

Laser-Haarentfernung ist eine der
häufigsten und beliebtesten
kosmetischen Behandlungen.
Unerwünschtes Haar wächst in den
verschiedenen Regionen des Körpers.
Viele Menschen empfinden die
Gegenwart von Haaren in bestimmten
Regionen als unansehnlich oder
unvorteilhaft. In anderen Fällen besteht
der Wunsch der Notwendigkeit des
ständigen Rasierens, Wachsens oder
Zupfens zu entgehen.
In den meisten Fällen wird die LaserHaarentfernung verwendet um
Haarwachstum im Gesicht, am Rücken,
auf den Beinen, Armen und Händen
sowie in der Bikinizone zu reduzieren;
sie kann aber in jeder Region des
Körpers eingesetzt werden.
This content is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to represent actual surgical technique or results. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis,
treatment or care. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when you have a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking advice if you have read something in
this printout. Copyright © 2013,, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Women & Health Clinic
Laserhaarentfernung Einführung
Laser-Haarentfernung ist eine der häufigsten und beliebtesten
kosmetischen Behandlungen. Unerwünschtes Haar wächst in den
verschiedenen Regionen des Körpers. Viele Menschen empfinden
die Gegenwart von Haaren in bestimmten Regionen als
unansehnlich oder unvorteilhaft. In anderen Fällen besteht der
Wunsch der Notwendigkeit des ständigen Rasierens, Wachsens
oder Zupfens zu entgehen. In den meisten Fällen wird die LaserHaarentfernung verwendet um Haarwachstum im Gesicht, am
Rücken, auf den Beinen, Armen und Händen sowie in der
Bikinizone zu reduzieren; sie kann aber in jeder Region des
Körpers eingesetzt werden.
Wie Haar Wächst
Bevor sie lernen wie Laserhaarentfernung funktioniert müssen sie
verstehen wie Haare wachsen. Haare wachsen von tief in einem
Haarvolhikel, diese sind dünne Einbuchtungen in der oberen
Hautschicht. Haare wachsen nicht ständig, sondern in einem drei
Phasen Rhythmus. Während die Geschwindigkeit des
Haarwachstums von Person zu Person verschieden ist, hängt die
Länge des Haar-Wachstums-Zykluses vom Typ des Haares ab.
Als Beispiel: Die aktive Wachstumsphase der Haare auf ihrem
Kopf kann mehrere Jahre dauern, während die Körperhaare eine
aktive Wachstumsphase von nur wenigen Monaten haben.
This content is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to represent actual surgical technique or results. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis,
treatment or care. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when you have a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking advice if you have read something in
this printout. Copyright © 2013,, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Women & Health Clinic
Each growth cycle includes an anagen, catagen, and telogen
phase. During the anagen phase, the hair grows actively from the
follicle. The next phase of the growth cycle is the catagen phase.
This is a short transitional period in which the hair stops growing
and the hair follicle shrinks in size. The follicle breaks away from
the dermal papilla, which supplies nutrients to the hair follicle. The
dermal papilla then regresses. The last phase of the growth cycle
is the telogen, or resting phase. During the telogen phase, the hair
follicle reattaches to the dermal papilla, at which point the follicle
re-enters the anagen phase. As a new hair begins to grow, the old
hair is pushed out of the follicle.
Wie Laserhaarentfernung funktioniert
During laser hair removal, a laser emits light energy that travels
through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle
and hair shaft. Pigments are the substances that give skin and hair
its color. The laser works by selective photothermolysis, which
means that the light energy is selectively absorbed by pigmented
areas. Hair follicles that are in the anagen, or active growth phase,
have the largest amount of melanin, or pigment, and can absorb
light energy from the laser. However, hair follicles that are in
catagen or telogen growth phases are less pigmented. Therefore,
these follicles do not absorb light energy as well and hair growth is
not impaired. The energy, or heat, from the laser damages the hair
follicle, which impairs its ability to grow hair. With time, the hairs
that were present in the damaged follicles will fall out, resulting in a
smoother appearance and less hair growth.
This content is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to represent actual surgical technique or results. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis,
treatment or care. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when you have a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking advice if you have read something in
this printout. Copyright © 2013,, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Women & Health Clinic
Ideale Voraussetzungen
It is important to realize that light energy will be absorbed by any
type of pigment. For optimal results, your hair must be darker than
your skin. This is why individuals with fair complexions and dark
hair are better candidates for laser hair removal than individuals
with darker complexions or lighter colored hair. If you have a
darker complexion, the pigment in your skin will absorb some of
the light energy emitted from the laser. As a result, the hair follicles
may absorb less energy and your skin may be damaged by the
laser. In these instances, your physician may choose to use a
lower laser setting, which emits less energy. If you have lighter
colored hair, your hair follicles have less pigment. Therefore, the
follicles will not absorb energy from the laser as well as those with
darker pigment. In both of these instances, it is likely that you will
require more treatments to achieve the desired outcome. However,
with new technology, laser hair removal may be used successfully
on individuals of all skin and hair types.
Behandlungs - Vorbereitung
Prior to the start of your procedure, the physician may choose to
shave or trim the hair in the area. Often, the physician will apply a
cooling gel to the treatment area, which will help prevent heat
produced by the laser from damaging your skin. In contrast, the
physician may use a laser with a special cooling tip that applies a
coolant during the procedure. Although the procedure is not
typically painful, you may request a topical anesthetic if you are
especially sensitive to pain. You will likely be given eyewear to
protect your eyes from the intense light produced by the laser. The
length of a laser hair removal procedure depends on the treatment
area. A procedure in which hair is removed from a small region,
such as the underarm, may take only minutes, while a larger area,
such as the legs, may last approximately one hour.
This content is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to represent actual surgical technique or results. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis,
treatment or care. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when you have a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking advice if you have read something in
this printout. Copyright © 2013,, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Women & Health Clinic
Laserhaarentfernungs Prozedur
During the procedure, the physician will guide the laser over the
treatment area. As the laser pulses intermittently, it delivers light
energy, which travels through the skin and is absorbed by the hair
follicles. Hair follicles in the anagen growth phase have more
pigment than follicles in the other inactive phases of the growth
cycle. Therefore, they are able to absorb the light energy delivered
by the laser. Those hair follicles that absorb energy, or heat, from
the laser will be damaged. Hairs that were present in the follicles at
the time of treatment will fall out, and future hair growth will be
As not all hairs are actively growing at the same time, a single
procedure will not treat all of the hair follicles in the area. As the
follicles in the transitional and resting periods return to the active
growth phase, you may notice some hair growth in the region. This
is why multiple treatments are usually required to treat a single
area completely.
Laserhaarentfernung - Erholung
Following the procedure, your skin may appear red or irritated.
However, the redness will likely dissipate within one to two days.
Your physician may recommend that you use a topical cream to
protect your skin as it heals. It is also important to use sunscreen
for a few weeks following the procedure. You should not use any
products that may irritate your skin such as alpha hydroxy acids or
harsh astringents. In addition, you should avoid plucking or waxing
of the treatment area.
This content is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to represent actual surgical technique or results. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis,
treatment or care. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when you have a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking advice if you have read something in
this printout. Copyright © 2013,, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Women & Health Clinic
Laserhaarentfernung Ergebnisse
You may notice some hair that appears on the surface of your skin
within seven to ten days following treatment. These hairs are
usually those that have fallen out of hair follicles impaired during
treatment. However, you will notice some new hair growth within a
few weeks, as hair follicles that were inactive during treatment reenter the active growth phase. Therefore, you will most likely
undergo multiple treatments spaced approximately four to eight
weeks apart. Although the number of treatments varies by
individual, most individuals receive approximately six to eight
The results from a laser hair removal procedure depend on your
skin tone, your hair type, and the growth phase of the hair being
treated. It is important to realize that laser hair removal will likely
not prevent hair from growing completely. However, laser hair
removal can reduce hair growth significantly over time giving your
skin the smooth appearance that you desire.
This content is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to represent actual surgical technique or results. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis,
treatment or care. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when you have a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking advice if you have read something in
this printout. Copyright © 2013,, LLC, All Rights Reserved.
Women & Health Clinic