2015-2016 School Handbook


2015-2016 School Handbook
Teaching Staff:
Lana McCormac
Megan McMullen
Jenna Dangstorp
Nancy McGonigal
Laurie Vargo
Kim Lawless
Jeanette Volk
Erin Minty
Karen Berglund
Cheryl Weatherald
Tammy Cole
Melissa Thiessen
Carolin St. Onge
Debbie Hunt
Sandra Bratton
Sandra Poole
Laurie Bradley
Jenny Henty
Heather McTavish
lana.mccormac@ cornerstonesd.ca
[email protected]
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Elementary School
Parent Handbook
2015 - 2016
Administrative Assistants:
Debra Driver
[email protected]
Alice Abrahamson
[email protected]
MacLeod Office (School Office) [email protected]
Support Staff/Teacher Assistants:
Michelle Bender
[email protected]
Shelly Garrett
[email protected]
Robin Jones
[email protected]
Terri Paskell
[email protected]
Sherri Toms
[email protected]
Erin Skulmoski
[email protected]
Terri Paskell
Rizza Gamayon
[email protected]
[email protected]
Student Services:
Deena Offet
Darlene Cook
[email protected]
[email protected]
Division Web Site:
"Success and Achievement
for every student in Every School!"
Medication at School
Whenever possible, parents are encouraged to administer prescribed medication
at home. For times when this is not possible, the School Division has developed
a policy for the administration of medication prescribed by a doctor. Under this
policy, parents must notify the principal in writing and complete a pupil medication form that can be obtained from the school office.
Staff List
Staff Photo Registry
New Things at MacLeod
Daily Bells
Kindness Campaign
Home and School Communication
If a student has been mistreated, he or she may fill a report disclosing the wrong
-doing and who else was involved. The referrals then go to the office where
school administration discusses the accusations of wrong-doing with all parties
involved. When needed, recess detentions or other forms of discipline may be
assigned to students. If this happens, parents are sent a communication form,
notifying them of the incident. The form is to be signed and returned to school.
The return of the signed form ensures that parents are aware of the behavior. If
poor choices for behavior are consistent, the school will notify parents by phone
of the situation.
School Services
Year at a Glance
Student Leadership Team
Bussing and Loading Zones
School Policies and Procedures
A. Duties of the Student
B. Attendance and Lateness
C. Appropriate Dress
D. Nutrition Policy
E. Telephone Use
F. Phone Calls/Messages
G. Medication at School
H. Kindness Campaign
I. Noon Lunch Supervision
Noon Lunch Supervision
Noon supervision is provided for students required to stay at school during the
noon hour. Parents of Town students required to stay for lunch, must send a
note indicating their child will be staying. If children are staying on a regular/
semi-regular basis, parents may indicate the days/dates in agenda or a note.
However, if a regular attendee is not going to stay for lunch, a parent notification is also required. For sporadic attendees, notes may be sent in the agenda.
Good behaviour is expected and necessary during lunch. If during lunch, misbehaviour occurs, it will be dealt with using the following steps:
1st infraction) Verbal reminder about expected behaviour and sanctions i.e.)
isolation from peers, assigned clean-up duties, detention at the
end of lunch
2nd infraction) Verbal reminder and sanctions for behaviour and a phone call
home to parents/guardians
3rd infraction) Verbal reminder with phone call to parents, and removal from
lunch program for a duration of one week. Parents are responsible for alternate lunch arrangements during this time.
Continued infraction will result in removal from the lunch program for a duration of two weeks, three weeks, and so on.
Appropriate Dress
Students are required to have a set of running shoes for indoor use only. Please
buy shoes with non-marking soles. Bare feet are not hygienic, as the spread of
Plantar warts occurs. There have also been cases of hand, foot and mouth disease which spreads from blisters in those areas.
Children are required to play outdoors most days, so must dress appropriately
for the weather. Indoor recesses will be assigned in cases of severe weather.
Nutrition Policy
When sending noon lunches, there are restrictions on consumption of certain
foods for health reasons of some of our students. For this reason your child may
not bring any nut products, kiwi, grapefruit, shellfish, tuna or food products containing aspartame or artificial sweeteners to school. Soda bever ages or
power drinks are not permitted. (Exceptions may exist for class parties) Some
children require recess snacks. In concern for your child’s health, we ask that
all recess snacks consist of fruits or vegetables, the food r equir ing most
servings on the Canada Food Guide.
Telephone Use
Students are required to restrict their use of school telephones to emergency or
important situations. Students must request permission from their homeroom
teachers for telephone use. Arrangements for play dates may not be made from
school. Par ents ar e expected to make after school ar r angements in advance
of the school day to alleviate student anxieties about plans. Placing a note in
your child’s care is recommended if arrangements change frequently. For
young students who are unable to read, send the note to the classroom teacher.
We have nearly 300 students at our school so we ask that parents make arrangements in the morning and only call to change arrangements in emergencies.
Messages will not be taken or delivered to students late in the day for safety
Phone Calls/Messages
It is very important for parents to make any arrangements for after school care
and activities before the school day begins. Students are often anxious all day
wondering what they need to do at the end of the day. This interferes with their
learning. We ask that parents only change after school arrangements in emergencies. Phone calls to change these plans can be made before 2:00 so we have
time to convey the information to the students in a safe manner.
School Administration
Principal, Carolin St. Onge
Vice Principal, Debbie Hunt
Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Lana McCormac
Megan McMullen
Lana McCormac
Grade One
Nancy McGonigal
Laurie Vargo
Jenna Dangstorp
Grade Two
Kim Lawless
Jeanette Volk
Grade Three
Karen Berglund
Erin Minty
Grade Four
Tammy Cole
Cheryl Weatherald/Heather McTavish
Grade Five
Melissa Thiessen
Carolin St. Onge/Debbie Hunt/Heather
Learning Support Teacher
Jenny Henty
RtI Teacher
Sandra Bratton/Debbie Hunt/
Cheryl Weatherald
Social Studies
Laurie Bradley
Fine Arts
Sandra Poole
Debra Driver/Alice Abrahamson
Library Technicians
Erin Skulmoski/Helena Kennedy
Speech Language Assistant
Terri Paskell
Education Assistants
Michelle Bender
Shelly Garrett
Robin Jones
Sherri Toms
School Based Supports:
Speech Language Pathologist Deena Offet
Family Liaison Worker
Darlene Cook
Terri Paskell
Rizza Gamayon
Carolin St.Onge
Carolin St.Onge
Principal/Gr. 5
Debbie Hunt
Sandra Poole
Vice-Principal/Gr. 5 Music Fine Arts
Laurie Bradley
Social Studies
Jenna Miller
GradJenna Miller
Grade 3
e 3Megan McMullen
Lana McCormac
Megan McMullen
Jenna Dangstorp
Grade 1
Laurie Vargo
Grade 1
Nancy McGonigal
Grade 1
Jeanette Volk
Grade 2
Kim Lawless
Grade 2
Erin Minty
Grade 3
Karen Berglund
Grade 3
Tammy Cole
Tammy Cole
Grade 4
Cheryl Weatherald
Grade 4
Heather McTavish
Grade 4/5 Classes
Meet the Staff
Duties and Responsibilities of the Student
The Education Act (1995) defines duties of students. It states, every pupil shall:
(a) attend school regularly and punctually;
(b) purchase any supplies and materials not furnished by the board of
education that the principal considers necessary for any particular course of instruction;
(c) observe standards approved by the board of education:
(i) cleanliness and tidiness of person;
(ii) general deportment;
(iii) obedience;
(iv) courtesy; and
(v) the rights of other persons;
(vi) be diligent in his or her studies;
(vii) conform to the rules of the school approved by the board of
(viii) submit to any discipline that would be exercised by a kind,
firm and judicious parent.
Attendance and Lateness
Research into successful learning clearly shows that regular and punctual attendance is a necessary requirement for student success. The type of instruction
common in schools involves many hands on activities as well as abundant discussions about learning. When a child misses school, it is the responsibility of
the student to complete missed assignments, but it is difficult to recoup the type
of learning that has taken place. Regular attendance affords to the student the
benefits of instruction, classroom discussion, and interaction with other students
in a learning environment.
However, if a student is ill, he/she should be kept home for his/her own benefit
and in consideration of other students. Please telephone the school secretary as
soon as possible after 8:15 a.m. if your child will be absent for any reason.
Being prompt for commitments is a life skill. While there are acceptable reasons for being late on isolated occasions, chronic lateness is unacceptable. Any
students reporting after the second bell at morning attendance, without valid
reason, will be recorded as late. Students so recorded will be required to serve
an immediate recess detention of fifteen minutes per infraction. This detention
may be rescheduled for valid reasons such as medical appointments. When assigned a detention for lateness, students will inform parents or caregivers by
When children live close to school, it is recommended that they walk to and
from school to promote fitness and environmental goals. We realize that some
parents drive their children to and from school. Despite repeated safety instruction, students often forget to exercise proper care. We know that all parents
share the staff concern for the safety of all students. Therefore we ask your cooperation in following the guidelines outlined below:
Melissa Thiessen
Grade 5
Deena Offet
Darlene Cook
Family Liaison
Sandra Bratton
Jenny Henty
Terri Paskell
Erin Skulmoski
Library Tech.
Helena Kennedy
Library Tech.
Robin Jones
Shelly Garrett
Sherri Toms
Michelle Bender
1. Regular drop off may be done from the fence opening onto the playground.
Many people should be able to use these areas in a short amount of time if your
child is ready to leave the vehicle when it stops. There is signage marking these
areas. Parents of pre-kindergarten students may need to use the parking lot in
order to walk their child into school. The entrance and exit are the same opening, so be mindful of oncoming traffic.
2. Unload on the side of the street closest to the school so students do not need
to cross the street.
3. Bus Zone: No private vehicles are permitted in the bus lanes between 8
a.m. and 4 p.m. daily.
4. When parking in the parent lot at home time, back into the pick up zone.
This will ensure a clear front view when you are ready to depart and allow other
vehicles a passage for exiting. As the regular parking areas are congested, you
may wish to arrange to pick up your child at the fence openings along the
5. Please do not drop off children in the parking lot. If you ar e r equir ed
to stop in at the school during drop off, park clear of the entrance.
6. When children are required to leave school during the school day, we request they stay in the office or front boot porch until their pick-up arrives. This
is for their own safety.
Rizza Gamayon
Deb Driver
Admin. Assistant
Alice Abrahamson
Admin. Assistant
Rizza Gamayon
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all returning students and
their families and to our many new students and their families. We are
very excited as we start the year and look forward to a successful year of
learning for each one of our students.
To help ensure the success of each of our students we would like to establish open lines of communication and look forward to seeing each of
you while you visit in our building.
We know education is a shared responsibility between home and school.
Periodically throughout the year teachers may be sending educational
materials home. Please use this as an opportunity to work with your
child and become a part of their learning.
Review 360 and P.B.I.S.
You may be hearing about a program called Review 360. It is a computer program designed to help us monitor and improve student behaviour.
Included with this is PBIS (Positive Behaviour Intervention Strategies).
MacLeod School has chosen ROARS to help students remember the
characteristics of good behaviour in all areas of our school.
R espect
O rganization
A ccepting
R esponsible
S afe and supportive
Students will be instructed on how each of the characteristics would
“look like”, “feel like” and “sound like” in different areas of our school.
School Goals
MacLeod School will be working on three school-wide goals this year:
reading/literacy, math and early learning. Because reading is so important for all of the work students do at school and in their life as well,
you will notice every class will have a home-reading component to their
Language Arts classes. We want to thank everyone in advance for
spending the minutes reading at night with your child.
Thank you, and I hope to meet every one of our parents throughout the
Carolin St.Onge
Lost and Found
Please label all student belongings that come to school. This includes
clothing items such as toques, mitts, hoodies, and shoes. We ask that precious items be kept at home. If your child has lost an article, there is a
lost and found area located on shelves outside of the main office where
belongings are displayed. When you visit the school, please take time to
peruse these shelves.
Recess is a valuable part of a student’s day. It is a time for physical activity, fresh air and socializing. We ask that no electronic games be brought
to school for play at recess.
MacLeod Elementary has eight student leadership teams. These teams
promote good natured fun and school spirit. Children are assigned to the
teams at the start of each year. Team leaders are selected from the grade
fives at the beginning of each school year. Co-leaders are selected from
grades four and five for each team. SLT teams and team colours are as
Bobcats - Blue
Cheetahs - Purple
Cougars - Green
Jaguars - Yellow
Leopards - Black
Lions - Red
Panthers - Brown
Tigers - Orange
School Health Services
Mrs. Laurie Crossley is the Public Health Nurse who oversees the immunization programs for children in MacLeod School. She may be
reached at her office at 306 435-6279.
Constable Kaylee Moar is our liaison officer for MacLeod School.
Please contact the school if you feel a certain issue could be addressed by
the R.C.M.P. The issue could be with your child, or with students in general.
School Liaison Worker
Darlene Cook is MacLeod School’s Liaison Worker. She is available to
help students with concerns that may reside within school, or outside of
school. She will seek parental permission and will have future contact
with parents if she is meeting with their children.
School Support Team
At MacLeod School, students with diverse learning needs may be assisted by our Learning Support Teacher, Jenny Henty or our Response to Intervention teachers, Sandra Bratton, Deb Hunt or Cheryl Weatherald.
Assistance to classroom teachers may also be provided by one of our Education Assistants. If you have a concern about your child’s programming needs, please contact the classroom teacher.
Speech Language Pathologist/Speech Language Assistant
Mrs. Deena Offet is MacLeod School’s SLP. She is our communication
specialist. We share her with other schools, so in her absence, Mrs. Terri
Paskell is our SLA who assists children in communication goals. The
SLP may be reached at her office at 306 435-2509.
Bell Schedule
1:53 – 2:08
Warning Bell
Classes begin
Morning recess
Noon dismissal
Classes resume
Afternoon recess
Dismissal of students
September 1
September 16-17
September 18
October 5
October 12
October 21
November 11
November 13
November 17-18
November 20
November 23
December 21
January 4
January 29
February 15
February 16-19
March 18
March 25
March 28-April 1
April 11
April 15
April 19-20
April 22
May 23
May 24
June 28
June 29-30
First Day of Classes for Students
School Pictures
Staff Development Day (No School for Students)
Thanksgiving Day Holiday
SCC AGM and Open House
Remembrance Day Holiday
Report Cards
Parent Teacher Interviews (Three-Way Conferences)
Day off in lieu of 3-Way Conferences (No School)
Start of Christmas Vacation
Students Return to School
Family Day Holiday
Student Holidays
Good Friday Holiday
Spring Break
Staff Development (PD) No Students
Report Cards
Parent Teacher Interviews (Three-Way Conferences)
Day off in lieu of 3-Way Conferences (No School)
Victoria Day Holiday
Staff Development (PD) No Students
Last Day of School for Students
Staff Development Day (PD—No Students)
Inquiries by Parents
Communication between home and school is important for student success.
Parents are encouraged to communicate with classroom teachers as needs arise.
Calling at the beginning or end of the school day is best.
Report Cards
Report cards will be issued on November 13th, April 15th, and June 28th. Report cards will be followed by scheduled three-way conferences on November
17th and 18th, and April 19th and 20th.
Three Way Conferences
Along with term one and two report cards, there will be formal parent-student
teacher conferences. At any time, parents may request additional meetings in
regards to their child’s progress. Simply arrange this with the teacher(s) involved.
A three-way conference is a type of parent teacher communication that involves
the parents and teacher, plus the student. Students are able to explain the learning that has taken place, set goals for improvements or future learning needs,
and are able to feel proud of their accomplishments. If for any reason the parents or teacher wish to discuss something of a sensitive nature to the student,
portions of the conference may be held without the student present in the interview.
Determination of Classroom Placement
Although some parents would prefer to request a certain teacher for their child/
ren, this is a decision made by school staff in accordance with the Education
Act. We ask that you allow us to exercise our professional judgment in this regard unless extreme circumstances apply. If you DO choose to request a certain
teacher, please observe the following policy:
Our Current School Community Council (SCC)
MacLeod School Community Council consists of the following volunteers:
Kerry Coleman (Chairperson)
Kate Glass
Kyla Fingas
Jenelyn Brown
Kari Bruce
Krista Russell
Summer Heide
Terry Grant
Lea Wiens
Sherry Kindlein
Renette Garbutt
Jolene Banga
Pam Stephen
Meliah Mactal
Election for SCC members occurs annually in October. This year’s
AGM will be held on Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at MacLeod School Gymnasium, Open House to follow.
Pawsitive Power Partners (PPP)
The PPP is a group of very active parent volunteers who work towards
goals that enhance the quality of education and lives of students at MacLeod Elementary. They help us with special activities and we would find
it difficult to carry out many of our activities without them. Some of the
services provided are:
School Performances
Noon Lunches
Special Occasion Treats
Appreciation of School VolunteerTeacher Appreciation
Bus Driver Appreciation
Fund Raising
We need your help! If you ar e inter ested in par ticipating or volunteering in any capacity, please call any committee member:
Jenelyn Brown
Deanne MacDonald
Kate Glass
Renette Garbutt
Jolene Fath
Melinda Griffin
Kyla Fingas
Lisa Schoonbaert
Michelle Newton
Kim Setrum