April Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church


April Newsletter - Trinity Lutheran Church
4560 Glendale Avenue
Toledo, OH 43614
April, 2013
You are invited! We offer several choices of worship each week:
Join us for worship each Sunday at 8:00, 10:30 (Traditional) and
10:45 (Contemporary). Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes
begin at 9:15 a.m.
Wednesday evening worship is at 7:00 p.m.
This month join us for the Trinity Bible Institute’s presentation
“God’s Purpose for Man and Woman” by Prof. Jeffrey Pulse on
Sunday, April 21st from 2:00 – 4:00 in the Sanctuary.
MOVING? Please let us know your new address! Thank you.
The Mission of Trinity Lutheran is sharing Jesus Christ
through worship, education, and fellowship.
Website: www.trinitylutheran.org
Sunday Worship at 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. ..................................................... Holy Communion on First, Third and Fifth Sundays
Wednesday Worship at 7:00 p.m. ..................................................... Holy Communion on First, Third and Fifth Wednesdays
Contemporary Worship on Sundays at 10:45 a.m. .......................... Holy Communion on Second, Fourth and Fifth Sundays
Adult Bible Class and Sunday School at 9:15 a.m.
Office Phones: Church --- 419.385.2651 or School --- 419.385.2301
Dial-A-Devotion: 419.385.AMEN (2636)
FAX: 419.385.2636
April 2013
Offices Closed
6:30 Women’s Prayer
5:30 Acts II Bible Study
7:00 Worship
7:00 CRHP (LR)
9:00 Quilting
6:30 Brass Choir Practice
7:30 Adult Choir Practice
10:00 Greek Study
1:30 Prayer Shawl Meets
6:00 Elders Meet
6:30 Trustees Meet
7:30 Council Meets
6:30 Women’s Prayer
8:35 Chapel
9:45 John Part II Study
5:30 Acts Bible Study
7:00 Worship
7:00 CRHP (LR)
11:30 Friendship Circle
6:00 Grief Support Mtg.
6:30 Brass Choir Practice
6:30 Bell Choir Practice
7:30 Adult Choir Practice
8:00 Trustee Work Day
10:00 Pastors’ Greek Study
1:00 Friendship Circle
7:00 Concordia Plan Regional Meeting (LR)
6:30 Women’s Prayer
8:35 Chapel
9:45 John Study
5:30 Confirmation
5:30 Acts Bible Study
7:00 Worship
8:00 CRHP (LR)
11:30 Friendship Circle
6:30 Brass Choir Practice
6:30 Bell Choir Practice
7:00 VIP Class
7:30 Adult Choir Practice
8:00 Sammy’s
TLS Easter Break
7 Second Sunday of Easter
8 & 10:30 Traditional w/Comm.
8:45 Contemporary Rehearsal
9:15 Sunday School/Bible Class
10:45 Contemporary Worship
6:00—8:00 Trinity Basketball
7:00—10:00 Men’s CRHP Mtg.
9:00 Quilting
14 Third Sunday of Easter
8 & 10:30 Traditional Worship
8:45 Contemporary Rehearsal
9:15 Sunday School/Bible Study
10:45 Contemporary w/Comm.
7:00—10:00 Men’s CRHP Mtg.
9:00 Quilting
7:00 Young Adult
Bible Study
6:30 Dartball
Leadership Team in
2:00 Leadership Team in Illinois
10:00 Jr. High Youth at
Wolf Creek Service Day
Trinity Lutheran School Christian Book Fair
21 Fourth Sunday of Easter
8 & 10:30 Traditional w/Comm.
8:45 Contemporary Rehearsal
9:15 Sunday School/Bible Study
10:45 Contemporary Worship
2:00—4:00 Prof. Pulse Seminar
6:00—8:00 Trinity Basketball
7:00—10:00 Men’s CRHP Mtg.
28 Fifth Sunday of Easter
8 & 10:30 Traditional
8:45 Contemporary Rehearsal
9:15 Sunday School/Bible Study
10:45 Contemporary Worship
4:00 Market Day
10:00 Greek Study
6:00—8:00 Trinity Basketball
7:00—10:00 Men’s CRHP Mtg.
10:00 Greek Study
Noon Market Day Orders
6:30 Trustees Meet
7:00 High School Youth/
Pastor Voorman’s
7:00 High School Youth/
Pastor Voorman’s
6:30 Women’s Prayer
8:35 Chapel
9:45 John Part II Study
5:30 Acts Bible Study
7:00 Worship
8:00 CRHP (LR)
9:00 Quilting
6:30 Brass Choir Practice
6:30 Bell Choir Practice
7:00 VIP Class
7:30 Adult Choir Practice
7:00 High School Youth
Talent Show
8:00—Noon Staff Professional Development (LR)
Traditional Worship Services are Sundays at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m., and
7:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings; Contemporary Worship is at 10:45 in
the gym. Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays & Wednesdays in the traditional services and 2nd and 4th Sundays in the contemporary service. When there is a 5th Sunday in the month, we offer communion at all services.
April 2013
Trinity Lutheran Newsletter
Volume Issue 4
P a s t o r
A message from Pastor Carr
I S S U E :
Pastor Carr’s Message
Pastor Carr’s Notes
Pastor Voorman’s Message
Membership Matters
Upcoming Events
Financial Report
Treasurer’s Report
C a r r ’ s
M e s s a g e
The Easter Season Continues. . . .
Tutankhamen was the boy king who ruled as Pharaoh of Egypt from 1347 - 1339 B.C. His
tomb was discovered by Howard Carter, a British Archeologist who had been searching among
the hundreds of ancient tombs hoping to find one that had never been plundered. He and his
patron, Lord Carnavon, first peered into the tomb on the morning of April 22, 1922. Carter
looked through a small hole and exclaimed, “I see wonderful things.”
Upon entering the tomb, hundreds of ancient artifacts were found where they had lain undisturbed for thirty-three centuries. There were furnishings of gold and ivory. King Tut’s threefold
nest of coffins contained the now famous innermost coffin of solid gold.
Among the splendid treasures Carter noted on a table, by the door, was a small bunch of wild
flowers laid there by some loving admirer as a last minute tribute before the doors were sealed.
The dry desert air had preserved the humble gift. Across the years we can sense the anguish and
yearning in the spirit of some bereaved friend of his.
You don’t need a preacher to tell you that the world is a graveyard. But the good news of the
Gospel is that among the millions, yes billions of graves on this planet, one was found to be
empty. That tomb makes all the difference.
Throughout April as we continue in the Easter Season of the church year we certainly have
cause to take every opportunity to thank and praise our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, who left the
tomb and proclaimed his victory over death. Thus One and Only Son of God our Father, has
brought life and immortality to light for us.
We are living in a post-resurrection world. We have so many reasons to be thankful for our
Lord’s work in our midst. Do your part to tell others, “Join us for worship - we will see wonderful things!”
The leadership team, Pastors Carr, Voorman, and Kleimola along with Principal Landskroener
and Deaconess Hibbard will be traveling to Belvidere, Illinois on Sunday afternoon, April 14th.
We will be consulting with the leadership team of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School there
on Sunday and Monday. Rev. Allan Buss, Senior Pastor and 1st Vice President of the Northern
Illinois District of the LCMS will walk us through their strategy for helping their church become stronger in worship, education and fellowship. They have experienced growth and renewal in the past decade, and we believe that we can learn much from them and gain insight as
to how we can better serve the people of God here in Toledo. After we return we will use this
visitation as a catalyst for discussion with the entire church and school staff as to how we can
move the mission and ministry of Trinity faithfully forward. We will have this large staff development meeting on April 27th.
Please pray for your church and school staff as we seek the wisdom and guidance of the greater
May the Lord grant you continued Easter joy,
Your fellow servant, Pastor Carr.
Additional Notes from Pastor Carr ……..
I would like to personally commend and thank our own dear members: Dr. & Mrs. Charles & Debbie Fahncke and
Mr. & Mrs. Dan & Kendra Pinkelman. These four members, along with over 100 other prospective adoptive parents, traveled to Washington D.C. on the weekend of March 2nd & 3rd to be advocates before Congress on behalf of
Russian children who desire to be adopted.
What an amazing blessing to have such consecrated servants of Christ in our midst who would boldly speak out for
the needs of children before the most powerful politicians in the world. Please pray that their words of concern
and care expressed on behalf of orphaned children were heard and will be acted upon.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are hearing impaired, have been ably ministered to for over thirty years by
Rev. Shirrel Petzoldt. Good Shepherd congregation and various preaching points throughout Northwest Ohio have
been faithfully served. These mission points are subsidized by the Ohio District. Unfortunately their support for
2013 and beyond has been lessened by the District due to their financial limitations. Our school chapel offerings in
April are going to help sustain this vital ministry to our greater community. We will have a globe offering at all the
services on April 14th .
On April 24th in our chapel service Pastor Petzoldt will be leading our children in worship. You may wish to join us
that day at 8:35 a.m. in the Sanctuary for his presentation.
Last year you may recall our participation in the Kids Against Hunger event in our gym. We were blessed to
raise $14,000 to assemble 55,000 meals to be used to feed the hungry. This year, we are teaming up with several
other larger churches in the greater Toledo Area. “Feed My Starving Children” is a side-by-side organization with
Kids Against Hunger and our desire over a three day period, October 24-26, is to assemble 1 million meals. Trinity
is committing to raise $22,000 and supply 300 volunteers in order to pay for and prepare 100,000 meals. What a
joy and privilege for us to work with other Christians in the Million Meal Alliance to aid those in a time of great
need through the hands of mercy. Watch for more details in the coming months.
Jesus said: “35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger
and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you
came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or
thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39
And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you,
as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:35-40 (ESV)
A Message from Pastor Voorman…
Page 3
Alleluia, He is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
Moving into the month of April I believe we need to be cautious; cautious of our apathy, because we often leave Easter
in our rearview mirror. Far too often we allow the celebration to remain in the past and we fail to see the continuous
joy that this message brings to our life. In Scripture there were two disciples of Jesus who were in danger of leaving the
Easter joy behind them. In Luke chapter 24 you can read about these two disciples and their journey on the road to
Emmaus. This account holds great hope and joy for us as we continue to bask in the Easter message of that empty
Looking to God’s Word we find that these two followers of Christ are walking along, on that first Easter Sunday, and
talking about the events that have occurred. Sadly, they have missed the great news and they are stuck in the past. On
Palm Sunday these disciples thought Jesus was their Savior and was coming to crush the Romans for them. But instead He had died and they were left with shattered and crushed hopes.
How often do we too feel like these disciples? As we journey through life we so often get stuck in the past, looking
backwards. We so often have our hopes and dreams dashed. Just when we thought things were going to go one way,
they went the other. Life throws sudden twists and turns at us and they leave us reeling, questioning, doubting. So
what do you do when your hopes and dreams are shattered and left in ruins? Where do you turn? How do you cope?
For those two disciples on the road, Jesus came into their lives. As these men are walking along Jesus, “drew near and
went with them.” It’s a beautiful picture of what Christ does for us. We don’t go seeking Him out, but instead the resurrected Lord draws near and goes with us. As He traveled along with the confused disciples, Jesus opened up the
Scriptures to them and revealed that everything in God’s Word points to Him. The entire message is about this one,
this Savior, who died for the world and rose again. Though the disciples wanted a Savior from the Romans, they got
something so much greater. They got a Savior from sin and eternal death. They got a Savior who won a complete victory and then gave it to them! That is the Savior that you have, the Savior who has conquered sin, death and the devil
for you.
And…the story doesn’t end quite yet. When these disciples convince Jesus to remain with them, their eyes are finally
opened. Luke tells us that they don’t even see who Jesus is until He takes bread, blesses it, breaks it and gives it to
them. In this moment their eyes are opened, their Savior is present with them in this bread even though He disappears
from their eyes. Walking along our own roads in our confusion Christ comes along side us; and He also opens the
Scriptures to us, He also takes bread and gives it to us! Gathered together here at Trinity we are assured that the risen
Savior is present with us as we partake of that bread together. Even though our hopes and dreams may be dashed from
time to time, Christ comes along side us, into our lives and He assures us of His resurrection and His victory. This
month of April, don’t leave Easter behind. Come and share in the victory over death that Christ offers you! Come and
see your Savior in the Scriptures. Come and see Him present with us in the bread that He offers.
Alleluia, He is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
Peace in that Risen Savior,
Pastor Voorman
High School Bible Study is now beginning a study of the book of Revelation. Join us the Tuesdays of April
16th, 23rd and 30th from 7:00 til 9:00 at Pastor Voorman's house.
Young Adult Bible Study group will meet again this month of April. Join us Monday, April 8th from 7:00 til
9:00 in the Luther Room. For questions please call or email Pastor Voorman.
The following members have donated to
Trinity in memory of Kenneth Grau:
Philip & Lillian Keller Marie Keller
Don & Karen Notzka Dave & Shari Dierks
Barry & Grace Harris Irene Stickroth
Dan & Sandy Rathge Bonnie Kranz
Rev. John & Dorothy Landskroener
Myra Zaenger and Charline Kucera have
made donations to the Drager Scholarship
Fund in memory of Kenneth Grau.
The following members have made donations to the Debt Reduction Fund in memory of Kenneth Grau:
James & Joan Keeler
Bill Zahs
Helen Kieswetter
Bernice Gibson
Philip & Lillian Keller have donated to
Trinity in memory of
Edna Brandt
(mother of Pastor Charlie Brandt).
Trinity and our Music Minister, Mary Anne
Hibbard, would like to acknowledge the gift
of a keyboard which was graciously purchased for our music ministry in church
and school by Helen Kieswetter.
Betty Panning has made a donation to
the 2013 Youth Gathering in memory of
Edna Brandt (Pastor Brandt's
Dick & Leora Stainbrook donated to the
Debt Reduction Fund in memory of
Pastor Brandt’s mom, Edna; Ed King
(Anna Sugg’s son-in-law) and David
Gartz (Dwight Gartz’s son).
Kathryn Plock made a donation to
Trinity in memory of Beloved Husband; John who went to be with the
Lord on March 21, 1981 and Dear Father, Carl Wechsel who passed on
March 23, 1940.
Lea Grau has donated a Memorial to
the Music Fund in memory of husband, Ken Grau.
Coralynn Ackerman on March 3
Harper Null on March 17
Transfers to Trinity - LCMS
Rachel Estrada
Confirmation Class
James Estrada
Brian Ernst
Sarah Teems (Nathaniel & Logan)
Dustin Rediske
Kurt Fannin
Members Released
To other Lutheran—WELS
Randy Sroczynski to Resurrection Lutheran, Maumee, Ohio
Members Released—Moved
Reed & Molly Filipovich—living in Tennessee
Fritz, Doris and Sandy Schoenfelt have
made a donation to Debt Reduction in
memory of Catherine R. Schoenfelt.
We offer Adult Bible Classes
here at Trinity on both Sunday
mornings and Wednesday
morning and evenings. Join
Pastor Carr on Sunday mornings in the Luther Room as he
takes “A Longer Look at the
Lessons” beginning at 9:15
Pastor Carr will also be resuming his Acts Part II Bible Study
on April 3rd at 5:30 p.m. on
Pastor Voorman will soon
begin the John Part II study
on Wednesday mornings at
9:45 in the Luther Room.
Mr. Tim Kollmorgen
(Trinity’s 7th grade and science teacher) will soon begin
a new Bible Study based on
the Science of the Bible and
Evolution. Look for more
details concerning the study
in upcoming April News and
by Pastor Carr, and may also
be taken as a “refresher”
course for those members
wishing to study the basics
of what it is to be a
Vitally Informed Person
Beginning April 18th at 7:00
p.m. those who would like to
become members of Trinity
are invited to a new VIP
Class. The class will be led
If you have a friend or family
member who might be interested in joining us, please
invite them to attend.
Bring a Pastor to Work Day!
Have you ever felt like your pastors don't
know you? In a church as large as Trinity,
it is easy to feel lost and disconnected. Our
Pastors would love to get to know you better. One way they are hoping to tackle this
in the summer months is by visiting members at their jobs. If you are interested in
"hosting" one of the three pastors at your
job on any Monday from June to August,
please contact the church office or find
signup sheets at the Welcome Centers.
The pastors would love to know what you
do, where you do it, and who you do it
with for your job. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Pastor Klei-
mola at 419-385-2651 or via email
[email protected].
Trinity Bible Institute
Professor Jeffrey Pulse will conduct a
Biblical presentation “God’s Purpose
for Man and Woman” at Trinity on
April 21st from 2:00—4:00 p.m.
Please join us and bring a friend.
Professor Pulse is an Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia University.
Please see the insert included in this
Junior High Youth
On Saturday, April 20th, the Jr.
High Youth will travel to Wolf
Creek Lutheran Village to assist
them with projects.
April bulletin News and Notes will
contain more details so check them
“Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and
where I am, My servant also will be. My Father
will honor the one who serves Me”
Have you ever felt that life is so full of distractions
and that there are such pulls on your time that you have
lost your focus? As God’s stewards, our goal is to live our
lives for God’s purpose according to His grace given us by
the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament. Getting our
priorities straight and sticking to them is one of the most
difficult tasks we face.
It is challenging, but, with God’s help, it is possible
to keep God at the center of our busy lives and to keep
some of life’s diversions from consuming our time. We
need to recognize that much of life is meaningless when
compared to the times we spend in God’s Word, prayer
and worship. We may ask ourselves the question, “Does
the way I live my life reflect the importance of my
relationship with God?” We may also ask, “Does my
faith help focus my life or does my faith get lost in
the busyness and day-to-day routine?” Our goal is
to keep “the main thing the main thing,” which is to love,
serve, trust, and obey our heavenly Father.
February 28, 2013
School Income
Other Income
Net Income
or (Loss)
$ 185,983
$ 44,706
$ (1,019)
Funds Available: $ 59,405
Join us for fellowship as we work
on our prayer shawls for the sick,
elderly, and shut-ins. We were
happy to welcome Joyce Carter
and Marcia Schmeltzer last
month and invite YOU to join us
as well.
$ 88,633
$ 21,537
Capital Improvement Fund
as of 2/28/2013
Father, we thank You for the gift of life. Please grant us
Your wisdom so we can see the foolishness of our own
ways. Help us, Lord, to use our time wisely so that we
may glorify You. Guide us in Your path. Amen
Our next get-together is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9th from
1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in the Luther
Room (park on the east side of
the building).
February 28 Year-to-date
$ 69,482
$ 130,913
$ 39,481
$ 79,939
$ 18,477
$ 18,819
We thank all who are contributing to our Shawl Ministry. Keep
‘em coming as there is always a
need for more!
Questions? Call Helen Kieswetter (419-382-5926).
News from Mr. Landskroener, Principal
Tell me what you really think!
It has been a sobering week as I have begun to look at this year’s survey results. I want to thank you for
taking the time to help us as a school “grade ourselves” and see how we are doing. The one thing that is
clear from the survey and comments shared is that, as a school, we have a lot of work to do in
communicating who Trinity is and what we are doing. For some, there is a lack of knowledge regarding
the cost of tuition and that we have changed the scholarship program so that cost shouldn’t be a factor in
choosing Trinity for their child’s education. We need to educate people about sports and other programs
that our school offers and show that no school in the Toledo area is offering more than we do at Trinity.
People need to know how advanced our school is in technology and that we are preparing students in very
innovative ways. They need to know that our teachers have love in their hearts for their students. We need
to show how talented our students are and how they excel at many high schools in the area. We need to
communicate what we are doing to improve and make our school better. We need to let people know that
our school is full of sinners (principal, pastors, teachers, students, parents, parishioners, etc.) who sin daily,
who have been forgiven through Christ and this realization is what makes our school so different. People
need to know that Trinity is an incredible school with amazing teachers, supportive pastors, outstanding
parents, and a congregation that for over 138 years values what takes place in our school and financially
supports it. Two last items. You need to know that Trinity has a principal that is incredibly humbled to
serve, and thankful that God has called me here. Lastly, we need your help. We need your help to spread
the news about our amazing school and we you need you to ask us for information that you need from us to
be able to do this.
Music Festival Update
Our handbell and middle school choir competed at the Concordia Ann Arbor Music Festival on March 12th.
Our handbells received a rating of I which is the best score available and our choir received a II rating, only
one point away from a I. Next year we will take our band to the festival as well. Thank you to Mrs.
Hibbard and Miss Yang for the fantastic work they are doing with our students.
Science Update
Trinity had seven students participate in the District II Science Day at the University of Toledo on March
23. Look in next month’s newsletter to see if any qualified for the state competition in Columbus. The
seven participants included: Spencer Young, Kelly Rice, Madison Kuhn, Gabe Jaquay-Williams, Catherine
Dangler, Lily Young, and Luman Beard.
Congratulations Grace O’Neill
7th grade TLS student, Grace O’Neill, was selected to participate in the alto section for the Middle School
Honors Chorus on Saturday, May 4, on the campus of Bowling Green State University. Grace auditioned
after receiving information from our choir teacher Erika Yang.
Congratulations Alumni Bethany Kollmorgen
Bethany was chosen 2nd team honorable mention for girl’s basketball in the TAAC (Toledo Area Athletic
Conference). Bethany is a sophomore for the Toledo Christian Eagles, a TAAC championship team.
Athletic Committee Forming
We are forming an athletic committee to assist the Athletic Director and myself to continue and improve
the quality sports program Trinity has had for many years. If you are interested, or want more information,
please contact Mr. Landskroener.
Tuition change for all LCMS Parishioners
At their February meeting, the School Board approved member tuition rates for all families who are
members of an LCMS church. Those churches pastors have been notified and Mr. Landskroener will be
visiting their congregations to share this information with them.
“I can’t afford to attend Trinity”
Yes you can! Trinity has adopted an aggressive scholarship program to make sure no child is denied an
education at Trinity. Please know that if you receive a scholarship you are not taking money away from
someone else. We are using a confidential outside company to assess a family’s need. Many factors go
into the calculation, such as debt for school, healthcare, home and auto, etc. There are numerous funding
sources available to us and some will be unfunded. Please, please, please contact me for more information
and how we can work with you to have your student(s) attend Trinity.
School Choice coming to Trinity?
The school board and Mr. Landskroener are looking at Trinity becoming a School Choice school. The
main reason for this is House Bill 59. This Bill would provide up to $4250 for students entering
Kindergarten for the 2013-14 school year based on financial need and not where a child lives. So if you
live in Perrysburg, Sylvania, Springfield, etc. and earn less than 200% of the poverty rate ($47,000 for a
family of four) your child could attend Trinity for free starting with Kindergarten next year. The House
will be voting on this bill the week of April 15. Look for updates in weeks to come.
Enrollment update
Enrollment for next school year is very strong for next year. So far for grades 1-8 we have a re-enrollment
rate of 94%. We still have room in most classes. Just a reminder, we have expanded next year’s preschool
classes 3 full hours a day and increased our Kindergarten program an extra 45 minutes a day. We have
room for you and would love to partner with you in your child’s education. Remember that we also have
an Extended Care Program available from 6:30am to 6pm during the school year.
CSI Toledo coming to Trinity this summer!
Trinity Lutheran School presents CSI Toledo. Join us the week of June 24-28 for STEAM Camp, 2013.
One of our classrooms will become a crime scene. Grades 3-5 meet from 8am-noon. Students will analyze
fingerprints, soil samples, voiceprints, glass breakage patterns etc. Grades 6-8 will meet from 1-5pm and
extract DNA, attempt ink chromatography, conduct handwriting analysis and flame tests. Early bird cost is
$125. For more information and to register go online to www.cuw.edu/steam or contact Trinity at 419-3852301. Visit our website at trinityvikings.org.
Once you know about Trinity,
you will want your student at Trinity.
A message from the School Board President, Timothy J. Semro:
“No Line on the Horizon”
Imagine for a second that you are boarding a large ocean liner, moored to the shore. Walking to
the front of the boat you notice the vast expanse of water in front of you. Far off in the distance,
the water meets the sky, to form an imaginary line we call the horizon. The line is not really
there, but our minds create it because we cannot process the unlimited water and unlimited sky
in front of us. As you feel the boat begin to move in the water, you see the horizon and how it
does not get any closer. As time passes you feel as though you have not moved at all. It is only
when you turn and walk to the back of the ship that you realize the land is now miles and miles
away. It is the same with our lives. We always strive for our goals and ideals, our “horizons,”
but those goals and ideals always stay ahead of us, keeping pace with our current achievements.
Only if we take the time to occasionally “walk to the back of the boat” will we see the progress we
have made.
As a part of my duties as school board president at Trinity Lutheran, I sit on the budget and
salary review committees. Last November the congregation approved a six month budget,
meaning in May we will be having a congregation budget meeting again. A fiscal year budget
(July 2013 – June 2014) will track more closely with the cycle of expenses our church and school
face annually. By May we will know the enrollment for the upcoming year, and the teachers and
staff needed for the next year as well. Currently our school is fully staffed with over a dozen full
time and part time educators, as well as many staff persons. Our church, for the first time since
I have been a member, has three full time pastors and a full time music minister.
We are staffed for growth. One of our new additions was Principal James Landskroener. He is
eagerly working to add students to our student body. Our situation is exciting in that we could
add almost fifty students without adding additional called or contract workers. The process has
begun, working toward growth. We are improving our curriculum, our facilities, our faculty, our
marketing for new families, all with an eye for growth. Trinity has long held Christian
Education with the utmost importance, giving our children a strong base in faith, stability in
their lives, morals to live by and a love of Christ that they will maintain forever.
So let’s walk to the back of the boat for a moment. Over the last decade we, Trinity, built a
magnificent new addition to our campus with the gym, classrooms and offices, enhancing our
school and church, spending roughly two million dollars to do so. The debt incurred in this
massive building project was paid down in record time. We currently have no outside debt.
These achievements are commendable and we have great pride in them. What do we have to
show for it? Church attendance is among the highest it has ever been. Sunday School
attendance has remained steady for the first time in years. Offerings last year were higher than
any year in the history of Trinity. We have a beautiful campus that has been paid for in full.
The brick and mortar are nice, but they don’t save souls. The work we are doing to bring more
children to our school and parishioners to our church, I would argue, is more important than the
building of buildings. However, the ability of our congregation to pay down the debt is a good
lesson when looking to our future. The campus has been prepared. Let us now go out and fill
our school. Our ministry team is implementing a plan to bring more children to our school, and
parishioners to our church. But they need time to realize the benefits of their work.
In a few short weeks, the budget committee will present its plan to the church council. The
church council will then bring a budget to the voters. Many are concerned about budget deficits
caused by our situation, what I referred to as being ‘staffed for growth.’ The council will not ask
for a blank check with no plan or direction for the future. Instead, a budget, which will likely
include a deficit, will be proposed – along with a set of goals, specific measurable goals; goals
that can be reviewed and tracked in the future. Prayerfully consider where Trinity has been, and
where we, Trinity, can go in the future. Give our Pastors, Principal, Music Minister, and
Teachers time to implement the growth that Trinity prepared for over the last ten years.
Parenting and Technology – Part 4
Technology and Truth
Truth is becoming more and more relative around us.
Truth is something that is supposed to be timeless, real
and unchanging but in an age where information is
available to and from almost anyone ; we begin to rely
less on timeless truths and more on immediate feelings
and information.
This past week Ohio’s Senator Rob Portman
demonstrated the proximity of information and the
changing of “truth.” Up until recently Portman held the
conservative belief that what scripture says about
marriage is part of God’s timeless truths. He believed
(well at least voted along the lines) that God’s design for
creation remains the same from the beginning. He
believed that God created them to be male and female and that His design for intimate love within
families is to be between husband and wife. This belief fell to the wayside when a closer information
source, the beliefs of his son, replaced the timeless truths of scripture. Senator Portman’s son told his
father he was gay two years ago and this changed “truth” for Senator Portman.
The changing of beliefs and accepting of new truths while rejecting others is a popular thing to do
these days. We are warned that we can have our beliefs as long as they do not infringe upon, or
disagree with, the beliefs of others. More and more our “truths” are the ones that are most popularly
agreed upon or the most recently and loudest expressed. As Christians who hold the Bible to be the
inspired and inerrant word of God for all times, our timeless truths are threatened and looked at as
outdated and even hateful.
What does this have to do with parenting and technology? Good question. This past week Kati and I
were impressed and surprised to watch our oldest, Daneila (7) working on a research project for her
first grade class. She was Googling! This was an incredible wake up call. She is getting older and even
quicker than she is aging, information is becoming available. As parents we need to ensure our
children know what is true and unchanging.
As Jesus stood before Pilate during Holy Week, Pilate asked him the question “What is truth?” He
must’ve realized the answer was standing right in front of him. Pilate after asking this question and
receiving no answer other than what he saw in front of him acquitted Jesus of all the charges leveled
against Him. The one who stood before Pilate is the everlasting truth. But even Pilate’s momentary
understanding of the truth faded as the crowds continued to turn against Jesus. The immediacy of the
popular opinion outweighed the timelessness of the truth in front of him.
Saint Paul warns us in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 that the time is coming where sound teaching will not be
endured, but itching ears will find for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn
away from truths and wander into myths. Take the advice of Paul and be sober minded. Keep the
truth of God in your family by being connected to the timeless truth. Take some time to disconnect
from the constant stream of media we are connected to and connect your family to the One who never
Praying for you in your family. in the Love of Christ. Pastor Kleimola
Christian Spring Book Fair
When: April 14 – April 19
Where: Trinity School Library
Trinity is hosting a book fair through
LifeWay Christian Store.
Offering Bibles to Devotionals
Picture books to Teen Fiction
More details will be available in the weekly bulletins.
Any questions, please contact Amy Jaquay-Williams
[email protected]
How many Philistines did Samson kill with the
jawbone of a donkey?
(Look up Judges 15:15-16 for the answer)
Just one of the many questions that will be asked as
“Trinity’s Friendship Circle” plays
Thursday, April 11, 2013
11:30 – Lunch at Olive Garden
(corner of Glendale and Reynolds Rd)
1:15 – Luther Room for FUN and EXCITEMENT
As we learn of some interesting and “less known facts”
on “numbers” found in the Bible!
Bring a wrapped White Elephant gift for “prizes”!
Reservations: Carol Sherwin, 419-893-5229 by April 7
or email Grace at [email protected]
B.I.B.L.E. – Basic Information Before Leaving Earth
“THE HEART…of the giver makes the gift dear and precious” a quote from Dr. Martin Luther. This is
certainly true of those who faithfully and generously contribute their LWML Mite offerings. We thankfully acknowledge
offerings placed in the LWML Mite Box regularly to provide funds for missions that are not able to be funded through
individual congregations, the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or LCMS districts. The 2011-2013 biennium closed on
March 31, 2013 and a new national mission grant goal will be selected at the national LWML Convention, June 27-30,
2013 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As of this printing, it was too early to know whether the grant goal was met.
The theme of the convention in Pittsburgh, “QUENCHED! By the Water” is based on John 4:14. Those
attending the 35th Biennial Convention will hear inspiring speakers, participate in service activities and a Mission Walk,
experience the fellowship of leaguers from across the United States, witness the selection of the new mission grants and
elect new officers for the 2013-2015 biennium. Registration information is in the winter issue of The LUTHERAN
WOMAN’S QUARTERLY or you may register on-line at www.lwml.org/conventions. Several Toledo Zone leaguers will
be joining ladies from Illinois on a charter bus to the convention. There is still room and the price can not be beat! If
interested in attending the convention, please contact Grace Harris at 419-893-6763 for bus information.
available in the narthex or on the welcome center in the gym. Featured in this Quarterly are Bible studies, an interview
with Donna Pyle, who will be the Bible study leader at the Pittsburgh Convention and a writer of several LWML Bible
studies, and biographies of candidates for LWML national offices to be elected at the Pittsburgh Convention. Check this
out—you will see a familiar face among the candidates! Other inspiring and interesting articles are in this issue. The ODE
has information on LWML happenings in the Ohio District. Be sure to pick up your copy and see the articles and photos of
Trinity’s breakfast and the Toledo Zone Fall Rally. Contact Lillian at 419-893-2951 if you would like the ODE e-mailed to
you. The ODE is also available on-line at http://www.lutheransonline.com/lwmlohiodistrict.
The next MITE SUNDAY is April 21st. Please continue to fill your Mite Box with coins or quiet money. Checks
should be made payable to Trinity LWML. Your Mite gifts in March totaled $303.60. “Praise God from Whom all
Blessings Flow!”
Envelopes for your Mites and additional Mite Boxes are available near the Welcome Centers. Following is
information on one of the national LWML grants.
When missionaries are called to serve in a foreign field, their families also go to live in a new environment.
Missionary children, from the youngest to college age, need a quality education that prepares them for re-entry into the
American school system. These children are in a unique situation. They live in a “third culture”, a culture that combines
their family’s culture and the culture of the country in which they live. LCMS World Mission provides educational
resources that best fit each family’s situation. This could be an international school, where the environment is similar to an
American-style school. But, this is not always an option and LCMS World Mission also provides curriculum for home
schooling. Some long-term missionaries serve to teach the children where they live on the field and some children may go
to boarding schools either internationally or in the United States.
Missionary parents have taken a call to serve and have hope that the care and education of their school-aged
children will be provided and some former missionary children become future missionaries. This grant will help make the
experience for missionary children and families a positive one and support the future of the missionary’s children.
LWML TOLEDO ZONE SPRING RALLY will be held on Sunday, May 4, 2013 at Immanuel Lutheran Church,
Toledo, Ohio. The theme is “Reaching Out with the Word of God” (Romans 10:14-15). Our program speaker will be
the Rev. Otto Brillinger, Volunteer Mission Worker in Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and Spain. He will share his story of this
mission work accompanied with slides. Registration for the rally begins at 9:00 a.m. Opening devotions are at 9:30 a.m. A
light lunch will be served by the ladies of Immanuel following the meeting and program. A financial collection will be
taken to support Pastor Brillinger’s work with orphans in Kazakhstan. We will also have a Mite collection for the LWML’s
mission goal. Mark your calendar and plan to attend.
April Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! We recognize those members who are celebrating 50 years and over
anniversaries. If your name has inadvertently been left off our list, please call the church office. God Bless all our
Brian Scott
Peggy Packer
Patricia Wilhelm
Lyla Ballard
Lucas Laurel
Ann Linenkugel
John Quackenbush
Jeffrey Treadaway
11. Glennadine Reick
Kelly Rice
Rachel Riley
12. Lindsay Hubaker
Aubrey Shirley
13. Pat Eistetter
Hattie Shipley
15. Conrad Dent
Matthew Moenter
Paige Beck
Shannon Meadows
Florence Pilz
16. Jacob Anderson
William Bates
Sandy Snyder
Malcolm Stambaugh
Suzanne Blevins
Christin Brettel
Bethany Hausch
Seth Johnson
John Randolph
Nicholas Vincent
17. Holly Haas
Eric Quackenbush
Cassidy Tucker
Michelle Underwood
Kevin Martin
Carol Nielsen
Jennifer Schefft
Ann Sugg
Leslie Wilt
18. Laura Dery
Pat Dodge
Gabe Jaquay-Williams
Marianne Kazmaier
Andreanna McMillen
Tom Metzger
Garrett Petty
Rev. Timothy Carr
Chad Lowry
Stanley Roan
Brianna Taber
Garrett Krix
Stacey Morse
Brody Swinford
Madeline Tucker
Henry Winterstein
Jackson Dettinger
Joy Dougherty
Jackson Hallett
Kenna LaChapelle
Karl Schefft
Kevin Brubaker
Elisabeth Burchfield
10. Carla Cunningham
Hillary Lorton
Holly Lorton
19. Charlene Brisbin
Mike Falkenberg
Lillyann Garcia
Jennifer Groves
Patti Momany
20. Brian Riley
Steven Shipley
Rebekah Stainbrook
Lindsay Turner
21. Birdena Martin
Kim Strzyzykowski
Steven Young
24. Brian Cunningham
Ruth Klein
Arnold Rahm
Joni Schmidt
Asia Worthy
25. George Eistetter
Amy Packer
Jeff Rice
Angie Sawicki
Marilyn Shirley
Douglas Williams
Mark Williams
26. Katelyn Haas
Ruth Haynes
Andrew Lucier
Brenda Provenzale
John Stacy
Richard & Karen Hutt
Bill & Peggy McAfee
Barry & Grace Harris
Rose & Brian Letherby
10. Ron & Darla VonDeylen
11. Johan & Roselyn Wahren
12. Dick & Ellen Schave
13. Dave & Mary Lou Baertschi
(50 yrs.)
16. Gene & Jean Gable (52 yrs.)
Steve & Kris Stainbrook
17. Charles & Debra Fahncke
27. Elizabeth Landskroener
Christina Snyder
Dennis Stallbaum
18. Chad & Emily Eitniear
28. Patricia Burmester
Dustin Miller
Libby Snyder
Sarah Teems
Don Wilms
20. Keith & Kathy Diegel
Susan & Nickolas Stambaugh
29. Karen Francis
Albert Greene
Chris Jaquay-Williams
Dorothy Landskroener
Rachel Marter
Nancy Nuding
Jerry Sawicki III
23. Bob & Sue Baker
Eric & Michele Johnson
Duane & Katherine Poole
30. Troy Ames
Jennifer Carter
Danielle Hench
Donica Kline
Mary J. Morris
26. Paul & Janet DeJeu
James & Bette Schneider
(55 years)
Mike & Sarah Fairchild
Lynne & Lee Armstrong
Ryan & Kati Kleimola
22. Adam Crisp
Cathy Kunz
Johan Wahren
John & Lindsay Sawicki
Jim & Becky Wollenweber
Ernest & Alice Heller
(54 yrs.)
23. Hunter Hayes
Anna Miller
Steven & Hattie Shipley
Melissa & Michael
Joseph & Rebecca Hench
19. Jim & Joan Keeler (55 yrs.)
21. Henry & Susan Schaadt
John & Lin Wenberg
24. Joel & Kim Behrman
25. John & Gretchen Mikolajczak
27. Bob & Carol Norton
28. Sandra & Charles Reese
Joseph & Charlene Smolinski
29. Dave & Pat Dodge
30. Robert & Tina Broadway
Matt & Christy Moenter
Don & Trina Titkemeier
Worship Servants – April 2013
Communion Assistants
Wednesday Evening
4/3 Scott McDonald
Bob Norton
Derek Dierks
Dan Gibson
Scott McDonald
Dan Pinkelman
Charles Brisbin
Randy Huner
Gary Paulsen
4/24 Chris Jaquay-Williams
Kent Jackman
Chris Jaquay-Williams
Elder in Charge of Donuts
Randy Huner
4/10 Charles Brisbin
4/3 Laurie Britt
Kelly Rice, Keenan Marter
Nathan Ku, Griffin LaPlante
Kurt Fannin, Spencer Young
Sarah Ryan, Gabi Ryan
Alex Soper, Hailey Meiers
Clay Rondeau, Amelia Fairchild
4/10 Markus Fink
Madison Ladd, Grace O’Neill
Hanna Dettinger, Tyler Westhoven
Emily McDonald, Jaclynn Anderson
Bailey West, Alyssa Eubank
4/24 Hailey Meiers
Madison Behrman, Elisabeth Burchfield
Anthony Arzuaga, Victoria Wagner
5/1 Markus Fink
4/17 Dawson Cervetto
Usher Teams
Dave Judy, Captain
Chuck Bodi
Charles Brisbin
Dave Jernas
Dan Rathge
Ted Sitchanoff
Bob Hodak, Captain
Gary Miles
Mary Miles
Buck Liebich
Steve Wagner
Mack & Nancy Borders
Walter & Janet Veres
Roger & RuthAnn Schlade
Joe & Melissa Kisandi
10:45 Greeters
4/7 Henry & Sue Schaadt
4/14 Bonnie Kranz
4/21 Frank & Holly Dismuke
4/28 Mike & Dana Falkenberg
Doug & Sandy Ackerman
Ellie & Todd Miller
Bob & Carol Norton
Marv & Lois Schumm
John Cabacum, Captain
Garrett Rayfield
Donica Kline
Dan Pinkelman
Mike Falkenberg
Ray Marter
Welcome Center
Dorothy Landskroener
Melissa Kisandi
Leo Knox
Marylin Hodak
Jack & Kay Hoefflin
Marylin Hodak
Jack & Kay Hoefflin
Pray For Us Calendar
These Prayer requests were submitted by coworkers in the Lord’s mission.
Congregations and individuals are invited to copy these pages for newsletters or other
distribution. Download at www.lcms.org/prayforus or call 888-843-5267 to request a copy.
Russia — April 1-30 The LCMS has been involved in Russia for 18 years — almost since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Today, the LCMS is in altar and pulpit fellowship with two Russian church bodies.
Remember the Lord’s work in Russia as you pray:
with thanksgiving for the open
doors to the Gospel that the Lord
has provided in Russia — especially
since the fall of the Soviet Union in
1991. Pray that this broader religious
freedom continues for years to come.
2. with thanks to God for sustaining
7. for missionary Rev. Matthew
Heise, who supports partner church
bodies, leaders and new believers
throughout Eurasia through
providing theological education and
leadership training. Pray for Matt’s
safety as he travels throughout this
vast region, that he would not grow
weary, but would be encouraged in
his ministry.
His Church, despite persecution, through
the Soviet era in Russia. Pray for the
surviving Lutherans and their families
who have endured hardship for the
sake of the Gospel.
3. for the Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Ingria in Russia (ELCIR), which is
based heavily in western Russia and
includes 80 congregations.
4. with thanks for the 400 years
that God has faithfully accompanied
and protected the ELCIR. Pray that its
congregations and members will
continue to boldly proclaim God’s
love in Jesus Christ, and serve their
neighbors in His name.
5. with thanksgiving for missionaries
Rev. Jon and Julie Muhly, who served
in Russia and other former Soviet
republics, and have recently moved
to Poland. Pray for the Lord to richly
bless their work, as well as their
growing family, which includes two
sons and two twin daughters.
for missionaries Daniel and Amy
Johnson as they serve the Lord in
Eurasia. Daniel serves as the liaison
between the LCMS and her partner
churches, including catechetical and
pastoral resources and instruction.
8. for missionary Rev. Alan Ludwig,
who serves in Novosibirsk, Russia,
alongside the Siberian Evangelical
Lutheran Church (SELC). Alan teaches
at Lutheran Theological Seminary,
training pastors and other leaders for
service in the SELC.
9. for the ministry of the Theological
Institute of the ELCIR, which is located
in Koltushi, Russia, outside of St.
Petersburg, that God would bless
the work of the educators and staff
in teaching the faithful to properly
preach God’s Word and administer
the Sacraments.
10. for the students studying in
the Bachelor of Divinity program at
the ELCIR seminary. Give thanks to
God that they have answered His
call to serve as pastors, and ask Him
to bless them with perseverance
and retention of all that they learn
through the program.
11. for Dr. Alexander Prilutsky,
the rector of the seminary. May God
continue to grant him wisdom and
humility as he serves.
12. for Bishop Arri Kugappi, who
serves as president of the ELCIR. Ask
the Lord to grant him wisdom and
humility and to encourage Him
through His Word daily as he leads
this church body.
13. for Alexey and Lena, LCMS OIM
national staff, both of whom have
had serious health problems, that
they would be restored to full health.
14. for the outreach efforts of all ELCIR
congregations, including St. Michael’s
Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg. St.
Michael’s welcomes hundreds of
people through its doors on a weekly
basis, with ministries ranging from
Gospel-centered musical concerts, to
HIV/AIDS ministry, to regular seminars
for those interested in learning more
about God’s word.
Vsevolod Lytkin, Bishop of the Siberian
Evangelical Lutheran Church, baptizes an
infant in Novosibirsk, Russia.
Involvement ideas
• Support missionaries who serve the
people of Russia and the two LCMS
partner churches there, the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia
and the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran
Church. To search for their prayer cards
and online giving pages by name, visit
• Learn more about LCMS witness and
mercy work in Russia at www.lcms.org/
• Support a mission or mercy project in
Russia! Visit http://lcms.org/givenow to
search for opportunities.
Remember the Lord’s work in Russia as you pray:
15. with thanksgiving for the recent
pastors conference in celebration
of Bishop Kugappi’s 60th birthday
and his 17 years in ministry. Pray
that God’s Word would continually
strengthen the pastors of the ELCIR
who attended this conference.
16. that God would bless the
ministry of Hope Counseling Center
in St. Petersburg, Russia, which is
supported by the LCMS. Operated
by the ELCIR, Hope provides gracefilled light and hope to women and
families who are facing difficult
situations in a society plagued
by divorce, substance abuse and
unexpected pregnancies.
17. with thanksgiving that no one
was harmed in the Hope Halfway
House fire. Pray that the recovery
from this tragedy comes quickly so
the ministry to those released from
prison may continue.
21. that God would call more men
to study for the pastoral ministry at the
ELCIR seminary in Koltushi and the SELC
seminary in Novosibirsk, so that more
congregations may be served by a
trained pastor, and more churches
might be planted in areas where no
Lutheran congregation currently
22. that the Lord would continue to
provide expanded opportunities for
partnership in theological education
among the LCMS, the SELC and the
ELCIR, that more leaders can be
firmly rooted in Lutheran doctrine
and for the mutual enrichment and
encouragement of teachers and
23. with thanksgiving for the shortterm theological educators who have
served in various capacities over the
years at the seminaries in Koltushi
and Novosibirsk.
18. for the Siberian Evangelical
Lutheran Church (SELC), which is
based in central Russia and includes
16 congregations and missions
throughout the country.
his mission work on behalf of the ELCIR
in the Estonian border town of Narva
— may God’s Word work faith in the
hearts of those who hear the Gospel.
25. for the seven district presidents
of the ELCIR. Pray that God would give
them wisdom and guidance as they
serve their districts.
26. that God would guide, bless,
protect and strengthen the faith of the
newly-baptized and confirmed children
and adults in the SELC.
27. for the continued spread of the
Gospel among university students at
Novosibirsk State University, one of the
major centers of higher education in
28. for all Russian people who are
affected by depression, loneliness,
alcoholism, post-abortion syndrome
and more. Pray that those who do not
yet know Jesus Christ would come
to faith, and would find peace and
restoration in His forgiveness.
be courageous and loving in sharing
the Gospel with the growing Muslim
population in Russia. May the Word of
God be a stronghold for believers and
a witness to the lost.
other leaders of the SELC, as they guide
this church body and make decisions
about its direction and the training of
future pastors.
brought the Gospel to the Russian
people in Siberia through the SELC. This
church body is ethnically Russian and
Russian-speaking, made up almost
entirely of people who have no ethnic
Lutheran heritage.
24. for Rev. Oleg Sevastyanov and
29. that Lutheran believers would
19. for Bishop Vsevolod Lytkin and
20. with thanksgiving that God has
Missionary & Personnel Birthdays
30. that God would use the ELCIR
The Rev. Alan Ludwig traveled from
Novosibirsk, Russia to Odessa, Ukraine to
teach a three-week course on the Psalms at
Concordia Seminary, this February and
March. Pictured are seminary students
from the class.
and the SELC to reach more of Russia’s
ethnic minorities — many of whom are
growing quickly in number — with the
Gospel of Christ. Many of these people
groups are overlooked in ministry
than ethnic Russians.
Download missionary & other personnel
prayer cards from the LCMS website:
April 1 J ohn Cima, Asia
April 2 S arah Berta-Somogyi, Hungary
Michael Vogel, Taiwan
April 3 M
ichael Piescer, Japan
April 9 K
athryn Ziegler, Dominican Republic
April 10 S hauen Trump, Kenya
April 12 E
noch Petersen, Turkey
April 14 M
egan Kincaid, Hong Kong,
Joel Scheiwe, Hong Kong,
Rachel Sekki, Taiwan
April 18 R
obert Ferrin, Hong Kong
April 20 E
lliot Derricks, Macau
April 27 G
retchen Weesner, Shanghai
April 28 A
ndrew Jones, Germany,
Matthew Fick, Taiwan
April 29 S teve Wiesenauer, Asia,
Jennifer Rasch, Nigeria
Military chaplains with birthdays
in APRIL: Chaplain Thomas Waynick,
Pentagon; Chaplain William Yates, Hawaii;
Chaplain Douglas Ochner; Chaplain
Dennis Scheck, Fort Eustis, Va.