Europass Curriculum Vitae


Europass Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name & Surname
Date of birth
Carlo Semenza
via Giustiniani, 5, 35128, Padova, Italia
Office: +39 049 821 4360
Mobile: +39 340 3950526
+39 049 875 8988
[email protected]
Academic Positions
Occupation or position held
Name and address of
March 1 2008
Full Professor, PSICOBIOLOGIA E PSICOLOGIA FISIOLOGICA; SSD: M-PSI/02, Settore concorsuale: 11/E1
Università degli Studi di PADOVA; Dipartimento di NEUROSCIENZE: SNPSRR
Full Professor, PSICOBIOLOGIA E PSICOLOGIA FISIOLOGICA; SSD: M-PSI/02, University of Trieste,
Department of Psychology
Occupation or position held
Name and address of
Occupation or position held
Name and address of
March 1 1980/1995 (tenured 1986)
Associate Professor
Università degli Studi di PADOVA; Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale
Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Trieste, Italy
University of Trieste, Department of Psychology
Dates 1998-2000, 2003-2005.
Occupation or position held
Name and address of
Head of the Clinical Psychology School, Department of Psychology, University of Trieste
University of Trieste, Italy
Education and
Title of qualification awarded
Diploma in Psychiatry
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Title of qualification awarded
Title of qualification awarded
Università degli Studi di PADOVA
Degree in Medicine and Surgery
Università degli Studi di PADOVA
Research Fellow
Aphasia Research Unit, Veterans Administration Hospital, Boston
Title of qualification awarded
Title of qualification awarded
Title of qualification awarded
Scientific Publications
Peer–reviewed articles
in international scientific
over 300 papers, mostly on peer refereed, Current Contents quoted, international journals, e.g.: Nature, Brain,
Language and Cognitive Processes, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Neuropsychologia, Journal of Cognitive
Neurosciences, NeuroImage, PLoSOne, Neurocase, Cortex, Neuropsychology, Brain and Language, Brain and
Cognition, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Neuropsychoanalysis, Journal of Neurolinguistics,
Journal of Memory and Language, Memory and Cognition, Memory, Quarterly Journal of Experimental
Psychology, Neuroscience Letters, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, The
Mental Lexicon, Journal of Neurosurgery, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Neuropsychology, Perceptual and Motor Skills, Acta Psychologica, Perception, Frontiers in Aging
Neuroscience, Frontiers in Language Sciences, etc. and internationally published book chapters.
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Invited Talks &
Keynote Lectures in
Conferences &
-Presentations at International Meetings and Invited Talks :
over 150
at the International Neuropsychology Society, International Neuropsychology Symposium, Academy of Aphasia
(member of the nominating committee and of the program committee, 2007-2010 in the Board of Governors),
World Federation of Neurology, Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia European Workshop on Cognitive
Neuropsychology, TENNET, European Society for Cognitive Psychology, British Experimental Psychology
Society, International Congress of Psychology, European Brain and Behaviour Society, Euresco, Federation of
European Psychoanalytic Societies, International Neuropsychology Society, Societad Latino Americana de
Neuropsychologia, “Cognitif ” Marmaris Meeting, Science of Aphasia, etc.,
and, upon invitation, besides visited institutions,
Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University College of London, Stanford University,
Montreal Neurological Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Normal University of Beijing, Hopital de la Salpètriére
(Paris), Centre Paul Broca (Paris), CNRS Marseille, New York Psychoanalytic Institute, Boston Psychoanalytic
Institute, New York Academy of Medicine, Innsbruck University Neurology Klinik, New School University of New
York, Stony Brooks University (NY), City University of New York Graduate Center, Hunter College (New York),
University of Oregon (Portland), Good Samaritan Hospital (Portland), Martinez (Ca) VA Hospital, Copenhagen
Brain Rehabilitation Center, University of Lubliana, University of Nova Gorica, University of Granada, Birkbeck
College (London), University of Athens, Aristoteles University Thessaloniki, University of Texas S Antonio,
University of Arizona Tucson, Basque Center fon Cognition, Brain and Language S Sebastian, etc.
Prizes, Honours & Governor of the Academy of Aphasia 2007-2010
Funding International Grants:
-NATO Study Visit Grants : 1983 ( Boston VA, Univ Oregon, Univ Montreal ), NATO Twinning Grant , 1987,
1990, ( UCLondon, USC), 1994 ( UCLondon , USC Los Angeles)
-UE Grants for the Study of Mathematical Cognition 1991-1993 , 2000-2003, 2004 -2008.
Editorial Activity & in the Board of Editors of : Brain and Language, Mathematical Cognition, Journal of Neurolinguistics,
Reviewership Neuropsicologia Latina, Neuropsychoanalysis, The Mental Lexicon, Neuropsychologia, Cognitive
Neuropsychology, Frontiers in Language Sciences The Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society;
-reviewer also for : Nature, Brain, Annals of Neurology, Cortex, Memory, Language and Speech,
Aphasiology, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Journal of Memory and Language, Journal of Experimental Psychology,
Brain and Cognition, Neuropsychology, Applied Psycholinguistics, Behavioural Neurology, Neuropsychological
Rehabilitation, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Journal of Neuropsychology, Journal of
Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Laterality, etc.
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Conference Promotion and Organisation:
Organization of
meetings, workshops - Founder and organiser of the yearly European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone , Italy,
and conferences
In the scientific committee for the International Neuropsychological Society meetings at Vancouver, 1989;
Bergen, 1997.
In the nominating committee and in the program committee of the Academy of Aphasia, 1997-2002; member
of the Board of Governors, 2007-2010.
Organiser of the Trieste Meeting on Mathematical Cognition, 1994.
In the scientific committee of the Sixth International Congress for the Study of Child Language.
In the Faculty of the Linguistic Institute, Albuquerque, 1995.
Continuous Education Program of the International Neuropsychology Society : Invited Seminar on
Mathematical Cognition, Denver, 2000.
Director of the NUMBRA Summer School on Mathematical Cognition, Santorini, 2007.
Organizer of the First and Second Venice Summer School on Aphasia Rehabilitation, 2011, 2013.
Scientific affiliations
International Neuropsychology Society, International Neuropsychology Symposium, Academy of Aphasia
(member of the nominating committee and of the program committee, 2007-2010 in the Board of Governors),
World Federation of Neurology, Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia (founding member).
Personal skills and Driving Licence B
competences Basic compuer skills
Mother tongue
Other languages
English (excellent)
Spanish (basic)
French (basic)
Latin (from classic studies)
Ancient Greek (from classic studies)
In riferimento al decreto legislativo del 30/06/2003 n°196 sulla privacy, autorizzo l’utilizzo dei miei dati personali per esigenze di
selezione e comunicazione. Il sottoscritto è a conoscenza delle sanzioni previste dal codice penale e dalle leggi speciali nelle quali
potrebbe incorrere in caso di dichiarazioni mendaci, ai sensi e per gli effetti degli artt. 46 e 47 del D.P.R. n. 445/2000.
21 November 2014
Carlo Semenza
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