
A Cel ebr at ion of t he R esu r r ec t ion
S unday , M ay 20, 2012 - T he F east
of the
A scension
P r epa r ation
As you enter the sanctuary, please prepare your mind, heart, and spirit for
worship; quietly greet one another in the name of the Lord.
Silent Meditation In the name of Jesus Christ, HPPC opens wide her doors and offers
welcome to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are spiritually weak
and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle
and desire victory; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who
hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to whomsoever will come.
Voluntary Fantasy in C
William Goff
Toccata and Capriccio No. 2
Michael Helman
Choral Introit Come, Sing with Joy to God David Clark Isele
Come, sing with joy to God, Our Rock and Savior praise;
Come, enter in with shouts of joy, your voices raise.
O mighty God, You are the Lord, the God of gods by all adored.
A dor ation
Hymn O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
Tune: Ebenezer
Text: Samuel Trevor Francis
Prayer of Adoration
Anthem of Adoration The Journey
Louise Frier
C on fession
Call to Confession
Corporate Prayer of Confession
Gracious God, Who pours out freely the gift of Your Holy Spirit: we
confess before You and to each other that we have failed to recognize
this most precious gift. We have been satisfied with ordinary things,
suspicious of unfamiliar things, and blind to spiritual things.
Cleanse us, O God, with Your celestial fire. Burn away our pretense
and presumptuous self-sufficiency. Open us in faith to receive the
renewing touch of Your forgiving hand.
Silent Prayers of Personal Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Gloria Patri
              
Glo - ry be to the Fa-ther,
  
Ho - ly
and to
   
Son, and to the
            
Ghost; As it was in the be - gin- ning,
    
shall be,
  
world with -out end.
  
A - men,
is now, and ev - er
  
A - men.
C elebr ation
Sacrament of Baptism
Assisting Elder: (9:30) Dick Dzina and (11:00) Ted Munselle
9:30 Baptism
Veronica Christine Rogers November 10, 2011
Child of Amy and Chris Rogers
11:00 Baptism
Alexander Davis Yancey March 1, 2012
Child of Claire and Brandon Yancey
Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,
And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by the
Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into hell; the third day
He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on
the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come
to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy
catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the
resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
Hymn 304 Jesus Loves Me!
Tune: Jesus Loves Me
Text: Anna Bartlett Warner
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is
the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Choral Response
P ro cl a m ation
New Testament Reading Luke 18: 15-17
Pew Bible, page 1115
Sermon The Reverend Dr. Ronald W. Scates
Senior Pastor
Jesus vs W.C. Fields
R e spon se
Offering of God’s Tithes and Our Sacrificial Gifts
Anthem Prelude in B Major
Camille Saint-Saëns, Fred Gramann, arr
 
 
God, from Whom all
     
Him, all crea -tures here
 
Host; Praise
 
bless - ings
be - low; Praise
    
Fa - ther, Son, and Ho - ly
    
Him a - bove Ye Heav'n - ly
Prayer of Dedication
Hymn 429 Lord, You Give the Great Commission
Tune: Abbot’s Leigh
Text: Jeffrey W. Rowthorn
Choral Benediction Benediction on Grosser Gott, Wir Loben Dich From Katholiches Gesanbuch
And from morn to set of sun,
Through the church the song goes on.
Voluntary O Worship the King
Lloyd Larson, arr.
Depa rt to Serv e a s Chr ist ’s M inister s
Worship Leaders
Assisting Pastor:
Ministry of Music:
Beadle: The Reverend Dr. Cyprian K. Guchienda
Pastor of All Nations Ministry
Dr. Greg Hobbs, Director of Music
Mr. Michael L. Shake, Organist/Associate Director of Music
Mr. Christpher T. Nabors, Director, Elliott Handbell Ensemble
Ms. Marilyn Woodruff, Director, Highland Ringers
(9:30) Robert Stringer
(11:00) Preccia Davis
The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and are
placed by Jack Pew, Jr. in loving memory of his parents, Roberta and Jack
The beautiful flowers in the narthex are from the Saturday morning
wedding of Laura Smith and Charles Ward and are given in honor of their
Wor ship Not es
The Feast of the Ascension
The Feast of the Ascension, a commemoration of the bodily ascension of
Christ into heaven, is one of the twelve great feasts of the Christian year.
Ascension Day falls on the fortieth calendar day after Easter, a Thursday. In
many Western churches, however, it is celebrated on the following Sunday,
which is the seventh Sunday of Easter and the Sunday before Pentecost.
The Ascension is recorded in Mark, Luke and the Acts of the Apostles,
and is linked to Jesus’ promise that his disciples would be his witnesses “in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts
1:8). He also promised to send his Spirit to empower them for their mission,
a promise he fulfilled on Pentecost.
“They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly
two men dressed in white stood beside them. ‘Men of Galilee,’ they said,
‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been
taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen
him go into heaven.’”
- Acts 1:10,11
2011-2012 Children’s Volunteers
We would like to thank the following members whom have enriched the lives of all the
children on Sunday mornings.
Sue Abel
Ellen & Blake Anderson
Kathy & Mike Anderson
Stacey Becker
Julie Bell
Lucie & David Berberian
Cynthia Bowen
Stephanie Brogdon
Katie Brown
Anne Browne
Cheryl Cable
Jill & Michael Callahan
Amy Campbell
Collin Campbell
Alissa Christopher
Heather Clark
Meredith & Bobby Clark
Randy Colson
Karen Cook
Maryanne Cowdrey
David Crain
Jennifer Cross
Amy Davis
Brent Davis
Elizabeth Davis
Hannah Davis
Rylie Davis
Cissy Detcheva
Frances Dowd
Mew Duckett
Joanie & David Dunson
Ben & Melissa Eakes
Andrea Edwards
Kathleen & Chadd Elliott
Christie & Brooks Ellis
Mary Jane Fandrich
Marshall Feltus
Michaele Frederick
Tinker Frost
Juliet Gicheru
Julie Ginther
Carrie & Kyle Green
Joan & Chris Hale
Martana Hanson
Erin Hicks
Gil Horn
Elissa & Hank Huff
Lynn Jackson
Kimber & David Jensen
Catherine Kabiru
Jhozzanne Kamuyu
Jennifer & Ryan Keiser
Cayce & Greg Kemp
Anne Kingori
Sarah & Jun Kong
Marisa Knag
Nancy Labadie
Cynthia Landen
Katie & Blair Lang
Anne Lane
Carolyn Lane
Lee Sun Lee
Winnie & Andy Lee
Shannnan Leyrer
Michelle & Todd Linquist
Cindy & Patrick Lodewick
Lisa Lozelle
Lydia Maina
Jennifer &
Michael Makarski
Laurie Martin
Anne Massey
Liz Matuto
Robbie McClung
Anne McCurdy
Heather Mendoza
Susan Meyercord
Kelli & Ben Miller
Sharla Miller
Mark Mills
Alexia Milner
Carolyn & Stan Mitchell
John & Julila Monroe
Jennifer & Bob Morris
Heather Montgomery
Allison & Sean Moore
Lisa & Wayne Moore
Ted Munselle
Anne Muriuki
Teresa Murray
Lydia Muu
Judy Ngatia
Susan Nichol
Mary & Steve Nix
Mary Donna Noack
Mollye & Matthew Noack
Karen &
Derrick Novakowski
Charlotte Neuhoff
Pauline Neuhoff
Deanna Nussbaum
Julie Ann O’Connell
Cindy & Ed Orlandi
Barbara Orr
Emily Orr
Amy & Greg Osler
Laura & Scott Osler
Ashley Peebles
Byers Petty
Beth Phillips
Wendy Phillips
Andrea Pickett
Carmen Pou
Karen Pou
Becky Quigley
Misty Quinn
Madeline & Brian Robison
Kristina & Darren Roegner
Meredith Roever
Amy & Chris Rogers
Danielle Rood
Bob & Melissa Rountree
Melanie Rudebeck
Alicia Saddock
Heather Sall
Leigh & Storm Sands
Sandi & Lowell Sands
Loise Sane
Dee Saunders
Katie Sehnert
Audrey & John Schmit
Teresa Schneider
Fran Sessions
Ashley & Vance Shull
Melanie Schoenvogel
Rhonda Smith
Sammy Smith
Cindy Stager
Janie Stark
Jean Streepey
Lindsey Streepey
Denise Strueber
Amy Teter
Melissa & Joel Thornton
Wayne Thompson
Charity Thuku
Consolata Thuku
Bryan Tiggelaar
Aryica Tobin
Ellen Townsend
Adela & Ray Tsai
Nan Turner
Stacey Walker
Erin & Grant Walsh
Nancy Wanjiru
Mary Beth &
Eric Weatherford
Laura & Sean Weigler
Louisa Weigler
Mitzie Wheeler
Rhonda White
Lisa & Clint Wilkins
Christy Williams
Shelby Wismer
Dorothy Wood
Lisa Woodley
Tacey Wrightsman
W W W.HPPC.ORG - 214-526-7457 3821 University Blvd. Dallas, Tex as 75205
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