It`s show tIme! - Nueces County
It`s show tIme! - Nueces County
THE NUECES 4-H CLOVER CHRONICLES JANUARY 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE NCJLS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 1 TRAVLIN 4-HERS DANCE 2 JANUARY & FEBRUARY 3 DISTRICT 11 CALENDAR 4 KEYS TO NCJLS SUCCESS 5 NUECES COUNTY 4-H 6 NC4H FOOD & NUTRITION RESULTS 7 NC4H AMBASSADORS FUN & FREE DOG SHOW 8 NCJLS PARADE 9 TEXAS 4-H EVENTS PICASA 10 & 11 12 NC4H COMMUNITY SERVICE 13 & 14 TEXAS LIVESTOCK SHOWS 15 CLOVER CHRONICLES 16 It’s show tIme! Page 2 Nueces County 4-H (NC4H) events are held in the Johnny S. Calderon Nueces County Center (NCC), 710 East Main Avenue, Robstown, Texas 78380-3148, unless otherwise noted. NCJLS is the Nueces County Junior Livestock Show. RMBRF is the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds, 1213 Terry Shamsie Boulevard, Robstown, Texas 78380. January 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 - NEW YEAR HOLIDAY (county-approved; office closed) 2 3 - NC4H Livestock Judging Team practice TAMU-K Farm 3:00 p.m. 4 - NCJLS 5 6 7 8 - NCJLS 9 - NCJLS 10 - NCJLS 11 - NCJLS 12 - NCJLS 13 - NCJLS 14 - NCJLS - Travlin 4-H’ers Club Dance 8 p.m. Columbian Civic Center 15 - NCJLS 16 - NCJLS BLUE RIBBON SALE 17 18 - CIVIL RIGHTS HOLIDAY (countyapproved; office closed) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo - January 15 to February 6 February 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 - Texas 4-H Scholarship due in NC4H Office 4 5 - Texas 4-H Scholarship due in D11 Office 6 - D11 Food Show/Food Challenge La Grange 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - NC4H Photo entries due 17 18 19 - NC4H Roundup & Fashion Show/Duds to Dazzle entries due 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 San Angelo Stock Show February 5 to 21 San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo - February 11 to 28 NC4H Roundup Contest on March 2 NC4H Fashion Show/Duds to Dazzle Contest on March 3 Page 3 Page 4 KEYS FOR NUECES COUNTY JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SHOW (NCJLS) SUCCESS Do you want your livestock show experience to be a positive one? Trust me, I have been there myself when things don’t go well. I will provide you with the keys to success in participating in the NCJLS. 1. GET ENTERED. If you don’t get entered, the show will be a short turn around back to the barn. Since, the deadline is already passed; I hope you got it done. 2. Get your animal prepared. Know how much they weigh, and what you want them to weigh-in at. Have them clean and clipped before you get there. You don’t want to be the guy running around looking for a plug when the breaker blows. 3. Get yourself prepared. Have the supplies you need with you. That includes things for your animal like a feed pan and waterless soap, water bucket, and things for you like a jacket, a chair, and entertainment. Don’t forget snacks and drinks. 4. Work with your animal. This probably should have been number one. You have to practice showing your animal. Practice makes perfect in everything, not just sports. Work with them at least three times a week for 15 minutes. 5. Come to the show with a good attitude. If your mind is off somewhere else or you are mad at mom and dad, that is just going to make things worse. Accept the situation, have fun and make your livestock show experience count for something. Do these things and I promise you’ll have a fun stress-free time at the livestock show. If you need advice, remember the Extension staff is here to help you accomplish your goals. Permission granted to use this article written by Mr. Zach Davis, County Extension Agent for Agriculture/Natural Resources, Somervell County, Texas. Page 5 NUECES COUNTY 4-H CONGRATULATIONS to Ian Hyde & Meagan Harrington for being selected on the State 4-H Shotgun Team. Also CONGRATULATIONS to Meagan Harrington for being selected as a State 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador. NCJLS ESSAY CONTEST WINNER CAN EARN $1,500 SCHOLARSHIP This year's Nueces County Junior Livestock Show Essay Contest is now underway and applications for entry are being accepted. Interested parties must be local high school juniors and seniors participating in this year's livestock show. The deadline for entry in the contest is on December 29 at 5:00 p.m. Entries must be between 600 and 800 words in length, and focus on the impact that raising livestock, and/or participating in the livestock show, has had on the student's life. A $1,500 scholarship, sponsored by Mike Shaw Toyota and The Nueces County Record Star, will be given to the entrant who best explains the significance and value of working with livestock. The winner will also be interviewed and photographed to be featured in the Nueces County Junior Livestock Show section of the newspaper in the beginning of January 2016. Entries may be emailed to [email protected] or mail entries to Essay Contest, 405 East Main, Alice, TX 78332. For more information on the essay contest, contact the Alice Newspapers at 361-664-6588. UPCOMING 2016 NC4H EVENTS & ENTRY DEADLINES Guidelines for the county events will be published and made available after the first of the new year. Texas 4-H Scholarship Review by CEA upon request before deadlines Due in NC4H Office February 3 Due at D11 February 5 NC4H Photography Entry Deadline February 16 NC4H Roundup Entry Deadline February 19 Contest March 2 NC4H Fashion Show & Duds to Dazzle Entry Deadline February 19 Contest March 3 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 The 2016 Texas 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest theme has been announced. This year’s topic is “Bees and Pollination. How Important is it?” The deadline for submission to the Texas 4-H office is Friday, January 8, 2016. Submissions will only be accepted electronically. The essay, along with the certification form, should be uploaded to FormSite at Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three winners from Texas 4-H: 1st Place: $300.00 2nd Place: $200.00 3rd Place: $100.00 The first place essay will advance to the national contest representing Texas 4-H. The complete rules and guidelines are attached. They will also be available online under the Entomology Project section of the Texas 4-H website Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 THE NUECES 4-H CLOVER CHRONICLES NUECES COUNTY 4-H OFFICE (NC4H) Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Office of Nueces County 710 East Main Avenue, Suite 1 Robstown, Texas 78380-3148 Telephone 361.767-5220; Fax 361.767.5248 Website Email [email protected] We’re on the Web! http:// THE NUECES 4-H CLOVER CHRONICLES is published monthly, except for a combined June/July issue. The newsletter contains information on activities, events, and deadlines that 4-H families need to keep up to date with happenings in the Nueces County 4-H program. It also brings educational items of interest to encourage further research by readers. To contribute items to this newsletter for publication, the article must have a club manager’s signature approval prior to submission. The 25th day of current month is the deadline for the next month’s issue. For the combined June/July issue, articles are due by May 25. THE NUECES 4-H CLOVER CHRONICLES will be emailed to all 4-H families enrolled on 4-H CONNECT. For those members who prefer a hard copy document, please call the Nueces County 4H Office at 361.767.5220 to request a copy be mailed. THE NUECES 4-H CLOVER CHRONICLES is online at Page 16 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990. Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid, service, or accommodation in order to participate in any 4-H event are encouraged to contact their County Extension Agent at 361.767.5220 at least one week in advance of the program in order for proper arrangements to be made. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is implied. Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating
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