The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di


The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Classroom Debate
A country’s leader is often one of the most judged people in that country. Some citizens
may think the leader is doing a great job, while others can only see his or her flaws.
Imagine you are a scholar in modern-day China. You and several other scholars are
planning to hold a meeting to discuss the impact of Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di’s reign.
As you will learn in this activity, Qin Shi Huang Di was one of the most powerful
emperors who ever ruled China. However, did he have more of a positive or a negative
impact on this country? At your meeting with your fellow scholars, you will debate the
following topic: “Resolved: Qin Shi Huang Di had a positive impact on China.”
Qin Shi Huangdi (Ch'in Shih Huang-ti). IRC, 2005. Discovery Education.
I. Describe and Evaluate Views on Qin Shi Huang Di’s Rule
1. In this activity, you will take a position on the following topic: Resolved: Qin Shi
Huang Di had a positive impact on China. As you plan for your debate, you should
keep in mind the following questions:
• What were Qin Shi Huang Di’s biggest accomplishments in China? What were
his biggest failures?
• What steps did Qin Shi Huang Di take to unify China?
• Was Qin Shi Huang Di a fair ruler? Why or why not?
2. Read the following excerpts, watch the video segments, and study the images below.
Using the graphic organizer below, take notes on the information you learn from the
sources. Be sure to keep the debate topic questions in mind as you study each source.
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 Discovery Communications, LLC
The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Classroom Debate
Excerpt 1 from China: Ancient and Modern, 1900
Finding that the northern states of Thain, Chaou, and Yen were building lines of
fortifications along their northern frontier for protection against the incursions of the
Heung-nu, he [Qin Shi Huang Di] conceived the idea of constructing one gigantic wall,
which was to stretch across the whole northern limit of the huge empire, from the sea to
the furthest western corner of the modern province of Kan-su [Gansu]. . . . He [Qin Shi
Huang Di] ordered the whole existing literature, with the exception of books on
medicine, agriculture and divination should be destroyed. This decree was almost
universally carried out, and many scholars were put to death for failing in obedience to
Miller, J. Martin. China: Ancient and Modern. Los Angeles, CA: Sanderson-Whitten, 1900. Hathitrust. Web.
Dynasty, 221 BC–206 BC: The First Emperor and the Great Wall of
China” from China: From Past to Present: The Silk Road, the Great Wall,
and Changes in Government (2:29)
This video segment describes the Great Wall and the terra-cotta army of Qin Shi Huang
“China’s Unified Empire” from Culture and Math: The Chinese. (4:39)
This video segment describes Qin Shi Huang Di developed China’s first empire.
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Classroom Debate
Excerpt 2 from China: Ancient and Modern, 1900
“This sovereign [Qin Shi Huang Di] was but thirteen years of age when he ascended the
throne, but young as he was he speedily everywhere made his influence felt. He chose
Hien-Yang, the modern Se-gan Fu, as the capital, and built there a magnificent palace,
which was the wonder and admiration of his contemporaries. He constructed roads
through the empire, he formed canals and erected numerous handsome public
buildings. Having by these and other means settled the internal affairs of the kingdom,
he turned his attention to the enemies beyond his frontier.”
“Chief among these were the Heung-nu Tartars, whose attacks had for years kept the
Chinese and neighboring principalities in a state of disquiet. Against these foes he
marched an army of 300,000 men and completely routed them, exterminating those in
the neighborhood of China, and driving the rest into the mountains of Mongolia.”
Miller, J. Martin. China: Ancient and Modern. Los Angeles, CA: Sanderson-Whitten, 1900. Hathitrust. Web.
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Classroom Debate
Excerpt from A History of China, 1969
He [Qin Shi Huang Di] planned the capital in an ambitious style but, although there was
real need for extension of the city, his plans can scarcely be regarded as of great service.
His enormous palace, and also his mausoleum which was built for him before his death,
were constructed in accordance with astral notions. Within the palace the emperor
continually changed his residential quarters, probably not only from fear of
assassination but also for astral reasons. His mausoleum formed a hemispherical dome,
and all the stars of the sky were painted on its interior.
In addition to this, the frontier walls already existing in the mountains were rebuilt and
made into a single great system. Thus came into existence in 214 B.C., out of the blood
and sweat of countless pressed labourers, the famous Great Wall.
On one of his periodical journeys the emperor fell ill and died. His death was the signal
for the rising of many rebellious elements. Nobles rose in order to regain power and
influence; generals rose because they objected to the permanent pressure from the
central administration and their supervision by controllers; men of the people rose as
popular leaders because the people were more tormented than ever by forced labour,
generally at a distance from their homes. Within a few months there were six different
rebellions and six different rulers.
Eberhard, Wolfram. A History of China. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press, 1969. Web.
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Classroom Debate
Burning Books and Burying Scholars
This image depicts the chaos and horror that stemmed from Emperor Qin Shi Huang
Di’s command to execute his political rivals and destroy written works that did not
support his system of rule.
Infamous "burning of books & burying of scholars. IRC, 2005. Discovery Education. Web.
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Classroom Debate
A Grand Sight: The Great Wall of China
This image displays a section of the massive Great Wall of China, a structure that was
largely developed and expanded during Qin Shi Huang Di’s rule.
The Great Wall of China. IRC, 2005. Discovery Education. Web.
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Classroom Debate
Standing Guard: The Terra-Cotta Warriors
This image shows just a few of the terra-cotta warriors that were created to protect Qin
Shi Huang Di in the afterlife.
Terra-Cotta Soldiers in Qin Shi Huangdi Tomb. IRC, 2005. Discovery Education. Web. .
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Name of Source
Positive Impacts of Qin Shi
Huang Di
What were some positive
achievements of Qin Shi
Huang Di?
- What were the effects of
these achievements?
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Negative Impacts of Qin Shi
Huang Di
What were some negative
achievements of Qin Shi
Huang Di?
- What were the effects of
these achievements?
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Other Information
About Qin Shi
Huang Di
The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Name of Source
Positive Impacts of Qin Shi
Huang Di
What were some positive
achievements of Qin Shi
Huang Di?
- What were the effects of
these achievements?
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Negative Impacts of Qin Shi
Huang Di
What were some negative
achievements of Qin Shi
Huang Di?
- What were the effects of
these achievements?
 Discovery Communications, LLC
Other Information
About Qin Shi
Huang Di
The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Name of Source
Positive Impacts of Qin Shi
Huang Di
What were some positive
achievements of Qin Shi
Huang Di?
- What were the effects of
these achievements?
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Negative Impacts of Qin Shi
Huang Di
What were some negative
achievements of Qin Shi
Huang Di?
- What were the effects of
these achievements?
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Other Information
About Qin Shi
Huang Di
The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
II. Prepare Your Argument
1. Now that you have completed your research, it is time to take a position and prepare
your argument. You will either take the affirmative, meaning you believe Qin Shi
Huang Di had a positive impact on China, or the negative, meaning you believe that
Qin Shi Huang Di had a negative impact on China. Use the outline below to plan
your argument.
Opening Statement
(Start with the most compelling
argument or an overview of all
Topic Question 1
What were Qin Shi Huang Di’s biggest
accomplishments in China? His biggest
Response to Question 1
Defending Your Argument
(How will the opposition respond to
your position? How will you refute
their argument?)
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Topic Question 2
What steps did Qin Shi Huang Di take to unify
Response to Question 2
Defending Your Argument
(How will the opposition respond to
your position? How will you refute
their argument?)
Topic Question 3
Was Qin Shi Huang Di a fair ruler? Why or why
Response to Question 3
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
Defending Your Argument
(How will the opposition respond to
your position? How will you refute
their argument?)
Closing Argument
(Summarize and provide synthesis)
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The Impact of Qin Shi Huang Di
2. Prepare note cards with your key points from the graphic organizer above. You will
use the note cards as a reference during your debate. You may want to use the
following format for your note cards:
Topic Question:
Source Information (Title, Author, if applicable):
Important Information from the Source that Answers the Question:
III. Present Your Debate
1. Form a group with 6 to 10 students. The group should be evenly divided so that an
equal number of students are in favor of the topic and an equal number of students
are against the topic. You will follow these steps:
a. Pair up with a team member who has the opposing viewpoint to debate the
b. Present your opening statements to one another. Each person should be given
two minutes to present his or her opening statement.
c. Pause to reflect on what you heard and why it was interesting. Consider if the
person’s statement helped you change or rethink your position.
d. Rotate to the next student in the opposing group.
e. Present your responses and rebuttals to the first topic question.
f. Pause to reflect on what you heard and why it was interesting. Consider if the
person’s responses helped you change or rethink your position.
g. Repeat the rotation procedure for the remaining topic questions and closing
2. After you complete your debate, write a paragraph explaining your experience.
a. What is your position about the topic after completing the debate? Explain
why your position either changed or stayed the same.
b. What key points from the opposition did you find the most convincing?
c. What changes could you make to your argument to better defend your
Discovery Education Techbook
 Discovery Communications, LLC