, microbiological (only
antimicrobial drugs) or pharmacological data; whichever is the lowest is used.
The ADI values, whether toxicological, microbiological or pharmacological, are set for single
substances. This can be justified because, among others, the numbers of combination
preparations, i.e. preparations containing two or more active drug substances, approved for
use in food producing animals are very limited. This is especially true for Norway.
Furthermore, food producing animals are in general rarely treated with several preparations
concurrently, because they seldom suffer from several diseases concomitantly. This is a
consequence of their short life-span (e.g. broilers: approximately 35 days; dairy cows:
approximately 3 years) and because continuing breeding programmes have systematically
selected for animals resistant to various diseases or with a low frequency of diseases.
5.3.4 Concluding remarks from VKM Scientific Panel 5
Environmental contaminants, chemicals produced during food processing, biotoxins, and
residues of medicines represent a wide variety of potential hazardous substances that may be
present in food either as single compounds, mixtures of related compounds, or multiple
complex mixtures of related and unrelated chemicals. The individual compound or compound
groups may exert a variety of toxicological effects. They may impair the same toxicological
endpoints via similar or different modes of action which, however, for most of these hazards
are still unknown. Furthermore, the potencies of the hazards may vary by several orders of
magnitude. The presence of the individual compounds in a mixture may be below threshold
levels for effects. However, the chemicals may interact in the toxicokinetic and/or the
toxicodynamic phases resulting in modulation of the effects of the various substances in the
mixture. The toxicological data are limited for most of the individual hazardous compound or
compound groups, and only for a few groups health-based guidance values for humans have
been established (dioxins and dl-PCBs; organotins, selected mycotoxins (group evaluation of
T-2 and HT-2 toxins, and a group TDI for zearaleone and all its metabolites) and algal toxins
(group ARfDs for the saxitoxin group, the okadaic acid group, the azaspiracid group and the
yessotoxin group). For the process-related chemical group the carcinogenic PAHs, one
compound, BaP, is used as an indicator of the total carcinogenic PAH-mixture present in
food. For other hazardous individual compounds or compound groups, comprehensive risk
assessment is not possible at the present time. A database allowing for assessment of multiple
exposures is not available. Thus, neither internationally nor nationally a tradition exists for
assessing combined toxic effects of exposures to multiple mixtures of environmental
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contaminants, process related chemicals, natural toxins, or residues of medicines present via
The VKM Scientific Panel 5 has used the toxic equivalent concept and group TWI and
ARfDs in their risk assessment of exposure to the environmental contaminants dioxins and dlPCBs and the natural occurring algal toxins the azaspiracid group, respectively. The Panel has
also used EFSA’s group TDI expressed as the mass of tin in their risk assessment of organotin
compounds in fish and fish products. The Panel has not received any request for risk
assessment of mycotoxins and has therefore no experience in evaluation of combined actions
of mycotoxins in risk assessment. For the carcinogenic PAHs, The Panel has used BaP as an
indicator of the total carcinogenic PAH compound mixture found in food.
A potential risk area in a Norwegian context is the combined effects of consumption of
marine organisms from localised areas where there has been point source release of
halogenated organic compounds and heavy metals. Since both types of contaminants are
associated with developmental effects (reproductive-, immune- and central nervous system)
and that the young child is especially sensitive towards such effects, due consideration should
be given to the potential for interactions
5.4 VKM Scientific Panel 6 (Panel on Animal Feed)
This Panel is concerned with hygienic and toxicological quality of animal feed, along the
whole production chain of feed for terrestrial and aquatic animals, including production
methods, raw materials, additives, biological hazards, and GMOs. The Panel assesses the
implications of animal feed for animal health and consumers of animal products.
Farmed animals and fish are exposed to multiple chemicals via their feedingstuff. If the feed
contains high levels of one or multiple contaminants, the health of the animals may be
negatively affected. The concern of the VKM Scientific Panel on Animal Feed (Panel 6) is on
feed quality, where undesirable contaminants are one aspect. The rationale for concern about
feedingstuff quality is two-fold. Firstly, there is a natural concern about the harmful effects of
the contaminants on the health and welfare of farmed animals and fish. However, there is also
the concern that hazardous levels of additives or contaminants accumulated in farmed animals
and fish can be transferred to humans through the diet.
Most contaminants and toxins are subject to EU legislation and identified in Directive
2002/32/EC on undesirable substances in animal feed and in Commission Regulation (EC) No
466/2001 which set maximum levels for certain contaminants in animal foodstuffs. Maximal
levels of these undesired chemicals in farmed animals and fish are often based on the
principle that levels for human exposure should not be exceeded. However, for some
chemicals certain farmed animals may be especially vulnerable. For information on toxic
effects of chemicals and the application of methods for assessing combined toxic effects of
multiple chemical exposures in humans, farmed animals and fish, see section 5.2, 5.3 and 5.6.
For most contaminants, except for dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs, maximum levels in
animal and fish feed are defined for single substances. For dioxins, furans and dioxin-like
PCBs, maximal levels are expressed as TCDD-equivalents (TEQ) based on toxic equivalence
factors (TEF), using the WHO-TEFs for PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin like-PCBs. This is
possible because of a similar mechanism of action. These compounds are persistent and are
biomagnified in the food chain, thus potentially resulting in high levels in animal and fish
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products for human consumption. Thus, for these compounds which are bioaccumulated, the
primary concern is not on animal and fish health, but on human exposure.
5.4.1 Naturally occurring contaminants and additives
Examples of naturally occurring contaminants or additives in feedingstuff are trace elements,
including toxic metals such as mercury, copper, arsenic and lead. Several trace elements are
authorised in feedingstuff to meet the dietary requirements for normal physiological function
of farmed animals and fish. If levels in feedingstuff become too high, this can result in toxic
effects in the animals. Thus, there are legislations for the use of trace metals (including toxic
metals), as well as for other additives (Council Directive 70/524/EEC with updates) in animal
and fish feedingstuff. The list of authorised additives, including maximum levels for trace
metals are regulated by the EU (Regulation (EC) No 871/2003).
The VKM Scientific Panel 6 has commented on a document to the EU Commission proposing
to increase the maximum content for cadmium in fish feed from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg (88% dry
matter). In the comments, which focused on fish health and consumer threat, interactions with
other elements, such as iron, zinc and copper in fish were considered. However, little is
known about the combined toxic effects of these elements in fish, and health-related
combined effects were not assessed.
Following findings of high levels of cadmium in feedingstuff for ruminants, pigs and farmed
fish (11-17 mg/kg) in Norway, Panel 6 gave an opinion on the consequences for fish health
and food safety when farmed fish has been fed with feeds containing 11-17 mg of cadmium
per kg feed for a limited time period (up to four months). The Panel concluded that feeding
Atlantic salmon or rainbow trout with feeds containing 11-17 mg of cadmium per kg is
unlikely to cause significant fillet contamination. However, dietary cadmium levels of 11-17
mg/kg have been shown to cause biochemical and physiological responses in Atlantic salmon
parr following 4 months exposure. In this opinion, interactions with other elements were also
considered. However, little is known about the possible antagonistic interactions of dietary
cadmium with elements such as iron, zinc and copper in fish, and health-related combined
effects could not be assessed.
Biotoxins in feedingstuff are also of concern for animal health. For a review on effects of
biotoxins, and in particular the effects of mycotoxins which may occur in animal feedingstuff,
see section 5.3.2. For Aflatoxin B1, maximum content in various products indented for animal
feed is given by the EU Commission and vary from 0.005-0.02 mg/kg (ppm) (Commission
Directive 2003/100/EC).
5.4.2 Xenobiotic contaminants
Combined maximum levels are given for dioxins (and furans) and dioxin-like PCBs, and the
sum of them in feed (EU Commission Directive 2006/13/EC). In addition, there are lower EU
action levels for these compounds that are used to highlight those cases where it is appropriate
to identify a source of contamination and to take measures for its reduction or elimination
(EU Commission Recommendation 2006/88/EC). Maximum levels in animal and fish feed is
also given for some xenobiotic compounds, such as camphechlor (toxaphene) (sum of
congeners CHB 26, 50 and 62) (EC Directive 2002/32/EC) and for endosulfan (Commission
Directive 2003/100/EC).
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In products intended for animal feed, maximum levels of dioxins and furans varies from 0.75
to 6.0 ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg depending on the products. The maximum limit in feed for
fish is for instance 2.25 ng WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg, whereas action thresholds are 1.75 ng
WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/kg. For the sum of dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs, the maximum
levels for animal feed vary from 1.25 to 24.0 ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg. In feed for
fish, the maximum limit is 7.0 ng WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ/kg. For dioxin-like PCBs, action
threshold for feedingstuffs for fish is 3.5 ng WHO-PCB-TEQ/kg (EU Commission Directive
2006/13/EC). Furthermore, for toxaphenes (sum of the indicator congeners CHB 26, 50 and
62) the maximum content is 0.05 mg/kg in feedingstuff for fish (EC Directive 2005/86/EC),
whereas for endosulfan (sum of alpha- and beta-isomers and of endosulfansulphate expressed
as endosulfan) is 0.005 mg/kg for complete feedingstuffs for fish (Commission Directive
5.4.3 Concluding remarks from VKM Scientific Panel 6
Hazardous compounds may be present in animal feed either as single compounds, mixtures of
related compounds, or as multiple mixtures of related and unrelated chemicals. The individual
compounds or compound groups may exert a variety of effects on animal health. They can
also be transferred to humans through dietary routes (carry-over), and lead to adverse human
health effects. The chemicals may impair the same toxicological endpoints via similar or
different modes of action. For animal feedingstuff there are legislations for contents of trace
metals and some biotoxins on an individual compound basis. For some groups of
organochlorinated compounds, such as dioxins and furans and dioxin-like PCB congeners,
camphechlor (toxaphene) and endosulfan, combined maximum levels based on the toxic
equivalence concept are given for a range of different animal feedingstuffs. For dioxins and
furans and for dioxin-like PCBs action threshold levels in animal feedingstuff are also given.
The VKM Scientific Panel 6 has considered interactive effects of cadmium and other trace
metals in feed on fish, but due to lack of relevant studies on fish, no conclusion could be made
with respect to animal health effects.
5.5 VKM Scientific Panel 7 (Panel on Nutrition, Dietetic Foods, Novel Food and
This Panel addresses questions associated with human nutrition, dietetic products, novel
foods, and food allergies, including fortification, food supplements, and health claims.
Human nutrition, which involves a complex interplay between nutritional components,
physiology, molecular biology, genetics and metabolism, has been developed and adapted
during a long human history. The nutritional sciences constantly reveal how dietary
components may play important roles in the protection against disease. The research indicates
that the pathology of virtually all age-related or chronic diseases is dependent on
multifactorial elements that include diet, exposure to environmental agents, and genetic
susceptibility (Hennig et al., 2007). It is evident that nutrition can modulate metal toxicity
(Gaetke & Chow, 2003; Ahamed et al., 2007; Rooney, 2007), oxidative stress and cancer
(Ferguson et al., 2004; Finley, 2005; Moon et al., 2006; Valko et al., 2006), and
biotransformation and detoxification (Moon et al., 2006). Disturbing the complex balance of a
traditional diet may therefore represent a health risk. In the group discussions in the VKM
Scientific Panel 7 there are frequently raised questions whether the evaluated food may
change the balance of the diet in a negative direction. Would a possible dietary change
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represent a larger risk than the risk related to consumption of the new product itself? Will the
new product disturb protective components of the diet?
When the safety of “energy” drinks was evaluated by the Panel (VKM, 2005), a possible
combined effect of caffeine, taurine, and glucuronolactone was taken into consideration. It
was also evaluated whether the combination of “energy” drinks and alcohol could represent
enhanced toxicological hazards, particularly in combination with physical exercise. In the
report, it was commented that the safety assessments were based on information on each of
the ingredients, whereas the effect studies were performed with the product. More animal
studies with the combination of ingredients or the product itself were recommended.
5.6 VKM Scientific Panel 8 (Panel on Animal Health and Welfare)
This Panel addresses questions on animal health and welfare, with particular focus on foodproducing animals, including both farmed and wild fish.
Since the mandate from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority also includes a request for
considerations of chemical substances in mixture with respect to effects on animal health and
animal feed, the assessment of risk concerning animal health was assigned to Panel 8.
Indirectly, adverse effects of mixtures of toxic substances that affect animal health in food
producing animals may compromise human health also, whereas exposure of wildlife species
or exposure of non-foodproducing animals is a health and welfare issue of individual animals,
or may have an impact on the environment. With regard to mammals the risks are similar to
human exposure, and of particular concern are the endocrine disrupting chemicals that are
further discussed in section 3.4.
Although information on single-chemical effects is valuable, contaminants such as persistent
organic pollutants often appear as congeners or as commercial mixtures in the environment.
Examples of such mixtures are comercial mixtures of PCBs, hexachlorohexanes (HCHs),
hexachlorobenzenes (HCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), chlordanes and
toxaphenes extracted from cod liver oil waste products from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua),
freshwater mixtures from Lake Mjøsa and in Losna area in burbot (Lota lota) liver oil
extracts. Experiments with those naturally occurring mixtures of persistent organic pollutants
(POPs) found in marine and freshwater fish harvested from the Atlantic ocean and the
freshwater lake systems in Norway have shown effects on sexual steroid production in cell
cultures obtained from prepubertal pig ovaries (Gregoraszczuk et al., 2008) and real life
POP mixtures displayed negative effect on survival of zebrafish (Danio rerio) in vitro (Stavik,
2007; Almås, 2007).
In general, the exposure to these substances is below the concentrations that cause overt
toxicity. Substances that act synergistic or display antagonistic key effects on sexual steroids
may affect not only the development and differentiation of the foetus, but may have long-term
effects on animal behaviour and the individual’s ability to withstand stress or disease post
partum. In the study by (Stavik, 2007), oestrogenic effects and effect on thyroid hormones of
real life mixtures of POPs were detected in zebrafish.
Most studies on toxicological evaluations, toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics, and establishment
of upper safe levels for humans and farmed animals, however, involve experiments with
laboratory rodents, animals that may be as “different” to humans as they are to domestic
animals or wildlife. On the basis of this, the VKM Scientific Panel 8 suggested that this
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opinion should not include separate chapters on toxicological effects in animals, unless
special situations could be identified with particular relevance to one or more animal species,
beyond the included considerations of chemicals in drinking water, food additives, food
contaminants etc. However, the chapter on toxicological effects of endocrine disrupters (see
section 3.4) covers a paragraph with special reference to fish and wildlife. For information on
toxic effects in animals resulting from multiple chemical exposures from animal feed, see
section and 5.4.
However, considering animal models and animal welfare in toxicological experiments on
multiple chemical exposures, there could be concern regarding the extensive use of laboratory
rodents and fish in toxicological experiments, and the practise of the three R’s (Reduce,
Refine, Replace).
Examples of combined actions in different toxicological endpoints obtained from in vitro and
in vivo studies are given elsewhere in the report. To reduce the use of experimental animals,
scientifically acceptable strategies of toxicological assessments, including alternative cell
culture technologies and molecular tools particularly in the introductory assessment of
chemicals should be emphasised. The assessment of effects of several substances in mixtures
is necessary to evaluate risks of combined effects that may differ from the effects of each
single substance. This often requires a higher number of animals to be statistically significant
compared to testing of single substance effects. The use of alternative statistical models is
mentioned in the report (see section 2.3.5). Such multivariate statistical models would also be
useful for toxicological interaction studies, which could lead to a reduction in the number of
animals required.
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6 Discussion
6.1 General comments
Current risk assessments of pesticide and other chemical exposures are based on toxicological
evaluation of single compounds. The toxicological data come from studies that generally have
been done in order to set guidance values, such as TDIs, ADIs or ARfDs. Since humans often
are exposed to different chemical components at the same time, the possibility for combined
effect of exposure to mixtures needs to be addressed in risk assessments related to food and
feed consumption and the use of cosmetics. However, the complexity and variability of
multiple chemical substances that may occur in the environment, as well as the general dearth
of data from studies using standard toxicological methods on combined actions of chemical
mixtures, make the risk assessment of the potential combined toxic effects a considerable
challenge. Since experimental testing of all the numerous mixtures is not practically feasible,
there is a need for science-based advice on how combined exposures should be addressed in
risk assessments of exposures related to food, feed and cosmetics (areas covered by the
The discussion on possible toxicological effects of multiple chemical exposures has a very
long history. In the later years, there has been an extensive scientific development in the
understanding of the influence of chemicals on biological systems and organisms. Based on
evaluation of the scientific literature and monitoring reports, the exposure of humans to
multiple components through food seems in general to occur at low levels, and at such
exposures there are no substantiated accounts that demonstrate any frequent occurrence of
adverse reactions, except in relation to accidents and misuse.
In this opinion, VKM has reviewed recent reports and scientific literature on combined
toxicological effects following multiple chemical exposures. Different algorithms or schemes
have been developed to decide whether combined effects are likely to occur or when the
possibility of such effects should be taken into consideration.
When data on combined toxicological effects of multiple exposures are available, there are
methods to analyse the data in order to determine the nature of the combined effects. An
example is the isobole method, which is one way to distinguish between synergism, addition
and antagonism. Generation of data from in vivo studies is resource-demanding due to the
need for studies of multiple combinations of the test compounds. The potential for
toxicokinetic interactions (induction/inhibition of biotransformation pathways) should be
addressed and the usefulness of physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) modelling should
be explored.
For the risk assessments of exposure to chemicals being present as complex mixtures, the
actual exposure may be difficult to estimate. Reliable information about the presence and
concentrations of mixture components in various foods may be problematic to obtain.
The ways that the Scientific Panels of VKM have dealt with the issue of combined
toxicological effects following exposures to multiple chemicals in their assessments of
chemicals, are summarised in Chapter 5 of this opinion. Generally, combined effects have
been taken into account when groups of structurally similar compounds have been assessed
(e.g. dioxins and dl-PCBs, organotin compounds, parabens and some algal toxins). However,
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possible effects of other chemical exposures in combination have so far not been formally
discussed in assessments by the Panels. On the other hand, the overall objective of the risk
assessments is to give advice on when the various exposures can be recognised as safe, i.e.
below the dose thresholds of effect such that no appreciable health effect is expected to occur.
To this end, uncertainty factors are incorporated in the derivation of ADI/TDIs, hence,
additional safety has been included in the assessments.
6.2 Combined effects of multiple exposures below or above the dose thresholds of
The nature of the combined effects of multiple chemical exposures may vary significantly
with dose, and change upon increasing doses above the thresholds of effect for the various
chemicals involved. Thus, it may be difficult to predict the outcome at high exposures above
the dose thresholds of effect where both toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic interactions could
occur. However, as noted above, the general objective of chemical risk assessment is to give
guidance on when an exposure to a single chemical compound is below the threshold of
effect. When deriving these thresholds, uncertainty factors to account for intraspecies and
interspecies variability are also incorporated. When all the exposures to multiple chemicals
are below their respective dose thresholds for effect, the risk of adverse effects from
combined effects is presumed to be limited. Crucial information needed in combined lowdose toxicological assessments is insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the
adverse effects. As such detailed insight is often not available, the more broad term ‘mode of
action’ is used when common molecular mechanisms are likely or cannot be excluded.
Studies have demonstrated that the toxicity of a mixture of chemicals that affects the same
cellular target and act by the same mechanism/mode of action corresponds to the effect
expected when the toxicity of the components in the mixture is added together. Thus, in the
cases where the individual compounds of a mixture act by the same mechanism and have the
same target site (simple similar action), the dose addition model represents the basic method
for hazard assessment. This implies that even if the exposure to all the individual components
in a multiple exposure are below their respective NOAEL values, the combined dose may
result in a toxic effect induced by the whole mixture due to dose addition. The basis for the
use of this model is that there is sufficient information available to assign the mixture
components into a common mechanism group. For a number of mixtures, the
modes/mechanisms of action are not known. When a common target organ is affected, often
similar mechanism cannot be excluded for each chemical in the mixture. In these cases it
would be prudent to not exclude the possibility of dose addition. Several models are available
for taking dose additive effects into consideration. Which model to choose will often depend
on the underlying mechanism and data being available.
Generally, when exposure levels of a mixture of individual chemical components exhibiting
different modes/mechanisms of action are in the range of their respective NOAELs, no dose
addition (simple dissimilar action) or synergistic/potentiating interactions have been observed.
Thus, when exposures to multiple chemical substances with dissimilar actions are lower than
their respective ADIs (after applying uncertainty factors to the NOAELs), adverse responses
to such combined exposures are unlikely.
In situations were concurrent exposures to multiple chemicals significantly exceed their
respective ADIs, there is a potential for interactive effects, both for substances having similar
80 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
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mechanisms/modes of action (complex similar action) as well as for substances with different
mechanisms/modes of action (complex dissimilar action). Such interactions can be due to
toxicokinetic and/or toxicodynamic mechanisms and may in some instances result in
enhanced toxicity (synergism/potentiation) in comparison to the effects caused by the
individual component of the mixture. The potential for interaction can be very difficult to
predict from a theoretical viewpoint and should be addressed from a case-by-case perspective
and ideally be based on data from testing of the mixture. However, it should be kept in mind
that situations where such interactions might occur would necessitate risk management
measures for the exposures to the individual chemicals exceeding their respective ADIs.
6.3 Proposed procedure for risk assessment of chemicals in mixtures
VKM finds that the previously described schemes in most cases are not suitable for practical
use in the Scientific Panels of VKM. Some of the previous proposed models do not even
follow the theoretical basis for assessing combined effects (see section 4.4). VKM has
therefore proposed a procedure (flow chart) for use in risk assessments of chemical mixtures
or concurrent exposures (Figure 7).
Presently, in the view of VKM, the best proposal for doing risk assessment of multiple
chemical exposures is to perform a step-wise case-by-case evaluation of the toxicological data
on the components and the exposure data. In order to secure that the Scientific Panels in
VKM pay appropriate attention to the possibility of combined toxic effects in their
assessments of chemical exposures, we propose using the flow chart presented in Figure 7 as
a guidance in choosing the most relevant method for a specific risk assessment. This step-bystep approach is based on the presumption that toxicological data on the components and the
exposure data are sufficient in order to successively answer “yes” or “no” to the questions
presented in the flow chart.
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Basis for use of the flow chart:
The term ‘similar mode of action’ has a wider definition than the term ‘similar
mechanism of action’. ‘Similar mode of action’ includes mechanisms that lead to a
common effect. There may be insufficient knowledge about the precise molecular
mechanisms, but the principle of dose addition may still be used.
If exposure to all components in the mixture is below their individual NOAELs and
they act by a similar mode of action, no more than additive effect is expected.
If exposure to component(s) in the mixture is above the individual component
NOAELs, combined effects due to interaction may occur.
If there is simple similar action for all components, a common expression of the
hazard can be assigned for the mixture or the concurrent exposures:
o When ADIs are available, the HI method may be used.
o When ADIs are not available, the MOS or PODI method may be used.
o If there is a well-known and strong similarity in ‘mechanism of action’ for all
components in the mixture, the use of an index compound and the TEF model
may be considered.
If the components act by simple dissimilar action:
o no combined effect is expected if exposure to all components in the mixture
are below their individual NOAELs
o combined effects due to interaction may occur if exposure to component(s) in
the mixture are above their individual NOAELs
82 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
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Do the combined
chemical exposures act
by a genotoxic and
Assign an overall
hazard for the
mixture/exposures and
use the MOE method
Do the combined
chemical exposures act
on the same target
Do the compounds in the mixture affect
the same physiological function?
Do all compounds in the mixture act by
the same mode of action?
Do the data indicate
departure from
Take possible synergism
or potentiation into
consideration in the risk
Do substance-bysubstance assessment
Do the available data for each compound
demonstrate strong similarity in mode of
action or act on the similar target molecule?
Assign an overall hazard
for the mixture/
exposures and use
− the TEF method
Do the compounds act
independent of each
Consider possible
combined effects and
dose-dependent effects
Assign an overall hazard
for the mixture/
exposures and use either
− the HI method
− or the MOS
− or the PODI
Figure 7. Flow chart for use in risk assessments of multiple chemical exposures proposed
by VKM.
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In this opinion, the theoretical principles for the various types of possible combined toxic
effects from multiple chemical exposures have been described, and models for handling cases
where such combined effects are likely to occur have been presented and discussed. The basis
for this opinion has been three reports on combined actions of chemicals, one from the Danish
Veterinary and Food Administration, one combined report from the Danish Environmental
Protection Agency and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, and one report
published by the UK Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and
the Environment (COT), as well as a review of the available recent literature. The primary
focus of the opinion has been human health, but issues related to animal health and substances
in animal feed have also been briefly addressed.
The likelihood of combined toxic effects of multiple exposures at dose levels below
the thresholds for effect is low, since many substances have different modes of action
and many exposures exhibit large safety margins. The objectives of current food, feed
and cosmetic regulations are that exposures should not be associated with adverse
health effects, which also include the potential for combined effects.
For substances exhibiting similar modes of action (simple similar action), adverse
effects from multiple exposures may be experienced due to dose addition, even if the
exposures to the individual components of the mixture are below their respective
acceptable or tolerable intakes (ADIs/TDIs).
For substances exhibiting dissimilar modes of action (simple dissimilar action),
adverse effects from multiple exposures are not expected when the exposures to the
individual components of the mixture are below their respective ADIs/TDIs.
In situations where there is exposure to multiple chemicals significantly above their
respective ADIs/TDIs, enhanced combined effects due to interaction may occur. Such
interactions could be due both to toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic mechanisms, and
are difficult to predict. Assessments should be performed on a case-by-case basis and
ideally be based on data from testing of the relevant mixtures/concurrent exposures.
In the derivation of ADIs/TDIs from animal data, provided data on inter- and
intraspecies variation are not available, rather large default uncertainty factors are used
in the extrapolations to humans, reflecting potential differences in species sensitivity
(default factor of 10) and taking into account variability among humans (default factor
of 10). Hence, the levels of exposure corresponding to an ADI/TDI may be more than
one order of magnitude below the real dose thresholds of effect if humans are not
more sensitive than the test species.
Although the Scientific Panels of VKM so far only to a limited degree have formally
taken possible combined effects from multiple chemical exposures into account, VKM
does not consider this as a matter of serious concern. However, a flow chart has been
developed and will be tested out as a tool in the Scientific Panels, in order to formally
address the possibility for combined effects of multiple exposures in the future.
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Many plant protection products (pesticides) belong to groups with similar mechanisms
of action. When there is combined exposure to pesticides within the same mechanism
group, the principle of dose addition for such compounds exhibiting simple similar
action would apply. When the sum of the exposure doses of the individual compounds
in the mixture does not exceed the ADI for the most potent compound, there should be
no apparent concerns. In situations where this sum of exposures exceeds the ADI of
the most potent compound, dose additive effects may be expected. Risk assessments
could for such situations be based on knowledge of the relative potencies of the
pesticides in the mixture. Also, synergistic effects from mixtures could occur when
exposures are above dose thresholds. However, with respect to the probability of
experiencing interactive effects from combined exposures to pesticides, it should be
kept in mind that based on national and Europe-wide monitoring programmes of
residues of plant protection products in fruits, vegetables and cereals, levels are
infrequently above maximal residue limits and thus considerably below ADIs.
From international studies of pesticide operators, combined effects from multiple
exposures have been documented. Although no such studies have been performed in
Norway, the premise is that professional use of plant protection products should not
exceed acceptable operator exposure levels when applied correctly and any advice on
use of personal protection equipment has been followed.
This opinion has not addressed other risk areas in detail. Generally, areas of risk are
those where multiple exposures act by common modes of action and where there is a
risk of exceeding dose thresholds. The Scientific Panels of VKM have in addition to
the issue of plant protection products addressed the most important areas, such as
dioxins and PCBs and algal toxins. A potential risk area in a Norwegian context is the
combined effects of consumption of marine organisms from localised areas where
there has been point source release of halogenated organic compounds and heavy
metals. Since both types of contaminants are associated with developmental effects
(reproductive-, immune- and central nervous system) and that the young child is
especially sensitive towards such effects, due consideration should be given to the
potential for interactions.
This opinion has not in detail dealt with possible combined effects from multiple
exposures in relation to ecotoxicology. However, the toxicological principles for
combined effects described in this opinion, are expected to apply also for the
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102 Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
Rapport 1: 2008
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
ISBN 978-82-8082-232-1 (Printed edition)
ISBN 978-82-8082-233-8 (Electronic edition)
Combined toxic effects of multiple chemical exposures
Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet 1:2008
Published by Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet/
Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety 2008.
Postboks 4404 Nydalen
0403 Oslo
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