Harry Potter Infrographic1


Harry Potter Infrographic1
Significant Mortalities
Sorcorer's Stone
James & Lily Potter
Professor Quirell
Died in vain trying to murder
Harry in the chambers of
Both died at the wand of
Voldemort with the Killing Curse.
They died while protecting
Harry's crib.
Chamber of Secrets
Moaning Myrtle
She was petrified when she
looked into the eyes of the
Serpent of Slytherin
The Basilisk was killed by Harry.
He stabbed Godric Gryffindor's
sword through his mouth.
Goblet of Fire
Cedric Diggory
He was killed by Peter Pettigrew
with orders given by Voldemort
with a killing curse during the
last round of the Triwizard
Order of the Pheonix
Sirius Black
His hated cousin, Bellatrix, stuck
him with a spell causing him to
fall through the Veil during the
Battle of the Department of
Half-Blood Prince
Albus Dumbledore
Under his own orders, he was
killed by Severus Snape in the
Astronomy Tower. This was
important in an overall plot to
protect Snape's true loyalty.
Deathly Hallows
He was severely wounded midappariting while saving Harry
and his friends at Malfoy Manor.
He was ultimately killed by
Bellatrix LeStrange's knife.
Hedwig was murdered during the
Battle of Seven Potters. He was
struck by a killing curse most likely
not meant for him.
Severus Snape
Nagini is stabbed during the
Battle of Hogwarts with Godric
Gryffindor's sword by Neville
He was killed in the Shrieking
Shack during the Battle of
Hogwarts by Voldmort's snake,
Nagini. Voldemort believed
killing Snape would make him
master of the Elder Wand.
Bellatrix LeStrange
Lord Voldemort
She was killed in a duel with
Molly Weasley after attempting
to kill Molly's daughter, Ginny.
He is finally defeated during the
second round of the Battle of
Hogwarts. His attempt to use the
killing curse on Harry backfired
and he ultimately killed himself.
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