Gateway Traveler - Greater St Louis Missouri Unit WBCCI


Gateway Traveler - Greater St Louis Missouri Unit WBCCI
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Gateway Traveler
Welcome to the Greater St. Louis Wally Byam Caravan Club International Newsletter
Ready, Set, Go!
Sorry we missed the Valentines Luncheon. The weather and skiing
were great in Colorado and I've heard nothing but great things about the Luncheon.
Thanks Suzy!! We look forward to seeing many of you on March 19th at the St. Patrick’s Day
April can be a very busy and enjoyable Airstream month if you have the time to participate. Dan
and Beth Zile have planned a fun and busy Rally at BTCS. April 14-17.
Ed Knernschield has planned a short caravan to the Region 8 Rally in Hastings NE. 4/24- 4/26.
The Region 8 Rally, "Follow the Trails West" 4/27-5/1. Mark them on your calendar. Details in
the March newsletter.
We still need Hosts for the Aug. Rally. (Bring the kids for family fun and the Sept. Rally is close
to St. Louis). Please let me know if you are interested in Hosting.
Ray Kolley
Save the date and reserve now (See Schedule Page)
March Luncheon
March 19
Llywelyn’s Pub St.
Patrick’s luncheon
and Irish
Tune Up Rally
April 14-17
Bill Thomas
Camper Sales in
Caravan to Region 8
April 24-26
Caravan to Region 8
What Happened Last
A Valentine’s Luncheon and Slide Show
We enjoyed a luncheon with twenty-one members and
had a slide show at Miss Sheri’s Cafeteria in Warson
Woods, Missouri. Suzy Shepard showed pictures and
videos of her trip to the WBCCI Rose Bowl Rally 2016
and a trek to Quartzite, Arizona to get solar power for
her Parkway Airstream Van.
We welcomed Greg and Robyn Gladov
We have two new enthusiastic members in our club.
They purchased a 2016 Interstate 3500 and are looking
forward to meeting other Airstreamers and hearing about
their experiences. See more in the “Letters from our
Members” section from Dan Zile.
The luncheon included a slide presentation
about the Rose Bowl Rally in Pasadena, CA
Suzy Shepard went to the Rose Bowl Rally. She highly
recommends this rally. Airstreamers park next to a
Macy’s and only a few blocks from the parade route
(reserved bleacher seating). Also included are a Band
and Equestrian festival and a view of the floats being
decorated. Sign up – the rally is the week before Jan 1.
After the Rose Bowl… Solar Power
After the Rose Bowl Rally, Suzy was able to get solar
power added to her Parkway van. Who should she
meet in Quartzite, Arizona at Solar Bill’s? Rich Luhr
the editor of He was getting
outfitted with complete solar for his Airstream. The
whole process takes about a day. The cost is about
$2000. This means boon docking forever and being
able to run the heater, refrigerator, water pump AND
charging the phone, iPad, computer, camera and Blue
Tooth headset without having to plug into electricity.
From Around the Airstream World
This month’s theme is WBCCI and Facebook.
There are many wonderful Facebook Group
Pages that feature the best of the Airstream
Club (WBCCI). One of them is found at the
This week our member, Jane Elgin Bartlett
posted the Photo Print Contest Categories for
the 2016 International photo show. Here is
what this looked like online at the website:
Other stories online are about such topics as
where Airstream retired military people can find
good convenient and clean RV sites and
Airstream makeover pictures. Member Carolyn
Beardshear has a great reference and click to the
newest News & Views February 2016 post.
You can also ask questions about your
Airstream or events and get great answers.
Other WBCCI Facebook Group Pages are
about our club in St. Louis (GSTL WBCCI St.
Louis MO Airstream Owners’ Club), the
Vintage Airstream Club, Northern Illinois Unit,
New Orleans Area, Carolinas, New Jersey, and
many Texas units. You can go on these sites
and see what Airstreamers are doing all over the
country and get great ideas for rallies, caravans,
how to fix or remodel your Airstream, cool
pictures and/or good campgrounds. Take the
plunge and give it a try.
Club Pets
Featuring Clementine
Bob Wagner submitted pictures of Elaine’s
darling Clementine. She is enjoying the warm
weather in Florida. She likes to sit at the door
and watch the golf carts go by. If you haven’t
noticed, Elaine has an auspicious collection of
cat inspired clothes and things. It is always a
joy to be with Bob and Elaine.
Letters From Our Members
Dan Zile Membership Chairman
Whether they will be traveling with their
dogs is yet to be determined. They are
looking forward to meeting everyone so
join me in welcoming them to the GSL
Unit. If you were at the Valentine
Luncheon, you had the pleasure of meeting
Please join me in welcoming our newest GSL
Unit members Robyn and Greg Gladov.
They purchased a 2016 Interstate 3500 and are
looking forward to meeting other Airstreamers
and hearing about their experiences. Greg
and Robyn own a Civil engineering firm in the
area. Robyn has a degree in Interior Design,
but is currently managing the Engineering
office. Robyn enjoys gardening and
swimming. Greg rides motorcycles and is
getting his pilot’s license. They have been
married almost 20 years and love to hike
Greg and Robyn Gladov
392 Falcon Hill Drive
O’Fallon, MO 63366
636-561-8045 Home
314-246-0422 Cell
[email protected]
From the National Park Service
Suzy Shepard
Ever been in a sand storm? This one was reported
on the Los Angeles news and was one of the
worst. I was in this storm on my Rose Bowl Rally
trip. Between Pasadena, California and Quartzite,
Arizona, the desert storm pitted my van. So here
is what I learned. When you get in a sand storm
comparable to a white-out snowstorm or tornado,
simply put on your lights, pull off at the nearest
exit and wait it out. There was no visibility and
pulling over to the side is out of the question.
Honk your horn constantly or put on your
flashers. There is a safe solution but action must
be taken immediately. My van was damaged but I
arrived in one piece/peace.
More Letters From Our Members
2016 Officers
Ray Kolley, President
[email protected]
Dan Zile, 1st VP
[email protected]
Jane Bartlett 2nd VP
[email protected]
Greg Vadner, 3rd VP
[email protected]
Beth Zile, Treasurer
[email protected]
Congratulations Bob Brennecke
Bob Brennecke had his poem published in the February Blue Beret
page 49. Here is a copy of this poem.
It’s Airstream Time
Sung to Johnny Cash “I Walk The Line”
Dottie Steurer, Secretary
[email protected]
We bought an Airstream bout a year ago
She’s bright and shiny and is sweet to tow
We love to travel and to see the sights
Because she’s mine “It’s Airstream Time”
Tootie Mayes, Corresponding
[email protected]
We go on campouts and we think its fine
They call them rallies and we go sometime
The meetings and the food that we are served
All start on time, yes “Airstream Time”
Suzy Shepard, Past President
[email protected]
We travel cross the land both far and wide
They call them caravans and they stay in line
To Internationals and it’s hard to chide
You go on time, yes “Airstream Time”
Sharon Waters
Hugh Bartlett
Bob Brennecke
Nita Bublis
We go to pot-lucks and go to buffets
You’re always early or you’re very late
You come with spoon, drink and your big ol’ plate
You come on time, yes “Airstream Time”
Internet Addresses:
They gather at the hour you cannot prate
You better be there cause they will not wait
The food is eaten and they will be gone
Because it’s time yes “Airstream Time”
We love the friendship and the stories told
When someone left his wife out in the cold
She missed the deadline now that it is told
It’s “Airstream Time” yes “Airstream Time”
We hope to travel with this group for years
We’re old but that’s the thing that makes us cheer
We’ll leave upon the drop of a dime
Because it’s time, yes “Airstream Time”
Because It’s time, yes “Airstream Time”
Even More Letters From Our
JoAnn and Ray Kolley
2016 Schedule of Events
March 19 Reserve Now: Call 314-550-6672 to reserve a space at the St. Patrick’s Day
Luncheon and Irish Entertainment at Llywelyn's Pub, 11:30 pm at 17 West
Moody Avenue, Webster Groves, Missouri 63119 Host: Suzy Shepard
April 14-17
Spring Tune Up Rally at Bill Thomas Camper Sales
Hosts: Dan & Beth Zile & Glenn Thomas
April 24-26
Caravan to Region 8 Rally
Leaders: Ed Knernschield & Ray & JoAnn Kolley
April 27May 01
Region 8 Rally "Follow The Trails West" Hastings, NB.
Host: Gary Rush
May 01-03
Tentative, pending approval, Caravan Home from Region 8
May 19-22
Fishing & Leisure Rally at Bennett Springs Campground
Hosts: Hugh & Jane Bartlett
June TBD
Early Workers Caravan to International in West Virginia
Leaders: Ed Knernschield & JoAnn & Ray Kolley
June 28July 5
WBCCI International Rally in Lewisburg West Virginia
Hosts: Jim & Raisin Schwerdfeger
August 18-21
Sun & Fun Rally at Lazy Days Camp Ground
Hosts: ?? IT COULD BE YOU!! Special Tour
September 8-11
Last Chance at Summer Rally at 370 Lakeside Park
Hosts: ?? IT COULD BE YOU!!
September 14-23 Door County Wisconsin-Again Caravan (Reservation only)
Leaders Ed Knernschield 573-480-5441 & JoAnn & Ray Kolley 314-330-0736
October 13-16
Christmas Shopping / Installation Rally at Lake of the Ozarks
Hosts: Jane & Hugh Bartlett & Greg & Frances Vadner
December 3
Holiday Party at Belk Park Golf Course
Host: Glenn Waters
Fun at last year’s Bennett
Spring Rally. Thanks Bill
Thomas Camper Sales for
your continued support.
Ray and JoAnn Kolley
1950 Pepperell Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146