Chicago Area AATSP Winter 2015 Newsletter


Chicago Area AATSP Winter 2015 Newsletter
Look at
and link
to the many
Chicago Area AATSP
Winter 2015 Newsletter
for you and
your students
Are you still a Chicago Area Chapter AATSP member? We don’t want to lose you! Please renew your
membership @ Make sure you indicate Chapter 017. This is the
only way that the chapter will be reimbursed for your membership and be notified of your address for
our Chapter e-mailing list. If you do not do this, we’ll be unable to keep you posted of all our activities
and opportunities for you and your students. Membership expires each December.
36th Annual Poster
Contest at Niles North
High School
November 15, 2014
This was a wonderful showcase of students’ talents.
The Poster contest, open to
grades 6—12, represented
work from all levels. Four
posters were honored with
the Grand Prize, with the
winning artists receiving
$50 checks: Sarah Stauber
from Niles North H. S.;
Anna Korol from DePaul
Prep; Mali Gorovoy from
Niles North H. S.; and Mimi
Ernst from Joliet Catholic
H. S. Their winning posters
(left) are pictured in topdown order. The Chicago
Area Council has also chosen to print the last poster
as a way to encourage future students.
1/2 Day Winter Workshop
February 21, 2015
If you’re looking for a professional pick-me up, this upcoming Saturday morning should
give your teaching a boost. This
annual workshop will be held at
Barrington High School, under
the leadership of - Marta
Constenla. Each year the chapter works to put together a program that is tied to teachers’
professional development needs,
with an eye on servicing lower
as well as advanced level teachers. This year’s program will include several presenters who
have already shared at state and
national conferences. We’ll have
concurrent sessions to choose
from—so save the date and plan
on a very fruitful nine to noon.
You’ll leave with something to
use on Monday. Information
and registration are coming
very soon in mid January.
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Chicago Area AATSP
Mesa Redonda para Profes de AP Lengua y Cultura (2014-15)
Mesa Redonda para profes de AP Lengua y Cultura
20 de febrero y 24 de abril (Todas las fechas son viernes con la idea de que
el próximo día es sábado)
Highland Park High School- A217 (entrando por la Avenida Vine)
433 Vine Ave.; Highland Park, IL 60035
What time?:
De las 4:30- 5:30 p.m. (Con tiempo suficiente (ojalá) para llegar a HPHS)
Need to RSVP?:
No (Si tienes preguntas, contacta a José Acosta 224-765-2183 o jacosta
What to bring?:
Una actividad para compartir y 25 copias y una pregunta para hacerle al
CPDUs, drinks and snacks will be furnished
36th Annual Poetry Contest—Niles North High School, November 15th, 2014
For the second year in a row, the Poetry Contest held at Niles North H. S. in conjunction with the Poster
Contest brought together a great group of teachers and students from elementary through high school. The
love of poetry and dedication of Elia López have directed this event for a decade and her strong hand has
shaped the structure of the awards ceremony as well. This year we added a refreshment table for parents,
teachers and participants. While waiting for the judges to tally scores, many contestants delivered their poems with poise and enthusiasm. For many students, memorizing and interpreting a poem are not familiar
accomplishments in English. To be successful in Spanish takes patience, persistence, and poise. We’re
happy to add new schools to this event and hope that many of you will consider extending this opportunity
to your students next year. Even if you aren’t able to do so, the Chicago AATSP site maintains a collection
of leveled poems going back to 2007 for your use. There is also a power point that is accessible (ICTFL Poetry workshop) from the site menu. If you’re looking for ideas and poems, this should be very useful.
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Chicago Area AATSP
Registration Closes in January for the 2015 National Spanish Examinations!
For Schools in Cook, DuPage, Lake and Will counties:
Registration: November 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015
Please register and review information and procedures online:
Testing window: March 1 - April 10, 2015
The total cost remains $6 per student.
For 2015 dues payment, visit National website
*Identify your local chapter with CHICAGO AREA code 017*
Important steps BEFORE YOU REGISTER:
All teachers and students decide on and use exactly the same name for your school. Be sure that the capitalization of the
school’s name is uniform.
As you register students, be sure to use proper capitalization of their names.
Email and establish contact with the Chicago Area coordinator if you are new to the contest.
Beth Sanchez: [email protected]
Refer to the National website to determine the correct categories and levels.
Almost $20,000 in prizes awarded locally to top scorers
The Chicago chapter awards at least $2000 in scholarships to graduating seniors.
Travel scholarships are available to qualifying juniors.
Study abroad scholarships are available to qualifying teachers.
Students receive recognition for their achievement in the study of Spanish.
Participation stimulates further interest in the learning of Spanish.
The exam promotes proficiency in interpretive communication in Spanish.
Participation is a plus on college applications.
Chicago Area AATSP
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The 2014 ICTFL Fall Conference. We were there!
Chicago Area AATSP was happy to be a part of another well-organized and innovative conference that formatted
the sessions in conjunction with PERA initiatives mandated by the state. The presenters were knowledgeable, and
the time frame of 2 hours lent itself to more sharing and reflection. We thank ICTFL for the leadership it’s bringing
to understand and comply with PERA. “A Gallery of Strategies: Touch up your Professional Portrait” truly focused on the Danielson Framework for Professional Practice and by using this design, it laid a foundation for Illinois language educators preparing for the new Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) teacher evaluation
system. Thanks, ICTFL, for guiding the language professionals.
The national AATSP has recently expanded their traditional FLES poster contest so that students in
grades K – 12 can participate. Last year national added a digital poster category as well for high school
only. Our chapter has been discussing changing our own 6-12 contest which has different requirements. As
of now, we continue to maintain our long standing (36 years) original work contest, but since we never
served the K-5 population, we will launch this contest in November after our own contest concludes. Since
national requirements are different from the Chicago chapter’s at the current 6—
12 level, our students’ poster entries are not eligible for their contest. However,
we encourage our members to look into this opportunity for their students. The
deadline is April 1, 2015. Please contact Crystal Vicente:
[email protected]
Lori Willer
New President
Chicago Area
The new year brings some new officers for our chapter: President: Lori Willer;
Vice President: José Acosta; Treasurer: Yolanda Rodríguez; Secretary: Susan
Ranft; NSE Chairperson: Beth Sanchez. The executive council members are as
follows: Laure Aronica, Mary Jo Aronica, Mary Benitez, Teresa Blair, Margarita
Chavez, Marta Constenla, Justin Fisk, Laura Jacobson, Kia London, Elia López,
Fran Mirro, Danielle Moore, Barb Pietroski, Leslie Rathunde, Beatriz Rodriguez,
and Janette Wanner. We’re still looking for members!
Contact [email protected]
From our Chicago Area Secretary and Illinois State Director of the SHH and Region III Director of the
SHH—Susan Ranft
Does your school have a Spanish Honor Society chapter?
There are so many benefits for students when they become members. Not only do they earn the recognition of having been inducted into a national honor society, they are also given opportunities to serve their
communities and to grow as leaders. Students who are members of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica are
encouraged to submit their original Spanish poetry, prose or their artwork for publication in ¡Albricias!,
the national magazine of the SHH. There are also wonderful scholarships available to your students who
are members. Each year your SHH chapter can select one of your junior students to apply for a travel
scholarship and a senior to apply for a college scholarship. For more information, please visit the SHH
website at, or contact the Illinois State Director, Susan Ranft at [email protected]
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Chicago Area AATSP
A Voyage to South America: Andean Art in the Spanish Empire
Now till February 21, 2016 in Galleries 212 and 212A
This exhibit highlights a variety of paintings and drawings from viceregal South America. These works showcase explorers, artists, and patrons who lived in the Spanish-governed Andes from the 1600’s to the
Jesús Rafael Soto: Pénétrable de Chicago
Now till March 8, 2015
in Gallery 292
One of only about 30 pénétrables produced by the Venezuelan artist,
this immersive work—a forest of shimmering nylon tubes– is on display for the first time since 1936.
A LOOK BACK: Highland Park H.S. Summer Trip to Spain
(June 21 to July 5, 2014)
Highland Park High School takes students to Salamanca, Spain, every other year. This
program offers students the opportunity to study and live with a Spanish family in a true
immersion setting. Students attend classes at the foreign school in the mornings from 9 to
1, and then go to lunch and siesta with their host families from 1 to 4. They also carry out
cultural activities in the evening—either in Salamanca or its surroundings. On the weekends they do extended field trips to cities such as Segovia, Avila, Madrid, El Escorial, and
other smaller communities. The feedback both from students as well as parents has been
exceptional, since it provides students with a real window into Spanish culture and language. The immersion aspect of the program is especially beneficial.
Gracias, José, por compartir las fotos.
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Chicago Area AATSP
La emoción de las cosas por Ángeles Mastretta. (Seix Barral, 2012)
Reseña de: Teresa T. Blair
El título de esta novela es parte de uno de Los Complementarios poemitas de Antonio Machado del cual Ángeles Mastretta cita un sólo verso como parte de la dedicatoria de su libro:
Solo recuerdo la emoción de las cosas,
[Y se me olvida todo lo demás;
Muchas son las lagunas de mi memoria.] Poesías completas, Espasa-Calpe
1963, p.286.
De mi biblioteca personal, yo completé el poemita ya que definitivamente avanza el tono
de huida, introspección con tintes de añoranza, nostalgia hacia la naturaleza, el idealismo, la
profunda preocupación por el paso del tiempo y la imposibilidad de recuperarlo que abarca todo el libro; sin embargo, el presente es inminente y añade una tensión a los opuestos pasado/
presente por medio de saltos temporales y espaciales (geográficos) que le permiten a A.M. presentar la dualidad de mundo externo/interno en un vaivén complementario a manera de contrapuntos en vez de privilegiar uno sobre el otro. Como resultado se produce una nueva realidad
adquirida tras los retrorecuerdos y la obra artística adquiere un poder redentor: “[Mi mamá]
cuenta la historia de 4 mujeres dolidas y sorprendentes bajo el título Yo lo que quiero es saber
[...] para ayudarme a recordar esto que he contado de tal modo que olvidé la tristeza.” La deuda
con A. Machado y su tono conversacional en la poesía se hace presente en la prosa lírica de esta novela. La memoria, el acto de recordar, adquiere, tanto en Mastretta como en Machado, un
valor terapéutico. A.M. lo menciona repetidas veces en su novela. Con buena razón, el título de
su libro y el epígrafe que lo introduce reconocen y hacen hincapié sobre esta característica.
La estructura de la obra es también sólida dado que subraya la circularidad de la vida:
nacimiento, niñez, juventud, madurez, vejez y muerte. Empieza casi en el desenlace, final de
la obra. Ángeles Mastretta está frente a 'Mis dos cenizas', las de su padre y las de su madre (su
doble abolengo, el italiano y el mexicano-asturiano), cavilando sobre la disyuntiva de dónde
enterrarlos, en qué parte del jardín de la casa familiar. En el desenlace del libro, aparece la misma escena y Ángeles, la mayor de todos los hijos (5 en total), está esperando la llegada de sus
hermanos y Verónica, su única hermana, para efectuar el entierro de Carlos, el padre, y la madre (cuyo nombre, me acabo de dar cuenta, no se menciona...o no lo puedo encontrar), cerrándose así el ciclo de la vida que permanecerá inmutable e irrevocable por los siglos de los siglos. De este modo, la forma (estructura) de la novela refuerza y subraya su contenido y mensaje global de ella. La narrativa se desarrolla a través de viñetas/vignettes (con tópicos y temas
variadísimos) que en su mayor parte saltan de fotografías que Ángela está viendo y remembrando, mientras espera a sus hermanos en la casa. La apertura de la novela reitera la oposición binaria y paradójica en la que se encuentra ella en su vida: “Todas las luces están prendidas, pero yo me he quedado a ciegas en la casa de mi madre.” Por eso necesita el libro de su
madre y el álbum de fotos para guiarla.
Chicago Area AATSP
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Reseña. . .a continuación
Su estilo es lírico en las descripciones; utiliza muchas figuras retóricas: aliteración (“con un
talento y un talante”), adjetivación, aprendida, sin duda, del maestro Jorge Luis Borges
(“acumulé una furia triste”, “con el medio tono de mis pies balbuceantes”), apóstrofe
(“¡Díganme Uds.!”), monólogo, diálogo con sus libros y sus autores (Sor Juana, Amado Nervo, Isak Dinesen, etc.), símil (“temblar como las estrellas”), metáfora (“Los emigrantes son
polvo de estrella, sal de la tierra, árboles con alas.”), enumeración y anáfora (“[...] 1912. El
año en que nació Ionesco, el año en que Picasso pintó 'el violín', el año en que Ravel terminó
'Dafnis y Cloe', el año en que se hundió el 'Titanic' […] el año en que nació mi padre), y muchas más figuras retóricas.
Quisiera dejar recalcada y en un párrafo aparte la enorme influencia que Gabriel García
Márquez (¡Que descanse en paz!) y Mercedes Barcha han tenido en Ángeles Mastretta, no sólo
en su vida personal sino también en su escritura. A.M. lo menciona en su libro por lo menos
cuatro veces. En la cita que sigue se puede apreciar el realismo mágico y el aire de ensoñación
que rotundamente aprendió de él: “En la iglesia te atan una esponja a la espalda […]. Luego
termina la ceremonia, se abre la puerta de la iglesia y los cónyuges salen para siempre a un
Los temas son múltiples (de la pasión, del tiempo, de la muerte, del desamor y el agua,
del pasado y el miedo, de la escritura, de la esperanza; y otros más mundanos: condones, etc.)
pero ilustraré uno: las mujeres fuertes (feminismo) – mujeres titanes y determinadas en las finanzas y en las áreas que decidan: “ Dos sueños cargaba [mi madre] cuando sus 5 hijos encontramos cauce. [… estudiar ] la preparatoria y […] hacer la casa de sus deseos en mitad del
jardín […]. [Estudió] la preparatoria a los sesenta y [terminó] la carrera [universitaria] a los
Para concluir, todo el libro tiene la tranquilidad de una profunda introspección, yuxtapuesta a una vívida retrospección del mundo externo/etérea que resuma eternidad, infinito.
Ángeles Mastretta dice de su propio libro en su obra: “[...] un libro que aún no sé si será una
memoria, una indagación en el pasado de mis padres, una búsqueda o una tontería (p.53) […]
páginas que van de un recuerdo a otro […] sin orden”. Indudablemente, La emoción de las
cosas es una reflexión sobre 'la tercera edad' y cómo enfrentarse uno a ella. A. Mastretta reproduce una cita de Isak Dineson (mujer) en el cuento “El mono” que resume su posición: “ le
pregunta una mujer drástica a un hombre débil “¿Qué es aquello que se compra caro, se ofrece
por nada y con frecuencia se rechaza?” y ella misma responde: “La experiencia. La experiencia de los viejos.”
La emoción de las cosas presenta una serie de cavilaciones profundas, escritas en un
lenguaje polifacético que toca un palimpsesto de temas/tópicos, sin embargo es fácil de leer.
¡¡Que se entretengan con él!!
Mil gracias, Tere, por su gran análisis.
Apreciamos y valoramos su contribución.
The Chicago Area Chapter AATSP Award for Professional Distinction is given yearly to an outstanding member or members of
the Chapter who through his/her service, dedication and diligence to the profession of teaching Spanish or Portuguese has become a model for others in the field. The nominee must be a member of AATSP for at least 5 years and have regularly participated in at least 2 of the following: NSE (National Spanish Exam); AATSP Chicago Area Chapter workshop (attendee); Sponsor SHH or SHA(Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica or de Amistades); Presenter at AATSP Chicago Area Chapter workshop or national conference or state, regional or national conference; AATSP Chicago Area Poster/Poetry contest or National poster contest. Past winners have been honored at our June Luncheon and received a monetary award of $100. Nomination forms are
also available at our website.
Deadline: April 1, 2015
Deadline: April 15, 2015
Submit to: Barb Pietroski, 188 Timber Hill Rd, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Name of Nominator ___________________________________________
Signature of Nominator_________________________________________
Phone ________________________ Email_________________________
Please include any additional statement that supports this nomination. Briefly explain the
qualities, characteristics and contribution to the profession of teaching Spanish or
Portuguese by this nominee that would merit the receipt of the AATSP Chicago Area
Chapter Award
for Professional Distinction.
We reserve the right to request a resume or further information.
For further questions, email: [email protected]
*The awardee(s) will be selected by vote of the Executive Council and
recognized at the June luncheon.