LRH - Ballew Saw and Tool
LRH - Ballew Saw and Tool
506 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH IS OUT OF BUSINESS. WE STILL HAVE SOME LRH TOOLING IN STOCK. WE ARE SHOWING PROFILES AND INSERT TOOLING AS A REFERENCE FOR OTHER TOOLING OPTIONS. PLEASE CALL FOR OPTIONS AND SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR TOOLING NEEDS. BALLEW SAW & TOOL 1-800-288-7483 [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 507 LRH PART ANGLE MAX MATERIAL OUTSIDE DIAMETERS THICKNESS 3/4 ARBOR 1 and 1/4 ARBOR K-1165 45° 15/16 4-1/8 4-5/8 K-1165-FU 45° 15/16 4-1/8 4-5/8 K-1166 30° 15/16 3-7/16 3-15/16 K-1166-FU 30° 15/16 3-7/16 3-15/16 K-1166-22.5 22.5° 15/16 3-1/16 3-9/16 K-1166-22.5-FU 22.5° 15/16 3-1/16 3-9/16 Stock Cutters are 1" wide. Other widths are available as Non-Stock Custom items. Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore) C-887 (1" Bore) C-89 (1-1/4" Bore) CALL FOR PRICING D D D K-1165-FU K-1166-FU K-1165 K-1166 K-1166-22.5-FU K-1166-22.5 Carbide-Tipped Double Easing Shaper Cutter PART D T O R MAX WIDTH K-1491 K-1492 K-1494 K-1495 K-1496 K-1497 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 RADIUS OPENING 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 25/64 33/64 49/64 1-1/64 1-17/64 1-33/64 Corners will have 1/8" radius flared .015 to allow for oversized material. Other radius available. Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore), C-891 (1-1/4" Bore). Shortened Half Round Shaper Cutters D R Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. O PART K-1480 K-1481P K-1482P K-1483P K-1484 K-1485 K-1486 RADIUS 1/4 7/16 9/16 7/8 1 1-1/4 1-3/4 OPENING 7/16 11/16 13/16 1-1/16 1-1/4 1-5/8 1-7/8 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 3/4 ARBOR 1 and 1/4 ARBOR 2-5/8 2-5/8 2-5/8 2-5/8 2-11/16 2-3/4 2-3/4 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 3-1/8 3-1/8 3-1/8 3-1/8 3-3/16 3-1/4 3-1/4 1 (800) 288-7483 508 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Carbide Tipped Raised Panel Shaper Cutters for 5/8" Stock For Arch, Cathedral and Eyebrow type doors, a ball bearing guide is required. By raising or lowering the shaper spindle you can increase or decrease the thickness of the tongue. All panel cutters have 15° shear face. Note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. CALL FOR PRICING 3/16" R K-1045 6.5° 15° Shear Face 3/16" R NEW NEW K-1022P K-1023 15° K-1024 15.5° NEW 12° 1-1/2" R(A) K-1025 1-7/8" R(A) K-1038 K-1036 5/32" R K-1040 9/64" R(3) 1/8" R(3) K-1046 K-1047 K-1048 K-1049 K-1565 K-1566 K-1567 K-1568 K-1569 K-1570 K-1571 K-1572 K-1573 K-1574 K-1041 13° 11.5° 5/32" R(2) K-1575 K-1576 K-1577 1/2" R K-1578 K-1516 [email protected] K-1070 Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 509 LRH Carbide Tipped Raised Panel Shaper Cutters for 5/8” Stock For Arch, Cathedral and Eyebrow type doors, a ball bearing guide is required. By raising or lowering the shaper spindle you can increase or decrease the thickness of the tongue. All panel cutters have 15° shear face. Note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. CALL FOR PRICING K-1518 K-1517 3/16" R 1-5/8" R(A) 3/4" 13/16" X-303P-SA X-301P-SA 1" 13° X-305-SA 5/32" R 9/64" R 3/4" 3/4" X-307P-SA X-306P-SA 3/4" 9° X-308P-SA 16° 3/16" R 1-9/32" R 13/16" 1" X-309-SA X-346 K-1579 Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 1" X-347 X-1577 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 510 SHAPER CUTTERS LRH All cutters on this page are custom. DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. Carbide Tipped Raised Panel Shaper Cutters for 3/4" Stock For Arch, Cathedral and Eyebrow type doors, a ball bearing guide is required. By raising or lowering the shaper spindle you can increase or decrease the thickness of the tongue. All panel cutters have 15° shear face. CALL FOR PRICING Note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. K-1073 K-1074 K-1075 K-1580 K-1581 K-1582 K-1583 K-1584 K-1585 K-1586 K-1587 K-1588 K-1589 K-1590 K-1591 K-1592 K-1593 K-1594 K-1595 K-1596 K-1597 K-1520 K-1521 K-1522 K-1523 K-1524 K-1525 [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 511 LRH Carbide Tipped Raised Panel Shaper Cutters for 3/4" Stock (cont.) For Arch, Cathedral and Eyebrow type doors, a ball bearing guide is required. By raising or lowering the shaper spindle you can increase or decrease the thickness of the tongue. All panel cutters have 15° shear face. Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. CALL FOR PRICING For 3/4” Stock Available FU or FD K-1042 15° 16.5° Shear Force 3/16" R 1-15/16" R NEW NEW K-1064 K-1065 20.5° K-1066 1-3/4" R 1-11/16" R 1" R K-1039A K-1037 K-1039 1-1/4" R 1-1/8" R K-1063 K-1043 20.5° 14.5° K-1044 3/16" R K-1052 K-1050 K-1051 10° 9/64" R(4) K-1053 K-1055 5/8" K-1054 5/32" R(3) 5/32" R(2) K-1056 5/8" K-1057 K-1058 5/32" R(2) 7/16" 7/16" K-1059 K-1060 1/2" K-1067 K-1061 K-1068 K-1062 Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 512 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Carbide Tipped Raised Panel Shaper Cutters for 3/4" Stock cont. For Arch, Cathedral and Eyebrow type doors, a ball bearing guide is required. By raising or lowering the shaper spindle you can increase or decrease the thickness of the tongue. All panel cutters have 15° shear face. Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. 11/16" CALL FOR PRICING 3/4" X-326 X-327 5/8" X-329 3/4" R 1-3/16" 13/16" X-330 X-332 K-1069 1/2" K-1070 NEW K-1071 K-1072 Full Double Raised Panels for 3/4" to 11/8" Material Set "A" consists of using only one cutter running and run stock through shaper twice. Set "B" consists of having two cutters and spacer with only one pass through shaper. Set "BB" is the same as Set "B" and comes with a bearing. All come with standard steel spacer to cut 1/4" thick tongue. All panel cutters have 15° shear face. Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. K-1082 K-1081 15° K-1084 K-1083 • 3/4" material shown. • Both cutters with a spacer equals Set "B." • Both cutters with a bearing in the middle equals Set "BB." Shear Face K-1085 [email protected] K-1086 Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 513 LRH Double Raised Panels for 1-3/8" Material Sets include 2 cutters and a spacer. Bearing options are available upon request. 1-3/4" R(A) CALL FOR PRICING 1/2" STOCK 35° K-1036-SB K-1070-SB K-1042-SB Sets listed below include 2 cutters, a bearing and shims to get required tongue. 1-3/8" Material. 3/16" R 13/16" X-300 0.5° 10° 3/4" X-303P X-301P 9/64" R 1-5/8" R(A) 26° 5/32" R 3/4" 1" X-307P X-306P X-305 3/4" 18° 1-1/16" R X-308P 1-1/8" 13/16" 3/4" X-310 X-309 32° 1-5/8" R 3/4" X-312 Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 3/4" 1" X-320P 32° X-317 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 514 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Tongue & Groove Doors and Shaker Door Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. K-736 Set "A" K-736 Set "B" CALL FOR PRICING K-725 Flooring 3/4" 3/4" 1/4" x 7/16" 1-1/4" Set "A" Style 3 Cutters, 1 Shim Set PR-T&G 3/4" to 1-1/4" Material 7/32" x 1/2" (OPT "A") Set "B" Style 6 Cutters 3/4" 1-1/8" A spacer is placed between cutters for a cope cut K-739 Set "A" K-739 Set "B" K-738 Set "A" K-738 Set "B" 1-1/8" 3/8" x 1/2" 1-1/2" 1-3/8" 1/2" x 1/2" 2-1/4" [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 515 LRH "V" Panel Shapers and Wedge Tongue and Groove Shapers CALL FOR PRICING Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. K-726 Flooring K-727-3/8 1-1/4" Bore Only Face Down Only K-727 Face Up or Face Down 1/8" x 1/4" 3/4" 3/16" x 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" K-729 Face Up or Face Down K-727-F Flooring K-728 1/8" x 1/4" 1/2" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1/4" x 7/16" 1" 5/8" K-742P Set "A" K-742P Set "B" K-730 3/8" 30° 1/4" 3/4" 1/4" x 7/16" 3/4" 1" 1-1/2" Set "A" Style 3 Cutters, 1 Shim Set K-744 Set "A" K-744 Set "B" Set "B" Style 6 Cutters 1/2" SHIMS 30° 1-1/8" 3/8" Set cuts up to 2-1/4" material Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 516 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH 6 Piece "Component" Cope & Stick Cutter Sets Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. LRH Advantages • Sets are available face-up or face-down. (FU) Material Face Up, (FD) Material Face Down. • All are available with Option "A" Eased Edge. Option "A" will only produce a cabinet door cut. • Available with 5.5 mm or 1/4" by 7/16" deep tongue. • Constant minor diameter and tool width requires no fence or height adjustment when changing heads. • Sets will produce cabinet door, glass door, and shaker door styles. • All bores are honed for accuracy. • All tools are balanced for vibration-free smooth cuts. CALL FOR PRICING NEW 15° PR-59-FU PR-59-FD 1/4" x 7/16" Stacking Instructions CABINET DOOR FACE UP STICK A3 GLASS DOOR FACE UP SHAKER DOOR CABINET DOOR FACE DOWN A3 STICK A1 3 3 STICK GLASS DOOR FACE DOWN A3 COPE COPE COPE A1 3 3 COPE A1 STICK A3 PR-48-FU PR-48-FD 1/4" x 7/16" PR-49-FU PR-49-FD 1/4" x 7/16" PR-750-FU PR-750-FD COPE 3 STICK 1/4" x 7/16" [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 517 LRH 6 Piece "Component" Cope & Stick Cutter Sets (cont.) Sets are for 3/4" to 1-1/8" material, and wood samples are shown face up. The Outside Diameters for 1-1/4" bores are 3-5/8" and 3/4" bores are 3-1/8". Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. FU = Material Face Up FD = Material Face Down PR-50-FU PR-50-FD 1/4" x 7/16" PR-752-FU PR-752-FD 1/4" x 7/16" PR-54-FU PR-54-FD 1/4" x 7/16" PR-56P-FU PR-56P-FD CALL FOR PRICING 1/4" x 7/16" PR-25P-FU PR-25P-FD 1/4" x 7/16" Stacking Instructions CABINET DOOR FACE UP STICK GLASS DOOR FACE UP SHAKER DOOR CABINET DOOR FACE DOWN A3 STICK A1 A3 3 3 STICK GLASS DOOR FACE DOWN A3 COPE COPE COPE A1 3 Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 3 COPE 3 A1 A3 STICK 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 COPE STICK 1 (800) 288-7483 518 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Unique Carbide-Tipped Stile & Rail Shaper Cutter Sets 6 piece cutter sets with Male and Female wood samples shown. 3/4" - 7/8" thick material. CALL FOR PRICING Your Choice of Any 6 Piece Set K-751A K-753A K-755 K-756 K-777 K-778 K-779 K-792 K-793 K-794 K-796 K-797 K-798 K-804 K-805 K-806 Cutter sets on this page are not “in stock” Will require 7-10 days to manufacture K-807 K-811 K-808 K-813 [email protected] 1/4" x 7/16" K-809 K-48L Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 519 LRH 3/4" Material with Option "A" ( Eased Edge ) Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. X-232 CALL FOR PRICING X-233 X-234P 5.5mm x 5/8" 5.5mm x 5/8" 5.5mm x 5/8" X-236P X-237P X-242P 5.5mm x 5/8" 5.5mm x 5/8" 5.5mm x 5/8" Clockmasters Set for 3/4" Material Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore), C-891 (1-1/4" Bore). Double Detail Sets for 3/4" to 7/8" Material Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore) C-891 (1-1/4" Bore). K-751 X-240 1/4" x 7/16" K-753 X-241 1/4" x 7/16" Double Detail Sets for 1" to 1-1/8" Material Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore), C-891 (1-1/4" Bore) K-760 1/4" x 7/16" K-764 1/4" x 7/16" Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. K-761 1/4" x 7/16" K-766P 1/4" x 7/16" K-762P 1/4" x 7/16" K-767P 1/4" x 7/16" 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 K-763 1/4" x 7/16" K-768P 1/4" x 7/16" 1 (800) 288-7483 520 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Carbide-Tipped Stile and Rail Shaper Cutter Sets Each set consists of 6 cutters. For 1" to 1-1/8" thick material. Note: Cutters sets on this page are not “in stock”. Your Choice of Any 6 Piece Set CALL FOR PRICING K-763A K-764A K-765N K-766 K-767 K-768 K-2181 K-2182 K-2183 K-761A K-2184 K-2185 K-2186 K-2187 K-2188 K-2189 [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 521 LRH 1-3/8" Material ( 1/4" Wide Tongue and Groove ) The outside diameters for 1-1/4" bore are 3-3/4". 3/4" bores are 3-1/4". Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore) and C-891 (1-1/4" Bore). CALL FOR PRICING K-772 K-773P 1/4" x 1/2" 1/4" x 1/2" K-771 K-770P 1/4" x 1/2" 1/4" x 1/2" Carbide-Tipped Stile & Rail Shaper Cutters Male and Female wood samples shown. Each set consists of 6 cutters. For 1-3/8" thick material. K-773 K-774 K-2190 K-2191 Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. K-775 K-2192 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 522 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH 1-3/8" Material (1/4" Wide Tongue and Groove with Option "A") CALL FOR PRICING X-216 X-217 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore) C-891 (1-1/4" Bore) 1-3/8" Material ( 1/4" Wide Tongue and Groove with Option "A" ) X-219 X-218 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore) C-891 (1-1/4" Bore) 1-3/4" Material ( 1/4" Wide Tongue and Groove ) K-783P 1/4" x 1/2" K-782 K-780P 1/4" x 1/2" 1/4" x 1/2" K-781 1/4" x 1/2" 1-3/4" Material ( 1/2" Wide Tongue and Groove ) K-772-12 1/2" x 1/2" K-771-12 K-770P-12 1/2" x 1/2" [email protected] 1/2" x 1/2" K-773P-12 1/2" x 1/2" Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 523 LRH 1-3/4" Material (1/4" Wide Tongue and Groove with Option "A") CALL FOR PRICING X-208 X-209 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" Available Bearings: C-885 C-891 X-211 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" X-213 X-212 (3/4" Bore) (1-1/4" Bore) 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" 1/4" x 3/4" Option "A" 1-3/4" Material ( 1/2" Wide Tongue and Groove with Option "A" ) X-218-12 X-217-12 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" X-219-12 X-216-12 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" The outside diameters for 1" and 1-1/4" bore are 3-3/4". 3/4" bores are 3-1/4". Available Bearings: C-885 (3/4" Bore), C-887 (1" Bore) and C-891 (1-1/4" Bore). Note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 524 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH 2" Material (1/2" Wide Tongue and Groove) Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. K-783P-12 K-780P-12 1/2" x 1/2" 1/2" x 1/2" CALL FOR PRICING K-782-12 K-781-12 1/2" x 1/2" 1/2" x 1/2" 2" Material ( 1/2" Wide Tongue and Groove with Option "A" ) Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. X-200 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" X-205 X-204 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" X-203 X-201 [email protected] 1/2" x 3/4" Option "A" Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 525 LRH 2-1/4" Material (5/8" Wide Tongue and Groove) Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. K-780P-58 K-781-58 5/8" x 1/2" CALL FOR PRICING K-782-58 5/8" x 1/2" K-783p-58 5/8" x 1/2" 5/8" x 1/2" 2-1/4" Material ( 3/4" Wide Tongue and Groove with Option "A" ) Note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. X-203-34 X-201-34 X-200-34 3/4" x 3/4" Option "A" 3/4" x 3/4" Option "A" X-205-34 3/4" x 3/4" Option "A" X-204-34 3/4" x 3/4" Option "A" Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 3/4" x 3/4" Option "A" 1 (800) 288-7483 526 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" Material (Glass Door) Note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. K-770P-GD K-771-GD 1/2" x 1-1/8" K-773P-GD $590.70 K-772-GD 1/2" x 1-1/8" 1/2" x 1-1/8" K-788-GD K-789-GD 9/32" x 25/32" 1/2" x 1-1/8" CALL FOR PRICING 9/32" x 25/32" 1-3/4" to 2 -1/4" Material ( Glass Door) Door) Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. K-780P-GD K-781-GD 1/2" x 1-7/16" K-783P-GD K-782-GD 1/2" x 1-7/16" [email protected] 1/2" x 1-7/16" 1/2" x 1-7/16" Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 527 LRH "King Cutter" Option "B" Sets ( Glass Door) Door) Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. PART LENGTH K-OPT-BP Stock X-OPT-B Non-Stock W WIDTH 1/2 3/4 1-7/16 1-1/2 • K-OPT. "B" Sets consist of two straight cutters, which are only sold as a set. There is no MatchA-Cut available. L • X-OPT-B has Option "A" (Eased Edge) for face-up or face-down operation. "King Cutter" Option "C" Sets ( Tongue and Groove Cutters ) Note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. PART K-OPT-C-1/2 K-OPT-C-5/8 K-OPT-C-3/8 K-OPT-C-3/4 X-OPT-C-1/2 X-OPT-C-3/4 Stock Stock Non-Stock Non-Stock Non-Stock Non-Stock LENGTH WIDTH 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1/2 5/8 3/8 3/4 1/2 3/4 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 3/4 ARBOR 1 and 1/4 ARBOR 3-1/4 3-1/4 3-1/4 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-1/2 • K-OPT. "C" sets are two straight cutters and only sold as a set. • X-OPT-C cutters have OPT. "A" (Eased Edge) for eased edge set part numbers. 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 4 4 sets identified by "X" in LRH is out of business, but we have drawings and prints. CALL FOR PRICING L W Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 528 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH "Component" Top Detail Door Lip Cutters (3/4" to 1-1/8" Material) Note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. C-1201P C-1202 7/16" R 9/32" R C-1213 CALL FOR PRICING C-1204 1/4" R C-1215 C-1217 C-1619 C-1214 1-9/16" R C-1218 9/64" R 20° 9/64" R C-1622 11/32" R 1/8" R C-1702 C-1328 1-3/16" R 3/32" R C-1703 C-1620 C-1621 7° [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 529 LRH How to Set Up "Component" Door Lip Cutters Shims are placed between the top and bottom cutters to acquire desired cut for various material sizes. CALL FOR PRICING t op Cutter t op Cutter t op Cutter t op Cutter Bottom Cutter Bottom Cutter Bottom Cutter Bottom Cutter • All Top and Bottom Detail Door Lip Cutters are compatible with each other. • Refer to the this page for examples of how to set up "Component" Door Lip Cutters. • Match-A-Cut is available for Top Detail Door Lip Cutters but not for Bottom Detail Door Lip Cutters. "Component" Bottom Door Lip Cutters Each bottom cutter includes a few shims for adjustability. To achieve a greater adjustability, see the Accessories Section of the catalog for shim sets. All Bottom Door Lip Cutters will match with "Component" Top Door Lip Cutters in the previous section. C-1-CP C-3-S C-3-SeP C-4 1/8" R 1/8" R 1/8" R C-1-CeP C-1 C-3P 15° C-2 13/32" R 1/8" R 1/8" R 1/8" R 9/32" R 1/8" R Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 35° 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1/8" R 1 (800) 288-7483 530 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH King Cutters Carbide-Tipped Detail Shaper Cutter for 3/4" Stock Standard 1pc. cutter heads. Standard Bore is 3/4" or 1-1/4". Note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days CALL FOR PRICING 7/64" R 7/64" R K-1101 K-1100 7/64" R 7/64" R K-1108 K-1109 1/8" R 1/8" R K-1104 K-1112 K-1105 35° K-1113 1/8" R K-1115 3/16" R 1/8" R 1/8" R 35° 3/16" R K-1106 K-1114 1/8" R 30° 3/16" R K-1116 30° K-1120 30° K-1124 K-1127 1/4" R 3/16" R K-1129 3/16" R K-1333 K-1134 K-1135 K-1136 3/16" R 3/16" R K-1137 9/16" R K-1150P 1/4" R K-1157 K-1169 K-1140 1/4" R K-1138 K-1152P 17° 5/16" R 1/2" R K-1160 5/32" R K-1170 9/16" R K-1163 K-1171 3/8" R [email protected] K-1144 1/2" R 1/2" R 7/16" R K-1151P K-1143 K-1154 K-1155 3/32" R 9/64" R K-1167 K-1168 31° 35° 1/4" R K-1175 K-1180 Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 531 LRH King Cutters Carbide-Tipped Detail Shaper Cutter for 3/4" Stock Standard 1pc. cutter heads. Standard Bore is 3/4", Note : or 1-1/4". Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days CALL FOR PRICING 1/4" R K-1181 K-1184 7/16" R K-1196 K-1194 K-144 7/32" R K-1186 K-1191 9/64" R 9/64" R K-1198 9/64" R K-1199 K-182 K-178 1/4" R 1/4" R 3/32" R K-187 K-183 K-1193 K-197 1/4" R 13/32" R 3/8" R Edge Band Set K-759 Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. K-1122 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 K-1123 1 (800) 288-7483 532 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Continuous Finger Pull Cutters PART# K-2000 K-2002 K-2006 K-2008 K-2010 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 3/4" ARBOR 1" & 1-1/4" ARBOR 3-9/16 3-5/8 4-5/8 4-5/8 7-1/2 CALL FOR PRICING 4-1/16 4-1/8 5-5/8 5-5/8 -- K-2000 K-2006 15 K-2008 /3 2" 30° 30° 1/ 2" K-2002 Continuous Wood Pull Cutters for Table Saws Styles A & B are for left tilting table saws and Styles C and D are for right tilting table saws. All styles have 7-1/2” outside diameters. K-2010 5/8" NON-STOCK Style "A" Style "B" Style [email protected] "C" Style "D" Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 LRH Matched Drop Leaf Set 533 Drawer Lock Cutter CALL FOR PRICING K-705 K-758 Drawer Face 3/8" 30° 1/8" Deep 1/2" R Side Glue Joint Cutters K-715P K-717P 3/16" K-718P 11/64" 11/64" 30° 37° 30° 1/2" to 1-1/8" Material 3/4" to 1-3/4" Material 1-1/8" to 2-1/8" Material Carbide-Tipped Double Sided "V" Lap Shaper Cutter For 3/4" Stock Material The wood is made with 1 set of 3 cutters. All the material is run through the shaper the same way. Then flipping over one piece you get a perfect fitting joint. Standard bore is 3/4” or 1-1/4”. For a 1-1/8” bore add 10% to standard price. Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 534 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH CALL FOR PRICING Lock-Miter Sets K-757 Cuts for K-757 K-747 Both “A” and “B” are run flat on the shaper table. Part “B” is run again on a table saw to cut the groove. "A" Table Saw Cut "B" 3/4" to 1-1/8" Material 3/16" x 1/4" Tongue K-748 "A" K-749 Cuts for K-747 When properly positioned, this cutter set will cut "A" and "B" matching joints without changing the vertical adjustment of the cutter on the shaper. "A" "A" "B" 1/2" to 5/8" Material 1/8" x 1/4" Tongue "B" Cut "A" Cut "B" "B" NON-STOCK 3/8" to 7/16" Material 3/32" x 3/16" Tongue [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 535 CALL FOR PRICING. LRH Carbide-Tipped Special Custom Crown Molding Shaper Cutters note : Larger patterns will be constructed as multi-piece, stacked cutters. Wood samples shown below. K-1807 K-1808 K-1809 K-1806 K-1805 K-1803 K-1804 K-1802 K-1800 K-1801 Shaper cutter will shape wood per drawing. Back bevel must be cut with another cutter or on table saw. K-1810 K-1812 K-1811 Carbide Tipped Cove Moulding Shaper Cutters K-1835 Carbide Tipped Bed Moulding Shaper Cutters K-1820 K-1821 K-1834 K-1822 K-1823 K-1833 K-1832 K-1824 K-1831 K-1830 All Cutters on This Page Are Non-Stock. Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 536 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Base Moldings note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. gray areas indicate the cutter in relation to the wood. CALL FOR PRICING A-2020 A-2051 A-2021 A-2022 A-2050 A-2023 A-2024 A-3005P [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 537 LRH Carbide-Tipped Special Custom Molding Hand Rail Shaper Cutters note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. Carbide-Tipped Chair Rail Shaper Cutters . CALL FOR PRICING Carbide-Tipped Single Panel Moulding Shaper Cutters K-1850 K-1841 K-1851 K-1842 K-1852 K-1853 K-1840 K-1854 K-1855 K-1856 K-1843 K-1844 Carbide-Tipped Base Cap Shaper Cutters Carbide-Tipped Panel Moulding Shaper Cutters K-1873 K-1872 K-1871 K-1870 Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. K-1861 K-1860 K-1862 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 K-1863 K-1864 1 (800) 288-7483 538 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH CNC BEARING SYSTEM The bearing and post are removable so cuts can be produced on a CNC. All stock L.R.H. router bits are only available with a 1/2" shank. Routers with a 3/4" I.D. have larger bearings that strengthen the tools for industrial applications. Half Round Concave Radius Quarter Round Concave Radius H-1432 CNC 1/4" R H-1436 CNC H-1434 H-1422 CNC H-1424 CNC CNC 3/8" R 1/4" R 3/8" R H-1426 CNC 1/2" R PART H-1422 H-1424 H-1426 H-1432 H-1434 H-1436 INSIDE DIAMETERS 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 1/2" R CALL FOR PRICING [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 539 LRH H-1466 Extended Quarter Round H-1464 INSIDE DIAMETERS PART H-1460 H-1462 H-1464 H-1466 3/8" R 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 CALL FOR PRICING H-1462 H-1460 1-1/8" 1/2" R 1/8" R 7/8" 1/4" R Shortened Half Round H-1482P H-1484 INSIDE DIAMETERS OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 3/4 3/4 1-1/8 1-3/16 H-1484 H-1482P Double Easing Bits PART Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 3/4 3/4 H-1494 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 1 1 H-1492 For 3/4" Material For 1/2" Material 19/32" R CNC 0.765" 1" R CNC 13/16" 1-1/4" CNC H-1492 H-1494 INSIDE DIAMETERS 1/8" R 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 CNC 0.515" PART 1/8" R 1 (800) 288-7483 540 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Angle Bits H-1165L H-1165S H-1166-22.5 1/2 1/2 1/2 CALL FOR PRICING note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 2-13/16 2-7/32 1-1/2 H-1165s H-1165L 45° 45° Straight Tongue & Groove Set H-t&g-C 1-13/16" Diameter CNC CNC 7/8" 1-3/16" CNC H-1166-22.5 H-t&g-s 1-3/16" PART INSIDE DIAMETERS 22.5° Flooring Set H-725-s 1-13/16" Diameter 1-3/8" Diameter H-725-C 1-5/8" Diameter (Option "A") 7/32" x 1/2" [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 541 LRH H-729-s H-729-C V-Panel Set The Bearing can be replaced with a cutter, order H-A3 (If needed) INSIDE DIAMETERS PART OUTSIDE DIAMETERS H-729-S 22mm 1-3/4 H-729-C 22mm 2-1/4 H-A3 note : Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. CALL FOR PRICING 1/4" x 7/16" V-Groove Set Window Sash Set H-788-C 1-13/32" Diameter H-788-Cm 1-13/32" Diameter H-788-s H-742-C H-742-s 1-1/4" Diameter 1-1/4" Diameter 1-13/32" Diameter 1/4" 1-15/16" 30° 5/16" 3/4" to 1-1/8" Material note: H-788-C is used for creating cope cuts with mortise and tenon. Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 542 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH to Order 1-800-288-7483 Call All cope and sticks have a 1-3/4" outside diameter and a 22mm inside diameter. Cope stick The bearing can be replaced with an H-A3 if a cutter is needed. Cabinet Door Sets PART H-48-S H-49-S H-750-S H-752-S H-48-C H-49-C H-750-C H-752-C note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. CALL FOR PRICING Each cope & stick set will produce the three following wood samples: cabinet door, glass door, and shaker door. STICK COPE H-48-S H-48-C EXAMPLE 1/4" x 7/16" H-49-S H-49-C 1/4" x 7/16" H-750-S H-750-C 1/4" x 7/16" H-752-S H-752-C 1/4" x 7/16" [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 543 LRH Interior / Exterior Door Sets PART H-771-S H-771-C H-771-S12 H-77-GD INSIDE DIAMETERS 22mm 3/4 22mm 3/4 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS CALL FOR PRICING Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 7-10 working days. 1-7/8 1-3/4 1-7/8 1-3/4 note: H-771-s Interior Door Set (1-3/8" Material) H-771-C H-771 The 1/4" groove cutter is available by itself. The part number is H-77-14. 1/4" x 1/2" CNC H-77-14 Exterior Door Set (1-3/4" Material) H-771-s12 H-771-12 H-771-C The 1/2" groove cutter is available by itself. The part number is H-77-12. 1/2" x 1/2" CNC H-77-12 Glass Door Set (1-3/8" to 1-3/4" Material) H-77-gd H-771-C H-771-gd 1/2" x 1-1/8" H-771-s CNC Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. CNC 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 544 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Interior / Exterior Door Sets (cont.) PART H-772-S H-772-C H-772-S12 H-772-GD INSIDE DIAMETERS CALL FOR PRICING OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 22mm 3/4 22mm 3/4 1-7/8 1-3/4 1-7/8 1-3/4 Interior Door Set (1-3/8" Material) H-772-s note: Unless indicated as Stock, cutter will be manufactured, requiring 710 working days. H-772-C H-772 2 Piece Set The 1/4" groove cutter is available by itself. The part number is H-77-14. 1/4" x 1/2" CNC H-77-14 Exterior Door Set (1-3/4" Material) H-772-s12 H-772-12 H-772-C 2 Piece Set The 1/2" groove cutter is available by itself. The part number is H-77-12. 1/2" x 1/2" CNC H-77-12 3 Piece Set $269.24 Glass Door Set (1-3/8" to 1-3/4" Material) H-772-s H-772-C CNC H-77-gd 1/2" x 1-1/8" H-772-gd [email protected] CNC Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 545 LRH H-1070m Raised Panels for 5/8" and 3/4" Material INSIDE DIAMETERS PART H-1037M H-1040M H-1044M H-1070M 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 5/8" R 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/4 CNC CALL FOR PRICING H-1037m H-1044m H-1040m 1-1/2" R 11/16" R CNC CNC Partial Double Raised Panel PART H-1090A 15° 11/16" R INSIDE DIAMETERS 1/2 CNC H-1090A OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 2-1/8 13/16" Raised Panels with Back Cut INSIDE DIAMETERS PART H-1037MB H-1040MB 5/8 5/8 1/4" R OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 3-1/2 3-1/2 CNC Both router bits are Multi-Pass Application. H-1037mB 1/4" R 1-1/2" R Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. H-1040mB 1/4" R 15° 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 546 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Edge Details CALL FOR PRICING PART# INSIDE DIAMETERS H-1154 H-1215 H-1619 H-1619-C1C H-1702 H-1703 H-2012 H-2013 H-29 3/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 H-1703 H-1215 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 2 1-25/32 1-3/4 2 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-5/8 1-5/16 1-1/2 7/32" R 3/32" R CNC H-1038V H-1037MV INSIDE DIAMETERS 1/4" R 1/4" R H-29 --- OUTSIDE DIAMETERS CNC H-2013 CNC Vertical Raised Panels for 5/8" and 3/4" Material 1/8" R H-2012 1/4" R CNC PART# 1/8" R CNC H-1702 7° H-1619 1/4" R CNC H-1154 3/8" R 1-1/8 1-1/4 Match-A-Cut is not available for Vertical Raised Panels. H-1038V H-1037V H-1619-C1C 1-1/2" R 1/8" R [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 547 LRH H-17C Edge Details (cont.) INSIDE DIA. PART H-1104 H-1215-C3S H-1650P H-1685 H-1694 H-17C H-2011 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 H-2011 H-1215-C3s OUTSIDE DIA. 2-1/8 2 1-13/16 2-3/4 2-3/8 1-5/8 1-1/2 9/32" R 1/4" R 11/32" R 7/16" R 7/32" R 1/8" R CALL FOR PRICING H-1685 CNC H-1694 H-1104 CNC 1/8" R 1/2" R H-3080m $94.88 1-3/8 1-1/2" R 7/32" R CNC 1/2" R Finger Joint H-1650P Glue Joint H-718P $67.65 1-1/2 14° 30° Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 548 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH Call Toll Free to Order 1-800-288-7483 Finger Joint CALL FOR PRICING H-757 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS PART H-748M H-747M H-757 2 2-5/16 2-1/16 H-748m 3/8" to 11/16" Material H-747m Both “A” and “B” are run flat on the router table. Part “B” is run again on the table saw to cut the groove. 3/4" to 15/16" Material "A" "B" When properly positioned, these router bits will cut "A" and "B" matching joints without changing the vertical adjustment of the fence. H-178 Reversibles PART H-178 H-182 INSIDE DIAMETERS 3/4 3/4 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 3/16" R 1-1/2 2 3/16" R H-182 1/4" R 1/4" R Hand Rails PART H-1880A H-1884A H-1880B INSIDE DIAMETERS 3/4 3/4 3/4 H-1884A OUTSIDE DIAMETERS 3-1/16 2 1-9/16 H-1880A H-1880B Top Round H-1880 13/16" R 1/2" R Top Flat H-1884 1-9/16" R 1/8" R The H-1880B is used for the bottom cuts on both the H-1880 and H-1884. [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 549 LRH MDF Raised Panel Door System for Ritter & Other Panel Systems PART Insert Tooling Set IHR-1475-1 IHR-1475-2 KIR-1475-1 KIR-1475-2 IH-KI-R-1475-1 IH-KI-R-1475-2 R-1475-Set A R-1475 R-1475-Set B R-1475 R-1475-Set AB R-1475 DESCRIPTION Includes (1) IHR-1475-1 with (2) Insert Tips and (1) IHR-1475-2 with (2) Insert Tips Router Body (without tips) Router Body (without tips) (1) Insert Tip (2 are required to operate bit) (1) Insert Tip (2 are required to operate bit) Router Bit with Insert Tips Router Bit with Insert Tips (2) R-1475-1, R-1475-1 (1) R-1475-2 and (1) R-1475-3 (1) R-1475-4 and (1) R-1475-5 (2) R-1475-1, R-1475-1 (1) R-1475-2, R-1475-2 (1) R-1475-3 (1) R-1475-4 and (1) R-1475-5 R-1475-1 R-1475-2 CALL FOR PRICING R-1475-4 R-1475-2 R-1475-1 1/8" R 3/4" R R-1475-5 1/4" R 7/32" R R-1475-4 R-1475-1 R-1475-6 R-1475-7 R-1475-6 R-1475-1 R-1475-4 24° 30° R-1475-3 iH-Ki-R-1475-1 iH-Ki-R-1475-2 R-1475-5 R-1475-2 R-1475-5 R-1475-7 R-1475-5 Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 550 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH "CO-ST" Cutters - Male and Female Stile & Rails Sets for Wood CALL FOR PRICING set #1C = = = 2-5/8" Cutting Diameter 2 Wing 3/4" Bore Only set #2C = = = 2-5/8" Cutting Diameter 2 Wing 3/4" Bore Only set #3C = = = 2-5/8" Cutting Diameter 2 Wing 3/4" Bore Only set #4C = = = 2-5/8" Cutting Diameter 2 Wing 3/4" Bore Only How To Set-Up & Convert Male & Female Sets note: Back side of door is rabbeted to install glass. Stops are required to hold glass in place. set #1C = = = 2-5/8" Cutting Diameter 2 Wing 3/4" Bore Only [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 LRH 551 CALL FOR PRICING "CO-ST" Cutters 9 Piece Interior / Exterior Door Set set #5C = = = 2-7/8" Cutting Dia. 2 Wing 3/4" Bore Only "CO-ST" Cutters - Male and Female French Door & Window Sash Set set #6C = = = 2-1/2" Cutting Dia. 2 Wing 3/4" Bore Only Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483 552 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH CALL FOR PRICING "CO-ST" Cutters "CO-ST" Cutters Door Lip Cutters = = Finger Pull 3-1/41" O.D. (Chamfer) Bevel Cutter 28C = 4" O.D. 33C "CO-ST" Cutters - Stair Tread Nose = = Rabbet Edge 2-7/8" O.D. 29C "CO-ST" Cutters Drawer Pull 12C 3-1/4" O.D. = 3" O.D. "CO-ST" Cutters Detail Cutter 13C 3-1/4" O.D. [email protected] 34C "CO-ST" Cutters Detail Cutter 14C 2-3/4" O.D. Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 553 LRH "CO-ST" Cutters Horizontal & Vertical Raised Panel CALL FOR PRICING 19C 4-5/8" O.D. = 21C 19C 21C 4-5/8" O.D. = 23C 24C "CO-ST" Cutters 7/32” Tongue Single / Partial Double Panel Cutters 4-5/8" O.D. = 60° 24C 23C 25C 2-5/8" O.D. = 7/32” Tongue Spacer Included 60° = "CO-ST" Cutters "CO-ST" Cutters Moulding Casing 25C 2-7/8" O.D. "CO-ST" Cutters Brick Mold 41C 40C = 39C 4-3/4" O.D. = 41C 2-3/4" O.D. = 3-3/8" O.D. "CO-ST" Cutters Reversible Profiles ( Flip Over Material for Mate ) 9C = 3-1/8" O.D. 10C 9C Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 10C 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 = 2-7/8" O.D. 1 (800) 288-7483 554 SHAPER CUTTERS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH BALLEW SAW & TOOL, INC. LRH "CO-ST" Cutters Glue Joint Cutter ( Flip Over Material for Mate ) = 8C 2-5/8" O.D. CALL FOR PRICING "CO-ST" Cutters - Straight Cutters ( 2-5/8" O.D., 2-Wing and 3/4" Bore ) Straight, Jointing, Groove & Rabbet Cutters (Matched Diameters: 2-5/8") PART WIDTH OF CUT PART WIDTH OF CUT 44C 45C 46C 49C 50C 51C PART 58C 60C 61C 62C RADIUS O.D. 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 REMAINING 3 4 1 4 PART 63C 64C 65C 66C 67C WIDTH 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 REMAINING 1 3 6 "CO-ST" Cutters - Standard Cutters PART RADIUS 1/4 3/8 1 O.D. REMAINING 2-1/2 2-3/8 4 3 1 1 QUARTER ROUND CONVEX RADIUS 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 HALF-ROUND CONVEX 3 3 3 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 53C 54C 57C QUARTER ROUND CONCAVE REMAINING 1/4 3/8 1/2 O.D. 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 REMAINING 7 3 1 1 1 PART 68C 69C 70C WIDTH 1/4 3/8 1/2 RADIUS 1/8 3/16 1/4 O.D. 2-1/2 2-3/8 2-1/2 REMAINING 3 5 1 HALF-ROUND CONCAVE [email protected] Fax: 1 (417) 865-3797 CALL TOLL FREE TO ORDER 1 (800) 288-7483 555 LRH "CO-ST" Cutters - Flute Cutters for use on Table Saws (4-Wing, 5/8" Bore) Tilted 30° for continuous wood pull. Hand sand to break sharp edge. 3/4" w ide 5/8" w ide 1/2" w ide 35C = 6-1/2" Diameter CALL FOR PRICING. 36C = 6-1/2" Diameter 37C = 6-1/2" Diameter 3/8" w ide 1/4" w ide 38C 37C-3/8 = 6-1/2" Diameter = 6-1/2" Diameter "CO-ST" Cutters Inlay Rosette Cutters for Drill Presses (2-Wing, 1/2" Shank) 73C = 2-3/8" O.D. 75C = 2-1/2" O.D. Match-A-Cut is not available for all CO-ST Cutters. Outside diameters: (73C 2-3/8") (75C 2-1/2") "CO-ST" Cutter Matching Shaper Cutter (2-Wing, 3/4" Bore) 74C = 2-5/8" O.D. Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 325 South Kimbrough Ave. | Springfield, MO | 65806 1 (800) 288-7483
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