ž ¥ - Church of the Assumption


ž ¥ - Church of the Assumption
Church of the Assumption
20 East Ave. Fairor, NY 14450
December 14, 2014
Third Sunday of Advent
Mission Statement: We are an inclusive, welcoming, compassionate community united by a faith that is alive and growing.
As sisters and brothers baptized in Christ, our mission is to be Christ for one another, our community, and the world, by
teaching as Jesus did, loving as Jesus loved, serving as Jesus served, and by seeing in every face the face of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Christmas Season
We’ve all heard of the Twelve Days of Christmas. This song may
go back to the 18th century, although not in its present form. It
reminds us that Christmas is not one day but twelve—the time
between Christmas Day and Epiphany, which falls traditionally
on January 6. (Actually, in our Church the Christmas Season
runs even longer—until the Feast of the Baptism of the
Lord—usually celebrated on the Sunday after Epiphany).
worldly darkness,” (Holidays and Holy Nights by Christopher
Hill). Remember how John’s Gospel expresses this: “…the
light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome
it,” (John 1:5).
The Christmas Season is filled with special feasts and holy days.
These include St. Stephen on December 26 (think of “Good
King Wenceslas”); St. John the Evangelist on December 27;
Epiphany, which means an “appearance” or “manifestation,” is The Feast of the Holy Family, usually on the Sunday after
actually older than Christmas. In the ancient Eastern Churches Christmas; Mary, Mother of God on New Year’s Day;
Epiphany celebrated Jesus’ birth, the coming of the Magi,
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, founder of our Catholic School
Jesus’ baptism and even the miracle at Cana. All of these events system, on January 4; and several more.
reveal Jesus’ true identity.
Wouldn’t it be great if we really did celebrate Christmas for
The commemoration of Jesus’ birth on December 25 did not
twelve whole days?
begin until the 4th century. Why was this time of year selected?
The Church year came into being in the northern hemisphere,
and the winter solstice was “an appropriate time for the
Sheryl Zabel
ritual—the newborn sun/Son entering and illuminating the
Church of the Assumption
(585) 388-0040
[email protected]
Sunday Masses
4:00 pm (Saturday)
8:30 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm
Saturday: After 4:00 pm Mass
Thursday: After 11:15 Mass
Other times upon request
Stephen Ministry
Our church is equipped with a
hearing loop. Switch your hearing aid
to the “T-Mode” position.
Assumpon Datebook
Sacred Liturgy
Sunday, December 14—Third Sunday of Advent
Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
Vigil Mass-4:00 pm: Bill Murphy—Jean (wife)
Raymond Cudzillo—Irene (wife)
Robert W. Rankin—Admissions, St. John Fisher College
8:30 am: Francesco & Annamaria DiPaolo
—Gemma & Antonio Marchioli
Antonio DiPaolo—Gemma & Antonio Marchioli
Maria & Nicolo Tiberio—Gemma & Antonio Marchioli
11:00 am: Carol Maue (anniv.)—Pat DellaPietra (sister)
William & Anthony DiRisio—The William DiRisio Family
Caterina Posella—Connie DeBello
6:00 pm: Ellroy Schu7—Family
Richard Reid—Edna & Family
Fritz & Joe Dobiac/Arlene & Harold Impson—Impson Family
Monday, December 15—Blessed Mary Frances Schervier
Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a/Mt 21:23-27
6:45 am: That the sick, poor, and aged be treated with dignity
11:15 am: Helen Kull—Family
Taylor (Living Intenon, healing)—Mom
Bob Warth—The Stewardship Commi7ee
Tuesday, December 16—Blessed Honoratus Kozminski
Zep 3:1-2, 9-13/Mt 21:28-32
6:45 am: For the all the people of our parish
11:15 am: Victoria Kelly—The Oakes Family
John N. Stelluto (anniv. of his death)—Family
Wednesday, December 17—St. Hildegard of Bingen
Gn 49:2, 8-10/Mt 1:1-17
6:45 am: Carl Krickmire—Mom & Dad
11:15 am: Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion
Thursday, December 18—Blessed Anthony Grassi
Jer 23:5-8/Mt 1:18-25
6:45 am: A.J. Maher—Stewardship Team
11:15 am: Patricia Bianchi—Leo (husband)
Friday, December 19—Blessed Pope Urban V
Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Lk 1:5-25
6:45 am: For deeper respect & appreciaon of the created world
11:15 am: Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion
Saturday, December 20—St. Dominic of Silos
Is 7:10-14/Lk 1:26-38
9:00 am: For peace
4:00 pm: Donald Silver—Joan & Paul Klobusicky
Tom Tiberio—Carlo & Sydney Tiberio
George Dovan (20th Anniv.)—Family
Sunday, December 21—Fourth Sunday of Advent
2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Rom 16:25-27/Lk 1:26-38
8:30 am: Joan Emling—Family
John Ballesty—Jim & Lisa Maruca
Annamaria Francesco—Antonio & Gemma Marchioli
11:00 am: Anthony Buscaglia—Family
Anthony DiRisio—Family
Caterina Posella—Al & Noreen Constestato
6:00 pm: Frank Racey—Sandee Racey
Donna Corsale—Sandee Racey
Blance Birkholz—Sandee Racey
Our Sanctuary Lamp
This week our Tabernacle Candle is burning
in loving memory of Carl D. Krickmire
at the request of
Mom, Dad, Katrina, Shawn & Caden.
No School of Religion this week
Today, Sunday, December 14
2:00-3:00 pm: Christmas Cantata—Church
5:00 pm: Children’s Epiphany Pageant Meeng
—Rms. 10 & 11
7:15-8:30 pm: XLT (Exalt) Adoraon—Church
Monday, December 15
Noon-3:00 pm: Advent Penance Service—Church, Living Rm. And
5:45-9:20 pm: CYO Pracce—Great Hall
7:00-8:30 pm: Liturgy Commi7ee—Living Rm.
7:30-8:30 pm: Men’s Prayer Group—Chapel
Tuesday, December 16
8:00 am-4:30 pm: WIC—Rms. 5 & 6
2:00-3:00 pm: Liturgy of the Word at Fairport Bapst Home
6:00-6:45 pm: Youth Choir—Music Office
7:00-8:00 pm: Instrumental Ensemble-Music Office
7:45-9:20 pm: CYO Pracce—Great Hall
Wednesday, December 17
Noon-1:00 pm: Centering Prayer—Chapel
4:00-5:00 pm: RCIA—Living Rm.
5:45-9:20 pm: CYO Pracce—Great Hall
7:00-9:00 pm: Sunday Choir—Church
Thursday, December 18
9:45-11:00 am: Bible Study—Rm. 9
9:45-11:00 am: RENEW (Peggy Whitney)—Rm. 2
5:45-9:20 pm: CYO Pracce—Great Hall
6:00-9:15 pm: Ignaus Spiritual—Living Rm., Rms. 9-13
7:00-8:00 pm: Hand Bell Choir—Music Office
7:30-8:30 pm: Parish Prayer Group—Chapel
Friday, December 19
5:45-9:20 pm: CYO Pracce—Great hall
7:00 –7:30 pm: Evening Prayer—Church
Saturday, December 20
8:30 am-3:30 pm: CYO Games—Great Hall
3:20-3:50 pm: Respect Life Rosary—Chapel
6:00-9:15 pm: CYO Games—Great Hall
Our Sunday Offertory Gifts
(December 6-7 attendance: 1,558 )
Envelopes.................................................................................. $16,880
Electronic Funds Transfer ......................................................... 1,931
Loose ............................................................................................. 4,819
Children ................................................................................................ 7
Total .......................................................................................... $23,639
Thank you very much for your generosity.
This finance table is for the weekly comparison of regular
Sunday collections (exclusive of Easter) with budgeted
amounts for the fiscal year. Sunday collections are part of a
larger budget which includes other revenues and expenses.
Additional finance reporting can be seen on our website, in
periodic bulletin columns, annual reporting to the parish, etc.
If you have questions, please call the finance office.
Weekly Budgeted Sun. Coll. (2014-2015 budget): ............. $21,496
Difference from budget this week: ...................................... +$2,141
Fiscal-Yr.-to-Date Actual Sunday Collections:.................$495,374
Fiscal-Yr.-to-Date Budgeted Sunday Collections: ...........$494,408
Total Fiscal-Year-to-Date Diff. from budget: ...................... +$966
December 14, 2014
Church of the Assump-on, Fairport, New York
Faith Formation/Religious Education
School of Religion News
The School of Religion is now on Christmas Recess.
We wish our families a peace-filled Advent and a “Mary”
Christmas. Classes will resume on Monday, January 5 for
grades 1 through 5.
Annual SOR Advent Project—Thank you to all who
donated mittens, scarves, hats, mittens, socks, etc. to our
Advent Collection. On Tuesday night, several of our middle
school students gathered to lovingly pack and wrap the
donated items. They were blessed and sent on their way to
make Christmas a little warmer and brighter for children
around the community.
As Advent winds down, remember to take some time to
enjoy the anticipation of the season The anticipation of
celebrating our Lord, and our God — Jesus — coming to
live and love among us.
Lord, thank You for becoming one of us.
Help us to prepare our hearts for Christmas
by opening our eyes of faith
so that we may see You here among us,
even as we wait for You to come.
Children’s Pageant Meeting—Our children’s pageant
will take place on Epiphany, January 4, at the 11:00 am Mass.
We are having an initial meeting today, December 14, at
5:00 pm in rooms 11 and 12. We want to know who is
interested in participating in the pageant. Children will have
the chance to read for some of the speaking parts.
If you are interested in assisting with the pageant, or your
children are interested in participating, please come to this
meeting. It will end in time for those who wish to attend
the Life Teen Mass at 6:00 pm to do so.
If you cannot make it, but are interested, please contact
Sheryl Zabel at 388-0040 x312 or at [email protected].
Christian Initiation—We currently have nine
adults, one teen and one young boy in the Rite
of Christian Initiation (RCIA) at Assumption.
Please remember them in your prayers.
If you or someone you know was baptized in another
Christian denomination and would like to follow Jesus as a
member of the Catholic Church, please contact Sheryl Zabel
at 388-0040, x312 or at [email protected]. The RCIA is also for
baptized Catholics who are at least 10 or 11 years old and
have not celebrated First Communion.
Page 3
Today, the Church throughout the
world prays with:
• Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11 – How does God
bring good news through you to people who are poor, ill or brokenhearted?
Luke 1:46-50, 53-54 (The Magnificat) —How does
God feed the hungry?
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 and John 1:6-8, 19-28.
Please pick up Sunday by Sunday for December 14 and
December 21 from the pamphlet rack in the foyer. You’ll
also find the new Advent booklet by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, Light
for the World: Daily Advent Reflection and Prayer. Or pick up a
Family Advent booklet or A Quiet Chamber Kept for Thee by
Michelle Van Loon. Please leave a donation if you are able.
Donate a Christmas Dinner—Our list of those in need
of Christmas dinner gets longer each day. Please sign up in
the foyer. Check out our youth group’s food collection in the
hallway for something to add to the gift you bring to a family
in need. Plan on bringing the same quantity of ingredients
your family enjoys at Christmas. If you can, add veggies, fruit,
milk, bread and eggs. Maureen Nupp will give you contact
information so that you can call to find out if there are any
foods the family does not eat and set up a time when they will
be at home to receive your gift. Or could you pick up several
$25 certificates at Aldi’s? Leave the certificates in the church
office for by December 18 or deliver them to a family
Maureen gives you. Contact Maureen Nupp at 377-1237.
The holidays can be painful for
many—For those who are going through
difficult times such as job loss, food and
housing issues, loss of a loved one, a serious
diagnosis, or constant pain either physical,
and/or spiritual, the holidays can be a time
of loneliness and emptiness. Stephen
Ministers are trained to provide confidential, one-to-one
Christian care. A Stephen Minister can meet once a week to
listen, care, encourage, pray with and for the hurting person
and provide support not only throughout the holidays, but
for as long as needed. If you or someone you know is
hurting, find out more about this compassionate and free
ministry. Assumption’s Stephen Ministers feel ‘called’ to this
ministry and want to and are ready to help. Everything is
confidential. Call 388-0040 x340.
Thursday Morning Bible Study—What did Jesus do
after the miracle of his transfiguration? He continued to heal
people and to teach, and often challenge, His disciples. This
week, our Thursday morning Bible Study will look at more of
Jesus’ public ministry according to the Gospel of Matthew.
We’ll start with chapter 17, verse 9. Join us on December 18,
from 9:45 to 11:00 am in Room 9. New people are most
welcome. You need not attend every session in order to be
part of the group.
Page 4
Church of the Assump-on, Fairport, New York
Outreach/Social Ministry
Angel Tree gifts
are due back today
Marie Claus, Youth Minister
388-0040 [email protected]
Teens: When we stay rooted in Christ, we are ready to
receive his call!
Today, December 14: Happy Third Sunday of Advent
6:00 pm Life Teen Mass—After Mass, PIZZA SNACK!
7:15 pm: XLT (Exalt) – Eucharistic Adoration. Join us as
we adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. This is wonderful
way to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus. Please come
prepared to worship with song, reflection on Scripture and
sacred silence. Our speakers are Father Michel Costik and
Ryan Burton
(Sunday, 12/14) by 10:00 am!
If you have not been able to return
your gift yet, please do so as soon as possible this week and
we will see that your gifts are delivered. If you have any
questions, please contact Amy Fernaays at 223-8048
or 880-2174.
Sharing Suggeson
For an organization or project to be considered, it must
meet the following criteria: addresses the spiritual &
corporal works of mercy, not-for-profit, supports
basic needs, non-polical, tax exempt, and does
not receive government grants (more than
$50,000) or funds from diocesan collecons.
~Calendar Dates~
Sunday, December 21 at 3:00 pm: Christmas Caroling!
Our teens are ready to bring some Christmas cheer to the
neighborhood. Join us! The more the merrier!
Sunday, December 28: Senior High Lock-in
Name ___________________________________
Address ___________________________________
Phone ____________________________________
Watch for details.
Recommended by __________________________
~Teen Gospel Reflection~ After reading this Gospel, I
came to the realization that God gives us a purpose to fulfill
in life. Our purpose is to serve Him and lead others closer to
Him as well. Outreach/Social
To God, it doesn’t matter
if you are the most
important and well known person in the world; such as
asking if John was the Christ or Elijah or the Prophet. John
recognizes that his purpose was to serve God and help others
do the same. He was a humble leader who trusted in God’s
plan and denied what others expected him to be. John sets an
example of leadership. Everything we are meant to do in our
lives is for God and others.
~Eva, 15
Phone ____________________________________
Questions? Call me!
Keep reading the bulletin.
Be virtuous, be God’s,
The Mercy Fund needs your help in assisting our hard
working neighbors! Please label your donation envelope
Mercy Fund and put it in the collection basket. Thank you!
• A mother of three, requests a grow light. Label for
“Kathleen” and leave it in the parish office.
• Lisa needs a VCR and an electric can opener. Please label
with her name and leave in the parish office.
• Amy is moving into a new apartment, and needs bedding
for double bed, towels, wash cloths, silverware, glasses,
coffeepot, kitchen table & chairs, dresser, 2 lamps, coffee
The Sharing Commi9ee will meet on January 3.
Please put your suggeson in the collecon basket
or take it to the parish office.
Thank you.
Caring for God’s Creation: In a July 30,
2014 letter to the Environmental Protection
Agency, leading U. S. Catholic bishops voiced
support for a national standard to limit carbon pollution in
order to protect people from climate disruption and toxic
pollution. Stand with the U.S. Bishops and urge for
carbon reductions through a national standard like the
EPA proposal. Please ask your member of Congress and
your governor to drive down carbon pollution and reduce
negative health impacts from pollution. For the Catholic
Climate Covenant go to http://tinyurl.com/hewal8.
We pray for the repose of the souls of
Thomas J. Hickey (father of par ishioner s
Mark Hickey and MaryEllen Kesel)
and of Irene Pattison,
(mother of Deacon John Pattison).
May they and all the recently
departed rest in peace.
December 14, 2014
Church of the Assump-on, Fairport, New York
Parish Announcements
Sacrament of Penance—Our Advent celebration of the
Sacrament of Penance will take place this Monday,
December 15. There will be a communal prayer service at
noon, followed by individual confessions.
Instructions for celebrating the sacrament, and an
examination of conscience are in the pamphlet rack by the
foyer entrance.
You will also have the opportunity to celebrate this sacrament
at St. John of Rochester at 7:00 pm on December 15; at
St. Joseph’s Church at 7:00 pm on December 16, and at
Resurrection at on December 22 at noon.
Our Catholic Family is diverse: For a glimpse into the
great diversity in our diocese go to www.dor.org/index.cfm/
Delight your family and enrich your celebration of this holy
season by attending an event or liturgy listed in the above
internet link.
First Communion Masses
Families with children in second grade should have received
information about the celebration of First Penance and First
Communion in 2015. As usual you may request a Mass on
May 2 or May 3 for your son or daughter’s First Communion.
Submit your request after January 1. You may send the form
in to the School of Religion or leave a message with Sheryl
Zabel (388-0040 x312 or [email protected]) at that time.
Catholic Ministries Appeal
Parish Goal: $187,587
Pledged to Date: $147,540
Only $40,046 to go!
Thank you to our parish families who have given to the
CMA to date. At 78% of our goal, we are so close to
reaching our goal of $187,587 or 100% by Christmas Day.
What a wonderful Christmas gift for our parish and those
who need our support.
It is Christmas every time you let God love others
through you... it is Christmas every time you smile at
your brother and offer him your hand.
Help us reach our goal. Please extend your hand in gratitude and love by making your gift this week. We are confident we can do this if we all work together.
Thank You.
~The Stewardship Committee
Page 5
In the words of our pope: “This year, the
theme on which I would like to reflect with you
and with all who will read this message is one
that concerns both Muslims and Christians:
Promoting Mutual Respect through Education.
This year’s theme is intended to underline the
importance of education in the way we
understand each other, built upon the foundation of mutual
respect. ‘Respect’ means an attitude of kindness towards
people for whom we have consideration and esteem. ‘Mutual’
means that this is not a one-way process, but something
shared by both sides.” (from the Message of Pope Francis to Muslims Throughout the World for the End of Ramadan)
Join us for Parish Prayer Group—Thursdays!
I joined the Prayer Group about three years ago. I initially
went to pray for a friend who had cancer. I found the Prayer
Group to be a humble place to pray and a powerful source
through which to request prayers and offer prayers of thanksgiving. Each Thursday, a group of men and women, of all
ages, prays the Rosary in the presence of the Blessed
Sacrament. Many people call in and ask for us to pray for their
needs. We also pray for those listed in the prayer books.
Mary's intercession is awesome! All are welcome to join us on
Thursdays at 7:30 pm for about an hour, in the chapel.
Questions? Contact Libby at [email protected].
St. Mary's Cemetery Closed for the Winter
Sometime just prior to Christmas, we will be closing off the
entrance to St. Mary's Cemetery for the winter. The driveway
is not plowed and last year, a fair amount of damage was done
to the grass from cars and trucks attempting to drive up there
as the driveway is very narrow. There will be a chain with a
sign across the entrance where the gravesites begin. Access
from there will have to be on foot. We will reopen in the
spring. Thank you for your understanding.
~Mike Mason, Maintenance Director
Please pray for our sick:
Bob Bach
Noah Banister
Warren Boyer
Sandy Ciaccia
Adam Cole
John Fagan
Rebecca Fillers
Theresa Genza
Nancy H.
Robert Hanley
Art Ingalls
Karen Jablonski
Dennis Kachinsky
Hailey Kern
MaryAnn Kinbaum
Joseph Lazarus
John Liberatore
Stephen Mack
Edward Maloney
Harry Matteson
David Ostrander
Yolanda Parnell
Matt Pentlicky
Madalynn Perry
Fay Phillips
Angela Potter
Allen Ruster
Stephen Selvaggio
Lisa Short
Jeanne Stewart
John Stio
Kathy Vaughan
Laurie Wilson
Page 6
Church of the Assump-on, Fairport, New York
Our Christmas Masses—This information is provided to
help you plan ahead for the Christmas liturgy you will be
attending. For more information, contact Janie Marini at
388-0040 x327 or [email protected].
Christmas Eve
2:00 pm—Presider and Homilist: Fr. Edward Palumbos. The
music will be provided by the Youth Choir. This is
one of our busiest and most crowded Masses.
Music will start at 1:30 pm.
4:00 pm—Presider and Homilist: Fr. Michael Costik. The
Marini Family will be singing at this Mass. Music
will start at 3:30 pm.
6:30 pm—Presider and Homilist: Fr. Michael Costik. Usually,
the congregation at this Mass is smaller, with more
opportunities for quiet prayer and reflection. The
music will provided by a cantor and accompanist.
10:30 pm—Presider and Homilist: Fr. Edward Palumbos. The
Mass will be concelebrated with Fr. Michael Costik.
The Sunday Choir will be singing and the Handbell
Choir will be playing. Music will start at 10:00 pm.
Christmas Day
8:30 am —Presider and Homilist is Fr. Edward Palumbos.
This Mass is a special way to start Christmas Day.
The music will be provided by a cantor and
11:00 am—Presider and Homilist: Fr. Michael Costik. There
will be a special blessing of Christmas toys at this
liturgy. The Marini family will be providing the
Register for Story Time—St. Joseph School will host a
story time for 2 and 3 year olds with a parent or caregiver. It
will be held on Fridays, from January 16 through April 10 at
St. Joseph’s School Library. Choose a time: 9:30 to 10:30 am
or 10:30 to 11:30 am. There will be stories, finger plays, songs
and crafts! Register by calling St. Joseph School, 586-6968.
Space is limited and registrations will be accepted on a first
come, first serve basis. $7.00 registration fee. If you have any
questions, please call Mary Beth LaDuca at 654-5627.
Memorial Donation for
Advent and Christmas Decorations
Donor name:_______________________________
Amount of donation: ________________________
Name(s) of those to be remembered: ____________
Pete DuPre’s CDs—Need a stocking stuffer
that is unusual and raises money for a great
cause? Pete DuPre, our harmonica guy, has a
CD for you! The CDs, of harmonica and piano, include 10
Christmas songs and 7 favorite hymns. Each CD is $5 and all
money raised benefits Music Ministry Ensembles (Sunday
Choir, Youth Choir, Hand Bell Choir, and Instrumental
Ensemble). For more information, or to purchase a CD,
contact Janie Marini at 388-0040 x327 or [email protected].
Don’t miss our Cantata—
(Sunday, December 14)
2:00 pm
Silence: Shall We talk About It? That sounds like an
oxymoron, doesn’t it? Silence either helps or it hinders us in
life. It is used as emphasis and sometimes a source of abuse.
It enriches or drags down a relationship. It is one of the timehonored ways we enter into God and God into us. Join us at
St. Catherine’s in Mendon on Tuesday, January 20 at 7:00 pm
as we honor one another’s insights into this powerful gift. We
will be guided by Sr. Joan Sobala, (SSJ) who has spent much
of her life working in pastoral settings where issues of faith
and life so often reveal the yearnings of our hearts for God.
Parish Office 388-0040
Parish Ministers…..The People of the Parish
Assisted by the Staff
Amy Fernaays, Pastoral Minister
ext. 311
Bethany Lyle, Ministry Staff Assistant
ext. 330
Cathy Tocci, Religious Ed. Dir.
ext. 308
Chris Heisman, Religious Ed. Cord.
ext. 307
Deacon John Pattison, Parish Deacon
ext. 326
Deacon Robert Corsaro, Parish Deacon
ext. 346
Deacon Ronald Tocci, Pastoral Minister
ext. 304
Deacon Stephen Carroll, Parish Deacon
ext. 343
Debby Orosz, Parish Secretary
ext. 301
Diane Olson, Bookkeeper
ext. 313
Deni Mack, Pastoral Associate
ext. 314
Fr. Edward L. Palumbos, Pastor
ext. 303
Fr. George Heyman, Assisting Priest [email protected]
Fr. Michael Costik, Parochial Vicar
ext. 332
Hank Maher, Maintenance
Home Repair Ministry
ext. 302
Janie Marini, Music Director
ext. 327
Kathy Shon, Spiritual Exercises
ext. 324
Karen Webb, Finance Director
ext. 313
Marie Claus, Youth Minister
ext. 305
MaryKay Robinson, P/T SOR Secretary
ext. 309
Maura Walsh
[email protected]
Mike Mason, Director of Maintenance
Sheryl Zabel, Pastoral Associate
ext. 312
Stephen Ministry Confidential Hotline
ext. 340
Steve Smith, IT Coordinator
[email protected]