saint thomas church fifth avenue


saint thomas church fifth avenue
in the
(Christmas Eve)
Prelude and Fugue in C Major, BWV 547
Johann Sebastian Bach
Trumpet Voluntary in D
John Stanley
Pastorella, BWV 590
i) Pastorale
ii) Allemande
iii) Aria
iv) Giga
Johann Sebastian Bach
Concerto for Trumpet in E-flat Major
i) Allegro
ii) Largo
iii) Vivace
Johann Baptist Georg Neruda
Scott McIntosh, Trumpet
Benjamin Sheen, Organ
(Christmas Day)
Prelude and Fugue in D Major, BWV 532
Johann Sebastian Bach
Chorale Prelude on ‘Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen’, Op. 122, no. 8
The Holy Boy
Johannes Brahms
John Ireland
(Christmas Eve at 11 p.m.)
Setting by Richard Shephard (Mass of the Nativity)
(b. 1949)
(Christmas Day at 11 a.m.)
Setting by George Malcolm (Missa Ad Praesepe)
The People stand as the three Sacred Ministers enter.
Alleluia. Unto us a child is born.
O come let us adore him. Alleluia.
all ye faithful,
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold him,
Born the King of angels;
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.
Lo! star-led chieftains,
Magi, Christ adoring,
Offer him incense, gold, and myrrh;
We to the Christ Child
Bring our hearts’ oblations:
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.
God of God,
Light of Light,
Lo! he abhors not the Virgin’s womb:
Very God,
Begotten, not created;
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.
Child, for us sinners
Poor and in the manger,
We would embrace thee, with love and awe;
Who would not love thee,
Loving us so dearly?
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.
See how the shepherds,
Summoned to his cradle,
Leaving their flocks, draw nigh to gaze;
We too will thither
Bend our joyful footsteps;
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.
Sing, choirs of angels,
Sing in exultation,
Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above;
Glory to God
In the highest;
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.
Yea, Lord, we greet thee,
Born this happy morning;
Jesus, to thee be glory given;
Word of the Father,
Now in flesh appearing;
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.
Eighteenth Century Latin
Please remain standing.
The Lord be with you.
And with thy spirit.
Let us pray.
Almighty God, who hast given us thy only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him and as at this time to
be born of a pure virgin: Grant that we, being regenerate and made thy children by adoption and grace, may
daily be renewed by thy Holy Spirit; through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with
thee and the same Spirit ever, one God, world without end. Amen.
Please be seated.
The Lector concludes
The People respond
Isaiah 9:2-4, 6-7
Isaiah 52:7-10
(Christmas Eve)
(Christmas Day)
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Please remain seated as the Choir sings the Psalm appointed.
Psalm 96:1-4, 11-12, The Book of Common Prayer, Page 459
(Christmas Eve)
Psalm 98:1-6, The Book of Common Prayer, Page 461
(Christmas Day)
The Subdeacon concludes
The People respond
Anglican Chant (Gray)
Anglican Chant (Randall)
Titus 2:11-14
Hebrews 1:1-12
(Christmas Eve)
(Christmas Day)
The Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
(Christmas Eve)
shepherds watched their flocks by night,
All seated on the ground,
The angel of the Lord came down,
And glory shone around.
The heavenly Babe you there shall find
To human view displayed,
All meanly wrapped in swathing bands,
And in a manger laid.”
“Fear not,” said he, for mighty dread
Had seized their troubled mind;
“Glad tidings of great joy I bring
To you and all mankind.
Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith
Appeared a shining throng
Of angels praising God, who thus
Addressed their joyful song:
To you, in David’s town, this day
Is born of David’s line
The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord;
And this shall be the sign:
“All glory be to God on high
And on the earth be peace;
Good will henceforth from heaven to men
Begin and never cease.”
Nahum Tate
(Christmas Day)
to the world! the Lord is come:
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing.
Joy to the world! the Saviour reigns:
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains,
Repeat the sounding joy.
4. He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of his righteousness,
And wonders of his love.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make his blessings flow
Far as the curse is found.
Isaac Watts
The Deacon announces
Choir and People sing
Saint Luke 2:1-20
Saint John 1:1-14
(Christmas Eve)
(Christmas Day)
The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint ______.
Glory be to thee, O Lord.
After the Gospel the Deacon says The Gospel of the Lord.
Choir and People sing
Praise be to thee, O Christ.
The Rector
Said by all, standing.
BELIEVE in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and
invisible: And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God; Begotten of his Father before all
worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of very God; Begotten, not made; Being of one substance
with the Father; By whom all things were made: Who for us men and for our salvation came down from
heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was made man: And was crucified
also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried: And the third day he rose again according to
the Scriptures: And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father: And he shall come
again, with glory, to judge both the quick and the dead; Whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Lord, and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the Father and the
Son; Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; Who spake by the Prophets:
And I believe one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church: I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of
sins: And I look for the Resurrection of the dead: And the life of the world to come. Amen.
Please kneel.
Said by all, kneeling.
LMIGHTY God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, maker of all things, judge of all men: We acknowledge
and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we, from time to time, most grievously have
committed, by thought, word, and deed, against thy divine Majesty, provoking most justly thy wrath and
indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the
remembrance of them is grievous unto us; the burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, have
mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, forgive us all that is past;
and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory of thy
Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please stand.
The peace of the Lord be always with you.
And with thy spirit.
Please be seated.
For unto us a child is born (from ‘Messiah’)
(Christmas Eve)
George Frideric Handel
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name
shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Hodie Christus natus est
(Christmas Day)
Hodie Christus natus est:
Hodie Salvator apparuit:
Hodie in terra canunt Angeli,
laetantur Archangeli
Hodie exsultant justi, dicentes:
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
Today Christ is born:
Today the Savior appeared:
Today on Earth the Angels sing,
Archangels rejoice:
Today the righteous rejoice, saying:
Glory to God in the highest.
Antiphon to the Magnificat, Second Vespers of the Nativity
The Celebrant sings
People sing
The Lord be with you.
And with thy spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up unto the Lord.
Let us give thanks unto our Lord God.
It is meet and right so to do.
The Celebrant continues
It is very meet, right and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto
thee, O Lord, holy Father, almighty, everlasting God. Because thou didst give Jesus Christ, thine only Son,
to be born for us; who, by the mighty power of the Holy Ghost, was made very Man of the substance of the
Virgin Mary his mother; that we might be delivered from the bondage of sin, and receive power to become
thy children. Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and
magnify thy glorious Name; evermore praising thee, and saying,
Sung by the Choir, following which the People kneel.
The Celebrant continues and concludes
The People respond
O Father Almighty, world without end.
And now, as our Savior Christ hath taught us, we are bold to say,
Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
Alleluia. Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us;
Therefore let us keep the feast. Alleluia.
Sung by the Choir.
Behold the Lamb of God, behold him that taketh away the sins of the world.
Sussex Carol
arranged by David Willcocks
(b. 1919)
On Christmas night all Christians sing,
To hear the news the angels bring:
News of great joy, news of great mirth,
News of our merciful King’s birth.
When sin departs before his grace,
Then life and health come in its place;
Angels and men with joy may sing,
All for to see the new-born King.
Then why should men on earth be so sad,
Since our Redeemer made us glad,
When from our sin he set us free,
All for to gain our liberty?
All out of darkness we have light,
Which made the angels sing this night:
“Glory to God and peace to men,
Now and for evermore. Amen.”
Seventeenth Century Traditional English Carol
Nativity Carol
Words and Music by John Rutter
(b. 1945)
Born in a stable so bare,
Born so long ago;
Born ’neath light of star
He who loved us so.
Far away silent he lay,
Born today, your homage pay
For Christ is born for aye,
Born on Christmas Day.
Wise men from distant far land,
Shepherds from starry hills
Worship this babe so rare,
Hearts with his warmth he fills.
Cradled by mother so fair,
Tender her lullaby;
Over her son so dear
Angel hosts fill the sky.
Love in that stable was born
Into our hearts to flow;
Innocent dreaming babe,
Make me thy love to know.
I saw three ships
arranged by Simon Preston
(b. 1938)
And what was in those ships all three?
Our Saviour Christ and his lady.
Pray, whither sailed those ships all three?
O, they sailed into Bethlehem.
I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning.
And all the bells on earth shall ring,
And all the angels in heaven shall sing,
And all the souls on earth shall sing,
Then let us all rejoice amain!
Traditional English Carol
In the bleak midwinter
Harold Darke
In the bleak midwinter
Frosty wind made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow
Snow on snow,
In the bleak midwinter
Long ago.
Enough for him, whom cherubim
Worship night and day,
A breastful of milk
And a mangerful of hay:
Enough for him, whom angels
Fall down before,
The ox and ass and camel
Which adore.
Our God, heav'n cannot hold him
Nor earth sustain;
Heav'n and earth shall flee away
When he comes to reign:
In the bleak midwinter
A stable place sufficed.
The Lord God Almighty
Jesus Christ.
What can I give him
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb;
If I were a Wise Man
I would do my part;
Yet what I can I give him
Give my heart.
Christina Rossetti
Silent Night
(Christmas Eve)
arranged by John Scott
(b. 1956)
Silent night, holy night,
Son of God, love’s pure light
Radiant beams from thy holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.
Silent night, holy night,
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child.
Holy infant, so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Joseph Mohr
Said by all, kneeling.
and everliving God, we most heartily thank thee for that thou dost feed us, in these holy
mysteries, with the spiritual food of the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son our Savior Jesus
Christ; and dost assure us thereby of thy favor and goodness towards us; and that we are very members
incorporate in the mystical body of thy Son, the blessed company of all faithful people; and are also heirs,
through hope, of thy everlasting kingdom. And we humbly beseech thee, O heavenly Father, so to assist us
with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy fellowship, and do all such good works as thou hast
prepared for us to walk in; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all
honor and glory, world without end. Amen.
Let us go forth in the Name of Christ.
Thanks be to God.
2. Christ, by highest heaven adored;
Christ, the everlasting Lord;
Late in time behold him come,
Offspring of the Virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
Hail the incarnate Deity,
Pleased as man with man to dwell;
Jesus, our Emmanuel!
Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!
ARK! the
herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!
Joyful, all ye nations, rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
With the angelic host proclaim
Christ is born in Bethlehem!
Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!
3. Hail, the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail, the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
Risen with healing in his wings,
Mild he lays his glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!
Charles Wesley
VOLUNTARY (Christmas Eve)
i) Allegro
(Christmas Day)
Concerto in D
ii) Adagio-Presto-Adagio
Giuseppe Torelli
iii) Allegro
Toccata-Prelude on ‘Vom Himmel hoch’
Garth Edmundson
(c. 1895-1971)
Sunday, December 29, 2013
11 a.m.
Music of Pitoni and Byrd
Sung by The Gentlemen of The Choir
Sermon by Father Spurlock
The Reverend Andrew C. Mead, OBE, DD, Rector
The Reverend Victor Lee Austin, Ph.D., Theologian-in-residence
The Reverend Michael D. Spurlock, Curate
The Reverend Joel C. Daniels, Assisting Priest
The Reverend Canon John Andrew, OBE, DD, Rector Emeritus
John Scott, LVO, D. Mus., The Nancy B. and John B. Hoffmann Organist and Director of Music
Stephen Buzard, Assistant Organist
Benjamin Sheen, Assistant Organist
Roberta S. Brill, Verger
Andrew L. Kimsey, Verger
Edward J. Givins, Assistant Verger
Barbara W. Pettus, Director of Administration and Finance
Ann H. Kaplan, Director of Development
Douglas M. Robbe, Secretary to the Rector
One West Fifty-third Street
New York, New York 10019
Church Telephone 212.757.7013
[email protected]
202 West 58th Street
New York, New York 10019
A boarding school for choristers from grades 3 to 8
For information:
Choir School Telephone 212.247.3311
The Reverend Charles F. Wallace, Headmaster
Mr. William H. A. Wright II, Warden
Mr. Jesse D. Adelaar
Mrs. Amanda Goehring
Mr. Fred T. Isquith
Mr. B. Franklin Reinauer III
Mr. Karl C. Saunders
Mr. Kenneth F. Koen, Warden
Mr. David J. Barger
Mrs. Kazie Metzger Harvey, Treasurer
Mr. William R. Miller, CBE
Mrs. Inge Reist
Ms. Edith Morrill, Clerk
Please note that, in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, the Parish Offices will be closed on Thursday,
December 26, 2013, and Wednesday, January 1, 2014. There will be a single celebration of the Holy Eucharist at
12:10 p.m. on each of those days.
The Rector’s Christian Doctrine class begins Tuesday, January 14, at 6:30 p.m. … Drop a line to
[email protected] for regular updates on theology at Saint Thomas.
Given to the Greater Glory of God as Thank Offerings and
in Loving Memory of
Dr. Janis and Minna Abolins
Lote and Janis Abolins
Elmer Adams
John C. Adams
Katherine Adams
Sandie Adelman
Justin Albert
The Alesi Family
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Anderson
Ena Maud Friend Andrew
Thomas Barton Andrew
Carol Angell
Jessie Arthur
Charles W. Baas
Maria Baez
Modesta Baez
Oscar Baez, Sr.
Oscar Baez, Jr.
Jeannette Bailey
Priscilla Baker
Blair Fahnestock Baldwin
Michael Adam Baldwin
Teddy Balk
Whitney Balliett
Allison Banker
Raphael and Mavis Barnaby
Rose Barrett
Wilbur C. and Doris Barth
Janice Page Bath
Charles Henry Battle
Helen Green Battle
Perez Bayard
Beatrice Starr Beal
Danforth Beal
May Morgan Beal
Thomas Prince Beal
William DeFord Beal
Horace Beecher
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Been
Agnes Bender
Dorothy S. and Harry P. Benner
Harry Paul Benner, Jr.
Elijah Bennett
Sgt. Eugene Beslisle
Thomas M. Biallot and Loved Ones
Patricia Bicks
J. Truman Bidwell
Mary K. Bidwell
Katherine T. Bidwell
Craig Bigelow
Dorothy Bilger
Kenneth Bilger
William Chester Bilger
Henry J. Bingham III
Caroline Thorn Binney
Sir Herbert A. Birks
Gustav Bittrich
Daniel J. Black
Bridgitte Blöhdorn
Rhonda Blumberg
Ernst Blumenthal
Msgr.Myles M. Bourke
Raymond Robert Boyko
Henry Bradley
Elsie Brandon
Alain de Brosses
Ed Brown
James and Virginia Browne
Mary and John Browne
Neil and Eleanor Browne
Pearl Browne
Julia Brueckner
The Rev'd Herman Brueckner
Elizabeth S. Bryce
Agnes Buck
James Emerson Buck
Maureen Buck
General Thomas Buck
Rose Buonocore
The Buonocore Family
Allen Partridge Burr
Lorenzo Burrows
The Burtnieks Family
Florence E. Bushman
Samuel W. Bushman
Lillian and Frank Cain
Catherine B. Canda
Hugh Capella
Jane Capella
Natalina Capella
Dodie Captiva
James Christopher Caraley
Zack Carr III
Henry and Olivia Carter
Lela Carter
Anne Pardy Casey
Francis W. Casey, Sr.
Francis W. Casey, Jr.
Carol Canon Chapman
Colin Campbell Charles
Franklin Charles
Melvin Mower Charles
Minnie Mower Charles
Sylvia Ann Charles
The Rt. Rev’d Thomas John Clagett
Gordon H. Clem
Michael J. Close
Elizabeth Coggill
Cleveland Cole
Godfrey Pierson Connfelt
Mr. and Mrs Oscar G. Connfelt
Harrison Shull Cookus
Rhettabelle Kinnick Cookus
Harry Craft
Pierre Cros
Alva E. and Mary Lucy B. Crow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuomo
Audrey L. Daniel
Rev’d Robert J. Daniel
Winifred Davila
Sir Colin Davis
Robert Davis
Joseph De Paris
Pauline E. De Simone
Rudy Deetjin
Lloyd Demmitt
Rose and Bill Dempsey
Will and Nell Denham
Ruth Dennard
Travis Dennard
Anton A. Dering
George Desjardins
Dominic DiGiacco
The Dolly Family
Douglas Donald
Dame Daye D. Donovan
Edmund P. Donovan, OBE
Fenner Douglass
Gertruida van der Duin-Pruissers
Philip and Cornelia L. Drury
Brian Eastman
Norman Eddy
Carter Remington Eden
Charlton Granville Eden
Helen McClintock Eden
Germaine Lawrence Edghill
Isalene Mildred Edghill
James Edward Edghill
Richard Edward Edghill
Sylvia Edghill
Carmen C. Ekwey
Simeon C Ekwey
William F. Ekwey
Mavis L. Elcock
Oswald Elliott
Annabelle Browne Ellingson
Viola Ellison
John and Dorothy Evans
Carol Ketchum Evershed
Anne J. Exline
William B. Falconer, Jr.
George Henry Falter
John Phillip Falter
Margaret Dovey Falter
Gerard A. Fennessey
Angel L. Feyjoo II
Elaine K. Finklea
Ernest E. Finklea
Kit Richmond Finklea
Lela Norwood Finklea
Melanie J. Finklea
Tula Ellice Finklea (Cyd Charisse)
John J. Fisher III
Alice Fitsch
Desmond Fitzgerald,
29th Knight of Glin
Amy Mazzola Flynn
Matthew Foltz
Marion Condit Forrester
Olga and Osborne Forrester
Rachel Fowler
Lloyd Francis
Reynold and Ruth Francis
Turenna Francois
Eva Maud Friend
Clara S. Furr
Oliver E. Furr
Anthony Gaccione
Clarence Joseph Galligan
Florence Marie Galligan
Ana Garcia
Ellen and Martin Garvey
Mary and Thomas Garvey
Renato C. and Elvira R. Giallorenzi
Lucile Moore Gilliam
Fred Gloger
Elmer Louis Goehring
Marguerite Goehring
Serenity Goodine
Janet Goodrich
Alice James Grainger
Charles Stedman Grainger
Jean Cameron Grainger
Thomas Burbank Grainger
Doris Grant
Eileen Grant
Elsa Grant
Andrew N. Grass, Jr.
Henry D. Green
Holcombe T. and
Elizabeth S. Green
Gabrielle Rose Griffin
Theresa and Charles Griffin
Clifton and Winona Griffith
Mavis Griffith
Rae and Harry Gumaer
Dorothy Trent Haas
George F. Haas, Sr.
George F. Haas, Jr.
Hannah Morgan Haas
John Hughes Hall
Martha Parker Hall
Gerre Edward Hancock
Margaret Harding
Lucy Young Moore Harman
Oswald Harrison
Vernon Harrison
Daniel Harvey
Hamilton St. John Harvey
Marion Condit Harvey
Suzanne Falter Harvey
Ruth Hatch
Denise D. Haye
Alice Florine Hayne
Mary Hegarty
James Heineman
Luther Henderson
Max Henderson-Begg
Joseph Anthony Henehan
Ivy and Oscar Henriques
Kathleen Herrick
Kristen Herrick
Clark A. Heydon, D.D.S.
Daisy Henrietta Sundberg Hill
Donald Roland Hill
Lillian Willett Hill
Lockart Hines
Edward Hoffman
Evelyn Kroder Hoffman
Helen Lewis Holley
Edwin M. Hood
Samuel Milton Hopkins, Jr.
Helen Fahnestock Hubbard
Dr. James M. Hubbard, Sr.
Dr. James M. Hubbard, Jr.
Carl Augustus Hug
Louise Marshall Hug
Mayfield Humphrey-Gaskin
Clifford G. Hunter
Dorothy and John Hunter
Janet Ruth Hunter
Jeanne A. Hunter
Marjorie Wilson Hunter
Mary Knauer Hunter
Wayne Robert Hunter
Wilbur John Hunter
Margaret Crane Hurlbut
The Most Rev'd Mark J. Hurley
Margaret C. Ingersoll
Mrs. Charles E. Ingram
Ida May Ives
Irene Battle Jackson
Isabel Clark James
John Haughton James
Laird Chisholm James
William Clark James
Anne Andrew Jarman
John Johansen
Florence, Doris and J.N. Johnson
John and Edna Johnson
Lomer Johnson
Mervin H. Johnson
Pauline Johnson
Warren David Johnson
Helen Elizabeth Jones
Canon William A. Jones
Dorothy Ludowyk Joseph
Maj. Victor Leslie Percival Joseph
Colleen Joyce
Frances M. Kane
Jacqueline Kauma
Florence R. S. Kaye
Lois Kennedy
Elsie Louise Ernisse Ketchum
Katsuko Kuwahara Ketchum
Emma Beecher Kimber
Stanley Kimber
James P. Kineon
Will Kingsland
Charles Knittle
Floyd Koen, Sr.
Gertrude Martin Koen
Kyle Austin Koen
David Korobkin
Dabitza Kotay
Zarko Kotay
George and Mildred Laemmle
Myrtis Laemmle
The Rev'd Ronald Lafferty
The Rev'd Leslie J.A. Lang
Anneliese Lasko
Hans Georg Lasko
Helga Lasko
Henry Lasko
Lenore Latimer
David Henry Emmanuel Laumann
Kenneth Lawrence
Mary and Avon Lees
Isabel James Lehto
Kauno Armas Lehto
Mariana Leighton
Frieda and William Lemmon, Sr.
Veronica Helen Lengenfelder
Herman Lenz
Meta Lenz
Ella North Jordan Lester
Howard Lester
Birdie Levin
Hulbert M. and Olga M. Lewis
Laura H. Lewis
Ogden Northrop Lewis, Jr.
William H. Lewis
Joan Linsky
Warren James Livengood, Jr.
Frank Locz
Mary Locz
Bromley Wharton Lowe, Sr.
Dr. James Lynch
Miriam and Walter Lyon
Gladys L. and Brice Martin Mace, Jr.
Miles Mackereth
The Mahoney Family
Edward J. Malatesta, S.J.
Dorothy S. Margolin
Samuel T. Margolin
Clara Bobbitt Martin
John Thomas Martin
Roland Gray Martin
Thomas Titus Martin
Elizabeth Adorno Martinez
Frank and Lucy Mattis
William L. Mattis
Jeanne Weber Meyer McBrien
Joan McCarthy
Ethel G. McClendon
Patrick J. McDonough
Barbara Mace McGinniss
Mary McGloin
Alexander McIlvaine
Diana McIlvaine
Lloyd McKnight
Fielden McNeeley
Gene McNeeley
Hazel McNeeley
Madeline McNeeley
Marie G. Meacham
Sebastiano and Giuseppina Melillo
Albion E. Metcalf
Albion E. Metcalf II
Natalie Ives Metcalf
Dollie Warnack Metzger
Herbert Asher Metzger
John Joseph Metzger
John Joseph Metzger, Jr.
Katherine Spindler Metzger
Laurie Meyer
David Middleton
Phyllis A. Minto
David R. Moeschlin
George J. Moeschlin, Sr.
George J. Moeschlin, Jr.
Jean Moeschlin
Helen Hope Montgomery
Noele Antoneaux Moncure
Cullen Sullivan Moore
Lucille Carr Young Moore
Wickliffe Beckham Moore
William Ira Moore
Dr. William Ray Moore
Clare Fahnestock Moorhead
Charles E. Morgan
Morley Morgana, Jr.
The Rev'd Harry Morrison
Arthur H. Munkenbeck
Catherine and Peter Mylenki
Judith Beal Nedai
John Mills Neiswanger
Richard Nelson
Irene A. Nolan
Stanford and Everitt Norkhird
Edmond Joseph Nouri
Bonn O’Brian
Hikmet Ogunc
Agnes Oliver
Willet G. O'Meally
Ida Spear O'Neill
Kenneth G. and
Una M. O'Reilly
James D. Otton, Q.C.
Olive Anne Otton
Jacqueline Oundjian
Ethel F. Oxley
G. Leonard Oxley
Eileen M. Padgett
The Rev'd David Paget
Edna Palmer
Peggy Palmer
Glaister Pantry
The Most Rev'd James V.
Pardy, M.M., D.D.
The Rev’d Dr. Robert Ray Parks
Carol S. Patterson
Randolph Perez
Vivian Phillips
Wallace B. Phillips
John-Paul Picot
James M. Pidgeon
Ekkehard Piening
Helen D. Pierandri
Torquinio J. Pierandri
Godfrey Pierson
David Pizarro
Clayton Pluff
Samuel J. Pompili
Otto Preminger
Marcia Presky
Ruth H. Prenner
Charles and Evelyn K. Preston
Richard Randall Preston
Pieter Pruissers
The Raha Family
Emma Ramsay
Constance Feeley Reed
Henry Hope Reed
Irena Alexander Reed
Joseph Reed
Walter Webb Reed
Grace Anne Reihl
Benjamin Franklin Reinauer
Benjamin Franklin Reinauer II
Florence Shelby Reinauer
Patricia Scheelje Reinauer
David Edward Reppa
Margaret C. Reynolds
Marie Whitehead Riccardi
Nicholas Riccardi
Byron Rice
Carey B. Rice
Eva Rice
Hazel Rice
Leslie and Beryl Rice
Samuel and Susan Rice
Elisabeth Pope Sloan Riddle
Nathaniel Gould Robertson III
Beryl Robinson
Francis Robinson
Cristobal Rojas
Marcelina Rojas
Neville C. Romain
Nora Romain
Dianne Rosenberg
Timothy Rothermel
Barbara Rowe
Margaret Huggins Ruddock
Wendy Ruhm
Leona and Julian Russell
Madeline Russomano
Jacintha Saldanha
Floyd Smith Sanford, Jr.
Sarah Hitch Sanford
John Arthur Saunders
Kenneth Arthur Saunders
Virginia Ingersoll Saunders
Earley and Mayme Savage
June Sawhill
Louise Marguerite Scheelje
Marie Ariana Scheelje
William Diedrich Caspar Scheelje
William Stanley Scheelje
Leopold A. and Alice R. Schleifer
Michael George Schleifer
T. George Schleifer
Madge M. Schleifer-Wray
Dita Anne Schwartz
Prince Francis Schwarzenberg
Princess Amalie L. Schwarzenberg
Mary Seaman
Cleopatra Shah
Edward V. Shanley III
Patrick Shanley
Larry Sharpe
Tula Van Shaw
Sir George Shearing
Helen D. Sherman
Roger H. Sherman
Beatrice Cornell Shiverick
Lois Sholtis
Pauline Sholtis
Robert Joseph Sholtis
William Richard Sholtis
Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff
Dorothea Slapikas
Elvie Slinger
Brig. Gen. (Ret.)Frederick A. Smith
Jeanette Boone Smith
Matthew Justin Smith
Kitty Smith
Richard Smith
Sarah Saunders Smith
Rebecca Martin Steed
John and Dorothy Sterling
Richard and Amelia Stewart
Veronica Stewart
Walter Stewart
Sidney Homer Stires
Harriet and James Stith
Fiona Stone
William W. Stone
Henry and Augusta Stubing
Bridie Sullivan
Bud Sweet
Edie Sweet
Leona Avery Tabell
Toby Tate
Elsie W. Taussig
Sir John Tavener
Agnes Cynthia Thomas
Carlyle Thomas
David and Sylvia Thomas
Marvin and Doris Thomas
Robert McG. Thomas, Jr.
Ella Thompson
Frederick Thompson
Hugh H. Tidwell
Margaret Bowman Tilghman
Tench Francis Tilghman
Richard Tomlinson
Sofia Maria Torres y Caballero
Rose and Milton Trager
James W. Trent, Sr.
Naomi Pool Trent
Parsons Trotter
Eva W. Truslowe
Henry G. Truslowe
Paul Efthemios Tsongas
Henry and Ruth Turnbull
Blanche D. Updegraph
John M. Updegraph, Sr.
John M. Updegraph, Jr.
Mercy Urgino
Fernand Vanier
Stephen Vernon
Bonnie Vilk
Arturo Vivante
Clifton Walrond
Linda Ware
Thomas Van de Water
Alford Wayne
Margaret Weatherford
Frederick C. and Bertha A. Weber
Margaret K. Weins
Catherine and Chris Whelan
Christopher Whelan
Constance Harvey White
George Albert White
George James White
Graham Underwood White
Forrest Lee Whitley
Mozelle Cannon Whitley
Robert Dean Wickham
Walter Warren Wilds
Nell Marie Wiley
Bob Willcott
Josephine Willcott
Clarence Williams
Ethlin Williams
Ramsay and Hyacinth Williams
Wayne Williams
Elisabeth Dent Wilson
Erica Wilson
George A. Wilson
John Winslow
Roger Peter Wood
Julia Bush Yeomans
Angelina Young
Mary Margaret Young
Vivienne Young
Adela Cain Younger
William Lee Younger, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zeichner
Norman Zeichner
To the Greater Glory of God and in
Thanksgiving for our children:
James Norwood II and
Graham Stewart Finklea