Popliteal Fossa is an anatomical region behind knee with certain
Popliteal Fossa is an anatomical region behind knee with certain
Popliteal Fossa is an anatomical region behind knee with certain boundaries. bones of popliteal fossa are: • • femur (medial and lateral condyle) Tibia (medial and lateral condyle) boundaries are: - semitendinosus (ST) - medial head of gastrocnemius (MG) - biceps femoris (B) - lateral head of gastrocnemius (LG) muscles of popliteal fossa are: Muscles 1. - semitendinosus (ST) 2. - medial head of gastrocnemius (MG) 3. - biceps femoris (B) 4. - lateral head of gastrocnemius (LG) Arteries –popliteal artery is continuation of femoral artery superior medial and lateral genicular art inferior medial and lateral genicular art Nerves 1. Tibial n 2. Common peroneal n superficial vein: small saphenous Superficial: posterior cutanous n of thigh floor of popliteal fossa: 1. 2. 3. 4. posterior surface of femur posterior surface of tibia Oblique popliteal lig. Popliteus m Oblique popliteal lig cruciate anastomosis of thigh: involves links between 1. 2. 3. 4. inferior gluteal artery (from internal iliac artery) medial circumflex femoral artery , lateral circumflex femoral artery, first perforating branch of deep femoral artery. all arise from deep femoral artery, is a branch of femoral artery, which is continuation of external iliac artery. other anastomoses between branches of : external iliac artery and internal iliac artery, 1. 2. often via arteries of abdominal wall. All of these can help supply blood to lower limb in event of an obstruction of external iliac artery. genicular anastomosis in the region of knee is also very important. It involves ten vessels. Two from above 1. 2. • descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery descending genicular branch (highest genicular) of femoral artery), five from popliteal artery, and three from below, usually branches of anterior tibial artery. This system can help supply blood to leg in event of an obstruction of femoral artery below branching-off of deep femoral artery. anterior compartment, leg: a connective tissue compartment that contains muscles that dorsiflex the ankle; its boundaries are: tibia, fibula, interosseous membrane, anterior intermuscular septum anterior compartment of the leg contains the tibialis anterior m., extensor hallucis longus m., extensor digitorum longus m., peroneus tertius m.; it also contains the anterior tibial a. and the deep peroneal n.; also known as: extensor compartment of the leg