Katie and Clover back to school


Katie and Clover back to school
Katie and Clover, Back to School!
It was a beautiful sunny day at Annick Cowery School for the first day
back after the Christmas holidays, but unfortunately it was still bitter
cold. Christmas decorations had been taken down but spirits were still
high. Katie, Clover and the rest of their class were very excited to play in
the playground with all the snow and ice but they still managed to keep
their heads down and concentrate on their maths class.
"I'm going to skate on that ice like I'm on Dancing Moo Ice," giggled the
"I'm going to slide over the ice like a ninja cow," declared the boys.
After what seemed like ages, the bell finally rang, and the young calves
shoved their hats and gloves on and ran outside to be greeted with the
cold air that stung their bare cheeks.
They slid across the playground like penguins and laughed when they felt
a snowball thud against their backs. Everyone was having a lot of fun until
Farmer Ro-oonie spotted the wintery chaos outside. A few people had
already fallen hard on the ice and had hurt their knees and hooves.
Spoiling the fun the ice was quickly gritted, making it impossible to slip
and all the calves were warned that if they were caught throwing another
snowball, they would be sent to Farmer Brown's office!
feeling disappointed, the bell rang again for class, and the calves slumped
back inside.
Morning classes passed and lunchtime came quickly. Katie, Clover and
their entire class were extremely hungry having not munched their playpiece due to all the excitement with the ice. Wolfing down their lunch
fast, whether a school dinner or a packed lunch, meant a longer time
Pulling on their hats, scarves and gloves as quickly as possible, Katie and
Clover walked outside; shaking off the snow that fell from the roof they
saw a tired-looking group of calves behind a hill covered in a layer of
snow. As they ran over to them they could hear some long sighs and some
calves flopped back onto the wintry grass.
" It's not fair; we’re not allowed to play in the snow on the first day
back!" complained one of the calves.
"I hope it's not snowing tomorrow because there is nothing to do at all!"
said another.
"What do you think we should do?" the calves asked Katie and Clover as
they sat down next to their class mates.
"Well, we don't really need snow or ice to make play time fun. We can
have fun in the summer without ice or snow," said Katie.
" But we can play in the sun in summer," the calves replied.
"What about a game of hide and seek or we could even roll down this hill
and get covered in snow!" suggested Clover.
In a very sort time, all the calves were rolling down the hill and playing a
big game of hide and seek. Luckily, most calves had brought hats, scarves
and gloves to keep out the worst bits of the snow but unfortunately, some
pieces of snow still went down their backs!
For a while all the calves were happily sliding down the hill having fun but
they were alarmed when all the calves playing hide and seek ran over.
They could not find Katie and Clover! Everyone got up and started to look
around. Then, one of the calves saw a pile of snow move!
"Everybody look at the snow! It's moving!" he shouted. "I think there
might be a cat or a squirrel underneath it. Can you help me move some of
With all the calves gathered around the heap of snow, they were just
about to dig deep when Katie and Clover jumped out, laughing!
Everyone helped the two shivering calves to brush off the snow that was
covering them, and, just as they had finished, the bell rang.
Feeling much happier(and colder too) Katie, Clover and the rest of their
class skipped back into school with smiles on their faces and snowflakes
on their backs!
Katie and Clover, Back to School!
A Story by Kathryn Hughes xx