The key to boosting loyalty
The key to boosting loyalty
The key to boosting loyalty “We are not thinking machines that feel; rather, we are feeling machines “We are not thinking that think.” machines that feel; Antonio Damasio rather, we are feeling machines that think.” Antonio Damasio, Professor of Neuroscience Your customers… Would recommend you to others. This is the most powerful group which can recruit new customers. They are essential for GROWTH. 4 Behavioral loyalty does not guarantee true commitment 70.0% Aerogold Visa/CIBC Aerogold Infinite 60.0% Air Miles Metro & moi President Choice MasterCard RBC Visa Avion PC Points 50.0% BMO Air Miles MasterCard American Express TD Canada Trust Travel American Express Membership Rewards Air Miles MasterCard CIBC Aero Classic Visa R² = 0.07 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% %, who uses weekly 40.0% Target REDcard Debit/MasterCard Shoppers Optimum/Pharmaprix Optimum Costco Membership ClubSobey’s Costco TrueEarnings AmericanExpress Card Aeroplan Shoppers Optimum RBC Rewards MasterCard Canadian Tire Money Staples Business Depot’s Sears Club Points HBC MasterCard easyRewards Savings Hbc Rewards / Club Z Aadvantage 0.0% 0.0% Walmart MasterCard %, Likely to drop out Case study 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 5 Our Philosophy on Customer Relations Management If you focus on share of heart, you will get share of wallet The reverse may not always be true 6 Its the emotional side of the decision making process that creates an immediate connection and interest 30% logic 70% emotion 7 Emotional processes can guide or bias behavior, particularly decision making Somatic marker mechanism Decision making Evoked emotions are unconsciously associated with past outcomes and bias decision-making 8 When individuals make decisions, they must assess the incentive value of the choices available to them, using cognitive and emotional processes The 4 roles played by emotions in decision making: When the individuals face complex and conflicting choices, they may be unable to decide using only cognitive processes. Providing Information Improving speed Assessing relevance Enhancing commitment 9 Emotions are difficult to articulate Visual self-report helps respondents to understand and share with us what they feel using fast, unprocessed, un-rationalised response. “Fresha” is used to identify key universal emotions Reaction triggers from the past Emotional drivers and barriers of usage based on regression analysis Emotional engagement is essential for true loyalty 70 Average 60 R² = 0.5813 50 40 Average 20 10 % felt Negative Emotion 30 Percent Likely to Discontinue Using 0 0% Case study 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 11 Emotional Engagement Index™ Is an easy way to track Customer Loyalty holistically Score EEI score = 70 and below EEI Score = 100 EEI Score = 130 and above Brand needs to increase focus on customer satisfaction. Normal, you are on par with competitive environment. High customer loyalty. Maintain current activities. Promoters Passives Detractors NPS Score EEI Under 70 EEI 70-130 EEI 130+ 13 You need more than just a score, you need actionable insight Difference vs. Average Love Proud Happy Empowered Encouraged Warm / fuzzy Captivated/Engaged Attached Confused Sad Lonely Skeptical Bored Learn what drives each emotion Indifferent Angry Rejected Disappointed Case study 14 The key to boosting loyalty is to increase the feeling that drives behavior rather than just the behavior itself. [email protected] 15