SHAZAM Spotlight on Service


SHAZAM Spotlight on Service
News You Need to Succeed
What’s inside
SHAZAM’s 2017 Forum������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
SHAZAM honored as a top workplace��������������������������������������������������������������������3
With SHAZAM BOLT$ P2P, send money to virtually anyone�������������������������������������4
We’re an NCSAM Champion; are you?��������������������������������������������������������������������5
Empower your cardholders in the battle against fraud�������������������������������������������6
Fraud can be a real Scrooge at the holidays����������������������������������������������������������7
Completing your ACH exam������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Why did my card get declined?������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Designate an after-hours fraud contact����������������������������������������������������������������10
Visa EMV liability shift chargebacks���������������������������������������������������������������������11
4 resources to help your merchants protect payments����������������������������������������12
MasterCard adds claims of coercion to BRAM program���������������������������������������13
Visa changes rule on captured cards�������������������������������������������������������������������15
Do you know whom to call at SHAZAM?���������������������������������������������������������������16
SHAZAM training��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
‘Get Your Game On Rewards’ winners�������������������������������������������������������������������19
SHAZAM’s 2017 Forum
Spotlight on Service
In the Spotlight
SHAZAM honored as a top workplace
Members of SHAZAM’s corporate team and human resources team attended The Des Moines Register’s Top Workplaces awards reception on Sept. 15 in
Des Moines, Iowa. Pictured from left to right: Kristi York, HR representative; Jackie Rolow, executive vice president and chief talent officer; Scott Dobesh, executive
vice president and CFO; Dan Kramer, senior vice president of government and community affairs; Amy Adkins, senior vice president and corporate attorney;
Paul Waltz, president and CEO; Sharon Peters, senior HR representative; and Steve Heston, executive vice president and chief sales and marketing officer.
SHAZAM is proud to
announce we’ve been chosen
as one of The Des Moines
Register’s Top Workplaces
in Iowa.
The honor comes as a result of a survey
SHAZAM employees took in late February.
Based on the feedback SHAZAM employees
gave in the survey, the company was named
one of the top 50 medium-sized companies in
Iowa by The Des Moines Register, a statewide
daily newspaper.
In an email announcing the award to
employees, SHAZAM’s president and CEO Paul
Waltz said he feels privileged to lead such a
great company.
“SHAZAM is defined by each of you, who
together are a testament to our mission
of ‘strengthening community financial
institutions,’” Waltz said. “Together, our
contributions allow community financial
institutions to change the lives of the
customers they serve every day in small
towns throughout this country.”
The Top Workplaces survey results were
featured in a special section of the Sunday
Des Moines Register on Sept. 18. A
video featuring SHAZAM employees will be
published on the Register’s website through
the end of the year.
SHAZAM is very proud of our employees and
the positive workplace they help create every
Spotlight on Service
Products and Services
send money to virtually anyone
Good news! SHAZAM® BOLT$™ cardholders can now send
payments to non-SHAZAM cardholders.
They can invite MasterCard®, STAR®, PULSE® and Visa®
debit cardholders to register for SHAZAM BOLT$, then send
money to them using the person-to-person (P2P) money
transfer service.
This expands the pool of P2P payment recipients to
virtually anyone, making SHAZAM BOLT$ a must-have tool
for your cardholders!
• If your financial institution is enrolled in the P2P
service — This enhancement is automatically enabled,
with no app update required for your cardholders.
• If your financial institution isn’t enrolled in the P2P
service — Contact your SHAZAM client executive to
sign up or to learn more.
Sending money
SHAZAM BOLT$ P2P cardholders can send money to new
recipients in three easy steps.
1. Log in to SHAZAM BOLT$, tap the Send Money option
and enter the recipient’s email address. Recipients
who aren’t already registered for SHAZAM BOLT$ get
an email with a registration link.
2. Wait to receive an email saying the recipient has
Educating cardholders
We offer a variety of marketing materials to help you
promote SHAZAM BOLT$ and the P2P service to your
cardholders. Check them out today on the SHAZAM Power
Marketing Program website.
3. Complete the payment process using the Send Money
Spotlight on Service
Fraud and Risk Management
We’re an NCSAM Champion; are you?
The Department of Homeland Security and the National
Cyber Security Alliance have named October National
Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) to raise
awareness about cybersecurity.
The theme of this year’s NCSAM campaign is “Our Shared
Responsibility.” The campaign is designed to:
• Engage the public and private sectors through events
and initiatives to raise awareness about cybersecurity
• Provide the tools and resources needed to stay safe
• Increase the resiliency of the U.S. in the event of a
cyber incident
Take action
There are many ways to get involved in spreading the
message of NCSAM. Whether through social media, at
home or in the office, the National Cyber Security Alliance
can help you get the word out. Online resources are
available, including social media examples, posters, tip
sheets and other materials.
NCSAM Champion
SHAZAM is once again an NCSAM Champion. We become
a champion each year to show our employees and clients
that keeping information secure is our top priority. Now, we
encourage you to become an NCSAM Champion as well
to show your support! Becoming an NCSAM Champion is
simple and free.
Are you cybersecurity ready?
Make the switch to SHAZAM Secure and you will
be! As an industry leader in information technology
(IT) compliance, SHAZAM will save you valuable time
and resources, ensuring you meet today’s regulatory
challenges head on.
Contact Tom Quist, SHAZAM Secure account
executive, at [email protected] to learn more about
SHAZAM Secure today.
Weekly themes
The awareness month is organized into weekly themes.
New materials and ideas will be published each week.
Here are the weekly themes for 2016:
• Week 1: Oct. 3 – 7 — Every Day Steps Towards Online
Safety with Stop.Think.Connect.™
• Week 2: Oct. 10 – 14 — Cyber from the Break Room
to the Board Room
• Week 3: Oct. 17 – 21 — Recognizing and Combating
• Week 4: Oct. 24 – 28 — Our Continuously Connected
Lives: What’s Your ‘App’-titude?
• Week 5: Oct. 31 — Building Resilience in Critical
Infrastructure As our lives become more connected through the internet,
the impact of cybercrime increases. Consider spreading
the word about NCSAM. Raising awareness is an important
first step in prevention!
Spotlight on Service
Fraud and Risk Management
Empower your cardholders
in the battle against fraud
The more your cardholders
understand fraud, the better prepared
they are to help fight fraud.
The newly designed “When you least
expect it, fraud can happen to you”
campaign is now available on the
SHAZAM Power Marketing website.
This campaign provides cardholders
with tips to prevent fraud to their
financial accounts and instructions
on what they need to do if fraud
happens to them, including important
contact information.
This valuable campaign gives your
cardholders power in the fight against
Placing an order is easy — visit
SHAZAM Power Marketing, click
Fraud, then When you least expect
it and order your material today!
SHAZAM Power Marketing has diverse
marketing solutions that boost
revenue by promoting your financial
institution’s products and services.
Turnkey marketing campaigns
• Professionally designed inserts
• Web banners
• Blogs
• Facebook cover photos
Be sure to download the newest
SHAZAM Debit Rewards marketing
material, “Get Fit Rewards,” to
increase your debit card use and your
Forgot your password?
No problem. Click Forgot your
password? (directly below the
Returning Customers: Quick Login
section). You’ll be asked to enter
your email address for password
Power Marketing?
To create a new account, click
Submit Registration, and
you’ll have instant access to
our wide variety of marketing
campaigns to meet your
financial institution’s needs.
• And much more
Spotlight on Service
Products and Services
Fraud can be a real Scrooge at the holidays
Protect yourself by signing up for Falcon Fraud Manager today
It’s only October, but those sleigh bells are jingling, ringting-tingling too. Keep your holiday season holly and jolly
by being prepared to minimize your fraud losses, protect
your customers’ confidence in your institution and defend
your bottom line from the greedy hands of fraudster
If you haven’t yet implemented FICO® Falcon® Fraud
Manager and SHAZAM Case Management Services, don’t
wait any longer! Falcon can help you prevent fraud during
the busy holiday season and beyond.
If you’re already using Falcon, consider adding more
protection with 100 percent real-time scoring. You can
score all transactions in real time and still see a return on
investment with significant fraud savings!
Please see below for details on all of your options to fight
fraud with Falcon.
Falcon and case management services
SHAZAM is one of the only networks in the marketplace
today to offer the leading-edge version of Falcon. We use
this tool for early detection of unusual transaction activity
that may indicate fraud. This includes both signature and
PIN debit transactions, regardless of whether they originate
from an ATM or POS device.
Transactions are analyzed against a cardholder’s profile to
determine if they fit into the cardholder’s typical spending
Each transaction is assigned a risk score from 1 to 999.
If the risk score exceeds a threshold, a case is generated
and a SHAZAM fraud specialist investigates by attempting
to contact the cardholder. If the transaction is found to
be fraudulent, the card is blocked and further fraud is
Falcon real-time scoring
Real-time scoring gives SHAZAM the ability to decline
known fraud or significantly risky transactions on the spot.
Transactions are sent to Falcon from the SHAZAM switch.
Then Falcon scores the transaction in real time and
provides either an “approve” or “decline” message back to
the switch, based on the rules we have in place and the
score threshold set by your institution.
If the message is “decline,” the transaction is declined
at the POS and isn’t allowed to complete. Declined
transactions create a case that’s researched by SHAZAM
fraud specialists and is used to further refine the
cardholder’s profile.
100 percent real-time scoring
To provide premium protection, we recommend scoring
all of your transactions in real time. We estimate that if all
institutions with Falcon conditional real-time scoring made
the switch to 100 percent real-time scoring, the fraud
savings would average nearly 20 percent!
For more information
To learn more about enrolling in Falcon Fraud Manager
and SHAZAM Case Management Services, please contact
your SHAZAM client executive today.
Spotlight on Service
Products and Services
Completing your ACH exam
Here’s what you can do while
SHAZAM Secure completes your ACH
• Focus on your customers
• Feel confident your ACH exam is
• Complete your other to-do lists
• Throw a party!
ACH exams must be complete by
Dec. 31, 2016.
Certified SHAZAM Secure Accredited
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Professionals (AAPs) evaluate
your ACH operations and ensure
compliance with NACHA’s Appendix 8
Audit Requirements. We also provide
a final report of our findings.
BSA exam
Remember, you must also annually
complete your Bank Secrecy Act
(BSA) exam. Our risk-based approach
will review your financial institution’s
policies, procedures and processes in
this critical area.
We’ll address your Office of Foreign
Asset Control (OFAC) program,
Customer Identification Program,
due diligence of deposit accounts,
independent transactional testing
and other key areas regulators
consistently focus upon.
Let us shorten your to-do list and save your staff valuable time. Email
Tom Quist, SHAZAM Secure account executive, by Oct. 31, 2016, to
schedule your exam. Combine your ACH and BSA exams and Tom will
give you $100 off each.
Spotlight on Service
Fraud and Risk Management
Why did my card get declined?
SHAZAM fraud operations receives many calls throughout
the day from cardholders getting declined on transactions
they’re trying to make. Unfortunately, a large number
of those calls are declines we can’t assist with, but
cardholders state they were referred to SHAZAM by their
financial institution.
In these situations, we must inform cardholders that they
need to call their financial institution back to explain and
handle the decline. Cardholders may feel as if they’re
being bounced back and forth, which isn’t a very good
customer experience for them.
When SHAZAM can help
Our fraud specialists can only assist cardholders who are
getting declined with a FICO® Falcon® Fraud Manager realtime decline (Action Code 102) or a temporary card block
that SHAZAM has placed (Action Code 104). Any other
decline / action code must be handled by the financial
institution. SHAZAM won’t remove a temporary card block
the financial institution has placed.
Check the account in SHAZAM Access
We recommend that if you receive calls from cardholders
getting declined, rather than simply referring them to
SHAZAM, check the accounts in SHAZAM Access to
determine the type of declines they’re receiving so you can
give the cardholders the best customer service by being
able to handle the situation on that initial call.
Below is a list of some common decline codes:
• 108 — Bank identification number (BIN) or primary
account number (PAN) block decline. The financial
institution can alter the block criteria to allow the
transaction to go through.
• 121 — Exceeds daily limit. The financial institution
may choose to raise the cardholder’s limit to allow the
transaction to go through.
• 116 — Insufficient funds.
• 107 — Expiration date or card activation issues.
You can find a complete list of action codes in
SHAZAM Resource.
For more information
If you have any questions, please call SHAZAM fraud
operations at 800-537-5427, ext. 2899.
Spotlight on Service
Fraud and Risk Management
Designate an after-hours fraud contact
No matter what time the clock strikes,
fraud can strike then too. Fraudsters
have a habit of wreaking havoc at
the most inconvenient times, such as
evenings, weekends and holidays.
When SHAZAM identifies potential
fraud that requires your immediate
attention, we’ll call your institution
to discuss the situation and any
preventive action you can take.
To ensure we can always reach
someone from your institution, please
keep at least one after-hours fraud
contact on file with SHAZAM. This
contact should be able to authorize,
approve and perhaps implement
the actions needed to deter fraud,
including actions that may incur fees.
To designate one or more afterhours fraud contacts, please
email the following information to
[email protected]:
• Your financial institution name
• Your routing number
• The name and telephone number
of each after-hours fraud contact
• A note indicating each of the
contacts should be marked as
after-hours fraud contacts
For more information
If you have any questions, please
call SHAZAM fraud operations at
800-537-5427, ext. 2899.
Spotlight on Service
Fraud and Risk Management
Visa EMV liability shift chargebacks
Due to delays in the certification of merchants’ customized
POS solutions, some merchants have reported to Visa®
that they’ve been unable to accept EMV® chip cards. To
provide relief for merchants, Visa has introduced two new
initiatives. Please see below for more details.
Minimum chargeback amount
For chargebacks processed on or after July 22, 2016,
through April 13, 2018, Visa will implement a $25
minimum for card-present counterfeit fraud chargebacks
(Visa chargeback reason code 62 – Counterfeit Transaction
and Interlink® chargeback reason code 2462 – Counterfeit
Number of chargebacks per account
Effective for chargebacks processed on or after Oct. 15,
2016, through April 13, 2018, Visa will block chargebacks
that exceed 10 per account in a 120-day period for reason
codes 62 and 2462 on U.S. domestic transactions. The
calculation of 10 per account in 120 days will begin for
chargebacks initiated on or after Oct. 15, 2016.
• It’s a counterfeit card; the real card is in the
cardholder’s possession, not lost / stolen or not
received as issued (NRI)
• The card has been hot-carded with a pick-up response
As a reminder, SHAZAM recommends that issuers charge
back the 10 transactions with the highest dollar amounts.
Please Note: Even if chargeback rights aren’t available,
issuers are still obligated to report fraud. Please share this
information with any of your staff members that process
chargebacks to avoid any unnecessary processing fees.
Chargeback rights
For more information
Chargeback rights for reason code 62 apply when:
If you have any questions, please call SHAZAM client
support at 800-537-5427 (options 2, 1) or submit a
service request online using SHAZAM® Web Rep.
• It’s an EMV card with a service code of 02 or 06
• It’s a non-EMV terminal and the terminal capability
code is not 05
Spotlight on Service
4 resources to help your merchants
protect payments
New resources are available for merchants to download
from the Payment Card Industry Security Standards
Council (PCI SSC) website.
The PCI Payment Protection Resources for Small
Merchants include:
1. A basic guide to safe payments
2. Real-life pictures of merchant payment systems
3. Questions for merchants to ask their technology and
service providers
4. A short glossary that simplifies technical terms
With simple diagrams and everyday language, the
resources are designed to provide a common point of
understanding between small merchants, their financial
institutions, payment processors and vendors on why and
how to protect against payment data theft.
For more information
For more information, check out the July 7 PCI Perspectives
blog post titled “Focusing on the Fundamentals: Payment
Protection Resources for Small Businesses.”
Spotlight on Service
MasterCard adds claims of coercion
to BRAM program
Over the past several months,
MasterCard® has been receiving
an increasing number of notices
regarding cardholders who claim to
have been physically or otherwise
coerced to conduct transactions.
Since the Business Risk Assessment
and Mitigation (BRAM) program is
designed to protect all stakeholders
in the MasterCard payments network
from illegal or brand-damaging
transactions, claims of coercion
are added to the BRAM program,
effective immediately.
What’s considered a
valid claim of coercion?
MasterCard will consider a claim of
coercion valid if the cardholder (or
the cardholder’s immediate family
member) is coerced to complete
a transaction because of threat of
physical harm or the unlawful taking
of property if the cardholder refuses
to complete the transaction.
Investigation criteria
MasterCard will investigate alleged
coerced transactions if it receives
complaints about a merchant filed by
two or more issuers.
In addition, these transactions
will need to have been previously
submitted for fraud reporting by the
issuer to the System to Avoid Fraud
Effectively (SAFE) using fraud type
code 00 (lost) or 01 (stolen).
For each cardholder claim, the
issuer must provide the following
• A police report, if available.
• The cardholder’s description of
the event. If the police report is
not available, the description of
the event also must state whether
an attempt was made to file a
report and, if not, why a report
wasn’t filed.
• The MasterCard Coercion Claim
Affidavit form completed by the
issuer on the cardholder’s behalf
with the cardholder’s consent,
thereby authorizing MasterCard
to contact law enforcement
regarding the event. This form
is located in SHAZAM Resource
> Forms > Chargebacks >
MasterCard Coercion Claim
After completing the above
documentation, please submit
a chargeback request using the
Transaction History screen in SHAZAM
– Continued on next page
Spotlight on Service
BRAM – Continued from previous page
Here you’ll upload the required
documentation to the chargeback
request. The chargeback department
will review and forward your claim to
Investigation process
Upon receiving at least two notices of
alleged coerced transactions occuring
within 60 calendar days of each other
from two or more issuers concerning
the same merchant, MasterCard will
review fraud data extracted from
SAFE and may continue with the
Completion of BRAM
• No violation — If MasterCard
doesn’t find a violation, it
will notify SHAZAM and the
responsible acquirer that the
investigation is closed without
a finding of noncompliance.
SHAZAM will forward this
notification to you.
• Valid violation — If MasterCard
determines that a violation
occurred, MasterCard will notify
SHAZAM and advise that a
chargeback right is available.
SHAZAM will notify you and
process the chargeback on your
For more information
If you have any questions about
MasterCard’s BRAM program,
please call SHAZAM client support
at 800-537-5427 (options 2, 1) or
submit a service request online using
SHAZAM® Web Rep.
Spotlight on Service
Visa changes rule on captured cards
Effective Oct. 15, 2016, Visa® will no
longer require that cards captured in
an ATM be returned to the issuer.
This means a Visa issuer should no
longer incur the $15 handling fee
associated with a card captured in an
However, you may still incur reward
fees if the card is picked up by a
store employee as a result of an
authorization request.
For more information
If you have any questions, please
call SHAZAM fraud operations at
800-537-5427, ext. 2899.
Spotlight on Service
Products and Services
Do you know whom to call at SHAZAM?
In the August issue of Spotlight on Service, we provided
you with new client support menu options to ensure you’re
directed to the correct party the first time you pick up the
phone to call SHAZAM. Along with new menu options,
we’ve developed an extensive interactive voice response
(IVR) system to quickly get you the help you need!
If you’re a ...
Financial institution
The table below outlines each of your options. Some of the
telephone numbers are for you to call, and some are for
your cardholders.
Unless otherwise indicated, please don’t provide numbers
to your cardholders that you would call for assistance.
And you need help with ...
• Reaching a SHAZAM employee
• Debit cards, plastics orders or transaction questions
Then call ...
SHAZAM client support at
• Automated clearing house (ACH) or MICR cash letter questions
• ATM questions
• Debit card fraud, chargeback or adjustment questions
• Merchant program questions
• Technical assistance with software
• Detailed fraud questions
SHAZAM fraud operations at
800-537-5427, ext. 2899
Financial institution
or cardholder
Updating or closing an existing FICO® Falcon® Fraud Manager case
SHAZAM fraud operations at
SHAZAM Easy PIN® without reference number
SHAZAM Easy PIN with reference number only verification
844-EASYPIN (844-327-9746)
SHAZAM Easy PIN with reference number and last four digits of
primary account number (PAN) verification
855-EASYPIN (855-327-9746)
Card activation
– Continued on next page
Spotlight on Service
Products and Services
Call – Continued from previous page
Passcode verification
When your financial institution calls SHAZAM, we may
ask you to verify your passcode to ensure we’re talking
to an authorized employee prior to disclosing sensitive
Sensitive information includes:
• Cardholder name, Social Security number (SSN),
address, telephone number and card number
• Falcon case details and updates
There’s only one passcode per financial institution, and
SHAZAM can’t release the passcode over the telephone. If
you don’t know your passcode, we’ll offer to call you back
at your main telephone number to complete the call.
If your institution needs a passcode reset, fax a statement
that you need a new passcode on official letterhead to
SHAZAM corporate security at 515-558-7617.
Include the following information in addition to the
• Name of financial institution
• Routing number
• Contact name
• Officer signature
Printable menu options
Please distribute the updated SHAZAM client support
menu options to your team members. We encourage you
to print and place them by your telephones for reference
when calling SHAZAM.
The menu options can also be viewed and printed through
SHAZAM Resource.
Spotlight on Service
SHAZAM training
November 2016
October 2016
SHAZAM Cardholder Balancing webinar
Oct. 6: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. CT
Oct. 25: 1:30 – 3 p.m. CT
Description: Get the answers you need to balance your
cardholder activity. Become the go-to person at your
financial institution for cardholder balancing. This webinar
covers how to balance from the source, understanding
the entries you need to make and how to handle out-ofbalance situations.
SHAZAM Debit Card Fraud
and Chargebacks seminar
Oct. 12: Bloomington, Minnesota
Embassy Suites Minneapolis — Airport
7901 34th Ave. South; 952-854-1000
Oct. 19: Kansas City, Missouri
Embassy Suites — Kansas City Plaza
220 W. 43rd St.; 816-756-1720
Oct. 27: West Des Moines, Iowa
Holiday Inn & Suites
6075 Mills Civic Parkway; 515-309-3900
Description: Learn everything you need to know
about debit card fraud, disputes and chargebacks.
Topics include:
• Fraud trends
• Risk management tools
• Fraud reporting
• The complete chargeback cycle, including:
• Retrieval requests
• Chargeback reasons
• Financial institution and merchant responsibilities
• Documentation
SHAZAM ATM Balancing webinar
Nov. 3: 9:30 – 11 a.m. CT
Nov. 8: 1:30 – 3 p.m. CT
Description: Get the answers you need to balance your
ATMs from the source and become the go-to person at
your financial institution when it comes to ATM balancing.
Topics include proper account setup, the complete
balancing process and places to look if you’re out of
Spotlight on Service
Debit Rewards Winners
‘Get Your Game On Rewards’ winners
August winners
• Karla P. of Latimer, Iowa
(First Citizens National Bank; Mason City, Iowa)
• Jeffrey T. of Pittsburg, Kansas
(Equity Bank; Wichita, Kansas)
• Max C. of Newton, Iowa
(Bank Iowa; Clarinda, Iowa)
Congratulations to the August monthly winners for
SHAZAM’s “Get Your Game On Rewards” Debit Rewards
campaign. The campaign runs July – September 2016.
Each of the monthly winners will receive a $50 Victory
(SHAZAM) gift card.
Do you want one of your customers to be a lucky winner?
To learn how, please call SHAZAM marketing at 800-5375427, ext. 4394, or email SHAZAM Debit Rewards.
• Milo H. of Centralia, Illinois
(First National Bank of Kinmundy; Kinmundy, Illinois)
• Mackenzie D. of Pickerel, Wisconsin
(Laona State Bank; Lakewood, Wisconsin)
• Eddie W. of Milan, Tennessee
(Farmers & Merchants Bank; Trezevant, Tennessee)
• Margaret J. of Fayetteville, Arkansas
(Northwest Arkansas FCU; Fayetteville, Arkansas)
• Angelia H. of Gleason, Tennessee
(Foundation Bank; McKenzie, Tennessee)
About the newsletter
6700 Pioneer Parkway
Johnston, IA 50131 | @SHAZAMNetwork
Client support
Call 800-537-5427 or submit
a service request in SHAZAM® Web Rep.
Fax numbers
EFT implementations
Fraud operations
Merchant services
Spotlight on Service, winner of 15
awards of publication excellence,
provides you with information on
the financial services industry.
It’s not a definitive analysis of the
subjects discussed and is not
an alternative to the requirements of any regulatory
To join the Spotlight on Service subscription list, send
us your name, account number and email address. We
also welcome your questions or comments about the
Spotlight on Service