August 21, 2016 21 de Agosto 2016 - White Plains United Methodist


August 21, 2016 21 de Agosto 2016 - White Plains United Methodist
Culto de Alabanza y Adoración, 11:00am
Alabanza de Apertura
Worship Notes
Salmos 92:1-5
Oración de Bienvenida
Oración de Confesión
Saluda de la Congregación
Tiempo de Alabanza y Adoración
“Bueno Es Alabarte”
“Te Amo Mi Señor Se Acaban las Palabras”
Serie de Sermones: Del Pasado Hacia el Futuro
“El Gran Mandamiento”
Rev. Edith Salazar
Lectura: Mateo 22:34-40
Respondiendo al llamado de Dios
“Yo Tengo un Nuevo Amor”
Diezmos y Ofrendas
Por favor poner su nombre e información en los cuadernitos
blancos que están en sus bancas. Esto nos ayuda a tener un
registro sobre su participación en el servicio.
“Demos Gracias al Señor”
Oración de Envio
Grupos de Vida: Todos los miércoles a las 7:00pm
Reunión del Ministerio de Ujieres hoy después del Culto en la Capilla
Registración para Semillas de Amor para la comunidad a las 5:30pm:
23 de Agosto
Culto Unido a las 10:45am: 28 de agosto. ¡NO FALTES, TE
Primer Domingo del Mes Culto Familiar Bilingüe: 4 de septiembre
Comienza Semillas de Amor: 13 de septiembre a las 5:30pm
Retiro para Hombres: 23 y 24 de septiembre; con Inmanol e Ismael
Si alguien necesita un consejo o necesita oración,
al final del servicio una persona de Stephen Minister estará
disponible en la esquina izquierda de adelante de este lugar.
Flower Dedication
The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in honor of
our children and grandchildren by Bruce and Mable Howell.
 Prayer Concerns 
Anna Avery, Pat Basham, Roy Carawan, Steve Fulghum, Dylan Harrell,
Hortencia Herlinda, Bob Hinshaw, Becky Humphries, Pat Johnson,
Phyllis Lang, Lucy Lowry, Ernie and Jane Miller, Jim Morgan,
Gary Parker, Jim Payne, David and Lorraine Perkinson, Amy Pethick,
Roberta Sanford, Ginny Sapp, Harlen Van Sloten, Carl Sofley, Al Tahan,
Tracey Walden, Brandy Young, Elaine Zisek, and those serving in the
Armed Forces.
Remember– every time
you check in on Facebook
to White Plains a donation
is made to charity!
August 21, 2016
21 de Agosto 2016
White Plains
United Methodist Church
Iglesia Metodista Unida
White Plains
(919) 467-9394
[email protected]
Scripture Matthew 22:34-40
Traditional Worship, 8:20am
Welcome and Announcements
“They’ll Know We Are Christians”
*Call to Worship
NT #24
Paul Manz
UMH #154
Rev. Ray Warren
“Love The Lord”
“Lay Me Down”
TFWS #2008, Vs. 1 and 2
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass
against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For
Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
UMH #885
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true church, apostolic and
universal, whose holy faith let us now declare.
We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power, and love, whose
mercy is over all His works, and whose will is ever directed to His children’s
We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Son of man, the gift of the
Father’s unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our
deliverance from sin and death.
We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby
we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ, and find
strength and help in time of need.
We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as
set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom
of God may come upon the earth. Amen.
“Meditation on ‘How Firm A Foundation’”
Janet Linker
UMH #94
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here
below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise
Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
*Closing Hymn
“Faith of Our Fathers”
UMH #708
*Dismissal with Blessing
“God Be in My Head”
Anna Laura Page
From the Past to the Future:
“The Greatest Commandment”
Rev. Ray Warren
Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might
have an accurate record of your presence in worship.
Time of Prayer
“The Lord’s Prayer”
“Recession on ‘St. Catherine’”
Page Long
Children 3 years-2nd grade are invited to E9 for Children’s Church during the
Message and will re-enter the service after the Message.
*Congregation standing
Children ages 5 and under are welcome in the children’s wing
for nursery care at any time during the 8:20 service.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in
the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
Eternal God, open our minds as You speak to us through these words of
Scripture written long ago – words that are at the same time fresh and new
today. Open our hearts as we hear Your Word so that our lives may be
transformed through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
“10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)”
Chancel Choir
UMH #71
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Within Music
Matthew 22:34-40
The Offertory
Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might have an
accurate record of your presence in worship.
Time of Prayer
*Gloria Patri
Greeting and Introduction
“Let All Things Now Living”
*Passing of the Peace
*Affirmation of Faith, A Modern Affirmation
From the Past to the Future:
“The Greatest Commandment”
Hymn of Response
*Hymn of Praise
“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”
“Move (Keep Walkin’)”
Chancel Choir
God has called us to be the people of love.
God didn’t mean the romantic stuff of movies and novels.
Truly loving can sometimes be difficult.
Yet we are called to reach beyond the difficulty with compassion.
In all of this, God is with us, guiding and helping us.
Thanks be to God for His faithful presence. Amen.
Arr. Lloyd Larson
Contemporary Worship, 11:00am
Please silence your cell phone before
the service of worship begins.
Devices are available near the entrance of the
Sanctuary for those needing assistance with
hearing the service.
At the conclusion of worship, a Stephen Minister will be
available for counsel and/or prayer at the left front
corner of each worship space.
White Plains UMC
White Plains UMC
White Plains UMC
White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on
mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence
in worship this morning. Please join us for coffee any
Sunday during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian
Life Center.
White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on
mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence
this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday in the
back of the Christian Life Center.
White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on
mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence
this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday in the
back of the Christian Life Center.
If you have a need or just a question, please call the
church office, 919-467-9394, or [email protected]. You
can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm
Monday -Thursday.
If you have a need or just a question, please call the
church office, 919-467-9394, or [email protected]. You
can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm
Monday -Thursday.
Available for Children During Worship
Available for Children During Worship
Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all
worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour.
Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th
grade from 9:45 to 10:45am.
Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship
services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are
escorted by our staff from the worship service and are
brought back to their parents at the end of the service.
Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all
worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour.
Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th
grade from 9:45 to 10:45am.
Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship
services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are
escorted by our staff from the worship service and are
brought back to their parents at the end of the service.
Sunday Morning Schedule
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:20am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary
9:45am Sunday School Hour for all ages
11:00am Contemporary Worship Service, Christian
Life Center
Spanish Language Worship Service, Sanctuary
8:20am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary
9:45am Sunday School Hour for all ages
11:00am Contemporary Worship Service, Christian
Life Center
Spanish Language Worship Service, Sanctuary
Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any
questions you might have.
Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any
questions you might have.
If you have a need or just a question, please call the
church office, 919-467-9394, or [email protected]. You
can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm
Monday -Thursday.
Available for Children During Worship
Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all
worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour.
Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th
grade from 9:45 to 10:45am.
Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship
services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are
escorted by our staff from the worship service and are
brought back to their parents at the end of the service.
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:20am Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary
9:45am Sunday school for all ages
11:00am Contemporary worship service, Christian
Life Center
Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary
Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any
questions you might have.
Visit for more about WPUMC.
Save the Date….
Visit for more about WPUMC.
Save the Date….
Visit for more about WPUMC.
Save the Date….
Prayer vigil
August 26
Prayer vigil
August 26
Prayer vigil
August 26
Unified worship, Covenant Prayer Sunday
August 28
Unified worship, Covenant Prayer Sunday
August 28
Unified worship, Covenant Prayer Sunday
August 28
Potluck lunch & end-of-summer carnival
August 28
Potluck lunch & end-of-summer carnival
August 28
Potluck lunch & end-of-summer carnival
August 28
Labor Day—office closed
September 5
Labor Day—office closed
September 5
Labor Day—office closed
September 5
Seeds of Love orientation
September 6
Seeds of Love orientation
September 6
Seeds of Love orientation
September 6
UMM breakfast
September 10
UMM breakfast
September 10
UMM breakfast
September 10
Cub Scout den meeting
September 13
Cub Scout den meeting
September 13
Cub Scout den meeting
September 13
Ministry in Action - Announcements
August 21, 2016
Ministry in Action - Announcements
August 21, 2016
Ministry in Action - Announcements
August 21, 2016
Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network - TODAY-next Sunday. Evening
hosts, set-up and take-down help is welcomed. Go to for
more information.
Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network - TODAY-next Sunday. Evening
hosts, set-up and take-down help is welcomed. Go to for
more information.
Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network - TODAY-next Sunday. Evening
hosts, set-up and take-down help is welcomed. Go to for
more information.
Cub Scout Picnic - TODAY, 1-5pm, at Kildaire Farm Racquet and Swim Club.
All boys, 1st-5th grades, are invited to come learn more about Pack 120.
Cub Scout Picnic - TODAY, 1-5pm, at Kildaire Farm Racquet and Swim Club.
All boys, 1st-5th grades, are invited to come learn more about Pack 120.
Cub Scout Picnic - TODAY, 1-5pm, at Kildaire Farm Racquet and Swim Club.
All boys, 1st-5th grades, are invited to come learn more about Pack 120.
Rising Third Graders - please send names of any rising third graders
to [email protected]. We would like to include everyone in our Bible
presentation on August 28th!
Rising Third Graders - please send names of any rising third graders
to [email protected]. We would like to include everyone in our Bible
presentation on August 28th!
Rising Third Graders - please send names of any rising third graders
to [email protected]. We would like to include everyone in our Bible
presentation on August 28th!
Senior Trip to IMAX and Caffé Luna - Wednesday, August 24th, at
10:15am. Sign up online or by calling the church office. Cost is $7.00, not
including lunch.
Senior Trip to IMAX and Caffé Luna - Wednesday, August 24th, at
10:15am. Sign up online or by calling the church office. Cost is $7.00, not
including lunch.
Senior Trip to IMAX and Caffé Luna - Wednesday, August 24th, at
10:15am. Sign up online or by calling the church office. Cost is $7.00, not
including lunch.
Last Summer Book Club Meeting - Thursday, August 25th, at 7pm in the
Chapel. Join in the discussion of “When Spiritual but Not Religious Is Not
Enough: Seeing God in Surprising Places, Even the Church” by Lillian Daniel.
All are welcome!
Last Summer Book Club Meeting - Thursday, August 25th, at 7pm in the
Chapel. Join in the discussion of “When Spiritual but Not Religious Is Not
Enough: Seeing God in Surprising Places, Even the Church” by Lillian Daniel.
All are welcome!
Last Summer Book Club Meeting - Thursday, August 25th, at 7pm in the
Chapel. Join in the discussion of “When Spiritual but Not Religious Is Not
Enough: Seeing God in Surprising Places, Even the Church” by Lillian Daniel.
All are welcome!
Prayer Vigil - Friday, August 26th, 6-9pm in C200. The vigil is in
preparation for the Unified Covenant Prayer service on Sunday the 28th. All
youth and adults are invited to sign up online to attend.
Prayer Vigil - Friday, August 26th, 6-9pm in C200. The vigil is in
preparation for the Unified Covenant Prayer service on Sunday the 28th. All
youth and adults are invited to sign up online to attend.
Prayer Vigil - Friday, August 26th, 6-9pm in C200. The vigil is in
preparation for the Unified Covenant Prayer service on Sunday the 28th. All
youth and adults are invited to sign up online to attend.
Unified Covenant Prayer Service - Sunday, August 28th, 10:30am in the
Sanctuary. Our confirmands will become full members of the church, youth
and children will be promoted to the next level for Sunday school and
UMYF, and third graders will receive their own Bible.
Unified Covenant Prayer Service - Sunday, August 28th, 10:30am in the
Sanctuary. Our confirmands will become full members of the church, youth
and children will be promoted to the next level for Sunday school and
UMYF, and third graders will receive their own Bible.
Unified Covenant Prayer Service - Sunday, August 28th, 10:30am in the
Sanctuary. Our confirmands will become full members of the church, youth
and children will be promoted to the next level for Sunday school and
UMYF, and third graders will receive their own Bible.
Potluck Lunch and Carnival - After the unified service on August 28th,
there will be a potluck lunch and family fun including bouncy house, games,
and a dunking booth. Food may be dropped off in the CLC before the
10:30am service. No desserts, please, as ice cream sundaes are provided.
Potluck Lunch and Carnival - After the unified service on August 28th,
there will be a potluck lunch and family fun including bouncy house, games,
and a dunking booth. Food may be dropped off in the CLC before the
10:30am service. No desserts, please, as ice cream sundaes are provided.
Potluck Lunch and Carnival - After the unified service on August 28th,
there will be a potluck lunch and family fun including bouncy house, games,
and a dunking booth. Food may be dropped off in the CLC before the
10:30am service. No desserts, please, as ice cream sundaes are provided.
Prayer Partner Emails - Interested in receiving prayer requests from
congregation members and being able to pray for their needs? Sign up at
Prayer Partner Emails - Interested in receiving prayer requests from
congregation members and being able to pray for their needs? Sign up at
Prayer Partner Emails - Interested in receiving prayer requests from
congregation members and being able to pray for their needs? Sign up at
Committee Minutes - are available online at
Committee Minutes - are available online at
Committee Minutes - are available online at
Traditional Service Time Change - September 11th. The traditional
service will begin at 8:30am, starting on Kick-Off Sunday, 9/11.
Traditional Service Time Change - September 11th. The traditional
service will begin at 8:30am, starting on Kick-Off Sunday, 9/11.
Traditional Service Time Change - September 11th. The traditional
service will begin at 8:30am, starting on Kick-Off Sunday, 9/11.