Symphony of Gnosis


Symphony of Gnosis
Reason and
in Islam
Shafique N. Virani, “Symphony of Gnosis: A Self-Definition of the Ismaili Ginān Tradition,”
in Reason and Inspiration in Islam: Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought,
ed. Todd Lawson, London: I.B. Tauris, 2005: 503-521.
Essays in Honour of Hermann Landolt
Edited by
I.B.Tauris Publishers
in association with
The Institute of Jsmaili Studies
The Instlrute oflsmaili Srudie~
YUbtn.hed i• 2oos br nuru
6Saltm Rd.L:>ndon"'':I11U
a: eu uti
tr; Fifth AV!OJ(• Ntw York NT tOOtO
In U.'OCI.a10n wllillbt •uti.ule u(bmtti ~
41-4-1 cn..,.., c '"~ 'l nuk.., nnve~u
b lbt llnitrd SCaltO 01 Am<rlCl m4 II ClnaCa dlmituJ<d by
~ W..tin& Pt-c.». ll~ l'iflh Ave.."'\C. Ncv '!o:kt¥T tOOl.~
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W ¢u record fo1 thb book U avdabL: frcm ~c Briti$h libruJ
Alui <tl ncor.l lot 9 11 boot Is aniob., &an de Lb121Y of C.O.,rm
Th~ Iru:t:t•tt ofltma_ili Stud its wtj 4!Stablished :n 1977 with thf nl:;rrt nf pmnnr.
ing scho!arshlp and leornana en lllam, tn lh< h15tcrac:>l as wdl "' conttmporary
context~ and a bcctcr • of r-.s rclati\JaS:.:lip with other 1uc.ictlca: am!
The ln.dlldi~ pmg:r.amm~ ~nu r:~z.e a p!!Bf.ed·w wt.ich it ntll cttnf'itu~d In
the lh<Oioslcaland re~a,aow ben!a!( d ls!Jm, but...,.. to <X?~ ore !be re:au~n;tap
of rc::ipous .do::.u :o t.-o.dct dLrnc.uion• of K!Ciety aad 01kur~ The prostMn~lle$
thcs ucoa.Ofe u interdi.eiplin:~.ry :1ppro:ld. to the m31erlah of hi.s:l.ory
and thought Particular al1t.nlil'm it also giv~n t.'l i!U'~ ({ mndemir1 th1t a riM"""'
Musllms seek to relue lhelr herlla&e U) the contempcnry muatlOo.
Within the hl.mJc tr-•dttion. the Institute'• progruumC$ promote rocaJ ~b on
thost UttiiS which ht~~vr. to date. rtcti.ved n-hwtively little attention f:om JC.hola."t.
These tnc.~de the antellcctual and literary expressions of Shrism in general, and
b lll<tilism in poutlcuh.r.
lr. tht context o( h1omlc sod dies, the Institute'.$ programar.c3 art inJormcd by
tht full range .tnd di~rsity of culhlr~s in which bh.m is pncthed today, (rom tlu
Middlt East. South and Centrtii\Sia, llld Africa to tile industrialised socidi<S ol
the Wc~t. thw lnto CQI'I3idcntioo tht: 'l'atitty of oont-t.ab "'lLh.l• ;)l1~c tlac
idtak. btl:oli and p<O<tic.o d the f.>it.h.
Tb(Sf 00: ediws a.rt relhstd rh rough. concrttt progr.unm.s tnd u:ti rilif!t orp.
bed and tn,kmmtcd br '-arlous dtpmotn'!S of tbc lrutl\!1t. Tbe atso
colibon..tes ptriocbcUly. on a provz.mmc· sp¢& 'J.i$6. with (l(b« a»1JIYI;oll.)vl
l>wnins u. lht Uohd lCinJdo..,. .,..; ob:oad.
'lbt lnsbtute"s academic pu.blicatinns ftll :tto a nember ot interrtht~d
Shafique N. Virani, “Symphony of Gnosis: A Self-Definition of the Ismaili Ginān Tradition,” in Reason and Inspiration in
Islam: Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought, ed. Todd Lawson, London: I.B. Tauris, 2005: 503-521.
Sl. ltadtlc.:. 'SuCin"' in th,. 18ll'l Cmtn1: r
St. R.. ; O'f.tvy.-, 1.1. Amitlr. UZ'ntrJ.rt flj -\'r'.a 1: Jht Wrillr.g; ~~.!::.S~trri ~u:ttnJC J./ntA
t1 ,.~
J94C (1.~l:il1'1, 1P"4). PP, ~t-<)L
Sym pluJny of Gno~is:
A Self-Defi nition of the Ismaili Ginan Tradition
1•- lldtk!-, ' 1\1- bflltt¥,.,1(, rP J S l
T• h ..npiJ-c h ("'.,..,...~ l1mri>dlt ift'!tt.W ::cu f[
n h:a.,pt.!:t 'du)tftrcud 1.1-stni.lSf.s a..'1:Ylt!et to Cynnaia.. ~abo\~ n.
t'f Al)~d rm-k\ Jnl'dlon. .~amnK \. '1\1.1 ai·I'Crc51, :n '.\sit
n. DC$ MIIWk.i'tn (Muntch, lO~l), u voh.~ \'IOL .S. pp. u]9- nl0.
71 to.at1t)Q, 'Vt~n 1r1n:
75· O' Fahty and R:adtkt. 'N~m KectMI.SIC.e:rai'. pp. &t tr.
~1M ~
SJoafulut' N .
' ' · ~h.\mll' £1
r:. Set abo'te n. \,
711. Sec M. Chcd:<lctt~kt, 11ft SpfrflllDl W'rU1'1JSo{AMt" 'Abd C4t-/CuJu. 1.1, J.Cl•nlc.uc '•
~annint tt al. (Aihny, f\"Y, 1995)1 Jntrodocthm, pp. 1~6.
70, Sec tbo'lt n. 11.
:Jo. Popo\1c 1n:l Ve.lnstdn, tv m!e. Jjt_Jfulz, pp ~7" .rr.
S1. Jl,n aamplc \-l the W~hhllJI '!llitw.l.~ tuw osl'd~Stdlsm h vj·fiJtyUkutrNc:d In d\c dJ IFUlc
(onu:ul;uru) whh••h h1<1k )JI~t~.:~t l.n l&J.& ~~n .~JrUd b. ldrb and W•.hMbl thcolosiau
itt $aly1 ('Aol. ) . .ce R1dtkc, O'l\4!o:, Viker a..,_d O'T..bcy, Tf.e Ex!'lttflt Ab111~fl lh IJr111 rp. ,.., rr.
.J2. M. vu dtn Dot..MJIIfCJJJ P.qima; 4nitl-~~ate i11lrt'11:,.,. tllel.Ate~• 6n:t
t(l !he IJl.,it JqndJI: (Lckk., aoea).
-'l· Ra.:lfk.:., ' Zwbc:..'Kn Tndhktnalkmus u.a«! lo!~•t! r1' •S6 (,
.J._ ~.n OUII..; ~ fJihew Q+t •• p~ in su.:b an unckrt. . . . lt crtidl:td
b 8 bck}:• A•t.,.m.,_,.., ;:r..m•dtt A~&. :tdwttluttu. /.IWt.rdm: tltntmJd•
w.lfrthpJt, g,,.~ ~ttg.;-ur~tw(V~"* .coo}.
The True Guide proclal_IN:
Upon a.rrM11 take my a;ctt "llhi.c lite be.-1\.w.xlc
And aD if'ltDfV•IVO d;.alribt:rs ftlOIJ.Id 'fl.b d.JVIDe ri:USIC.
,.,. dub,.s o( ,. t~< " dsopelled by lh< vtPl
As d:~Sytnrh&r)'':!IT.nMic fwogiM . 1
Th:s fucimtins Yfne U fou.nd tr.. • meclira So\:.tb As-i:u bmtii myttl<aJ la:U. Tt.t
sta..'lza i.J puti.:111Arlr rcvulin5 bec:MU< the term t::r-...sbtcd h:tc..., ~~ Jin.ln-, t.n
• uu~ f,pt_)il'nltlyu.n.kf,&~ to the lsmaill$. rder1al,oto;~~ corp;» ofaotcric lftcnrun
n:'Yt' lhcu! Hcm.c. .u tl1r (uu.Wi~. llae SyuJI)ltun) u( Guu:s:D dt:pil..IN l11 lhb
vtrst ts norh.lnc 01her than a s;nnphony of their !a-:red llterarure. the etnans.
Acwrding to the lsma.JU tt.xu. the prefatory overture of this sym,hor1y' com·
at :1 time- befOrt th~ C:a.w n of crtatbn. A ftfieenth.-eentury 'NOtk te:l, U.l
that ia the ;,byim•l d~rkr'l~u of pre-eternity (dh:JnJJ!ukJr), whfn the mis-ty &tari
thot compoat the galcucc..'5 hod not y.:t form ed, the InrornprchcnaiJJo One wu
rapt in OO:tlc.mplalion. Ref.:.rc the cur-.ains cfthc <c»rn~s were, he
rc:.oyc.s.Jed ht.s gn~it (umar gin~N} to the True G'.lide. A cd c:-6ti•l (:-QI'I(Cf'lthu.~
unfoldro In ..-hlch the Tlue Gillde bewm the conductor ofa Syrnphcny of Gno;ls
a.11d comn:enctd hit convoc&tiOO to the Path o: Truth (sar¥:1V1th). summonia, d l
Muh !t\salvauon through thi n.:
1 hP t'wolirt ifll a rN'· MI"r,al f'S'tUrr I'Tr gnnstic: wi~r.m in 1hl" '['IM~(:li'n nt t'h~"• fll1l".ny {t~ltl tr1.1M1tl h u been a. d:.ncte.rirtic f~o:Shri ld2.m Jin:~t
itsearl~td.ays.•lhe IJntaili branch of9l~is.n. in p."'ticul.a r, was wd bcnrn for :b
p..-o~yti.sin~ •cthitics (J~'.-.) ..-.d.c.d lo rec:~ :lc: inhc:rittd knowiedgc {'J,.,)
dh.s lin~ !){ tr•diUun mciol.ains that ftull at last lhe lltac u( th e
,lH.UIQUl: N'. VTU.Nl
ITM U IOt:Y O'F C::NOS:lS empin ift Egypt.' the lsmo.ili rm~~ iUpa.tcbcd their proponc:na. tht J4f ~"i:J,
to th• indllWl lllkon.tintnl fCl r the ftOPQS"tian and ex:postian o( the ~ tp.nllt, the
ll:u.t in thh )\ab:, l!1c u ~~ w:bo~ll KJU!s ~ $uprcmC" ;.cin'
IUtld:cd ln dr.J11J u 1 lhc woa1b and pled~t.g a uncd. c:o-.-cnmt to tlw: True Cuidc:.
dte soul c.nlt'.ll) 11" vllpi..aJ \<\OIId Here. it be-corn::! bcwildc.n:d br iU «1Ua.."''rin'
~urroun4.1ap awl fills ID10 a profo\lnd .:itumber- uf ignoruu:.
tcmpc..tioe:J d
t:a.nbly abtmtc matt- R forxn It$ lo(t) mlo..n. its c,;v\~lUl wnl ll1c ~~-~~•• w;.ll
wkltb it waJ cnduwt:d. Huwc:..-u, rrvm iU dt'C"!Ol tCCQ'S($ is a:bdal OlWi(
thJI C"llliDIIa iruDilhc: Groat Gnusl..i.... nn~ cn..b.&ullug mdody within i~ uou.x•
i dt:t.V nu;sli&l,c.ll r..,, ill lui! oa iK,trl a11d thC' soul seck!. out the TN~ Gu~dc. Jn tic
kJUowin~ •nvvt:uJt:lll. ll!e 4.Atul>4Ntt:, the SOil) encountt.n tl:.c Pcrf«t C•idc., the
sup: eme embcxllmttll of 1hc Great Gr-.ulic. Ha: U:-:ttlllnlls the ~oul1$ "l»olutt aJld
oncon.dttlonal subrniJslun 11rxl dcvutivu. This yr:cvokts rebelUon io the dc!ud~d
sou:, whtcb has nuw iU.'tl.uln:d a ~~~s~ o f t'K\1. O tdy Y~hen thh C:@O .subm.u to the
Guide can the soul unc:c: at(&in b: ICI.l by ~ir1lt!1. ':'Lc: AActtv btitl~) d1: .i)'rnphotrr
to a crescendo as the soul c!bcu·ren in t.l1C' g,inins a hidd<OtHeanl.n~ and clcrnal
hf!. The ~:tnans cltlll tu wnta:ill imrn~oiSurctblr c.kvtlr» ut" ~<•a;. kr\o..,led~c..
Path ofTrulh. Th«e d.l~• <.,..Ptto saomon b·=uldn4 :o • rc.:og>ition ol'thc
'firlhul up"'IIU<J'ol' the 1\oopheo's furuly. •cti.;ty <OOtinucd ~he.o the I'IU<J
.>ro.n<h (!(tbc~~c! IOdtcfortof Alamu.t in •os-1.-.dwu mainlMI'.cdeYal
alta- d1e !Aonsol oatlaught ~~d " ut this bma:.ili. Jta\c in u,6. Amoas the: dJ'rJ
dispatched w~:re c.veral figures wbo;c name' appcuin. the traditiond lb t o(t lra. or
ct.i~:( ~prtt>enW.ti.-es; o(
the Imams. iney were K"Cond cmly to the Imam in
lhe lmtolli hierorc:hy-. The IsmatHs tttributc to ccrtaio of t:u'e plra, alon.s wil b a fe-w
ofth~it famtly me010t" u.d dcKcndants. works that are: ~tri ed 'gin l l\6'~ Tllb tiOI vus
ofc,ctcric Jitcntur<, written in both prD$tand poetry. numben wmc 11000 cxHaH
oornpooition:1. The glnAM ron$C i n length from three .,.enet to litc: r4U~ hufld&"<d<:~
of pngcs cmd deol with o wide array c.f subj¢c:t,s including dJvinc loYC. <osn'lOtolff,
O'leditotion, ntu&l p :oetic~ c~ hatolon e.nd ~cbavio!Jt.6
WhUt to..rUer u holors ha·rc nctc-d Lu dual si,&t~ific.anec: ofthe term sin1n 1mong
[$mallh tU rcf'crringboch to their s;~c.rcd literature u wclJ ~to gn0$..S, t (()UIJ.II t'hensive ttudy of the purpcrt and usc of this cr~ioa the gini.l:l :ndjtioo itK!f
h¥ y.t t9 ~ corritd out.l: ia thi.s void tl:et :be ptesc:nt a."tide bope-4 to nu
for th• rno•t ~n the gin.!n& wiD be- an~ to tell tbd: o ""n t&Jt., cil\cr b
direct tnnsblior: ori.n. p~.nphruec ofS!I!C'Ud pQr$$Q§cs. 1rlrtUdy dl~ c.nti.rt atu :.t
P,.inic corpuc hGG bem ar.elys<d for thU Sb.ldJ. AU~ to tile 0\a <Gm,ro-il:ion• d ted lJC to I.e h:.uad in L~c actc.s. .BJ :h~ the U.X of the
tt1m ginlat in the gin ln.• t.\em.selvK, :1n ..nD be :nadc to undet:sta..,d hov
rh.. lnditioo df'rtnt1 ilsel(.
ThP wnrd ginb :t.nd itc vui2nU tJd11 and gnAr. ultimat~lr derived from
lhe Sar...ckrit rnnt JMttlf, which Seyytd Ho~n N:u:r h:u teiiJngly trt.ns..led AJ
•tup~Tu• l:nowJedse: NoJr fu rther notef. th3t the 'term impJt.J!pi•l
knn·Nicdv vhir fl "<lAS to d eliw:-:tn::-e and is rel:rted EtymolosJedly to gncJ~s, the
rootgn or kn. mranlne t nowledge il'l ''::riQU~ lndo.£uropron languose• including
£ngti!h:.7 WI:KIImir 1•,-~nn•At, aeneral1? consider~ the father of modern hmnlli.
studies. commenu Clf'l tlvo ~rP('ular t mpJoyment of thi:; term by tb.t ln.l'lills o(
tllt Subc~ntinenl 'It h ll~tl ir the uru:e of tiJf knowlodgt, i.e. tht red o.nd INCoiU
the Arahie bm~lti term Mqti'IIJ.. . In view ofboth the conccph:.a.l•nd ctymoloslc4111
re:lltll'ln<hl('l l"'fl'l\\'~n ttw! "'ard.s Jini.n and snosll. they will be u:Kd intcrchonsc·
ably 1n t htJ M'tltl, : thOtl@b the term Ji.11.n will be used e~td~i...dy when the pectic
CD litiM t tlft!T' v lvu are uf~rr.C to, for to we the obn term wo~ld rcqa ire the
invenlior of:an "ftl'tl"tllt on tuc~ u 'gnoc:i; -te.xt: On tht "'ho~e. •owcvc-r. vht"'·c t
~of tht t,.....,. ,. ttSf'<l the other is eq-;~aC.y imp~ td.
As tht trt.d.ltional ;yntfhon:' i.s o-f\e:a di"idcd in\0 fi)•• tiO+ailiCit~ .o is Llab
~,wty n· t~ Srrnp~ny ol Gnosh con:poced cffcur wcti;,n..s. The :or••M h ~n u.•
plrntil'\n (II the soul'' emtrfFn<:e from the v.'Qmb c.( gnosis. The blllliU tc::rtt he ld
n .:
Nothing 11 10 b< pln«< wUhoon prcb1ng beyond obdr appm:nt impon. Jun • •
the fabled phUOWI)htf's stone lu.s the povtr to tran~mutc b~ maab intu su!~
reJ.Itsatlon of tbc Kmpt~ ktart c( tbc gi.Dtns rcnrRtt' 1.hc:: rnrpli¥C l)IJ'•llu
...rlutlnc Ufo:. lnd<Cd, thr Lon! bltruclfdwdl:s wiohin ginm Hr•«·""'• ~ .. owl
basacU...-.d lhls iJ101U.It<.<pelimca mewudd,P:r ofl>trin< Lillbt (•i r) ••~ d1<
b<a:ific TIJIOn (dr&lr)ol'lll bdo~ llf.anel. nr >yn:pbonyco:!dodes ln d~tJI•c>lt,
• cmsummadon ofpoS'.sln •hi:h theins:nuneatS mlaid dovn an~ tllertiJ ontr
s:iknce. ! ti the t'CI)'S1k ll muslt plays on.
Softtlll: lnugtnce from tbe '\\'"o mb of Gnosis
0 dear creatur~ tt the time \\'hen you cwc:t ir. the: '~~~'Omb-.
Tou were imbutd wtlh enons ... ,
Tbe cJntns ho!d the IOUI5 sojourn In the WOII'.b to be of profound imP<'r~ for 111
this time 1he soul is endowed wll:h supreme knowledge. v.ith ginin. W1'1 ile in thil;
state o ( c.r.osis, a momentous event takes place in the life ot the unbnrn :4(!W. 11 i\
approached by lilt LOrd of the Reqrrrect1m (~i)'tJ-on. Ar. qii'i111t)" wh(l l14rt II 10
proffer itSSaatd \'OW (lcol, Ar. qtJul; Sk.. wthurl. 'fbe tcwt>.n:nt i; llYn ri'\MI'rr ttHI,
fort\'er blodlDJ the p s.tic·snal with its Lord."
Tbn dtaDatic encounterdtriTes il'.s'piration from thr: m'{!olit::ll u.,dmh nrlinenf'
a ;nraBtl pusaa:e lD the (Jur"aa. :r.lJ-:~ the AlmiS:hf!' sur. nor~ l h tiitlv>rtn
Jacruttd dcKctdal't! of Adun l'ltDhi.sJn:SeDCeand ~'Am I nt'lt)YU r 1.nntr
:auu:u tr tobblbltl). l'ht artnm U'lllk wal thoa roYI('1tft_by nplrina in tN tlfirma-.
uve. "Yt:$. we Wltnei:l 11 '(MI'd 9-udtilb td) . ·l'hfo bbmic rf'wb.tinn rlra""' •tMition to
tbe bolypactlcst lbe ch1ldrt.r. of .Adam ·!h-'lul.:l ~ay('Tn t.,e llay nt thfo ""'" r l'f'lrlin n,
We ""ert unaware ot this! ••
!tiAffQtf!> :of. VUV\Nl
But, the ginins tell us, de;pite be-ing•S. 001mc1. upnn entenng this bewitching
world. the so1.1l i~ deluded into forgetti ne its primo rdia) rovf'n:m; :mc1 the gnosis
¥.-th ~·hi(-h it was entr~.~~ted .11 The en.:.h:~ntm?nt of the eorporei. world, <lubb~d
11~~:: what ol Sat~n (s,'uudh sl:ay!Arri) by th..: giniins, intoK.ielter: .:hesouJ ;~nd dri,oes
~UUSJSfrom the heart.'l Wh:bt people reFCnt of drinking v.oioe made from snpes.
they h:nc nCJ inhlllitioJJS abOYt quafflr.g the ::-·en rno>re destruc-tive wint of S:.\t:m.
Thus deluded. glnan h:avlng been driVt:n aw<~r.thc ~oull0$c$ .;Q~"Uciol:.sneS3 of iU
loftyst~h1s. l.ik~ a mig:bty lio:J whost lifelong associatiiJn with a l:etd v{ ~oat$ has it forget its owrl n"tnrP.. a!t.(ocu..tum with the ph}'Sie:al world makes the suul
f.,ll 3 6tate o( ignorwce and ~gl)is m h~~:~use of wh tdl the d.ivtne Beloved Is
lost.11 The fall from gnos:is is ('t)rj'lr:trP.d to a. profound slumber from wnicll t:u
h~c:d l~$ soub must sri$1e. Only cont~rnrll'tinn nf the gin in$ <'an awaken them
from this sleep by rekindling in thm a longin!! for tht g·oosis with ...,.hir.h they
h ad been endow~d.JC
Repeatedly. :he pni1t3 fr<:Yai) u.pon tbe \::elieven Mt to louak~ the wdent
pn.,.uik giTC:Il while in the womb. 16 1"1rTOj \\l· Din bewails the soul's (ailure to fu.KU
thb promise: ;u:4.l Jl~ t\Cil mvre dif>mal to hc~d the gi:lins, which would
mak.e Jt n:n:a~mbcr tbc gn<:'$l$ ~ti'. whie:. it was once .:nt~ted:
Speak: nol to tt:O:St wb.o wner in the ·:mx nbe t!1cy W.•c h) tl•e Guide.
lftheyre,oice not iu the ginan.s. ful!lll no>t tb.dr CQvtn a~ willl thc: Guidi:',
What is tt:e pOint th~1r e~inence?
Thl)t•gk WP MvP. comp!l~ai in the dtapason ofsourxh and m ~Jsical modts.
Thf" d~ f will not !hten! 11
Wl:.en y.:>u be<o~ne :a disciple of the G1.~itl#.
You w~ll only C$.;cpe from th:$ 01-ge f:ut e:ttr:aps you
1( )'0'.1 fulfil your <CV.:nant the True Guid~.
T his iUusiuu will be dcstr~cd. thkl ha.?lcu wa.'ldcril'16""'iU eea'e
If )'O'J go a.nd en<PJ:l'C' o( the Tu..~t: C:uidc: abou.t gn.o~i.~!~
The world is a manifest ~on· n.::ality.ll is nothing more th;,n a.n illu$ion, t: mir~se
lint 1U d~hghts are as a net In which t.uman ~uuls be,~mc cutar:gicd. Th< d·
Iurine rJ ~sn rAA ri pJ,y~cal existence atttaet h uman being$, j u:ll as tht: Uelkacies
pbced in 2 nEt by a bunl~r :~ttra;:t un~mpe.:ting birds. DtSPlte :he soul's birthright
of gn.osis. ;t di.G~g:ards its higher lc.nowlede:e bft:tu.(l;e it becomes tasdnated by the
go.therins of souls th:t.: have "lr~"~Y !wen caugl\1. c..iinan is forgotten as tile wul
ccas~s to fly ond alights in the midd:.e oftht tr1p.
In order tc es:.apc frem this ensnare:ncn1, tt!e soul lullil its! w:th
l:u Tfue Guide. Its m•stcr is the Lord of ~he P.es11rrec;tion, not tb~ dict9h'S: o.t i~
~asllion:>. rr tl1c SVl.ll ~iShC$ to fly once, to ~cope from ft~ ~se and to be
released from i~ illu~iou, il tnust recch·e 6-c True Cuide's giniin
Andanlt. The True Guide and Gno~b
Offa- eTerythiog- hnrf:t, .~t.lf and pc)!;~essi C!n~ - lo the Guide
So th~t b-i' gno.s:i.s and throush ~b t ht>r~ will tfT1'Ui i a nothing but gnom. »
When. the loh.:s of the he-~_fl d~ l)l)t rrn<h tr.~ enMi~ the mul is ca~t u'rtC) choos
an<!. tt.e bith of the believus spins like a potter's wbe-tl lt Ho·Ate,·~. within th ~
deepert rece-;sc' oi tha ;oul rE$ide; ~he Great Cnostk (btl(fti g lnii,.,f). a rt"fl«tion of
the Guide, room whom a d ivine ~nd en-cb:mtin_;melo<lyr~tonatcn within tbe hcact.
yct ~·host lofty statu r.:main'i ·.mkncwr. to th t hecdlcss.l9 U tha ~oul heen; the ct1JI
of the Creot Grxnti<. it c:tpcr:cn:es a. r, Ancllong$ for the EP nAn th t~t it once
?0~$(.$:1Cd whil-e in the womb. Hc>·N!TCr, having cmcrscd from its fer'mer t hode, it
..:ow VJ.lly rcil/lcquaillt itself widl that gn0$i1 by .\ubmitting itsdf t o the True Guide.
withvut wltCJm tlu: u·'.JU~ OI.I!.W of ~lVHlftCt uevcr l•e ..:.t·ossC'\1 ......
hi a ..:harmiDi allegory, a glna.n comp-ares the situatlcm of the ddudc:tlliQUJ:r; to
1 g:c·up cfbinh wbose ca?-acity for ~lt bas beto .;natche.:i away tnt! 1ra.p sc:t by
the riunl~est nc·n-reaU1y. i.e. the illusory world.
T11" manlfi-.~t
n t\~rt<:llit;u.:t~t
il$: nf!t
A.nd tlle bird$ ....-ent thert to sit.
One bird, seeing the o thers. became .:-uri<1us
A.n:l b;cat.uc dthh, h<! too bc:.:l!.tllc c·ntangld.
Til( : ruit u( lil•et iil.iou will only b< obtained
Absolute o.nd utttr submi{.Sion to th0 Perf« t GuidE (murshid kiimH). according
to the giniins. is the (lnly recour~ for the soul plunged in isnorance and darknc:M.'J Gnos-i:s is ·.anobtAinsbl~ without him.t• Though on~ may l:ave studied. all
(u'!.ltlttu Luud·ICS of lcam.iJlg. art and sd:n<e, the path c:ant~ ot be found wit.lout
the Gulcle.~
In a capth·aung £exl cast as a oolloquy ~tween the ~r:.ilt bmai!i sc~.• P'ir f:lou~\
t.ahir aJ. Din, and the rEoowned yogic muter. Kini?i. the fir : KanJpa. fo r
tailing to reoogniit the lsmaili imam as the tiuide of the AVJ:. t.a(!Jpa is raugilt to
teek out th~, df'SCribP.O ~ thf M.-n n: (; nn~~ (gind11 puru.~h). and ~~ told:
0 :uoatic. wheo rou
t~ncounter the
He shall revelll to :too myGtni~ .
Aft :(our mi$@'ivings will be dispcU~.
Certain~'• a lot.u uuuot flourid: ,..ith<'l1 water ... U
,.h< .!:ymbolUm in the ''C:x i.! ~riJcina. Tbe~?kt\d id lotu3 tlowtr (kamd{l. "'·ith
Jdi(.at~ whitt' ~Utb.. bloo) iflS ill vi]-: and putrid sw•mp>!. Despite its .sord:d
:!labltat. it ls the epiphany of purity a.od uosuUied bt:auLv, majl:'.sth::a l}y ri.s. o~ abovt
tl:e muriqr qtJa@mire. It refusts tO feed on tht repJJislve bog a.nd lnnead awaits the
nouri.shmP.nt ofcry~al <!ear ra·n fron the tlea,·en$. The g:nosti:·s ciraJIJI.S~an:es are
611AfiQV& H . VIA,A).II He : hu in th-t ""orld bu.t it not o f th~ world t l nintrl'f".sh'\111\ rht munda."l~
1mtplaliuu~ ull&.h~tJ'fironJ:, he: r;maUu undcfllcd by tbt 6\:.rTOt.loding.s.. ~:rthtr. h•
blgs fer ttu• liff!'-VVi r 8 Wtltr o( gln1JI (rfdJt jull w hl~ll th~ 1'!. uc 0 uidc: bd np from
the h&vens. As tht totu.vouJd nthtr dlt thotnttrmk fma'l it" ftrid .n rf.lq)..lhepure
w ul CiULUVl~ • ivc "ith<I\lt th< ....:.<r of ,snoti~ (ron. the True G•ide. WithoW thk
prec:(IU\ MUrce of D.Oilrbhmcat. th(' klt..u-wul would w1ther and ultimatc:l~ die.
T'ne eompo;.itioo cOr'ltiJ'Il..c·
0 t)t;clic, the a.idat D d.atli., you ccnpMi• M trtoehuow.
Yft• Ttt~tlntUW the pe:nl<tus mounUlD path t hc.•4.
"'1tbou; • t-d.tJ ~ "1.11 fOU uiJOfirtor lbt w.y'
$u .m t.eed wbil: JY"• en . ..
u ucrliG. ~.,l'hl• your t-o:t are tire tanh's n1nt conlnena.
'0'\'l tlh your ltc.rt ia Pat-adiH i~f.
The K'\OC!l ~ !oJ.,...:JI .rtMoyour hurt.
r;h 1 vt\ A•I th!: Guide
you wJ.IdJe ll_hfl~
11\e scd'.l'li..-~ tC'mptallons of the 'NOrld tbua: rtpr.wnt 2 :.ntnacing dar.gtr
tltrough which 1bc SiJ'U.l annul v•» lllv,t. 0 nly ""·i~h • Le6dt:r lh< w~,.~ltravt.rse
tl-.eoonntatn ptsspiPiy :and ~e:h tht other side. But. u the nt:Jll \"tnt iuCumt.\ u:..
th purpo$* of the Guide is t'Ol on)y to ltaC the WI)': ~ mnst t'f'lp 1h,. $.11UI rn l i~
utl 'xnd'll (rum the SOUJ(C cf nlv•tlon th•t llu wilhin 11. 1'1\o\lf;h t~ ~v~n K'OS
ofl:'nnw~1gt dweUwtlhln the h etn. the 5UUl :nay f.!.lc: lhin ty. WIU!t!- iu Lh( NOfltb,
tbe$001 bu ~En invp,t;.od with 3inln.. b"t only fhl' l'rllf' C:ultlf' C~<tn lr11d it had til
tholl: 3tal:c o f g:no$b which lie--A~ within. k mu.fiC bo rcdi5:.ovutd, for "without 'inb
lhe fitiLhful cut: ln u.ll(l \latlun:·~,ll iUL•l \Jar k.nt» Crom "'hicb th<rt i3 no libnatio:.
afttr'"'., 'rht mm.ion of the Guide ts 1hus to 'brln.ebad: to 1he Paab by 111eans
of the gini.ns those who h:~vo forgotten.''~
The sou.J•6 g.r<!$IC3l dc:crrcr.t IO heeding the Cuidc !lftd fo llowing the &inim.
however. Is the seme ol ego (lru"' khudl, af!ul'lkM; Sl. u/tarJhtru), the caprit.:ivu~
~elf Or mind ( rt:rrr), ftu t SlllbbOrnly IIIOI<#rU II~ lnft,.prntl,nr..-. If tt; tht> ghsnir"
co untetp:~rt to the Hi(s ~l •~~~"rmtm (Qur'on aa:s~) or conn! in&tinctli o f Arabic
:n~tkc) litcntlu.te. Wl1ile tl11: t:~u ~till IIVIU:. ~'l'l'tty1 il h Unyu.ssJLic 10 01.l~ 11..i11 Kiu~ti.!O
Lt. de-spt\e h~ ld mg tbe l:Jmp tJ( gi n ~ n . rh,. 1n1 Mg.~ I t~ nf thfl r:.r~lt'lm ls ,_!'If r.A mr thP
·,~litve: to tumble intoaduk wdJ. wh~t tan the Cuidtdo 110out it?l' Thus. abrolute
..tnd un-:undi& iunll~ luve (ut
LuN 111u~l '-'•lll'4.1(1 tht: Onl) lhb IO'del' il
.;nbmi.SCNP ~ru1 ~rnrn!!tlf' tn rPt'f'rvP
Lon tl:c lklOYCd in sue:h • war
1bat d.lvir1C p~osbarbca frvll wld1ln
Sby t:v 1t'Jf u.d . .~.. it yom rtayn tfll"j'W'I
Orothcr. ruuin ,.,._i(ut tr ccrtttm?l•~'"·u
Aod ag•in in th~ gi.nin 'A'4Jcc! f<1r the Tnac Cuidc lacs Arri\-ecf. tn ll wrae thd
duphys 11n inee,,('\m ~~ ~)' nG ~·ords:
fie G11:.dc: .,ap
Slay d1c sdf(~nu., m: m'ro:~l d.lill rvu 11w~ meet me (·•~rr; '"'"")..
) shaJ b)lt' ~~~ 4"1Mf'.
f01' i-1dccd. .a prcc:W.:.a di~o•d ~.u comt inr:o ~r wup
Jchd.d. it. Odli,.drou_. one: - Cloatcmpltt< t•b Jinln.''
Only whet: the- S~P.If't in~~ 01C11~ ~-.UK' twy an tbt Cdctt nrcLse ttiJ tn.JU.·
fonnirtg dfo:1 ud tlc soul .l(quir~ P•in.!-4 TtJ • t:Kc<t b pi: fWt-ICpUiy C:Kr.:pL""td to
dw ofa f:".gnnl SJ.ocb.l..-ood trn il1 • b ot .11lnl ...L'I trlrt) utts. fa: u. the procncc
oftht- ~wood .,.,b$ 1~ t.:wrm•K'"'8 ..:r.att t rHJ Kud.. .,don ~cf!CI'f\nt af
tbr: Guidi$ tb• dildp!cJJ HOYt\t'f.COIIbtt vitl tMC.ltt, .t~
IOleruure t~C absurpliun u£ t6d.tL U.~o) .,O(hA) iifat bc<P dxlucd. dlt.: kfk-t<-r
it no bd.1« ~m tb,.. nf"''h.t>Nwme hamhnn rr«~~: wllla an nat lO t:' t sand.alvood
tr« b.t aot c&aed in tbt Je:s~ br i.e& ~r.t,. Tht Tnat- Oui4t.. rtprtf.entf<l ., tt~
!an~ttwood trte. hu h_s autl.hnl:) i.u JJc tc..-.ta t (lithe KA Khoci • of rhiDo-pby
wh.o. t~p•nh. ~Mhtt'U J.fl' all tlu• adl\tnnu ....t~ Dsurrou.,4tlltm With thtlrMnn
:.-mefl!1 'l""lw boa.ili ttt"t.J thut dmoni., thor 'tN.I!•wn ~ dllrf$W-d !.he tndV..a@Jof:h,.
dx Khools ofphilosurhy. Jutlt=ed., l!.tt) •rc a.:plo:te woi1l1 uutbli tl1a.1 thoc..-h tuchc::a
<~t"«lnri, '"'" ~nM '' o1ty f"lh11nabh~ (Mm 1tle kmall! Ima m tlr his appOinttd agtnt.
In 11 ver$~ 3d.drftftd to Lotu.•. tbat it to I&T• tht P'.1:-. k>hJ,..toul, Sayyid Qutb
d ·Dln say.-:
0 K1ng' Truth h unauaikbltt,
F<lt if it could b~ t.ntilcd, hv ~u..ld il b~ lhc 'fruth?
H.ow <an tilere be gl.aan wJthouttht Guide!
It wc.uld he UU the 11dva« of a butcneor wl\.:> nonctulantly e~yi:
'Q balfq&, tur;t nc>l your hM:II
3ea.r yuur bwdcn aud )'UU "'ill attaJn tlllvatlun:
O.!!.m rP.dlf. n King. 1 J.f'P :1 !iift'~eu l ' rnl*rt .,.,.,,... ynt•. a r11!Yin,tr rn:ul tntlnd
Tb·)1Lg.h lh• clouds may burat forth "'ilh torrent it! ru.ln-.
Du tJ\.>4. W""iuk. tit~ wtfiltnctl 'l'l'iotln' '
ginh i"uMbttl.rukle witt'(lltt t1'1 4! Gl1lde Tht cour'Je'l ot'thos~who prete-nd
gnooi:J j,JJik.c that o( a butch.:r whOJC advi(C to a b'"JJock ultim~toiCI)' k:ad.J.
.\I llte cut.iuJ<dl llall Uf.l.iu11. n~~o: buiJIXk. 1.;<1.1 rl~ tho: burde-n o( lht: )'}kc tbi~ \:ind:.
tt tn th.e nil mill ,uttund Wi1irl1 it hunt mndantly A• It It hlinlitnld#ti. il h,li PW~
thot il ~ tr('l~ to some d¢st~flot.ion. He-wever. ~hen the: blindfold i3 rcmo~C
it di~r~ to i1$ Cisll•Y• tb•t It b• bcc-.1 tr~a..c lLll¥ b1 drd n and h.u u.~ u(l
progra.( wh.tuet\'tr". 'l'llr hutd\t:r wbh~ lf In ~me alnne hltnttt:l. vilhout htrn·
in@its. 1\~cl. 3U\lt'i.r.,@it that it •N\Jltttlin satvotio:t Ullim..tld)it ~fter ~ ol fwile
tC. po.!SCSS
!iHAII QVf}. N. Vll't.ANI
tro•tellius. when lh« bullock ~ n tt ~ nd can no tcr.~r bear IU;!tl, its owner "Na1
t &kc it Joe .&Jus:ht:t. llu~: sitG5ton ol t:ao'f' whn ar~pt pstJdo-g.n ln C: UJn<:
tc:a.::bn~ is$il•il•.They arc hlin:Jed by ig:aoran.c~ ttd oontirllll': tn. ~Jq &:CD@ lbt
same r<IU.e. u:uwcue of the (~.;d that they a.ret.r:n.--elling nO'Nho>te.Tb tir hyrt«nbca J
'"~c:hcrl assure them llul iftlu:y continue to b<or their burdens without tnnlng
tbdr htM~ to \toe wbat iS reaU! going uu, lhey wl.lJ ultiRutdy ach ieve $dvotion.
In r~i:y, tbeo~ tnt JrPnnyttac htrs e.xpectantl-t aw-•~ tiJC t!a,y "+tenth('ir protc!g~
""iD be t.a.ken for Ht•r... '\a)l)'ld Qutb d- Dlr! ld\i~ w~ dhdple:a lbat
fiktrtd. 81\en by th<
thv<,.L -u-Gk t:.d>ing:; moyobo...d, only lb:at
t~· can 1: be"
Trut Gukle, is tit fe
nor r10#.~ a
comidered gln:ant ru~t ;u $liiJ'Idai\\'OOd
loh•( :lowf'r hlt~om
not *-''aib.blt tmrr •ny ordinary J Uidt.:'
Hue "·e comt 'O a cruoal ques:uon: wto Is this -'~'••'" GliC.c' who has thc.u!hcriry' to disptnu gin:ii.:~' lat 1.0 11 tht ft"lC;~Ivet ut vuy a?&dl u11 tW• point
- nobody but the Shah (Im::.m) :a.nd the Pir- (b:s SU£''"""'" represtr.ttt he) hne lht
w thutit!' to in6true t the believers. Accar<ling to the ginlos, thf' Shah occu piei
t:tc thrun~ ul •All (,- \like iaAhat, /\r. 'All/ P. tal<llt) and the Pir (J('('uriP~ t ht: ptayer
carpet of Ml.bammad (nr.~Dt A~ n•.wtfc. 1\r. rr~..allJ).•O Mv.hGmma.d ic the Sed of
t·u• "flllht-ts (l:hm&,. 41-~ Our-DJF.fU)..& thc::-c ca., b.: no other
f'I'Oph~S;. hnt h~ I t a]J.o the tin-t At (avfl/~) . HI:' dno iultiateJ thc: qdc o( fbita.n.
tht fl:.nd:ion of whkh b b) ri"Y~ the ~<lttnc leaC-h in& of the Prophe-;\ rilmily omd
to lead humankind to the re.:ogn ition nftnr. manifen Ima.m (ptlrarak, Sk . fJ~ctJa/c;
it4hi) ..: So. >~6 Plr Shu:u exph.iM, whiJt (:1.-~n . thf' t ldl!r .son of'AJ!. was tte Plr.
tho:: yuUJl~r 'On,l)uuyo . was the l:no.m.d The n:unet 01 both tht dts gntttf"t1 TrnlllU u xl awuil•uJ Plr$ w«C ~a-ly r«ik:d doilr in thr p:2)'lf «npoud by P"tr
Sadr a1·Dtn The cu vbii~::tiSOO ~ne tlJid.,e<: only from tbisspedlie~ly r..-voared
l1neagt is ba$td . among Uthcr lhi._.. \ln a Qur a n.ic PM3.-gc, eft quoted tn Sbi:i
he fau.iJy ~ .' \bralurn.vt d
lltt~t\\f<''. th:'ll :moeru : 'Indeed. God ch.ose Ada.T Nooh, L
Lhe family of '!mrAn N\rwe the wnrkk: c ffspring. cne oltbe other And Gull b tl~
All-Se·fiog. t.\e AJI.U.Ovin g' (J·n- J .tl Ne·.•trthtiH~. cert.linotb tt figu~-es . al"&)"'S
(rom oat<tngth< dacmdoni Sof tho Propl<t ud 'All b_, DO< o.....,rily•~rnimf'd
•~ r-c.), t~tefe pctrniucd. .tcco:din5 tc ce~mmwir;t tr.~~dit-ion to compCte a-inlas u
they pre:ac bcd In lin: munc ilttd with the pc:nni3$iCn oft he l:;maJJj lrnom. and ware
lhertfore COMidu~d a uthOflsed juJdcs.
Tht gin~M thut vthemently oppose t.bOS! who are nut ur t:tc Jjvhdy lnvuled
:.OU:y :Dei )'et who blsdy :urir,. tn 11e position o! Citbde.., :n fat&. such ptWlc
•prtacl ag&QJ1ki.Jo (~t.,ri'lilt) beca use-()( thrir own fallu t~ to f!I"Ctl,.U-~ the: True
Gui.t!c, ~o done cc.n bc:;,tow Sinir...•" Iftb~ b.e!i€-Wrt con tem~r t.M ginAm. th"))
will .Ke that th c:~c f.t.bc gujd~ an gropiog: a.bCjut io ignorl!.nce th:n n sen'lb',es thE
d,ulm~< C'AU~ hy a touJ w lca ~IJJ.IM: f'lheo the Cemon Rlhu swullowo dle &u.n.•s
) -~
U1derru.nd (lf twmL-.: uf l.hJ. c.(unoo.Jit1cm.
HDV Ctn ll bt Jruptd ~lbOllt W'fdmtandiu,;?
Fe r tht t;i ft~n f\( the liutde JS impeneln.ble utd bcyuncJ vl\ pcrapricn.d
The Slll3m a re intirttnt in tht ir #mrl'l~:tl S thai lhe apparent wor<h or thc:il
OC'I'npo9it:on s :onlllin dep-ths of meanlns hiddtn tromlmpt':rcttvmgread ers. With·
out att:.mpti.n5 to urcX:r•rod t\iseeottric IDt-U"'i.."'S. theywillg~in nntl'1ins, 1-'l rtof
t~ rnsoo for the c\pubiua OC '1\zl:t (S&t.a} from ?a,.d* when b t :dutd to
Mv bttore Adan was btcn.xdb b r. Uur.c- {()' pcr-<:ci'l~ the eate:rto:- of .... hr.t he h.ul
'lul1.,.rt . A~ one 81rll n tell$ us. dtSP1tC u quiriJI)) tl-.: kfrow:cdgc cquh·•lcnt tc hav
!ng read ~6o million b-ooks, hP no1 fathom the In ner mcauiug. ~'[}:in~ un11blc
tc «Jtrtprthend tht myurry<~fthr Tn1!' G tlitiP, u .,..., banished into
dui<ntu {p4 •nd~A')-"
Sia.uil:.-ly. the M11r. Sllrt•firti ("Idjji«l(io n olthc S-.1(1 p.niih wM
pore ov~r their boal3i. bul are uu;,.b-lc to paxtntc bc-:rond th<: Litcn.l meotnlrw
TAI')I re2rl th t: !>Cr.P,ur~
B·.1t reccgn~s~ not ll\( l l'lr'l~r
Relying o.ft but
The Jtal f"JftdC n»d.1 n~tJ.i...,&;o
Ju~! like M .U.! e•"T)'tl"« a load of fNJ.ftJ\t $atld.:31Wet<:d
vrha -:an t1e knuw tJf \he IXt'\.ivu, ..,, .IS"
Holst4;d upon h ttn!
The jnnke-f gain~ aollung: from lhd: •ta1ut.
Thtload is rem"'td.
1'b: ilairr..lll f'Wntw.lly nrtura5 t~ d;ut.
w•ocvu ha:.l C'd.ilifd th: .; elf
Atta::ns all k.n uwk.J ~o~oc.
ihe True GuJdt hlmscb' bascxplal:tfc.l th: iuuc: ute;auiuJr1.
YQ!l ht\'e rectMd the remcobran te t'lkllr, At illlkr).
'icu. b.l\~ rt-e.N\OINI th Word ()n:JJ
N~ 1 l n1!
h the ooe .,.,ho n.,d, aU tiu inner mt.,i.r.~ h..ddu Within ..
It Is nut oulr tltt: vunJHs who a rc odmonbhed for inihng to ca? turc the: Inner
m~lnlD.t. trJI the (ui'UV~~cn: ~Jflh( b .ltllllli f"u) 1l'lelll~bu,
lftd"'l tl:<a bo:>U. the pun4lts tavt ,.. - ,
~n u_r.~ to &"'tf' rh- irner,iag o(l;cd
Ytt the-K~ and
Compoenng and compot~ ng thf's~ gin1at. wt h•,.-11:' "·,. ~ ritt\
Yet you have neglected G~d ard Mc.l,
'The \ikl- .\{ofc nl Vcllentutts that:
All <a.l lhar.Jtlm bell"'"'
J:;/Tty t)l'll' ~~ lh.t_, ht:UI dlt p.:u.r..S.
But tho~tah 1ht Cuid(O hM nrbinM ~and n"'UJ ktttr.
'J'h ~ have n x cGI"'lc: tn t.hrir «nusJS1
Oncrapln, it i' tit( fkklc: J\lind tha.! pr<eVtnb the bcllt"·cn from underntc.n.diag
tht tSOltr1C lmpon I)( the: uhais:s. Tiau~. P"u insists in t he do!ing linc:t oi
nne nf hiti ttun,ttu mmposRIOns t lu.t he iS addrm1J\g hls t;lnlln lv the wu1h.l u(
cpitiU (~m~wMr' Ar. n,..,t, rllfr) and .-:nmm:and.' hH llm:nen towbJuvate thtir
capricious minds 10 1hatlheir £Pirits maybtot'dittOO by hh ll'ac:htn&-V ' lftht (acklt
mind prc.,'CnttJ • bdicvc:r from 1mderstc.ndias: the hiddm truuniC\& ot the! gln!nJ.
'the eotifc life thot htodlc:s" one: is 10$.'''
1'hl~ tre:mtndous emptn~b on pkm~U~ lo tl~~ dqxh.solinncr me&nins ucl not
hPing ~ti.\tifti ~Imply wtth tht .supert\ctal span:~ al peri~~ "'nJ aa.v&uva»e-~ Ill
g..-osr"r"-k" l ::~~rr:a~ rlr,m:aih prer.ence. Henct. tile euly MusliJn tltrt31oaraphen
du)b~C. the hmailil bd;i"'l.,., tht &oteri:isl$ cr "ptoploe or i.nntl mt...ft_inJ 1' bt
Qc.r'en.nd.othtrsac:r..o.d tats Off lttrihuted with rrok»u.-tda..'"ld tadvt.l'ii'IJ llroiOrlds
cA uudn~lamliu~ bt:J\ltld thdf Ux:..-.1 fonnJ. I ~wncr. ~ perc: pdou arc not the:
fortant or tht masses who md:t ao anrmpt to prolx' in:o the: cdolial a.'l.hc\)'Jola
t~u ... S)'llll:al~ by rarthly fcr:ns and l<JU. OrJy~ p rolltlla b<)ol4 Ill• U/ll'r,
···~ ecctoeric:. an:o the bofti•. th'" f'IO:erie. (tiiO tht btt.....?N f'nt!"f in·n :t .\Jinbltl rt"tlm
of 1l-em:oop• •in6 upremelnc.wJedee Tha.s, a co:npoiil:ion sa<:h • • Uutrrdlt~
M•ila;._ .a*l~ sol v•~jr ••~crts:
Vlllbln the 'lnllls 11 10 be foc.r.d kno"1tdRc: of ~'t't)1hinx,.
:ar.d )"OU v lll tlnd It!$•
s~~rt~ . searth
In th t ginlnc we thuc find vertes that rank th~ ptrsp!cat"lt)' o ( dlffcreont I~ ·
dh·iduab on a tcale rangins from ea<-ism to;, gno;ir. Ht who h ovtrwhe lmeC by
the pby.,lcal world due to hts p11:oC<:!.1pation ~tb hi~tudf ia msnifc::ulr blind1the
cycl ofhb heaa·1 rcm.Un un and he gropes about in the Meta~ people
ha:lt two eyes, wbllt tt"arntng grar.u a tb1rd e'fe and ·ltrtuc has K •cn tyts. StOL
non.;> nft iH!•t. t.lln tnrnr:trf' Wifh gn<l!l'~ . Whio; ha,oa hundred thOUU,nd t'.'fU ' that
an ~yond tiG"'e 'nd ~ran'. By then eyf'S, tht gno.stk r« osr iJ.tJ the " 'f'llCf'
ol U.c soul a.., d. att&ins • ren:C. cf th~ b.igb~t status. But a'>O« dJ of lhc-te b tht
Q nq.l:i.: o( ttc Wc:nec. the True Guide b.imxlf. who U r«:Oll'lit<d but by a kw:
"HiS sl&ht en' OBli»J5n t\n!lhJng. for hr ..u bfi.nit.~ 'ft'-5'" Thr S...r Wot M•lt
{'T.lllll'!' A Tn uh. ,,.,. 1.2'8"'·: akn mnwinn; the powr:r of peru pJon au«taltd
wi1b ainan.:
lirtm, 0 sLr.b , to lhia proof c-(Tr.,.t3,
For lhest art the ·n 1r1ofTnnh' to mc:eJ the Beloved
Otc:t dllc uue words of Dr Guide.
~n _,t_btn !'"' """ t'J" tY C.nMi~,s
He wla.o :IOd rAtopto 'hr ~fi o~ ~.$· •-o d rf'mllin.,nHrnrut tc thehuk!en
mc...ULBofUe pnl.nJ ia c:cmpued kl a stone. Tholl£h :a stor.ernaybe:fh.ced In the
oce-w fur , yur, nut adwp of ~•c:• "'ill be itbrorbcd. Simil«ly,a fool may lillcn to
the gin~ consWI:l'f. bu~ tfhe f-a.Us to uodcrsta.•td than u ..l. the·r .:Jo not P<-nctntc
hit hun. he> it n() Nolt ~ r 1t12n a J>tnneY Howtv!r. in the cast l)i I m.~ bellr;'el',
gno$is eote~' and ptnneates hil: hurt, ·u water i~ ab91Xbfd by th~ f'llrth'''
The prirnordiCII time: d Juded t<J in the ttxt: cit..d Jl the be:sinnin!J of Lhh a_rt-W:leo
wlat:u the Gu!dc -w .. cnlruJted with gno1is Ucna a.!ain irwokc:d in tile Vdclc Met~.
Here. tbt5 ~~Is h. ay111l+vli.,ctl '-'r the l ey to Paradise: "'hid~, w.1 bc:at<Jwe<l upon
tht: <~11de afler h1s cnn.uant "orship tor 3oO.·)()O il.'OM fkaratt)." The provcny ul
knoiNitd&t (ddm t1t, Ar. 'ilm) then con!«~ thi..s holy by qnn thr wnrthr h-e:Uevc~ .
It l$ by this mum tlut they :1r-e ablt to o pro the Lode that tells thtir buns " For
in deed, witten the beut lie i'11mell!IIUa) Jc ri.d)C-S,h but only the kc:y of sin6JI (:Qn
Tte ginans tht:tlstlves art a predO'J.S tret.!urt. ~l~tr eKltrrtc rnca.1_1_,.. tdn¥
con tpartd to daunoad.r. tmtralls. n:btts 3nd e,.-pE(12IIy (H'1rl't '\at th~ ~ art
~f~onl)' to tboct who n<Og:n.icr them u such. Thu. U: the lut c u to oCt•t
Sit Vo~JAQi Moti ('Acc:o.nt c(Tnath the La.;-sa-.,. 1M c.o m?O.x:: writex
587]'14 Mlll'&mnocl stu~ bu rtlal<d U11 :ale,
·ne vo~e d t~c 'Acaunt d frutb' tal ~n <XY.Jl)lettd.
Who4"4f, male cw ftotl•. a\ a_Ul.oe:l itt adm'>eitioac
W'in (OlbChaplct~~ly Wfnderins lhrough the "VVtld of <:L"tbJy phcMm<'na.
ll&-"C1."'~t b W t'lvf'\IUUJ
1'hat only tlle dtcl can fathom Its mystery.
F. .-ery p~~tll hu h~n t•pnundM upo!'l.
For I bJ\'C' \.fritlt n 1bout them in thU work.
Only t~C! ~s< will C:O/Tf)tthcnd ih m~tcry,
Ju•t at only lh jc:..,c:J,cr t(cos;nisalh.c v.tluc. ol" d.i.-;r.ond.
0 yuu.rn) Bt-h.J.,cd, the True Mastc:rh noneotttc:r than you!
Hov ::u lhe lfinoriUV uRdtntt nd
tMs "o\ctt'lunt nt"lhth l\ lib :a I'H~d·>'lW gerr?
Only th• •lt<t •h•l ncos:'iu it.
Few will fathon it~ nka~.''
A tuuU.U1,r Xut y i.t tlllt- MIL'I S....,-,f(Jtff tdls ll~ LtJto cL .. pn~.k.t\o icwod J~ld W".U
lou.1d by a bol ••• 4ty as t• wu mdi llll oa tt• rood." Til< fool pedt«<ll up.
ltUn~ nt 1t wu: a pre-ty p!hbl!!. pertup~ W(l.rth a pr:onr nr M\. Ia h:!: M:up dai)
bored a OOlt rig.'bt thto~sh it. He then str~ (u ruined rto:ae around t h .,Klr.,
l lcr..,v.s the lool tt~ydiffc:rent from tho.x: \>\'l:..c li&cn to tbt pins buc do n:>1 take
a:. \.'IIU.!Ifl
then. tl) hur1, :t tbt)' ~ ur.~ning. 10 a bunch of dnJ:I'Y':s1 .,.,., un<km.and
nulhius tJI d.'" IJI.DC:I IDC'tutiuc. oual -,..-tll:uul u::t<.kr!.tsndint. tllt'J u~k a rlll~o..L:t
:utd =acoph•~· bdn,; no ~ tb.L"l tbe fool ~ho pitroed the sem: n.. O.aob:a~
htantd ,WWI. contanp~atlnJ; ~ts tt:rrlbte plcln.lonttd co rtl'"m to a:t"te from
Qtf«tcd.; but t};c red t:rasedy wQS yet to occur So:r.tenc
vh:tch !t bed
m: ug:nisnl the toors bau.l,lr: tu b< a jc'w\·d purch.ucd it frum him r.,r • trine and
then left it tlttini) :n a. box. In tilt d~rbH& o( the box the Fte"l~~s je'k't l wept at
havtngbt!'n 8nld ror a ptddlln&sum a1 tl:e hands of 1 fool ;and. even worx. .11btblg
miatrutect by 011CODC who ruli3oed i l-3 worth. WbiJe 8 fool may be forjl;i'ICft (or hlJ
:x:tion~. It is inf'IC('"Ublt for tOmfe)rtt who r«ognHt~ tht value OJ the 31n1\ns not
to seekoUI. thM' Iuner lllc¥•llns. M the ~uthoroftb·: $lOry ..:oncbde:•. 'If • Gnostic
conttmplalei tht, ht WIU find a t:reuo.te Ill ea<b and tYtty letter . .. bu1 i.(
a buffoon ~in1• the aln.\JU at if they were oom~r.on song& and makes no 1ttempt
to probe t~lr m~•n~g.. ht If no btot&tr than lht f!)!)( who found a j~·4d and
~llualg it l!l:t • p®blt:
The bcll;ev•N art c:utiontd 1:> d.C:tioSuitt, betwtu authentic jt..,.!&. avtihbJo
c.nly frvm thrTrueGu.kic. amlLhc: wotthleuaft..~ bzubiQ: l.)(imJI !Ur¥. lib a~
JadfJI wil.h preoou gc.~r5. 'the Imam ic dc.pict:Kl :u hM:'lg com~ from o disLOnt
)llnd to o:JOduc:t tu d< with hb pti~bi w~o. n.~ "'i:JO dC"'.t w.lla • ., • .-.W cain
2buncbnl wnl:h, whil• thou who tfw ~'*" will lH t~o4ll«l.,
HC'!n,hh ..,..._du,v;r..m C'tttf"'~J:neby rdatinc t.b(' pan,. bA mlrt•t so•ts
ltut atf' •Vln· lik• will ro:ogniae th.EU je-,.8!-4.. ladHd. in the lncfhn pMti< im
ill-lli:liuu. a~i.fl, I l)r.t~ uf th< p:-.lfificd $Oul s.ti=:CSODJy ptarls (Or ltS rtp~t.
wht'"t t ht dtecivir,E! ttorl ltasb. on. the min.0 7 Unfottunat~ly, JnOY. h'.IIT!Ail bdnea
ar< lik: 5torb.IJnonaot cfdn: \;,due u(tJJe ~Mls uf f!nosb:
Fcr-ll~ bauble, ""Ur a ~ny gm~~<nt. otblle pe.uh ,.,._Y .M:tiii iCilnllli. l'!nt :lt~L
Ttll!., W~l'l &""'~Inti t ilt I$ tuvblu W«f! Oft(e J~theted t!'>geth ~r. CV41)'0nt fWht d
ondl.ifto~,tryi •J: 10 j\.mb t~< ;:ft.U . llu pculsrc._.on.tD<dWhcrcth<) W(lCimtil nu'-'ll1
sorr.tone Yha rcc.oanl\ed tl!!nn c:Aml" aiM& H, pir'c«< tUrn \lr ~nd trnsurt~ ll'ltn'l
o; •hey
der."'<d ~
Ku1 tht>«" p«ciout ptar.s ~•e not to I>! revuled tc a.U and cundry. They arc to ':>c
diOI'do~«i oil)) .v 1.l1u~.: "'hu "'rn e~teem them u ls du.'t
Titus we 6ad a SlniD Cln m~.itation ~n:s$0CI dir.·:dy to t.h: l""ttl'l ~tou!. b t_\e:
hupt=' dnt It wtU ll'C'.1JIDI~ tbc- vdlabtC' p--...ul.: afent'll;i.s::.
0 til!' rwu, in lh: 111ulr.ct of£ -~the ~u:tpOVJd' ol cor<
lood "" bullet o1
0 uty , • ._..upt ll~~~: prl•dn1 wid.dlo\·c w:dl tbt fl.l'l"cfyoor hel.'t.
u d. comme•u tbt~.ukw:tb th!bk.~~tht V/orci";O
sno• ._
Th,. Mcent•~l role pbytd bygtnio L'l the 5pitiru21 ~ch outlintd abovt ~ note
3TNrn.Of'fY O:!'()NOUS
"·orthy. Gnodsb Q$Cill.lal :u.IJ ~~:wrltk ~wd tot.av:itsc&ct.11t1SiJe:raphuiud
U. the/•t ..... oi'S..i'f.d I.W. ~"
A trueJDft l'l tw, know's 11•"' not •rwt cY rrt.ditation.
Whu c:wl.o¥1!1U)..) w dC" Wo J..
When gnC<Iie it :achi.wd
The orbit 'Jiun: ftJnh with l.K-iUm•lli~l~ t.
So t<mllin tocustd 03 your ~orption In tl'.~ 'Mrd.1'
Wi:hin the mystl~ l orl)it nfgrnci~ (gftt4A rundal) ts the shJnin1 :;plen\lu\u uf
a li_ghl to lx :~C:Cn on)y when ginin is epplicd 10 the Word. Bul
th ~ brill:a.r.ce must bet ac:hit•td t hrough 1te r .r<lntrP. nrdmnro by Ihe 1lut:' Guldt
(ifl~, Sl.;. ,ul:ti). As Ptr U•••n K41bt: ai-Otn txt:h.ins to \he rogie m1utt1, Kinlpat
c.w l ~.ric. .ll)~t l)',
0 .ucdic, when you r'I<Ct the Cuidc. )'OU ml.l.:;t recognitc. him, mycagt,
fOr W'.th!YJ! G\idt ~f r J11h ranrwv-he fnund.
ln the ort,.t ofsnc-i.t liu • &himocring lamp,
ht .-,thout Litf Wdt it Wllllllnft'l'nfrr }'ntrf,fll-•p!
Tht GuIdA: 1a'"I" radhteot g1 ntn, 1riU.... ¥F hidt Llr.:t> suudit11 b..- Wlf'•thoct ·
abl< d..uka('S.7 ' Howc:u th~bftieovt::'l i:.ll into U..e dr;rJu.of a d.ut ..-tMn thtr
hd.1 in thoir hud_c lht N*ft"t$1tf;h1 ofdle IUl.P ofgno;:s!» BylJc:adiD.J; the piJ•
rib tbU llr.lp in h&nd, !he bdl..~ will ltta;n tht ~!i&: .U:cn of the lcml~
HoWPWr.lhtgtntntdo n(ll' ('i:atm to.1hM jnct an! crdtnary~nflif!tll. thqdc.lm
lObe: OiTif'le Li@;tlt (1elrl ihdf', •3 in th< <gt•tic v::rx of P"trSodr d·Din:
Pupct•ary recite th' 5i.atn:, ror they o~ rdW witll Di'lint! L.igh:.
'f na r hP.1!rt Wlil he ••a~hlt rn CMtain soch npturOus ~y!"
But :u lla:: Aln•i'lhl)' Lvul i~ llac Li~l ~( ll:e l:ae.t'¥tu) at..J lht ta(lh (!ltlr .al·
stml'ii••.5J wt~"J -~r4, Qw-''11 1<t:J5), lhc g!n,ns ut tht rtposiloriH ot Hut L:.eht71
As the lnuoducth.m to NOr Mubammid Shah~ Sat V!11r Mutt ('l'ltles uf 1lulh,
.'-n dtulgtn« olll&.. l tltt t~d
d lltu)C ~-.,ub wl" ifiiJUI!U(\c:t iu hrc
l'bi1 comp:Ktlion ..... tw:m •'-med '"l'he laJes o(' tr.rth'
!n !l. 70ll w'ill t'i nd lit< I<•..Jcncc: ofth< BeiO'ied."
11.c BdOTcd it lObe "'-'d in 'iftb hc:e.a"-'C: p:o!U mako tJ..t whl:h h b<yor..<!
anynn..,t,. knnw.IHtf t•o""_.~
0 lKr:llc. We U!l~pp~w:tu.b~ tl:c lmpnc=?fili~
tlw: lnd.ct<r~hblc- hu ~ deur,t d
Ur eb111.1 ha"t com;wdcnUal He ¥obo is Juromp-::hcn:Y.'blt' il
3tlAP10UB H VIM Jfl
On<t ttt pndnt com.pletdy pu.dr:lte tJt• 10\ll. they haw the ?O"'ff eo lr.llnl(o,..,
it. T tl UJ., Ollt stJl .l_n dtsoibl!$ rh t hufh ofgrlt1.4,\ u hd ng 11 body and railTII:'Ilt tl( Dl·
vtnc f.lghl. In Lht: 'Ga.idt' mi1Jiu1o t..:aJ:t dlt )1/U] til theCity(I(El;emlry."'
The lrt118forming is no l~a t hc.n th~t of le~enda ry pl\ilos~ her·~
Gtone th1: tron1muteo base met:aJ mto go.d: 'How un there be d trt.Deu •.mere the
GIJirll" In~ giv~n the p:0. 1 IM~h~r:( ~ltmt rn 1he btllevenr Ifyou are :ny stints. you
will wu!tuJl-'lllt( Ll1e'e gin.l.IU-'., Je:rt u 'J'ltfOrd alea.m.! after ccntacl with • run·
nine atrum and ,tjlktn ,a.nncnts ,;lcam by being apo.M'd to Wllt«, so~ bt'Licnr
gleoms b!" uaduata.odin; the i.Dntr mew.n& of the alJlarw,• frx- Jistt"nin~ 10 and
unt.cnft•dmJ th~ worls o!~s ~tti"")'C •nt '"' rl'V' rr_.u n~r :-hat thr unlvUM"
U. ~•O)o.l .£I tlc: end cLC'--c:ry c:onr.ic: ()de... L_"UUced. Cl)l",k1:1:pletin' t.\e a;inir.a;
"'id1 full coa~:ntion l~bemes Mlmu\ t.OIU.t1
(jl•h h fll, ~" ()f ...r,.m.~ rh!" mnu Mmn.n"11y rteurrine srmMI z.nM~
In L~n: hmaill tub. Uk.c u:(Q.ti;J Ulll•rl.biil. it 1.~ lltt' VV"'CI tV feiuitC\.1 ,-o;;e~hc
J0!;114 to tn etcrool bk of goosi:s. Th~ .si&no\ture vcuu (hll.l'JitA ~~ .:ltlhtp) of mony
Smlnc end wi:b hr>f'$ such as, 0 bttowd onts, Ptr $11.dr t!-Dm 11ten thh ginan ot
~npr~•m, h"lt~J . M)• I'IP:lr ~ll eve~. oornr.nnd rlnnk thh >:r.l_C$-tlal amhro'iia!'-. Rot It
iJ only by pcne1ret:in' th~ inner cncanin@. th11 the tout ia grutcd ctcrr.d life. as In
I his "troe thot cddtet~Se~ tr.e Jotu~ soull.n the to!lowlng wcrds:
lfyou l itcOYt".r tl.cdixir :l.iddu ri3in t!lc ~lllnl.
'JU.•It '-"ith 10\,.. lUte itJS>
Thu elm: fils th~ hew: ..a. the lum~.-.o..- .P•nclour of~ t.o th~ dat.h car..rntl'llrh
Th,.w.olr wn -YI dtf':' 1hf' blw dMitt'l.
Ow t oo cue ditt tb dc¥dl of fn.aJ. .
He wh d.iH i_a tbt @.indn of the Guide
\VIll n,w•r1lir' ~fAi.n!o,.
Th.- rpftrlru·e h~rt h c!tul:r ro the Prophet Mu-bunmtd's cele': :ntod tr:.dition,
11wtbr. 'Die be~ure ;rn:~ clii Whrn th,. ~,.lf r::r~\!''~ ~W~)· lnd the True Guide
tcJ:cs hb t:t.t in th~ heart, :,bu< rt-maiBS noth in& but JilOSi~. for by dri.t1& w tlu
li"ulh, lh• JOul h r~t.v11't'Cted to ~tt!r,..,.llit e end li,att
Fbt.Jt: t;(Wit;illnunatio• ct
t••~) mr••ny • f G• osis
rh1t ghtin and. ialbi.) tCde cf pcrf:ct awarenc"»o •wta.r• t s.acrK eova:\:Ut wt..\ t·s
:.ord. rccopi.sin~ hin" tuprum. lf\!t afttt 'oinb. <h~~ hr the: a,dtatttil~ work!
abor-.Jt il, it klrgttt. both :t; CO\' -'.:ld ttl, gntt."ii• with ,JJi>...h it v.u endowed.
How~""tr, trlt ~~ 1fel!I111Ye, ln ttt mo~t pruCuuud deptht ofitl exbtencc: it hear$ the
<lrr:at (hnnt h.~ ..clcatl•l then hcc.orr.~ no5to.lgLc tor itc 1\omi! 2nd longs 10
return. T hu.t. it acclcs the company oftbe Ttue poss~or nfginln.
T he Vt.:adt corruna.ndc tnt,... t nd t ntal uhetlicu~.e. Ho~-nu, the •oul's c~o
beconatt dtfl"'lt ""d h'lnds it tu llle Ttutll. Evcn1uaU!", love conq~erl thi6 sen"
become• t.\c soui:S praytr a.rpEt. I hot Vudt kac::beJ tbt sonl tn ~l:
the gi.'lln ~idcfca withil) ittelf. HU c:r:::anpany tnnsronns fhto s.oul u it &bwtb> tbe
perfvuofhh glt~tlll. :uu::.o tt-~ r.Mh tn:o bcconlc &.,p&nt in tM ~ o! t._e
~ s~J •nd i1
1itr soW thu dit<ovm lha.t jus: u peuts en ~icldta tn th d.qYJt.~ of tht sn.
true KJ"~Cob i.e concttated Mthio the depdu o! tM gl t~tn_&, Thb I~ w1:1tn t.L.e lf~
of eaotenc: tnowlfd..a! I f f to b-? fo1mci. I( thr nc.1lct it. utc'ilttina of the gj.ninJ, their
hdtin. i"" vcuttr•tcd, they win be found t\) ccntnin. a boundlm oGe'Ofi oflcr!owtf<!.~e.
rc• d ~thout probingtbe inner mem1ns are l.tkedon.k.eyt ctU)inglnWs
of trs;rant undalwood- 'Aih~t d('l t.hf'y k:nnw nhutJt tltt V' """ 'ou~ t.l!'O that they
bf:u-~ Henc~. 1~e gtnlln~ ar~: addrt:SSC"d Lu lhe wu11d rX topirita, for tbc~c: inspired
Tbo~c ·
M mpmitlo:'IS otlilnate iu lltal uuDI.c \lfOJid.
Ginin t.t UKatia.J for t.'lc Jpirituol When it 1.& apphed to tbe m.rstiC'~I
Word ;lle lamp vithi.o tht or-Xt of potu bbuc forj wtth _, htl'll.tnt light. Ret
the li&}u "11h n ,,..,. fJn.1rK tc no nrdiurr IV .L .t 0 d;c Dih ot LiP,:. The Iklove:l
himulf dwcfl" iu tltc: P,ui.J:d••~ u aprusio-n oi .aurtecat PKI"!-U, the ~ at oa c to CO!nfrt:hcnci die <h-e who i$ ~nd d com.?ftltenucn. Th!s ts no: a
ptCdYc t OC tl\r.r app-.cnt 'NC·rd$, but of lhf depthc ot ttettti<: ft'~fllf'l8 t:M t.tlnP.d
wtthtn ti'I"M ~rll11 tp..t~litytnable£t.i-Jem totransfcrm tbr: tco:pthc: .wulm..11..h css
tltc: t~hilo~~t.c-r's stcr.c ba'~ mctd i.nto 1-olrl. Th.:-r ere thus
cc:leui.s) ambrosia. th.: my:;tk:al nc:cta.r that ~urrtcts the da<1d to an & rna.l Life.
Jndeed, IC die the death of Truth. ~nd bt rt~nnected Into th#. llff' r( gh:ln mf'af1~
never to la~~ de•th Ag::t~m .
Tltjs h how the d.nil.u define th:.msch•es. Once lhe:ir inner mcartin.g: is under·
stood, the: ":'rue Cvidc erta.': Uibei bis sut irl the ho.lrl·'• abode. '1botap
are dn-..n on tbt coac~rt ar.d onl:rsite.::.a remaJnt, tto# v·'\I~P"""3:•""1-~ofala·
t laj r.UUI"' t'nntlmW'IO hP ~nrd :lJ~ thr dr.,.,al ~)"'fli"Uii) uf"O. Uiis J.•b.J)CU ••••
·nttt is n• t.ut!t :fd tl:.ue b mcJcd):. Theft: h r.o ~ yet elK~ is m"""c!u
The 5inar./ defitliti~n o(th:-:nsdv-C$ CO:ftft'.CftCCS in the Ut1C:r .,&lc:ncc end .still.r.c~ o(
prt-fttr ntty. Uefote I he t urtains of crt:ltion or• d rown, the Tr•.Je Guide is rnttw~d
wt:h S'nin ar.doommitdnrwl •Nith rht>' nrtumml)ning ~ll !:Otll$ to a rt'I:O_!Jnilion
oft hi~ "'PCIIUI kn~ledg._-. A:. it p il!i!!t.":'i tlmJUMI1 the "'umh. the :tnul is 1fi.nt.t-M hy
Fc:)bl.lulfi iu luo~uuu.. f){ rur t"orrncr
prolts;UI uul ll t-.:)it:.uv~:J visvt. Df Hwll.uiD LanOOh. l kr.~ Orl..andoltto be~·
in& a<.holar,& brilli~t•l acc.dc:rruc ~tnd ll w()ndtrful hum~n bei•J. ll \\'aS under
"t$ \¥1 tmmt·r"~ (ITh
ll!!gt to v.'rire ~ n arlide b·ah,)i
3\'N.fft OI'JY Or ONCSB
tha1 1 karwd a'lOUI tht bc'W'.Kbq world of ls::ank ll)'l1idsa1 and ptl.luwphy. Or .'V.(itP l11 Sllit4o m•W bi.M •~ Nu.a-DL. lto'i ·
Undolt t• IIIW'II,.. .,.._, a cor.u-ut ll(lUI'U of Upintio111, s.cM~t Ulod: ulipwuntn!.
I M.JU.kl •lw IN lO duAl: a.-Wl•l..J Aminli A.mJ.oi .ud Dt N!:-:li.aM Stn.l.l•·Dlwtt
for redore •~a• 'draft oftl".u p.a·Pft'2nd ma:ongrtli..:'l!' u:.'\itlrlutlt n;£9Hh•••· Ar..y
S•rAb!w• ttl \-ci, U Ji Ci,.,NM C..SW ! C.C., Y04. 1.. )Aun.h::i.II)6S VSJtc.191.,.
Wa:.ka tlw1rctnlio arc. of co~ rt'l'f"vo..
All thr gtntn~td.,.rl in th l1st\1d·fa~ frrn tht lChnil:l fditin·u '1..\td nn rhr nri~ ..
naJ texU Artt ethhUebcd by Molhi Lil)ibhii !>ev:"ilj otic! hjs ~ciG~cs in the co.rly
l9DIU. A dlzhrly mndltlr.rl \'t!riktn nfthr: AtA-1..<: RomlL,jzCALiun "ni.IJic fcu c.q..nul
WAS u&cd to trantlittr.ale the KhoJkl te:t1. Virtu:tUy :Ul su~equer,t publications of
ginans bylhe hmalll commu11ity in Gujanli. Urdu. En,:bh, Prt:nt;h 11.11tl Spanllll1
tran&Liltnadon o_re bued prlmorUy on lhese texts. Among tbe Yolumu prcductd
., &i:x boolu ~ apl)n')rinu.tdy 100 s:inlns each. Reference to the ccnnpcuitlon.,
co:~:,in~ i.n thtr.e collections will include 1he inciri: as a title fquJva.ltnl. followed
by tl\e book number, thr 1'6RC on w~ic.h the ,;in111 ~n ~ and tllc tpc-cUic verx (v.)
or verses (V'I,) ali\Jded to. frequentlyocrurrtng fo:mulae lt the bfglnnlng of many
gmir.l. •• ch •• tlli• tlptadons -ii t..nd JirthlsQi, an-.cmitt«l :n U.e titlts. w~l l t l"'
corrnon cxprea.saons suet u A!:HidA• a:t mamtd Thu.s. a dtatl.<ln such as Sann·~
j1'1!..17-l!l. }tltw ltkl:~,. ltll. yt),. , . p. , ... w. 17)- 'iS -..auld refer to '-«Ut 173 to 175
oi the fd.,aln c.;. .s.:N.-c ,'T>n.ut~ d i•rc Jd:I..J.fl !esc w•iclt bc:@Lu Ql ft• ~ )4 ddc
JKC'nd c oDtchnn ~ tnn Jll'ti:IM l.nn~r e-n:an.c walll 1nd1V!d1111 htl,.s.. lrrcwa u
tr~r.dr.a. ut: d1Cd t:hr.ply by aunt end~ UlrtO (c:., 0:.) «,. ia the UK of ihox:
tbt a.nlin pros:. pace narnber. Thu.. AfilnSarr.£}.2'!!1. c.. 101 rr.ff::. tnca.rt"' )n)tll
tM pmatit M 1J1t Sonlo}tttr.
Oibli"11'..~ "'fuJ• ...ti')tl f.r. Uic iQAJili b:.tb tiltd .inlhb foliOWI. Da1es
"'<' il't ll'lt Chnnnrn ~ra unltflt la.bdl@d VS, in which cue they ar• i.a tt.• '/tkr.l.n:u\dityA
$aqw•t era. Allrlbulio:at tl-..c ot\!tJaorllhi.p 0: the fli1l4u~ d:cd it1ll1i• wvrk "'~ rcc'ltn:le\1
as1hcy appear In ~he received !txts.
Joo Clt:Aml'ff Chop~t/1. Dock 1., 511\ cd, 19~0 VSIJ'J"'; I>ook .;;., Jth (d., 199J V$/t•ue;
Buuk 1 . c;th eel. Mumb:ll.l~!) l VS,' a!)~: Dook s..4th o.1. M1 1rnh~•. W" V~/liJ,J-1 ; Book
f. .
-tlh ed Mumbd. tpll!) VSil!m·
l<U G'irtdi'I.:IJl CltopA'/F
. Sock 4· .Jrd cd. Mumbai.,t))G8 VS/~.:... t!JI..r.l.
fJu.J~t~o~ Pr.Aa,,,, lu iJM)unbr)tm:tbaramllp4rolk45h. Muml»i, 1905.
Mt.ln .~m•J:Itt' No l"·'b!i('ltior. intOIC'ma.Uon 2valh~le.
Mc.m•11 O.i't V.aM,f :••lu. Tf Mu~t~tlJf,4t HolaiJ. (M.a:.:dl.UL 1V04.
Nl&lnru Orrt VtrH {a.k,l. To M.:~:r.:w.~r- Bh!zi .\lllf1). :Mumh":· I~S
Yir Hum Kdl--~dl,.,_ l:l.11ipi"• S..-..-.U. MumNi, J90'.i.
L S.ltv'11
~ b
••• ,..,.. u:t,U ,...,...,, J.1urabci. 19(14.
t.MI•.Y tnf.
thk CIQMKf'.,Con . . . Ct..rirtopb« ~ aJWI. /:a"G.'ritr A\Aw. luul1 Hpn'U JW..
SCH:Ii'l tb;a· An ln'f"'J411tt1on" Ct,.4MJ (Lor~ C.en. ~~. f'-11· Of coa..._, tht ~ gl.ntrn
ts abo uliell in tl•h lo<llte t.,o \.:l U-lu <rthu goup1 nxh as be: loim. !hi.."l1" H__.·<Yr'l'cr, thtW
ue~ltntt>r g~t~•IJ'I'" •h•ll'llrt•ff ._,It of'l'f•om lhr pan-nt bUL!li an.H~tucutwd.odtc ·~of
d·,et~u'ft gidn in 1hii'Pf"'lllc ttnce etn nill !'~ con.sidt:"\"11 't'o bf U lcpt.lf !.!mula.
.sar Vlnr Ndr.J, t. ' ·
<1. Shafl')ll' N V n ·u. 'Ahl ai.Aayt;'Cil)9tdti1 fJj.ldfgfGn (znd etl.).tsJ, W111l,_y J1.11 1 t~
COt-troll, aoo;), v&l. 1, FP. l!;tl-1~?·
'.1· $vluc lml.'- h.1Ja6llt0\1 1'GC:~. lll(h"' the J'lj; ,D-.,J oiPlt Sodr-al O'dtda:et.\t ptr!Od
o( UiS propif<ll.IOO actl'ti'J C\'tfl carllu , W the- Uu~t: t.,t( lu.Wu h.:ui'tl b. Ja'fu . t1m't iJ torfl(
1urroct br tf'i, ~~"rlinn ifl 1Mre4t·many nfthe ~3lh-ccntu:)' ~uthor. '1\Ll'a> Dtll Ata·MU.k
b. Mu~l.lll!Ud U -J\.1 "'*~1. Sc• S. M. St~m. '1'.f Euly lSil'II'U Mi'!ld;yurir!llt'll'fnrth·Wel
~ ;u&l i11 E:._w~1.,. .;1 Ta-.uoxlu... DSCMS, :.J (l,OO). ?P• e,-J;.S:ua, !.~"' h&t
ttpre!d SI&Sf!idOG about ttJ.s llltDnna.dOC!. Ncw::tl1de:u. v;c liu kuo""' n::li~h (u,lta die
~ntd ,PJriJI tJ Qi4111t ·N\l~a·t ~·NJ d.~IJ·wc. ,..1. l\. aJ.fJ.Uh (Be ru:. 1,~). pp. ~ G
ttA ~clr .pc!n dlcbli.IAI.'\1 u lcnr2ilbu.ia 'fcg::a ~58}, Altou1-(~d:c ..._ t;.tM~l~
'Muq,Qt .iJ.Y~· d..Jp.lldwd h!.nq&cv. a!·l :..,.-~to ~· ~ mSb4~
6. Tht: ltd. lattMtcton 10 1U ~ d S• .,ot brlld.n: raulns Nl.ljl\
n,, ]o.7:hi ,,.,nn Otwflt<W ' " tb ""'--"·A*:'s'r." $t:~N•nat tiJtotnu._,. ~.,.
!c c:r")· Ihoul4 ) t . ., rlf:m!'lote4 by tlu ptue11-t aulllot's ·n.e Vo.ct l'hlch: l.te Ul4
V.\•tL ul N ll M . ut~u4 Sl.;,l., " •> tlal.6lh Cctlluty h:ali"iii Y.~c' (M.:\ , lhcs.i,. a.icGiU
1 b'i\wtlry. \fi9SI. Ttf' ,.,n,r (lf'I'IM hs: l'«tt srudltG !r 1\1:11'1 Euum. ~ of Wt~
:~:tJ O..:l.ts .,, D.urc· Uy'""" of tlv Satpeardll rm~G'iti M1td1na !:.U,t Pir lAc,., (Alb'-"*)'. NY.
,,,). Ath: Eanult'• ,\ Sornl of&.tnd"I" C'd (Lon:t~l'l., 200:lj UIC the collection o(,4Jl At.,l't
?ttviuuiy pultll~:n:~ "rtltlt'l, t:11tltlu.l &)t'w v u1J £nli~kten-ma~t (Luu...h~a, ~;. ••\' l~v
rtcenl cClntnbllflons tD1 ~, A.eltli''Ut MnUan UfHO·-d:Ut h· hhn~r:aptm~.~.
'1· StyYt.d Ho9r(lln ~u. K.ot~'"'.'":lgc "'"d 1hc$2m4 (Edin) urgh, •s&), P?· ;, jO n ,,.,
8. Wladmlr l 'tt.ll.(n"', ~..l5)11111Uit' 1.1\ Co'ltCI•IIn.t (l dd:n, 19tl). Ylirl t, p .t., 11. 1.
9. HiJjtrt _partlfJf J«rt fllft ttrabii>J rkcn • • ol s. p. :11. v. 1.
ll). In thi• !lody, S--nllnl< "';,ndt w!l~t! orlgl.n may IXlt ~ im.:tt~dbttl'r •pparut '" tOJ.
IOW'f<l ~ 'gl.ou cont.-.lnl,as •he da&Sic:a.l Ar.lbic. P:mor~ or Sun-.kril b nn. -., the cue mn.~
I •.
)lllltr-r jJI'fYt. lmtll' MIJ!If t.lmlll. v.-~1 ••
.kt••C' nJ·a.# l,~ tvl .. p. ~ "'«: ._\W,.SW,..fiilt:t. ( .'5o
IJ .'
\~ V~l, (' $0
Sd Y. Alctf,ii'S~.,J _....rdd ,_~t;UM~ ~ , , , VSI{ca.I,OJ)
, 4•
Xn.--..,.A u~ ""'vW,., ~. "-' ?- 5
.S.:.c Vqi N.s,;. i:t S.Ot• "l:'l ,....- t.uhU "IOfili tlllhd
1 ,.
n~_.,., f•.:Aw~
Aata}t f\tu.d».l.
r '"'· " "1." "''""""' l'lfrlrl'N.. 'MI ~. r
u&,v. +
Ut v..,.,, Met'· No p11Wica1-cm info-ro• tio• .-,Ubbk.
~~ Yem'' .~r· :u Ytll•..k.a...~ li>.{lt )i M1 \1n~l. tf4.2 VSI~.
\ 'Sflca.
'"· l ~·
,r,lw-14., We. 1'd. "'~,."·a.
to• .?'t11uorw 11unr ~4tr.rt!M·U~• ?idl••cc. 'ilolt.p. 10. "l"f.a~:~z.n 'fdl r smJ#l
1- "'41, V. a..
Ul'«Fj• "01. ~
; :8
_, r M.i't101fl
5H... ~IQUJI W 'ITI ....Ufl
11. IJitl'll ~~trlb W rl-..IJ IYfr hr • <1:' nt.:-:i11"> -mt t . p 2 1, w 1-J
... .$.We; •,.,. pfl fldtJ~ .... )t f. 1o .. ).
;i. SU \'Crtf V.«t. C.l»: d. SicNJ·c :t/h'AtJJ.M
M'M ~J xfttlnl, -.d. :t. p. W. ~ l.
Htjrn ~~- }tin f'lll:lg:~ .:Irian ~r.t:., mi. S. p II], pau;..
,,_ A.tu..f 1"1;:"
2L AlntMkVI~"'~ pri't~,.u '9!~.~2. p. no,..:. t •
.u. ),,. ,.~\;(,., ...... ,..." ... !'cl n.Jtt.ltl ~..~ ~ ,. p. u
:,·1- KmrTOt111h J.>AI~<I-
., y ..
M:11ll)o. vol. 6. r.l>. "·.a.
vol. s. r.
,,.... jnc """" ithhl pft~t.' 11po,je, vo!. , , p. l,.t, w. ,, 20.
/1urlf ~.b1tlrl fW•' llp.t(lt,
voL -1. ('. 9J., ~ u.
•r. s
J "' M r.n Sl'm•Jllttl. t . ;o.
, •. Vitd J.!CJ~•. v
J ' · Pf' •i•l fll)1 "• Jdmft, vut. ] , p. 17, \', 1.::; d l'fyll p)'l l[:tt.
flb'I'I, W.M •mnt ftGft)'41. 'Ill.. s. p. ~. •· J.
lJ• ~10;-1 f'UJW_.., ,.'"'~PI•• \'01. .). p.t&1, v. +-
vo:. \. p. l.(. Y. a and 51nt
U · Sird....,...., ~ .,..-,Jx. TOI. J,. >. ~ •·!, cf. bt.h..ap:4· l ~~ -,: \.qttYJUt• U.WMI.
wut,. 6, A ~ (JniJva :z}. Y, (',
H .IO.h-1-r ,..""'..,.. yft/:11#, vol 2. p. lJ;. v.1..
, ,, J.,i :.MJ4tlitwJ, v-oL 2o p. ~. ~:..
U . r~/l!&or:t tA4J:.u, ml:IIIJI(hlf1' n(J/fr. v(ll! 4, p. !)S, \', 1.
MfflftSnnlllj ltJf, l. )!>7; Sur.~hl!dt' ~tr Vfl, c. u .
t l . ]"ft' rllchr,;~r 1nol'tf W..J/. •ol J• p. 127. ... .tL.
4 ~. lv£m S..ll,./4ot t . 144; cr. 1a1111 At:rltll"hlte. '/Ol
e.. p. 21. v
ue-~ bal.u:t.:u
$J. ; lit \',.-,uJ U~fr, c. )t~.
6.t· .\(au St»11 1ij~" '' ~. J64•)(.,,
.\;. JJur1e.i,ltJ:hl n)!OVI, Cjl 'fO. 'IOl $. p, ~'· paulm.
6&. ; lit htJ .flffr,Hh 1 11 n11111 {llfiSII'f' .irddJM, vfll l. p. ;1(\ If 7 •
57. ~~~t:uir lite,."'"JM \tltt lpa'4 l il14$titf ~"""""' vol. J, p. ' 11· .,., J· .f·
iS . .V.m $tAmt.jtrJI, c. ,n ..
'\.) ,!IM m,c JlJI! 111111'11 ml2' 111 fwwl. vnl. ). p. 94. v. 2.
1•). Ho]in wkl lt~tlfltf• UM!:'f b,..;t\10 lomiMjSI.I7- r&ltt~, vo1 s. Jl, w . l ·~
11 • •.f.:t lli,;Misle AM.,1I'Ar~MI• ,..,t. )>p.m. -r.; ~priatd i11 ...ol 61 p. IJ :aet tia11 1).
1~ $11'0""N ~""'Mifl}tn f$\a111 lur., l'OL;, p. :U. V l(\].
1 S· l<sllfjrrJ tocf .......m t.'/ . .~. 'I'ICl :. p. J~. w . 2, 1.
, .. .\!lifts.,.~,.. ~ Jl.t.
J\. Q'r4flt kWI'IJ' nl1 n~ N.·c4, ,vi, 4o p. t.t ~ 'Y. .; U. Sea-•~ f..uq.r-4 Jl•t fc\.k" ltn.
\0-.2.. ?-l"- Y • • \•4 lft•r W ciri'arJrh,.g iltnr~ tr~r ""~dri, Wlf "' ;t W\"
,., , Scr.tYI!)Ifa.'mJUi jt;rc ld:irdlft "'-~. \'OI. :-, p . J<4. v 130and M!lmvt" Clu'• ''"~'· v , 4,
H - M1mw1 Cbit Vnm0 1, w , J~-)6 o, 4u.
· ~· StJt~ C"I!Aia ~?:dr.t "', vel. 1, p. ~Jo \..,., ) - • ·
.. 6• .A41•t $\Jrt~ilc't, "' ~,f.
4;'. Aitdlt tk ii!M.tlrl .n'11ttd t\ Yl'tl i. p HO, v ' ·
•' Hrl A''·' • t1r.tlt.'1! Jtrj:., vol J, p. J'·
i f · 1-i:.r" S:tor~4(>-t, c. J )J,
'"· P~rJU~ 10fk p1tl J~Qndar :l:tlb. ld. 1. ?- .x.- n ·. '· 9
S I . 'l•lk AhY' rf ~. v t C ::1. vv. I"'!) and Sat Vvc&l M~ll. c. l 'S.
.$}, v. •·
~~- i l flrrttl• ''-~pit h <r. AUgij ..»~ ol
J!• 0..1(1Kl Llo.J lffa!' .JW'df•l M:rfdr!;o. 70J. t. p. )S. " L
J(. H411:lil~ll t.\ fl:d: llllJIJ wt WWJ, \((_ <(. p. 7t~ ~ 10; cf. fcnt'f ~~~·,1 jht IJtlt.l..,
lat, YO:. a. P. J+. "· •• u4 ,....,~ UI $N(!horli.Jtd V'MoNr.wbN,..;. w;A. "' p.1:;J.
JA''' ~'r1.,tnrt r:t. HI~; I•, '1'01. •· p. 1t.3 ~
lfl l'"
t.A"IIIW J Ue.11t«e Ukdy, Crom.Sk. ~ wb.ic.\ can rcf:r d:W
;,. !.lk. front Ar.
te a pen.-wl tL ~ lttl' 1110113 Ot to lft uucnom:Jal dh1s»a ofttDe d ~~hkh lh::."': uc ::kvt:u.
~c .
;I. VUk J.fz);o -.1 ,~,_ w . :6-~.
JG. S,ldlh t4hf41Jikc rli.uJitJ,'f """'~ vol. 4> p. Sfi, 1:. 7•
Set Y1r11 Mtr.c. J..
7l. E nb:J.'IM• )n"'l" 1141 l-oti hatwDt f!d ltd~ rt o~Mtfrt,, \l()f, !· p. !SL, ~ $.
7'i· V:rlr wlr ,..., "*"r'Al ~t~.4 rrt.ld m.,_ iu .I.e JlrdMil, vol. ! , p. t;f, w , 7 to.
);"..\!wur C1u1 lil-.(11 " tl ]-1'1.
Jrovl. wl.). p. ~-4. V. I
Jl •."r' ntte t« 141 r.e M-Lt/t
•i>&hi• ,Wnv. ,..,a_ 4- tAU, w.
~~ dtll,. YAI " ,. .u. n: 1--s.
6 t . idfh:. dh"vv 111: tfn~n •·&.Acl,v, vyl. .t, p. '9· Y. u ,
62 • .\!,.,.If m.f11ll wthJ ,..,,,.,, ra"'"f.d. vnl. h. p. 16. '1. J.
l6. Pl1 Uu~,. ,'(M.lldJlrt till Kd1.i~t.tJ .i.J,"tv.:ci, "'" .tv. $cl.:.. tiut ft\11\1'\lu..,a:J In~"
14l. v.;.
MU ftre mJn Uhha {'I &IJUI/f.
27. p,-, 1-lmnn Kdl"'lt!l~t rw K.dt~ipdt~o Sm:-~vld,. p. :&Q , Stl" tlon reproC.uctd In AINAdJut
2~ So:~lld1 kero bllld 1u: hjutt lu,_ \YIL 3, p ~~.
$N.U I
5to.-cn ma;~tlt u d klur Jlud, l\oio ofwtu:•
Qo. Vor(k .UO,'o, vv, IJ, , ,
'14. .'la.:~n JA tl"" . , I'"JJI lolldt1tr'l. mi. ), I,, \'. '
2.:;. M•rs $•~ot:t)ltt r, c. ~,a $#.t VC(Ji .lo<ofi, c . .,,..
1\u•'u/•f lhl~ •UI~tt~l\.l, Hll. ,, p. ;>4, v, '·
Oat b21tdiU )111M: J1r iMTJ!hl, vnl. ~ p. IJJ, v. 7.
81. MWI dlvl"tfltl UMp bm..j uJ¥»'1'i.'IIA• phiro, 11'01. J, p. 17f.
a,. Nal'iltOJQito/1: JMt. .-o'•hu :•Aif'· "01 ,.. p oQ, • . ,-and SJellllrl ~•lllrf1A.u ,l;t.uiMrl d1"'i,
Kl .
\UI. 4,p~V. \ .
M<t fmw!n /'AI "'l:f'd ltnvt 111 the* P'""""· vol. •· p. ~~. v. 6.
f.5jA 141 t•et wtwk" "''' M how, vol. ~ p. S-4. ·1. f..
"•'lut!P r•l lfJc, YOL &, p. t,h v. 6.
8G. Vdt
"l'i P"'""
S~tb.t'l Ndlll), t,;, 1; .
l h- J)