Ahwahnee Conference_Building Livable Communities


Ahwahnee Conference_Building Livable Communities
Looking to the Future:
Sustaining Communities
Local Government Commission
Ahwahnee Conference 2012
March 17, 2012
Meea Kang
Domus Development, LLC
•  Mixed-use
•  Affordable
•  Integrated services
•  Fit into communities & neighborhoods
•  Infill
California Infill Builders Association
•  Non-profit trade group
•  Great projects and neighborhoods in existing
•  Make it easier, faster to design, fund & build
•  State and local levels
Lincoln Court BEFORE
“Neighbors claim Hillcrest
Motel is frequented by drug
dealers and prostitutes.”
Lincoln Court
Oakland, California
•  82 units of housing for
extremely-low & very-low
income seniors.
•  30% set aside for seniors
with disabilities.
•  Provision of onsite services
makes it a model for
supportive senior housing.
•  Infill development along
transit rich corridor, near
established neighborhood
offering grocery, shopping,
library, park etc).
Lincoln Court
Oakland, California
CEQA Class 32: Infill Exemption.
Received all entitlements and completed design review in 6 months.
City was not demanding and costly/time consuming mitigation measures were
not required.
Infrastructure was already in place.
Bold & assertive leadership offered clearer path for entitlements.
Lincoln Court
Oakland, California
Central courtyard for
resident activities
Lincoln Court
•  82 senior apartments
•  30% with disabilities
•  On-site senior center
•  Computer center
•  Life enrichment classes
•  Healthy lunch program
Lincoln Court AFTER
Neighborhood crime down
Spurred revitalization of entire
Dimond district
Siena Court
Pittsburg, California
Located in downtown Pittsburg, in the heart of historic Old Town
The City of Pittsburg wants to see the revitalization of Old Town and provision of affordable housing
options. City worked closely with developer and was supportive of developer & community needs
Opportunity for mixed-use senor housing and higher density
City redevelopment funds were leveraged with Infill Infrastructure Grant, 9% low income housing tax
credits & Wells Fargo mortgage
Local Support by several groups: FOCUS, ABAG, etc.
A Neighborhood Eyesore
Siena Court
110 units of high-quality affordable
senior housing (30%-60% AMI)
1 & 2 Bedroom Units
Green roof, landscaped courtyard, and
Centrally located on-site parking in
10,000 SF of neighborhood serving
3,800 SF of common space on ground
floor with senior services
Catalyst for Development  Market rate development occurring
next door
Siena Court
Completion Scheduled for Spring 2012
Garvey Court
El Monte, California
•  63 Senior Units
•  On-site health and wellness
•  First mixed-use building in city
•  Incredibly high demand
•  Catalyst for development
Garvey Court: BEFORE
Garvey Court
Completion Scheduled for Summer 2012
La Valentina Station & North
Sacramento, CA
•  Amenities ground floor retail and
social services space
•  Bike storage and a public plaza
•  LEED Gold Designed
•  Clean-up and redevelopment of
polluted site
•  The North site features solar
panels and net-zero energy
•  Affordable apartments ranging
from studios to 3-bdrms
La Valentina STATION
Designed by David Baker + Partners
Northwest Perspective
South Elevation
East (rear) Elevation
La Valentina NORTH
Designed by YHLA Architects
La Valentina North- A NET-ZERO
Building Under Construction, Completion Spring 2012
La Valentina Station- An Urban
Under Construction, Completion Schedule for Summer 2012
Kings Beach, California
Tahoe is renowned for water clarity & losing
clarity at a rate of 1 foot per year
Sensitive environment, governed by two
agencies; Placer County and Tahoe Regional
Planning Agency
Oldest urbanized area, established 1926
Rural community of about 4,000 residents
Highly regulated land use
Poor infrastructure and lack of Best Management
Practices (BMPs)
Kings Beach, CA: BEFORE
Most residents can’t afford
market rate homes
75% of households with 5
people, live in a 1-BR or
Housing old & dilapidated
80 miles to Reno and back
2009 Conditions
•  First new development in decades.
•  Redevelops 5 infill sites in existing town grid.
•  Demolished 32 units of substandard unsustainable dwellings
•  Creates 77 eco- friendly apartments; near jobs, transit, schools,
parks, grocery stores and restaurants
Chipmunk Site, Opening Summer 2012
Project Outcomes
Contributes to the long-term economic and environmental vitality of the region;
workforce can afford to live close to jobs; 325 on waitlist
Promotes a healthier
environment through:
  LEED buildings
  Storm water
  “Smart growth”
Builds on transit nodes
Redevelops existing
disturbed, blighted and
underutilized properties within exiting “grid” protecting surrounding land
Kings Beach, CA: AFTER
Housing. 77 affordable
Jobs. About 400 during
construction +
additional permanent
Energy. Units are 66%
more energy efficient
“Best Housing
Project in the
- Tahoe Regional
Planning Agency
If You Build It, They Will Come.
•  Infill is a powerful tool for greener,
healthier neighborhoods
•  Huge benefits to communities
•  Major obstacles to overcome
YOU can do it!
•  Incentives for developers
•  Streamlined entitlement process
•  Strong political leadership
Thank You!