The Wood Smoke Activist Network


The Wood Smoke Activist Network
The Wood Smoke Activist
February 2013 Newsletter
Educating the world about the health and climate impacts of
wood smoke.
Editor: Shirley Brandie
Volume 5, Issue 2
February, 2013
Fighting Wood Smoke
Pollution from the
Grassroots to Government
Editor: Shirley Brandie
Co-Editor: Julie Mellum
We hope that this newsletter will give you the information and inspiration
you need. Regain clean air to breathe and eliminate the wood burning that
is affecting your health and your home environment.
Please pass this issue on to others in need of help and suggest that they
send an email to [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to educate all citizens about wood smoke as a
major form of hazardous air pollution that affects our health,
our home, the use of our property, water, crops, livestock,
the environment, and climate change. We urge citizens
everywhere to work with their elected officials to name wood
smoke a public nuisance and create bans/by-laws to finally
end the devastating effects of residential wood smoke.
**** A doctor’s letter verifying how wood smoke compromises
your health or public health in general would be beneficial in
showing that wood smoke truly is doing damage to you.****
Newsworthy Links
Fairbanks, Alaska being smothered by woodsmoke - school children
affected in their schools
Wood burning creates an average of 5 tons of harmful PM2.5 emissions
per day in the South Coast Air Basin.
Asthmatics at increased risk of pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism is when the main artery of the lung or the bronchi
becomes blocked.
Wood smoke has Candia neighbors fired up enough to file suit
The suit seeks an injunction to stop the Johnsons from burning wood, as well
as unspecified monetary damages.
Wood smoke burns PoCo resident
Homeowner says emissions from a neighbourhood chimney are making him
Metro Vancouver should take action on wood smoke
Metro Vancouver has been considering smoke regulation since winter 2008.
Court orders EPA to try again on soot standards
Today's ruling means EPA must look again at the implementation of the
existing standards. Separately, the agency recently set new standards for
fine particulate matter, or PM 2.5, that cover particles smaller than 2.5
micrometers in diameter (Greenwire, Dec. 14, 2012).
Smoky Hollow furnaces ordered shut down
At the township's December meeting, township Solicitor Ronald Tomasko
said Adams County President Judge John Kuhn has issued an injunction
permanently banning Gun Club property owner David Lease from operating
any outdoor furnace without township authorization.
This shows how a city DOES have the power to help!
Scientists to conduct impact study of wood smoke
Scientists found that concentrations of particulates in the atmosphere from
wood smoke increased twofold from December 2010 to the same period in
State sues owners of outdoor boilers near Woodriver school
The state of Alaska filed its first lawsuit against the owners of two outdoor
hydronic wood boilers last week, an unprecedented step in the ongoing
battle to clean up Fairbanks’ wintertime air.
*****White Rock snuffs wood-burning stove*****
Council gave unanimous support to all of St. Louis’s recommendations.The
stove was to be removed within 30 days, at an estimated cost of $300.
Attorneys needed: Lawsuits may be the only answer
Our goal for 2013: To find attorneys who will take wood smoke cases across the U.S. and in
Canada. Many of us have fought wood smoke for years. New tactics must be tried if we are to
What is needed: People must band together and bring suits against our towns, cities and
municipalities. Individual law suits are being won against OWBs more often now. We can also
initiate lawsuits against indoor wood burning, against neighbors or our cities that allow burning.
Yes, it will cost money to be part of a law suit, but what are the alternatives? And what are our
priorities? Scraping up the money to hire an attorney may be our last hope, especially as wood
burning becomes more ingrained and supported by the EPA.
Start thinking about how you might initiate or become part of a lawsuit. It will also get attention
to the topic that we wouldn’t get otherwise. We MUST find a way to reduce wood smoke.
One winning case would make a tremendous difference in EVERY town, township and city, once
their leaders see that it can be done.
Next steps: Let our searches begin across Canada and the U.S. Talk to environmental
attorneys, real estate attorneys, or civil rights attorneys to find the right “fit”. If enough people
start calling, attorneys will respond to the demand.
Ask them if they would write a letter to offending neighbors or cities because they allow burning
to violate our property rights to breathe clean air on our own properties. Ask them if they would
consider taking a case further.
Search for attorneys (civil rights attorneys?) who might consider suing cities for allowing wood
burning when the smoke presents a physical barrier in public spaces. Most all cities have
“accessibility requirements” to remove such barriers in order to allow all people, including those
with disabilities, to participate in public events in public spaces, such as city parks, streets and
sidewalks. Many cities now have laws against tobacco smoking in parks; why not against wood
Asthma, migraines, heart disease and other conditions are recognized disabilities under the ADA
in the U.S. You don’t have to be “on disability” to file a suit. Wood smoke as a physical barrier is
discriminatory. See under “Legal.”
Minnesota’s Environmental Rights Act allows Minnesotans the right to bring suit against
individuals, governments or other entities if clean air laws are being violated. Other states may
have similar laws.
The Civil Rights Act from earlier decades in the U.S. also states that the right to breathe clean air
is a basic civil right.
Remember that wood smoke violates most nuisance ordinances, which aren’t being enforced. A
legal letter or law suit that requires cities to start prosecuting nuisance ordinances, rather than
pressing for a full ban on recreational burning may be a good start. But it’s also time to press for
full bans if enough people can join the cause.
Keep in mind that there is increasing pressure on cities to reduce black carbon soot and to
improve school attendance to close achievement gaps.
Act now. Please help us get names of attorneys who are taking cases. We will list them in this
newsletter if they are open to it. This could provide good advertising for them at no cost. Keep
in mind that there is increasing pressure on cities to reduce black carbon soot and to improve
school attendance to close the achievement gaps.
May 2013 be the year of legal action!
Please contact [email protected] for help with wood smoke problems in
the US
Or [email protected] for those in Canada
Letter sent to [email protected]
Wood Smoke is Deadly
Smoke from wood stoves can be deadly over time to those at risk, and quickly
when it causes a fatal asthma attack.
Every time wood smoke wafts into the air, fine soot particles that are bundled
with lead, mercury, arsenic, benzene, formaldehyde, and other toxins are
released into the air. I have read that the American Cancer Society classifies
wood smoke as a probable carcinogen.
Within 45 seconds of breathing wood smoke, it infiltrates every major organ
system in our bodies. Some people will suffer asthma attacks on the spot.
Others will die of heart attacks or asthma attacks hours or days later. This
delayed reaction to wood smoke happens when the mucous membranes,
irritated by the pollution, become inflamed enough to cause pneumonia, asthma
attacks, heart attacks, or COPD exacerbations. Many people with asthma do not
associate asthma attacks with wood smoke exposure because of this delay.
How do we deal with the life-threatening oppression of wood smoke in our
increasingly toxic world? Number one, we must press our cities to disallow
wood burning for fun, food and fuel, in favor of cleaner, healthier options.
Immediate bans should be placed on any new wood burning restaurant grills,
because wood smoke is obliterating life as we know it. The Harvard School of
Public Health has proven that people die prematurely from particle pollution—
even those with no known health problems.
What are the alternatives if we don’t stop rampant wood burning? A planet that
will die faster, along with our children and other inhabitants of our smoked-out
Let’s get real, folks. The smoke from wood stoves can cause premature deaths,
and even kill. Forcing this toxic pollution on others must be stopped!
Brenda Wardell
To Environment and Human Health, Inc.
We moved 2 years ago, still can't sell our home to this day--property value went to
heck.....all our life's savings, our freedom to enjoy our home and yard shot......had to
move for health and peace (nasty people).
Town supervisors grand-fathered the OWB in and the DEP and local health Dept.
ignored umpteen calls. A few lawyers were told to mind their own business and
jurisdiction by the town.
The owners of the OWB have parents (wealthy coal baron) who paid off the town., and
now work w/ them at election time.
It was a no win situation, even w/ Dr's. notes, pictures of my breathing
apparatus,(husband's CABG/ surgery was old and the smoke bothered him terrible, I
suffered severe bronchitis) , our smoke alarms would wake us up, our electric bill was
sky high (due to air purifiers running 24/7) -- one on each level of our split level home.
We had to put plastic over the inside of our double hung new Anderson windows,
because the smoke would somehow sneak in.
We had to insulate our garage, and when we would open the garage doors if gone out
for groceries, shopping etc. we would get bombarded with a gust of smoldering exhaust.
They burned green, wet wood, boxes, insulation, trash etc. the first year, just to spite us,
because he knew he and his young sons could get away with it... The town cops feared
him, and it was a big joke... he would let it SMOLDER, especially when they saw you
going out for the mail, sweeping the front , or raking the leaves, etc.
Their OWB was allowed 42 ft. away from our front porch..(residential area) 1/2 acre
lots.......we even took videos of the smolder and the town didn't want to see or hear
about it......
We now have 2 taxes, 2 utility bills, 2 water bills, 2 sewer bills, 2 insurances, have to
maintain the lawn and upkeep the home in order to sell it.
He refused to raise the chimney and told the code officer to mind his own business. Yet
he had a cherry picker in his enormous garage for his tree trimming business on the
side, and could have easily raised it up. He kept 14-20 cords of wood all thrown around
back then, until of late, forced to pile it, cover it and put a fence up.
So glad to be away and love our home now, but to be forced to move away and still pay
taxes etc. shouldn't be. We have the problem of trying to sell it. A lovely place, well
kept, best of everything and had to drop the price by $100,000 so far...........
I understand from one old neighbor that the OWB had to be replaced, due to them
burning green wood etc. (or someone in that old neighborhood sabotaged it) ;it blew up
they said, and it doesn't smolder much anymore, but our lives were disrupted and our
home sits.
We need to sell it soon, or all our savings will be gone.
So I fully understand your situations and hear you loud and clear............ Who can afford
to move? But when your health is at risk---you have no choice.
UN Rights
By: Vic Steblin, December 11, 2012
The United Nations introduced the “Universal Declaration of Human
Rights in 1948, soon after the atrocities of World War II with the intent
“that human rights should be protected by the rule of law”. The following four
articles bear on matters of environmental health and are relevant with
respect to wood smoke. Summarized from “Environmentally Induced
Illnesses, Ethics, Risk Assessment and Human Rights”, by Thomas Kerns, 2001,
p111, 112. (RA 566 .K465)
Article 3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of
person. Exposure to needless pollutants like wood smoke violates
security of person.
Article 12. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference
with his (or her) privacy, family, or home. Contaminated homes
and intruding environmental toxicants like pesticides or wood smoke
violate this right.
Article 17. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his (or her)
property. People forced to leave their homes even temporarily
because of wood smoke have had this right violated.
Article 25. Motherhood and children are entitled to special care
and assistance. Children exposed to pesticides, tobacco smoke or
wood smoke have been subjected to a violation of the security of their
In 1840 Alexis de Tocqueville first introduced the idea of human rights
as that of virtue introduced into the political world. Since then, well
founded codes of human rights have become established and are
supposedly less susceptible to stakeholder abuse than the more
recent practice of risk assessment. In the Wild West, the matter of
needless wood smoke by an obstinate neighbor would have been
settled quickly, but because of modern law, the authorities should act
For those that are unsure if they are not creating smoke that is getting into
their neighbours homes and limiting their neighbours use of their
property, please take the time to watch the following videos.
Please remember that there is no safe level of wood smoke! – Shirley
The Port Alberni, B.C. Fire Department Videos
A special thanks to the Port Alberni Fire Department for their permission
to publish their links.
EPA chief Lisa Jackson steps down
Environmental Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson announced Thursday that
she's stepping down after four-year tenure marked by her agency's first
greenhouse gas regulations and repeated battles with industry groups and GOP
Lisa has done amazing work for the protection of the environment and human
health and we all will miss her and appreciate everything that she has done for
all of us.
During her term, the EPA set the first standards for emitting mercury, arsenic
and other toxins from power plants, and this month, it finalized tougher limits
for emitting fine-particle soot from smokestacks, wood-burning stoves and
diesel vehicles.
She stood up to big industry and never backed down amid the criticisms put to
her by those that would trade health for money. She rocked big industry and
never backed down.
There is not one of us who will ever forget this strong and determined woman
who did all she could to protect all of us and our families.
We wish her the best for whatever direction her new life takes her.
CMHC Calculator
By Vic Steblin, December 28, 2012
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) presents an 85 page “Guide
to Residential Wood Heating” at the site
P4 states “If you heat with wood now or are considering the use of wood fuel for home
heating, this book is for you.”
This guide is well worth scanning. It explains the complexity of heating with wood
and shows how to compare various costs. For example the costs of electricity to
natural gas to wood are about 3:2:1 when using a formula on P81 that includes
Energy Cost per Unit, Energy Content, Heating Load, and System Efficiency. This
formula takes into account many factors including type of fuel, age of house, and
location in Canada. I calculated my medium sized house in Prince George, BC to
have costs of about $3000, $2000, $1000 per year when comparing electricity, gas
and wood.
Now for the main problem. What average person has the time and expertise to burn
wood properly? The guide covers topics like advantages, disadvantages, required
fitness levels, air pollution, wood storage, modern designs, catalytic vs non-catalytic
models, pellet technology, etc. There are so many ever-changing rules to follow on
certification, flue-pipes, chimney liners, shield, floor pads, clearances, etc. There are
suggestions about avoiding basement locations, avoiding outside chimneys, proper
safety, installation, inserts, stove locations, maintenance, etc. The many problems
mentioned are back drafts, keeping flue gases hot, efficient loading procedures,
appropriate ventilation, chimney sizes, chimney fires, creosote cleaning, smoke
spillage, negative pressure, stack effect, cold back draft at standby, etc. Decent
burning requires knowledge of wood types, storage techniques, moisture content, the
phases of combustion, lighting and rekindling techniques, etc. Wood burners need
special permits, inspection, and increased fire insurance. Who follows page 57 which
states “The most important rule is: NEVER LET THE FIRE SMOULDER.”
Why would anyone burn wood in crowded areas to smoke out neighbors instead of
letting a programmable thermostat keep costs down?
Woodstoves like Wildfires
By Vic Steblin, January 10, 2013
The BC Medical Journal of December 2012 has an article by Catherine
Elliott et al titled “Health Impacts of Wildfires” which summarizes how the
Environmental Health Services of the British Columbia Centre for Disease
Control examined the effects of three of the worst wildfire seasons on record
in BC.
The article states that “There is clear evidence that wildfire smoke causes
exacerbations of chronic lung disease, … To date we have demonstrated
that, at the community level, dispensations of asthma rescue medications
(salbutamol0 rise rapidly during wildfire smoke events. Our evidence shows
that increases in dispensations are associated with measured concentrations
of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in fire-affected communities but not in
communities where high particulate matter arises from traffic and other
If wildfires cause asthma with high enough smoke then why would a wood
stove be any different for a neighbor close enough to the same type of
smoke? And for a community in a valley during a winter inversion the result
is the same, clear evidence of exacerbations to chronic lung disease.
Wildfires are considered a hazard of great concern and yet community
officials allow the same type of hazard with a neighborhood wood stove.
This is a clear example of an unacceptable double standard. Wood stoves
should be banned where there are alternative cleaner sources for home heat.
BOZO of the Month
In my opinion
Here is a site that will prove to you the intensity of dislike for those of us
who are sick and tired of breathing in their smoke.
One member has gone to the point of suggesting that they try to crash
my web site. Looking at my stats, it appears that the majority of the
Bozos are giving it their best shot. Not to worry. It is impossible for
them to take down my site. I have left a message for them on my home
page telling them how to do it but they obviously cannot figure it out.
It goes to show you how out-of-touch the members of that site are. They
have been so concerned about their burning and the guilt they must feel
that they will stop at nothing to prevent people from hearing the truth
about wood smoke.
The only thing that they are accomplishing is raising my visitor stats.
So, what can we do about this? Well, some may want to join their site as
members and straighten out these bone-heads. Turning the tables on
them is fair play and who knows maybe some of them will understand
eventually and change their ways.
2nd BOZO of the Month
In my opinion
Rockville, Maryland
According to their web site, Bloomberg Business Week, Money
Magazine, and U.S. News & World Report named Rockville a great
place to live, work and start a business in 2010.
I wonder if they would think the same way if they visited today.
From what I am told, the charge of 50 cents per bag for garbage pickup
has led people to burn their trash to save money.
Burning trash, including wood, emits many cancer-causing pollutants
into the air, many of which enter the homes and properties of their
Sad to say, but most people will continue to burn their trash until they
are forced to stop. It seems to me that the mayor and council members
there would do well to get out of the office and take a ride to see what is
going on and find a way to end this burning.
Is the 50 cents worth destroying the air quality? I realize that there is a
significant cash flow problem but is money more important than the
health of the residents?
I ran across this quote from Wikipedia and thought it would be of help to
some of you:
Under the common law, persons in possession of real property (either land owners or
tenants) are entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their lands. If a neighbour interferes
with that quiet enjoyment, either by creating smells, sounds, pollution or any other
hazard that extends past the boundaries of the property, the affected party may
make a claim in nuisance.
Legally, the term "nuisance" is traditionally used in three ways:
1) to describe an activity or condition that is harmful or annoying to others (e.g.,
indecent conduct, a rubbish heap or a smoking chimney)
2) to describe the harm caused by the before-mentioned activity or condition (e.g.,
loud noises or objectionable odors)
3) to describe a legal liability that arises from the combination of the two. However,
the "interference" was not the result of a neighbor stealing land or trespassing on the
land. Instead, it arose from activities taking place on another person's land that
affected the enjoyment of that land.
The law of nuisance was created to stop such bothersome activities or conduct when
they unreasonably interfered either with the rights of other private landowners (i.e.,
private nuisance) or with the rights of the general public (i.e., public nuisance).
A public nuisance is an unreasonable interference with the public's right to property.
It includes conduct that interferes with public health, safety, peace or convenience.
The unreasonableness may be evidenced by statute, or by the nature of the act,
including how long, and how bad, the effects of the activity may be.
A private nuisance is simply a violation of one's use of quiet enjoyment of land. It
doesn't include trespass.
To be a nuisance, the level of interference must rise above the merely aesthetic. For
example: if your neighbour paints their house purple, it may offend you; however, it
doesn't rise to the level of nuisance. In most cases, normal uses of a property that
can constitute quiet enjoyment cannot be restrained in nuisance either. For example,
the sound of a crying baby may be annoying, but it is an expected part of quiet
enjoyment of property and does not constitute a nuisance.
Deadly devices???
Most devices and activities capable of harming or killing people require the
owner to undertake certified training.
Every appliance used for burning is used by people with absolutely no more
training than the booklet that comes with the appliance. And yet these
‘deadly devices’ are in use in every country, city, town and neighborhood.
The only regulations in place are any bans and/or bylaws put in place by
municipalities. And even most of these bans or bylaws are not investigated
for compliance unless someone calls in a complaint… many times even
more than one complaint needs to be called in to get someone out to see
what is going on.
What about backyard fires or fire pits? Most of you have likely heard about
the recent death of two young people who used gasoline to get the fire going
and it blew up in their faces. It’s sad and unthinkable that these young
people had no idea of the danger of a backyard fire.
I believe it was last year that a young child died in a similar way when her
night dress got too close to the fire. What a horrible way to die! And this
young child was there with her parents who should have known how
dangerous a fire can be. The parents must be heart-broken to know that a
single lapse of attention near a fire caused a pain that can never be eased.
A friend recently attended an event where they were actually having firetossing!!!!! Can you believe it?
It seems to be everywhere, this fascination with fire. I just don’t get it!
When are our municipalities going to step to the plate? How many people
have to die from fire or become sick from the smoke before they do
something to prevent unnecessary risks?
My guess is that until it affects them personally they will sit on their duffs
and get paid for ignoring the issue.
Although inspired in part by real attitudes, behaviors, and situations, the
following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event. Any
resemblance to people or neighborhoods you have observed is purely
Smoketopia Sweethearts to Wed on Valentine's Day
February is the month of hearts and flowers, so it seems natural for Soothaven
Sweethearts Fritz Loofer and Bimbie Smith to choose Valentine's Day to tie the
knot. The entire community of Soothaven, the dome-covered residential
development for those who can't get enough smoke, is invited.
"Why not invite everyone?" shrugs Bimbie, containing her excitement. She is
the owner of Domes Day Tanning Salon, a Soothaven business that offers
conventional ultraviolet tanning and creosote spray-on tans. "We're having the
ceremony at the giant community firepit on the commons, so they'll all be there
Fritz Loofer, Bimbie's smitten fiance, heads up the Smoketopia County
Prescribed Burn Coalition. The lovebirds are widely considered to be
Smoketopia County's power couple, and are referred to by locals as "Frimbie."
Loofer is not as practical as Bimbie, at least not right now anyway. He fell for
her when they competed against each other in the drip torch contest at the
Smoketopia International Games, and his head has been in the particulate ever
since. "I guess a lot of guys would have been upset to be bested by a girl in the
drip torch competition, but for Bimbie and me, the sparks flew right from
that very first moment the fires were being lit," he says. "She won twice that
day: the contest and my heart."
"There are so many things to do and so little time," Bimbie states flatly. "My
bridesmaids will all need to get my creosote spray-on tan so there's a uniform
look. That's my main concern." Bimbie's life philosophy is to multi-task, and
she applies this outlook to her upcoming nuptials. "Yes Fritz and I are getting
married, but there's no reason my attendants can't also be an advertisement
for my tanning business. When they walk down the aisle they'll hand out 50%off coupons to any teenage girls in attendance. It's important for adolescent
girls to look healthy and I'm offering to cut short, I mean a shortcut to that
Bimbie is not the only person in Soothaven who is multi-tasking this
month. Mary Nunbright has been hired to coordinate the Loofer-Smith event
and her head is spinning. "Bimbie and Fritz want to walk down an aisle of hisand-hers firepits, so all the pits have to be spray-painted, half pink and half
blue. We're borrowing them from residents so it's something borrowed and
something blue. We'll have screens for people in the back so they can view
the couple exchanging vows in case the smoke makes it hard to see from
there. I've got Wes Pestergall and Punky Sparkburn to usher, and Stewart
Padidiette will be handling the guest book," continues Mary. "I told him it was
all right to set up his creosote-red pepper jelly cart next to the book. Then I
need to keep hanging Bimbie's wedding dress out in different locations. It has
to get the right tinge of tobacco-stain yellow fading into brownish-gray over
the pink of the gown to achieve an ombre effect. I hung it at the tobaccosmoking commons area firepit for the yellow stains. Someone snuffed out a
cigarette butt near the bottom of the dress, so I had everyone there do the same
thing all the way around to make sort of a burnt out border, very
lacy. Down by the hemline we're hoping for a luxuriant woodtar hue as the
final shade in the ombre process, and we think that will be stunning over the
border made by the butts. A lot of cigarettes were sacrificed for the sake of
Mary is frustrated that there are no florists in Soothaven. "Why we don't have a
florist here is beyond me," she says. "We're such a vibrant community and
florists love living things. I can't find anyone from out of county to bring
flowers, so I have get artificial ones." Mary suddenly remembers that Bimbie's
wedding shoes must be tinted to harmonize with the gown and hurries off in a
panic to look for a jar of creosote shoe polish.
Over at the Soothaven clubhouse, Stewart Padidiette and Wes Pestergall have
been working all morning to fill the swimming pool with fire wood for the
wedding reception. They stop to take a break and Stewart explains that there
will be a giant bonfire located in the empty pool. "It's the perfect spot, that's
what Wes was saying to me the other day. We volunteered to stoke the pool as
our wedding gift. We'll hose the wood down before it's lit up, to get plenty of
smoke. Mary says it has to smolder, to represent Frimbie's smoldering
passion. I'm not one to gossip but I think there was a little trouble in paradise
over that. I hear Bimbie wanted pink smoke and Fritz was more of a purist for
the traditional gray."
Wes finds this funny. "I guess we'll learn at the reception who chooses the
smoke in that marriage," he laughs.
Punky Sparkburn backs his flatbed truck up to the clubhouse with another load
of wood, and scowls at Stewart and Wes's joviality. He's irritated that his
firepit has been commandeered for the wedding. "It better not come back pink,
that's all I can say. I told Nunbright to paint mine blue." Punky thinks that
social events in general, and weddings in particular, are a lot of malarky. For
him the only thing that matters is the food, and he doesn't understand why vows
aren't exchanged at buffet tables. "I'm an usher and that carries over into the
reception as far as I'm concerned," he grumbles. "I'm seating myself next to the
Wes and Stewart aren't dispirited by Punky's mood. They're in concurrence
that Fritz and Bimbie deserve each other, but have a friendly running debate
over which will be more breathtaking-- the bride or the bonfire. Stewart
admires feminine pulchritude, but his money is on the bonfire. Without a
doubt, he is right.
©Katherine Troidl 1-17-13
Why is it that most people would never dream of feeding something to a
diabetic that would cause that person to go into a diabetic coma? Or, feed a
person with allergies the very food or drink that they are allergic to?
Many people whole-heartedly support the Cancer Society and participate in
the cancer walks and donate as much money as they can, hoping to find a
cure for cancer.
Why it that these same, assumedly caring, people would not think twice
about getting a roaring fire going and polluting the entire neighborhood (and
more) with the carcinogens that burning wood produces?
Many of these same people have a backyard burning pleasure ritual, as well.
The smoke enters the homes of their neighbors…. more carcinogens spread
to others…..
Yet, when a neighbor tries to inform the burner of the wood smoke entering
their home and the potential risk of developing cancer, the burner explodes
in indignation. This generally leads to an increase in smoke output.
So, put it this way…. complaints lead to more smoke 9 times out of 10. Our
mayors and council members are very well aware that this is the circle it
goes in… complain/more smoke/complain again/more smoke. And on & on
it goes. It will not end until a municipality ends it.
If you do not complain repeatedly and give proof by way of digital dated
photos it will never end. It is as if a municipality wants you to suffer to the
point that you will take them to court before they will do the obvious thing
and create a nuisance smoke bylaw.
Not all mayors and councilors are afraid to stand up to burners and will do
their best to help. Perhaps the ones that object to a bylaw are afraid that
someone with a grudge against them will turn them in for nuisance smoke if
there is a bylaw. People wanting clean air to breathe (the majority) will vote
them out as soon as they can and good riddance to them.
Legal Help
**Note to any legal firm that can provide help with residential wood
smoke issues and wishes to add their name to this page.**
Please email Shirley with your state/province, name of firm, who to
contact (email address & telephone)
WOOD SMOKE CASES, perhaps on a contingency.
Attorney Sherri Myers is a Florida attorney who is also licensed to practice in
Kentucky and in 2 federal courts. She specializes in the rights of persons with
disabilities, many of whom may be protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA, the civil rights law that is intended to ensure that citizens with disabilities such as
asthma, for example, have “access” to public spaces such as city parks, streets and
sidewalks. A federal court in northern Iowa ordered the town of Mallard, Iowa, to
disallow wood and leaf burning, because the smoke presented a physical barrier to a
small child with severe asthma, making her unable to use city streets and sidewalks.
Sherri is interested in legal issues that impact persons with multiple chemical sensitivity
and other environmental illnesses. She also serves on the Pensacola City Council and in
that role is working to influence governmental policies on environmental issues. She is
the Advocacy Coordinator for the Center for Independent Living Disability Resource
Center. Sherri lives in Pensacola, which is located in the panhandle of Florida. Contact
her at [email protected]. Phone: (850) 484-0902
Legal Help
Outdoor Wood Boilers have the potential to create nuisances or harm human health by
releasing unsafe levels of Particulate Pollution and other cancer causing air contaminants.
Scientific studies and lab testing have shown that some Outdoor Wood Boilers exceed
EPA safe air thresholds at levels that can cause both short and long term health problems,
even death.
The American Lung Association states that anyone can be affected by particle pollution
but several groups are most at risk:
 Children under 18
 Adults 65 and older
 Anyone with chronic lung disease, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema
 Anyone with a cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease,
or congestive heart failure and diabetes.
Joe Ritch an attorney in Corpus Christi Texas who specializes in nuisance and product
liability believes everyone should be able to live in their home and enjoy their property
without fear of harm.
If you or someone you love is being adversely affected by the contaminants emitted from
an Outdoor Wood Boiler you may be eligible for representation with no out of pocket
expenses. To have your case evaluated please call 361-885-7500 and ask for Joseph
Wood smoke: Know the Facts
Wood Smoke…
1. Violates the property rights of others to use and enjoy their property
2. Contains many of the same toxins that are in tobacco smoke. These
include lead, mercury, arsenic, benzene, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), carbon monoxide and dioxin(s), “some of the most
insidious chemicals known to man.” (Harvard School of Public Health).
They also accumulate in the environment.
3. Is implicated in asthma attacks, heart attacks and premature death in
people of all ages, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
4. Violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guidelines by presenting
a “barrier” to those with disabilities such as asthma, preventing them
from accessing public spaces. Parks, bike paths, playgrounds, sidewalks,
outdoor sports and public gatherings are often inaccessible and unhealthy,
due to wood smoke.
5. Stresses everyone’s immune system. Children, the elderly, and those
with asthma, lung or heart issues, diabetes or other disabilities are among
the most vulnerable.
6. Is a major source of black carbon soot fine particulates, which are bundled
with cancer-causing and hormone-disrupting chemicals.
7. Is implicated in reproductive birth defects and childhood diseases
including asthma, pneumonia, cancer, autism, Asperger's Syndrome,
allergies and other disorders.
8. Interferes with the seeding of rain and moisture in clouds, and also
accelerates the melting of glaciers ( and
9. Burning wood is an increasingly serious fire hazard. Please don’t burn
For more information, contact [email protected]
Our cause has gained great momentum, with more people joining the
anti-wood smoke efforts weekly. Our focus now is to help everyone
connect with others near us nation-wide in the US and Canada.
We must unite in pressuring our municipalities and governments
toward wood smoke regulations as soon as possible.
Therefore, I am looking for Volunteer Wood Smoke Coordinators in
EVERY STATE & PROVINCE to field and manage wood smoke
complaints and issues in their own state or province.
The goal is to share information nation-wide and to focus on wood
smoke regulation.
I think it’s safe to say that anyone reading this newsletter probably has
issues with wood smoke.
If you are willing to give your name and email address so we can form a
visible network please email Shirley or Julie.
Perhaps you would be willing to help with letter writing, flyer passing,
etc. No money is required, just a willingness to be someone others can
contact for support or more involvement.
Contact Julie at [email protected] if you would like your name
to appear on our state/province–wide contacts page or if you’d like to
become your state or province’s “representative” to coordinate contacts
within your state or province. Contact Julie, also, if you’d like to learn
who else is fighting wood smoke in your area and if you want concrete
suggestions on how to get results.
Network Representative List
To find a list of representatives in your area or to volunteer for your
State or Province please refer to the “LINKS” page on my web site.
All burning results in very fine micro particulates and there is no safe level of this
asbestos sized, dangerous air pollutant. Solid fuels, such as pellets and especially
wood, produce more smoke and emit more fine particulate air pollutants than
cleaner fuels such as gas and electricity.
Bylaws & Bans
**I am beginning to compile a list of municipalities that are
acting on wood smoke emissions. Please send me a link to any
that you find to be added to the list.**
***I have starred the ones that I believe have best protected their residents from
wood smoke.
Golden, BRITISH COLUMBIA- passed a bylaw prohibiting the
installation of any solid fuel burning appliance (Bylaw # 1150).
Hampstead, QUEBEC - banned all new installations of wood stoves and
ordered existing wood stoves to be removed within 7 years. (Bylaw # 729-2)
Montreal, QUEBEC (Apr. 29/2009) - no further installation of any wood
burning stoves or fireplaces.
Suffolk, NEW JERSEY - bans all OWBs within 1000 feet of another house.
Stillwater, MINNESOTA - bans all wood burning or boiling stoves existing and future (March 11, 2010).
Pleasant Prairie, WISCONSIN - bans all new outdoor wood furnaces and
wood boilers.
Savage City, MINNESOTA - prohibits outdoor wood boilers (OWBs).
Burnsville, MINNESOTA - banned OWBs December 2008.
New Prague, MINNESOTA - total ban on OWBs.
Grand Forks, BRITISH COLUMBIA - The bylaw states that “no
person shall create a nuisance using a wood burning appliance in such a
way as to disturb the health and comfort of two or more persons from
separate dwellings.” Enforcement would be complaint driven and fines
could be up to $500.
Houston, BRITISH COLUMBIA - requires uncertified appliances to be
removed by 2010.
St. Thomas, ONTARIO - prohibits the use of outdoor fireplaces including
wood boilers and chimeneas.
Sarnia, ONTARIO - has set stringent restrictions on setback distances for
outdoor boiler operations from the nearest dwellings and property lines.
Nation, ONTARIO - outdoor wood boiler specifications have been set
which include minimum lot sizes, distance from property lines and
distances from property buildings.
Elmira, NEW YORK - Ban on smoke and other deleterious fumes that
cross property lines onto the property of another. Fines are $250 for a
second offence or a jail term. Best ban in the country!
Marion, IOWA -prohibits new outdoor wood-burning boilers within city
limits and to regulate existing setups. All existing boilers must be
registered by Jan. 1; have smokestacks two feet higher than any residential
roof within 300 feet of the system; and be removed when the property
changes hands.
CONNECTICUT - Avon, Granby, Tolland, Hebron, Woodbridge, South
Windsor, Portland, Norfolk, Ridgefield, Haddam, Cheshire, West
Hartford, Hamden, North Haven, Simsbury and New Fairfield – 17 towns
have banned outdoor wood furnaces in order to protect the health and
property values of their citizens.
Inver Grove Heights, MINNESOTA - Nov. 15, 2010 - council bans all
OWBs. All OWBs must be removed from properties by Oct. 01, 2011.
The STATE of WASHINGTON - has laws to address neighbor's wood
smoke. According to the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, “generating
excessive smoke is not only unneighborly, it’s illegal. Under state
regulations, smoke from a person’s chimney cannot exceed 20 percent
opacity for six consecutive minutes. Greater smoke densities could result in
fines from air pollution control officials. It is always illegal to smoke out
your neighbor. Everyone has a right to breathe clean air. If smoke from
your fire is affecting your neighbors, it is considered a nuisance and
subject to enforcement action.”
Salmon Arm, BRITISH COLUMBIA - No person shall install an Outdoor
Solid-Fuel Combustion Appliance in or about any premises.
Huron East, ONTARIO - Bylaw passed - all new OWB's to have minimum
setback allowances and lot sizes. A great improvement over what they had
before – nothing.
Nappanee - Bans Outdoor Wood Furnaces
Twinsburg, OHIO - Council voted 7-0 in favor of adding outdoor
wood-burning furnaces or boilers to a list of items that are restricted.
Marion County, INDIANA – OWB ban.
Evansville, INDIANA – OWB ban.
Long Beach, INDIANA – OWB ban.
City of LaPorte, INDIANA – OWB ban.
Michigan City, INDIANA – OWB ban.
Butler, Indiana – Bans OWBs within city limits.
Waterloo, ONTARIO - No person shall set or maintain an open air fire.
Hamilton, ONTARIO - No person shall conduct an open air in a manner
that creates a nuisance....
Caledonia, WISCONSIN - Bans all new OWB installations except in
agricultural areas.
Port Alberni, BRITISH COLUMBIA – (2012) All newly installed wood
burning appliances must be EPA listed. Beginning in 2017 (5 years from
now) all existing wood burning appliances must be EPA listed.
Prohibition of unpermitted fuels. $200 fine for non-compliance, per
violation. Inspectors have the right to enter to determine compliance with
Grand Forks, BRITISH COLUMBIA – No person shall create a
nuisance using a wood burning appliance….
Photos and Videos
Just a few photos to show to your public officials and others you want to convince
that only a ban on smoke release will change this!
Click here for videos
To see some photos that victims of wood smoke have sent click here
To have your own photo listed, send an email to: [email protected]
Click here for links to more information
Canadian Action Activities
Wood smoke is a major problem in all of America and Canada.
National efforts are gaining momentum. Regardless of where we live,
our actions should focus on getting our national governments to
regulate wood smoke. To make an impact, if each reader calls or emails
each of these contacts, we can move mountains.
Go for it now!
Health Canada assesses scientific evidence about the health effects of wood smoke
and makes this information available to Canadians. Health Canada is also working
with other government departments to determine the best ways to minimize risks
associated with wood smoke.
In addition, Health Canada is a contributor to the Burn it Smart! Campaign
sponsored by Natural Resources Canada.
Environment Canada:
Health Canada: [email protected]
Air Health Effects Division, Safe Environments Program, Health Canada
400 Cooper Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9 Telephone: (613) 957-1876
Natural Resources Canada Burn it Smart! Sir William Logan Building,
11th Floor, 580 Booth Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4
Write or email to your local council & MPs to request that they create or amend a
bylaw to cover nuisance smoke. Preferably, a ban on all wood burning in residential
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has released the latest news on Smog
Click here for the Canadian Bill of Rights You can apply for a review here.
U.S. Action Activities
URGENT—Immediate Action ALWAYS Needed
A new EPA-certified wood stove promotion gives a 30% tax credit and a
huge discount to the public. It is being funded by stimulus money from
the US government. This flies in the face of the known hazards of wood
smoke that the EPA acknowledges on their website. If we don’t stop our
states’ stimulus money from funding this major promotion, it will be
next to impossible to regulate or ban wood burning in any form.
If you have never protested wood smoke or called your public officials
before, this is the time to do it!
 Contact your US Senators and Representatives, as well as your state
Senators and Representatives and City Council members. Ask them
to see that the stimulus money does not go towards this
promotion. It is crucial to let your elected officials know that you
don’t want the stimulus money used for this promotion in your
community—but only to apply to gas or electric
technology. (California has a change-out program that only allows
swap-outs to gas or electric.)
 Let them know that wood smoke is a major health hazard and is a
major contributor to global warming.
 Send an email to others and ask them for their help too. (See
suggested email below).
 Be sure to call your US legislators and State legislators and City
Council Members, to alert them to the problem and asking for their
help too in keeping new EPA certified wood burning equipment out
of your community, even if a state-wide promotion allows them.
 If we don’t stop this unthinkable promotion, there is little hope for a
healthy legacy for our children and grandchildren.
Action #1- Suggested message for calling and emailing U.S. legislators
and state legislators. Please also relay on to others and urge them to
contact others.
Dear (elected official):
Please use your influence to disallow stimulus money to be used for EPA
wood stove promotion in (your state and/or your community.)
According to the EPA’s own website, wood smoke is a killer responsible
for premature deaths nation-wide at a rate of 3% of the total deaths
every year from fine particle pollution. (Harvard School of Public
Health). That is close to 73,000 people in the U.S. each year--an
epidemic! Wood smoke is extremely hazardous for children, the elderly
and especially those with asthma. Asthma is already the number one
reason for school absenteeism. It is even implicated in sudden infant
death syndrome.
Our states are looking for ways to limit fine particulate pollution and
better air quality. This should be a “no-brainer.” Wood smoke emits
over 9,600 % more lead than natural gas, according to the EPA’s own
data. It also emits benzene, arsenic, mercury, formaldehyde,
polyaromatic hydrocarbons and dioxins, persistent organic compounds
that do not break down in the environment or in human lungs, crops,
soil and water supply. See for the facts.
Please do not allow stimulus money to be used for promoting more
(Sign your name and contact info)
About the Editors:
Shirley Brandie
Ontario Director of Canadian Clean Air
Shirley is retired from a medical
laboratory and currently doing in-depth
research on the effects of wood smoke on
health and the environment.
Web site:
Julie Mellum Minneapolis
Julie is a Realtor who knows that wood smoke devalues real
estate as a “material fact” that can affect a potential buyer’s
use and enjoyment of your property. She continually
researches the latest science on wood smoke and is a member
of the Edina, MN Community Health Committee.
Web site: Take Back the Air
If you would like to have your wood smoke story published, click here to
email it.
* We do not accept responsibility for errors in articles submitted for
publication. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure the facts are,
to the best of their knowledge, correct. **
** Please note that articles submitted for publication may be edited for
grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.
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